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It's just screaming for an adaptation
He's just like me frfr
i think it was a basis for taxi driver
They aren't even close
How many Zoomers live like him?
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How do I stop being Underground Man?
Nafo bot?
they are very different, but i remember reading that schrader was inspired by the book and that scorsese also wanted to adapt it until he directed taxi driver, because both things are related thematically
The lion king referenced it already so that's good enough
russian schizo
He didn't have hololive
It's a book
No it didn't
Schrader admitted in an interview he got inspired for Taxi Driver after reading Notes From Underground
Doesn't mean they're anything alike. The just gave him a blueprint to create something completely different
Why stop? There's nothing inherently wrong with being "underground"
it was a quick scene when Mufasa was receiving his daily briefing
Careful what you wish for, they'd title it l: Incel
Not a reference to this novel
>Notes from Underground (1995), a film adaptation of Dostoevsky's novella, directed by Gary Walkow, with Henry Czerny and Sheryl Lee in the leading roles.[
So I decided to start reading Notes from the underground, I read like 20 pages of it, and I still didn't get what the book is about! I read Crime and punishment before and I really enjoyed the book, but for Notes from the Underground, I am not only bored with it but I couldn't proceed what the narator is trying to say! So basically the book is about a man who grinds his teeth at people, cries to find enjoyement in his misery, can't do anything because he prefers to think it all and do nothing, thinks he is intellectually superior to all men and wishes he was lazy, is that it? And why are there many French words in the novel anyways?
Low iq
And that's show adaptations should work.
No it's just not good
He's just like me...
Albeit that description sounds almost exactly like Raskolnikov also
It's an entire shit post.
It's not an adaptation
>meme Russian literature
pseudointellectual threads belong in >>>/lit/
/Lit/ is only for Christians to hamfist their low IQ discussion into
The Idiot is a guide on how one should live life.
/lit is only for trannies to hamfist their low IQ marxism into
No way, they would obviously twist it. You should read "scholars" analysis of Dostoyevsky, it's like the gayest thing you'll ever read. Even gayer than Bigfoot Turned Me Gay. Whatever shit take you think someone might have about any of his works, ramp that up x1000 and you might get close.
>hasn't read a single book just spreads jewish hatred for Christians online for free
You have to remember the time when he lived. He is before the Russian revolution and is noticing all these different types of people and writes them very well. You know them today, they are everywhere. I think it's actually important to read him because the way people are going is another Russian revolution if something isn't done.
There's literally a thread right about notes and people are bringing up Christ my low IQ friends
I don’t think this book is relevant, at all, to the modern day. I’m probably not as well read as most people on this sub, so I haven’t read “What is to be done?” or any other of the texts Dostoevsky was responding to, but this book is just that; a response and parody. Hardly anyone has read the 19th century texts that Dostoevsky disagrees with, and this book is literally just a critique disguised as a novella and literally breaks the 4th wall to the philosophers of that time. It’s nice to read it and say “oh, this is criticizing a belief that people had in the 1840s” but I don’t think that should be the point in reading a piece of classic literature. It hardly speaks to anyone of the modern day. The only reason to read it is for the interesting artistic quality, which has the narrator speak in a stream of consciousness. That part is cool, with his interruptions and contradictions and whatnot. But is there something I’m missing?
settle down tranny. breathe
>no friends
>do nothing
>not going through with active spite
>can't read and calls others low iq
Dostoyevsky is a Christian author. Which are you, jew or nigger?
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Let's now examine this mouse's behavior in greater detail. Suppose it has been insulted, as it often is, and seeks revenge. More fury might build up inside it than in l’homme de la nature et de la vérité. The mouse's desire for revenge might gnaw more viciously than in l’homme de la nature et de la vérité, who, with his innate stupidity, sees his revenge as justice. The mouse, with its heightened awareness, denies any justice in it. When it finally acts on its revenge, it has accumulated additional nastiness in the form of doubts and unresolved problems, creating a fatal morass of its own making. Surrounded by spontaneous men of action mocking it, the mouse has no choice but to retreat into its hole, feigning contempt. There, in its stinking cellar, it sinks into cold, venomous, and undying resentment, replaying the insult for forty years, adding even more shameful details. It torments itself with fantasies, ashamed yet constantly recalling and inventing new details. It might seek revenge in small, anonymous ways, doubting its right and success, knowing it will suffer more than its victims, who may never notice. On its deathbed, it will recall everything with added bitterness. This deliberate self-burial in a cellar, this powerlessness, this poisonous accumulation of unsatisfied wishes, these vacillations and resolutions give rise to and nourish a strange pleasure.
I'd watch an adaptation of Down and Out in Paris and London.
Hey man, stick to Marvel slop... Seriously...
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>t. Low IQ Christcels sperging when they can't derail the thread
> If you think something is low quality you should go watch Marvel
>hardly speaks to anyone of the modern day.
The Idiot is a boring book about gossiping aristocrats. I felt like an Idiot for reading 200 pages of that slop.
Is it his best?
Unadaptable. The whole premise of the book is that its a doomer writing to an imaginary audience.
kys zigger
>The just gave him a blueprint to create something completely different
yeah that's called basis
Exactly, not an adaptation
The scene where he walks back and forth across the room to spite his friends is pretty damn funny.
Best part, downhill once the prostitute appears

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