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it sucks and it's 100% an excuse for all the things in the movie, there's no story and even at the end you don't know what's going on, seems ambiguous on purpose.
top notch, even the bad TVA guy killed it, Reynolds and Hugh carried hard and it felt less of a redditshit like DP2 thanks to Hugh and the fights with Ryan.
incredible, puts all the recent MCUslop to shame including spidercameos no way peter
all great besides the shitty Deadpool quest looking for a wolverine, luckily it only lasts 2 mins, all the cameos are sweet and they had some impact, either for a big joke like Chris or they actually stole the show like Blade Elektra and Gambit, X-23 was the weakest but she was fine, the deadpool corps were ok as they were the perfect fodder cannon for le epic fight, I want to cum inside Lady Deadpool's wide hips, Sabertooth and Juggs were wasted but eh they got wasted in the original movies too kek.
the TVA guy killed it, I enjoyed all of his scenes, and Cassandra has to be the hottest bitch that I've seen in a while I literally jerked off at the end when she was doing her orgasm faces, what a succubus
>overall rating:
7/10 for MCUslop standards, the story is the weakest part of the movie so you'll be entertained because all the efforts went to the fights and performances
And again at the end there's no answer to a lot of stuff, like the fate of the Deadpool team, DP asked the black chick to give them a chance, she says yes, x-23 is back but where are the others? and in that moment in DPs timeline there's a Logan alive in Xavier's school (DP2 shows that Xavier's school exists) what's going to happen? and where are the Deadpool corps? the guys and Peter were having a good time and they just never appeared again, and tons of other shit that has no answer, all because the story and plot itself is garbage
I miss Wesley Snipes
I'd give it an 8.5/10, but I agree with you OP.
But I have a feeling Disney is going to just abandon the XMCU. It is what it is
didn red lol
Didn't read. Normalfaggots who go to theaters to consume slop have the shittiest opinions on /tv/ which is saying a lot.
yeah I'm thinking about giving it an 8 but the ending really felt cold compared to the rest of the movie, like I was expecting some cool shit to happen to seal the deal but nothing, not even real post credits, like at least throw a bone to us like the timeline mixed or whatever shit like Marsden appearing
>mcfadyen shockingly mogs

OP really needs to see succession asap
his performance felt like Spacey on meth cocaine and steroids with an overdose of charisma.
I have to take a look at his works, the guy's a beast.
I liked Redditor Deadpool death, funniest scene
7's fair, film was worth watch but It wasn't anything special and definitely lacked the heart the other two had. Just felt like it was slapped together as a reason to get deadpool involved for avengers which is going to be shit unless they rate Avengers R
"We didn't want it to be just a commercial for another movie." - Ryan Reynolds
He said it on a recent panel in Germany
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We fucking won, Tomcats.
The fact that we're putting cameos as a category alongside the script and acting shows what nostalgiabait slop we're dealing with
Well there's a Director's Cut coming so maybe we'll get more story beats there.
You literally have zero opinion. Hating anything and everything just makes you a poser. Not a real personality.
You shouldn't have to wait for the film to be saved later on
more than that, it felt like there was no closure and that's my problem with the movie, after all the crazy shit they just go back to eat, and again showing the DP team at his door at the end would've been a nice way to end it properly, or Cassandra surviving and appearing in front of Xavier's school, etc not a commercial for a direct sequel but showing a little bit to make the ending interesting.
the last part of the movie remains the weakest for me, including the DP corps fight
I haven't seen it so I don't know about the ending other than what people have said, which seems like most can't agree on that stuff so far. I'll see it Saturday, since that's the showing I bought tickets for. Usually that stuff is wrapped up with easily missed dialogue in these kinds of films, which I've heard is the case here.
Elektra xmen shit and BLADE? wheres the rip?
One thing that's hard to not notice, it's a real reminder of why Logan was the 'farewell' movie for Jackman Wolverine.

He's still great at the character but the poor guy looks gassed doing action scenes. Free him, stop making him juice up for this stuff.
Having Cassandra be the villain was a misstep because she's a Avengers tier threat and also the fact Xavier isn't even in this movie so there goes the one person for her to bounce off and now she's just le crazy which is a shame
Also how was Kang co existing with her? Wouldn't she be smart enough to know about him?

Snipes looked like a 90 lbs bitch in this movie. That nigga would get his ass whooped in the hood.
He doesn't juice up. 100% natty. He just has an insane diet and it took him like 15 years to get that physique

wut r u, retarded?
Stuck in a timeless vaccuum her whole life apparently
Not listening to your pedestrian opinion doesn't mean i "hate everything"
You paid money to see this shit which affects your impression of it. I'll wait and see what actual kino enjoyers say about it once the torrents drop.
No. I just look this stuff up and cross reference the research before actually judging it
>Also how was Kang co existing with her? Wouldn't she be smart enough to know about him?
it seems that they're 100% ignoring Kang completely and they'll rely on the Ant-Man movie to say that he died, pretty sure the post credits will be ignored from now and Loki S2 ended that Kang story.
we wuz Kangs never again
If you can't enjoy dumb fun for what it is, yes you're nothing but a poser and a faggot.
This is still bizarre to me. Why black hole Kang when he's the easiest character in the world to recast.
>That nigga would get his ass whooped in the hood.
that nigga owns da hood, you fatass bitch
Not entirely true. Apparently they just found someone to replace Majors as Kang. They just have to announce it
My name is Zack Snyder and I disagree.
It’s meant as a closure to the Fox studios marvel slop, I think the cameos must add to this right?
> I'll wait and see what actual kino enjoyers say about it
You sheep. At least the other anon formed his own opinion on it
Jesus, go one day without saying slop. There are better ways to describe shit films. Root chakra ass motherfuckers
>lacked the heart
i thought it had a lot of heart, definitely more so than DP2.

my main complaint, is that they basically shit on Wade and Vanessa relationship from the first movie
yeah, his Succession performance was fantastic
then again, so were everyone else's, but he did often steal the show
kinda nuts to remember him from that british garbage spy show Spooks
I liked it, like capeshit before marvel completely shit itself.
>my main complaint, is that they basically shit on Wade and Vanessa relationship from the first movie
yeah one of the main reasons why I said the story sucks.
the whole wade stuff besides Peter felt awful and soulless, DP1 had insane levels of SOVL due to Vanessa, and the bits in DP2 with Vanessa and how he refuses to die were great added emotion to the story.
here they turned Wade into a cuck, and that's why I hated the first arc of the movie before Wade meets the TVA, they turned Vanessa into an average cunt like MJ.
they killed her character hard
>my main complaint, is that they basically shit on Wade and Vanessa relationship from the first movie
That's why Deadpool & Wolverine had no heart. The first two movies are about deadpool love for vanessa and her loving him and in this movie they breakup and she disappears it's so jarring. They give the emotional plot to the worst wolverine
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>they basically shit on Wade and Vanessa relationship from the first movie

There's a reason for that
critics complaining about story are retarded because nobody fucking enjoys capeshit for the story
and yet the entire fucking movie is an ad for Loki. retarded fucking assholes. pieces of shit.
this might as well be Loki season 3. fucking pieces of shit
Good morning.
>all great besides the shitty Deadpool quest looking for a wolverine
I though that was good, getting to the "worse wolverine" scene in the bar was shit
I'm not Indian I'm Puerto Rican
They don't even go into it, they were implying that deadpool didn't feel good enough about himself during the period he didn't have a film and that's what destroyed the relationship
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he formed an opinion based on the money he paid to sit in a nasty ass theater and getting blasted with loud noises. i will form an opinion on the actual movie once it's available for free.
Shifting the goalposts, eh?
that's right no designated streets for me
Manchildren worldwide are so happy now that their favorite action figure is finally done in the right colors!
Yeah, a country full of degenerate drug dealers and homelessness surely doesn't have street shitters everywhere.
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Is Matthew Macfadyen going to try and get his wife an mcu role now?
This but unironically. Do you stare at a wall in your free time, or something?
at least we use the loo. take the poo to the loo
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A key element of the movie was the whole "keep your timeline alive" or "join the MCU". And Deadpool fought for the former, NOT the latter. Even the choice to have X23 reunite with a "younger" version of the deadbeat Logan was part of the idea of having "a happy ending for the Fox Marvel". But why? Wouldn't people want to see Deadpool in the Avengers?

Well, and if you haven't figured it out already - the MCU is not doing so hot. Everything rests on how this movie, and Sam Wilson Cap do. But the general consensus is that the MCU ended with endgame. BUT, and at the same time - nobody likes "killing off universes". And that was the point of "this" movie. A more cynical take would be happy to kill off Fox MCU for the sake of putting Deadpool in the MCU. But Deadpool is fighting to keep FoxMCU alive. WHy? Well, for the same reason why alternate Spidermans existed in No Way Home. Aside from the nostalgia factor, people just dont want to see things die needlessly. Even as a joke. So even having "one" living Wolverine, or even teasing Cavill Wolverine, helps give that hope that some form of the FoXMCU still exists. (the irony of me saying this being that Chris Evans Human torch died needlessly, but we all know that Evans is too expensive now) I do hope Deadpool will be in a future AVengers game, but I also think Feige is more likely to push for a complete MCU reboot, one that focuses on the Mutans and the Xmen. and the Fantastic four. With maybe a new version of the Avengers to boot.

Guess we'll just have to see what the next few years bring.
With that logic your boss shouldn't pay you, you need to work for free so that your boss can see your quality

I'm pro piracy btw, your logic just sounds ridiculous
A guy in his fifties can't be that jacked. You think the Rock is natty too?
Not reading your blog, Jew. Keep it to your comicbook review website
Jackman's physique is nothing like the Rock's. It's completely attainable if you put in the effort.
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Go fuck yourself mudslime.
You're the mudslime, Jew. I'm white.
At Jackmans age its highly unlikely, you probably believe celebrities when they say chicken and broccoli.
>Tom kiiled it
well gee no-one saw that coming go watch succession you fucking idiot
Jackman's not that impressive. You can go back and look at his slow transition into his physique over time. On the contrary I'm being realistic because I don't buy the favorable cinematography. I've seen those skinny legs of his and his weak frame. It's not that hard to be healthy at that age when you have dietitians, expensive gyms, and good doctors.
jesus christ i'll make it simple for you. people who pay to watch a flick in theaters will overrate a film and rush to post their shitty opinion on /tv/ to justify paying 50 bucks for their "experience"

people with an actual interest in film will wait until torrents and usually give a more nuanced and informed opinion. i know this is your first summer on /tv/ but know that this has always been the case.
Blah blah blah. Go read some critic reviews
Why are cinemas so expensive in america? I only pay 10 euro to see a movie here in Europe.
>can't tell mudslimes from Jews

Wow, really showing off your "supremacy" there, hick. Now go eat your tendies, the grownups are talking.
Jews are just as much sandniggers as Arabs. Get bent
I am stealing your frog. It is for free.
You first redneck burger mutt. Seethe, cope and dilate.
their isn't going to be a loki s3 you idiot
>jesus christ i'll make it simple for you. people who pay to watch a flick in theaters will overrate a film and rush to post their shitty opinion on /tv/ to justify paying 50 bucks for their "experience"
or maybe I'm a NEET and my parents gave me $80 and as a NEET without friends or gf or anything I used those $80 to buy a deadpool toy and a deadpool ticket and I went to see the movie last night then post my review on /tv/ because that's what I wanted to do, I don't give a shit about Tarantino or Kubrick or Nolan, I don't give a shit about your films, I'm just a 28yo virgin who had fun watching capeslop and posting on /tv/
>Jackman's not that impressive
4 sure dyel
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was pretty fun to finally see a deadpool movie
introduced some new fun characters and cool action scenes
bad guy was a bit underwhelming

certified filler movie, only remember the drawn out death scene at the end
no need to ever watch it again

fan service and cameos, fun again
jackman still doing it big as wolverine, love to see it
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Awww man, could some internet hero just simply answer this question with a yes or no? No spoilers at all, please please please. And to think I was going to kill myself last night....dude...
aye, he's in for a good chunk of the 3rd act
nigga got old, but he still got it
This isnt worth to theater prices. It will be on hbo max by christmas.
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Not reading your fucking blog OP. somebody give me a 2160p torrent before I schoot up this thread.
You have my permission to use that frog.
you're proving my point by mentioning fucking nolan and tarantino as some kind of high point of cinema. you don't know the first thing about film and that's fine but don't expect me to respect your opinion on movies.
You should probably still kill yourself, you dont seem to have any worth to anyone or anything if a movie is your only significant source of confidence.
>you're proving my point by mentioning fucking nolan and tarantino as some kind of high point of cinema.
Pretty sure he did because fags like you actually believe that Kubrick or Tarantino are cinema with shit like Pulp Fiction or 2001 or obscure french/korean movies.
why does nobody on tv use the fucking spoilers
i saw this at the first screening in aus and /tv/ was already full of spoilers when i got back
Because nobody reports.
Always bet on black.
The movie has one really really clever joke

>Deadpool is doing the schtick where he's trash talking Wolverine who is standing behind him
>Goes "he's right behind me, isn't he?"
>Turns around looks straight at Hugh Jackman
>"Welcome to the MCU, you arrived at the low point"

Very well done, layered meta joke. Got an honest laugh outta me. I also enjoyed the literal desecrating of Logan's grave as meta commentary on how no ending, no matter how revered or well done, will ever be respected in the cold, desperate hollywood business.
Is Gambit played by Channing Tatum? If it's not played by him then why include him?
He is. His entire arc is about how his Gambit movie never came out.
He was honestly one of the best parts of the movie. Wish he got used more, but they really got a lot out of him
Cool. Does he look like in the comics/cartoons?
remember you said that to a white man when you overdose
He looks exactly like X-Men 97 gambit minus the eyes.
loser. enjoy something. smoke one.
Just a reminder: it was Hugh's idea to come back this time.
yes and you can't understand a fucking word he's saying as his accent is too strong and constantly switching between french and english, I really did like i the dumping ground of failed universes
>how did you guys end up here?
>elektra and blade: tva grabbed us said our worlds were ending
>gambit: maybe born here idk difficult to say
>elektra and blade: our worlds forgot about us
>gambit: or maybe never knew we existed
you're a moron the layers of meta are the entire story, Logan being the linchpin for the x-men universe existing and him dying ended it for instance
Overdose on what? Caffeine? Tea? God you mutts are crazy about your drugs. Take your meds.
Good job outing yourself as a newfag. Watch more movies.
I really do not understand The Void at all or how characters end up in there. Like, is that the same Sabretooth, Toad, and Pyro from the original 3 X-Men movies or is it just a variant?
ok so this shit was in loki series as well its the end of the universe all universes? dumping ground for things that ended, alt versions of characters stories and entire universes, in this case its all the 20th century fox supes, eventually they get eaten by a big monster
which one it was?
the child?
So basically, the canon ending to all of the FOX stuff like Daredevil, X-Men, Punisher, and Fantastic Four is that eventually a time traveling multiverse person showed up and banished them to a desert where they would eventually be eaten by a 500 foot tall lion made of fire.

God I hate multiverse shit lol
Everything in the movie is played as a joke, you really should not be taking it too seriously.
I'm not. It's just ridiculously stupid when you think about it and if you DO take it seriously it retroactively shits on dozens of movies and tv shows.
yes anon its funny yet also poignant
>if you DO take it seriously
Don't do that
>it retroactively shits on dozens of movies and tv shows.
That's the point. It's not a pretentious movie
It's very funny that 15-odd years ago everyone was rightfully criticising that shitty Epic/Date/Disaster Movie franchise for essentially being
>look over there, it's [insert character I recognise, but way older/shittier-looking than when they were in their movie]
>hey guys it's me
>*anvil falls on them*
and now that's basically what our blockbuster movies are
As someone who loves FOX X-Men movies I find it extremely amusing that all of the old shills who used to hate them suddenly love them too now Disney is in the gutter and having to bank off nostalgia from them to make money.
In fairness there is a difference between getting an A-list actor to reprise a role they did 15-20 years ago and having some shitty SNL impersonator wear a Spirit Halloween costume
its kinda different
who the fuck hated the x-men movies? what are you talking about? they are universally loved, except 3 and dark phoenix, and to a lesser degree apoc
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You know what.
Multiverse of Madness was like that, otherwise they've only done stuff like that sparingly with characters that already weren't too popular
Did you forget the massive shill campaign against them saying they were horrible and Disney will finally treat X-Men right?
NTA, I agree. I'd compare it more to Airplane than Disaster Movie.
that doesn't happen in this, well once kinda its pretty funny
>or is it just a variant?
they all are variants the only OG guy here is Deadpool, even Wolverine is a variant, X-23 is also a variant, Elektra, Blade, Gambit Juggs, Pyro, etc all variants, even Chris evans is a variant not the OG FOX Chris
Multiverse is incredibly hard to do right. Somehow Sony of all people were the only ones who have been able to knock it out of the park.
Madame Web.
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no x-23 is the real one so is blade and elektra
of course it was who the fuck else do you think it was?
>made Logan the canon end of the original Fox X-Men universe
Bit of a shame as Days of Future Past ending was happy enough and Logan was fine as some alt universe bad ending. Also I watched an alright camrip, so what's this I hear about the OG Fox X-Men showing up somewhere?
I can't forget something I never saw, but if thats true thats fucking retarded, disney is delusional if they think they could top x-men 1, 2 and first class, dofp
its in the credits and its just bts and stuff from all the fox movies, mostly x-men, it was nice
I always considered Logan to be a direct sequel to X1-3, The Wolverine, and Days of Future Past as kind of a third timeline.
oh and logan of course, also I liked The Wolverine directors cut quite a bit, shame fox was till on the fence about giving them an R rating
First Class is mediocre. There's not much special about that film. It has the energy of the first Thor.
I watched it the other week and you are wrong its really good
What is the best film ever made in your eyes?
You are no different than jeet you shitskin
It was nothing but a cash grab that almost completely relies on memberberries for its entertainment value. It really made no sense to me why they decided to have Jackman play it straight instead of making him the more jokey smartass Wolverine from the first several movies. That would have worked much better in this movie since the whole thing is basically a farce.

The opening scene was the best part of the movie.
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now i feel like an idiot lmao
So basically Secret Wars will be this movie dialled to 11. Basically a test run. Maguire and Garfield, Jackman again, Captain and Iron Man returning as variants, variants upon variants like Cavill next to Jackman, 2005 Fantastic Four, whatever mainline MCU characters that have any popularity/positive audience reception, Nic Cage, Affleck, etc. That's basically the only real business plan for upping stuff beyond Endgame.
I never watched Loki season 2 but remember a post here claiming they can ditch Kang forever after the Majors drama cause the show ended in a way where it can be construed that Kang is nullified or implied to lose forever cause of Loki. What's all that shit about?
I don't do that, its stupid and childish I can say the best one I saw recently was steve jobs with fassbender that was really well done, might be the best i've seen this year just saw it last night, damn impressive. I will say not a single capeshit anything would ever be considered, entertaining fun sure but never "best" its more about my mood at the time, I might be able to rate some top tens by genre I suppose but then thats also a cop out since some of the best I've seen don't really fit a specific genre, how do you define best? best acting? best cinematography? best score? best acting, writing, etc, anyone who has a "best" film is a retard, some stick with me but trying to pick the "best" thats just dumb.
Loki became the god of stories and shut Kangs shit down, he could just say Kang variants are locked up in their court and never escape.
blah blah blah. what's the best one to you? be a man and have an opinion. own it.
That just....doesn't sound cool to me anymore. The idea was fun for No Way Home but its been completely driven into the ground at this point. None of these movies have any substance. They're like the cinematic equivalent of smoking a crack rock and just like hard drugs, they're having diminishing returns and you're having to get more and more extreme to be entertained.
This movie just proves they should keep doing FOX/non MCU marvel stuff and just ditch the fucking MCU slop shit. Embarrassing honestly.
It hasn't been directly addressed but the show essentially ends with Loki as a god overseeing the multiverse and controlling the timelines so they have a very quick and easy fix to get rid of Kang, they can just say that Loki locked away the place where all the Kangs were gathered together or something.
So they killed off all of the older X-Men, Punisher and w/e with a giant lion? Sounds like this movie was just an excused to de-canonize the older movies to fit their M-She-U squad.
I hate all these pointless cameos. The best parts of this are deadpool and wolverine, not the endless cameos of thing i recognised.
Even though this movie is guilty of all the same shit, even deadpool admits this multiverse shit sucks. It's played out and done, move on
>people obviously groaned over Majors
>not only a diversity cast but a forced meme because of his resemblance to George Floyd
>likely disorganized campaign to groom for ebin George biopic where he wins Oscar
>nonetheless, whitey becoming blackey not necessary terrible cause of GotG 3 where Majors and his pathetic ass bitch Kang for villain mogged hard by the H.E. and his British theatre-trained actor
Even not being truly MCU it can't avoid elements of MCU rot, like the movie *looks* like dogshit a lot
Essentially they blew their load too earily after NWH. Shit like the Beast or Xavier cameo is one thing but stuff even on the scale of Deadpool 3 should have been saved for Avengers. Guess they did it early to prop up their waning brand
Cassandra's accent made me diamonds.
are you completely retarded? read what I wrote I don't have one, thats really stupid I can say some I really like, but that doesn't even mean I want to re-watch them, for instance The Road, Ive seen it twice once in the cinema and then once last year, its so good but I don't want to watch it again for a really long time, oh he girl withthe dragon tattoo, fincher also great, I might watch that again soon as I haven't seen it in a long time, hmm might be time to go through serigo films again been a while always enjoy those, problme is then I go through kirosawa and i'm just wathcing their films for months on end I'd say the best i've seen recently is the one I saw last night Steve Jobs with Fassbender that was great, oh I'd watch FoTR any time and usually do every 6mths or so, do you actually have your "best"? thats hilariously retarded

Found it boring, no real sense of tension. The plot was barely existent and telegraphed itself a lot. Cameos were underwhelming and had no real impact because they are all cameos of action stars or characters from dead franchises that failed due to lack of viewership and are given a pathetic send-off. Deadpool turning into a mass-murderer of his allies was really stupid.

It'll make a bunch of money, but it won't hold up for re watches and with nothing consequential actually happening throughout the film I can see others acknowledging it as boring within a month or so.
>pathetic send-off
its the exact opposite though what do you mean?
The MCU elements were the weakest part of the movie, including them acknowledging how shit the MCU is. Nobody gives a crap.
The fake leaks for these multiverse movies are always infinitely better than the actual product.
>t. butthurt disney shill
it was hilarious everytime he ripped on disney and their lazy shit
> Johnny Storm - beaten easily by Pyro who just drains his fire, shows up to be killed violently because Deadpool says he insulted Cassandra
> Punisher - mentioned as being killed off and nobody cares
> Daredevil - mentioned as being killed off and Elektra doesn't give a shit
Or Ripper Street. He obviously has range even if he is offensively bri''ish. Is he considered a bad actors in this autism cauldron or something? Why?
I choose to believe all Fox characters were filled by a kaiju sized fire lion just because of how stupid it is.
How is he a disney shill when he's saying the disney shit was the worst part of this? Can you read?
the daredevil one was meta because they broke up irl, thats why affleck didn't show up, johnny was fine it was a runing joke the whole movie how DP fucked him over and it was too expensive to keep him in the movie, Punisher variants their is still Burn Local, do you know which one died?
The best they could do was say that it's going through 'a rough patch' and had 'miss after miss after miss' blaming it on the multiverse.

The movie felt tame and corporate, lacking any real punch.
>acknowledging how shit the MCU is. Nobody gives a crap.
learn to read dipshit, the entire runtime is spent roasting mcu and disney in general
He's more in line with the old school stereotype of what an Englishman is, not the modern PROPAH BRI'ISH GUV/Norf meme ones. Fuck, I'd place money on him having gone to a fee-paying school.
>you came during the low point
>I can save this dying universe
etc, etc, etc, their are non0-stop jokes at disneys expense, tbqh I'm surprised feige signed off on it
First movie had a budget of $85m, second had $110m... you telling me that they pull out an excuse about how they couldn't afford individuals for more than a single fucking scene when the third movie's budget is well above $200m ($200m is the official stance)
Nah he's right, that's pretty lame. Would have rather had the MCU stuff removed and focused on the cast from the first two films
you can't have chris evans overshadowing the entire story how do you not get that? also he cost a lot the joke was
>does he even realise how he's hurting the budget right now?
There's maybe four jokes at the MCU's expense and they are insanely fucking tame:
> Implying Disney are getting pegged
> Saying the MCU is in a rough patch or having miss after miss
> Remarking people are sick of the multiverse
> Saying Deadpool is Marvel's Jesus/Savior
I'll give them this as far as crazy cameos go, it is probably ridiculously hard and impractical to get a bunch of super famous people on set just for what basically equates to a few second long shitpost. I would imagine most actors have better things going on.
so what would you rather he said? thats all pretty good material
At its core it boils down to them saying the MCU is in a bad position. That's all that is. It's tame, it implies the problem is the multiverse aspects and it still incorporates stuff nobody is interested in into the plot such as the fart cloud and the TVA bullshit.

Could have given a fight scene at least, have him do something. Otherwise it's just another case of them introducing a fan favourite character people want to see and killing them off. Notably this has happened twice now with members of the Fantastic Four.
no the capeshit anons don't know who he is they are on /tv/ exclusively for capeshit
>Could have given a fight scene at least
agreed their it would've been nice if he hadn't immediately been taken out by pyro
I'd rather the film be about something else entirely. Deadpool and wolverine in the Fox universe doing something like in 1 or 2 and then just have a post credits for the avengers or something.
All these cameos and self depreciation just takes time away from the actual meat of the film. Who cares if Gambit looks cool for 30 seconds? I'd rather watch something like that new X-Men show that actually lets him do cool things
There's a bunch of fodder variants of villains from 00's capeshit including The Russian, Bullseye, Azazel, Toad, Juggernaut, Psylocke and Lady Deathstrike all played by extras.
you're a faggot for using redditspacing, but you're right
>waaaaaa i'm a loser and my idea of having fun when my parents give me money is going to the kinoplex to watch marvelslop, so obviously i'm not biased and this review isn't my way of coping for my crappy life
Get a grip nigger
that not really a deadpool movie is it? thts an x-men movie and considering how much mcu fucking sucks these days its actually a shame they have them now, although x-men 97 didn't suck so who knows maybe the x-men really will save that pile of shit
Deadpool remarks on the 'woke mob' during the movie but doesn't actually take any shots about how Disney have bent the knee to the 'woke mob' including race/sex swapping of characters, political propaganda, insulting the fans, etc...

It is this change in focus, trying to appeal to the 'woke mob' audience that has resulted in the decline of the MCU - accompanied with writers not giving a shit.

The film instead mocks Wolverine's comic accurate costume, kills off fan favorite characters in disrespectful ways and spends a decent portion of the film reliant on MCU garbage explaining none of it.
Deadpool has at least been with the X-Men in 1 and 2. This sure as hell isn't a deadpool movie, it's more like Loki 2.5 starring Deadpool
>mocks Wolverine's comic accurate costume
no it really doesn't deadpool takes one crack at it and immediately says
>sorry I'm jealous thats cool af
did you even watch it or are you parroting yt fags?
you haven't watched it and are parroting e-celebs aren't you?
You have the brain of a 13 year old, you’re probably one too
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i really liked the scene in the car where deadpool slips that he's not certain he can help wolverine's world
hugh's whole angry rant shutting deadpool up, that was great
and then deadpool goes i'm gonna fight you now and awesome fight scene
no he hasn't been that was mutepool that deadpool killed in dp2, what are you talking about?
There's multiple scenes of him mocking it, leading up to their second fight in the car with the homoerotic ending where the fight goes 'all night' and Deadpool wakes up in bondage.
Less the multiverse than Disney plus being a fucking shitshow, a lot of shit movies but unlike the original three waves of shit ones no overarching tangiable hook like Thanos, etc.
Theres nothing stopping them making Xmen movies in Deadpools universe seperate from mcu. He ends up back in his own universe at the end of the movie.
and he's still not mocking it, he's mocking wolverine for never wearing it and refusing to wear a superhero outfit so often, jfc you are dumb
I watched the cam version, and they laugh like two times in the whole movie. I agree with them, it was a meh movie. 6/10.
>I need a laugh track to tell me if something is funny or not
holy shit
Not really. The movie makes it clear that Paradox is doing the whole "pluck people that might be useful from their universe and dump them in the void whiles destroying the world" stuff on his own. Every other TVA overseer leaves Universes to run their natural course. Paradox himself says that Logan/Deadpool's Universe would've had about 2000 more years to go through, but he decided to just prune it outright.
>Theres nothing stopping them making Xmen movies in Deadpools universe seperate from mcu. He ends up back in his own universe at the end of the movie.
yep, I don't understand what the fuck this movie even managed to accomplish, bringing X-23?
he already had a universe, the X-Men already exist there, and there's a Logan there too, why go through all the fucking problems of the movie? because the main Logan of that universe will still die in the future, one of the dumbest plots in a MCU movie
Nah, that was the original plan if they had stuck with Khan. Current plan is for the next few movies to be incursion Fox X-Men vs. Marvel's Avengers events leading to Secret Wars where it's revealed that the Anchor for the MCU's 616 wasn't Tony Stark, but actually Holland's Spider-Man
>Pseuds too ashamed of themselves to sincerely share an opinion
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There's a moment near the climax where the movie literally stops, Deadpool looks at the screen and starts talking about how tiring and boring the Multiverse has gotten, how Disney has had nothing but misses since Endgame, and how sad it is that they had to bring back nearly 60 year old Hugh Jackman to try and salvage the franchise.
Like, the movie literally starts with him desecrating the body of Logan, literally and figuratively undoing perhaps the best superhero send-off ever, just to try and milk more money off of Logan's body.

I personally think that the actual PLOT of this film is garbage, but the movie is VERY well written as far as deconstructing the modern obsession with cinematic nostalgia. I feel like many people are approaching it as a No Way Home wannabe, instead of a movie actively mocking shit like No Way Home.
Felt pointless. Just finished it. Also how did his cowl go from cloth to then walking around with it hard. Lol

The only thing that would have redeemed the ending was of Loki appeared Half Life Gman Style freezing time and spoke to them in the machine moment.
Wait so they just go back to the the FOX universe? So Deadpool nor Wolverine aren't even in the MCU lol
Speaking of, I really fucking hope Xavier getting his neck snapped in MoM wasn't Stewart's last appearance as the professor, because it would be insulting if so, and both him and McKellen are ancient, Marvel should get to filming their Secret Wars scenes ASAP if they know what's good for them, because they won't be able to nostalgiabait with them for much longer.
>this site is for 18+ and older
This is so disgusting lmao
I thought Wesley Snipes and Ryan Reynolds hated each other from Blade Trinity? What is happening here
The Marvels' negress is still stuck in the Fox universe, so that's a loose end they still have to tie up
They probably made up. People do forgive each other sometimes.
Jesus the character noone cares about..

So i guess whatever they're going to have to do either another Deadpool where she shows up in it or a TVA centric one that explores FOX universes lmao?

I thought this movie was going to push forward wiping out FOX.
Next Avengers film is the Fox X-Men going up against the Avengers.
They still need the fox nostalgiabait for secret wars, after that though? Yeah, it will probably get wiped from existence with the universe reset
There's a joke about that in the film. Elektra says that Deadpools are a dime a dozen in the void, and Blade looks at Wade and goes "And I've never liked you". Wade looks at the camera and responds with "We know"
no he says
>you never liked me
its later he looks at the camera when snipes says
>there is only one Blade
and deadpool stares at the camera
Yes, exactly. Only children are too afraid to share their opinions. Pick a movie like a god damn man.
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Women are fucking cunts.
This is realistic.
Blade, Electra, Gambit, X23 all team up.
It's called Alioth
I loved
>"Fox killed him, but Disney brought him back! They're gonna have him do this 'til he's 90!"
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Why do women never make fun of themselves in movies? Like Ryan Reddit and Huge Jackedman and Chris Evans are ok poking fun at themselves in this movie but you would never ever see Brie Larson doing that. Brie should have a similar scene to thor here https://youtu.be/bsTheyErsfI as she was always saying how Captain Marvel is more powerful than Thor or whatever. People would like her better if she was willing to poke fun at herself and not take herself so serious.
why would I pick one movie/ I don't have a favorite movie, how is this so difficult for you to understand I have many movies I like a lot I have posted a few of them, who the fuck has a "favorite movie" that is weird, why aren't you getting this? I bet you have a favorite song and favorite game and favorite tv show too right? what the fuck is wrong with you?
This movie will feed "XYZ EXPLAINED" channels for a year
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Brie Larson is a narcissistic cunt and would never allow that
she should allow my [penis] in her [vagine]
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>All of the characters got to go back to their original universes
>Gambit didn't have a universe, he was created in the void

accidently grim
How was the Bladester in this? Tell me the B-dog delivered. I KNOW the Sniper didn't dissapoint, right?
he said the line and had a cool fight scene
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I simply refuse to read your post or watch this goyslop.
>deadpool mentions hugh's divorce
that joke actually kinda shocked me
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he said some mother fuckers still trynna ice skate uphill
I like Brie.
he also said the word retarded to deadpool. based boomer.
we never learned why thor cried
My biggest question is who was the father of babypool? Nicepool mentioned that lady pool just gave birth, So who is the father? Nicepool?
Reminder Blade was the 1st modern super hero movie. It was before the X-Men movies and the Toby Spider-Man movies.
babypool was the son of evil spidey and rogue, its complicated
Everyone is talking about Lady Deadpool but I still haven't seen a picture of her. Who is she played by?
>no nic cage ghost rider
so close to marvel knights
higher production values. yes its basically an SNL skit/family guy joke. but with good writing
So who did ladypool gave birth to? Who is the father? Nice pool?
hint it rhymes with turd
Story was absolute nonsense, they didn't even try to make a coherent plot or villain or whatever. Deadpool unearthing Wolverine's corpse and using his adamantium skeleton to fight off goons sets the theme for the whole film, it's a cheap excuse to bring Wolverine back and fight bad guys.
Despite that, I enjoyed it. The action was great, tons of gore and blood, and all the actor's were 100% committed to their roles. Nicepool's head exploding in a shower of viscera was particularly hilarious.
I was put in the unique position of watching this film without being all that well-versed in the MCU after Avengers 1, so the fact that they mostly avoided anything related to it was a huge bonus.
The TVA bad guy gets to pound Keeley Hawes' pussy every night, of course he kills it.
its complicated
The too long don't read is go see this in theater and support it financially because it is excellent Cape shit
It's a Deadpool wolverine team movie who gives a fuck about the story people keep harping on about it this is the dumbest s*** I've ever heard this is 10 out of 10 entertainment turn your brain off you fuckiy idiot
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Blake Lively
Tatum looks weird as hell but I love the obnoxious Louisiana accent.

Fun brain off movie but I don't even know where they go with it after.
Is this confirmed in the credit? Because she never took off the mask and her voice doesn’t sound like Blake.
Nobody's asking for it to be a masterpiece or whatever but it drags the other deadpool films down with the cuck plot and that's kinda shitty. Films fun enough but got no heart to it
Would Ryan wants to make another one? The whole obsession he had in Deadpool 1 and 2 is a team up with hugh and now that it happens, would he want to make more? I think this might be the last standalone Deadpool, imo I want more but who knows.
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>mcu phase 7 revealed
>deadpool & spiderman
>it's a christmas movie
>Henry Cavill cameo
yes, she also gave birth in March 2023, and the movie was shot from May to December hence the "she gave birth recently" bit.
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So he lied?
Ok thanks
>deadpool & spiderman and wolverine
Ok, this is another movie I really want to see. I guess it would be perfect for a Deadpool 4.
women are RETARDED as FUCK

if brie did a scene that poked fun at herself, shell look back 5 years from now and call it RAPE
He said the iconic line, dropped the R word, had some sick action then dipped.
stop being a purest & realize the new world we living in
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i still don't understand what people expect from capeshit. it's capeshit, I'm watching it for memberberries and action scenes. it's like comparing chicken nuggets to wagu. sometimes you just want deepfried chicken adjacent slop with a sweet chilli sauce.
yes, i saw her name in the credits
nathan fillion voiced one of the other deadpools too, i forget which one
>Matthew McConaughey as the cowboy deadpool who says like 3 sentences and doesn't show his face
Okay you petulant little faggot. I'll pick one myself since you're too chickenshit. The best movie of all time is The Fountain. I have infinitely better taste and higher standards than you, yet I can still enjoy a Deadpool movie for what it is. It's called not giving a fuck because I'm a grown man who wants to be entertained. You're not a genius, you're a pseudo-intellectual with bell curve IQ.
And yes, all those other things to have favorites are rational, normal things. God damn fence-sitting moron.
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This movie had too many 10-20 minute pauses for characters to explain things to each other. I normally don’t have an issue with Deadpool breaking the 4th wall and whatnot but him calling Wolverine “Hugh” and saying “Disneys gonna make him do it until he’s 90!” it just felt kinda cheap.
The action scenes were definitely the best parts of the movie, a lot of slomo but it was alright.
it’s pretty 2.5/5 or 5/10 imo.
it’s story is slow, boring, too much focus on
>member this guy?? member that??
and not enough focus on
>holy shit wolverine just chopped his head off in one attack
the mask on wolverine didn’t look too bad either imo. some scenes it looked bad (like at the end) but it looked fine overall
My mom and I went and we had a great time, she laughed the whole way through and I got to explain the cameos to her. We had a great time.

Anyone that didn’t enjoy it is taking it too seriously, it’s like a pantomime or a 90s gross out comedy. The story was dumb but that’s the same for every good comedy movie.

Was great to see Hugh back, the cameos were an interesting choice and awesome for anyone that is into intertextual nerd stuff.

Solid 8/10.
>there’s no story
I cannot even fathom how such a basic story flew over someone’s head.
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>(My) reaction to hearing Deadpool explain that his friends are all he has and he needs wolverine to help him every 10 minutes
he did that in the car and what other time?
>brown hands wrote this
Indeed sir he should have been reading the Pratya Kaligara
>in the party
>in the tva
>in the car
>to cassandra
>to handsomepool
>to wolverine again
>to the tva again
>to cassandra for a third time
>to wolverine for a third time
>wolverine then explains that deadpool’s friends are all he has before blowing up cassandra
That one got the loudest laugh out of my theater
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Deadpool grabbing Sabretooth's head and calling him Imperator Furiosa got a legit belly laugh outta me.
The actual plot of the movie sucks, but the scenes are pretty well written.
I think the entire thing is supposed to be a joke on how the audience expects Wolverine to mellow out and connect with Deadpool, but instead he just calls Deadpool's ex a whore and says he wishes he could die. What ACTUALLY connects the two is Wade taking Logan's place at the end, and Logan busting in to help him.
Didn't watched yet. Did Ryan and Jackedman got to have their gay sex scene that they wanted in the movie?
>Nova will never call you "silly boy" while riding your dick for 3 hours straight

why live
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yeah i usually don't but this time it seemed right to split up the post that way
Just eats lots of broccoli then go to the toilet. Say "wesley snipes gonna make me wipes." 4 times while sitting down, don't flush! He should be right there in the bowl.
2018 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
2021 Spider-Man: No Way Home
2022 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
2024 Deadpool & Wolverine

i hope they stop now i dont want no more
Bullseye has me hyped asf now, thanks for this info
Soooo if Wolverine is a lynchpin character and when he dies it causes the entire universe to implode on itself, wouldnt' that mean that "the worst Wolverine" just doomed his entire universe to death so he could go hang out with Deadpool and X-23?
>the worst wolverine
> dooms entire universes to die just so he can be with his gay bf and his daughter
Sounds about right
Yeah, it felt to slow for this, I could't believe when they kept going for the same talk for so long, it's good they gave room for Blade/Elektra/Gambit since they are the main team but the TVA segment goes for too long, then it comes Cassandra, and so on. It feelt very slow.
>direct by Shawn Levy
That explains a lot, specially that "family movie" feeling. The guy did A Night at the Museum and it's the same formula here with cameos instead of statues.
How much do we get of the guys in wades world like Colossus and nega? I’m guess not much since from the spoilers it’s mostly multiverse stuff.
Kek 10/10 marketing
I want Cassandra Nova to call me a naughty boy
Disney will probably try to soft reboot the MCU after Secret Wars and recast the X-MEN
>The movie felt tame and corporate, lacking any real punch
>direct by Shawn Levy
That's why
he said he wouldn't be in another blade movie, not that he wouldn't work with snipes again
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>pitching about 4th wall breaks
I found another shithead who's never read a comic in his life. We need to gate keep harder.
The comics that no one reads and get outsold heavily by random jap shit?
>it sucks and it's 100% an excuse for all the things in the movie, there's no story and even at the end you don't know what's going on, seems ambiguous on purpose.
Oh, okay. So there's no reason to actually watch it and just wait for YouTube clips.
2 scenes lasting seconds .. you saw them in the trailer already. celebrating a birthday
whats up with these recent superhero flicks where the first half is decent or even good but then the 2nd half is absolute garbage ?
welcome to DLC, bitch
>good action

what?! that last one was absolute ass
>there's no story
you're exaggerating. the story is pretty simple actually
>Reynolds and Hugh carried hard
Hugh carried hard you mean. Reynolds carried in the first half notgunnalie
it was a power move. He looked snipes in the face and told him to kiss the rings for the paycheck o'l blade needed desperately.
>Oh, okay. So there's no reason to actually watch it and just wait for YouTube clips.
That' wouldn't be a bad idea, the jokes are not that good and there is no real plot.
>Deadpool feels like a loser and breaks with Vanessa (for reasons)
>Goes to the MCU and try to join the Avengers (for reasons)
>Gets rejected, find the TVA, find a new Logan to save the universe and bla bla bla (for reasons)
>Fight a ton of people, tons of cameos
>Happy ending
It's barely a plot, shit keep happening but you don't feel any weight.
top kek
ok, but you will watch it, you idiot, some faggots wait for someone to tell them if its worth, thats stupid.
Unironically yes. They spend an entire night penetrating each other in a car they stole from another Deadpool
i assumed the end part with him showing his abs yet wearing the wolverine cowl was an extra and not actually jackman but then they proved me wrong
am i the only one who thinks all the pop culture references date the movie?
>Guess we'll just have to see what the next few years bring.
yeah, no, fuck you and your manchildren crap.
I think it's because guys making jokes and being goofy is natural. guys can be silly. but if that guy becomes serious then he's taken seriously. look at trump or Jim Carrey. Jim Carrey had non comedy movies that worked well and won him prestige

a woman has a harder time being taken seriously because women are seen as soft and motherly. they aren't threatening. they are seem as nicer.
so if brie makes fun of herself that's the only thing that everyone is going to remember. .
The story was garbage garbage garbage. The first fifteen minutes were boring nonsense. The action was cool though. Spoilered bit was the only funny part. I won't ruin it for the lads. TVA was cringe. Deadpool 3 should have not had TVA at all. Such a joke. Succession actor was decent towards the end. X-23 was great. Better than I expected.
>specifically say I normally have no issue with 4th wall breaks from Deadpool, just don’t like the ones they do in the movie
>retard with no reading comprehension thinks I don’t read comics because of it
The Proposal
that one was funny
channing tatum looked fat as fuck in the gambit suit
>And to think I was going to kill myself last night....dude...
storytime? also yes Snipes Blade is in the film.
>entire movie is about how wolverine was/is THE X-Man
fuck scott amirite? pretty meta if ya ask me as far as the movies(and most adaptations) go if ya ask me
Yea I was guessing from the spoilers that’s there only scene. I was hoping they would give Deadpool’s own supporting cast a little better sendoff
i want her to call me a naughty boy
People would like her though and think shes based if she made fun of herself and wore sexy outfits or whatever.
yet the mcu has done it tons of times
8/10 thanks to Snipes and Hugh. Idgaf about story in a movie like this so it was brilliant. Lots of memberberries and references as to be expected. Lol'd most at the Cavill one. Imo maybe second best capeshit after first iron man.
So why did the british guy yoink deadpool out of his universe that he was going to annihilate, then tell him the evil master plan with no handcuffs?
I'm sure deadpool will agree with me and if he doesn't, uh.. no plan?
Kino, maybe I'll actually watch this garbage then
thats low bodyfat and being 4'11
you just want to see her naked i do too
yeah it's literally a fucking birthday and they don't even say anything good. nothing funny.
they just say happy birthday and stuff.
wait what? i missed it
It was something about him putting on some weight since the divorce
that's true if she wants to be likable and funny like Tina fey or like Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie can be goofy. she fits well in Deadpool if she was hired

Brie on the other hand is a girl boss. is a serious action movie star ( the next tom cruise thank you very much!)

Brie can't be goofy in movies. she's a serious big deal
she is confirmed in the credits as Lady Deadpool although i wonder if that just means she did the voice. i wonder if its actually her in the costume. Kid deadpool also has the last name reynolds so i assume its their kid . matthew mconahey ( i dont know how to spell that niggas name) voiced cowboy deadpool according to imdb
Deadpool was supposed to join the main avengers.
the time guy thought he was granting his wish to come true. he was giving Deadpool everything he asked for. to join the avengers
>The TVA bad guy gets to pound Keeley Hawes' pussy every night,
its not fucking fair
She acted goofy in movies she did when she was younger and people liked her back then
when deadpool goes to join the avengers was that supposed to be in the xmen universe or did he jump to the mcu in that moment to try and join that avengers?
she also left her old husband for him after working with him on a movie and finding him so attractive
that was his dying universe
x men universe
Is Toby Maguire Spider-Man supposed to be in the xmen universe?
is it just me or was it a little retarded that Cassandra went from ok im cool with you deadpool and wolverine to again wanting to wreck shit? also she gets shot tons of times and then as soon as the helmet comes off, boom she's good again despite still being bleeding. am i supposed to believe that shes using psychic shit to heal fatal gut bullet wounds ?
Retard opinion. The fight scene in the beginning was kino
>and I got to explain the cameos to her.
i hate this shit so much. ive never had a gf but if i ever get one this is exactly the kind of movie i wouldnt see with her because i dont want to have to explain every god damn thing
>why live
i dont know, anon. i just dont know
THAT wolverine(that died) was a lynchpin. doesnt mean the one in this movie is. not all wolverines are linchpins just because the one that died in logan was
Daniel Way won.

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