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>Black capitalized
>brown not capitalized
Lmfao these people are ridiculous
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>idea for a sequel featuring 'all black and brown storm chasers' was rejected
Black is an experience, brown isnt.
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Black people arent stupid enough to be storm chasers
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Why in the fuck did people even wanted to remake this obscure, shitty movie from the 90s?
That's retarded.
Black people aren't going to run around chasing storms either. That's some, "White people are crazy" shit.
It was the 2nd biggest box office movie the year it came out, what are you talking about?
"ayo dis shit TWISTIN'"
Are there ANY black storm chasers? Or is it a “why white people climb mountains” moment?
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Maybe it was only obscure and shitty in Poland?
Whatever. My point is that this whole generation is so fucking creatively bankrupt, that they can't even create anything new.
When did it become acceptable to use the term "brown" when describing people? All my life that's been seen as incredibly reductive and racist.
Nothing wrong with disaster movies that remind people of the general science and dangers of each. Always a chance people will forget stuff like the 2004 tsunami and not run the fuck uphill when they suddenly see the ocean pulling out.
Not entirely sure what the options for tornadoes are though besides some sort of saferoom or basement. Main thing I guess is not to hide in overpasses.
>what about thing. But black.
Nobody fucking remembered this movie until this year.
*a brand
yeah because it would have been box office poison
Black scientist doing low paid or unpaid work that's very dangerous and helps tornado alley working class white people. I'm going to go with a 0 percent chance black people would do this in real life
but like WHY would they be all black and Brown
There's nothing obscure about Twister, you underage faggot. It was a box office smash hit and they made a ride out of it at Universal Orlando that was one of the most popular and well-known attractions at that park for 17 years.
All these "acceptable" terms keep changing to keep you forever thinking about being called racist.
Why doesn't she use her millions of dollars and hire an indie director and make her own low budget version of this?
Oh yeah because no one wants it and it will bomb. But she still wants to force it on us because of the subversive elements engrained in her. But she loves her own wealth more than that.
Maybe in Poland. Fucking twat.
>"aw sheeeitt nigga, there's a twirly thing coming towards us."
>"hol' up, let's get a selfie."
>The End
It would be a short movie.
>niggers speaking in ebonics and shooting at tornados for an hour and a half
I don't know if that would have been more or less entertaining.
Not in poland you dumb fuck, I mean all over the world
because the movie somehow made tons of money

people were really retarded in the 90s.
it's objectively one of the worst blockbusters of the era....even dante's peak is better.
Tornadoes are a white weather phenomenon.
Why would you not listen to female voices and have representation of BIPOC+? Are you a racist or just a bigot?
>Tornadoes are a white weather phenomenon.
White people don't season dey storms!
Fuck you dirty Polak.
You are some schizoid retard or smth?
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>When did it become acceptable to use the term "brown" when describing people? All my life that's been seen as incredibly reductive and racist.
Reminder that the phrase "One race, the human race" is now deemed racist by the rulers of our society.
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because black is the only race that "anti-racist" liberals really care about
The original post had the Polish coverart.
>it's another "the plot is of secondary concern, skin colour is all we care about" episode
Nothing says equality more than significantly over/under indexing on the percentage splits of races within the indented viewership.
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problem with the naming rights I imagine
the original movie was picketed by Jessie Jackson (a black activist, for you zoomers) for not having any black people in it
>Early Life
Aaaaand there it is...
>"In the book, April is Jewish and her parents are Holocaust-survivors. While I didn't keep that detail about her parents, I didn't see any reason to take her Jewishness away."
>How did she go about authenticating the Jewish detail in the film?
>"There's a rabbi in Los Angeles who I became very close with. Three or four families that I'm friends with, she's their rabbi. And I got to have long conversations with her about this movie. Because I wanted to get it right. Get the prayer at the end right. It's very delicate stuff. Translating the Shema is pretty bold. And I do not profess to have it just right. But I have it just right for her [April]."
>Under the rabbi's guidance, Hunt finished the screenplay and assembled a cast which includes Salman Rushdie playing an obstetrician.
>"I wanted it to be clear in that scene towards the end of the movie, when I pray, that I didn't have a Jewish agenda or a Judeo-Christian agenda. And I thought, if I found an Indian actor, then we might not be able to absolutely assume who anybody's praying to. What I'm saying is that I wanted to completely invest in her [April's] Judaism, but then, right at the end of the day, it's simply about her particular version of lost faith."
Have you seen the film she directed, wrote, produced and starred in 'Then She Found Me' and what it's based on? She got some great actors for it, like Bette Milder, Matthew 'Two For" Broderick, Ben Shenkman, Lynn Cohen, Maggie Siff, just a really diverse cast.
it was going to be called "twerker"
Helen Hunt sounds like rhyming slang
It was also the first real movie ever released on DVD. It's gotta have insane home video sales.
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apparently yes, and they even have t-shirts for sale on amazon:
It's because the "storm chasers" were really just following them so they could loot towns after a tornado came through, usually bikes and shoes
>well ya see helen the problem there is we won't have a white person to scapegoat and portray as evil. Good idea though, i like where your head's at
>Hunt's paternal grandmother was from a German-Jewish family
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yeesh, you can see where the plastic surgery bolts are holding her skin mask in position.
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lmao just did some googling - which one of you was this back in 2002? this reads like the chud motivational meme with the guy standing on a mountaintop.
There are no black people in the rural midwest and they don't go to school for meteorology. They also don't do anything risky with nature involved. It's just too unbelievable.
>let the niggers work and ill executive produce and make a ton for doing nothing

slavery all over again
>20 years of cow tornado references
Maybe you're just young and dumb?
Calling yourself brown is too weird to me. Hey im brown and that it isn't capitalized feels weirder. Why can't we just call every last person "Latin" who cares about history it would just be so much easier. I don't need 30 words for brown people just Latin.
OK Security Commander ODO
how goofy would it be to wear this as a white guy in a country that never has any tornadoes?

Women were a mistake.
Jesus, it really is some kind of crazed fetish
missed comedy opportunity, really
Because of systematic oppression, duh!
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Bitch nobody in Hollywood wants your desperate, aged, white savior complex ass around.
>Black people arent smart enough go by scientists.
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what the fuck is wrong with these people?
>more niggers! No, that’s not enough!! We need more. So many more... In fact, just make it ALL NIGGERS!

What causes this brain rot?
Silly Helen
>colored person
>person of color
Why are you surprised that the "rules" of what is acceptable and what isn't according to Leftists is CONSTANTLY changing and consistently arbitrary?
More like shut the hell up cunt. Or something.
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>all desperate refugees that work for an evil white corpo type
>have to chase after insane shit or they'll be deported by their racist boss
>final scene where the team is trapped by their corpo boss who is draining their melanin to gain super powers or some shit, and the tornado tears up the building and saves them.

See >>201716086 for her very own passion project. After years of prep and ideas, when she had full creative control and was given a modest $4m budget, what was the subject matter (with some aspects intentionally hidden) and who made up the majority of her cast..
Looks a bit like Gary Oldman in Hannibal
The Hebrew love of money seems to outcompete their subversive desires.

Side note all the "storm chasers" near me are HAM operator boomers who get on the local repeater and call out hail and funnel clouds in real time from their homes or cars.
Why are white liberals so obsessed with blacks? It’s like a fucking fetish.
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>the pitch mostly revolves around there being no whites in the movie
Srsly, do "black + brown" folks OBSESS over storm chasing? At least they live in COASTAL places + deal with hurricanes? Be realistic??
Increasingly desperate to humanize them before everyone collectively realizes the truth.
I dunno about other groups of brown folks but Chicanos have used that term for as long as I can remember. People have "brown pride" tatts and artwork, Miklo has his famous line "I might be white on the outside, but I'm brown on the inside... to the bones". It's referenced in music all the time.

Bitch always looked beat up and old, the scene in Twister where that old lady calls her beautiful cracks me up.

It's a mix of fetishizing them, having a white savior complex, and their own racist beliefs.
This is one of the reasons creativity is dead in Hollywood.

"Just do the same old shit, but with minorities, so it's new!"
it only takes a drop of yiddish blood and the person devotes their life to destroying their racial competitors
You don't capitalise "experiences"
>Go by
Based Retard
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She is ready to work at Disney.
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Saying All Lives Matter instead of black lives matter is racist
If you say All Black Lives Matter because you're anti abortion you're a sexist.

Why not open up a movie studio in Africa or in South Asia where India is at? Then the Leftists of Hollywood can make their movies starring Black and brown people and can even hitlre the locals from there. Heck, District 9 came from South Africa and even though District 9 stars a White guy, the potential for a person of color in a South African movie is there.
zoom zoom summerfag
>calling people brown: >:(
>calling people brown, progressive: :D
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You need to understand what they mean when white liberals say they want Progress
Imagine stopping an F5 using only the awesome power of BLACK GIRL MAGIC

What's wrong with Methodist Christians? The island I live on has a Methodist and even Baptist Churches even though the island is overwhelmingly Catholic. I don't know if those churches are still here, but I've heard some high school classmates attend them.
Would have worked better with an ICEstorm themed movie instead of a tornado
I hope I live to see leftists being hunted down and killed in the streets.
They need to make a parody movie where its this all black cast trying yo get away from tornadoes but they keep running into them.

>And now the news, Twisters sighted at bimbom beach resort!
>"aww hell no!" *does dangerous U turn on the freeway
Bros...I'm getting very, very tired...

Was the barn full of sharp farming equipment in the movie? The part where the main woman and guy were trying to find a safe place from the twister and they stumbled into a building full of scythes, pitchforks and other farming tools.
>storm tears through a strip mall suckling up Popeyes, Nike, and a payday loan place.
>these are the stories of the brave storm chasers trying to get into the tornado and claim dem repuhrashunz
Because they don’t care about anything but killing white people, period. wtf would making movies in South Africa do?
Same here, and I hope it happens while I'm still capable. I don't want to be one of those frail geezers who needs the young whippersnappers to squeeze his trigger finger.
Hispanic people are at work, not letting white liberals incentivize them into being an entire class of shitheads.
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What the hell does that even mean? Fuckin white liberals, man.
because blacks are infantile babies that need protecting and coddling by liberal white elites.
Literally nobody else on the planet would ever care about their skin color being capitalized. It is only blacks and liberal whites who do.

Dude, a film full of White Europeans can still be diverse. Europe has a bunch of countries each with their own ethnic groups that are different from each other. The British have fish and chips and blood sausages/pudding, the Scandinavian countries have economies and societies that are a mixture of socialism and Capitalism along with Nordic Noir, Estonia has a society dependent on computers and the internet making it a digital society that is susceptible to Russian cyber attacks, France has escargot and frog legs, Ireland gives benefits to writers, Spain has adobo, Finland has Angry birds, Putin's Russia has high drug use and HIV infection rates with a decreasing male population being fed into the meat grinder in their illegal invasion of Ukraine.
I swear all this divisive infighting between political factions is to distract from the greater geopolitical conflicts at large. It's a clever plan from foreign countries with malicious intent to turn countries in on themselves. Fuck that though. Believe in your fellow countryman and your nation.
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Why does it have to be a clever plan by foreign countries instead of a cynical plan by stupid politicians?

Making movies will give them something productive to do rather than killing White people, I guess.
>as the brainwasher of my two children I am ready to brainwash the general audience
That's also the case. I mean a lot of people profit off it. The more outraged people are the more clicks are generated, the more political partisan, and the more votes cast. Donors probably getting milked hard rn.
>I was going to call it "Blister"
>Thing white people invented that got popular, but with a cast of exclusively blacks/gays this time!

Ah, this is the fabeled "Leftist Creativity" I hear so much about....
White women are FUCKING weird
helen cunt
Twister is a famous movie. You are retarded.
If you did this as a comedy maybe it could work. I could see a 90s or early 2000s Wayans brothers or Kings of Comedy movie parodying Twister.
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taking a break from spamming threads, shlomie?
should be arranged in a cycle desu
Shut up paco... jeez louise what a cringe posts
>There are no black people in the rural midwest
God I wish.
>t. Omaha
Umm BIPOC deserve to have their experiences depicted as well.
One search on google and one on youtube and I have not seen a single black or brownie storm chaser. Why the fuck would you make a movie including peoples that don't exist in real life?

Reminds me of that jew hag that made friends who later stated she regretted casting only white people.
She bought?

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