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When the FUCK is The Critic coming out?
When are you coming out, puto
He cancelled it because Brad Pitt was being a pest
Didn't he cancel it? I bet he's going to double down and make another Rick Dalton movie instead
Shelved indefinitely. If the script doesn't leak it's unlikely we ever see anything more of it.
honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the real reason.
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Don’t care. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was an embarrassment, he’s over the hill. I actually started laughing out loud in the theater (opening night, full crowd) when I saw he was doing that stupid “alternative history that’s VERY VIOLENT GUYZ” again, a full decade after Basterds. Guess he ran out of movies to steal from (ahem, I mean “pay homage to”) so he had to resort to copying his own cheap gimmick. How embarrassing.
Nah I ain't gonna go for it
Imagine being this emotionally invested in hollywood shit. These are only movies dude.
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meds, now.
>board dedicated to discussing movies
>see someone discussing movies
>“omg what’s the matter with you weirdo? Imagine caring about movies dude omg”

You’re cordially invited to choke on my nuts, little hoes.
>(the best movie of Tarantino's career) was an embarrassment
Okay pleb.
There is a difference between an actual discussion and being a whiny fuckhead contrarian.
The thing I don't get about how Tarantino talks about Rick Dalton is that in the alternative universe that he constructs in OUATIH, Rick should have had a career resurgence after the Mason incident, but Tarantino still talks about him starring in Phillipino/Italian direct-to-video trash for most of his later years (specially in that cringe fake eulogy episode of his podcast), which makes no sense according to the narrative.
>copying his own gimmick
That's wild. Can he sue himself? You mentally ill, terminally online autist.
> the best movie of Tarantino's career

I suppose that’s one way to phrase “I get my opinions from Youtube”
He ended Basterds with a dumb gimmick. He copied said gimmick a decade later.

What are you failing to understand here, my simple little friend?
Why not?
that's not how you spell jackie brown
I think the book actually says he DID get a career resurgence after the incident because him torching that one chick with the flamethrower got him a lot of attention. I think it even mentioned a famous movie trilogy he later did with Fireman or something in the title. I don't remember the details but the novel definitely didn't leave me with the impression that Dalton stuck with spaghetti westerns forever
>(the best movie of Tarantino's career)
he didn't mention kill bill vol 1 or django unchained
>django unchained
You serious?
Its not even top five lol
His last movie is gonna be shit. He's gonna obsess over it too much and it will be some cringe self indulgent crap.
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One of his most stupid premises for a plot

>Remember Sharon Tate? Remember how she suffered a horrible death from some numbnut cult? Guess what? In my universe she gets saved by my hero and lives!

Literally a fan fiction, kek, his worst movie by far
t. butthurt hippie
How am I a "butthurt" for respecting the memory of a dead woman?

Saying "I saved her, bros" in a fanfic is childish as fuck
She doesn't get saved, they go to Rick's home instead of Polanski. Just say you didn't watch the movie, you little homo
She gets saved by Rick, who killed the cult members, my argument its pretty easy to understand
It's just an extremely comfy buddy flick and Pitts character is literally me
He has performance anxiety after OPPENHEIMER's biggus chungus
Saved how? You're not getting saved if you're not attacked by anything to begin with, you retard.
Why such spiteful hatred for QT on /tv/?
Could it possibly be that he made it from nothing with talent and hard work, and you could've done the same, but instead you play vidya and goon to porn for hours every day?
>Saved how?
By killing the murderes of Sharon Tate

>You're not getting saved if you're not attacked by anything to begin with
You don't know who Sharon Tate was, do you? The people DiCaprio kills are, supposedly, those who killed Sharon Tate IRL, therefore DiCaprio's character is saving Tate of her death

It's not rocket science
Just watched jackie brown and I would say it's his best movie, it's so relaxed and naturalistic compared to his other movies
We're talking about what happened in a movie, not real life. Seek help.
It's only after 2020 that the internets has more hallway monitors telling people to always be worshipful and respectful to those that are richer and more famous than them. Do you even movie discussion?
Kek, that's precisely my point from the very beggining, he makes a fanfic out of a real life tragedy. Next movie he's going to have Rick prevent 9/11
The Tate murders left a mark on folks of impressionable age at the time. It'd be like Oz Perkins making an AU about 9/11 cos his mom was a victim, yet he has mixed feelings about her lying to her sons about Tony Perkins being straight
Does True Romance count as a QT movie?
>The Tate murders left a mark on folks of impressionable age at the time

Tarantino was about 56 years old when he made that movie, he's not of an "impressionable age" anymore. Come on, just accept the fact that he made a fanfic where his childhood waifu lived.
He should make that Star Trek kino ASAP
No, because he didn't direct it. But i'm glad a lot of his script was kept intact. We'll never see another "Sicilians were spawned by niggers." scene in films ever again.
6yo in 1969. The murders were like the 1995 sarin attack in Tokyo, after that people felt less safe + a pall was cast.

Hollywood people got worried perhaps, but someone in Texas or New York was not affected by the Tate case

Come on, man, let's be honest here, ther's even a scene where Bruce Lee gets his ass kicked by Pitt's character. It's pathetic fanfiction
>Sharon Tate is murdered
>rewrite a fairy tale where she lives instead expressly because of the presence of your MCs
Nah, she was saved.
lmao Tarantino is barely an artist, his earlier movies are at least fun but Once Upon a Time is a nothing movie. Of course plebs who idolize Tarantino will claim it’s his best because it’s serious and boring so they think it legitimizes Tarantino as an artist and their own shitty taste. Embarrassing really.
But you don’t get it! It’s a meta-commentary on his own movies and career!
Never because he's a kike worshipping hack who committed to only making 10 movies for some autistic reason and he's never had an original idea in his life so he will never be content with anything as his "final" film.
Yes Cliff is Tarantino’s self-insert which becomes even more obvious when you read the novel.
He got too far up his own ass, he was at his best when making pulpy genre movies without some forced political commentary like in his westerns. He should just do the Star Trek movie.
Bruce Lee wasn't trying to hurt Cliff but Cliff was fully prepared to kill Lee
source: the novel
>Source: The extended fanfic
Yes the fictional event involving a fictional person gets more context in the novel. Congrats anon you followed my post to the very end
>Bruce Lee is fictional
>Sharon Tate is fictional

Shitty fanfic, just accept that fact
>I actually started laughing out loud in the theater (opening night, full crowd) when I saw he was doing that stupid “alternative history that’s VERY VIOLENT GUYZ” again,
that's funny, because the scene you're describing is played for comedy and got laughs anyway, so really you were some hipster faggot laughing along with everyone else while secretly seething
Oh, you're literally retarded. My mistake, carry on.
I feel the same except I just never expect much out of him. He's kinda lame and one note without Roger Avery helping him. Also the Bruce Lee shit was so absurd and lacking awareness. An old stunt double who gets hammered all the time and hasn't done an ounce of exercise is magically slipping punches like he just came out of a 4 month training camp with Cus Damato? That's believable but Lee having the slightest bit of prowess is too far fetched? This is my problem with most of his films. You get the feeling you are just watching coke addled fantasies of a midwit. It's all some argument he had with some random person got made into a scene.
Kek, I know you can do better than this, come on, give me some arguments

Tarantino made a shitty fanfic where his hero (a self insert of him, probably) saves a real person from getting killed and his other character beats Bruce Lee because "he's more badass than him"

"The Movie Critic" was scrapped as Tarantino's 10th and final film for these reasons:

>The script grew so large that Tarantino proposed releasing it in 3 or 4 "volumes" to Sony. Yes, his 10th and final film was poised to span 3 or 4 movies, with Tarantino insisting they should be seen as a single work (much like Kill Bill Vols. 1 and 2). The execs balked.
>The script ballooned as Tarantino drastically strayed from his initial concept ("a Travis Bickle-type assassinates a Movie Brat director in 1977 to prevent the 80s blockbuster wave from killing the 70s New Hollywood"). Guess who this director was.
>It evolved into a saga centered around his fictional Hollywood timeline introduced in Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, with Brad Pitt's Cliff Booth as the protagonist of a "chapter" in which he's become a famed director.
>Using the Movie Critic's reviews as a constant narrative device, Tarantino planned to shoot entire films within this alternate reality, including Cliff Booth's "The Fireman" (starring Leo DiCaprio as Rick Dalton, a fictional 80s Die Hard where Dalton capitalizes on his flamethrower gimmick) and alternative endings to real films like John Flynn's "Rolling Thunder."
>Discussions about adapting it into a mini-series are ongoing. The idea isn't popular.
You don’t even know what you’re arguing for lmao
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>Be Tarantino
>Complain about the "marvelization of Hollywood"
>Proceed to make a shitty movie fanfic about beating Bruce Lee's ass and saving Sharon Tate from getting killed
>Proceed to try to expand your shitty idea into a multiverse capeshit type of thing
>Become what you criticized

Bravo, Tarantino
He might've gotten some of these greenlit if Harvey was still around, he was always Quentin's biggest rabbi in Hollywood
If you don't understand what he means by the "marvelization of Hollywood", you're fucking retarded. Which you don't understand. He's saying Hollywood is all Marvel. Tarantino has always had some connections to all of his movies, are you this fucking retarded? I can't believe people like you exist and you're this dumb.
>"How dare you not suck Tarantino's balls!"

Chill, m8, I'm just stating facts. The problem with marvel is that it's very formulaic and despite trying to come out as "serious", it fails to do so, and guess what? Same applies to Tarantino in his last movie. Sorry, but if someone uses a flame thrower to defeat some cult members that were going to kill an actress (who actually got killed in real life), and if someone is able to throw Bruce Lee to a car and bend the whole door with one hit, then Tarantino, ironically, made a superhero movie.
That scar on his cheek kinda looks like a teardrop tattoo.

>Tarantino made a """Super hero""" movie because, well he just did trust me bro!!!
You're not stating any facts, you stating an opinion. You think he made a super hero fan fic, is Inglourious Basterds a superhero fan fic too? I could state FACTS AND LOGIC to the contrary. You think Marvel is trying to be serious? They haven't been serious for years, their new formula is quips, jokes, and breaking tension with a gag. I don't think you know what you're talking about, but I knew that from this post >>201722721
Is Kill Bill a super hero movie too? I think you are what you criticize because you're using words and language for your own sake to get a point across. You're no better than the leftist faggots that use language as a weapon without understanding what words mean.
>You think he made a super hero fan fic
He did tough, let's compare Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with something like Spider-Man 2:

>Both were once great but had a life crisis
>Both try to come back to what they were but their life situation doesn't let them do so
>Bad guys try to hurt him and a girl
>He defeats the bad guys and the girl is saved

It's a superhero movie, but ironically Spider-Man 2 is better because Peter Parker didn't stop 9/11 from happening despite him being a New Yorker, in fact Raimi had the decency to remove everything related to the twin towers from the movie, Tarantino just took advantage of the murder of a woman to make a shitty fanfic

>is Inglourious Basterds a superhero fan fic too?
>Is Kill Bill a super hero movie too?
My complain has been about his last movie and how he tries to expand it with a novel and the intention of an "expanded universe" shit ala marvel
Being a faggot spammer who watches nothing and hates everything is not "caring about movies". Kill yourself.
No one cares about muh 10 movies. He should get over himself and just make more kinos

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