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So true
>tries to teach a bunch of entitled brats a lesson about responsibility
>suddenly the bad guy
Wonka did nothing wrong
Yup. He warned them several times and they never fucking listened.
I now feel like a Zoomer fuck whining about liminal spaces but Wilder's Wonka was so memorable because he was actually threatening; and there was no fucking reason for him to be that way in a children's movie fantasy about an orphan inheriting a candy factory but he just was anyway. He was the onscreen antagonist of the entire movie. Depp and Chalemet didn't get that. You know who would have quietly nailed the role? JK Simmons
> Depp and Chalemet didn't get that
Or they knew that the book didn’t feature Wonka as some kind of Aesop teaching djinni and so didn’t feel the need to ape that interpretation of him.
Would it have killed him to install some guard rails or put up a rope or something? The entire factory is an OSHA nightmare waiting to happen.
Deppps version gave me the same vibe.
OSHA can get fucked. Wonka can't make chocolate and candy that's affordable enough to feed the world if he spends all his budget fussing over menial shit like safety regulations.
and for that reason, wilder's wonka makes for a better movie.
being true to the source doesn't make it a better film.
I've never been able to sit through all of the Depp one. Every second of it fills me with disgust that builds into a rage. I just can't stand looking at it.
And yet he has an entire tasting room garden with a chocolate river in it despite not ever letting people in the factory. The space should have been dedicated to a more robust production line. The guy is not strapped for cash. His chocolate is the most popular candy in the world and he doesn't have to pay his workers. This is clear by the fact that he has all those extra resources dedicated primarily to R&D.
Depp and Wilder are two different kinds of a threatening performance. Depp is an anti-social nut who pretty much hates all of humanity and would treat it as more of a minor annoyance if a kid got wedged in a taffy puller and pulled apart at the seams. He would then make a joke referencing stretch armstrong or something.

Wilder has no safety regulations on purpose. The entire point was to weed out the competition to find his heir. He wouldn't give two fucks about any of them because they don't follow instructions, are too greedy or gluttonous for their own good, or in Mike's case kinda obnoxious. He's more psychopathic than he is just a weirdo.
>And yet he has an entire tasting room garden with a chocolate river in it despite not ever letting people in the factory.
Oompa Loompas have to eat.
>despite not ever letting people in the factory
except for when he does
I dont blame you.
No, it’s because while they didn’t ape wilder they didn’t follow the book either.
Depp managed to get that Wonka was less malevolent and more uncaring about the children facing the consequences of their actions, but he never portrayed the underlying warmth he had regardless of that.
Regardless of being a flawed Wonka, Wilder was still the best simply because he managed to portray the warmth even as he was fucking with them
Oppah loompas technically aren't human, so he doesn't need to follow any health and safety procedure, let alone pay them.
They're not aliens or clones, anon. They're natives born in a mudhut in some african village.
And the parents watched the whole time while their children were misbehaving. Even Charlie’s deadbeat uncle encouraged theft
he did kill all those kids though
They are actually aliens fleeing the vermicious knids
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I googled it. Oh. You're right. WTF. I remember them saying it in the movie but I thought it was just a bunch of gobbledygook. I forgot about them from the book.
Book > Wilder > Depp
I like that you left out Chalemet. He's a boytoy.
Haven't watched that one.
Do you like the franchise? Do you like having fun? Cool, anon. Don't watch the movie. It's a soulless pink slime movie that tries to be whimsical and captivating with the depth of a rain puddle.

Fucking Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is a more worthwhile spirtual successor than that film.
Didn't the Dahl estate prohibit Hollywood from adapting the crystal elevator book after how much they hated the Wilder version? Would be kino if after the book goes public domain they make an adaptation with old unhinged Chalamet
>Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
is this the one with the mirror demon?
IIRC they were originally African pygmies but I believe Dahl's editor found it too insensitive so they were changed to being more fantastical.
No? It did get bundled with the movie "Mirror Mirror" for some reason. It was a movie about an old man who is 235+ years old who runs a toy store where all the toys are alive because magic.

also weren't they going to make a fucking movie based on the stupid Glasgow experience? What happened with that?

I figured lol. They still look like pygmies.
>They're natives born in a mudhut in some african village.
You didn't disprove his point
One time.
Depp Wonka would have been 100% better if it was a straight sequel and Depp was grown up Charlie instead of Wonka 2.0. It would have been even better if there were new consequence for each kid rather than bad CGI rehashes from the original.
Yeah but to be fair "new" consequences would have mogged the blueberry fetish community to death. For example: In the book it is said that Augustus gets sucked up the pipe and the fat get squeezed out of him until he is as thin as a straw. They didn't do that in the film nor did they have the technology, I think.
Getting a child's corpse mixed into the chocolate makes the candy taste better I guess?
That, but also it worked because actors in the 70s just had more soul and personality. Directors and writers, too.
How would you know? You never ate obese german kid chocolate cake.
>also weren't they going to make a fucking movie based on the stupid Glasgow experience? What happened with that?
I'd imagine that wasn't going to go anywhere. the Glasgow stuff was literally an ai generated script that made no sense so a movie would've been a disaster like the experience was.
Blood, sweat and tears make a cake better

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