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Citizen Kane is subversive propaganda made by a shitlib interventionist masquerading as a filmmaker. It is only considered the "best film ever made" because it's effectively the first movie which hides its ideological conceit from the viewer under the guise of being good storytelling.

You can trace all the degeneracy of the motion picture medium to this film and its shameless endorsement of the New Deal and its insistence that monopoly (i.e. fascism) is inherently bad.

Beyond its messaging, the film's takeaway is disgusting. Scrutiny is foundational to this country, you can't make a cautionary tale about looking too far into things because that's one of the core values America has, is searching for total truth.
Monopolies ARE bad and Citizen Kane's message wasn't and still isn't anything other than self-evident which is why only the dimmest 4chan troll could possibly consider it "shitlib interventionist" propaganda (whatever that means).
I thought the message is that in spite of everything, he was happiest when he was just a poor boy playing outside in the snow with his sled.
Unironically what did he mean by this? I fucking hate election years
"Rosebud" is literally symbolizing the end of the previous paradigm, that you were a kid before but now it's time to grow up and go fight the hecking evil nazis
I feel similarly about Casanova, but its historical significance is much smaller.
Casablanca is unironic predictive programming
>there are people who 1) aren't German and 2) STILL haven't gotten over WW2
>t. Woody Allen
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Are you trying to have fun? Cut that shit out.
you are unironically mentally ill
Wtf is the deal with Midwit retards who think they sound smart by shitting on films from golden era?
The Grand-grand father of chuds
OP here. Disregard that, I suck cocks.
“Rosebud” is just what Hearst called his wife’s asshole.
Casablanca is a pure propaganda film complete with Hogan's Heroes Nazis. Its not a terrible movie but it is absolutely propaganda. For terrible movie/absolute propaganda, I recommend Hitler Lives by Dirty Harry director Don Siegel.
>Our audience is most likely comatosed from boredom right now. Better wake them up with a random loud bird noise.
>Citizen Kane is subversive propaganda made by a shitlib interventionist masquerading as a filmmaker.
Yes, but not for the reasons you think.

Hilariously enough I would say that is actually way more subversive.
I miss world war 2 propaganda films. It's fun to have a unambiguously evil villain get what they deserve.
Ah yes and the triumph of the unambiguously good USSR, GDR and USA. Everything was so unambiguous we had to create a cottage industry convincing the men who fought that they did the right thing well after the war was over. History is a Marvel Movie and we are the good guys.
Wrong, but it's cool to see someone try.
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any director who hates chaplin is okay in my book
>Golden era
Huh, weird how the golden era seems to stop around 1971...
I don't mind Citizen Kane, but 12 Angry Men is the absolute worst in every conceivable way. Worst "classic" by a mile.
/Pol/ niggers out
there are lots of takeaways from this film that are good. charles foster kane is a degenerate who has nothing to show for except for money, an evil man with an empty pleasure palace, who was robbed of his childhood. his childhood innocence and his soul was worth more than every dollar in the world. and kane's journalism style is exactly the lying liberal yellow journalism style. and I don't think you can trace all degeneracy from this film. degeneracy in film exists before citizen kane.
>Lying liberal yellow journalism style
The director is a lying liberal you fucking retard.
yeah i know you nigger that orson welles is a homo liberal. don't tell me you don't see the parallels to liberal journalism when he takes over the enquirer and turns it into bullshit. and when kane runs for office he even has speeches like a liberal who "looks out for the working man and the oppressed"
Then why does the film use fascistic imagery?
It’s not a “cautionary tale about looking too far into things,” it’s a cautionary tale about looking in the wrong places, for reasons that are entirely your own, while discarding the actual meaning behind things.

Which is exactly what OP did
fair enough. i'm willing to say that citizen kane does have ideological conceit baked in to a movie to hide liberal propaganda in storytelling like you were saying, but even though that's orson welles' motivation I can still see things that make liberals looks bad, and I can still pull some good out of the movie. that's all I was saying.
Can you even define liberal?
I agree it's a good film
if I would define a liberal in an absolute way I would go back to the classical liberal enlightenment ideas of rejecting monarchy and separation of church and state, rights, but that would make almost all modern people liberals, wouldn't it.
Agnes Moorehead was a prime MILF throughout 40s.
Take your meds
fellow nose enjoyer
It is more subversive, and is also a staple of left-wing propaganda: don't aim high, don't rage against the machine - you'll be happiest on the farm with no material possessions or power - know your place and love it
So why do banks and corporations want people to live that way too?
unironically a farm is more valuable than material possesions

as land is finite the ownership of land inherently gives you some power
The movie is a criticism of the atomized man. Someone with no past or future, no family, just the present and money. Who’s every relationship/connection is based on money. This person is essentially a permanent child, in a state of permanent teenage rebellion against no one in particular. This is why there was so much initial screaming about the movie, that died down when so few people saw the actual point.
Left-wing propaganda? That’s more like fascist propaganda, chud
>Monopolies ARE bad
The Government is a monopoly that literally writes its own laws.
>monopolies are good.
>I want the millionaires in my country to be more millionaires without any type of state intervention.
>Rich degenerates are part of the American dream.

Kys op.
I don’t know how they do things in your shithole country, but federal laws have to pass through congress and then need to be ratified. It’s disingenuous to call it monopolistic when there’s a system of checks and balances.
Now, if you want to argue corporations have made it a mechanism that is dominated by monopolistic corporations, yes. It is well and truly over.
>I don’t know how they do things in your shithole country, but corporate bylaws have to pass through a board of directors. It’s disingenuous to call it monopolistic when there’s a system of checks and balances.
he is saying government is an unjust monopoly with the exclusive right to use force (and he is correct)
imagine believing the big business vs big government lie that’s been fed to you by… big business and big government.
only exist because it is in the state’s interests for them to exist. it’s literally a legal entity.
If you’re gonna say that, then I suppose any city or town with law enforcement also operates as a monopoly. Follow our laws or we’ll hurt you!
Uh, yeah. That’s how societies work. The only other option is anarchy. And I can’t imagine you’d be happy with people freely stealing your shit, raping you and killing people with the police not doing anything about it. You might as well live in South Sudan at that point. Or Cleveland.
>live in soviet union
>”hey you guys ever notice the government has a monopoly on agriculture, and does a terrible job actually feeding us? maybe we should just grow our own food and let supply and demand set prices and incentivize production.”
>”oh, so you’re saying you want us all to starve? or you at least want everyone but the rich to starve? the government grows our food which means without government we’d have no food!”
this is what you sound like.
Where did this "dishonest filmmaking" meme spring from? It's such a stupid idea. If you knew anything about capturing video on camera, you would know that every good recording is tediously worked over to make the footage look good
Why did Zelensky get elected on a platform promising peace with Russia and the Russian people who live in Ukraine, promising to abide with the decades long Minsk agreements, then do a 180? Dragging a Christian nation into a meat grinder war with a nuclear superpower, shelling the Donbass and supporting acts of savage violence and reprisals against Russian men women and children living in Ukraine, ever since 2014?

Would America tolerate nuclear weapons on the Mexican border and Russian biolabs on the Canadian border? I think they had complaints about the Cuban missile crisis or something.
let me spell it out more clearly for you. libertarians and anarchists who are against the idea of government police, laws, courts, prisons, etc are not in favor of mad max insecurity or anything. they are simply in favor of privatizing all those services. the “people will just freely rape and steal” argument is a very weak strawman and in fact, as you joked about in your own post, is a more accurate description of life under a state.
Corporations originally existed to prevent trusts, to codify large industries into manageable, regulatable entities. It was in the US government’s interests to create this concept because the trusts wielded too much power and were almost in a position to ignore government. Now corporations are citizens with first amendment protections on bribery. A situation that is only in the interests of corporations and their pet politicians.
Dishonest strawmanning. But I’ll ignore that since I actually do want to engage with this idea.
What’s your plan? Abolish the government? I’m dying to know.
Russia was the aggressor bro.
Anon. You do not want your police force seeking profit.
I agree corporations exist because it is beneficial to government power and that they are only “people” under the law, and not in any other sense of the word.
yes. governing a person is a crime.
I didn’t know the posters were in favor of privatization of all of these services. I thought they genuinely just wanted no form of authority. Anyway, go ahead and privatize all these things. Oh, except no corporation would want to spend the coin for any of these services. Lol
ESL moment. Modern corporations wield more power than the trusts they were created to prevent.
you’re thinking too small. or rather too big. if I have a bodyguard, he’s not in charge of me. if I own a bar, the bouncer does what I say, not the other way around.
consensual relationships are not authoritarian by definition.
if you truly think the root of power in America is in the corporate world and not the state, then we are too far apart in our worldviews to have a meaningful discussion.
t. william hearst/rupert murdoch
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wouldn't know. didn't bother finishing it
>ur thinkin 2 big or small
>think about personal bodyguards and bars!

… lmao

You don’t want your police forces to be beholden to the well-being/profit of their employers, as that leaves (you) with no one looking out for your general well-being, unless you can afford it, and unless you can afford more than everyone else.
>except no corporation would want to spend the coin for any of these services
Exactly. If the government as it exists taxes the hell out of citizens and still cut costs wherever they can, the chance of any CEO wanting to properly fund police and schools is about as high as the odds of Kamala Harris winning an election
The root of power in the US is money, and corporations/billionaires no longer have any limit on how much they can bribe politicians to serve their interests.

Your thinking is literally a century out of date.
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I would love to read your analysis of birth of a nation
Unironically i have a lot of sympathy with Charles, he wasn't a bad man, just he didn't find the true happiness despite all the money that he have.
I concede my inability to open your mind. I would just be repeating myself at this point.
government money. US dollars. the entire federal reserve system is practically communist.
>its insistence that monopoly (i.e. fascism) is inherently bad.
Yes, tyrannical governments with a monopoly on violence are bad.
"Liberal" used to have something to do with freedom before commies co-opted it. Orson was an individualist and would've been considered a nazi chud in current day. He's literally Hank Reardon from Atlas Shrugged.
>he wasn't a bad man
Yeah he was. He was a slimy yellow journalist with no principles or ethics who got rich appealing to the lowest possible human impulses.
>ye bu gubment ishue moneh

you’re a moron.
its also a shit movie
Not only does government issue money, print and inflate the money supply, they also set interest rates (the price of borrowing money), which can prop up or cripple any corporation they choose to win or lose. Government also sets the regulations for which new startup companies have to comply. Big multinational corps can afford to comply with any regulation, but they know their startup competition can't afford it, so they lobby for the regulations and cut out their competition. As long as the treasury dept and Federal Reserve are in control of money, any talk of "muh corporate greed" is rendered completely irrelevant. The Fed and its network of zombie too-big-to-fail banks are a criminal occupying force, and the fundamental source of our economic decay.
/tv/ - stupid motherfuckers
Again, you’re a moron. As you characterize government as a monolithic entity in complete control. Rather than hundreds/thousands of individuals, easily corrupted.
> He was a slimy yellow journalist with no principles or ethics who got rich appealing lowest possible human impulses.
Seethe, leftard.

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