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Honorable mention goes to the Meatballs sequels
you're implying the first one was quality?
Compared to fucking "Police Academy: Mission To Moscow?" Yeah, I am.
yeah well, the pg-13 rating and direct to video market really watered down the whole "horny people exist in a location" genre
If only all it took was sex scenes and booba to sell a movie. Sure, that was part of the experience and your expectations when watching Police Academy but they also had good jokes in it and the funny sound effects man. Actually, nevermind. All I remember is the sound effects guy.
They make a 4th Porky's?
The first one was awful. Michael Winslow carried that movie one his back.

Beside 2, Hellraiser has only terrible sequels.
friday the 13th
amityville or hellraiser
Yeah back in 2009. Don't feel bad I didn't know either until last week. It's, uh, not good as you may imagine.
I liked Porky's Revenge, and Porky's 2 had a good message about puritanism and censorship, but this one appeals to no one. It wants to be an American Pie stoner comedy. I don't think it even takes place in the 60s.
Yeah, besides II I never got into it. I commend them for the plots but jfc they were all abysmal. Jason X is a fucking joke.

All of the amityville horror movies are free on those no pay streaming services. They all look like dog ass.
Jason vs Andromeda was great
I just realized they made like 7 Sharknado movies wtf. This is "The Land Before Time" levels of absurd now
"Still looks fake."
i don't get it.
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What's not to get? Corey Feldman is rescueing the meatballs? It's a summer blockbuster smash hit.

Basically it was going to be a generic summer camp movie but they slapped on "Meatballs" so they can bundle it in the DVD and so more people would buy it.

The second one is probably the worst sequel ever and the others aren't much better
Move over, Avengers. There's a new end game in town
home alone
Absolutely Police Academy
>bad but watchable
3, 5
>Overall ranking

I'm shocked no spoof movie maker has ever used this gag.
police academy 1 and 2 are very funny
The third hellraiser isn't good but it's amusing. I mean the video head guy and the cd launcher dude? Also despite the gay scene that's worth skipping the new hellraiser is actually good, and they picked a tranny to play a good role for once, an interdimensional demon that blurs pleasure with extreme pain.
Fuck Home Alone sequels (after 2) are terrible. They are beyond horrendous. They don't even really use the sticky/wet bandits.

Home Alone 2 is a masterpiece
ANYTHING by disney.
Pic of the tranny?
If Police Academy 4 had focused on the new recruits and Zed it would be a beloved classic instead of just the best one.
Duck you
The real answer is the 5 Paranormal Activity movies
Paranormal activity got so many spin-offs I can't even tell what is official or not anymore. It was slightly scary in the first film and then it just downward spiraled.

Surely you aren't a "Mission To Moscow" fan right?
I loved these films as a kid but they really didn't age well
Amusing how they got progressively worse with every movie
The guy in 4 is supposed to be Marv but they used a different actor because the original one declined

I liked 3 as a kid but it's realy not good in retrospect
Scary Movie and Scream
I know it's *supposed* to be Marv but it's like just kinda wrong. Porky's Pee Wee's Playhouse or whatever the fucking title is did a similar thing where they got a random obese old guy to play porky in it.
4 is da best one
Land Before Time
Has some cool stuff in it IMO
>Alladin 5: Jafar May Need New Glasses
14 fucking sequels

The Land Before Time XV: Littlefoot Gets An Ipad

Ngl she's kinda doing it for me. It reminds me of the porn parody version of pinhead from that one website. Porn parodies usually have good costume work.
I only remember the black guy who could make funny sounds
But seriously give it a shot. I liked it besides the short gay scene I mentioned.
Gay how? Like gay sex or just like obvious gay couple?
I remember being uber-hyped by 4 featuring both Highlanders
Define "good" because the first one was watchable. It's no maximum overdrive.
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Believe it or not, Hellraiser Judgement is a genuinely good sequel
this is because the director is a big fan of the films and he even did the makeup, camerawork, and the writing
Sequels to The Scorpion King. All of them.
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post that one scene where the "throne room" is literally someone's living room
The only good part about the scorpion king prequel was them going into the underworld and meeting the demon booba queen
Unfortunately neither of the two Highlander movies based on the series were any good. Basically you just watch the first movie then the tv show and ignore everything else. I've personally never watched The Source but everything I've heard about makes it sound like absolute dogshit that I should avoid at all costs. I'm currently rewatching the series and will probably go through The Raven spinoff but I don't think I'll watch either of those movies ever again
2 and 3 are terrible. Endgame was a shitty story but you get that Donnie Yen fight scene so it's alright.
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Amityville Horror sequels.
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>half of them dont even have wiki pages
>Amityville Gas Chamber
>Amityville Elevator
>Amityville Death Toilet
>Amityville In the Hood
>Amityville Karen
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Wtf happened? I remember the original being really good
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>Amityville Demon Gets IPad
how long until Amityville Skibidi Toilet?
Hellraiser III is worthy of reappraisal, would still watch over 99% of modern horror.
>8 movies in the Mummyverse
>2 and a half are good
Does he count? I remember thinking, as a kid, that the bird was kinda cute in the third movie.
Gay couple kissing in bed. Can't remember if they are doing more than that I kind of tuned out. I'm grossed out by gay shit more than gore.
Thanks I didn't know this one existed. Bad reviews but for stuff like this they are usually wrong.
I only like this movie for the toy car, it's cool AF and was everything I ever wanted as a kid.
The toy city for me where it was a bunch of miniatures like the wild west town.

I'm bi so Idgaf but there's a reason. I heard straight people who see gay porn have the same reaction as seeing a bunch of wiggling maggots or something.
Only the first film is any good.
Kino in fact.
The sequel, on the other hand, was so embarrassingly atrocious (terrible plot, even worse CGI) that I couldn't make it through the entire film, let alone to the rest.
I'm honestly unsure how it was even greenlit.
I suppose the studio saw only dollar signs without bothering to have read the script.
The bigger problem is Steven King pioneered the excruciatingly boring but still totally unexpected plot twist. It makes me wonder how lame his upbringing was to need to relentlessly write bullshit into his work.
Inspector Gadget 2 is kind of good, especially if you liked the original cartoon.
I suppose the Tremors franchise belongs here.
Kino first film.
I'll leave other anons to comment on the rest.
Also, the Starship Trooper sequels were a BAD idea.
Never should've happened.
I watched it and didn't get much enjoyment out of it. Maybe it's just a me thing. I adore the first film and it's one of my favorite cartoon to film adaptions. I love the song too that the chick made for it. GET READY ON NOW CUZ' HERE I COME!

I liked the sequel, don't remember the third, the wild west one was fucking stupid
I don't understand why it's common to dislke this series, they were silly slapstick goofy fun for teens and young adults and they never pretended they were anything else.
I don't dislike them. The academy series has some good movies. They just progressively got less enjoyable as time went on until there was basically none of the original cast and stupider plots.
Nolan should reboot the Police Academy franchise.
If they did they would turn it into a bland slightly safe edgy movie like what they turned CHiPs into.
>seeing a bunch of wiggling maggots
Yeah that's basically what it feels like. I have a gay friend and "normal" ones don't bother me but outright gay shit just does that to me. Doesn't help that they told us until their faces were blue that it "stays in the bedroom" but it's obviously not the case. But anyways, yeah check it out if you like the genre.
The anime was kinda okayish.
Yeah the cgi isn't great but it's still a fun movie, nowhere near the first though, like not even close. The third is kinda cool. Jet li and the cute Asians help.
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It pains me that we almost got a proper sequel series with Kevin Bacon but fucking Syfy passed on the pilot.
And yet they gave this faggotry a season. Mystery Science Theater got cancelled to make this happen. Everyone at Syfy should be ashamed of themselves.

I will. I'm pretty sure all the hellraisers are on tubi or whatever. I like bad movies just to laugh at it like that edgy reboot of Nightmare On Elm Street.
I am ashamed that I have watched this movie all the way through. I remember nothing about it other than I absolutely hated it
I only remember Meatballs 1 and 2. 3 and 4 are basically just white noise in my brain. I think one of them had a jet ski competiton?
That was definitely 4. The whole movie is just a giant pathetic attempt to make Corey Feldmam seem like the really coolest radical dude ever. It was very sad.
He was that at one point. The burbs, the goonies, stand by me. Now he's...Corey Feldman.
Scorpion King was decent for what it was. Mummy 2 had some good stuff in there, like the bus chase, but let itself down with way too much cringe. The hot air balloon and it's pilot were particularly bad. That's why it got a half.
I keep waiting for a Freddy vs Jason vs Jason X comic book.
I want a men in black & ghostbusters crossover
I'm a massive Hellraiser fan but the sequels apart from 2 (which I prefer to 1) are pretty terrible.
I really liked the reboot. They added some genuinely good new stuff, the only real problem was that female protagonist was fucking awful and I wanted her to die.
I liked the new cenobite designs and the new rules of the box.
Keep meaning to watch it again.
Isn't that the point of horror movies? to make the protagonists annoying, obnoxious, or stupid so you don't feel bad when they get their head chopped off or turned into a monster?
Yeah but she was the most unlikeable character in the movie and iirc she survived. Final girls are usually sympathetic characters who make you root for them because they're vulnerable underdogs while the final girl in the reboot was just a massive cunt.
why would mib need the help of independant contractors to catch migrant aliens?
underrated hottie with great tits
lost boys, too. he was super popular there for a good while
tho even lost boys got some pretty shit sequels
2 might be one of the most retarded movies ever made
It would be some sorta alien ghost or eldritch horror that they both end up going to the same call for, crossing streams and blasters, as they fight for control of the situation since it technically is something they both have to deal with.

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