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>Literature is dead
>Movies are dying
>Television is dead
>Gaming is dead
>Music is dying
>Poetry is long dead
>Theater is dead
Is there a kind of art that modern society appreciate? Can a civilization exist with no art that connects the human with the beyond?
I wish you were dead.
Define "dead", because I don't think any of those things are dead.
I would recommend learning a musical instrument or learning to paint or something
kys frogposter
internet memes unironically
>Frogposters are still alive
that's the worst of all
Why should someone do either of things? Seems like a complete waste of time.
Life is kind of like when I played Close To The Edge to my friend and told him it was the best song ever but it all ended up just sounding like aimless noise in that situation. Everything even art turns out to be completely disappointing in the end.
ahah glad im not the only one who did that
Literature is making a comeback.
>I made my personality revolve around consooming now I feel empty
dumb frogposter
>Is there a kind of art that modern society appreciate?
Tbf you need moments like that to remind you art isn't universally perfect
Because you’re finding yourself unable to enjoy other people’s creative outlets, so you should find your own
Guess the IQ of this poster
I’m thinking 85
>Literature is dead
I guarantee you there are great books being written right now. The publishers are just trend chasing nowadays and we'll need years to separate the wheat from the caff
>Movies are dying
Studio slop is dying and that's good
>Television is dead
Television was never alive before Lynch and some others pioneered it as something besides cheap entertainment. You can count the number of amazing pre-90's shows with your hands.
>Gaming is dead
Studio slop is dying and that's good
>Music is dying
Only to those who never cared to search for it
>Poetry is long dead
It exists in a niche way. Some things benefit from that existence, artistic photography being the most obvious example. Not everything needs mass appeal.
>Theater is dead
Same as poetry.
You finally starting to get it, do you? Western civilization is doomed.
>you’re finding yourself unable to enjoy other people’s creative outlets, so you should find your own

That's a good reason, I guess. That's why I've done a lot of writing in the past. It's just the things you mentioned that I thought were a waste of time.
>learn an instrument
>learn to paint
to what end
At least if I write a story, I'm enjoying myself.
he was right bros, art is the only hope
just kill yourself already, joyless cunt. I really doubt anyone will miss you with that temperament.
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>Can a civilization exist with no art that connects the human with the beyond?
Seems so.
**But a good way of coping is to only commune with culture of the pre internet age. Not as some hipster analog fetish or nostalgia trip but to immerse in the life giving angst and joy of mystery and ambiguity.
Furry porn is alive and well
except for theater and maybe poetry, there's more of all those medias being produced now than ever before. Maybe it's slightly harder to pick out the diamonds from all the rough, but that doesn't mean there's fewer gems. Objectively more people consuming art seems to indicate more people are appreciating it than ever before.

he listed poetry.
New tiny hat copypasta just dropped
contemporary art is so good when you don’t got a dumb motherfucker telling you how art sucks.
Artfags are all low IQ
that explains the lynch threads
i miss him so much bros
You just realized that your generation is a talentless parasitic disease.
>posts a frog to top it off
You cancerous trash.
Based and overman-pilled.
It's too late for this anon. He is going under.
>It's too late for this anon. He is going under.

It is too late for me, and that's why I've spent my life on this website. You guys have to go on without me.
Creation is both means and end unto itself.
I was just shitposting, anon. It's never too late.
>It's never too late.

No, it is. It's too late for me because I flipped a switch, and the lever broke. You don't know what my life was like, so go fuck yourself. Some fucking faggot replied two hours after the last post instead of letting the thread die, and now the NPCs are replying to me. Do not reply to this post.
Ironic considering what you're posting yourself. Guy does sound like a fag though.
shitpostin and memes are also dying, they roach their peak in 2010-2017
sciene as an artform is at its peak nowadays, fight me
The totality of this site is perhaps the greatest and most authentically human art ever created. Your participation adds to the richest tapestry and canon to exist, you can't deny the world your posts at this point anon.
>you can't deny the world your posts at this point anon.

What are you talking about? I'll be here when you guys are all gone. Don't worry about me.
I do wish you would deny me your posts, though.
We don't have good anti-gravity skateboards/boots, rayguns, jetpacks, or spaceships, let alone simple things like quality sex robots. We are merely at the dawn of a golden era likely only future generations will see.
That's the spirit anon, I thought you were talking some faggy suicide bullshit.
I said science as an artform. The science of today is really fascinating to observe as it is in its peak of the feels vs reals-battle were we have the rational theorists on one side and the emotional constructionists on the other side.
Even if you are right (you're not), you have centuries of literature and poetry, 100 years of film and TV and 40 years of video games to explore. Enough for a lifetime. So stop being a dooming faggot and enjoy something for once.
this is a good post but you made a typo so get fucked faggot
>Literature is dead
>Movies are dying
>Television is dead
>Gaming is dead
>Music is dying
>Poetry is long dead
>Theater is dead
i just online poker now and watch movies made before 2012, everything has been tainted by wokeness or females
Have you tried making your own content?
Watch livestreams of degenerates huffing air duster and macing homeless people
4chan is at its most depressing when it tries to pretend modern day culture isn't absolute dogshit and that you just suck at searching dimeless niches for 18 years old art students
We're simply living in an era where artistic excellence doesn't matter because you have 10 million tools to do everything for you. Art is born from the suffering of trying to achieve perfection and failing, but nobody tries to achieve perfection because computers will do it for you
Pretty much all that's left is streaming or comedy. We have entertainment not art, but that doesn't stop pockets of light shining through.
>>Gaming is dead
Everyone has a back catalogue that can last you years. This goes for tattoo and video games.

Fuck you auto correct
music is ok, I agree with the rest
>music is ok
Based entirely on my own experiences, I appreciate art more when I'm actively making it as well.
A good song sounds much better when you've spent a couple of hours trying to produce a catchy tune.
A good film is that much more kino when I've spent the last 200+ days, and well over 1000 hours, filming and editing a film of my own.
It also makes me appreciate the stuff that's less good/shit because I can evaluate the stuff that worked well despite everything else and also the effort that it took to get it to this level. If everyone was encouraged to actively produce art, I'm certain society would appreciate all artforms a lot more. I also think ai will help as much as it hurts.
Shit post
>>Music is dying
>Only to those who never cared to search for it
This is especially stupid. What made/makes music so amazing for many people is the community aspect. This is why concerts/raves have always been so popular. The lack of any modern music scene for rebellious teens/young adults is atrocious
>hipster fag whines that he was born in le wrong generation
Go smoke a cigarette and stare longingly out of your window like you're the main character in a Godard film

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