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>no doctor who thread
have i came to late?
homobame killed us
Doctor Who as a show and Doctor Who threads are both dead.
wrong, post /who/ oc to prove him wrong
Never watched Doctor Who. Is it like the Brit version of Kamen Rider? A tokusatsu show only with less action?
bait used to be believeable... bros....
What's baity about that comment? Just sell me on the show. From the outside it looks like a mid to low budget tv show that changes cast and themes every few seasons. I know it uses that regeneration gimmick to preserve some continuity but thought you can see each series as its own thing. Pretty much the same as a Jap toku show thay reinvents itself every year.
you're too far gone for me to have an honest conversation with you, anon
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half of you are NL
Christ, what a shitty Tardis. At least it looks like it's made from concrete rather than wood, so that's a good thing.
This. It's crazy how the female doctor had a massive surge in interest and posting but fell off the earth when it actually started running.
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it's because she was made sexless and acted like a spastic pastiche of 10's and 11's most spastic moments
stale joke
>acted like a spastic pastiche of 10's and 11's most spastic moments
normie plebbit opinion
Those shitty Dr Who knock-off he used to do with that other guy for home-video were comfy af. Absolute 90s easy-going nerd core.
My local rental place had them all. Always a reliable pick to fill out a 7 tapes for 7 days for 7 dollars bundle.
yeah? why's that?
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It's dead, but we still have to suffer through another year until we get the official announcement. So here's a picture of Capaldi's best outfit
>So here's a picture of Capaldi's best outfit
its about an alien who travels around time and space with human companions he picks up along the way and they go on adventures.

the premise is that he can go anywhere in any time, so you're right that it encapsulates a lot of different genres. one episode can be a historical, the next could be a horror, following that could be a character study, next could be about mythical creatures, then following that could be set in the far future.

every few years the doctor is mortally wounded/dies, and regenerates like starfish, only changing his entire body, allowing for new stories to be told with a different cast/production team, whilst maintaining continuity. the doctor has even been a woman, despite being exclusively a white man for 50+ years prior. the current incarnation of the doctor is a gay black man.

despite this, the show is incredibly formulaic and has lost many fans over the years due to the writers being hell bent on ideology and largely incompetent.

there is a major rumour that it is being cancelled soon.
Why another year? That leak hinted that they are refusing to commission a third RTD series and Ncuti regenerates at the end of the next one.

That "leak" was just some bullshit tabloid speculation, the BBC just published their annual review and Doctor Who is the thing they're highlighting as being a huge success and bringing in money for them again. This shit isn't ending before 2030.
I like his burgundy velvet coat from Heaven Sent too, and that sort of frayed grey coat he wore in the last part of the Monks trilogy
Nobody wanted a female Dr come on now just like even less wanted a zesty black one
>Why another year?
Because they aren't gonna announce a cancellation when they have another season incoming, because then even less people will watch it
>there is a major rumour that it is being cancelled soon
Why would they do that, is it very expensive to produce? Unless that's the case I see no reason, given that it's one of the very few remaining staples of British pop culture. What else do they have, James Bond?
Its one of the BBCs most expensive shows and they nearly cancelled it a few years back (during the female Doctor Who's run). It was only saved because the original reboot showrunner (Russell T Davis) and David Tennant came back. The latest series is a BBC and Disney co-production, so it's unlikely that the BBC would continue it if Disney pull out (the deal is only for two seasons so far).
Today people are only interested in abnormals, poofters, niggers, pakis and trannies.
Normal humans, especially White ones, are excluded.
The BBC is now run by Jimmy Saviles and pakis who should be in jail for raping little girls and 'people' they employed because they met them at the last gang-rape they attended.
>muh Capaldi best doctor
you need to go back.
kys troonant toddler
>an alien
>character study
only in NuWho
>regenerates like starfish
>regeneration also allows to change the production team
only in NuWho
>whilst maintaining continuity
except when they don't care, which is very often in NuWho.
>the show is incredibly formulaic
much less so in NuWho, hence many of the problems.
troons absolutely adore Capaldi because they wish to be Clara and be the most important "girl" in the universe which is always right even when she's wrong (and fucks black men).
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WTF actually happened? i refuse to believe chibnell was THAT shit of a show runner, even before the big fuck that was the last 4 episodes with everything before that being the most boring shit to ever air on who.
he mustve been restrained from the very start or something
cut your dick because DT said so
>they wish to be Clara and be the most important "girl" in the universe
Nigga that storyline was during Matt Smiths run. Clara was a bossy control freak who got herself killed like a retard during Capaldi's run. The HRT must be fucking with your memory
>i refuse to believe chibnell was THAT shit of a show runner
Series 11 was probably the worst in all of NuWho, and completely inconsequential.
Chibs actually did get better at writing normal stories as his run progressed but he panicked and started writing the big consequential fugitive doctor/timeless child plot which just kind of sucked, and that dominated the rest of Jodie's run. His Master also sucked.
Chibnall was pretty good at writing companions and his Dalek stories were decent. Other than that he was largely a failure.
the ratings were already very low since series 9. Capaldi made casual viewers (most of which are female) realise the only thing they wanted to see was an attractive young Doctor acting as pretend boyfriend with his self-insert female companion. even when Moffat backpedaled and turned Capaldi into a gigasimp in S9, and also brought back mystery boxes to generate hype, viewers didn't come back. the show was already effectively dead for them. Capaldi also had a leap year which certainly didn't help. the female Doctor announcement attracted millions of casuals that hadn't watched since 5 years. half of them stayed for half the season, but they soon remembered what they actually liked with the show and that a female Doctor could never provide it, so they left. by the end of the season the series was back to its pre-Capaldi ratings, with a little bit less.
the problem is that fans expect NuWho to have Classic longevity, but NuWho's format simply doesn't allow the ratings to go back up as in Classic which was an anthology show. NuWho was designed as a standard serialised show so it has a standard longevity and standard ratings decline over time like any other serialised show. the best publicity stunts like female Doctor or Tennant's return can do is give a ratings surge of 6 months at best.
>got herself killed like a retard
"killed" implies she stays dead, retard-kun. rewatch S9.
>back to its pre-Capaldi ratings
*end-of-Capaldi ratings
best thing about him was his solo adventures
She does stay dead and she died because she was trying to be the Doctor like a retard. She always has to return to the point of her death to unfuck the Web of Time. It's up to you and your own headcanon, as to how many stops/adventures she and the GOT goblin had before she returned to her death. But realistically, she couldn't have had many adventures post Hell Bent, because Big Finish hasn't made a boxset about them
>because Big Finish hasn't made a boxset about them
only because they can't afford Maisie Williams and haven't found a suitable impersonator (yet).
Clala and Me will absolutely find some way to cheat the raven. Hell, they could do it with the space oil from the very next series.
Maybe they need to scale down the budget and make smaller stories, then. What bloats it out, the Vfx or the casting?
The BBC doesn't have a big budget to begin with. All the previous showrunners complained about not having enough money. But Disney has apparently spent at least $1 Million per episode (plus advertising pre season). The BBC is basically just the rights holder now, so if Disney decides not to reup the deal then it'll either go back to The BBCs small budget or go back on hiatus
Historically the show hasn't actually paid the stars all that much. The VFX and general scope of the production are most of the budget.

Not sure how much it plays into the cost aspect (although it definitely does at least a little) but the wildly inconsistent production schedules of NuWho in the past decade or so have caused a lot of trouble for the show, especially with audience retention. With the new Disney deal Rusty is doing 8-episode seasons plus one special per year so that production and airing schedules can be more consistent. We'll see if that helps.
>But Disney has apparently spent at least $1 Million per episode
the budget around 2010 was over a million pounds
streaming tv series budgets are retarded so, they probably spent more than 5 millies per episode

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