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> If Kennedy is not assassinated, the future will be apocalyptic

What did King mean by this?
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Sarah Gadon Spam

Youre a racist chud like Kennedy if you think we shouldnt enable a secret Israeli nuclear program.
Kennedy was only glorified because he was assassinated. He gets praised for his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, but really, the crisis was his fault because Castro saw he was a spineless, inexperienced, thin-skinned faggot that just wanted the fame of being president and didn't care about actually leading. If Kennedy wasn't assassinated, there's a very real chance he would have antagonized the cold war into actual WWIII.
>"if Kennedy doesn't die, Israel won't strong"

As expected from a script made by a jew and a good goy white boomer.
How come LBJ didn't?
>gumming-off Bio-Papa Trudeau like an absolute queer
I bet you even have a Che poster or t-shirt, you ridiculous simp.

inb4 "I do, but it's ironic!"
The guy in the Press hat (the bum) keeps warning him that the bigger the change the more the timeline "rots" or disintegrates.

They weren't fucked from nuclear radiation, but from rotting time radiation.
My grandfather and his friends celebrated the death of Kennedy because he was soft on commies.
that you shouldn't fuck with timelines
Castro was a patsy bitch who just did what his boss Khrushchev said.
ive just been playing CoD Cold War and had to input that date on a padlock, i didnt know JFKs kill date otherwise and this is the first thing i see on here. thats a bit mad ngl
It’s right there in the tagline. Fucking with the past messes up the fabric of the world. He saves Kennedy and the darkest possible future ensues, forcing him to go back and set things right. The last fights back.
Genuinely what the fuck are you talking about?
>Kennedy is a spineless faggot who was soft on commies
>but would also somehow antagonize the soviets and start WW3
which one is it, schizo? it cant be both
>I’m gunna write about who really killed Kennedy
>Umm conspiracies are bullshit the official narrative is true, trust the government
>I guess I’ll distract you with a love story
>Ooga booga time travel hard no takebacks, no reveals, no changes
Haha it was about the ride right Stephen? Kinda sorta made you forget what it wad supposed to be about.
It absolutely can be both, you false dichotomy tard. He was soft and would let them do things, but he had a chip on his shoulder and wouldn't back down when actually antagonized or personally insulted. Basically appeasement with Germany. People call that a 'fire and ice' personality.
are you implying that keeping the gold standard instead of fiat would NOT be apocalyptic? how the fuck is our society supposed to work when we can't print money to bail out banks and pay for life-saving vaccines???
how come he didnt go full schizo when the berlin wall was built? or the bay of pigs? cuban missile crisis?
sounds like a whole lot of conjecture for a guy who was shot during his first term, not even 3 years in office. nobody knows what his presidency wouldve looked like after 8 years.
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>a racist chud like Kennedy
Shit adaptation
>how come he didnt go full schizo when the berlin wall was built?
Not a direct attack on him or America

>bay of pigs
That was him going psycho but getting his shit pushed in due to his inexperience and retardation, and directly led to the talks and the
>cuban missile crisis?
I think we have Khrushchev more to thank for this than Kennedy or Castro, like the other anon mentioned. Khrushchev legitimately believed that Kennedy was willing to launch the nukes because Kennedy's a retarded, shortsighted faggot. Khrushchev wasn't willing at the time and was just using Cuba as a bargaining chip, but Kennedy went full steam ahead believing it was the start of a nuclear war. Given more time, Khrushchev would have either called Kennedy's bluff (but Kennedy wasn't bluffing) or he would have pushed Kennedy too far and Kennedy would have happily pushed the button. I whole-heartedly believe that JFK is the only president we've had since nukes were invented that would have gleefully made a first strike. Hillary would fall under this category too if she got elected.

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