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This was one of the most underwhelming and disappointing endings I've ever seen
Voyager was lame and disappointing altogether
All of it sucked
Better than nutrek
Not like they had much to work with. The premise was retardedly underwhelming from the get go. Start Trek spends decades building up interesting species and the politics surrounding them then throws all that out the window for a show about a ship that will never make it home. I'm sure it sounded great in the planning session but what a disaster. Them heading out to colonize or explore would have been a better premise.
the doctor, tuvok, and janeway were great. tom was gay, harry was gay, belanna was dogshit.
seven was hot as fuck. lots of cool guest stars and had some genuinely good moments.
to write it all off as bad is some dumb fuckery. dumb and lazy.
The most disappointment is that they never incorporated the anti-borg future tech Janeway brought from the future into starships. You mean to tell me the Federation just passed up on it?
and somehow still better than ds9 by a mile.
I think seasons 1&2 are rougher than the ending. Kazon shit up the yin yang
It's a Neelix episode
Wouldn't the Prime Directive compel them to destroy it and wipe their database?
What Star Trek show ever had a good ending?
DS9 had the whole fire demon cave bullshit, that was funny bad at best.
NextGen didn't even have an ending, they just played cards.
they considered themselves forced to do it because of how poorly received Quantum Leap's ending was. The original ending was for Voyager to be sent back to the Delta quadrant
>Our plucky cook died for 18 hours, came back to life, lost his faith and tried to kill himself again.
Hilarious shit.
Next Gen had All Good Things, probably the best finale of any trek show
Thank god they saw reason around season 3-4.
They replaced the annoying jailbait Elf girl with Big Booby Borg and gave Neelix way less screen time.
The Enterprise finale was even worse
I agree the ending sucked and made no sense.
And then they ruined it with the shitty movies.
What would a Voyager movie have been like?
The movies are irrelevant to the show. Separate types of media. That'd be like me saying they ruined a show because of a book spinoff or what happened in a video game
What baffled me is that the episode previous to the finale was just a regular episode. They were still a gazillion light years away and suddenly they come back to Earth. Was it the they didn't get renewed suddenly? Otherwise why didn't they plan it out to have the shop gradually get closer and closer?
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Watch Babylon 5, you'll feel a lot better. It has a great ending.
wtf was so bad about the ending? They make it back with borg trans warp fuckery right? big whoop, of course they're gonna make it back at the end. Wait fuck I'm just remembering there was some time travel Janeway shit too.
B5's pacing sucked. Season 3 felt like it should have been the climax, season 4 was good but it should have been placed before 3 and 5 is just meandering bullshit. They also had that episode that ruins the entire series by showignt hat in the future evil space chuds take over the earth government and get nuked back to the stone age so nothing that happened in the series mattered.

Londo and G'Kar were the only truly great characters and had the only arc that wrapped up well.
Sorry you feel that way.
That's not DS9
Future Janeway just tells the Temporal Prime Directive to stuff it, goes back in time and changes the future, getting herself killed along the process to tie the bow more neatly since there'd be two of her otherwise.
Which, to be fair, sounds perfectly in character for Janeway.
Not nearly as bad as the fire caves Dukat (He's Satan. Get it?!?!?) and Sisko (The Messiah) abandoning his newborn child. At least Voyager didn't actively assassinate its characters.
They had to because incel chuds were not getting the message that Dukat (literally hitler) was trying to do a holohoax two electric boogaloo.
Season 7 fuckign SUCKED!
They knew it was over, I think they were stalling as long a possible and procrastinated. Understandable when you have a blank white board in the room for probably 2 years that just says "Finale: How do we get them home?" and every single idea that gets written down is going to be hated by fans no matter how good it is.
They just wanted to maximize the trek instead of getting caught up in serialization slop like dsN
It's been a long time since I've watched VOY but I seen to recall regularly the result of an adventure would be "the anomaly shaved 5 years off the journey back to the alpha quadrant"
Voyager is PEAK comfy but I agree with OP that the ending sucks. Also too much borg stuff but the rest is like a warm blanket.
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>neelix had the grimdarkest and most redpilled episodes
What in the world did they mean by this
Just a guy with ptss trying to get by and holding back the darkness by being the clown.
Neelix is Pagliacci
Pfffffffffff lmao
Neelix is Canio you mean. Pagliacci means clows (plural).
Being a contrarian on 4chan is boring. That's just the normalfag default response here. Try using your words and voice an original opinion.
Agreed and better than Enterprise as well. Still, I tire of the overreliance on holodeck plots, and the doctor discovering his "humanity" episodes.
not that many will get your reference but when you try, do it right. Oh and I meant "clowns" obviously. Typo on my part. Have a nice day based Pagliacci enjoyer.
> not that many will get your reference but when you try, do it right.
t. embarrassed newfriend
By that point they had established communication with the federation and had a whole institute with former megamind Barclay at the helm trying to figure a way for them to get back, never mind the half dozen or so shortcuts they'd taken along the way that shaved decades off their journey. The penultimate episode being a regular episode is actually quite fitting considering how Janeway never seemed to have a sense of urgency throughout the series. I guess it's because she was a scientist that the return home seemed to take a back seat to cataloguing interesting phenomena, because Voyager constantly diverted course.
it's alright buddy. you did your best. but how about that neelix fellow, what a guy huh?
I could never get the disconnect between the premise and what we saw on the screen out of my head. Oh, you're a billion miles away from civilization with no hope of resupply? Great, maybe you shouldn't use a full fucking spread of photon torpedoes twice an episode and then complain about how you're running low on photon torpedoes? Call me autistic for it all you want, but if you don't want autistic fans, maybe make literally anything other than Star Trek.
Do people honestly not like Neelix? He's one of my favorite characters in all of Trek - just a jaded guy trying his best in a crazy galaxy.
Haha retard
Get cultured before it is too late and everybody laughs at you for being stupid. In fact, I think they made Star Trek Discovery just for you.
Damn right you’re autistic seeing as you spam the same lazy shitposts for years on end
lmao this redditor having a meltie because he got exposed for not knowing a basic meme
It's not a shitpost, it's a genuine criticism about a fundamental flaw with the premise.
The fundamental flaw with your shitpost’s premise is that it requires zero knowledge of Star Trek and Voyager. You have to believe that not only can’t they create more but also that the show never addresses it. Oh no! Now you’re going to run through your canned autistic shitposts again you ds9 tranny who uses a screenname based on bashir
You tried to be smart but said something stupid. Now you are crying because that anon pointed it out to you. Now who's having the meltdown exactly?
>you tried to be smart by saying a meme everyone here knows
The redditor’s insecurity is leaking out lmfao
>its a meme its a meme
everybody here knows it isn't you fucking zoomie child.
Reddit melty alert! Reddit melty alert! Wee woo wee woo
>Searching for posts that contain ‘Pagliacci’. Returning only first 1000 of 1415 results found.
touristbros…how did they sniff us out….
Screenshot or it didn't happen. Also pagliacci out of context can be used literally everywhere. Especially when talking about clown world (popular topic) by italians. Your low IQ is on display anon.
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>Target the orphanage.
>redditor doesn’t know about the archive either
Wee woo wee woo
To educate you, which the other anon doesn't seem to be doing but here goes:

Pagliacci (Clowns) is the name of the opera
Canio is the heart broken character who has to put on his costume and be the silly clown. He's the one who sings the famous aria "Vesti la giubba"

t. actual italian
>be 70 years from home
>nothing will make the trip shorter
frankly no sense of urgency was ever required
>doesn’t know the meme
>has a melty when exposed
t. retard from reddit
This isn't reddit; you don't have to save face by trying to dig yourself back out of the hole you're in, because we're all anonymous here. Just stop acting retarded and no one will be able to tie your future posts back to this retarded string of newfaggotry.

Here's the aria. You may have never heard it before so try to listen to it. This is Canio the famous "crying clown".
But he heckin googlerino’d it and now he’s going to drop wiki copypastas on us evil channerz
And here's the wiki page where you can read all about the opera

yes look for both of (you)
Here's the thing, you're right but on 4chan being right doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is who scores the last epic zinger.
>Show establishes a setting
>Immediately disregards that setting
>Removes a source of drama
>This isn't a flaw according to you
that little douche is flaring his nostrils and furiously typing le edgy "zinges" but he still learned something today and that greatly amuses me.
I keep telling you people that if you don't watch Voyager for the journey you'll be very disappointed when it comes to the destination. Believe me, I watched Voyager when it was first airing and that last episode pissed me the fuck off more than anything else Trek. Until 2009 anyway. And shit, even as mediocre as Voyager was in 1995 it's 11/10 compared to the bullshit the make now.
TNG's ending is the goat final episode. DS9's final episode wasn't as good but still great despite the fucking fire cave shit.
t. seething redditor sticking out like a sore thumb
The writer of this episode was the original showrunner of 'Discovery', but he quit when the corporate notes starting getting out of control.

kek he's actually defending you in a way so I don't know why your going at him now. lovely display though. keep it going, child.
This is why memes are important. They instantly filter tourists.
B5 was great despite the MASSIVE fuck-ups with pacing as the other anon said but it's not better than Star Trek.
>memes are important
jesus how old are you
The filter is on the wrong side, though. That's why he's just circling around and around the thread.
>TNG movies
Man, Star Trek fanfic is pretty shitty
yeah like a vulture pecking at zoomies that take t he bait
In the pilot (I believe it was the pilot) Chakotay specifically says they have no way to get more torpedoes. Which always felt weird but I guess I they could handwave it as some weird non-replicatable part prevents it. However, they just fire torpedoes with abandon and lose shuttles every 3 episodes.
What an insane reddit melty to witness. I love the part where he started trying to use wikipedia links to defend himself. This is why newfags should lurk.
Well it certainly is in your right to have that opinion. However that strays far off topic since we were discussing show endings not the entire show.
Even though we have multiple people hating on the show neither of you has said anything bad about the ending which confirms that it was so good even haters can't find a flaw.
The ending of B5 was probably worse than Voyager's. Happy now?
No it wasnt
Look here's some information on Leoncavallo

He wrote Pagliacci.
>t. actual italian
ayo why is it discouraged to have onions and garlic in the same sauce
Make me an italian meltie
Here you go redditor
Fucking dumbass redditor having a melty over not getting the meme LMAO
You're right it wasn't but on the whole B5 is really just disappointing. Mainly due to awful pacing for the first 3 seasons but also due to being cancelled and rescued at the last second.
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You should try it and find out for yourself. I promise you won't regret it.
This nigga melting like a volcano godamn
The DS9 finale is the worst kind of fever dream
>Neelix is Pagliacci
That's not a fucking meme. That's a dumb mistake because you have no idea what you are talking about.
>Alexander, it's time for your mudbath.
lel you are so retarded but you think you’re right, I love that sort of irony
All Good Things is one of the best finales of all time
I thought it dragged out too much, Babylon 5's. The last like five episodes are just characters looking at each other with tears in their eyes and being sentimental like it's a soap opera. Voyager's gets in and gets out, and everything up to that point of the season is the usual planet-of-the-week fare, which is what I'm there to see.
It really wasn't, the rest of season 7 was so awful it made that particular mediocre episode look great
I was there. In The Beginning. With that stupid gook first officer. I've seen Babylon 5. I just rewatched it for probably the 10th time. My wife had never seen it so we watched it together and holy shit. It gets worse each watch through because I know how it falls apart. I don't think I'm going to watch it again for a long, long time. Maybe when I feel like I'm getting to the end of my life.
This meltdown is epic I hope someone is taking screenshots. Put me in it. Anyway, the meme is kind of stupid too because you can't BE pagliacci. That's another sad example of american education. So the melting idiot has a point.
A melty for the ages. Like Vesuvius
I actually can’t even remember what happened in that episode aside from the very last scene.
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Tom Paris fingerbanged Sarah Silverman in the back of a souped up '73 Pagliacci
And yes, I know the pilot is called The Gathering.
Ahaha you’re still trying you stupid fucking redditor
>his melty is so embarrassing he's trying to damage control by samefagging

Anon just STOP already!
Well you sure a unique person. I would be hard pressed to find many people in the world who would consume hundreds of hours of content repeatedly that they dislike more each time they do it. I bet you would be fun to have drinks with, I like meeting people who see the world through a different lens.
haha no I am another anon! really put me in the screenshot. But he's right you know but damn what a meltdown. like a volcano am I right? wew wouldn't want to be in his shoes. eventhough he's absolutely right but damn what a moron kek.
How do you do, fellow 4channers?
anon you can't fool us. You may have been right but that doesn't seem to stop you from melting. We all know pagliacci is the plural word for clowns and shouldn't be used for a singular person even in jokes or memes but damn they way you make your case is just pathetic and lame. stop it. this is a star trek thread and we want to talk about our favorite star trek show voyager with neelix who is like Canio and NOT like plagliacci as you already said but lets not dwell on that.
You're literally punching air right now, so godamn mad about being exposed as a redditor lmao
I’m a stupid a facking a reddit a poster

t. real italian
Give up Canio. We see through your tears.
Look faggot, it's that the idea of B5, the pieces of the show, are better than the actual product. I love it, but it has some deep, deep flaws.
Treks about emotionally unstable Italians having a melty?
haha! kek! GOT HIM! that will shut him up I hope.
You're literally pretending to be someone else to defend yourself. It's pathetic dog touch grass
So guys, I was watching voyager the other day and I couldn't help but notice that Neelix shares many themes with Canio from Pagliacci. What do you guys think?
How’s my nuts taste bitch
>puts pineapple on pizza
Ohhh yeah
>My whole civilisation is dead!
>...Nothing to do but cook dreadful food and bang my child slave bride!
My dad said about Voyager in 1999
>you know none of this shit matters at all
>it's a completely fake
>it's not a journey at all
>they're just going to putz around until they're cancelled and then they'll magically get a 'go home free' square like it's chutes and ladders

He was right. None of voyager feels like a journey with a beginning or a middle or an end. There's no 3 act play for their overall series. The alien's of the day get a makeup change and nothing about the show overall evolves.
Bashirfaggot your dad left you before 1999

Here lies the memory of a post
Which tried to shine but failed the most.
With earnest hope, it sought the fame,
Yet left us all with secondhand shame.

It entered our feeds on a Tuesday noon,
No humor, no wit, not a single tune.
A bland attempt to catch the eye,
But all it did was make us sigh.

In the vast expanse of the digital sea,
It drowned in mediocrity.
No likes, no shares, no comment thread,
Just awkward silence, like words unsaid.

We scrolled right past, with furrowed brows,
Hoping for content to lift our drowse.
But this post, oh, it lacked the spark,
A flickering ember in the endless dark.

Yet, let us not be too severe,
For once we too have posted drear.
Remember this, dear passerby,
It's not the end when posts go awry.

So here we lay this post to rest,
A symbol of effort, if not the best.
May it remind us to strive for more,
To bring joy and laughter, not a chore.

Rest in peace, O post so tame,
Forever known as "extremely lame."

And let us recall in times like these,
Pagliacci is the plural form for clowns with ease.
Canio is the character often misnamed,
A fact like this brings solace, unclaimed.
>it's a completely fake
No shit LMAO, its a tv show; your dad was kinda dumb
what a shit thread
He is Italian after all. I wonder if his endless rage is also powered by pasta/antipasto reactions
imagine getting filtered by a meme that’s not even exclusive to 4chan
I swear if you break the spaghetti I'll come to your home and cook pasta for you.
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Sure bro, look I wasn't trying to disrespect you. In fact it was the opposite. Few people have the willpower to consume over one thousand hours of content repeatedly that gets worse every time. Your dedication is pretty cool, I consider myself a massive b5 fan and I'm pretty sure I have only watched it 6 times max. You have me beat and that's quite an accomplishment. You also mentioned that you are married so you have been successful at life too. I'm glad there are good people in this place who have it together. Thanks for being an inspiration to the rest of us.
>has a melty
>t. retard from reddit
cool you faggots announce yourselves now? that's neat.
t. retard from reddit
>Preemptive Strike
>Lower Decks
>Thine Own Self
>The Pegasus
There are more good episodes in season 7 of TNG than the first three years of DS9 and all of NuTrek combined
>if you break the spaghetti
What kind of monster do you think I am? Gul Darheel? Crell Moset?
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>t. retard from reddit
are you "having a melty" little redditurd? cry moar
>Gul Pes'to
You're right but I don't really consider that a flaw. Star Trek has never had a "plot". It has always been just random episode of the week events with the loosest strings of a story scattered about. DS9 being the only exception and that again just barely counts. If normal star trek has 1/10 plot ds9 has a 3/10.
I would never have gone into voyager expecting anything else but what we got. If you want a show with a plot you need to look elsewhere.
TNG was the only Star Trek series that even had a decent final episode/lead up. Don't know if it's just a case of the rest get told to wrap-it-up without enough time to plan ahead a couple seasons. DS9's last season arc was a complete trainwreck, but I couldn't look away.
kek epic
It's the most inconsistent star trek. You have amazing episodes and terrible episodes throughout every season.
Powered by Pasta/Antipasto reactions
Name a single star trek that doesn't have this.
I genuinely thought you were talking about DS9
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that's fucking stupid
Man you must HATE the other series then.
TNG's Theranos episode was pretty weird.
Interesting TED Talk, though
I want an episode that's just Tom working on his car at night with crickets chirping in the background.
What did he mean by this?
t. italian melt
the fuck does that even mean. these trek threads get dumber and dumber.
All Good Things is great. A classic time travel story that gives them an opportunity to reflect on how the cast/characters changed over the years, gives us a glimpse of (a) future, and lets the team go out on a high note. The story doesn't have to end on an epic battle.
I honestly think the whole crew and writers were so checked out of filming by season 7, and that's why we got that dog shit ending. I don't know the official reason, maybe they thought they were getting a movie, though I'm not sure there's enough plot left on the bone for that. It would have been nice to see the crew celebrating, but then again one of the worst parts of Voy is the crew outside the main cast felt so small and unrecognizable. About half way through season 2, I realized these bait "we're gonna get home faster" episodes were starting to really ruin the show. Interesting idea for a trek show, lost in a unexplored quadrant, but it may have done better now when you can do more things with CGI. Too many lazy aliens designs is another thing. Voyager was just everyone showing up to work and giving passable effort.
Truly, Neelix is presented to us, the audience, as a character who diligently works to comfort and amuse those around him, while ironically suffering from deep and crippling fears and doubts about his own worth and his place in the universe. It reminds me of a page from the Watchmen comic, where the pirate lashes the corpses of his fellow men together to form a gristly raft, which is then devoured by sharks after he is already well at sea.
>trek threads get dumber each time you’re in one
Thats what happens when Kurtzman fans enter the scene. Also, it is summer anon.
fucking summerfags. I just want my comfy trek threads lads.
>TNG was the only Trek to get a decent final episode
Anon, are you implying the episode where Kirk turned into a crazy redhead chick and Bones flirted with her wasn't a perfect summation and ending?
Summer is a good season for funghilli.
>Leah Brahms
yes please
You know damn well what I meant. They all fall flat. Voyager was at least a little climactic with the final arc and ramping up the stakes.
What did you mean by that?
TNG's finale is a bit overrated. It's really just a weaker mashup of The Inner Light and Tapestry. What makes the TNG finale so memorable is literally just the final scene which is deserving of all of its praise but really the rest of the episode isn't anything great.
Star Trek is bad at endings. DS9 was apotheosis + cheesy montage. ENT could have been great but was ruined by fat riker.
That corny ass montage was worse than anything in the ENT finale
Year of hell was kino

>prepare for temporal incursion, dumbass
OK but the episode that is the hologram doctor denying the holocaust was kino
I think the doctor was just confused because they don't have wooden doors in the 24th century.
The time-jumping back to the start of the series is a great way to bookend the series, just like Q putting humanity on trial. Also, by "final scene" do you mean the poker game, or "see you... out there"?
Temporal Affairs showed up and told them it’s fine they got home, but they’re taking all the fancy toys.
All Good Things had the same problem as Voyager, which is to say they shat out their epilogue first and then erased it from happening. Past that, it WAS a nice chance for everyone to act through three different eras.
Most of the audience is autists and can’t appreciate extroverts. It doesn’t help they didn’t run too hard with him being a flim flam man looking to rip them off at the first opportunity only to end up drinking the post-scarcity koolaid.
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neelix was too based for star trek
The thing is Voyager isn't TNG or TOS but it ends up devolving into a bad version of those shows instead of being its own thing.
The actual gimmick of a long journey home is totally squandered, in both the general sense of the setting's creative freedom and characters having to coexist together long term a long way from home.
Everything that Voyager should have actually been is in nuBSG. Not that that show is perfect by any means. But it understood what the wagon train to the stars was better than Voyager did, ironic since those are Gene's words.
The first three seasons was fine, it only went to shit when they brought in Jeri Ryan and turned it into the tits and ass show also starring Capt. Janeway and the Doctor
I watched Voyager for Seven of Nine scenes and skipped through the rest so I did not even know how it ends. Same with BSG and Caprica Six.
See, you're right - Voyager absolutely DID squander the "Long journey far from home with no resupply", "Mixed Starfleet and Marquis crews may not trust each other", "Weird section of space full of unknowns" stuff.

...But, the thing is: the episodes where they do lean into that, generally kind of suck.

When I think of fun Voyager episodes, I really do just remember dumb space adventure episodes that would have been ruined by that stuff.

Sometimes things are jettisoned for a reason: they just weren't actually very interesting in practice
I think you should put on a trip so everyone can see that it's you making these inane posts.
This, but the exact opposite
>Sometimes things are jettisoned for a reason: they just weren't actually very interesting in practice
But BSG proved that it was interesting. There is nothing wrong with admitting that voyager squandered the original concept and just became TNGlite. It's still decent for what it was just nowhere near what it could have been.
...You skipped all the BSG scenes that don't have Seven of Nine in them?

That's an efficient, if brief, watch through.
Oh dear.
It can be traumatizing to find out people like different things. But I'm sure you'll pull through, I have faith in you bro.
I can only contend that anyone that likes Neelix is trolling, right? He's like someone put a fucking teletubby hobbit into a star trek show. Every time I hear his annoying gay cartoon character voice I wanna punch my tv
Try to imagine gritty, grimdark BSG Voyager...

It's kind of shit, though, isn't it?

Do you really wish Voyager had been less light and fun, and more wannabe edgy?
No I'm just saying that that concept can be done and it be good. I'm not saying the cast of voyager could pull it off.
It still would have been better if they had at least pretended to give a shit about their situation instead of just magically being able to produce whatever resource they needed.
I mean, they did PRETEND to give a shit.
There are multiple episodes where they are short of supplies and have to go on the adventure of the week to get something, it's just not emphasised much.

Though, considering that canonically the replicators can be supplied with matter via the Bussard collectors, it makes sense that they don't run out of stuff that often.
Hence the origin of "There's Coffee in that Nebula"
Voyagers writers being unable to make their initial premise interesting and abandoning it is all the proof necessary to make the case Voyager is the worst written real Star Trek series (unless you consider the animated series real Star Trek in which case Voyager is the second worst).
I don't know what you are referring to. There are only 5 canon star trek shows. The original, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT.
Fair enough, Voyager is the worst written canon Star Trek show.
Though I'm not fond of the animated series it still feels bad to leave it in the same category as nutrek.
>TOS - Initial Concept: Fun Space Adventure Bullshit
>TNG - Initial Concept: Fun Space Adventure Bullshit
>DS9 - Initial Concept: Religious bullshit and soap opera at an intergalactic bus stop
>Voyager - Initial Concept: Lost in Space and also your crewmates are terrorists
>Errrrrr... Fun Space Adventure Bullshit?
They aimed higher with their initial concept, but at least they defaulted to something relatively non-obnoxious
Midwit detected. Get some faith of the heart
>Voyager should have been Stargate: Universe!
True: Star Trek is all about Faith AND Heart!
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It's been a long road
Getting from here to there
If the theme/intro isn't an original score by Harry Gregson Williams it isn't cannon.
This is not debatable
You don't even need to hand-wave it, the torpedoes are matter-antimatter bombs, the replicators can't make antimatter and the transporters can't move it, this was established as far back as TNG in the writer's bible. Needless to say, in VOY, they ignore this and transport antimatter on a number of occasions. For anybody who wants the full autism, somebody actually did keep track of the torpedos:

new ones made this show good
The one silver lining out of nutrek was it retroactively made the worst of real star trek look great in comparison.
If I ever met the VOYAGER’S PREMISE poster irl I would curb stomp him. He seriously thinks the premise was supposed to be gritty serialized ship falling apart crew members cannibalizing each other.

The premise of Voyager is a starfleet crew on s seven year mission back home that tests their resourcefulness and moral fiber. That’s exactly what Voyager did. They made unlikely allies. They fled dogged enemies. They adapted Starfleet know-how to alien tech to survive and eventually thrive. Friction with Maquis crew members? That happened and culminated with Seska. The anti-Voyager retard wants you to believe it should have been 100+ episodes of that instead of a being recurring plot for a couple of seasons. Photon torpedoes? Voyager’s crew built a goddamn refinery on their ship and constantly traded with advanced cultures for precious materials. Voyager lived up to its premise and more. It was a glorious tribute to the soul of Star Trek. Captain Janeway pacified an entire quadrant and came back home with treasures. Lazy stuck at home DSN’s who can’t even drive a car are incapable of understanding the glory of that.
Why are B5autists always like this
>literally no one
>but what about b5
shut the fuck up nigger
Bro antimatter is stored in blue barrels in the Trek universe. Voyager’s crew just traded for it to replenish their supply. Your video is peak autistic retard behavior where you hyperfocus on one thing and completely miss the bigger picture that answers your autismal confusion. That’s why smarter more well adjusted people write sci-fi and you just consume it.
>its bad but it doesn't matter because I'm a normalfag who just accepts everything beamed out of the idiot box at face value
You are indeed the goodest goy.
>The premise of Voyager is a starfleet crew on s seven year mission back home that tests their resourcefulness and moral fiber.
You betray yourself already. This is not the premise.
It's stored in magnetic fields, it never actually touches the walls of the drum. It's not like this is some arbitrary thing, it's a plot point in a number of episodes that they can't physically touch it. I mean, I actually like Voyager but I'm not some rabid fan-boy who has to pretend everything I like is flawless.
Kligger you’re illiterate and stupid as hell. The series makes a point about Voyager replenishing supplies all the time. They have a replicator so what the fuck kinds of things do you think they’re replenishing you low IQ annoyance
>un ackshully it doesn’t touch the sides of the barrel
Okay. So what? Does that change anything about what I said? No it doesn’t. You keep trying to push antimatter as some sort of fundamental flaw of Voyager but it’s literally a generic resource they get from aliens and your entire photon torpedo autism is some moot bullshit.
So is Voyager a flawless series or what? What would (You) say are Voyager's flaws?
It's perfect because you are supposed to turn your brain off and just enjoy the bing bing wahoo.
This is your new cope? Your antimatter bullshit is so thoroughly flushed that you’re resorting to some lame character attack asserting fanboyism? You retarded ape I dismantled your specific criticism so unless you have another tangible point I suggest you take your assburgers pills.
I'm not that poster, I'm just curious. What do you think Voyager's flaws are?
You pants shitting retard you zero shame. Your stupid antimatter supposed plothole failed so now you keep trying to assert the “turn off your brain” narrative. It’s the opposite, bitch. If you turned on your brain you would have realized that your criticism was already addressed in the show itself. Of course you probably missed all of those details because you were “watching” it as “background noise” played at 3x speed. Pay attention you zulu fuck.
It's not flawless no. But it is the best after the Original, IMO. I think it's main flaw is the treknobabble. Writers would often paint themselves into a corner and then have to come up with some treknobabble which suddenly killed the story idea at the last minute, like that episode where they're trapped in a black hole and then they just conjure up some kind of space-radiation beam to get out, it kind of ruins the premise, because there's all that build-up and then they just suddenly fix it and you wonder why they didn't do that at the beginning.

I also didn't like the way they'd do something obviously supernatural and then try to Treknobabble it away, like when Janeway dies, gets confronted by a demon who tries to lead her into hell and then, it turns out it was a space-whatever field and that just so happened to look like a vision of an afterlife. I get that pseudoscience is part of Trek, but if it doesn't serve the story, just don't introduce it. They did plenty of great stories that just focused on the characters, like "Author, Author" or that one with Andy Dick and the Doctor trying to recover a hijacked ship.
I see your antimatter and I raise you an omega particle
I appreciate you giving me an honest answer.
You replied to yourself. You are pathetic.
I'm sorry, what?
If you get so mad you lose control of your language skills it's probably best to let it go.
There's some kind of live-wire in the thread. Don't know what his deal is. He's really passionate about Trek, but doesn't seem to know the most basic things about the show and he expresses himself in a strange, unclear manner. I wouldn't pay too much attention to him.
> episode where they're trapped in a black hole and then they just conjure up some kind of space-radiation beam to get out, it kind of ruins the premise, because there's all that build-up and then they just suddenly fix it and you wonder why they didn't do that at the beginning.

It’s comments like this that make me wonder if you watch these episodes as background noise and don’t really attention. It’s so stupidly off base as if you saw a few minutes of the first act and then caught the last two minutes. Like to even explain to you why everything you just posted is wrong I would have to summarize the entire episode when you should have just watched it in the first place instead of pretending to have done so.
It’s full damage control by the tranny now that his tired photon torpedo shitpost can’t be used again itt
Anyway, EMH, best character in the show or best character in Trek?
>If I ever met the VOYAGER’S PREMISE poster irl I would curb stomp him. He seriously thinks the premise was supposed to be gritty serialized ship falling apart crew members cannibalizing each other.
>The premise of Voyager is a starfleet crew on s seven year mission back home that tests their resourcefulness and moral fiber.
I think there's an in between between TNG Lite and SGU. IMO Battlestar Galactica hit the sweet spot. Either version, 70s or 2004, depending on how resilient you want the psyches of the protagonists to be.
Voyager would have benefited by moving a half step toward the SGU pole of the spectrum. Maybe not 2004 Galactica, but 70s Galactica would have been perfect.
The actor is of Italian descent so he's a real Pagliacci
If one youtube "shitpost" can wreck your entire argument it wasn't much of an argument to begin with.
Anon, the person you're responding to is a child. I suggest you treat him as such.
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>Anon, the person you're responding to is a child. I suggest you treat him as such.
>Spock defines V'ger as a child.
>Minutes later Decker is trying to merge with her.

He's lucky he ascended into a different dimension. Presumably he and the space-predator who took Wesley have an island somewhere where they're very happy.
>Welcome to Neelixland!
>Risa closed for investigation.
>People are scrutinising the captain's logs for well known names.
>Reg Barclay, sweating profusely, is trying to remove 16 terraquads of lolli from the Enterprise's main computer without anybody noticing.
What argument does it wreck, retard? It’s the opposite because your precious youtube shitpost is easily wrecked by a blue barrel

Anon I suggest you stop replying to yourself

we just wanted to see Voyager crew reunited with their families not some shitty two parter mainly action against the Borg. The opening scene doesn't count.
Forgive me for not being here for the previous definitive legendary blue barrel arguments that must've went on between you and the bsg guy in other threads.
itt you posted >>201741203
and >>201741806
Your blue barrel argument itt can be summarized as "they traded with other species offscreen and/or refined and manufactured the torpedoes themselves"
My question to you is did we ever see that? Did we ever hear it in exposition? Was it ever included in text on a monitor that went by so fast you'd only see it if you paused? Was there ever an indication onscreen as to how a ship stranded in the delta quadrant got more torpedoes?
If you can't answer then the argument the youtube shitpost wrecks is yours.
>The story doesn't have to end on an epic battle.
Uhhhh, yes it does.
> My question to you is did we ever see that? Did we ever hear it in exposition?
Yes. Now fuck off retard.
The Cloud
There's a version of of Voyager out in a parallels universe where the Delta quadrant is interesting, there's real blood sweat tears for a ship trying to even keep the lights on in hostile waters, and the Maquis and Starfleet gradually come together in the spirit of Trek's idealism instead of it happening overnight.
None of that is grimderp. It's what Voyager promised to be before it just turned into bad TNG with different forehead prosthetics.
That makes zero sense for a starship of that technological level. That’s stupid and creatively bankrupt.
Wouldn't work. Belanna would walk in and nag.
In what universe. She literally replicated him a tv so he could watch looney tunes all night.
Do you have timecodes? Otherwise I'm going to have to get back to you in an hour.
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>that scene
Ensign, set phasers to based.
it had one of the best endings in all of trek. TNG was definitely the weakest. DS9's wrapped things up but was too bittersweet. VOY's was just right.
Are you Discovery's saucer section? A pizza cutter? Cause you're all edge and no point.
BSG set back sci-fi by decades. It STILL hasn't recovered from that "shitty gritty drama written by and for fags and women" era. The only thing it got right was casting attractive women instead of stronk gay black wymyn that "sci fi" shows always cast today.
I liked Year of Hell too, but the entire show being like that would have been insufferable
You’re a really sore loser. Let me spell it out for you. Antimatter is used for everything from the warp core to photon torpedoes. The specific matter-antimatter used is deuterium. Voyager spends a number of episodes talking about deuterium shortages and entire episodes revolve around securing deuterium supplies. You are an idiot so you didn’t know these things and instead thought you found a plothole.
the funniest part about this episode is that neelix buys into the nyggeran's lies and gets burned for it. the entire moral is that they really do deserve to be in prison because they commit more crimes.
I would say that's a no and I'll get back to you but I think you just conceded.
You lost.
He's a Benkaran.
>what are replicators
>who is Neelix
Deuterium and anti-deuterium are not the same. That, in itself, is a plothole that many people have pointed out: they panic about the deuterium levels, despite the fact that deuterium is one of the most common, naturally occurring, substances in the universe and they never talk about anti-deuterium; which, even in Trek, has to be manufactured at fuel plants.
Deuterium has to be refined which is a dangerous process. They’re talking about refined deuterium. And deuterium is used to create antimatter, but as laid out in the TNG technical manual it’s an inefficient method to do it that way, requiring ten parts deuterium to get one part antimatter which is why Voyager was so deuterium starved. You obviously know nothing about the basic sci-fi mechanics of the setting yet want to try and assert that there are plotholes because of your poor understanding. Dunning kruger at its finest. Klingon brained tard.
and I’m going to sleep so you won’t get another hand hold for your next low IQ inability to understand basic plot points in Star Trek Voyager
Deuterium is so common it can be found in the average water sample, this is right there in the TNG Technical Manual you just cited, they get deuterium from collecting ocean water and snow. No matter how much they use it, there's no reason for them to be running out of it, Professor UNIVAC.
I never liked jar jar... I mean neelix
>it took considerable labor to refine even a liter of deuterium. Furthermore, the process was dangerous, as deuterium could burn almost as hot as plasma when ignited.

>Federation starbases had reservoirs of deuterium, which were used for refilling the deuterium tanks of starships

>In 2371, Miles O'Brien and Jake Sisko investigated the possibility of turning the ore processing section of Deep Space 9, formerly used for processing uridium using Bajoran slave labor, into a deuterium refinery.
nah ds9 has garak, dukat, quark and bashir.
I fucking hate Sheridan. Sinclair was just superior.
This whole thing wouldn't be possible without the machinations of the hebraians
I liked him as a kid. Now he's just annoying.
Also dating a girl who ages in dog years was pretty fucked up.
His civilisation isn't dead. Where do people get this idea? His civilisation lost a war and is now under the Hakoonian Order's control. Neelix lost most of his family when the metreon cascade was used on the moon colony of Rinax.
belanna was also hot as fuck esp when her jealousy of seen was apparent
yeah but the whole last season was the finale so i give it a pass, also thee only reason why voyager ending was bad is because it was only a two parters instead of a four parters like in ds9

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