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Blade Runner's dystopian nightmare prediction.
Wasn't it permanently overcast and rainy?
Sun was obscured in every location from LA to Las Vegas.
kino kino
Why the fuck are they pushing these giant green energy corporations so hard? Do all these leftists have vested interests and shares in these companies? At least fossil fuels provide mass employment for the working class. These solar shits are more damaging for the planet in the long-term anyway.
It's so fucking fucked that we're using mirrors to generate electricity instead of God-given oil and coal.
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>liberals will defend this
is that....renewable energy?
They're ruining the natural beauty of the landscape. How is that "green"?
don't care about beauty, the energy required to build that is probably 20x what it will generate in its lifetime
They don't mention how the solar panels are made using fossil fuels
Helios 1, home
whites in the us will be a minority by 2035.
there is nothing you can do to stop it.
imagine how many birds get fucking roasted by flying near that thing
100,000 more dead conscripts in Ukraine by the years end
just more jewish/elite money laundering
they're just mirrors dude. as far as solar goes the mirror-heats-up-liquid-in-a-tower thing is pretty cost effective.
light skinned latinos and asians will be considered white within your lifetime. it happened to italians, irish and slavs. you will always have your imaginary majority
Who cares?
whites in the us will be a minority by 2035.
your standard of living will plummet.
your taxes will increase drastically.
you cant stop this.
Already happened. "Latino" is a separate checkbox from "white/black/asian" on the census.
I check both
You'll care a lot when you get your draft notice
i downloaded the br 2049 open matte 4k upload that shit looks beautiful
>Do all these leftists have vested interests and shares in these companies?

they did. until china told them to fuck off, and now its time for coal and nuclear goy.
draft notice? my country is not at war.
some american white bois might get shipped to a desert shit hole near me to protect my home though.
you will happily bleed out in the sand while worshipping my country.
I love seeing this unproductive land turned into a power plant. No food can be grown, no animals live there, so we use it for electricity. Humans are awesome
>They don't mention how the solar panels are made using fossil fuels
The produce hundreds of times more energy than those same fossil fuels would have produced though.
Two more weeks sisters
Uhm... nukebros?
Don't solar need maintenance and replacement too? Plus minerals needed for batteries are mined, there are logistics, etc. People are getting employed either way. It's just another means of obtaining power and all of them are harmful in some way that's why they need to be regulated. Being a tribalistic fag picking a team between these like it's some sports enjoyed by monkeys isn't cool tho
in the case of LA, you guys that live there don’t have any real rivers to run a power plant with. the entire city was doomed from the start, that’s why it has to harvest all the pretty people from the rest of the country in order to exist
FTFY shitskin
California already had solar plants like that before Blade Runner 2049.
The "white minority" spammer was outed as a Ruski a long time ago. You're not fooling anyone. But go ahead and larp as an Israeli I guess.
The LA citizenry could also use nuclear power well since you’re right next to the ocean. but collectively you are too pussy to do that
the us needs open borders, they will remain open no matter how much you chud out about it.

we own both sides of your government.
Spics literal are the foreign legion of the US
>anon doesn't like clean air
I guess your balls are so full of plastic that it doesn't matter.
i look forward to the inevitable videos of them bursting into flames or toppling over
holy shit a real luddite
your faggy little windmills are not innovative
luddites were a little bit later than windmills
>Hollywood turns a post-nuclear war dying Earth into le hecking bustling dystopia
Fuck this gay Earth.
A big part of the story is that humans are trying to leave Earth and the only ones stuck on Earth are too poor, old or retarded from radiation poisoning to leave. It creates a contrast of androids coming to Earth while humans are desperate to leave. It makes you question if it even matters if they're here when everybody else is trying to leave
Conservativeshit always lost me with their retarded take on green energy. It's obviously the declining fossil fuel industry paying for the narrative to be propagated. If global warming is being accelerated by these greenhouse emissions then wouldn't it be prudent to change the energy source. I mean who the fuck cares if we switch one out from the other.
Don't you mean global cooling?
those collectors are in death valley lol there's nothing around them but sand and rock. they're pretty cool to look at when you drive by, the light curves into a dome and the top shines like a star
"Green energy" is all bullshit. The only sustainable power generation is nuclear. Solar, wind, they both require way too much maintenance replacing. Solar panels last 10-15 years max,
It's called embodied energy and it's already well-known.

A solar panel has about 600 kWh/m2 of embodied energy
A solar panel in nominal condition is about 300 W/m2 (when it's sunny and the sun is just right)
So on a very shitty average of less than 2 hours of good sunlight a day a solar panel produce 200 kWh a year per square meter, so it takes 3 years for it to give back its own energy (call it 4 to include losses in the grid). A solar panel lasts 15 years easy peasy
do people even think for a second if these numbers make sense?
>The produce hundreds of times more energy than those same fossil fuels would have produced though.
lmao this poster might actually believe what he wrote.
Also why do have to work myself, when god gave us black people
What about the birds and bugs who shit and fuck on it.
Hey it creates jobs for people in areas that commonly wouldn't be given the opportunity. It's a shame everyone imports their shit from slaves in china because it effectively destroys local industry.
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>leftism is when giant corporations do stuff
Stopped reading there
>If global warming is being accelerated by these greenhouse emissions then wouldn't it be prudent to change the energy source
Yes it would, but that isn't happening, retard.
>If global warming is being accelerated by these greenhouse emissions
Good news, it's not. Global warming is being caused by deforestation, tons of buildings, and thousands of square miles of land being paved over with asphalt for roads and parking lots. Cement and asphalt absorb and store a ridiculous amount of heat and they're replacing all the fields and meadows and forests full of plants that manage heat far better and don't just hold it and release it into the air. The surface of the Earth is being turned into one giant heat battery and blaming carbon emissions is just a distraction from that fact. And this is all to say nothing of all the heat-producing power stations, power lines, radio/cell towers, air conditioners and heaters, land, sea, and air vehicles (doesn't matter if they're gas or electric, they all produce HEAT)... Global warming isn't caused by CO2 or other "greenhouse gasses," it's caused by humans literally storing and dumping unimaginable amounts of heat throughout the globe 24/7 at alarmingly increasing rates.
You're saying that the energy it takes to run the solar panel is at a 75% loss per year in poor conditions? That doesn't sound right. No one would use solar if its draining the grid to run.
Yes. I grew up in the middle of bumfuckistan. It's filled with asphalt, cement and appartments now. Chopped down some nice patches with trees too. No more space to be free and get into fuckery. All is full.
Look I'm no Einstein, and I am aware that asphalt elevates the temperature of certain suburbs when it is hot outside, but if most climate scientists assert that emissions are contributing to climate change, and governments around the world are actively creating targets for lowering their output based on a shared scientific understanding, then I feel safe in assuming that global warming is affected by emissions.
You flipped your units. Embodied energy (a silly term, it's production cost) is just (kilo) watts, the unit produces watt-hours. Not contesting what you are saying but at least cite the units properly so you don't confuse people like >>201720410
>it's another "rightoid suddenly cares about the environment when it's politically expedient for them" episode
so very tired...
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>money laundering
nuclear is not happening until all the baby boomers that were afflicted with "NUCLEAR BAD!" propaganda pushed by the oil companies die off and are out of power. but by then all the boomers that did work on the few remaining will have died off and there will be somewhat of a knowledge vacuum regarding how to build/maintain them.
No, it's energy, energy is watt-hours, or joules if you want. You can also call it production costs (after all you need to pay that energy). Watt is a power unit, it's instantaneous.
>one form of environmental destruction for another
Corporate simps like you are literally insane and need to be killed.
>people in this ITT calling mirrors solar panels
We dominate solar, we dominate EV, Westoids just seethe


Blade Runner is accurate depiction of how crappy your world is now.
It is though. Global corporations and leftist movements are aligned in almost everything
>putting a bunch of mirrors in the middle of the desert constitutes environmental destruction
He'll argue the cost of harvesting and manufacturing the materials is comparable to mining companies refining fossil fuels. Its nonsense though.
Well you have to take into account the nighttime, the rainy days, and the time where the sun isn't angled just right.

It's not that solar panels only work 10% of the time, it's that they only work at 100% capacities in very specific conditions and just work in a middle capacity the rest of the day.
A lot of the issues with solar/wind are in transport of energy as well. Putting a solar field out in the desert seems like free energy, until you realize people don't live in the desert. It still has to get back to civilization somehow. This is being helped along by rapidly-advancing battery technology, but we're still a long way off from efficiently transporting power in a way that really makes these green technologies viable. Nuclear is still the best, and smartest option, by a long shot.
Molten salt reactors aren't bad because they're environmental polluters or anything, it's bad because they're a pain in the ass to get working. The one out in Mojave straight up broke down because they couldn't keep molten salt from leaking out of it. That company abandoned everything, the reactor facility got swept up by another company that paid for repairs but also renegotiated the rates for the electricity it produces, so it's not even cost effective anymore. The first company was full of kikes that squandered their government-given billion dollars, the second company was full of kikes that insisted the populace pay for overpriced bullshit that only half-worked in the end anyways. It's not shit for the reason the putin-worshippers ITT are saying but it is shit.
You're almost there.

You know what generates more heat than air conditioners and cars? The sun. Every single day we get blasted with an unbelievable amount of heat, and we reflect almost all of it back out. The whole point they're called "greenhouse gasses" is because when our atmosphere's makeup has more of these gasses it makes it harder for the heat to be reflected back out, it stays trapped on earth, like a greenhouse. We could cut human emissions down to 0 and it would continue to be warm because humans will never generate more heat than what we get from the sun.

Congrats, critical thinking got you 9/10s of the way to "liberal" policy.
Refer to >>201718834
It wasn't a prediction they literally just filmed it over that area you fucking idiot
So they build in predominately sun rich areas with low rainfall?
>energy is watt-hours, or joules if you want
>watt is a power unit
You're contradicting yourself. Joules convert to watts, which are energy. Power is energy over time. Look it up and get it right.
Production cost is the total amount of energy it cost to create something. It may have taken time to produce, but the total cost when it comes out of the factory is an amount that doesn't change with time. A solar cell produces energy over time = power.
Maybe what you could argue is maintenance/replacement is a cost over time and try to quantify that as energy, but at that point you might as well just cite MTBF (cell lifetime) and let people extrapolate from that. Please be more precise with your language on technical topics.
oil and coal will swap to renewable when it becomes too expensive to extract fossil fuels.
it's that simple.
everything else is a smokescreen.
Look man, I'm tired, and ESL, but>>
>The watt (symbol: W) is the unit of power or radiant flux in the International System of Units (SI), equal to 1 joule per second or 1 kg⋅m2⋅s−3.
>more technology is le good because... because it just is okay
Again, these aren't solar panels. They're mirrors.
Solar panels do more than cover the carbon cost to make them over their lifetimes, though.
Batteries for EV's are more iffy on that, especially with how fast many Americans go through cars.
how tf does china have one up and running? in fact how does china have so many nuclear reactors without destroying their country?
6 dollars an hour pay for the average factory worker
NTA but you're wrong. Watts are a rate of energy usage. A 60 W lightbulb uses 60 Watt-hours of energy per hour.
>Building a nuclear plant in the USA
>Have to abide by a million bullshit regulatory hurdles lobbyists made to make their middleman regulation compliance company money
>Gets sued into oblivion by everyone in a 100 mile radius, court cases take years
>Have to compete with government-subsidized solar/wind/gas/coal/oil
Setting up a nuclear plant in China
>Congratulations, citizens. You are being given a nuke plant.
USA is made up of stupid people with criminal justice and english degrees, no substance
Is this post real?

Are you actually this stupid? Or is this post bait? I cannot tell but you're iq is 65
The average American does not have a degree.
>all those panels

Isn't nuclear much more efficient space wise and cleaner?
We've riding the fossil fuels for 200 years
Meanwhile lithium is literally being scrapped from the bottom of the barrel today, with less than 10 years of widespread use, so much that fucking elon and china are seeing how the fuck can they mine it from the moon
My post was obviously making fun of people upset by mirrors, you autist.
Why can't the world just accept that nuclear is the only viable long term energy solution as long as its not run by retarded slavs?
Yes I am autistic!
>I am aware that asphalt elevates the temperature of certain suburbs when it is hot outside
Not only that, but it STORES heat and releases it over time, which increases temperatures overnight, too. This is actually also a principle used in greenhouses, particularly when growing warm climate plants in colder climates: You cover the ground inside with rocks and you place barrels of water around with the goal of storing as much heat as possible so it will be released overnight and keep the greenhouse temperatures elevated even while the sun is down so the plants don't get too cold. That's what all the cement and asphalt is doing as we pave more and more of the planet's surface area.

>if most climate scientists assert that emissions are contributing to climate change, and governments around the world are actively creating targets for lowering their output based on a shared scientific understanding, then I feel safe in assuming that global warming is affected by emissions.
The science isn't as sound as they would like everyone to think. There have been so many scandals around the questionable research practices of climate scientists, just look at ClimateGate for one such great example. And of course the governments are going to go along with reducing emissions to combat the problem, because the alternative is completely rethinking land management from the ground up and finding ways to reduce urban sprawl and preserve forests, all of which step on far more toes and threaten far more industries than letting the sprawl continue but with solar panels on the buildings, or continuing to deforest and pave over nature but this time with a wind farm on the plot instead of a coal power plant. Targeting emissions doesn't actually fix the real problems.

Yes, the sun warms the planet, but global warming is caused by trapped heat. What's trapping the heat? Not fucking CO2. See the first half of my response above.
>I don't shill for corporations, I shill for the oil industry!
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Got to power those electric cars somehow!
If its that bad for China, imagine how bad it is for bongland, who plans on going "all electric" by 2030!
Nuclear is the best energy source in pretty much every way (provided you can build it in an area that's not prone to earthquakes) but we can't have it because people (mostly boomers) are fucking retarded.
>What's trapping the heat? Not fucking CO2.
So do you think scientists are lying aboht the properties of blackbody radiation, the absorbtion profile of CO2, or the memoryless nature of spontaneous emission of radiation as CO2 relaxes from an excited state? If you believe in all of these, you believe in the greenhouse effect.
solar collectors would still work
and you can see jois pussy
Yeah global organizations sure love wealth redistribution and unionization
I've worked in setting up those sun farms. You're a fucking idiot, it is the easiest job ever and I hope they make more.
Your proud WASP lineage of brown hair, brown eye losers is safe. Aryans are the ones in danger of being bred out.
kek my neighbor installed solar panels on his roof and during the summer it was so hot that it was damaging his roof, also another neighbor cracked her driveway during an ice storm because she had two massive teslas in her driveway. get fucked tree huggers
Those things existed before BR2049, moron.
I'm not sure about anyone lying, per se, but once bad science is accepted it can be difficult to dismantle it, especially in a corrupt peer review environment where going against the accepted narrative will get your paper rejected from publication. I'm sure CO2 has SOME effect, but it's not what's actually causing the global heating problem. Reducing emissions isn't going to fix anything if we keep destroying nature and paving over it with urban sprawl, but everyone conveniently ignores the impact of those things because it's too inconvenient so no one will ever look into it.

In a similar vein, there was a study some years back that showed 3G radiation from cell towers could directly inhibit the production of melatonin in cows. Conveniently, the body that oversees research into possible negative effects of cellular radiation found this to be something not worth looking into and continues to hold that such radiation has no negative effect on human bodies or brains. Corrupt systems frequently ignore and choose not to research potentially problematic subjects that threaten their influence, and like I said there is A SHIT TON more blowback to be had across a SHIT LOAD more industries with reducing urban sprawl and deforestation than there is to be had with just reducing fossil fuel production and replacing it with other energy sources. The latter only upsets fossil fuel producers while the former upsets the fundamental way society currently functions.
my dumb sister didn't understand that air conditioning uses up half the battery and tried to take a long vacation using a tesla. ended up charging the thing every 3 hours lmao.
i look like that
Leftism is more than just Marxism. That’s only one species of the genus. It goes back to the era of the French Revolution and arguably even earlier.
the bottom is two. the top is part of a shot where he flies over a field of them that stretches from horizon to horizon, and they're all clearly not functioning. the point of the shot is the "green energy" shit failed, and the mirror-farm concept is the absolute best "green energy" has to offer.
so you're just going to ignore how 3g has been completely replaced in all areas?
Leftists know this green energy shit will never be enough to fuel the US energy grid. The whole thing is a fifth column third-worldist effort to make the country reliant on third world oil and thus more pliant to foreign demands
nigger there are huge re-forestation projects and continent wide projects to reduce urban sprawl, concrete reduction and groundwater purification projects in europe. this shit goes hand in hand with the general trend in reducing global warming. its just not as pressing an issue in the US because theres just so much more land to work with.

dont let perfect be the enemy of good, several efforts can be important at once

also, 3G is not dangerous. its just the mobile phone scare from the 90s in a new coat
not at that size, they wouldn't.
Ones at that scale only make sense in deserts where you're guaranteed +300 days of unobstructed sunlight a year.
3G radiation is more able to interact with people and animals because it has a much shorter wavelength than the types of cellular radiation that came before it. That trend continued with 4G and then 5G which each have successively shorter wavelengths and shorter reach and have to be amplified even more to get reasonable distance and transmitters need to be installed in greater density to get appropriate coverage. If 3G radiation can inhibit melatonin production, 4G and 5G have the potential to do the same and more. But no one will do any more research into the matter because they decided the science was settled long ago and they can keep saying that as long as no new research comes out. All of this is tangential to the actual point I was making and why I brought that example up in the first place, though.
and how exactly is non-ionizing radiation gonna damage a human body? you can do more damage to yourself by standing 10 minutes in the summer sun than with a lifetime of mobile phone use. theres no conspiracy to bury it because its a negligible risk
radiowaves have been all around us for decades, if theres were any serious side effects, we would have known a long time ago
When another Hitler comes around, will we finally see hydroelectric power come into play considering its fucking unlimited and massive.
>blade runner predicted solar panel farms
come on bro
In developed countries hydro power is pretty much maxed out. It's good but there's only so many place you can put it in
>there are huge re-forestation projects
But are there projects to STOP DEforestation? Just replanting trees isn't good enough, you have to stop cutting down all those old trees to begin with because the new trees will take decades or centuries to actually become a suitable replacement for the trees they cut down in the first place.

>continent wide projects to reduce urban sprawl
That's good, but what are they doing to REVERSE urban sprawl?

>concrete reduction
Is the goal to actually reduce the surface area of man-made structures, or just to replace concrete with some other material that will retain heat all the same?

>groundwater purification

>its just not as pressing an issue in the US because theres just so much more land to work with.
This statement gets to the heart of the issue and the heart of my problem with how it's being handled. Europe is trying to reduce urban sprawl because they're literally running out of land, but in the US it's not seen as a problem because we're not running out of land. But the problem is that the amount of sprawl that already exists is ALREADY DETRIMENTAL TO OUR ENVIRONMENT. It needs to be stopped not because we'll run out of land, but because it's presently causing problems and that needs to be stopped.
It's going to be Space Nazis like in Gundam.
They will build orbital mirrors in order to beam down concentrated solar energy to the surface.
A side effect it its use as a Death Beam against the Globohomo Alliance..
alexa, search for the energy required to make a single solar panel
>and how exactly is non-ionizing radiation gonna damage a human body?
Harming melatonin production, which harms sleep cycles, which causes a domino effect of all sorts of health problems from chronic inflammation to obesity to reduced intelligence. And that's just one thing we know as a possible side effect of cellular radiation exposure.
>radiowaves have been all around us for decades, if theres were any serious side effects, we would have known a long time ago
There are no immediately apparent acute injuries caused by it, but that doesn't mean it has no impact whatsoever on your body, including your brain. Low-grade, long-term, compounding effects get ignored and in some cases are intentionally not studied.
you're letting yourselves get confused. since occupy, large corporations define the political landscape, and its basically just a kid's table complete with scheduled food fights, to keep people from weighing in on any issue that actually matters, to keep people from interfering with the steady expansion of corporate influence.
europe now has more forest and wildlife areas than in the late 19th century, there are huge efforts being made in all countries, even expensive stuff like re introducing swampland or reversing the canaling of rivers, to get them back to their natural, shifting riverbeds

urban sprawl takes care of itself in a lot of regions because population numbers tend to decline, the buildings or districts that are still being built have a much stronger emphasis on preservation of the natural environment, they try to build with it instead of bulldozing everything

fighting climate change at every level, from greenhouse gasses, to microplastics, to wasteful use of fertilizers, to reducing urban sprawl and groundwater pollution are already being done EVERYWHERE.
complaining about why you perceive they should do X instead of Y is pointless, let the people do the work, they are already trying the best they can
>I'm sure CO2 has SOME effect, but it's not what's actually causing the global heating problem.
Why are you so confident in your own assertions when you clearly don't have any kind of scientific background? You are just some retard on the internet.
either american or bait
those are still all assumptions hinging on the idea that radiowaves actually do harm melatonin production in humans. as long as theres no conclusive evidence, its not worth worrying about it, because having a beer or getting a tan can do a lot more damage.
theres a level of risk you gotta accept in everyday life, being exposed to wireless networks is one of them, the benefits of instant communication are just too great, and the potential hazard seems tiny by comparison
idk how anyone who's ever seen an oil spill can be like "this is way better for the environment than solar panels"
it simply doesn't happen, it has to be oil industry shills
i don't know how anyone can see a strip mine and think "this is way better for the environment than drilling for oil."
those stripmines are in nigger countries anyways.
as long as I get a neat solar panel on my roof that saves me money and my neighborhood still looks green and aesthetic, I literally dont give a shit
by that logic oil spills are fine because they don't happen near you.
>they are already trying the best they can
meanwhile, in reality, they're shutting down their nuclear power plants to burn more coal and doing nothing to hold anyone outside of europe accountable for their environmental destruction WHILE suiciding their own culture to make sure that their environmentalist values won't be passed on into the future

you could make a good argument that they're doing everything they can, within socially acceptable limits, to destroy the environment as much as possible
The us will be minority white by 2035 so why are you autistically obsessing over the environment?
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Oil spills are uncommon accidents. Pic related is just normal everyday operations for obtaining lithium for batteries.
>those stripmines are in nigger countries anyways.
This mine >>201726636 is in Ontario.
I see youre one of those guys.
you can stop pretending to give a shit about the environment and start yelling about niggers and jews here
because we don't want the brown people to ruin it further.
Staffed by the hardworking Sirs of Boeing.
Posted isn’t right, but solar, wind, and geothermal are scams that can’t work in the overwhelming majority of cases. Nuclear energy is a must, but both the fossil fuel companies and green movement shill against it.

Old school Economic Leftism is dead. The best you’ll get is a populist slogan while they flood your country with union-participation-decreasing scabs and start culture wars.

Read above. Don’t be a Rightoid or a Leftoid. They’re both against your interests. Smugness like this is a Leftoid behavior.
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>Why the fuck are they pushing these giant green energy corporations so hard?
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Based ecofascist
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Just open Google Maps bro.
How many nuclear power plant's worth of power do these produce when there's a non-windy day?
Stick your head into a running microwave for a few seconds and get back to us
Stop being racist chud. Wind power is the future and whites are not part of the future. Get over it.
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Deserts are quite windy.
chinks literally set up reverse wind farms, where they burn coal to make them spin for the aesthetics
actually yeah, if >>201726630 is right, i'd rather have the browns using nothing buy low-scale, extremely low risk energy sources until they all starve to death because they forgot how to farm.
the only thing that makes this read like satire is the profanity and hate rhetoric
You didn't answer hiss question. Nowhere is maximally windy at all times.
it amuses me that there's a maximum useful windspeed limit on wind turbines. too little wind, no energy, too much wind, no energy.
There are always tradeoffs for extracting materials of all kinds, but at least once you mine lithium, that lithium can be used for a long time. It can even be recycled. Oil, coal, and "natural" gas are all destroyed on use and inevitably become greenhouse gases.
>Oil spills are uncommon accidents
This is how I know you're a shill. Oil spills, coal mine runoffs, fracking leaks, etc are devastating for the environment. They don't need to happen every 5 seconds to have a terrible long-term impact.
anon even if we stripmined every square foot of the earth's crust, we'd still only have enough lithium to replace less than 10% of cars. and that's just cars. electric will never be viable for trucking.
You're just being obstinate for the sake of contrarianism. Coal and nuke fans have lost. Cope harder.
ok abdul, just give me the camel ride
damnit snek get off the internet

You're right. Nothing you can do to stop the end of humanity when none of the shit skins are able to survive on their own without completely depleting and destroying the planet (India shitting everywhere).

Enjoy no whites, bloody bitch bastard bitch. fuck. bloody fuck bastard BITCH.
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You're not even my real dad anyway.
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Why don't Green Energy people promote nuclear as the most desirable alternative to fossil fuels?
>Oil spills, coal mine runoffs, fracking leaks, etc are devastating for the environment.
Yes, I agree. So are nuclear meltdowns, but I still support nuclear.
>They don't need to happen every 5 seconds to have a terrible long-term impact.
But imagine if destructive events like those actually happened on a daily basis as part of the normal operations. The sheer scale of destruction required for mining lithium and other rare materials needed for batteries and solar panels will never be worth it, the minerals needed are far too rare and the land destruction to obtained materials ratio is completely bonkers.
How's a fossil fuel company providing more employmenet than a green energy company? If anything it's the opposite, count all the people who need to install solar panels, wind turbines, do maintenance. Oil extraction only needs a handful of assholes on a rig and that's it, green energy companies would employ FAR more people than oil companies
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>nuclear meltdowns bad for the environment
I mean obviously in the short term but idk Chernobyl looks better than a lot of places I can think of that have people instead of radiation.
What happnes when we run out of it?
>Oil extraction only needs a handful of assholes on a rig and that's it
Right, and no one had to manufacture the parts for that rig or truck those parts to the site or build it. No repairs or maintenance are ever needed beyond what its normal operators can provide. No one was employed to scout out locations and determine where to drill, no one was employed to run cost benefit analysis on the whole operation. No, no, just "a handful of assholes on a rig" that magically sprang into existence one day for no reason at all.
why does everyone miss the fact the solar-furnaces, mirror farms, whatever you want to call them, are clearly inactive in the bladerunner scene?
We go back to fossil fuels because people are too retarded to expand nuclear.
extraction and purifying methods get better every day, and what deposits we are able to mine also heavily depends on price.
running out of lithium is a fantasy, just like running out of oil.
resources dont get depleted, industries just move on to something else
they're clearly a dystopian image about a future where people tried to switch to renewable energy but it was too late.
but you cant expect media literacy from the average /tv/ poster who would unironically love to live in the starship troopers universe
I don't think you fully grasp just how monumentally inefficient lithium mining is due to its extreme rarity.
Go nuclear nigger.
>resources dont get depleted
But they do. Or rahter, they will, eventually. Can we really just treat it as fantasy just because we'll be long dead by the time humanity gets there?
reminder: the clean solution to fossil fuels is using nuclear for water electrolysis to produce hydrogen.
Lithium is about to be replaced with common salt.
Glad we agree.
Hydro energy is best. Cheapest, cleanest, easy to maintain. You need the space though.
they will never mine the last pound of lithium or the last barrel of oil on earth
ofc resources are finite because earth is a sphere, but the limiting factor in all resources is economics, not the stuff actually being there

when it becomes too expensive to drill for oil, people stop doing it, when there's a cheaper and better alternative, an industry dies or adapts
But we don't, retard. If lithium mining was pointless, nobody would be mining lithium. It is profitable regardless of how "inefficient" it is because lithium is useful.
Rare earth elements are also rare and inefficient to mine. Guess we should stop using those. Bye bye neodymium magnets! Bye bye everything that uses rare earths! Some layman on 4chan says it's inefficient to mine, so we better leave it all in the ground and not use any of it for anything, even if that stunts our technological development.
>lithium is used only for EV batteries
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the first post itt points that out, but anons only want to argue about current 'green' energy issues like solar panels and nuclear instead of what the film actually predicts.
>we better leave it all in the ground and not use any of it for anything, even if that stunts our technological development.
I agree. I'd rather the planet be left more intact and the environment I live in less spoiled.
We could have been using hydrogen powered cars but because traitorous politicians have been importing terrorists for 60 years its too risky to mass produce hydrogen cars as if you fill the interior volume of a car with hydrogen and light a match you can level like 5 blocks of a city
>lets selfishly suck in the sun

lol Im sure nothing bad will happen
Shhh, don't ruin his narrative. He's a selective luddite and that is a very fragile position to hold. The only reason he doesn't like lithium mining is because he associates it with electric vehicles, which he hates because some basement dweller told him to. If you point out that it's useful for more than just EVs his entire worldview will collapse.
Lithium mining is pointless because there isn’t enough of it on the entire earth to replace a fraction of cars. Feel free to think about the horrors that will abound when the supply stops and demand keeps increasing.
So we better not mine anything, then. Better not extract any fossil fuels either. Oil rigs and pumpjacks ruin my view of the environment.
… anon hydrogen is only about twice as explosive as gasoline…
What else is it used for? Smartphone batteries? Don't give a shit. All lithium-ion batteries can fuck off.
The product of burning hydrogen is water, and everyone can produce it without giving money to slavs, arabs or americans.
That energy is already hitting the earth, whether we use it or not.
and you magically already know all the deposits on earth and when its economically viable to drill them?
you autists arguing about resource availability of things that multinational billion dollar companies don't even know about make me laugh
resources are not static and finite, they grow and shrink under economic forces
>I'd rather everything get worse for everyone younger than me just so feel better about my existence

fr I know tons of these people and they all vote the same way.
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Have we reached - dare I say it - peak lithium?
you can tell that this retard probably uses terms like "rentoid" and "landchad"
I unironically believe technology has gone too far and that rolling it back some would make the world a better place. It's your own projection that I want the world to be worse. The truth is, I want it to be better and I think scaling back the excesses of modern society would go a long way toward that.
I asked and I'm still left hanging. >>201728927
The general silence from green people surrounding nuclear makes them look fake and gay to me. If you only listened to them, you'd never know nuclear power even exists.
Because they are deeply emotional people and nuclear is spooky
Technology will never "roll back" absent some kind of extinction-level event that destroys human civilization.
Sorry, luddite subhuman, but your fantasies of a world where we all huff leaded gasoline and carry around suitcase phones again will never come true.
F Tier:
D Tier:
C Tier:
Natural Gas, Wind
B Tier:
Geothermal Energy and Solar
A Tier:
S Tier:
S+ Tier:
Green Energy + Nuclear for Stability
S+++++ Tier:
A shitton of Potatoes
>your fantasies of a world where we all huff leaded gasoline and carry around suitcase phones
More of your own retarded projection. Scaling back excess doesn't mean literally going back in time and un-learning all scientific knowledge, retard.
Literal God Tier:
I can already tell that your main issue with technology is just that it makes black people appear on your tv screen. just turn it off
… yes, we know what percentage of the earth’s crust is lithium…
>any piece of technology that includes lithium is an "excess"
How incredibly convenient for your fossil fuel overlords.
shit I meant
(I'm tired)
My main issue with technology is that it's contributing to the physical, mental, and spiritual death of humanity.
Care to take a guess where 99% of the worlds solar panels are manufactured? I'm sure it's somewhere renowned for sustainable practices.
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Oh you have no idea
I dont understand why rightoids will always use nuclear as some kind of gotcha card with green energy production
its insanely expensive, slow and full of red tape + central authority that controls build process, maintenance and distribution of energy because smaller populations cant afford the up front costs
wouldnt decoupling from the federal grid and giving sovereignity of their own power production back to the local or even city level with green energy be something that rightoids should be 100% on board with? why only "states rights" and "small government" when it suits them?
Luddites have been saying that shit for thousands of years lmao. "People" like you would have us still living in mud huts subsisting off of what we can hunt and gather.
this man is correct
gonna go out for sun and weights
I'm just trying to understand why you think wanting to scale back technology means we'll put lead in gasoline again.
those hunter-gatherers wouldn't have microplastics in their testicles
really easy to talk out of your ass from a heated home, a full belly and indoor plumbing
you dont even realize how good your life is right now, the negative consequences of technology are negligible compared to the misery that life is without
people werent more happy or spiritually enlightened because they had to work in subsistence farming all day, they would all have traded with you in a heartbeat
It was just a guess I made because you don't seem particularly concerned with the environment outside of the realm of lithium mining. So why would you care if everyone's getting lead poisoning? If a fossil fuel executive or some retard on the internet said "lead is good for the body actually" I'm sure you'd start worshipping it.
I would have us living more like the Amish, where technology isn't shunned wholesale, but very serious consideration is given to whether it should be used, how it should be used, how it will affect our communities and ways of life, and how we can take advantage of improvements without harming our way of life. The problem is that all progress is just treated as inherently good and no one ever stops to consider the consequences.
That’s not technology, that’s “user friendliness.” The Amish do kinda have it right about the idea that doing too much for people takes something from them.
Because the proposed solutions by green people seem impractical for long term replacement given current global consumption.
>I would have us living more like the Amish
Like a bunch of SEVERELY inbred retards who still use fucking horse-drawn wagons for transportation?
yeah, they would have tooth decay and typhus instead
Try reading the whole post before responding.
I'd rather have microplastics in my testicles than watch all my brothers and sisters die in childhood from diseases that we can easily, trivially cure with modern technology.
If you don't want us to live like primitive retards then why bring up the Amish? They literally don't even drive cars. They're retarded. Absolutely retarded.
If your "way of life" involves shovelling horse shit for a living, maybe it's not worth preserving?
while I agree that progress nowadays does come faster than the human mind can adapt to it, overall it has been an absolute net benefit to society.
it just takes a while for people to learn to deal with it
Somehow, the rest of the natural world gets by. And damn nigger, you didn't even admit that incidental human consumption of endocrine disrupting substances like plastic was a mistake that could've and should've been avoided.
You act like poisoning ourselves is just the price of this so-called progress.
>If you don't want us to live like primitive retards then why bring up the Amish?
Because they have a particular way of very carefully considering the long-term impact of introducing new technology and have a healthy understanding and respect for the idea that you can't go back once you've gone forward.
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>tooth decay
lol no, that's a modern invention, too
Another one lmao. You shouldn't need to poison yourself in order to reap the benefits of progress. Problem is we did and it's because Man is possessed with the misplaced hubris that he's so much more than a shaven primate.
fossil fuels will eventually dissapear, you fucking retard, its either nuclear power or eolic, solar or something like that. where are you from? some third world country with no education system?
pretty much all animals in the wild are either sick or starving, they have massively reduced lifespans outside of captivity because the natural world "gets by" just long enough to breed the next generation
food and water are the most thoroughly tested and regulated things in the west, you can live healthier than 99.99% of your ancestors. occasional risk of microplastics is a small price to pay for your luxury of not even knowing what hunger is
And that "very particular way" has resulted in them being stuck in the 18th century. If everyone was like the Amish, we would not advance technologically at all.
I didn't say we HAVE to poison ourselves with microplastics. It's just that given the choice, I prefer microplastics to tuberculosis.
>If everyone was like the Amish, we would not advance technologically at all.
The Amish use solar panels, cell phones, and even the internet these days. They just use them in very calculated and measured ways, such as only for business.
And you're using the internet for business right now?
Either way they still live like it's the 18th century 99% of the time even if they use some modern technology for "business" (so much for preserving your way of life, guess that goes out the window when there's shekels to be made!).
and are their lives happier, their marriages better? do their people have more moral virtue?
if the amish lifestyle was really better, their young people wouldnt leave in droves.
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>if the amish lifestyle was really better, their young people wouldnt leave in droves.
The Amish are growing and spreading like crazy.
You still don't make a good case as to why microplastic exposure is even something warranted to exist in the first place. And that's only one thing. The American water supply also has concerns of heavy metals, estrogens, demineralization, etc. And that's just the water supply, nevermind the other ways that mainstream lifestyle choices in the modern world poison your body and crush your will to live.
>oh wah wah cry about it
That's how assloads of people feel though, more everyday. Our civilization is so awesome that everyone's on drugs all the time. Because they're just TOO SATISFIED living here.
All the benefits you're talking about would still be possible had our societies made different choices. The particular path of progress we did choose made all of us so expendable that it encourages many of us to admire the Amish and other similar non-industrialized peoples. After all, they're doing fine.
>have 10 kids each
>6 of them leave
>population still grows
Wow, how can this be possible?
I will never live like a primitive retard. I will die before I start riding a fucking horse-drawn carriage and having to smell horse shit every day.
>And you're using the internet for business right now?

>so much for preserving your way of life, guess that goes out the window when there's shekels to be made!
People have to make a living and in the modern world the internet is needed to stay competitive.
at least bother to look at up to date numbers, they are still at 380k as of 2023, despite their above average birthrates (because their young people tend to leave)
>fossil fuels will eventually dissapear, you fucking retard
everything is non-renewable, except solar and geothermal (hydro and wind being solar with extra steps) and even those are non-renewable though on such timescales that it's hard to care.

not that anybody actually care if a fuel source is "renewable" or not anyway - if you're not having kids and you think your cultural values (like environmentalism) aren't worth maintaining, you don't care about the future. the "renewable" schtick is just contemporary religious fervor. literally slap some green label on your product to signify that it's morally good to buy it. that's all anybody cares about, whether it actually is good for the environment or not (whatever that means) doesn't matter to 98% of people.
in fact, if you instead go with the premise that "environmentalism" is a euphemism for "cultural suicide", your predictions about how "environmentalists" behave become A LOT more accurate than if you make predictions based on them wanting to be environmental
Nobody is stopping you from moving to Pennsylvania and being baptized as Amish. You can literally go live with them right now if you love their livestock shit-sniffing way of life so much.
yeah everyone organically just started worshiping trannies in last 10 years or so. It totally wasn't an organized, top-down effort from entities with all the money.
Youre really that stupid arent you
>I will never live like a primitive retard. I will die before I start riding a fucking horse-drawn carriage and having to smell horse shit every day.
That's not what I said.
>All the benefits you're talking about would still be possible had our societies made different choices. The particular path of progress we did choose
You can still live in ways to avoid a lot of this but it necessitates the refusal to do things that are simply seen as normal in this insane post-industrial place. It shouldn't need to be that way but anything else is suicide by goyslop.
I have no interest in being literally Amish. You're just autistically clinging to that idea because I used the Amish as an example of a community that's capable of progressing with purpose and intention, to demonstrate that there are more options in the world than just "literally be cavemen" and "allow progress to run rampant at any cost."
>encourages many of us to admire the Amish
literally nobody besides a few schizos who romanticize the salt of the earth lifestyle want to live like the amish, they are not a happy or prospering people. if you ever lived in a small town and all the human horror that goes along with it, you would understand. they have all the domestic violence, neighborhood feuds and snide jealousy of your average suburbia, but also wake up at 3AM every day to milk the cows. you can join them today if you want to. the amish genepool would improve from the microplastics in your balls
>You can still live in ways to avoid a lot of this but it necessitates the refusal to do things that are simply seen as normal in this insane post-industrial place. It shouldn't need to be that way but anything else is suicide by goyslop.
Avoid a lot of what? Microplastics? You can't avoid those now - it is literally too late. You could go live in the wilderness a thousand miles from the nearest human being and you would still have microplastics in your water and food and body.
I'm not saying microplastics are good. But the solution to that problem is NOT reversing technological progress, because while going back to 18th century retard levels of technology will result in no more new microplastics being created, it won't clean up what's already there. The ONLY way to solve the microplastic issue is with technology, ironically. Most likely bioengineering some kind of organism that can metabolize microplastics.
The Amish are a terrible example to use though because they're insane religious cultists who will literally disown their own children for the crime of... not wanting to live like it's the 18th century.
That said, primitivism is retarded in all forms. Society will never stop being post-industrial barring a total collapse of civilization. You can either get with the times or keep seething impotently as progress marches on. Technological advancement and the improvements it brings to human existence will not be stopped.
It’s hilarious to think that after the great brownout, the Amish will slowly repopulate the earth and eventually reach and surpass the previous technological high water mark
>The ONLY way to solve the microplastic issue is with technology, ironically. Most likely bioengineering some kind of organism that can metabolize microplastics.
I have complete faith in the human race to overestimate our ability once again and completely fuck something up in the process because we actually think we're such hot shit. I believe that whole-heartedly because things like plastic exist in any capacity, which neither the environment nor the body have any mechanism to break down short of thousands of years.
Hydroelectric power and nuclear power is king for consistency. If you want your green energy that's the most effective way to go about it.
theres thousands of people working on the problem of microplastics right now, they will find a solution for the problem, thats how technology works
anything is possible if you dont bitch about the decline of civilization on a japanese imageboard all day
what are you going to do when we run out of fossil fuel?
Then the entire world would be severely inbred.
The Amish literally had to open specialized children's hospitals because so many of their kids are born with genetic diseases, thanks to their inbreeding.
We don't really have any other options, especially if it turns out that microplastics are actually harming people, animals, and the environment (currently it's unknown whether or not they are). We might not be able to wait tens of thousands of years for them to naturally break down.
we can recycle lithium
>that "very particular way" has resulted in them being stuck in the 18th century.

Didn’t realize we had electricity, forklifts, and computers in the 18th century. Read: you’re the one who’s stuck in outdated ideas.
>if it turns out that microplastics are actually harming people
>(currently it's unknown whether or not they are)
This is complete bullshit, microplastics are known endocrine disruptors. There are doctors out there actively warning the government and sounding alarm bells but no one seems to want to do anything about it.
>they use modern technology entirely for business purposes! see, you're wrong, they're le based!
How does an Amish person get to the store? He doesn't drive a car. He rides a fucking horse-drawn carriage. Forgive me if I'm not interested in sitting behind a shitting, farting, pissing animal that can't even go faster than 15mph.
And they'll probably fuck something up. Probably suppress their own data that they fucked something up. Probably run media blackouts on how they fucked something up. Probably also label you a conspiracy theorist for suggesting fucking up is even possible. Until they declassify the official documentation of said fuck up in 60 years, when no one cares anymore, and the youth of the time simply think the fuck up they've had since birth is how life has always been.
>The American water supply also has concerns of heavy metals, estrogens, demineralization, etc. And that's just the water supply, never mind the other ways that mainstream lifestyle choices in the modern world poison your body and crush your will to live.
My point this whole time has been that so much of our normal modern society was better left alone. I don't think humans are qualified to instruct each other on very much at all beyond washing your hands.
The Amish know about inbreeding, genetics, germ theory, etc. didn’t realize we had those in the 18th century
The fermi paradox is everyone eventually becomes amish.
Why are you so fixated on that?
because it isn't? the amount of time and money required to make nuclear work and the amount of population required to make it worth don't match the immediate free energy provided by solar. Solar scales to match any population size. Nuclear needs massive populations to justify it.
There's an amish colony in new mexico now, I think they're planning to take indian territory soon.
Are you retarded?
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>Why the fuck are they pushing these giant green energy

Red-Green Alliance. The Cold War Never ended.
On the upside: sequestering nuclear precursors [lithium], keeping their prices high, and having geostrategic enemies export it to their detriment. 3 weeks after the Afghan pullout headline, "New Giant Lithium Deposits Found In Afghanistan"-- how convenient for Reds in Beijing ...

After that it's pointing a gun at American's freedom of movement-- a lot of identity is bound up with automobiles

> If they approve the proposed Convention4 in all it’s parts, I shall concur in it chearfully, in hopes that they will amend it whenever they shall find it work wrong. I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries; as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe.
>To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1787
Solar is crap. Anyone who buys it is a faggot. I love threatening to get my gun and watch solar sales spics skedaddle.
They only know about those things because the rest of the world continued to advance without them. If everyone was like the Amish, we wouldn't know fuck all about any of that shit.
Because it's a great example of why primitivism is disgusting. You would literally rather sit behind a filthy animal for hours in the heat (because you have no air conditioning on a horse-drawn buggy) than drive a car.
You can say whatever you want about horse based transportation, but it doesn’t change the fact it is the sole form of transportation that requires zero dependency upon large outside entities
>My point this whole time has been that so much of our normal modern society was better left alone.
you have no fucking clue what youre talking about, you benefit from technology every day of your life, and from the modern distribution of knowledge and work. nobody is crushing your spirit into dust, science isnt a grand conspiracy to make you miserable, happiness is a choice
you can start living healthy today. microplastics arent forcing you to be a doomer
Okay? Why am I supposed to give a shit about that? I'd still rather have a car than a fucking horse. Cars don't smell like literal shit.
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>minerals needed for batteries are mined
What's in OP's pic is solar thermal power. Those are just mirrors, not photovoltaic panels.
They don't charge batteries, they focus the light and store the energy as heat, in barrels of molten salt or other substances, which is later used to drive steam turbines. The same way coal power does it
>american naturally forgetting bicycles exist

>free energy is bad. it just is.

A nuclear plant takes about a decade to get off the ground if you factor in western safety standards and paper work.

Solar can be installed on your house tomorrow.

you'd think guntards would like the idea of owning their own power instead of having to suckle off the teat of the state or some corporation.
Can you read please? I've been consistent about certain benefits of progress in the last 150 years. It has clearly not all been a mistake, but enough of it has that I and others have run out of tolerance for Man's fuck ups and I won't support any more of them.
You have been treating the impractically poisonous modern day as an essential price for said benefits.
>you'd think guntards would like the idea of owning their own power instead of having to suckle off the teat of the state or some corporation.
Bro we've seen the reddit screenshots. This shit doesn't work.
They hate solar because /pol/ told them it was bad.
i've got solar on my house it works just fine.
Yeah bro, build your own bicycle bro.
It's not free tho, and if you're a grownup who owns real things like a washer, dryer and air conditioner you'll need over 9000 panels just to run them for 10 minutes.
The point is given the choice between electric, which can be disabled/driven remotely, and a horse, you’re a moron if you don’t choose the horse, considering the dystopian horror on the horizon.
I hope you're not a grown man that rides a bike.
The thing that scares me most about the trajectory of our society is that nobody is in control.

There's nobody to say "stop, that's a bad idea", everyone just accepts shit, or when the shit hits the fan they lay blame and punish people but all it does is dull the response for the next time shit hits the fan.

The concept of renewables is great, but the problem isn't whether something is renewable or non-renewable, the problem is the level of consumption in the first place.
I could build a bicycle that goes faster than a horse (and doesn't stink like shit) from junk at the local dump. I could motorize the damn thing with some broken engine from a chainsaw or some shit and blow a horse the fuck out in every conceivable manner.
The only viable form of solar is mirror farms. Everything else is prohibitively expensive, and even large scale mirror farms require large scale industry.
No, your attempt to appeal to rightoids with the concept that something like solar is actually up their alley because it represents independence from the abstraction of big government.
Same thing with the fuckcars people.
I even wear a helmet with a trans flag on it and there's nothing you can do to stop me
>Everything else is prohibitively expensive
This but the opposite, it's extremely cheap.
>grown ass man needs aircon on 24/7

mate solar can cover it regardless. unless you live in some sun less shit hole.
I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic, so I'm going to choose the method of transportation that can go faster than 15mph, has air conditioning and heating, doesn't smell like LITERAL SHIT, and doesn't leave gigantic piles of piss and shit all over everywhere it walks.
I hope your roof leaks
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>the problem is the level of consumption in the first place
Anon. You’re not going to be able to maintain >30mph on a bicycle for hours, and you’re not going to achieve those speeds without very well maintained roads.
>suffering in heat and humidity for no fucking reason other than feeling tough
You have some kind of mental deficiency.
There is nothing cheap about solarvoltaic panels.
there it is lmao. enjoy roasting in your trailer ausnigger.
There's so much of the United States that would be uninhabitable without HVAC that is indeed available 24/7.
And are you going to be able to do that with a horse?
Like I said, you can motorize a bicycle. You don't even need one of those special electric motors. You can find basically any small gas motor (think a weed whacker or a chainsaw) and rig up something to attach it to the bike and hook it up to the rear wheel.
Except everything
Then you’re the ideal servant, terrified of any level of independence if there is even the slightest bit of discomfort associated with it.
>There's so much of the United States that would be uninhabitable without HVAC

Maybe it should be left uninhabitable then
In opposite world.
Actual luddites are far better for global warming then your faggoy liberal green energy projects as an excuse to continue all your energy waste.
I like how you’re living in a fantasy world where you’ll have perfect roads all the time. But hey, you’ve never seen a horse in person.
That's a fair point, but in practical terms that means relocating many 10s of millions of people to other places that are already inhabited. Does that kind of migration crowding sound like a good idea to you?
even if all industry and greenhouse gas emissions stopped today, the climate processes that were already started will continue for several centuries.
the only way out of this mess is unironically better technology. we broke it, we have to fix it
>the only way out of this
lmao if it's ogre then it's ogre
Liberals are so fucking retarded and ignorant. You know there is an entire world outside of Southern California with different climates correct?

What the fuck are notherners going to do when they only get 4 hours of sunlight a day in the winter?

Solar panels don't produce that much energy either.
but it fucking does. You can pay money to arabs till the end of time or you can own your own electricity and do with it as you please. one payment for solar panels that at least 20 years at most 40.
I like how your fantasy has a pre-existing explanation for the idea that climate change is not anthropogenic
>okay, we stopped literally all technology and it’s still getting hotter
>th-thats because the d-damage is d-done!!
Solar is great but its not actually viable for a household of more than two people who actually use technology. God forbid you also drive electric.
I didn’t realize solar panels grew from solar seeds that I can harvest and plant
I don't harbor any jingoistic discomfort about sand niggers profiting off their oil stores. Sorry.
Please, direct me to these nearly free and long lasting solar panels
It would cost me 10 to get solar installed on my roof. The planet loving liberals in California have already ended the energy buyback program where any excess energy would go to tax deductions because they just love the environment so much. Assuming I could even power my house living on the coast in norther California where I get maybe 100 sunny days a year at best.
>what are negative feedback loops
>what is permafrost thawing
>what is methane cycle
>what is ocean acidification
its almost as if the global climate is more complicated than "using your car = BAD"
And it would only take you 20 years to return on your investment!
>I like how you’re living in a fantasy world where you’ll have perfect roads all the time
You don't need "perfect roads" to ride a bicycle, motorized or not. People ride motorcycles (AKA motorized bicycles) all the fucking time on all sorts of roads.
>But hey, you’ve never seen a horse in person.
I grew up in a small farming town. I've been around livestock my whole life. I have enough experience with farm animals to know that they are fucking disgusting creatures that smell awful, and make an even more awful mess.
I'm also not interested in stepping in the piles of horse shit that horse-based transportation inevitably results in.
Nobody ever said solar has to COMPLETELY cover all of your electrical needs. It generally doesn't, and that's fine, because that isn't the point of home solar arrays. The point of a solar array is to cover some of your electricity usage, resulting in you needing to buy less power from the grid (so you have a lower power bill). In addition, you can also get paid by the power company for any excess power you generate - so for example, if you were away from home for a week and weren't using any electricity during that time, you would be getting paid for what your solar panels are generating.
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if only there was a way to spread electricity along great distances.

>buy solar
>put money back into grid
>money saved not buy electricity
>solar pays for itself.
It’s almost as if all of that happens after increases in energy to the planet. Gee I wonder where outside energy comes from.
>solar pays for itself.
In about two decades.
>long term investments in the house you own and will live in for decades are... LE BAD!
Anon you started this psychotic nonsense with the idea you were totally going to build your own bicycle from scratch.
It would take 20 years IF California still had an energy buy back program. No, I'd likely never get a return on my investment as I would also have to buy batteries to store excess energy and set up my house to run on those batteries and then also buy new batteries every time those started to fail. We're talking 10k instillation, + 2k every 5 years for new batteries.

Why not just do nuclear.
>it takes a long time
Very short sighted. As if installing solar on every individual house in America(including in climates where it won't even be effective half the year) is so much easier and better.
the ocean isn't acidic, it's basic.
Twenty years to break even and then only 1-10 years of continued activity before replacement is not an investment. It’s a waste of money.
No, you started it by insisting that horses are better than cars because you have to buy cars from a car company. Then someone else mentioned bicycles and you brought up not being able to build a bicycle yourself. I pointed out that you can, in fact, do that if you were so inclined.
But you just want us all to be riding pissing, shitting, disgusting animals like it's still the 1870s.
>you can also get paid by the power company for any excess power you generate
As I keep saying, this is not true. it was true, specifically in California for maybe 2 years. Not even in california do you get tax breaks for energy.

>this dumb fucking NEET living with mommy thinks power companies actually pay you cash for electricity you don't use
Wow its so easy to spread electricity along great distances. We could perhaps harnes the power of atoms to produce electricity, so much electricity that a single facility could power the entire country of Australia and then some.
>long term investment in nuclear power is bad
>long term investments in the house you don't own is le good
Yeah anon, you’re totally going to dig up bauxite refine it into aluminum then forge pipes and perfectly round wheels and vulcanize the rubber from your rubber trees and totally build your own bike from scratch.

I’m not sure what angle you’re not thinking about here, but it’s a big one.
Either speak for yourself or fuck off.
and then it adds to the value of the house if you ever sell it fuckwit.

it was the case but pre-existing grid infrastructure couldn't handle the rate of solar adoption.

if the majority of people switched to solar and the grid was upgraded then it would simply be matter of either having solar or buying it off people who do.
You fuck off you little bitch.
>non-functional solar panels add to the value of a house

Anon this is pathetic.
yeah in 20 years. or every one could just put panels on their houses.
>dude just re-do the entire grid structure
>no way man a nuclear power plant would take like 10 years to build
So why are you against nuclear again?
I accept your concession.
>everyone can just cough up 10k to put solar panels on their house and there will be enough workers to all install it
Even in your fantasy communist utopia where everyone is on board with "the program" it would take more then 20 years to accomplish your goal.
You'll accept my boot up your ass, fucking little pussy cunt.
They’re against nuclear because it’s the only energy source where electrolysis of water is viable, which replaces oil, solar, batteries, etc.
You’re the one who’s afraid to speak for yourself.
I never said investment in nuclear power is bad.
Also I never said to invest in a house you don't own. If you don't own it, then it's not up to you to install solar panels anyway.
Oh, okay, so you're one of those paranoid schizophrenics who thinks relying on supply chains is bad because WHAT IF SOCIETY HECKIN COLLAPSES!?!?!?
If society collapses I have no intention of surviving in the first place. Why would I want to live in post-apocalyptic squalor?
Anon, don’t get insane just because I told you in unequivocal terms that your bike is still dependent upon a lot of shit.
>spend $10,000 to reduce your electric bill by $50/month
>if you move out in less than 20 years (highly likely) you lost money
Retards actually think this is a good idea.
it takes a lot of energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, more than the energy you get from the two gases in a fuel cell car.
it makes more sense to directly use that energy to run a standard electric car.
You've yet to explain why I should even care that it's "dependent upon a lot of shit." So I'm left to assume your reasoning as to why that's a bad thing.
>buy a house
>sell it in less than 20 years
Also you're ignoring the fact that having solar panels raises the value of the house, so when you sell it you are in fact getting more money than you would have without the solar panels.
Wow you've completely moved the goal posts. Good job, you pwned the chuds like your hero Destiny!
>buy a house
>sell it 20 years
Actually incredibly common. People don't necessarily want to live in the same location their entire lives but also don't want to rent. Its not as if house prices are going to go down so for at least 20 years they're living in a starter home they can sell when they've saved up their money.
People move every 5-10 years on average, it's pretty abnormal to stay in the same place for 20-30 years, especially if you're of working age and have a family.
>having solar panels raises the value of the house
Hopefully it raises the value enough to cover the cost of the solar panels PLUS the new solar panels you'll have to pay to put on the new house, otherwise you're back at square one.
Destiny is a subhuman and I would derive great joy from personally killing him.
Just because I disagree with you on certain things doesn't make me the embodiment of everything you disagree with and despise.
Again, please explain why it should matter that I can't make a car or a bicycle literally from scratch?
Shut up ivan
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yt bois are going extinct nyaa~

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