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Abi wasn't kicked. She walked out. We want her back! edition


>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZZcGN3MKY0
Kick: https://kick.com/fishtanklive


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Previous Thread: >>201717072
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>I'm just like them haha I'm so funny I'll be a part of MDE one day
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Why did Abi quit?
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I love the way they loved
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Who is Greg? WHO. IS. GREG.? Gregger Neggers... UNITE!
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even if i ruse.. i win
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>Anon, do you Gundam?
9 hours of sheboon screaming made her stim too hard.
>claire pretending to think greg was the real mr beast
shes making it real hard to hate her
Jimmycord willed it into existence.
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Jimmy posting was fun during season 2 even after he quit the second time, but since 2.5 it's really gay, what gives? How did he and his fans become such faggots over time?
I want to fight Claire
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50% are crushing on Claire,
Haley wasn't even an option lol
The bitches had a yapping session that lasted til dawn, that buckbroke her. I would blame Shadi for her departure.
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wosie mogs
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would, but damn she's fucked
Abi is a fucking disgrace for us mexicans.
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So princess posters, who we simping for now?
Beat and off topic
Back to bant u go
Abi-sama....she quit, she's not coming back.
You know what, Jimmy should consider killing himself
her hair looked so good this day....
she's weak and pathetic
he's fucked.
Abi is Claire’s JC. It’s all downhill from here
Hes going to make a good wife beater one day
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What made S2 trash?
Nobody, I'm playing smugglers run instead

production should ban him as a bit
this is who Tay tried to get to dox her ex-fans?
the grim reaper
We were never simping for Abi we wanted Clabi. A non production forced TJaylor
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Seems likely.
Went back home to take care of her kittens.
Get this Juliana rat out of my sight

Serious question, are a new fag?
>How did he and his fans become such faggots over time
they didn't, you just fell for the abicord psyop
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Claire isnt going to go nearly as far gone as she did the other night. I think shes learned her lesson, ESPECIALLY with abi gone
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>Reminder that Jimmy is into gay incest fetishes (from his deviantart) and was caught liking furry porn (on twitter).
>Jimmy has also been caught seeking out trannies to fuck on 4chan, attaching his handle pingasbomb to every post while tripfagging.
>Anyone that supports Jimmy is mentally deranged and is probably a closeted fag, just like Jimmy.
>Imagine losing to a retard with a torn hamstring, and a twink with broken ribs.
Eternally mogged by TJ, Jon, and 100lb women.
holy shit..
Abi left because she was getting too wet around Claire.
it's another mentioning destiny and other gay faggot ecelebs episode
No & Jimmy lost
calling another man’s cock fat is nuts
Serious question, are you Indian lmao?
oh my god
Tf is wrong with this nigga
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They were always like this but you didn't really notice in s2 because how bad tank was so it kind of blended in eith everything else but 2.5 exposed about miserable it truly is especially after Jon was kicked
Abi was literally claires only rock in the tank. All of the bitch girls will gang up on her immediately. I doubt she's going to last til the night desu.
I don’t think you know what you’re asking or why.
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>Do you promise?
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lol, Jimmy is a faggot
Notice how Claire is talking so much and it’s annoying try hard pick me shit as opposed to her more well thought out shit. She is trying her best to stay out of her mind. She is genuinely devastated.
>Bitches are getting bored/quitting
>Bex and Ben want to go home before S3
>Running out of MDE orbiters/hobos to put in the show
>Sam checked out
>Income drying up
>Jet has Chlamydia and needs to recover

It's going to be over soon lads, what are you going to do while you wait for S3?

Are you mostly a S1 fan?
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we are keeping the stream on as background noise until claire leaves or abi returns from her shower, then getting on with our lives
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fuck this gay earth
>I think shes learned her lesson
Ban Jimmy from the official web chat. He's getting too big for his boots
>I doubt she's going to last til the night desu.
Thank god, then i'll finally be free from her mesmorizing grasp
Letty won
reminder that its all 3 of her twitch viewers spamming abi in these threads
reminder: haley has had the same old lady face since she was 14
Grim and fucked
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You are the only one saying this you even used the same number last thread.
>Tay's best friend from the tank is a femboy chaser
>Tay's bf's best friend is a reddit femboy gooner
Jordan make the call. Get Jimbo some Sebastian bussy.
>Cute autistic girl is the most popular girl on the internet autism program
Colour me shocked.
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JC will win.
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reminder: abi is cute
God damn i just want to slap that rat faced little scoliosis kike around until she squeals
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if I only could, make a deal with god, get him to swap our places
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Of course, s2 started kino and became dog shit extremely fast.
That fucking laugh gets me every time
This is not looking good...
I hated Abi before bitchtank and am still not sure how to feel about the fact she's fucking a mexican ogre but she was the best part of bitchtank
You have scoliosis because you're terminally online you Kiwi posting freak
how often do you people need to remind yourselves?
because its literally true jimmy has a discord and is astroturfed in these threads despite having a large following but no its totally organic the flood of abi posts even though she streams to 3 people
Juliana is better looking than Claire to be fair, the only problem is her T*yleigh-like personality.
I need a Claire wife
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>jimmy won
Won what?.
Shadi: I was never on omegle or camgirling... maybe someone leaked my nudes.......
Claire: ELL OH ELL

holy shit I can't
wonder how letty feels if she heard that
claire ninaposting
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How many roses did Jimmy get?
Disgusting whore may she die in her sleep
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>Juliana is better looking than Claire to be fair
>How stupid do you have to be to send nudes
Letty gonna be seething
>Take her somewhere
>Sucks and fucks every dick in the room
She's not for marrying, she's for pissing on in an alley.
Jimmy was raped.
Abi streams are shit she’s fun on the tank. Same reason Jimmy has all the pay pigs in the tank but get no donos on his own streams.
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Did you watch her video journal?
it's hot how she looks like a retarded cat or something
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Can we fucking screeshot this? Im screenshotting this, HOLY FUCK
oh look, the brazilian
How fucked up is cleh whens shes off camera? This bitch must be more ran through than a literal prostitute
will you be watching shadi's, leah's, juliana's, kato's, haley's, or claire's streams?
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>failed normie
>funny one liners
>is the standout fish
>only non-cringe fan
>distrusting sam hyde
>love interest left early on
>"i'm just here to have fun"
>plays up a character for the audience
>would rather play video games than talk to the other fish
>constantly worried that everyone hates them
>constantly wondering if they should leave
I’m starting to think Dave got cold feet and isn’t coming back bros

It’s all so…. grim now
>poopoo talk
do chicks really talk about their shits this much?
Not at all. She is cute and trad.
It's Tayday
Jimmy lost actually.
what type of white is abi
there's no elves where I am
Yeah if you could put the fat Aussie and the rat back in the cell that would be great
Is today the third day Dave has been on vacation?
I'm starting to think Abi slipped in the shower and broke her neck bros

It's all so.... grim now
She looks like a 50/50 mix of aids skrillex and a 10 year old inbred orthodox jewess
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Why is this repulsive faggot still lingering around after 2.5? I've literally never seen someone so cucked and humiliated. When the show ended, it was unanimous that he had been BTFO
Thats why she sleeps in the cat bed and climbs on everything
there's probably finnish influence in there

I introduced my european friend to Abi and he was like "damn she's beautiful with those asiatic eyes" and said if he wanted to meet a girl like that he'd have to go to finland
Will jet kick her out for saying a no no word too?
I hope he's out there doing what he loves.

Starting fires.
she's never even been to a party
abi quit
Dave 100% has cold feet. Goran dropped the ball and he's not coming back
She just stood up and walked out in the morning, unfortunately. Literally just gave up when she woke up.
I’m saying it too because it’s true, dickride this spoiled cunt some more
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>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before Mallet and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out her comfort even when Boss Baby threw thousands at her
>Main evented the lowest drawing stage of S2
>Main evented the lowest drawing Season of Fishtank
>Tanked the buyrate of season passes so hard the Episdos got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because she was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of The Trish Slliance
>Only the 3th best member of the Haley Dogpile
>Her IRL clique was utterly BTFO by The Jimmichord and achieved nothing notable except inflicting retarded twitch streams on us
>His JDM cosplay is cringeworthy
>His Autistic cosplay is cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""The One wo Broke Jimmy""""""""
>Shit taste in Food
>Shit hairline
>Has his ex wife's tattooed on his mind
>Failed at his first relationship so badly that he resorted to marrying an obese Mexican
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a S2 streak
>Is the Fishtank equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in her late S2 title run that Tayleigh of all people had to take the belt off him
>spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent like Haley
There are no shortage of morons who thought jimmy had a redemption arc in 2.5
and jimmy quit 3 times
And just graduated Catholic school and has had the same boyfriend for 2 years lol
Chances of her being a whore are astronomically low.
for now
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yup. whenever they run out of things to talk about, they just resort to poop-talk. and not like in a "guy" sense where they go "aight gals, I'm gonna take a big fat smelly dump" in a way to assert dominance but genuinely and in detail: "I didn't shit in 9 days", "last time it was like super slimy", "it came out in slightly green-ish chunks"...
To be fair Jimmy and Sam are frighteningly similar, Jimmy is like Sam if he was raped as a child and took everything he said seriously and wasn't 6'7.
That counts as a newfag tho
she gave up last night after telling the niggers to stop screeching at claire and being accused of babying her and then having to listen to them screech for 6 more hours
Holy ESL
whats the Scott beef? haven't watched since jimmy left missed a lot
jimmycord having a melty I see
No that was jon
but enough about jimmy brother
She's the kind of woman that REGRETS missing out on her whore days, people are simping for this by the way
are you retarded
He got paid and is on a bender

Is this your first experience with homeless people ??? lol
Are you literally disabled?
Abi's defeat is the turning point.
Yeah that's what it seemed like, I think the reality set in for her at some point she would be down to one other girl and they'd turn nasty on her.
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Humiliation ritual
jon won the boxing match and was kicked by jimmyfag paypigs on a poll
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i can fix her
Incels so mad at best girl Claire
Abi fucked up by leaving early. Fans really hate when fish leave early lol, we just saw her go from a favorite to least favorite in minutes.
>switching rapidly between "his" and "her"

who the fuck are you even talking about
Jimmy, Tayleigh and Betty and their fans all need to go away from the fishtank sphere, things would be so much better.
abicord cope
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the grief is setting in
speaking for myself only.
I imagine he investigated fish tank when he got out and realized he probably shouldn't lolcow himself.
But Sam was actually funny at times and has had sex with real women
+Letty and Josie fans too.
>missing out

She's only 21.
Wake up
>abi is gone
>dave isn’t coming back
>tayleigh is about to make an unwanted guest appearance

mid and ugly girls are usually the biggest sluts

if you know, you know
Wait... you guys are still watching?
Mad? I barely feel pity for the broad
And real men
What sort of cope is this? Jimmy's a raped faggot.
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its the mongolian influence, its mostly present in finland but also some eastern european countries. im east euro and some girls in my family have the blonde hair + abi eyes combo
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humiliation ritual
Abi knew she was in Clairetank. She didn't want to stick around knowing she could only achieve second place.
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It's a precarious situation. How's he gonna salvage it?

that's bullshit. jimmy did nothing wrong
and scott apologists
No, not after abi left. Just discussing.
if abi is gone im done, the last 3 days have been absolutly dreadful watching abi play san andreas was the only entertainment i got from it, i dont want to listen to a full week of haley and sheboon arguing back and forth
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You are replying to someone who doesn't even give a shit about Abi lol. I hate Jimmy because he and Mephisto are constantly trying 'puppetmaster' the show with the GAYEST shit. They literally think they can make a better Fishtank. NEWS FLASH: Jimmy and Mephisto are über cringe faggots, nothing they suggest is creative or funny in anyway
>Le manifesto was just a gaslight, we twicked Sam Hyde!
yeah then we could chill and vibe fr
Yes, that's the most retarded thing she truly believes her life is over at 21
wait abi left?
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>Still on the site
>missing out on her whore days
Wym? Her whore days are only beginning.
What do you mean? Are you retarded?
Throw Josie autistics in there and I agree.
Dave will be back tonight Claire... don't wash...
im pretty sure its just jet on like 20 sock accounts talking to himself
Claire is the oldest child in a well off catholic family that cracked under pressure that started doing drugs and dropped out of college. She is the family fuck up and her two sisters entire personality online is that they aren’t a fuck up like her.
Grim it up
Would she still have left knowing she's the most endorsed contestant?
Fuck off
He quit and jet made a fake poll
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He's making the call as we speak, Abi 2.0 is coming.
Only Bliccy can save bitchtank now
oh man am I happy that abi is gone. anyway,
hit up on kik pingasbomb just looking to talk or hook up or anything really. girls/tgirls/femboys
This is a huge win
I can’t speak for anyone else but I only become a Jimmy fan when you fags start crying your eyes out. It’s literally hilarious and hard not to make Jimmy comments at that point lmao.
you dont know anything about women lmfao
Cop some glasses you dumb squaw. You didnt watch s2. You are a new fag. A summer fag. A complete and utter disgrace to FTL.
oh man
this is embarrassing and retarded
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Nobody knows, it appears to just be anxiety. She didn't make a scene about it and nobody has said anything yet.
fucking lmao
GRIM status?
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bitch made me switch cameras, I had to see it so you do too
anyone else watching on mute?
Sam literally got him to agree to stay before Jet made the poll
why this nigga look Filipino?
insider here. she just went to the doctor and is coming back in a cabinet.
She's literally me
Abi quit :3
She is terminally online and read into the early wall thing. Haley being an ugly old bitch at 25 also doesn’t help
he was kicked
cope jimmytroon
yeah well get used to it youll see it in the next thread
the absolute audacity of jet making a bitchtank without bliccy in the first place
I love jimmy when he's tard raging and when he's doing his preplaned bits. any other time he is a miserable sad sack and his "fans" are a blight on the community.

I say "fans" in quotes because the only people who can really like jimmy are incels who are basically him and kiwifarmers who are basically him
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we got an actual retard ITT LMAO
Grim and fucked
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>What if I went on the show and just started talking about talcum powder
>That would be so random for the luls
>That's what Fishtank is about right?
mighty thighs
where did the other black go?
her diabetes leg bruises make me gag, she's the type of woman I can smell through the screen.
why is claire so cute and funny and wholesome?
I no lifed season 2 harder than 1, still liked it less, cope. Your argument makes no sense, and it's gay.
show fucking sucks jet and so does this man
Talc it up
Is it confirmed she's the oldest? I get strong middle child vibes from her.
this is a cm punk copypasta right?
Damn this is well done. Good shit Anon.
>the things you've done in the past might come back to bite you in the ass
>after this i might just disappear from the internet completely
uhhhhhh what did the fat freak do, have we found evidence of her horrible misdeeds yet?
significant lack of any weird gags right now
Get that fat nigga Jimmy on ozempic.
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>mfw jimmy and mephisto puppetmaster fishtank into the most epic thing i've ever seen
And sam didnt gave a shit and agreed with the poll
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claire is the most fun
Yeah Claire said so herself have baby pics and everything and she’s always the oldest.
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Abi gone, the only kino road now is for Claire to go full schizo and go against all the other girls at once
What the fuck are you talking about?
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Make the call, Jet. Put him in the Bitchtank.
I'm going to be completely fucking honest

after having a Haley detox since last night and seeing the worst of the other girls (except Kato I guess), and Abi leaving, and Claire acting like a cunt... and seeing that Haley has always been a haggard bitch since she was 14...

I legit am warming up on Haley unironically, big time

her little dances for the camera and blowing kisses for like nothing, as if it's as much for her validation too, almost makes me want her to win it all
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>ruins your fishtank
There was some weird TTS earlier about some leaked messages, along with some weird word salad to which she gave a nervous laugh. Maybe I am wrong though.
If Claire leaves I leak everything
How is Jimmy connected to the fandom?
Claire + Hailey against Shadi is the best path now.
We have the perfect trifecta right now, Shodis nigger rage and Cleh alcoholism will even the playing field when pitted against Haley
weird retard
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no one watches this show newfag
I don't know but she got quiet after that TTS saying her DMs got leaked to the chat.
I want ben to win for dealing with these cunts, you're just vulnerable to her tricks. Haley's still just as bad as Shadi & Leah.
>TJ wouldn’t put up with your shit!
taylor would pipebomb the bitchtank before letting that happen
I was only against her because she came at Abi day 1 and seemed to be a Jimmy fan. But after yesterday I too warmed up to her a little.
Doesn’t Haley hate Claire? I feel like Claire would have to go with Kati or someone, idk.
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thank god
even that is boring af, ive already seen drunk clare hundreds of times in high school and college, she is an dime a dozen in any fly over state.

If abi is gone they just need to go full hell house on these girls because their "content" the last 4 days has been dreadful
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I keep jimmycord on their toes, fags can't keep up
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First sentence is literally me.
God bless her.

>I would promise, anon.
People are starting to wake up
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>tj and no abi
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wrong fucking upload fuck me
A lot of retarded gay guys see themselves in him
>i'm thinking of embarassing DM's
>the most embarassing was probably
>"i want to take edibles and go to the aquarium"
what the fuck is this fat hog talking about
can we find the disgusting inevitable pedo DM's and get her out of here already??
nobody, these bitches are boring. I was only watching for Abi, see you later fags
>dose nothing
>abibeaners can't stop frothing from their mouths about him 24/7
Yeah but seeds of discord with Shadi appeared last night.
If Abi is really gone then the show is over
she's taking a shower
Does anyone have the clip of Abi leaving?

Or the elimination from yesterday?
I just like haley's legs.
He's a superfan who watches the show and posts in these threads 24/7. He literally has a team of other MDE superfans doing it with him
You need to take a break dude, holy shit.
It's crazy how jimtards live in the shadow of coleburners, their oc is shit, their posts aren't funny, there's just no magic to it.
no I see exactly what Haley's "tricks" are, I can respect her playing the "role" and she does it well with charm

Claire by contrast isn't playing a role she's just... a zoomer who is sad because COVID and other shit ruined her chance to have a normal whoring life

Shadi is a gross retarded whore

Claire did try and recruit Kato to her side with the gaming challenge shit which Kato reminded her of but Claire is being a noncommittal lazy zoomer retard. Was told literally 2 days ago in advance it's a gaming sniping challenge and waits until the day of the challenge to practice.
Lack of self awareness just like their idol
shes just taking a shower bros
taytriots all over again
Sexo with Juliana in bdsm gear
Jimmy doesn’t post here. He’s always in chat or his discord. His takes are so retarded and writing style distinct enough that he would stick out here.
Abi is taking a shower with me. She's coming back when we are done here.
what do you mean I don't want to make her my wife
No high elf princess no show
you will.
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>dose nothing
First of all, kill yourself ESL retard.
Did Jimmy really win???
nta but Bitchtank was more or less designed for Abi but the problem is that its so directionless that its probably just infuriating Abi since its just 6-8 loudmouth girls shouting and gossiping day after day. Abi was fine on S2 when they had challenges and stuff to keep her occupied and she probably would have stayed if the bathroom cams didnt exist and she got real food instead of grits.
sorry scott
Haley is the Cole of this season
WTF scott sulivan of scott sullivans MMA
simp piggy squeee
Cope harder
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when does abi show up
>abi the homeschooled
is this supposed to be an insult?
I'm a sucker for her in those boots
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Frieren-sama was carrying the show alone with her beauty, now things are looking grim.
lol ozempig and ratgirl kicked to the cell already?

Bravo, Goran. I must admit this is good work.
yeah Abi was literally the only person producing content like 2 fucking days in a row with her gaming streams
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Who keeps TTS baiting them into shit talking Abi? This is the third time they haven't taken the bait.
bitchtank wasn't designed for abby
i don't see a single lie there
He posted on bant once same writing style and jimboisms
>with charm
You're fucked. She's the fakest person there, it's insane, everything that comes from her feels so false.
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will padholder show up today?
I miss his funny bits. Maybe he can do more bits with the hot new girl in the bathroom
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damn i wasted my time making it
Going on FT will not help her get custody of her kid back.
I thought Scott was a fag until I watched the video of him and Letty arguing while Claire was riding him. He demolished her and ngl I’m warming up to him
Abi lasted even less time in S2. She left cause her dog was sick and TJ said she should leave if she wants to and that he wouldn’t miss her.
>this girl went to a Catholic school
Why didn't you save her?
no lol
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Yeah, I feel bad for Haley. Can't see how anyone above 90 iq could take the fat bitch's side.
It's just so difficult to support her. She had Claire defending her last night until she randomly lashed out and attacked her for no fucking reason. She's so fucking corny too with her "HALEY GANG WOOOOO!" and "I'm so fucking genuine!"

I genuinely don't like anyone remaining in the tank if Abi is truly gone.
that's what's charming, the performance of it

wow, TJ is a fucking faggot
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Clairetank is a go
>the only fight he was ever able to win
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Oh he's taking Spock into the bathroom for sure.
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>"Go take care of your dying dog instead of wasting your time on a internet show for Cyrokeens"
>Wow dude ur such a fag
jimmycord is using jimmy's tokens
That forehead grows bigger everytime someone post a pic of her
lightbulb shaped head
>yeah Abi was literally the only person producing content like 2 fucking days in a row with her gaming streams
kys simp
it could happen outside the tank but chances are slim
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Still confused how any respectable person could support a 28 year old man who seethes over a 22 year old girl
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I miss the methcell
please post abi clips
>oh, abi had the remote...

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Nontent Abi
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pining over abi and following her with the cameras to watch her every move is not content, you are mentally ill.
this is literally just yandedev or however it's spelled but with tits
kek you're probably right that's so funny
jet didn't realize giving jimmy a million tokens last night was a bad idea cause he'll just tip them to all his handlers to shit up TTS
I can't tell if people are really getting psyops'd by that picture of abi leaving or if it's just a meme to say she left
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Why cant the 7 abi freaks make their own thread like the josie simps?
we're not mentally ill freaks or indians
I prefer season 1, but cole is the funniest character in fishtank without a doubt
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they love his weird gags and wicked sense of humor
You added 4 this time.
a classic recreation and a CLASSIC jimmy gag
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lmao that would be pretty funny
Daddy mcpaddy is too busy arguing with his wife
im older than that and i "seethe" about her without even ever meeting her.
its a natural reaction to evil, hylics like you would never get that.
better go and donate more plastic balls or whatever that you sape hylics do to entertain your fragile undeveloped minds.
abi is taking a shower
Just went for a piss at work and Abi quit?
This is going to be a sad last hour of waging
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Bye-bye, Abee ;)
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>I get cucked and humiliated on the show
>I call the producers of the show faggots
>I get humiliated again and cry like a baby
>I go home
>I still watch the show
>I still send TTS
>I pretend everyone likes me
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>It's another episode of production trying to astroturf /FTL/ threads and TTS on a dying show.
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Jimtards qualify for their own thread far more with the amount of dick sucking they do around here.
it's crazy how he goes from this to rape and assault
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was it the first time hayley saw it?
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>Abi when she leaves with the remote and half the power cord on the day of the elimination
Do we know a reason for Abi leaving?
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letty jiggle
it's so funny cause is jimmy's gripe with abi STILL that she "purposely targeted me" on the show?
That's literally how it works. He watched season one with Betty and Lance. He's such a fucking baby lmao
>jimtard thread full of faildoxxing and cope
could be kino
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he has a flawless sense of morality
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circa last night
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jimmy is tayleigh's white knight simp and she doesnt even wanna date him and cucked him with jordan (literally went "FUCK NO")
Kato freaked her out and was dick riding her to much.
WTF happened to Abi?
Bro code
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bitches really need to rethink doin such drastic hairstyles like this
Letty needs to do this more often. Hell she should stream playing this game after she goes home.
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>i'm older than that and i seethe about her without even meeting her
Jesus Christ.
It's beyond fucked up how Jimmy keeps orbiting her after that.
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Good idea
This abi left meme is getting old (in case you are serious she's showering right now)
Who cares? Honestly forgot she was there after day 1
never ending seethe. no wonder he never shuts up about Utah and the psycho rape torture that is surely extremely exaggerated just like this comment
Tay has a better ass. hilarious.,
im the 3 poster and im not the only one who notices that the abi spam comes from her 3 viewers
Sister tayleigh
just showering
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are you aware she has the most endorsements and roses
Abi quit
Does anyone know how to find when an Xbox 360 game disc was manufactured?
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this looks like shes in a gloryhole booth
Everyone does that with jimmy because he’s so easy to trigger. Even vance was getting him in 2.5 and he seethe whistled for an hour straight
Would like to hear what Jimmy expected when he applied for s2. Did he expect to be coddled the whole season so he can do his dogshit prop comedy?
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are you aware you're the biggest faggot here for knowing this
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Kino is a phone call away, Jet. The girls already wished he was there.
im the biggest faggot here for seeing a screenshot posted in /ftl/?
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Why did Jet allow the most popular bitch to leave the bitchtank?
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*ignores Clehs advances*
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>Can't hear a think ben is saying
fishtank quality
He absolutely doesn't want to come back onto the show.
flowstreams went down right as ben started, what did he say?
jimmy fans get a lot of heat cuz of the paypigging and gay ops desu
his fans just have the tendency of being seething, spammy fags which is unfortunate cuz he has good OC potential

she'll be back :'(
He was outed as a lolcow and it caught him off guard. He thought he was genuinely funny and not a funnyjunk golem
Tay buried him in 2.5
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>heavy southern accent girl is eliminated
>walks out the next day
kek fucking autism elf
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>Ben: We need to get them out of here...
>Kato: should we throw all their luggage out of the room?...
holy based

Camera B is what you need to use for dialog in bitchtank, sorry they're retarded
so what? endorsements are astroturfed by production and her 3 giga simps. unless you want to tell me that julinana is extremely popular because she has one of the highest rose counts?
>We don't know how to get the twitter orbiters out
yes, now go back to le epic reddit nigger
this is the definition of mid flyover country woman. how are you people simping over this? You can go to any midwestern diner and find 4 Claires
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Fuck this wrinkly bitch
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I'd be pissed as hell if I was that retarded southerner bitch
fuck haley, ugly wrinkly freak
Come and be a part of the pro-love and life generation.
What happened to the wsg post of this
She is trying to save some feral kittens if she's gone too long they may forget her.
Damn, Tayleigh really fucked you up if you are still seeking to hate her thru other people
calling sylvia's friend to the show from australia just to say she kills the vibe and have them toss all her shit down the stairs is incredibly funny
If you put it in the microwave on low for 2 sec. the date and serial that's laser etched onto the disc will be slightly visible for a few min.

Shut that coon mouth
whos the emo girl?
Jimmy should grow a beard, get on anabolics and shave his head.
abi lost
common jimmy win
>hate to see you leave, but i love to watch you go
she's somehow still ruining the show KEK
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Flowstream dropped right as Ben came in, what did he say?
i would hate to be jimmy thoughbeit
They've been melting down over Haley the second she got on the tank
he said abi quit
something about darkness coming
done with the show, said his goodbyes
on the bathroom, she just finished showering I think
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jimmy should just shave his head and become Kojack
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simp harder
Robin won
Tayleigh is the worst thing to ever happen to fishtank. At least jimmy provides content with his retarded antics. Tay does nothing and is hideous
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>tayleigh is a huge cunt
wooooow no way bro this can't be real you must be punking me bro, stop this tomfoolery you silly goose
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She left without saying goodbye to me. Im broken
Talked about the girls in the cell and something about beef or what ever. I didn't listen.
we're talking about the homeless jimmy, right?
Any lip readers in the thread? What did Claire just say?
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>Do you like to wear hats anon? You have more hair then I thought you would

I miss her already
We’re all fairly ugly and poor. Only obtainable girls hit that parasocial sweet spot
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You guys are niggers
>Abi is ugly and stupid and I hate her and I'm glad she's gone
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I can see it inside your face, you're in the wrong place
Cowards like you just get they whole body laced up
With bullet holes and such
Speak the wrong words, man, and you will get touched
You can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin'
Your simple words just don't move me
You're minor, we're major
You're all up in the game and don't deserve to be a player
he's genuinely cucked beyond belief, it's the most embarrassing dynamic in this show, it's Tay licking Franks shoe on repeat
>you don't look like a homeless person
>wolf among us
another TTS code from her friends?
where does abi stream?
>I'm just saying
>I'm gonna say shit back
>You bitches just keep talking
A chess player who leaves the match loses.
>remember jimmy's yeet yourself off the stairs challenge
lmfaoooooooooooo claire is the best
nah im talking about raped in utah multiple times jimmy
idk about you but I wouldn't want that
Still kino how TJ won despite being a S1 clipwatcher on Tiktok while Jimmy and Tayleigh lost while no lifeing S1 and MDE content.
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The Clairecord has been mobilized
Shadi needs to fucking go
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she said her goodbyes
hahaha it made Sam furious
Claire is personality pill to girls. If women were like Claire without the self destructive disposition or drug fried brain they would all be beautiful if they weren’t fat or had fucked up teeth and skin
Not to me
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>if tayleigh shows up here, i WILL quit the show
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Make the call, Jet
sorry she just got off an uber and is sucking my cock
she'll be on twitter soonish
>if tayleigh shows up i will quit the show
>barricading the door
Kek why?
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Threadly reminder you will never see abi again for the rest of your life because she is, in fact, a quitter :)
>inb4 jimmy quit
i do not care nigga
Dont get it twisted. Shadi 100% is responsible for driving Abi away. The fucking din du nothin mentality is just not compatible with Fishtank.
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>The reason Jimmy seethes about Claire is because she remembers him being rude to her when they met
Oh lol
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weird gag status?
everyone else bears some of the responsibility including claire for her wild revelries
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I will be pissed
she's literally just sitting there why are you so mad
What do you mean with be like Claire ? A pick me?
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We need a human moment
>tune into cell
>they are losing their shit over a squirrel
What is happening in that picture?
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>What are your thoughts on Israel?


what is it with that category of retarded female names? did all white people across america just decide to call the next generation some dumb shit like this?
the staff "fake-mad" but actually seething is getting gay
Fuck the simps that are funding this trash
did she let slip her own thoughts on the matter?
If you tune into cell with gorlock and sid from ice age you are a serious hardcore masochist
Where's the black girl? She left already?
There has never been a group of people that were more deserving of a helltank desu
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I blame Q and his 'leighs
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weepin' jimmy
Why is suda51 allowed to make the same game over and over again? im glad killer is dead and lolipop chainsaw flopped
Production should punish the bitches for making Abi leave.
Clabi posters manifested too hard anf it made abi uncomfortable to be in love with a drunk mess of a girl
What about the simps that AREN'T funding this shit
>doesn't even need the full duration of the show to completely mog them
>does it in a few days
she won
All the best girls are mean to Jimmy. Only trashy hoes like Tayleigh and Letty like him.
Claire is still going to visit Abi and bond sexually though, right? Right?? We only needed one more night to get the kino and now it’s over
But how?
this feels like it was months ago
Did Abi actually leave or is it a personal chat with producers like Hailey?
>tts : Claire, without Abi in there you're going to go off the deep end
>Yeah I know.

Kino will be delivered
did she really say that?
if so my appreciation for her will grow despite her being a wide faced dopey looking jew
I hate Leah so fucking much it's unreal
YES its more widespread that you even know i know girls from my high school with sons named
i fucking hate it they think theyre being unique but it turns out theyre just churning out an entire generation of lees
Pick me tank is in the cell.

Claire is one of those rare funny girls that doesn’t act like a boy or have feminist irony. Shes also submissive at the same time.
so is there really no prize money for "winner"
cause that explains Abi leaving
who wouldn't leave in that case
Abi quit because the Smuggler's Run level was too hard
Delete this. She was perfect
She got assaulted by a maniac its all fail play as long as things arent niggerish. Shadi aways tossed the stone but hid her hand. You cant make content with some one like that its retarded.
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got up before everyone else, packed her shit, saluted the camera and slammed the door. jet came in 10 minutes later and said she quit
She came, she mogged, she left.
yeah after Haley was singing
>haley and tayleigh! haley and tayleigh!
the choice is clear anon
Can we get some content going?
Funny how? Getting trashed? Thats being a pick me
>who wouldn't leave
the rest of these retarded YYEEAAAAAAHHH fangirls
Any chances of the Leah and Juliana bit to be a reverse trap for the bitches set up by production?
What's abi surname? Is it a finnish one?
up close it looks like he might be wearing a mask or something?
When claire was blackout she was talking about their dayrate and shadi cut her off and told her not to say that. So they are getting paid to be on
They just had a content marathon last night :) oh wait nah, it was The Coon show
Honestly leaving the sit in a room and make no content show early isnt really anything to be ashamed about. anyone with something going on in their life would have left on day 3 when it was clear this was yet another half baked idea by the wiggers.
With women it's actually an amplified issue because they have such a low barrier of entry to have a job, partner, home that the kind of women you get for this show are the insufferable cunts we got
Why do zoomers pretend like redbull is some kind of cocaine?
Getting trashed isn’t pick me behavior. Bragging about it and saying how you like getting trashed is.

You faggot I bet you use gaslight all the time too when it’s just a normal fucking lie
Tj is honestly such a great dude, i hated him until the very end of season 2 for how dumb he is but the boy has heart
obviously they're getting paid for being on but day rate of like 100 bucks a day is way different from potentially winning 10 grand or something
theyre the white equivalent of De'Shawns and La'Daquiries
they gotta turn TTS filter off for the fat girl to watch her squirm
it's bothering me watching her be an annoying fat retard and dancing around like all her dreams came true
Claire’s alcoholism ultimately pushed Abi away. She said at the peak of it last night, I’m done!
Abi didn’t really like having the babysitter roll on their friendship. She liked the good times they’d have when Claire was sober or not too drunk yet. She was annoyed and scared of drunk cleh
yeah i couldnt even stand that, like all nigger arguments it just devolved in to her repeating the same 3 or 4 sentences. On the good news she's made everyone in the house her enemy so that might be fun in the long run
>like all nigger arguments it just devolved in to her repeating the same 3 or 4 sentences.
Scott's not a nigger

Human Moment
She's been gone for 2 hours anon....
I remember someone saying scott argues like jon and thats why he triggers letty so much and i think theres a lot of truth to that
Yeah Scotts move is to be loud as the other person talks or just repeat what the person said in a mocking voice, straight up retard shit.
mockery is the bjj of arguing. it's not pretty but it works most of the time when done properly.
punjAbis BTFO
Claire's been gone a while, she's gooning isn't she?
>waits until the day of the challenge to practice.
She practiced it a decent amount yesterday
What happened to the bitches in the cell? Are they packing up?
Who cares?
I do because I want them fucking gone
Claire is a shower pisser, you can just tell.
why the fuck do they keep blocking the door. they're shit-testing production!!!

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