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What the fuck was his problem?
>heir to international corporation has pedo shit inked into him

really makes you think
They were all lunatics who should have died at 27 living like rockstars but jewwy knoxville was making too much money from them all so managed to keep (most of) them alive
They just wanted to do insane shit for reactions
His dad worked for Pepsi they didn't own it. I did know a Pepsi CEO's son at one point and they were rich as fuck though. Like call the kitchen to make whatever you wanted at any of his houses rich.
What the fuck makes you think he is an heir to anything lol
his dad worked for pepsi he didnt fucking own it
He was better when he still did drugs
That tattoo "artist" should go to prison
His dad didn’t just “work for Pepsi.” Richard Edward Glover was the head of Pepsi Co. South America.
SIDF out here.
>wahhhhhh arrest him for drawing something illegal
yeah and movie producers/actors/directors should go to jail for depicting theft
Imagine not drawing the line at baby fucking
for anyone wondering he was high on drugs and he and his friend were discussing the prospect of having kids and steve said "fuck kids" (figuratively) and he liked this phrase and immediately asked a tattoo master to make a tattoo about it. after sobering up he realised what he've just done and asked to removed it. iirc bam redrew it to have an ostrich instead of a baby and later he just painted a black rectangle over it
that's not baby fucking that's a tattoo of baby fucking, fragile tranny
Was he ever diagnosed with something? This can't just have been the loads of drugs he did.
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>steve said "fuck kids" (figuratively) and he liked this phrase
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based bam, and yet steveo still abandoned him
reminder, absolute reminder, he only got sober because daddy threatened his inheritance. Look it up
imagine the fume headache
Young man born rich who suddenly became independently wealthy doing something retarded made some tasteless decisions in an effort to be even more outrageous. I'd imagine he's since had this covered up or lasered off
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>a tattoo master
>accepts jobs like this
>muh mental illness
Just stop.
>the D is shaped like a dick
how does this retard have more money than me? Life's unfair
Becoming known for being the guy who does gnarly shit can be very bad for you
rangeban Britain
He was on drugs at the time.
So his entire "language" is just an English cypher? Is there a better image of it because that looks like it didn't have a single unique character in it.
he was a fan of the Lost Prophets
Was the person he hired to do it on drugs as well?

PCP and nitrous oxide.
The guy he hired didn’t have to walk around with it tattooed to his arm. It was just a prank bro
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Pretty sure he's mentally retarded.
yeah he's mentally where I was at when I was 14
I remember at that age trying to learn Tolkien’s runes. Similar vibe
it's instantly legible to all earth rockers
hell yeah brother. see you at the next earthrocker convention
Simple answer is attention everything he does is for attention what's a good way to get attention create a super controversial tattoo that's sure to get people talking some of it's negative attention some of it's positive but it's not ignorable
A major case of repressed homosexuality driving someone crazy and into drugs. This guy was definitely molested as a child.
>This can't just have been the loads of drugs he did.
Yes, it absolutely can.
.t ex-junkie
neat, good for bam
Bam Margera has been an alcoholic for half his life, abused other drugs, and probably has CTE
He was a rich kid with daddy issues. He never got the love and attention he needed as a child and it fucked him up for life. Never underestimate how badly your brain can be fucked up when you're still young. Even something like your parents arguing when you're young can give you anxiety issues for life
Basically this
its called being edgy, it used to be popular on the internet in the early 2000's but then people like you got cell phones from their parents and now shit all over my website
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>and later he just painted a black rectangle over it

Even worse.
Dude im still banned for all of the nigger gore cell phones suck but moderation here is below mid
Except Tolkien's languages actually work
Doesn't know what a language is
Yeah and what, you think Steve was being prepped to inherit that job later in life? That’s not how any of that works, retard
What does that top sheet say, anyone here read Alaskan Stromboli?
Or you could just, you know, look it up. You don’t have to “imagine” it you fucking idiot, all the information is out there
>Steve-O was a richfag since birth
God I wish I never heard anything I’ve learnt about him since Jackass 3. Gone from my favourite of the lot to the worst by far
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>duuude just submit to sobriety dude
currently having a drink to celebrate the old steve-o that apparently doesn't exist anymore
do I need to bring a musical instrument?
do he's just like me (I'm 45)
It is encouraged but not required.
He's just an edgelord that never grew out of it.
making the jew child rape producers laugh
It's crazy he got kicked off Jackass for being a jackass, fuck that movie was depressing
He was a Zigger before it was cool
Doesn't make you think at all, Steveo was just a "little" fucked in the head with whatever drugs he could get
What's the point in covering it up when everybody knows?
It's this.

Knoxville fucked the timeline. But who wouldn't try and keep going with that fucking money printer?
You’re thinking of a different Jackass
>Yo what if 'd' was like, two 'd's?
>Yo what if 'N' was like, two 'N's?

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