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Which movie is your favorite? Rank em. Best final girls. Hottest bitches. Best masks. Music. Love it? Hate it? Niggers? You know the deal. Talk about the goddamned franchise.
Halloween III > Halloween 1978 > Halloween II 2009 > the rest
H20 is my favorite. I think I dislike the reboot trilogy more than Zombie's movies. 2018 had way too many "remember this" moments which is gay. Halloween Kills did not feel like Myers and felt more like Jason. The ending is beyond retarded. Halloween Ends isn't even a Michael Myers movie.
Anybody who says Resurrection is good needs to be legally lobotomized
>Halloween Ends isn't even a Michael Myers movie.
I fucking wish it wasn't. If they actually gone through with "Myers in le head" story and not pivoted it in the last minute so so two geriatric could tumble in the kitchen darkness I would have actually liked it more. How many times do you need to see Myers vs Laurie, they had a good fucking plot going of someone becoming "the evil," but I'm assuming Curtis or producers said, nuh bro we've got have them fight for the 5th fucking time in the series.
Kino take.
I dunno man, EVIL DIES TONIGHT was probably the most kino thing I've seen in a movie in years
Lotta words didn’t read lol
H1: 8/10

H2: 8.5/10

H3: 8/10

H4: 7.5/10

H5: 7/10

H6 T-Cut 6.5/10
H6 P- Cut 7/10

H20: 5.5/10

HR: 3/10

RZH: 4/10

RZH2: 7.5/10

2018: 6/10

Kills: 6/10

Ends: 2/10
Hottest girl for me is probably Rachel in part 5
Ma you’re just a pretentious faggot
I do like the original film. But after having watched it god knows how many times and been obsessed with it at various points in life my current opinion is that it's definitely a classic and has many many aspects I still love about it but holy FUCK does it have some pacing issues in that middle section. The stalking is based and all but there's probably too many "look at how cool we can film The Shape just standing and staring at these fucks". I can appreciate that the film priortizes atmosphere over gore but throw in just one or two more kills and maybe reduce the run time by about 10 minutes with some edits here and there and you'd have a true masterpiece. As it stands now I really do prefer part 2.
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Yes, I unironically like Curse
Curse rules. Either cut. Loaded with atmosphere. Kino cinematography. Great Michael Myers. Alan Howarth's best music. Gnarly kills. Yeah the cult shit is gay as fuck in theory but I actually like the way they pull it off. Each cut does some things better than the other.
>wanting for the movie to not reverse it's entire plot for a shitier revision of a fight we've seen in 2018 is le pretentious
lol, nigger
I like that H20 gets mostly shit on these days. It was loved for a long time and I was always baffled by that. It's an overly polished film that just apes the Scream wannabes of the time stylistically. Doesn't look, sound or feel like a proper Halloween flick for the most part. And introduces the gay ass "PTSD trauma drama Laurie Strode" to the franchise. And even though it's only 80 minutes it's a real slog. A few decent scenes I'll admit but mostly it's either forgetable, annoying or just shitty. And that music.....man fuck that fuckin' music. I can honestly see why they replaced the bulk of that douches original score with music from other movies.
Shut up loser. It's proto livestream horror almost a decade ahead of its time. Seriously compared to Curse of Micheal Myers, and just about Every Nightmare on Elm Street, Resurrection is great. Plus, it has that same kind of Blair Witch 2 vibe. I can't explain it, but has the 90s horror fun going on, without being too cloying with its self awareness.
The only think Resurrection did good was Michael's mask, it also has a good intro scene. Once the actual movie starts, it becomes insufferable garbage.
*thing not think
We need to get all our fellow Halloween franchise fags to demand the Rick Rosenthal cut of Halloween 2 (1981). His original version was apparently very different, featuring scenes that have never been released. It's not the TV version either. A totally different cut before the studio and Carpenter tinkered with it. I'd love to see what Rosenthals original intention was, though I love H2 81 as is.
Rob Zombie's Halloween is the best fucking one and if you fucking pussy retards disagree than go fuck yourself you fuckin' stupid faggots. Rob Zombie is fucking awesome and his music and movies are fuckin' great and his wife is a great actress too you fucking jealous bitches.
Meh. His first remake is crap. His sequel though is pretty goddamned good and definitely underrated. And yeah I dig Zombies filmography. Lords Of Salem is a masterpiece. Pretty good music too.
Average Zombie fan.
Rob Zombie is such a brilliant fucking writer
H2 > H1
It's okay, I don't hate it but don't particularly like it either. Biggest issue for me is how tame it was
> Great to Strongly Great

H2 = H4
> Great (both my favorites & top fav slashers in general)

> Very Good

H6 (producer's cut)
> Very Good

> Good

> Decent to Good-ish

Nightdance (comic)
> Decent (bleak mean spirited ending keeps it from being higher)

> Decent

> Decent

> Ok / Meh to Decent-ish

Zombie's H2 (09)
> Ok / Meh

Zombie's H1 (07)
> Ok / Meh

3 issue series from Chaos Comics
> Ok / Meh

H6 (theatrical)
> Poor

> Bad (but slightly underrated)
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While it is unquestionably the worst of the series Halloween Resurrection does has some positive aspects.

> Katee Sackhoff is fun in the film.
> Sara Moyer is a good final girl.
> Myers mask isn't perfect (still shows eyes too much) but much better then any from H20.
> Fuckawful Busta is almost worth it for his face when Myers effortlessly turns the tables against him, pic related.
> Some cool, creepy shots (myers looking down after getting hanged)
> Opening with Laurie is a lackluster end for the character but it's still a decent sequence.
> Score is better than H20.
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>> Some cool, creepy shots (myers looking down after getting hanged)
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>> Katee Sackhoff
Sexy Bitch
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> Completely different better mask.
> Have the sheriff's daughter get fully topless (the actress did so in plenty of other films)

> Keep Rachel alive for tangibly longer.
> Keep the cut swat/national guard massacre in the film.
> Keep the cut police station massacre in the film.
> Show Rachel nude during her shower scene.
> Toss the cringy cop duo or at least the music that came with them.
> Make some adjustments to Myer's mask, make the neck & eyes be less huge.

> Keep the Producer's cut's tone, style, score & ending.
> Pay Harris whatever she wanted to play Jamie again.
> Give more screentime to show Loomis & Wynn's friendship.
> Explain why Wynn needed a successor, just a passing remark about having cancer would suffice.
> Tone down the mask neck size.
> Have Hagan get naked.
> Generally keep the Producer's cut version of the cult without much of the theatrical mad science elements but do specify that Jamie was artificially impregnated with a quasi clone of Myers not his child?

> More time with Adam Arkin's character, he was really likable but underused.
> Do a better job with the score.
> Let us get to know the teen cast a bit more.
> Stick with the main mask but black out the eye, tone down the giant forehead & make the hair less flared out.

Halloween Resurrection
> Remove Laurie being killed at the beginning. Have Myers infiltrate the asylum to kill her but it be revealed that she has escaped a while ago.
> Have her come into rescue the contestants during the final act & she teams up with Sara Moyer's character instead of Busta who is killed much earlier without the kung-fu sequences. Do keep the moment of Myers being hanged.
> Katee Sackhoff gets naked.
> Get better more likable actors for some of the other roles.
> Black out Myer's mask eyes again.
> Explain what happened to Laurie's son.
I forgot she was in the movie. Very nice.
I will definitely say Resurrection's music score is better than H20's non fitting orchestraic bullshit. If you wanna be a total dork, match up the opening credits scene of H20 with Resurrections opening credit music. It's uh....pretty epic.

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