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Why is Merlin considered one of the good guys? He assisted in rape.
fuck off retard
He’s half demonic
Leave him alone
It was the directors daughter and he put it in the script, what can I say it was a different time
He is the encapsulation of the virgin wizard idea, and the idea that the weird, sexless man has powers and knowledge unknown to base men driven by their impulses
He has a sense of morality, but he's not there to make men's choices for them. He gave Uther an opportunity and he proved himself unworthy.
Isn't Arthur conceived from that union?
And Morgana witnesses it.

Merlin is the unconscious in human form I'm guessing. He grants a wish and we see the outcome. Positive and negative. They get the High Romance age (when Arthur unifies the land, becoming it's avatar), but Merlin starts to become sidelined as new ideas and sciency stuff starts occupying more space in the big new shiny castle of Camelot, and ultimately gets seduced and captured by Morgana (obviously some pagan/wicca commentary there about natural forces, but I don't think Borman was being that banal - feminine symbolism often represents "going underground" - vaginal return-to-the-womb stuff) and she uses him to repeat the "Rape" from earlier (Yin Yang mirroring) and conceives the "Anti-Arthur".

Arthur was the carrier of this "Dragon Energy" Merlin releases to create a bridge between the dark ages and this new age, that Arthur embodies (Piscean lore iinm, leading into the Age of Aquarius that a lot of 1970s esoterics thought was right around the corner), that was then stolen by Morgana and put into Mordred. Everything gets sick and shitty as a result, until Percival (a storytelling echo of Perseus I think) traverses death and is able to bring that stolen/lost energy back to Arthur in the form of the Grail. During this last "big-music" period Arthur is able to briefly bring back Merlin who tells us that he is a spirit of dual natures (dream and nightmare) before departing (ie: the higher man must ultimately move forward using his own counsel, to "rule his own kingdom" and set his own fate).

Arthur and Mordred (shadows of each other - white koi/black koi kinda thing - the fish of pisces are the yin yang energy in western new age/astrological philosophy) obliterate each other. Arthur "wins", offsets the unnaturalness of his own creation I guess, and returns to the water (Island of Avalon). Leaving Percival/Perseus (who started low and studied under all these great figures) to move forward as a man (these dual natures are now inside him, not external "Gods" or figures like Arthur, Merlin or Morgana). A kind of mix of a rational man (who conquered the unconscious when he found the Grail/solved the Great Riddle) and a man of faith (measured in both).

Him throwing the sword back into the water (spirit) realm is a "Rational" act, signalling the end of the "Romantic" (High) era. He straddles both realms in a kind of balance. But he's carrying a curse in that he witnessed the end of this "High" era, entered the era of man (the rational, measured, thinking man), and whenever things go wrong with his plans and works, he'll wonder if he made a mistake letting the "Magic" (direct presence and influence of the supernatural in his life) flow out of his world.

Merlin represents the dilemma/double-edged blade (sword) of returning to the era of "magic" (relying on the unconscious, intuitive self as much if not more than the rational, "science"y self). Every time you invoke "magic" it tends to auto-balance by introducing these "shadows" ("the other fish") that accompany the focus of the wish.

"Unforeseen Consequences" as it's said in the Half-life game series.
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You can see a similar set of concepts at play in He-Man. If you look at the design of his magic sword, it has two bone handles on either side. This is because it's as much a vase/amphora/vessel as it is a sword. It holds this "Dragon Energy" of the supernatural unbound. And how does he direct this energy into himself? He turns the sword/amphora upside down and "pours" it down into himself. Then he cries "I have the power!!". Meaning that he has harnessed the power of the unconscious - and tellingly, there's an understanding that it's only a temporary situation. He uses the sword, and becomes Pumped Magical-Steroid man, only when circumstances demand it. Then he returns to his normal/balanced state as...Adam.
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Excalibur was based but it should have been at least two movies desu also Helen Mirren was a total babe in that kino
Shit, this is top-shelf schizoposting. Like that's actually all logically/spiritually consistent. Incredible.

I really need to get around to watching this movie but it's never on any streaming places, really just need to find a good copy somewhere or have it pop up on one. Wonder if there's some rights bullshit with it.
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I wish my sister was hot so I could engage in incest posting.

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