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Pile driving breeding sex with goth pussy edition

>/ftl/ News: It's so over. Abi is gone forever. Leah and Juliana are in the cell, their property tossed from the tank, unwanted by all, even production. Claire is showered, in her lane, ready to kill herself on her birthday. Kato the snake woman is the last fuckable bitch in the tank. People are even warming to Haley. Vibes are grim, dark, the tank has no future. Dave is nowhere to be found. Let it die.

>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
Kick: https://kick.com/fishtanklive


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>/ftl/ Archive

Previous Thread: >>201721067
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Feel like pure shit, i just want her back.
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Cryo mogs
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was out of town for a few hours, please qrd me on why abi is absent
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>The twitter orbiters in the cell are actually the most interesting content right now
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Look at me nothing bad is ever
Going to happen to you again
Although you are a solid pile of hate
You′re still pretty like a cake
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>Please identify the wigger who raped you
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Sex with Kato
We need Ben to do his cool dance to restore the vibes
>this thread is literally one post earlier than the other one but it doesn't have that neanderthal retard's beady eyed face
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I love Claire but i need her out so im freed from being a massive simp
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>mr. rapistovic, please come to the stand
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luv cleh
FINALLY abi is gone
finally trimming the garbage off the show
i hope she dies on her way back to the nearest bus station
She's just taking a really long shower
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Sad, bros
Where are her socials?
She saluted the camera, gathered her things, and left while saying nothing.
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will she come back?
Jimmy snuck in and killed her for harassing him off the show making his life a living hell.
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Kato and Cleh
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>brian screaming at summer while shes having an episode
>coles response
fuck its such a shame cole kino was only 2 weeks of s2, he's such a gem
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damn she really hurt your feelings
Who the fuck showers for 3 hours
She has a great smile.
please get claire more bf's and do mount position PLEASE i love her. so muh please
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Abi leaving is Claire's 13th reason, she will die on her birthday
pov my FIST
shes just human waste, not worth keeping around in any capacity
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Clairetank needs a SSBBW. No more half assing it with these 300 pounders. Bring in the 600 pounders.
>abi's gone

Thank you, now I can finally escape this hell.
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They’re just doing a confessional/feeding a really long bit/asking what games she wants and then she’ll be right back it’s okay
Clabi status?
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Melody Marks for Bitchtank.
imagine pistol whipping claire
he was too based for this world
damn shame he stopped streaming.
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>Anon, do you Gundam?
Abi is gone because she secretly confessed her feelings for Ben and Ben told her he is already in a relationship with me
she's in the shower, probably finished showering already judging by the time and currently drying her hair in the bathroom or something
Disbanded or on hiatus
Josie thread
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>/ftl/ News: It's so over. Abi is gone forever. Leah and Juliana are in the cell, their property tossed from the tank, unwanted by all, even production. Claire is showered, in her lane, ready to kill herself on her birthday. Kato the snake woman is the last fuckable bitch in the tank. People are even warming to Haley. Vibes are grim, dark, the tank has no future. Dave is nowhere to be found. Let it die.
Spent the entirety of last night babysitting drunk Claire while the sheboon berated her for looking out for her and the hambeast Australian and chinless vermin were being loud
Abi quit a second time? Imagine my shock.
literally who
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I am her boyfriend (she doesn't know it yet) and we will NOT be doing that.
Juliana unironically the most likable girl there by far, you guys gaslit me. This is bitchtank though so the sheboon will win, unless she gets too violent
"harder" while she spits out a bloody tooth and smiles at you
Sex with Juliana in bdsm gear!
Abi quit, Jimmy won.
Claire needs a look-alike named Blaire to introduce her to the world of being a lesbian, and taking over Abi's headpat positive reinforcement.
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>please qrd me on why abi is absent

No one knows
She just up and left promptly by herself
Some think it might be because of some feral kittens she was caring for
Others think it's because Abi is unable to poop in a strange toilet
>no more headpats from her waifu
whatever, it’s been stupid anyway
she's worth a lot if she makes you this mad
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Kato simps, we are being ironic right? Theres no way we could fuck this ghoul, correct?
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added the timer in
Julianna is a fucking dysgenic freak I will not be accepting this psyop
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We didn't manifest hard enough bros
I wanna fuck that lightbulb
This is S2 final couple weeks level of grim. Just the ominous and depressing aura comes from it.
nice, I like this one better
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Where are Jasmine's socials?
the punjabi nickname got to her, unironically because her ex was a poojeet and her current bf is also nonwhite. she thought it was a racist attack against her
Why did she have to drink? Abi left because claire was a drunk piece of shit and gave her the ick
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>Taylors latest painting is at 41 dollars right now
really niggas? its her worst one yet.
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I thought you guys liked Emma?
Where did you get the UI for these edits?
>she's worth a lot if she makes you this mad
yeah keep telling yourself that
utter cope, worst bitch is gone and youll never see her again
i hope a brick falls on her head randomly and she dies on the spot
It’s fucked guys the vibes are fucked. Turn the cameras off for the rest of the night and order some sushi.
who gives af about this boring hoe
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Shadi, Grim and Fucked up wouldn't shut the fuck up for the entire night
Having to baby sit drunk Cleh again
Anxious shitter
Feral kittens becoming Feral again
she tried to save her
she didn't listen
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season 3 contestant confirmed!!
Thank you! I was trying to figure out who Kato looked like, literal spitting image
Lesbo kino chat in the cell:
Leah says Claire told her last night she dreams about having sex with girls a lot, but has never done anything with a girl. Leah told her maybe she’s bi-curious
Julianna says all girls around 20 are gay.
Leah says she’s not strictly dickly and would date a woman but needs to work on herself.
Clabi was fucking real bros. And can still happen don’t give up.
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CUTEleigh status update.
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I would and will fuck the shit out of her. That image is cherrypicked. She's an absolute freak. Not just a footslut which is low hanging fruit but a pitslut too.
>it's a long hard road out of heeeeeeeell
8 more days of a fat sheboon and ugly used goods spic having forced arguments about being "fake"

kino much?
I need to see him box scott
Are you serious??
I was told PunjAbi's was a failed jimmycord meme
stop showing weird angles where she kinda looks ok. this is catfishing to the extreme. show them ugly ass features anon
Why was Abi eliminated?
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screenshots of the game
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tayleigh graphics will look like this by 2015
you cant be serious with that haircut
like seriously lmao
brings her down from a 5 to a 2
Hate seeing this mutt on my tl
Julie is actually pretty ace. Her friendship with Leah gives me Banjo Kazooie vibes rn
Nah she pretends to be a freak, her Getting Real story last night was about how she was too depressed to have sex with her boyfriend and he cheated on her
i've basically tuned out since abi left and I thought she was nontent
it's a coincidence right?
she's a 7 with bangs down to her eyebrows
Abi had to leave for the Grey Havens. She was about to miss the last boat out.
Ben looks like a crypto scammer
You could see abi lose all interest when claire got wasted. Right after abi put cleh to bed and the drunk bitch got up again abi put her face into her plushie and cringed. It was over at that moment
it got through on tts late in the night and she was acting weird the next morning and kept talking to production. pretty sure it was punjabi that did it
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So the cleh type of women actually do post here huh
not entertaining enough
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how did she mindbreak you this hard? you a jimmyfag or something?
she wasn't, she quit
Kato is levels above the other Clairetank side characters. Booting Kalei was a mistake.
turn that head forwards, show that roblox avatar
should would fuck the shit out of Shinji
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RIP viewers
I thought she was nontent but i looked through my recently saved pics and its all her and ben and none of the other bitches so she was obviously the draw.
>punjabi left when she was told jimmy was coming
all makes sense now
In the tank. But claire the huntress will visit Abi and the kino will occur. Unfortunately just off camera.
i hate sanctimonious retards THAT much
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>i'm chillin
>they recited that at my uncle's funeral, he died of heroin
>i'd rather be raped than bored
>what's your name? I forgot. No really who are you again?
>is oddbod actually gone?
>it's going down i'm yelling timberrrrrrrrrrrr!
>i want oddbod to fuck me in the hole
>have you ever heard of benzedrex?
>i’d fuck my uncle (CLAIRE STOP!)
>i swear I'll goon all day tomorrow
>I am CJ???
>i made eye contact with mauro in the living room and he was scared
>what’s /ftl/ ;)
>my bad
>gamer mentality
>that feel when
>that wasn’t good simlish
and most importantly
>i dont trust anyone who likes sam hyde
>in trouble from who? JET NEPTUNE?
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>gaming alone
its just not the same bros
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Abi left and Claire will end up in kent hospital. After that bitchtank is literally unwatchable.
He is one
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For the first time since bloodgames started I feel free desu, suddenly my interests and desires have come flooding back to me.
What was the context for "my bad"?
She attacked Jimmy
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That's OnlyFans hmm
Claire is going to suicide tomorrow, or at midnight
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Clabifags deserve it for being so obnoxious with their gayness.
weed had her stressed out about her true feelings so she drowned them in alcohol
fish face dysgenic looking freak
GONE now hahahaha
please boot her jett, fuck the views, youll get em back. she is a cancer an actual succubus
Well now that Abi is gone who else can we get Claire to kiss on stream? Amy prospects whatsoever?
i haven't jerked off in 4 days
dont test me, bitch
Cell has been more interesting. Singing, joshing around and doing wrestling moves. While bitchtank is gaming in dead silence. I've done a 180 on juliana
Not our fault they’re the only 2/8 fish doing anything lol
Your tears are more entertaining than this show, abi mogs
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she needs to practice black ops
Such an insanely weak failure of a man, catering to him and his audience will be the death of fishtank
Kato would probably do it for clout
These girls live in an Eastern European camgirl facility and they don't even realize it.
so let me get this straight, youre living in a fanrasy land where every girl wants to FUCK you? YGHYEACHYEAH OK
did they announce abi left or has she just not been on camera for an hour or two
>Shadi is gonna win the show now
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>gave up on headshots and recording weight
how fucking lazy is production? this show deserves to bleed viewers and die
Don't forget the riveting twittersphere discussions
Letty might also be down. Press her on if she thinks Letty or Bex is attractive and if she would kiss them
maybe it's time to log off man
The science experiment was a success. Jet has successfully ruined bitchtank so hard that the cell is now better
Yup. Claire didn't appreciate how much Abi was looking out for her even if it meant becoming a target of the sheboon
claire and abi were the ones being obnoxious about it
this is fact
Yeah cell is better atm tbqh
>Your tears are more entertaining than this show, abi mogs
we both win, then
get entertained by my absolute pleasure that the disgusting fishface freak is OFF the show hahahaha
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>s2 cole left
>s2.5 jon left
>bitchtank abi left
when will the cycle end?
Jet came in and took her plushie
she's gone dawg
I think they realize it
I wanted believe jet wasn't just eating xanax and falling asleep for 12 hours at a time, but it appears that way after the last few days.
In that exact time, the bitchtank was literal silence
Dont care now that Abi is gone not watching anymore
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>Dont care now that Abi is gone not watching anymore
HAHAHA get fucked
need the video of abi tucking her in on the screen to make her realize
punjabi btfo
Jimmy lost
I know, that's why I closed the browser entirely.
get rid of claire and ill watch again, other wise im sinking the numbers also my numbers mean more since i have it on 24/7 fuck u jetty benny letty whores
ohno buddy please reconsider
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I cope, seethe, and dilate while running circles around jimmycord. Keep up fag
LOL king yimmy figured out Abi's 4d chess before she even made a move.
Get pwned
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With Abi gone, this show is now both grim and fucked.
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not active in 4 years, nothing was ever posted on it, not a relevant social but Kato would probably sell nsfw content, instagram and twtitter are privated, she has some public socials still at the moment.
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This man can not keep a show going to a single week. Every season's momentum dies in a week. Expect him to just give up and coast the next week by
>Claire: "Abi im gonna win this for us"
Clabi is real
i don't understand the appeal of his videos
there's no way she is going to beat this mission
Cole and Jon were goats and including abi with them is a disgrace
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The lioness will have her kill
>abi unceremoniously quits, pissing on her simps like you
Claire is sexually frustrated and bi-curious. It’s important for her mental health that she goes through an intense lesbo experimentation phase for her mental health. That’s a good tts idea. Call her out and push her over the edge
you just seem angry about it, hard-seething, warming up to her now ngl
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yea the last 2 ones are bad but they're fetching good prices anyway
How many college degrees does production have combined?
1 from ben?
jon is the best fish of all time but cole is a very very close second. abi is meg-tier nontent.
>hood took me under
based song
God i wish she would piss on me
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jimmycord out in full force today
goodbye, one of her 3 mods
Jimmy literally just won haha
TJ money laundering lol
>warming up to her now ngl
sure, goon to the thought of her looking for an uber now
worthless garbage quit just like cole and you can do nothing about it
Hi letty
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the brotank (cell) was more entertaining than bitchtank
women are not content, except porn
>Abi decides to leave by her own accord
>Jimmysisters consider this a victory
They’ll take what they can I guess. Be it a coddled victory, fake relationship, or subjecting everyone to their retardation.
>more crying
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>Wheres the 600 Nina?
this guy is production or production adjacent
>getting claire drunk already because there's no content
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my favorite one is the one about clans
Whenever someone on here says "content" I immediately stop reading their post
abi quit like a bitch
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Problem, punjAbi? There's more where that came from.
Where'd you get that from? Any proof
I feel the same. I've already stopped watching for the most part, just checking in every few hrs over the past couple days.
uhm production me i’m content
It's pretty impressive how Jimmy fans are all exactly like him, they type the same, seethe the same, same sense of humor, it's impressive.
>Leaves because she's worried about her feral cats
>Quits because he gets btfo by a guy named lubecooch
>getting claire drunk at 2pm
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I case you missed it, i cracked the code on how jimmyfags have so many tokens.
Its a major token laundering scheme. Jet gave jimmy 1 million tokens, and he traded all of them away to mephisto for any item. Mephisto then distributed them among is underlings to ensure a code yellow could commense when needed.
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holy FUCK
>Yeah you think I care about prison bitch? Yeah, yeah, yeah, FIGHT ME!
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so we're gonna take this out of your check?
Dave status?
Mephisto status?
Jerry status?
>i only hate abby cause she has simps!!
>jet: season 2.5 for fat autistics
well for who the fuck is this shit?
Claire will not make it to 22 will she.
knowing this guy is production-adjacent gives me the ick
more tears please
why do people here hate jimmy fans so fucking much? what did we even do?
punjAbi originator here, id just like to shoutout jimmycord for popularising it and making abi quit the show over it. good job guys
I sent this TTS almost verbatim and Jet responded with "facts"
And then proceeded to remove all the men from the show except him and ben.
claire looks totally gorgeous today and thats a hard fact
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women like this, I guess
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>Claire already getting blasted
Winston status?
gooners and degenerate incels who fantasize about torturing girls they can't fuck.
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you orbit a crybaby 30 year old
i’m mogging you
>army of scum simps
Army? Kek jimmyfags are so delusional
Same poster
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This was posted to Fishnet
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that's pretty shit news. i was hoping she'd start a beef with haley. what are some other enticing prospects contentwise?
can I call it silly gags instead?
homeless jimmy
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what went wrong with our boy
nothing about this has been torture tho
its safe to say I don't think we'll ever see abi again so I can go ahead and mute any posts with her name, right?
pretty sure there is a guy exactly like Jimmy at every highschool in america
we need 2 new girls to replace princess abigail
he's 28 retard, also you wouldn't last a day in his shoes so get off his dick and shut the fuck up lol
its funny because there are literally 0 people in here who care about jimmy in any way.
fried brian
It might have been that he asked them to take the pic and send it to him so he could put it up
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Who has an image of Sam's request for a "mid simpable girl?"
I'd say Mission Accomplished for Abi.
No I'm genuinely impressed, I hope you guys aren't as raped and tormented though, that'd suck.
QRD on today so far? Just got off work.
he gave up days ago
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Mary Melons sends her regards
fucking jet, that can't be the only way for him to get a crumb of pussy
Even if that was the case, it shows production is down with his garbage vibe
Hmm... sus.
The plot thickens.
put brian in the cell and girls can win a sleep over
Yup, I had a Jimmy at my high school that got pantsed and there was a shit stain on his underwear
The cell was way better.
Low budget stuff unironically fits fishtank better than when they try hard.
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>it has nothing to do with Jimmy!!!!
Abi left. Dave hasn't returned. The bitches seem to be slowly turning against Shadi. Jerry sends his regards.
>this is jimmy's rough upbringing where he had to fight to survive
he might be the most delusional asshole to ever roam the earth
she has flapjack tits, watch her leaning over in the vidya booth and youll see her goat-tit cleavage
This place is not an army and theres like 2 payfags total. She gets like 10-20 viewers which is not an army
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haha weepin' jimmy orbiter
nice passive aggressive woman insult, jimmy has a better life than you though
Every shitty job too. Jimmy is your co worker who shows you shitty memes on a cracked android and you feel like you have to laugh or else you'll get run over by a forklift
Specially ones willing to help Claire to explore her bi-curiosity and interpret her lesbian sex dreams.
easily solved by constant pregnancy
can we get this on the tv when jimmy arrives?
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They need to entertain themselves, the others are just gaming and complaining about things
they've been nothing but spoilin the girls, giving them treats and vidya
they have like 3 consoles?
>xbox 360
is this real?
she did it
I'm being 100% serious, I feel terrible about what happened to him, it made him all fucked up and gay.
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>Abi gone
we're not allowed to bully jimmy anymore
Claire sexual frustration is turning into raging bi-curiousity
of course they would be, he gives them a retarded amount moey
they should hold a challenge on whos more ugly: Tommy Wiseau Nina or Fish Face Abigail
trvth big bang
sweety why are you obsessed with jimmy?
is daddy not being nice to you?
This won with like 60% of votes out of four options too
The maid thing was humiliating
misplaced empathy
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Planning things beyond your comprehension.
Real, I had an insane anger issues co worker who'd laugh like woody the wood pecker and he showed me anal shit accident porn and laugh. He used to storm out and scream at people/break shit like jimmy.
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there's nothing gay about jimmy dumbfuck, maybe you have him confused for jon who actually does suck a lot of dick and thinks nobody knows about it LMAO
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>Fuck, marry, kill: Jimm-
>Kill Jimmy.
>why are you obsessed with jimmy?
I ask that about mephisto
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Production send their regards.
>Open thread
>Everyone is talking about Jimmy
Please do not respond "WELL JIMMY DID X"
You people are just as bad
thanks for the announcement.
next time just turn off the stream.
>kill jestah
>Abi gone
Good. Show just started.
thats like complaining about the weather
New cams added
yeah im not the one spending $10k+ on this shit show to defend his honor lmao
Both are pretty
mephisto has made it pretty clear he wants to groom jimmy into a chris-chan tier cow
they're talking about the new jimmy, the homeless man
we were claiming our W since abi left and a bunch of seething jimmy haters came at us so we're defending him. nothing wrong with that, you would do the same for any contestant you're a fan of.
Give the show to jerry, it's time.
>abi gone
>jimfags celebrate
>people call them fags
what do you expect us to talk about? haley playing lollipop chainsaw? claire playing GTA? shadi reminiscing about Crackhead Scripp? kato doing literally nothing?
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A toast!
I mean everybody knows about the /soc/ posts. Jimmy loves some femboy bussy, and that's valid.
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They should have put Mauro in bitchtank and abi in blood games.
People like him are a permanent fixture of our low-class and retarded American fabric. I curse Ronald Reagan every day for shutting down so many mental asylums
>Both are pretty
Both are 3/10 at best
brb DMing this to jimmy on twitter
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It truly was, especially if her dad was actually watching. Sick shit Sam
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Shadi: yeah jimmy reminds me of my brother
shadi's brother:
>jimmycord raids
>people call them faggots until they leave
just skip the thread, they will go back to the 'cord by the next one
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not him, it was an ex. he's talked about this already.
It's almost like Jimmy is a character who does actual stuff and reacts in an interesting way to things.
Kek its ganna get real stupid
desu it's more about his fans, it'd be the same way if bettyjeets posted this often
no one even knows what you are talking about.
obsessed weird freak.

you sound stupid enough to watch on the official site.
Who's got the webm
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ok final version I'm done
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Did anything happen the last 3 days? Jet really is relying on scotts adultery and claires drunk hijinks to carry this shit show huh.
Literally everyone knows what im talking about
i sent claire a rose and i got a personal shoutout in the gaming closet and she blew me a kiss :)
I choose to not believe that, because Jimmy is a bisexual/bi-curious male, and that's his choice, I find it disgusting if you don't accept that.
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What does it mean
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Claire's clit is going to get a birthday celebration
If he could come to term with her demons he'd be a great advocate
Where's Chris lynch been?
kek nice
They're gonna dress the bushpig like Pearl from Spongebob and put her in a room filled with water
Fishtank Power levels:
Fred Hyde > Winston > Dallas > Xavier > Channing > Emma Langevin > Sex Therapist Lady > Mephisto
The only thing that happened was manifesting a lesbian relationship but its over now.
Idk about you but it's hard not to feel bad for them, but the lashing out and whining is fucking horrible, they should be forcibly medicated
Of course they do. Kill yourself dumb nigger.
I love how Bex doens't take shit from these BITCHES
then you are all freaks. but i doubt it. how do you guys get so obsessed with random people on the internet.
yes, jimmy's mom took these pictures and sent it to jimmy in utah to help with his homesickness
it's slang
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Fishtank is better when it’s low budget and not try hard (S1, The Cell) compared to when they try hard (S2, Bitchtank).

Bring the sovl back Jet. The Cell was proof that you guys still have it in you. This is a fork in the road situation - follow the Bitchtank/S2 path, or follow the Cell/S1 path.

Bring the sovl back Jet.
he had a falling out with scott sullivan
Abi lost
whens dave coming back to redeem this shit show?
>abuses little sister's friend
>gets sent to reform camp
"How could this happen to me?"
hopefully never, jet doesn't deserve a dave.
So are you just a random /tv/ retard that stumbled into this thread or something? Wtf are you even doing here
the cell/bitchtank are the same mini-season. that's the official name of it.
I will report this post to the authorities. sure hope you don't live in an EU shithole.
probably never
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Please don't reply to my posts with your filth
Of course I feel bad for them but they shouldn't cohabitate with the rest of society who has their shit together
Was it Frank or Chris Lynch that btfo Mephisto in a Twitter space?
His fans would accept him too, if he wants to date other men, it's his choice, he'll still be the same Jimmy, weird gags and all.
both lol
Claire wants people to buy Shadi shots so she'll talk about her rich boyfriend again
Chris Lynch
no i have watched all of fishtank. i just don't obsess over any of it. ( i did in s1 but realized it's not healthy/normal)
well chris was drunk and kinda beefed it
It was Chris Lynch. It's a shame that Jimmy didn't listen and even holds a grudge against him now.
Would Summer have lasted longer on Clairetank?
Ok then how do you not know mephisto? He is the reason jimmy was on the show to begin with and jimmy never shuts the fuck up about him.
Probably. No Sam or Brian.
And yet the Jimtards defend him kek.
i poached my eggs perfectly
Naw, women like that are weak against the unmoveable screaming sheboon. They don't know how to penetrate the endless circular scream argument.
that whore did it to herself, not even 10 hours later she was askign for a dude she just met to cum inside her, why are you blaming jett and sam, fuck is wrong with u 4chan freaks holy shit
big if true
nice :) enjoy
I really don't want Dave back because claudia will cling to him. I bet she still thinks she can win with allies.
Bex came in, got the laundry and exchanged quips with Shadi. Shit was cash.
Bruh wtf. She's got a fucked up family.
Where are these leaks coming from
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she's actually pretty dang hot
Guys which government ID did you submit for JimmyCord access?
pearl harbor
s3 is1940s themed, shinji will be back
you meant SHOWER
i dont listen to jimmy talk. literally. he talks and i stop listening.
same with tayleigh. i also stop looking when shes on.
You're full of shit
Claire is love
Claire is life
Mo money fo my keedz to be safe if they ever need a place. Her siblings are borderline developmentally disabled
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>shadi you should break the shower again
Claire is going to be such a cunt for the rest of her time there. Abi was keeping her semi pleasant
that's the most average face on the planet
please go outside anon, you can get that
she's posting on twitter it's completely over
passport and ssn i just love his weird gags so much
did you forget the rape themed challenge
Such a dumb fucking take. S1 was a boring friend simulator that relied on novelty. 2.5 was the highest effort thing they did and clearly the best. Bitchtank is extremely low effort by design because they're just trying to milk simps with women. There isn't even really a game
What the fuck are they doing? Why move claire, this shit is fucking horrible
Deleted post from her Reddit account
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>You could see abi lose all interest when claire got wasted. Right after abi put cleh to bed and the drunk bitch got up again abi put her face into her plushie and cringed. It was over at that moment
Abi is probably lost more interest because the show is directionless and she is bored out of her mind. Its just been a cycle of listen to annoying bickering, handling a drunk and watching weird as fuck homeless people come in over and over for days now.
Claire is gonna hawwwwwk-TUAH on that asshole and shove her protrusive pyramid shaped nose up in the ring of that thaang! Awwwww hell yeah! Got wood?
claire being an uber bitch to the cell cucks lol
>girl puts on makeup
>anon gets fooled
Poor sap
>3 hours later Jet puts the most popular girl in with the people no one wants to watch and they're building forts
more like
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you right now
why didn't he bash their skulls with that hammer fuck I almost had a hard on
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>Abi left
>being a bitch on bitchtank
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Abi hates the coon thats it.
It’s just sexual frustration. Help her direct it to exploring her bi-curious desires
Juliana knows they can use the dip bar right
Her filter is off. She is going to say something bad about jet again and he will throw a hissy
even with cleh in the cell i just cant watch or listen to grim and fucked up
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straya rhino bout to trample self-hating femkike
You know Claudia wanted to hoooiiiieeekkk-PTOEEY on that thaaang and shove her big investigative nose up in therrrrr! Timberrrrr
she's the definition of beautiful mid
Damn. TTS might uncover more with this.
How do you see deleted reddit posts?
Well that's what Shadi wanted
For them to be bitches for no reason for "content"
I found her insta but she blocked me. :(
Abi was so hot. They're so lucky they got an actual hot girl and not just these fat/butterface/cutter thots
good one dud. how old are u ppl jesus fuck. bunch of old loser fucks up in this bitch
And? Why do incels insist on pretending mildly attractive are somehow hideous beasts undeserving of love. It's probably why you don't fuck
>dislike/hate Shadi
>want to fuck and kind of like Kato
>Haley is growing on me
>Claire is sometimes a cunt
>Juliana is often cringe
>Leah is the worst bitch in the tank

uhhhh what do I watch
>say you don't know why you're here
>"i drew the short straw"
>say you're not participating
i was out shopping earlier today and saw a couple girls that looked similar to her so it's more possible than not
girls have makeup on for at least 80% of their life so that's just how i judge them
Jimmy attacked his little sister’s friend with scissors kek he’s basically a child mallester
Claire is being cunty to the floorpigs so watch that
>fake laugh
we are so back
>abi is meg-tier nontent.
you wish jimmycord
>Not liking the meanest people on bitchtank
Trash taste
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she smuggled a phone probably
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my webm made it in
Claire needs to make these people feel bad about themselves
malletster even
>Haley is growing on me
You're fucked.
This giant bitch is heinous. Actually all of them are super boring other than Claire.
It was more than an "attack with scissors" according to his sister lmao
claire is the most pathetic one there and all the other women can see it, all of her insults ring hollow thanks to her fucked up life and soul
Did Abi know of Fishtank by herself or it was another case of "I'm gonna send my girlfriend to fishtank"?
https://search.pullpush.io Her account is evilomens
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>(beside the ai kissing video
>i thought the same thing
claire is such a bitch like omg
bizarre mentally ill meltdown
I said she's average
it's close between some of the other bitchtank women, but i think leah is the worst contestant in fishtank history
good question honestly
she was on season 2 newfag
The perching behavior is indicative of her Ninavalskaesque scheming and gaslighting which in the setting of an actual season would have given her a free ride to the grand prize but is ultimately wasted on a little diversion like Bitchtank. Methinks we will see more of Claire within the Wiggaverse: she is the new Letty. Highest IQ in the Tank right now. She can work up a fat lubricating glob of phlegm to make the resistance of a sphincter ring nonexistent like a spoon into pudding as her nose goes up in that thaaang
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Guys...I think I'm starting to warm up to this cat
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Here's a summer for the help
She had a YouTube with Sam Hyde still iPhone mirror vids
Claire is the best one there, which means she's gone soon, RIP
She's encouraging Claire to take off her clothes so I can't entirely hate her.
ngl kinda true doebeit
Yeah she is everything wrong with fishtank and fishtank fans
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Abi has a lot of personality she keeps hidden under a shell of autism
Was this the peak of his roids? He just looks fat now, must be off his cycle
Did the creatures in the cell finally realize they're being made a mockery of? Up until now they seemed to be having the time of their life
did you hear her pissing everyone off asking chat what the difference is between retarded and autistic and saying she doesn't think there is one?

then saying she didn't learn about r'tards in her school?

then telling them she didn't go to a school she went to an academy?

then dancing like a southern belle for the chat saying she loves them?

She's so perfectly grating I love it.
Wow, that fort is really coming along nicely.
you just hate her because she's fat and ugly
i wish him, tayleigh and brian nothing but the worst
>Guys...I think I'm starting to warm up to this cat
People are waking up
no, because I can't be fucked even listening to her.
>Hurr durr incel
You are worshipping the most run of the mill mid women that you can see if you just walk outside. People want to see hot girls on the computer screen, because people like hot girls, they are not desperate enough like you to worship a random mid like a goddess.
please stop posting these
No one knows really
She's the last "pretty" girl in the tank and is all made up and clean and it's HER BIRTHDAY!!!! so she's bitchmaxxing as women do, she's the big fish
>leah: that's fair
la abuela...dios mio...
it's also because of her horrible personality.
Also she's a twitter orbiter who joins spaces and catfishes other fat retards on discord. she's everything wrong with the twitterfag community
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kalei leaving was strike one
trauma dump was strike two
the hours long fight into the early morning was strike three
sounds like kino
so she was never a bad bitch
I've learned from bitchtank women also love piling on. They see the cell creatures as less than so they get mean
if she wasn't fat and ugly she'd still be incredibly annoying she's the tryhard twitter orbiter she's like sylvia's loud australian friend who talks about the emu wars and other stupid NAUR bullshit
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Need sex with Kato
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Gags have reached beyond weird status
When she arrived other Aussies were telling us how bad she is, they were right.
cemented in culture
Ozempic might explain why her face is so wrinkly. It fucks with a lot more in the body than just fat loss
So she's a conniseur of Sam's magnum opus. I need her
Cancel me all you want, but I don't really like Leah. Go ahead and cancel me. I don't give a shit. Cancel me for not liking Leah and thinking she's fat, ugly, and annoying. Do it. Cancel me.
I don't mind men fighting but listening to bitch yap and argue is so tiring bros
It's grim, Jet pull the plug.
Abi probably has never contemplated self harm in her life
>Cleh not doing shit
She wants to go home doesn't she?
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they NEED to get Jimmy on prod for S3
she is fat inside and out
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Update: Claire is in the sex power tower
She looks lonely
It’s perpetual sexual frustration from being raised in a large family that made sex overly taboo to think about
Dude, no one is cancelling you
She was still drinking at 5:30 am, I'm surprised she has any energy at all
Ben told them the cell creatures weren't even in the competition and to get them out of the house. And she's dogpiling on on her high horse.
does he not realize this is what production was doing with him on s2
Juliana sucks just as much as Leah, it's the objective truth.
The side characters know they're on Clairetank, and it enrages them.
You all just hate Jimmy cause hes fat and ugly. If he was big and strong and good looking like Sam you would think hes the funniest dude ever.
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>Uh, that's a you problem, not a me problem.
this big bitch is POISON
they've been told to make the cell cucks leave
Why does this fat australian bitch think she has a right to talk to my queen that way
I don't understand how this fat corny girl boss millennial bitch is into sam hyde shit. Do they have a legit fishtank fan base now
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The only way jet can salvage this is by getting Jimmy back into the cell and then putting Abi back in even for an hour just to see the retard blow up
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Guys remember when Sam and fans would say silly billy instead of faggot
>I used to love this cell, now it sucks... *looks at the people inhabiting it and vapes*
power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

Claire is the undisputed "popular" girl of the tank with Kaley and Abi gone. No one to contest her rule.
she’s just relatively quieter but yeah
sam and jet were scared he would steal their audience
Dont forget about Marky
I don't give a shit if you cancel me, I don't like her. Go ahead and try.
Isn't Claire's birthday tomorrow (Friday)?
sweet porcelain Claire legs, yummy fucking legs
they should have just left the cell girls in the cell and never interacted with them except to bring them food
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comedic genius much?
I thought he was the funniest dude ever until he got a bit too unhinged
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Leah and Julia (I love Julia)
Who is Dallas
She has 10+ shots a night. She's a unstoppable
Fine. You're cancelled.
yes, she's Sylvia adjacent, same stock

But where Sylvia lead, she followed
Amazing how Kalei affected these girls even though to people outside she did nothing but sleep and shout out turkey tom a hundred times
No suicide day
What happened to Abi?
Classic recreations? Weird gags? This guy has it all
silly billygot
Duuuuude omg, shut the fuck up, no one is cancelling you!
took a pie to the face and quit the show like a bitch
the mastermind
rat girl's voice is as disgusting as ogre girl's
I don't care, just my opinion.
she's taking a shower
remember jimmy's GREAT challenge in s2? jumping on a mattress
Pretty sure that was a filter on the site. I'm not a chatter though but that's what I have deduced
Well, you're not even in it... You got kicked out.

>salutes the camera silently while no one is around, Claire is asleep
>asks where her converse are
>collects her stuff
>refuses to elaborate
Claudia is ready to accumulate a film of dried vapor on the inside of her throat and the roof of her mouth to add a layer of slimy pale funk to her phlegm accumulations which she builds up for the sole purpose of aiding in her large beak-like proboscis nose’s investigative dives into a man’s wet ass
:( The door's open
Why aren't they using the pull up bar as a base
Abi will be coming back for Bloodgames 2 in full Frieren-sama cosplay.
>Who is Dallas
how new are you
I follow my queen Claire
it was YEET yourself down the stairs and it was and silly shenanigans ensued
Why is Claire in the cell? Room swamp?
Damn you been doing this for 16 hours at this point.
ceiling cat will refuse to leave it
that's queen claire's cat tree, it keeps her particular, it keeps her tail perpendicular
ppl been looking at claire so long they forgot what actual cute girls look like. get summer back in the tank now plz
Cool, cover everything up so we cant see anything inside
she was put on the cell cucks' team for the fort building challenge, but ben told them all to make the cell cucks leave so she's slacking off
Molesto sends his regards
Abi made all the other girls look like gremlins
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need this cosplay NOW
Turkey Tom posting was unironically funny and was more content than half the other bitches.
>everyone else
Reminder Abi quit season 2 and she quit Bitchtank too
>pull up bar
Claires 15 mins are over, kick her
leah backs down from every aggression. kwabby
>Bloodgames 2
thats NEVER happening, Bitchtank has 0.1x as much effort put in and still pulls 4.5k+ viewers
makes me sad cause i loved Bloodgames
The OST is so good
Do you think the fat ever thinks about the fact that she flew 24 hours to be immediately thrown in the cell for being annoying and made to do arts and crafts. Or do women not self reflect
a bitch offhandedly mentioned "OH WE SHOULD MAKE FORTS" 3 hours ago as a throwaway comment

some wigger, desperate for content but unable to formulate any due to the amount of xanax and whippets circulating around felt a light bulb go on in his head

and here we are, they put claire on the losing team to balance viewership and bait troll tts against the ogre
what jimmy means here, is that creampie their pussies
Kalei was cool. You could imagine her looking over at you like an incredulous chicken and go, “turgy tahm.”
Im unironically cackling at your posts lmao. How is this thread so low IQ
it's always someone else's fault
Those silent 10 second after Claire pointed it out were brutal
She thinks it's a hilarious bit and she'll be hailed as a hero upon her return to twitter by the other obese orbiters who love talking about "community"
That 20-30 seconds deafening silence after Claire said "You got kicked out" seemed pretty reflective
>yeah....i just.....i know im probably not the most exciting person here....
>leaves show
>doesn't beg to be put back
Mission Failed
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Only on YouTube streams
Damn I just started watching and missed it. The last couple days it seemed like she was oblivious
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she said something like "jimmy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" and ran away
claire should take a back bump through that makeshift table
Had to leave to take care of her cats.
This is one of my favorite places on the internet to troll people it's so easy lmfao thank you
damn I hope someone clipped that
I've been here since day 1. I'm not a /bant/fag so I guess I don't know
Fuck yes! Claire was ready to haaawwwkk-TUAAAHH on that Fat thaaang! She was ready to investigate those folds and crevasses with her huge beak of a nose and sniff out any probiotic pheromone accumulations and bed them in her ample nose hair thrush! Fuck YEAH! Got wood? Timberrrrrr
I love Ben so much it's unreal, unironic best member of production
do you need to be entertained every second? nigga go watch tiktok or something
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fuck bros.... she really bitched out on us like that?
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>watching Claire mock the filth below her from her perch
>tune back in to the bitchtank to see what my goth queen and Haley are doing
content content i need my content ip2 drunk fat guys yelling content i need it
>I've been here since day 1
no you haven't, dallasposting dominated ftl during s2
real asf
Where is Hayley and Grim?
I better see Kato and Claire go in there and hear moans shortly after
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she admitted to hitting herself in the head with the mallet off camera to get that bump on her forehead
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for fucks sake
Abi will totally be back in one of these new rooms!
Abi was kicked
These are the same creeps who just stare at girls feets for hours by the way
wdym bro claires right there!!! content queen!!! eye candy!!! watch her bro !! yessss
>thank you sneedrapenigga for the rose
please get that fat bitch a longer dress
it's like staring into the sun every time she bends over
>scott doing the sam bit
oh fucking hell man
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there used to be an elf in here... its empty now
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>nice desk dickhead

He said it! He said the thing!
Fuck yes Claire is like the new Letty! Best to ever do it and she’s based to boot, part of the pro-life generation!
Shut the fuck up. No it most certainly did not. I was in the threads. I guess this is some taylor related /bant/ shit nobody cares about except you simps
He said he wasnt going to show up... i guess being up till 5 am simping for haley in the chat made him want some ugly puss
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that creep? me
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>when the Darkness comes

I need her on production!!!! every season i want to see her!! fuck she's a natural!
How the fuck can one person be this cool
showering... she's just showering ... :(
>that ghostly steam emitting from his mouth signifying his bestial transformation
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bros... how can this be? i thought he was banned?
actually top 2 clips, i put it next to chris falling
The Dallas copypasta was at the top of most tv threads.
Why are you so desperate to prove you're not new?
when does dave come back i haven't watched at all since him and oddbod have been out
Gonna show off the Darkness Dance I've been practicing at the bar this weekend
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based taste
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>grill jerk off chamber ruined
Nothing can contain him
He showed up uninvited yet again. Time for some epic "bits" and entertainment
She’s such a gaslight manipulation mastermind! Everything she’s said has been adding to this fake character she’s building up as the ultimate bait and switch in Fishtank history combining Daniel’s freeloader foreknowledge and production connections with Nina’s clever lies and basement Jeremy sessions in a sort of ultimate character for the tank.
well, about that...
She's even learned from the best! US!!!!! SHES A 4CHAN BRO. Get this win claire!!!!!!!
they built a gooncave
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owari... da
I want to go back to when things were fun.

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