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Literal brain rot is being made into a fucking movie and tv series. Michael Bay of all people is heading this shit.

Waaaa okay don't watch it.
that's some skibidi gyat rizz news, gigachad!
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And? not the first time shit like this got adapted into a movie

See: Slenderman
I dont get how this is different from the hundreds of others stupid gmod/source film videos. At least this one has a plot.
Skibidi haters are such a weird vocal minority. They do this constant ''heh, everyone is dumb except us guys, those dumb zoomers right guys?'' and no one ever agrees with them
This makes me feel old, I feel like "fr fr ong no cap bussin" was just yesterday
Will the movie have to pay royalties to valve? I've never watched skibidi bebop but it looks like it uses valve assets, right?
Valve is very loose with their property and host fanfiction games on steam pretending to be real half life games. They encourage people to use their models however they want because valve got big by supporting modding communities and now they make billions off steam.
The royalties they could get from the creator of skibidi toilet would be chump change for Valve.

The movie is unlikely to use any likeness to any valve property and won't be using 20 year old source models. It will just look like transformers but with toilet robots.
I doubt this shit will ever come out, but if it does I will take my annoying faggot nephew.
It's this Generations Nyan Cat or Angry Birds. Sunrise, Sunset.
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I've watched some of the skibidi episodes that spawned after the first video.
Shit felt like those old Mario vs Sonic cartoons on Newgrounds with a sprinkle of Idiot Box.

I can see why it has some appeal with gen α but have no idea why it's so widespread, unless this is a direct effect of the Internet becoming more accessible since the NG days.
Only midwits in the 16-30 range hate Skibidi toilet. I'm 41 and find it encouraging that the new generation has evolved GMOD videos to kino status. Lore is based too.
There is 100% going to be a movie. The question is whether or not Michael Bay will have anything to do with it.
A movie being in the works this early usually means they just got the rights to make the movie and nothing is actually filmed. If they have the rights to make a movie, they will make the movie. The question is if they will go Michael Bay and try to make this a big blockbuster, or will this be some direct to DVD trash from a smaller director and Michael Bay just signs his name on it as a producer.
Majority of the time when hollywood gets rights to some fad or meme, it goes straight to DVD. No serious director wants to touch this kind of shit. Michael Bay could be different and the Backrooms movie could be different.
Skibidy is already a movie.
Awww boomer chuddy upset?
Skibidi based
Don't overthink it. It's braindead but out gmod videos were just as dumb.
Anyone know if gmod player base went up since skibidi started?
what is the plot of skibidi toilet
What's it like posting to us from inside your mother's womb?
How is this any less brainrot than capeshit?
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z0mg thats so heckin based fellow kekistani!!!!
Mechanised toilets with heads begin to take over the Earth and start a war with several nations, the cameramen, speakermen, and TVmen. There isn't really a plot it's just explosions and big mechs fighting.
Eventually aliens (who also look like skibidi toilets) arrive and the skibidis join up with the other nations to defend the planet.
It's honestly not as bad as most of the pozzed shit out there being pushed on kids, I don't understand why I'm supposed to hate it so much
Still better than fight club
No wonder they picked Michael Bay.
>'heh, everyone is dumb except us guys, those dumb zoomers right guys
this but unironically
Now this was based
>he isnt up to date with the skibidi lore and thinks its just "explosions and big mechs fighting"
*chuckles* you poor soul...
and cartoon network keeps giving ecelebs shows, desperate to appeal to youth demographics.
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how can this be a movie? doesn't valve own the rights to the half life assests?
It's Skibidi boomer
It has next to no dialogue so a lot of the story is left to speculation and theories, which is one of the reasons the series developed a real following. It tapped into the MatPat market.
The basics is that toilet people invaded and turned people into more toilet people, and people with cameras for heads fight back. The conflict escalates with both sides progressing in technology until they have giant transformers style battles. While the action follows big braindead fights where the two sides whack eachother with increasingly bigger sticks, they have stories for side characters that are easy to miss if you don't pay attention.
What makes skibidi toilet interesting is that while it looks like a retarded shitpost, the guy making these has a good eye for detail and thinks things through. He has decided to tell a story with mostly no dialogue and he doesn't treat his underage fanbase like idiot toddlers so the stories are just sprinkled using little details.
Gen Alphas bros we won!
Where did they come from and why are they invading?
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>posting sex outside of /v/
sorry retard but this is a doro board
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Humanity has been in decline for a long time now bro, how are you even slightly surprised?
Right, before the Emoji Movie I would 100% write it off as never happening or straight to DVD, but since that turd released in theaters I think there is a small chance this bullshit actually gets released.
but why toilets
>be zoomer making youtube shitposts, loadup gmode and start fucking around
>like a big kid, just make the characters pew pew boom each other
>accidently coincide with the sstart of the ukraine war
>algorithium promotes your shitposts because the order came down to boost any content thats pro-war or hypes up being a soldier
>dont understand why people 'like' this but it makes money and times are tough
>get all kinds of offers, now they want to make a movie, you dont understand whats going on
>be personally responsible for inspiring the future soldiers of the globalist cabal's ww3

i will not take my meds.
>Majority of the time when hollywood gets rights to some fad or meme, it goes straight to DVD.
>If they have the rights to make a movie, they will make the movie.
newfags get the rope
I mean atleast this time its somewhat quick enough to make money. Remember the Angry Birds movie, or the Emoji movie?
you'll be the same way in 20 years. cope.
Dafaqboom makes random stupid meme videos. He did San Andreas meme videos, Transformers and really stupid series like one where a guy beatboxes really well while driving a car. One video series he did was people just walking and then all of them getting sucked towards the camera and fusing together, guy made several of these videos.
The skibidi toilet was the one that went the most viral so he ran with it. The first few videos in the series are just lol so random singing toilet, he made up a story a few videos in.
You're just jealous they made a movie about modern kids shit and not youtube poops from when you were a child.
If this came out when you were 15 you'd watch a movie all about pootispenser here, weegee, mah boi, ronald mcdonald, wrong number, michael rosen, john freeman

Crazy how it started as just singing heads in toilets and now it's all mechas and explosions
skibidi rizz gonna beat u up frfr boomers fucked no cap
It could be good if they make the MC mute like in the shorts.
Skidibi Toilet is essentially Pacific Rim with Giant Toilet mechs.
russians aren't white
What's really really funny is this niggers watching the youtube numbers
>We GOTTA make a movie out of it, look at those views!!We'r gonna bannk!!
Without knowing that exactly 0% of that demographics goes to the theater
oh boy, get ready to delve into the deep lore of this series that has all the kids hooked.....
there is no explanation, early on they seem to arrive from hyperspace in the sky, thats it.
i can admire the creator for riding the interest in one of his shitpost animations and somehow keeping millions watching after 75 episodes of the same few things happening over and over, but its not going to be a mainstream thing.
What's so surprising? It's not like "being a movie" means anything anymore. America cinema isn't the peak of human culture like you thought
Try having fun
It's the first time for zoomers so they're flipping shit
Also A24 is making a Backrooms movie
>You're just jealous they made a movie about modern kids shit and not youtube poops from when you were a child
No one is saying that, I was old enough to be your father when YTP was a thing.
>Crazy how it started as just singing heads in toilets and now it's all mechas and explosions
Mechas and explosions aren't any deeper because it started as heads in toilets. It's all just trash
>Skibidi toilet will be in theatres while the RWBY movie was direct-to-video
Warner Bros...
RWBY sucks. I'd honest to God sit through 90 minutes of a Skibidi movie than that millennial shit
It's really bizarre. There's no way in hell you'd ever see Super Mario Brothers Z t shirts being sold irl or a kid begging his dad to get off the computer so he can watch YTPs for hours back in the day.
>or a kid begging his dad to get off the computer so he can watch YTPs for hours back in the day.
kids are given a phone before a bib now
It really is over
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Holy fucking based, Michael Bay gets it, literal brainrot is the future and he's embracing it. Genius unironically.
I would honestly rather watch Michael Bay's Skibidi Toilet than Deadpool 3 and there is nothing you can do or say to make me think this is an abnormal opinion

Its because YouTube allows mindrot shit like "Elsa gets impregnated by the Joker" stuff to trend so they get kickbacks and they protect the Visajeet 3rd worlder uploaders.

I tracked one of their companies down to Mumbai india, and then tried to re-upload one of their videos and I got hit by 10 bot copywright strikes within 30 mins and the vid was taken down. YouTube is protecting them.

Go ahead. Re-upload Shadilay toilet and see what happens
cool story, bro
>Youtube protects its biggest money makes
Yeah, no shit. The question is why is it like digital turbo crack for little kids?
sounds based
the kids are alright
My style is ridicul-ridicul-dicul-diculous
how does copyright work here? does valve or the creator of gmod need to sign off?
>It's the first time for zoomers so they're flipping shit
are you fucking implying Slenderman ISNT?
they put on the auto tags "elsa, spiderman, jokerm marvel" and retarded 2 year olds cant stop the auto play not that hard to understand Katherine Obvious
For anyone who never watched it: the dude made a bunch of goofy gmod shorts and one of them was literally the male_07 head singing Skibidi in a toilet. That went viral and he made more similar videos with each one becoming more deranged and weird until he basically turned it into an Attack on Titan parody where giant toilet head monsters fight normal sized people with cameras for heads - a goofy allusion to being the literal cameramen viewing everything. The vast majority of the episodes are the kaiju shit and the dude behind it has openly said he will just continue making Skibidi Toilet videos as long as people keep watching them.
Slenderman was 15 years ago anon. Zoomers were in diapers when it was a thing.
Zoomers are about to hit 30s next year you retard
>90's kids are zoomers
That's what I'm wondering about with this. G-Man is one of the characters in the story for Skibidi Toilet, according to what I've read. How the fuck can they get away with using him? I don't mind the brainrot animation series myself since it at least gets the youngins interested in Gmod-style animations and humor, but I don't want Half-Life stuff associated more with it than the original games. That's already getting bad enough.
I'm among the oldest of the zoomers, old enough that I might barely count as a millennial (end of 1998) and I'm 25. How's the future, anon?
That's zoomer talk.
Gen Alpha is the skibidi rizz ohio gyatt sigma

Zoomers couldn't come up with slang of their own until they were about to be replaced by Gen A, and even then all they did was rip off hood talk
Skibidi Toilet was a dead meme about a year ago. How are you old fucks just now hearing about it?
its just a war movie.
We already got the perfect Gmod movie almost 20 years ago
Yep, and flyover parents put it on for them so they can have a moment of alone time to smoke meth
It's source filmmaker
Gen Z begins at 1995, but I'm sure you'll find a new term as time goes by
No, it's just a universal Gen X thing. That is handing over the responsibility of rearing a child to another entity. It's why they glue their children to tablets so they can't drink, and why you always hear "what is my kid's school doing?" as if the school system is a substitute parent.
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im 30 but i found it meh. not nearly as cancerous as i thought. that song is catchy as hell
for me, its skibidi biden
what the FUCK was colbert thinking
Skibidi toilet jumps the shark after they introduced Mechas. Then the series just turns into watching 2 sides play with playground rules
>I have a giant robot
>well I have a gianter robot
>well I have a 1 hit death weapon
>well I have a shield that can absorb all damage
>well I teleport behind you!
Colbert is a deeply conservative man and has been working for 20+ years to undermine leftists from within. Skibidi Biden was his coup de gras.

He strutted out of the studio that night like that guy who dropped off the briefcase bomb to kill Hitler except this actually worked
He wasn't. They fired most of the writers for the show after that shit.
Back in the day we had good memes, like grinman and desu girl.
i dont know how you can look at that and think brain rot and not think the same about this site if youve spent any time here in the last decade
>seethe troon boomer coomer zoomer chud npc clownworld soijak frogpilled sloppa ploppa
that nonsense is okay but this incoherent shit isnt?
sounds like every shounen ever
>source: trust me bro
Ohh now I get it. It's popular because each one is 20 seconds long, perfect for tiktok brain or whatever they call it.
Zoomspeak should be a bannable offense.
RWBY was garbage what I wanted was a Red vs Blue movie
now you know how adults felt when jackass and tom green got movies made
Zoomers are 45 now, anon.
why is all gen z/a slang just niggerspeak?
I'm in my 30's and I enjoy it, it's the self conscious terminally online teens that hate skibidi toilet with a passion.
Because each generation gets subjected to more of their shitty 'culture', slang and mannerisms. Zoomers were hit by the biggest wave, it was a huge increase on previous generations exposure. These retards literally perm their hair to make it look like black people hair. They are insane. Imagine if everyone went around putting tape on their eyes to look asian. It's worse than that.
stop complaining. what are we on, reddit? this is gonna be the best movie ever made. god forbid they cancel it because of midwits like you who make fun of it for social approval. youre not a sigma, youre not white. skibidi toilet is inherently aryan.
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there will be a scene in the movie where the president is in the situation room and his top general tells him "SIR WE'VE LOCATED THE SOURCE OF THE INVASION. THEY'RE COMING OUT OF... OHIO"
I watched this a couple of months ago out of curiosity and it's fine. Not my cup of tea but neither are any of the other wacky zany gmod machinima videos that have been made for nearly 20 years now. I could't (and still can't) fucking stand YouTube Poop when it first started appearing and this is no different to that. I'd say this takes the edge to be honest as there is at least some clear direction and creativity.
But zoomers don't have the attention span to watch a whole movie this is obviously a dumb boomer decision
Like most of these long series it starts out as a short few second long video which is just a simple gag, with no intention of it becoming a series. The gag in this case was a head popping out of a toilet singing a dumb song and then getting flushed down. The plot and lore are then developed backwards from there. Kind of like Tasty Cools for the Left 4 Dead fans out there.
Honestly? That sounds based.
(guy from bizarro world)
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it do be like that
Most of that is still zoomers. It's just tracking how shit they got over time.
It'll never get made, so it doesn't matter.
I promise you Mark Wahlberg will be in it
Are we seriously pretending that Skibidi Toilet is the most retarded thing out there? A lot of the shit we grew up with was fucking stupid. Just another case of "le thing bad cuz it new and popular".

Too be frank though, I don't see how they can make a real film out of this shit. I've watched some of the shorts out of curiosity, and it doesn't seem like it's anything that unique. I don't think this stuff is as awful as the socially inept autists on here make it out to be. It'd Just run of the mill slop.
That's a good idea. If we can introduce these kids to battle shonen we can capitalize on the resurgence they called by producing battle shonen content online for profit. The groundwork has already been laid for us by Skibidi
>Too be frank though, I don't see how they can make a real film out of this shit.
They made a movie about emojis. They'll be fine
2012 > 2024 > 2021 > 2017
2012 was a great year
Will Skibidi Biden make an appearance?
MLG teletubbies is still peak
I'm having a bad year, but i wish it never ends
Will Skibidi Biden make a cameo
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>tranette no passto
Nah brain rot is marvelslop. Skibidi toilet is a kino
Creator is Indian.
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where does he fit?
that isn't even zoomspeak, its alphaspeak
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im just hoping that the prequel will get greenlit afterwards
>"brrr skibidi bop bop bop yes yes"
>the world is about to learn the meaning of "potty training"
>*cue skibidi toilets invading a city*
>starring Ben Stiller
>*ben looks down at the head in his toilet*
>"okay, I guess I'm using the downstairs bathroom"
>starring Owen Wilson
>*Owen starts beating up the skibidi toilet*
>"You gotta understand the ramifications of what you're doing, man. If people are afraid to use their own toilets, where will they go?"
>in a buddy sci-fi comedy that's full...
>*Ben crashes his car into a larger skibidi toilet*
>of toilet humor!
>"Looks like we have to save the world again. Sigh, Damnit"
>"Whoa, Ben, watch your potty mouth. Also, watch THAT potty mouth ahead!"
>*Ben runs over a port-a-potty skibidi*
>SKIBIDI TOILET: in theaters June 2025
I heard it was based off this really really really old game!
>Muh random meme and language only muh sekrit club undestands!
At least pick something that's not a metaphore for literal shit.
There is no way this movie will meet expectations. It wont be crazy retarded nonsense, it will just be a boring retread of the original series but slightly less bizarre so as to not scare away the soccer moms.
This is what your precious meme culture is. To think after Gen A grows up all your oldfag memes are going to be completely forgotten as the generations of memes become blended without distinction and the early internet culture will be so archaic it will be completely forgotten, along with you. Your posts will seem like nothing more than senile ramblings to average person.
you're going to be jumping up and down and raging when you learn your Hawk Tuah goddess is actually getting gangbanged by Gen A frat bros and after it's leaked she was previously getting gangbanged by millennial truckers in bathroom stops on the interstate
No one itt is old enough to tell you
Hollywood ran out of established IP's to run into the ground, this is the best they could come up with
Cast her.
he ruined her in the remaster
This threads seething and molding makes me want to watch this shit now. Guess I'm Binge watching Skibidi Toilet.
Patients are running the asylum
>Eventually aliens (who also look like skibidi toilets) arrive and the skibidis join up with the other nations to defend the planet.
this is the only part i don't like, why not have the skibidi join with the aliens who look like them instead
Because G-toilet betrayed the astros because he thinks he could rule better then them.
Its all up to personal interpretation.
Personally my headcannon is that Gman came to earth to teach humans how to fight against the Space toilets advancing our military technology so that we may fight against the real threat.
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They made a movie out of this old meme and it was actually pretty good
No it wasn't
the toilets converted humans into more toilets and destroyed nearly all of humanity, the tv/speaker/cameraheads were all created by humanity with a good chance of them all once being humans in the past as well
So the war was first toilets vs humans which humans overwhelmingly lost throughout the first few episodes, then the mechhead races vs toilets afterwards
Kino is gonna be back on the menu and you're mad?
Weimar conditions require Weimar solutions.
the kikes hate skibidi toilet because it's based
The male "role models" in ZOG shows like steven universe are weak sissyboys who worship trannies and george floyd. meanwhile skibidi toilet gives young children actual [camera]men as role models: they have a healthy sense of fraternity and aren't afraid to put themselves in harm's way to end their enemies. that's why the nwo hates it. its so wholesome i'd rather kids dress up in kino mechcore fits with nice suits on occasion than troonslop funded by sr. goldman steilsberg
Skibidi toilet is really a show about rising up against the trannys. We follow the main protagonists: the cameramen. They are never given any dialogue, but it's obvious what is happening to them - their society is being taken over by a virus of literal toilet people (allegory for Trannys), and the cameramen (Chuds) must defend themselves and their culture for their life lest they be conquerd. The weaponry used by the Toilet heads is also reminiscent of trannys and their media. They can only use rusted and crude versions of whatever was left behind. The cameramen on the other hand are constantly innovating to find out new ways to destroy the skibiditrannys. It is obvious to anyone what this represents. Skibidi toilet is a story about rising up against ZOG & Trannys as brave chudbuds stay put to defend themselves and their values for a Tranny-free future for them and their children.
The guy that made skibidi is Russian, also
They are going to ruin it by making it like transformers, as in making it about a bunch of humans(likely blacks and/or women) that take most of the screen time with quips every few seconds, instead of doing the cameraman POV
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>Literal brain rot is being made into a fucking movie and tv series. Michael Bay of all people is heading this shit.
who ever is writing the script for 2024 is on fire
Is hating skibidi toilet the ultimate redditor litmus test?
>the creator is a le russian propagandist!
>the kids are not okay!
non-NPCs recognize the series as a fun slice of old school internet humor.
retards ITT will still compare this to gmod videos failing to realize the difference
Why don't they pay the guy who created the cartoon to direct the movie? Wtf does Michael Bay know about Skibidy Toilet?
And 5 night at feddies and soon also minecraft, i bet we will get amogus announcment this year
Oh my putin a mindless piece of shit was made by a russian? Quick we need to say its based. You're a mentally ill retard with terrible taste and you're probably underaged
So only underage literal children and forty something middle aged freaks who use the word "midwit" like this actual brain rot. Yeah that makes sense. Stupid children and stupid old people who think they're smarter than everyone else for turning off their brains and liking pure shit. I bet you like minions too
>You're just jealous they made a movie about modern kids shit and not youtube poops from when you were a child
Only about fifteen years ago memes and content were a bit more original and people were suspicious of corporate exploitation. That Fred movie was hated before it came out. Now, people like you expect this shit to be made by cooperations and you lap it up.
this is just the same nonsense over and over again at least sanity not included had some variety in its nonsense
It's all brain rot. It always was. Every single thing in this image is pure cancer. Why don't you get that? These things are bad and you know it.
Because most zoomers on the internet are half niggers, that's also why they all have broccoli hair.
Filtered by Skibidi, absolute scenes
But the children aren't paying for it and the parents aren't paying for it
Youtube is making money and so are the makers
Is there really that much money in Youtube adverts?
And if it's just about scamming Youtube ads, why make these videos weird and unsettling? Is this just a window into the jeet mind?
Also I thought this was all Slavs, not jeets

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