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I thought I was a hateful person until I saw how much Mindy Kaling hates Scooby Doo.
the right is a tranny
She hit the wall
Left is married, has a family, and has multiple children.
Right is alone and has multiple abortions.
>you know how we ruined the main cast?
>yeah well i'm not done yet, buckle up

i wish i could be half as passionate about something as a nonwhite is about ruining something that people love
is she supposed to be older or did they just make her ugly?
If the fat pajeeta who made Velma can't be attractive then no one can
tbf it's an accurate depiction of modern women that larp as witches.
Still would. I love saggy floppers
AIDS tranny
>hot millennial goth chick evolves into haggard roastie with a septum piercing who still dresses like she is 16 yrs-old

Accurate tbqh.
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I never met a pajeet who wasn't a short stinky fat liar who hated yt and tried stealing or cheating wherever it could, you could make each one with a visa take a sociopath test and they'd all check positive
She'd unironically would look like the right if she aged since her debut.
We're the hex girls
And we're gonna put a spell on you~
>I never met a pajeet who wasn't a short stinky fat liar who hated yt and tried stealing or cheating wherever it could
That's because no self respecting individual, indian or otherwise wants to be around you.
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Poo in the loo
I dont think she hates scooby doo, more like doesnt care about it and just used the name for her own show which have nothing to do with scooby doo
That wouldn't explain things like the OP which seem to have been out of pure spite.
the weirdest part about Velma is I think there is a market for a Scooby Doo that targets an older audience but it would need to lean more in the horror direction than comedy. They already kind of did it with Zombie Island.

there is literally a scene where a picture of Shaggy from the original show is doused in piss
>say breakfast one more fucking time
The original love action was supposed to be a PG-13 boner comedy before it got toned down. Would be interesting to see that or a zombie island take.
The gunn live actions could have been r/pg13 but they cucked out, pajeetma is so bad even leftists hated it
Right looks more attainable.
Why do all the indians you meet hate youtube?
What the fuck is up with this subhuman trend of women showing cow rings up their nostrils?
It's so fucking trashy and retarded, it immediately makes you look disgusting to any man who is normal in the head.
Before and after feminism
>Left: gothwife
>Right: tranny
Why does this keep happening
The point is to make everything you know and love hateful and ugly. It's a demoralization ritual.
Um, but /pol/ said that 2d women never wall?????
She 100% did this because she knew the character was popular and wanted to lash out against fans of Scooby Doo.
Is this the reason for the recent uptick in Dooposting?
I thought this was a joke at first, and someone pulled the pic on the right from a Venture Bros episode. 'Classic cartoon character but older and washed up or even outright deranged' is a joke they did several times, including with Scooby Doo itself. The art even looks a bit like the Venture Bros.
What do Indians chat about?
>What have you been up to lately?
>Oh you know, shitting on the road, shitting on the beach, shitting in our most holy river, shitting in the ocean and sending it to South America, shitting next to a toilet, shitting on a plane... Same old shit
>there is literally a scene where a picture of Shaggy from the original show is doused in piss
True, just needs tattoos.
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>haggard face
>saggy tits
>nose ring

A woman made this 100%
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Fuck that's depressingly accurate
I love saggy tits
He's making curry
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>mournful tits
That is what Meth does to people.
I'm trying to think of a reboot/remake/parody with more disdain for the source material. I don't think there is any. Even the shitty "force is female" Slop Wars bitches just want to insert their Barbie dolls in boys movies. This show seems to be made with contempt for its own existence.
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Riverdale and Halo come to mind though I don't know if they're actually worse
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I hate jews so fucking much. Ugly repulsive creatures.
Nu He-Man
Japanese animation vs American
Riverdale is a very straightforward update of Archie's core ethos. It's made by Archie writers who have limitless love for the entire history of the character. Halo was made by people who deliberately said they would not play the games.
>i just wanna have fun and find myself
>i'm ready to settle down
The right one was drawn by the wageslave japs. That is why all those direct to vhs films are kino.
The left one was Japanese
>mystery meat
>saggy tits
>liver spots everywhere
>thin face from drug abuse
>goth girl expectations
>goth girl reality
Smellma....... balls
Sad but true
they really can't create anything that's sincere can they
It's been objectively proven through numerous psychological studies that people tend to give more attention and find it harder to disengage from things that trigger anger than things that they enjoy, mainly because it's part of your threat response. Imagine you are some caveman Unga Bunga in the past and you are balls deep in the tightest neanderthal pussy you've ever had - but then you hear the bushes behind you rustling. The caveman that pulls out and makes sure the bushes aren't a sabretooth tiger ready to strike survives more often than the one that keeps pounding, so you evolve to pay attention to things that flare up your flight or fight response.

Almost all media and modern internet content is guided by algorithms designed deliberately to exploit this psychological element so you keep giving it attention.

Also Mindy Kaling had her skin bleached and was impregnated by a white guy, so lol.
Right has an adopted mixed race mutt child and is is in a lesbian relationship with an obese woman with a shaved head.

I'm not joking. That's actually in the show.
They did that back in 1999 and it was fucking hilarious.

>Riverdale is a very straightforward update of Archie's core ethos.
It's extremely trashy and full of modern degeneracy like fag romance, casual sex, drug usage and constant swearing. It's fucking Glee but with Archie characters.
Almost all of the really good western animation from the 90's was actually done by high ranking Japanese studios. Batman in particular had a LOT of easterners working on it.

Most shit nowadays is done by impoverished southeastern asians from Vietnamese and Cambodian sweat shops.
How do you guys cope with so many normalfags loving modern garbage and looking at you like a schizo and accusing you of being some puritanical right wing nutcase when you say it's gotten too cynical, disgusting and degenerative? I feel like I live on a different planet from most people these days.
People following trends blindly. They see some people doing and the effect snowballed.
But WHY?
>30 seconds in
>they call Shaggy by his real name, Norville
>the fucking "Velma" show calls him Norville
but cartoons aren't supposed to be realistic, or are they?? Imagine turning the funnies on just to see some character that looks like your wife
They're supposed to be fun and entertaining, which this dogshit isn't. It's just mean spirited grossout go-fuck-yourself shit.
>bangs deliberately styled to look like fangs
>they give her a bob cut in the remake
fucking retards
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People these days would call you pathetic for nutting to left April.
and a brownoid
stop noticing it you fucking racist
I don’t talk about media with n*rMoids
But you are on 4chan?
Left = enslaved by the lust of disgusting men

Right = free to live her own way
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Easy, I adjust my testicles for maximum pendulous motion then stand up and loudly proclaim:

What the fuck is the timeline of this shitty show? They are all in high school but they deliberately show a character they knew in the 90's - when they were all adults - as a poorly aged hag now? How the fuck is that possible?
This show is so awkward, and it's not just about dialogues or acting, it's awkward in it's core. It doesn't know what it wants to be. It's like a socially awkward kid who stands in the middle of the room at a party and doesn't know what to do with his hands, where to look, if he should say anything or not. At least chicks are hot.
Yes this is the one place I can air it out. Although it’s gotten more normie friendly in recent years, true norms do not post here.
My wife has every single physical copy of Junji Ito stuff. Personally, I don't get the appeal, but she likes them so I got her the new release today ad a surprise.
It's frankly mind-blowing every time I remember that Indians walk down to the beach and just take a shit right on the sand.
Try reading them alone in a dark room at night to set the proper atmosphere. Horror can be really good if you immerse yourself properly.
Based and proclamationpilled.
Riverdale has a murder cult, Archie joining a fight club in jail where he fights the warden, Archie starting a group of vigilantes, an evil version of Betty called "Dark Betty", a haunted doll, a plan for a cult leader to take off in a rocket ship, etc, etc.

Maybe the first season was some weird updated version of Archie but after that it's just the most ridiculous shit ever put in a television show.
She's not old, chud. She just looks like a REAL woman and not your coom fantasy. Pretty women with good skin don't exist in real world. get over it.
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What is actually the end game of all this shit? The total destruction of anything beautiful and fun? Why do they worship filth and evil?
The truth is that Junji Ito is very good at drawing disturbing images that stick with you but the actual stories and characters of his manga are trash. I don't know if he has commented on it but I'm like 99% sure he comes up with the spooks first and then writes around them. He honestly should hire someone to write his scripts for him. Uzumaki is probably his best work and even that gets pretty dumb in the latter half.
He's openly admitted that he is good at coming up with a creepy concept but has difficulty making it into a full length story with a proper ending multiple times.
>recognizes things are shit being caused by the left
>still blames the right

How about stop being a weak faggot wanting to fall in line with the slopcattle.

Start realizing that the right is right about everything. Own it
The answer has been right in front of you since the very beginning and yet you do not see. You see the pieces but you're not connecting all the dots

You better start believing in far right conspiracy theories, you're living in one
>still blames the right
Right is honestly more like what a goth chick in a band would actually look like
what, they actually want things to suck? They actually want to make life miserable and gay? Why?
By the fact that you said you're coping about it how normies will look at you as as a right-wing schizo

The point is normies are retarded cattle, be a chud and be proud because you are right, and keep calling out the left agitprop
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I would call them patethic for not nutting to left April
I think he’s triggered by the use of “right wing nutcase.” Arguing talmudvision is a waste of time regardless thoughbeit. At least online it can be fun, but actually getting into it with people IRL about tv shows is autism,
>why is the chef putting us into a boiling pot
>must be a nice bath!
I had an epiphany that probably most of the people who make these woke slop shows that butcher existing IPs would rather make original woke slop shit, but can't get the funding. So they turn Star Wars or Scooby Doo or whatever into their lesbian teen angst screenplay that never got picked up.
No one asked
This desu, I was into his stories for a little while and I fell off because knowing that every single story would end in an unsatisfying anticlimax made me disinterested in even starting
His art is fantastic for the style of pulp horror he does and his concepts are terrific and sufficiently scary, he just can't write an ending to save his life. His characters are also basically the same 3 or 4 cardboard cutouts recycled for each story and given a different name, but that's not the biggest issue in the world when you're talking about short form horror stories, it's not like the average character in an episode of Goosebumps or Tales from the Crypt were Shakespearean by comparison
Lol looks like a troon
do they not have a sanitation system?
>Resentful nerds want everyone to be as miserable as they are

They've tried to install toilets countless times and the pajeets refuse to use them.
Why did this show get utterly shit on for being disgusting pilpul leftist garbage but most other shit gets away with it for free?
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Look what they did to my girl!
you can lead the indian to a toilet, but you can't force him to use it.
pic? I want to believe you, but I'd like proof.
I told my fiancee about him years ago when Adult Swim's Uzumaki was first announced since I had read Amigara Fault in a storytime thread and she became obsessed too. It's nice that he's got such a long back catalog and is getting stuff published pretty frequently because they make for easy gifts. Other anons are right that most of the time it's the art style that sells his stuff. Fiancee got me back into comics as an adult since she likes vintage horror comics and Ito has pretty much the same appeal: basic horror stories with a fun style.
Like two suicide notes stuffed in a glitter bra
Im really sick of insane people being given the reins to continually fuck things up for the majority.
thank God I broke up with my gf who literally is the right OP image when I had the chance
>Upon the release of Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost, Warner Bros. expressed interest in the development of a spin-off television series revolving around the characters, to be developed by the film's writers Rick Copp and David A. Goodman. Although it went unrealized, elements of this series were adopted into subsequent films featuring the characters
We were fucking robbed bros
why does the west have an insane obsession with making everything ugly?
it would be whatever if she looked like a tranny, sure, it's a fairly tranny-adjacent character, but there's no reason to make her look like an uggo tranny, damn
the right definitely looks like a woman 25 years later
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Satsuki Kiryuuin's looking rough these days
The people who say that make april on the right look like april on the left
these days she just looks like a 25 year old woman
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I'm more annoyed because people who actively DETEST the original material end up working on it.
>castlevania nocturne
it can't be that bad, right? she looks aight.
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The original hex girls were so based
>Thorn appears in season 2 as an adult who has a non-binary goth child named Amber.[9]
I confess, I love saggy tits. I'll never watch this shitty show, but there it is.
I'm convinced that libshit hack fraud writers do this shit on purpose because they know the internet will hate it and that gives them cloud+their 15 mins. If you are insulated in your echo chamber by only spending your time with other libshits and only watch libshit media getting dunked on by some youtuber isn't as much of a big deal. These people just like attention, it doesn't matter to Mindy Kaling gets laughed at by the internet because they will spin it as bigotry and get invited to the Met Gala next year.
Personally I blame americans, their entire degenerate culture is based around
>all media coverage is good media coverage
I mean fuck, in The Boys they colour coded all the drumpf homelander and starlight supporters. They were very comfortable portraying Homelander as le drumpf but stopped at calling starlight Hillary because that would make libshits look stupid (well more stupid)
This show was intentionally designed from the ground up to make you angry. By talking about it at all you are playing into their hands.
It's just a matter of putting your opinions in less combative ways to the normie psyche. Hiding your power level, so to speak.
You'd also be extremely surprised at the amount of normoids that are starting to get very tired with this stuff (see, they're years behind on the internet polical trends) and are just waiting to say that shit out loud
Also, afaik nobody watched Velma and those who did don't like it
Normies are always the last to catch up. Things people were noticing back in 2014 are finally on their radars. Their gears turn slower.
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still would post menopause wrinkly pancake tit hex girl
Based and redpilled
I think there's also a scene where Velma twerks over the mutilated corpse of Fred's mother.
Modern leftism, and as a consequence any culture it influences, is a race to the bottom. Authentically, intellectually, spiritually, etc.
>It's been objectively proven through numerous psychological studies that people tend to give more attention and find it harder to disengage from things that trigger anger than things that they enjoy
People are also far less likely to watch shows/purchase products that "trigger anger" though.
Man, do you guys remember when Cartoon Network used to do things that were genuinely clever & fun?
who cares?
Most normalfags I know don't even like this slop.
She just aged by 25 years
>strip naked and take a dump in the middle of a public road while making loud retard-noises
>people point & laugh, tell you to get out of the road, call you a retard, etc.
>"HA! You fell for my clever ruse! You're TALKING about me! That means I win & you lose!"
This is literally just Venture Bros artstyle which this board claims is amazing
why are you obsessed with drawings of fictional women yikes
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It's because Scoob and the gang haven't cracked the case of the Toilet Witches yet
still would
witch's ghost was so fucking kino, I don't even care about the girls

>hire americans to do the matte painted backgrounds
>hire japs to do the animation
>perfect VAs
>66 minutes

oh my god just thinking about it makes me sweat
what a triumph
Fuck, that was awesome. And now I'm sad we won't get more of this. Unironically would pay money to see more. That was genuinely fun.
>the actual stories and characters of his manga are trash
That's why I like Tomie. Even if there are plenty of weak stories, she's a cool character and it's fun to see her evolution across Ito's career.
expected cringe, got fun
I can't imagine context making this any better, but I still want it.
>i had an epiphany that (something that people have known for the last 10 years atleast)
based retard anon
>ignore the point and just say whatever
they literally did a study in the early 2000's and people who loved x show watched 2 hours a week and people who hated it watched 4 hours a week
it was like jimmy kimmel or that times equivilent
>saggy daggy doooooooooo

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