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Im trying to watch old snl sketches because someone said they were underrated but i cant sit through a single one

Boomers just pretended like this was funny right? Or was it a kind of mass psychosis gaslighting
dude references lol
SNL was always goyslop. Goyslop existed in the past it wasn't a chudly utopia.
They say the human psyche hasn't changed, but if you pay attention to what people found funny through the decades, you realize we've become meaner and fucked up in the head as time went on. A lot of the old stand up and sketches intended for adults, that was seen as edged and modern, seem innocent and childish today. People have become more psychotic.
what is gladiatorial combat and public executions?
My dad wanted to show me some Kraftwerk kind of German character from those SNL days and even he was cringing by the end. Worst piece of comedy from his time he subjected me to since A Fish Called Wanda.
HoLdS uP sPoRk(>ω<。)
Not SNL but....


Lorne Michael's likes gameshow bits for some reason. SNL has done a million of them.

SNL was irreverent and even shocking for its time when there was only a handful of channels and the only things on other channels were late night movies and re-runs of the honeymooners. Today kids grow up watching videos of people blown up and beheaded for real so they have to pretend to be shocked by the "N-Word". Its ironic that many bits even from SNL in the early 2000s would be considered 'racist' or 'sexist' by today's young social media puritans.
It’s National lampoon marijuana humor.
You’re just too young to enjoy it for what it is.
great argument you fucking retard
In living color > Mad TV >>>>>>>>>> SNL except for Phil Hartman era + some guest hosts
No SNL appealed to college-kids/educated, who went on to have careers that prop up what they watched/liked. It's a very specific sensibility, like Wes Anderson Rushmore
HoLdS uP sPoRk\( ;゚;ж;゚;)/
Fit Fridays in there somewhere. Larry David, Melanie Chartoff, Michael Richards.
SNL was never funny
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>Boomers just pretended like this was funny right? Or was it a kind of mass psychosis gaslighting
Kids in the hall mogs them all
>I like slice of life shit better than "wacky celebrity impersonation"
>They say the human psyche hasn't changed, but if you pay attention to what people found funny through the decades, you realize we've become meaner and fucked up in the head as time went on. A lot of the old stand up and sketches intended for adults, that was seen as edged and modern, seem innocent and childish today. People have become more psychotic.
Best post in this place in years. damn.
I never got how Akroyd and Chase were funny. Not sure if it's a boomer thing or a white thing
Some stuff didn't age good like Seinfeld for example
Yeah? Next time when chatting with the office crew try to do a joke on women

I tried doing the same a few years back and it's all painfully unfunny.
Most of the jokes are characters talking to the camera LOUDLY to convey that something is, in fact, funny.
Also all the characters and bits are mostly shit and way way way overstay their welcome.
dude more cowbell lmao
Of course somebody is going to negatively react to a joke that excludes them or puts them on the chopping block. That doesn't mean those women couldn't have absolutely psychotic and meanspirited jokes about, say, men.
Correct, assuming you're referring to post WW2 first world countries.
You're proving his point. You're coworkers are bound by the social contract to not strike out against certain extremely obnoxious things. As one example, the workplace itself is a stressful environment, where you're forced to mingle with people from many walks of life. The majority of people only like the company of people like themselves, but they cannot express disdain for other cultures, creeds, races etc. This is a quiet sentiment shared by everyone, but the workplace forces you to reject it. However, at the first sign of a socially acceptable target, they will force all of that pent up sociopathic frustration out.
>I once killed a man using nothing but his own stomach
I wonder what demographic changes in 1st world countries could've caused this.
They're very hit or miss. Things don't even out until the late 80's and then promptly go to shit again.

>not liking Sprockets
You do not get to touch my monkey.
Why are so many retards like virtually unable to just put themselves in the shoes of people from past generations and, while perhaps still not finding any value in it to themselves currently, understand at least WHY people liked the shit they like? That's like looking at a picture of your grandfather opening Christmas presents and playing with a wooden horse or something and being like "Duuurrrr I dont get it???? tahts not a nintnendo Switch!! how is taht wood hrorse suposed to be even fun omg?????"

People back then thought Saturday Night Live was funny because it was brand new, they had like 4 other TV channels, and no air conditioner, you absolute mongoloid. That was literally what they were working with at the time. The comic brilliance of The Emoji Movie wouldn't be a thing for another 40+ years, please excuse them.
It was a simpler, happier time.
Chevy Chase is variations of slapstick and just being an unapologetic asshole like Bill Murray. Dan Akroyd is a straight man who can say big words really fast. I mean this is all fundamental comedy shit.
Substituted for acceptable gory murder in movies, nobody's hurt but the people into that still get their rocks off seeing it. Also it's historical record people quite often didn't like gladiators dying because they'd build names for themselves and bring returning watchers back. Ancient WWE type shit.
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>micheal Odonoghue buck henry and John belushi aren’t funny
Billy Murray fucking sucks
Based. I think the purpose of humorous content has evolved, not in a necessarily good manner, from unifying people with a laugh to reinforcing their profiles as marketing targets. In this crazy trend of hyper-personalized content, different types of humor not only appeal to different demographics, but also help standardize their consumer profiles. The girl from "flight of the Conchords", Sheldon Cooper, Ted Lasso and Leslie Knope are good examples of that humor that "only certain types of people" get. Now Sheldon lives in every norman's subconscious as the archetypical STEM nerd, but when TBBT began, I remember nerds having a blast with the physics references and all that shit.
No lies detected.
>what is censorship, imposed from the top down precisely to influence people's morality and values
O’Donoghue, Pryor, Chase, Murray, Belushi, Hartman, Myers, Rock, Murphy, and McDonald were the only people worth watching. Am I missing anyone else? Honestly even then their best work was outside SNL on podcasts, stand-up specials, or films/tv shows
thanks for you unsourced and uncredited opinion doctor sneed. i cant wait to see it parroted by other retards
I used to enjoy Dennis Miller’s rants, but otherwise your list is good
the entire premise of jewish comedy is to take advantage of the fact that the older white generation believed in public politeness. Jews discovered that they could act as weird as possible to make older whites uncomfortable who would be unable to tell them to stop and the younger whites would find it hilarious.
most drugs were legal and available over the counter until the late1980s, it was extremely easy to make doped up retards laugh.
They were so tame when Mel Brooks did his best work, rude and equal opp offending
SNL was always held up by a few really good members throughout its history, but by and large it's always been terrible.

Celebrity Jeopardy is kino, however.
I liked Mad TV skits
>most drugs were legal and available over the counter until the late1980s
That literally is not true. Almost anything good was re-classified by like the 1920s or 1930s.
>chudly utopia.
Good phrase, will be stealing.
Only funny period of SNL was late 80s to early 90s, ignore any other eras, total dogshit
In the 70s SILENT comedy had a revival on college campuses and they remain influential across cultures unlike SNL's inaugural class just think they are b/c their circle of influence is much smaller so their legacy depends on industry circlejerk. Not finding sth funny is about a lack of empathy? Ever wonder why SNL legends' skits aren't remade, but The Producers + MASH are?
YES. Were they only on cable? think I only ever caught them after youtube happened. They had superior WRITING
>Ever wonder why SNL legends' skits aren't remade, but The Producers + MASH are?

What? No, nobody wonders why they aren't remade. Why remake something they got right on the first try? That's like being like "Well if The White Album is so great then why has no one recorded a cover's album of it?" Shit makes no sense dude. The Producers gets done over and over and over again and people clap themselves into fits of retardation again and again and again for the Silly Hitler Song, and guess what, that's fine if that's what you find funny. Meanwhile, Chris Farley shakes his gut in a Chippendales uniform, on live television, ONCE and it murders forever. The sketch reruns, in its original form, for years to come. It doesn't need any enhancing, or reinterpretation. It's not Shakespeare In The Park.

When will SNL have made it, in your eyes? When it finally does get "remade"? When Josh Gad is onstage, wearing a Chippendale's uniform, shaking his gut and tits around at Radio City Music Hall's "A Friday Evening with Saturday Night!"?
But its not funny
You can't stop anyone from noticing.
It is funny.
Skip to Chris Kattan kino then skip to Fred Armisen kino
Still is!?
The sausages one is the height of all film, it needs a college class dedicated to just it

It's just tv era entertainment. In Australia we had "Hey Hey It's Saturday" that began as a morning "kids" show them moved to Saturday nights prime time with sexual innuendo, "segments/ games", "talent quest" etc.
**Many visiting overseas stars including actor Sylvester Stallone, singer Tom Jones, musician Stevie Ray Vaughan, and professional wrestler André the Giant were impressed by the program's zany style (and its wide appeal) and made return appearances on subsequent visits.
In the 90s were Aussie skit / parody shows such as Fast Forward and D Generation.

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