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Faceoff Edition
prev >>201722413
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/\ PEAKE /\
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Cute and canon!
Last episode should have ended with this scene, instead of that retarded lesbian scene. Episode felt incomplete.
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the show seems to have dropped off sharply
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The Red Kraken approaches.
Could Sandor have really eaten every chicken in the room?
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>nigger targaryan
>lesbian queen
>nothing happens

Another woke snoozefest
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i actually dig les queen..
yes give me scissoring i say
I wouldn't mind it if she had scenes like in GoT and someone would finally play with her arse. Not shitty lesbian romance novel scenes.
cute and canon
>Alicent in Episode 1
"Soon she (Syrax) will have grown as large as Caraxes"
>ffw 30 years
>same size
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He comes....
Maybe Caraxes is bigger and Syrax is as big as Caraxes used to be? Idk, I don't enjoy this show enough to rewatch and compare.
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>Tom (Aegon) has a girlfriend
>Harry (Jace) has a girlfriend
>Fabien (Criston) has a girlfriend
>Matt (Daemon) has a girlfriend
>Freddie (Gwayne) has a girlfriend
It's just Ewan (Aemond) our only hope now. He's very private though so I wouldn't be surprised if he also has one.
The Targaryen’s are inbred degenerates. Every last one of them needs exterminating. Vermin.
didn't the top one cheat on her husband and then fake his death so she could marry the uncle that groomed her?

it's amusing how hard the show has to work to redeem her.
so uh my tiktok brain tells me that blacks are the good guys
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true, (((targaryens))) are parasites
>Faceoff Edition
is it really? i thought they were on the sane side
It's funny how this cast includes too many gay women but also straight men.
they are. and he is LOYAL.
my deplorable 4chud brain tells me the greens are the good guys
I'm a bit out of the loop. What was the greencucks excuse for Aemond burning Aegon?
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>tfw Blacks are only 13% of Westeros but commit over 50% of the murders
survival of the fittest, or some contrarian bullshit
Imagine watching and discussing this DEI woke trash.
are they fucking next ep?
same reason nettles is gone and mysaria is romancing 'nyra
Matt Damon has a girlfriend? No way
Are there any femanons here who unironically think they have a chance with these guys? Why are you even sad about it? There's no way you all think you'll date these actors.
He's married, which could mean nothing
I hatewatch and shitpost.
Just watched S2, Ep1 and honestly, B&C is so poorly done. Why film it from their PoV and not the Greens', specifically Helena's? Make it a surprise and then reveal after the fact why and who commissioned it. Also the removal of the choice, with only the two kids being asleep, is poor
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we are never getting these kino scenes. enjoy the dykes and niggers.
are you new here, /tv/ always whines about actors who are dating
your aguish is delightful
same, I pirate and shitpost
yas kween
das rite, you betta kneel
and you are now ordered to kys
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will HotD have any legends?
Jace is single and GAY, he told me when I came inside him
You will never be a woman. You must live the rest of your days entirely as a man and you will only grow more masculine with every passing year. There is no way out.
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From our friends at plebbit
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Another Team Black focused episode, Blackchads and Blacksisters keep winning!
Zoomers don't even know what the old rage comic faces used to mean.
Haven’t seen that rage face since 2010
Wow debunked guess I actually wasn’t bored as shit
your aguish is delightful
I want more Baela girlboss moments
> keep winning
at the DEI olympics
Jace “put that bitch in her place” the ace
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>good guys are boring
>bad guys are interesting and have more variety

Why do they do this?
Whomst bosoms are those?
cute and kino
>ayy mayn we be draygown raadaasss nn sheeeeeeeeeeiitttt
culture vultures
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Fake and Gay
Hopefully the leaks about the Jacela kiss are real.
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will there be a happy ending?
Anon that series is already over, 5 years ago
> have more variety
funny how the all white (+1 d*rnish) have more variety than the diverse brown and homo spectrum blacks
You got some nice tits bro
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>patriarchal (agnatic inheritance)
>follows the true faith of the seven
>hate gays
>hate bastards
>loves and honors MILFs
>want a Kingdom based on order

>the dragon does what he wants (queer)
>the dragon does what he wants (anarchy)
>the dragon does what he wants (atheist)
>love penetrating stinky assholes
>love cuckolding
>prefers brown tomboys over MILFs with big tits
>want an anarcho-mutualist commune, where Targs get to be as hedonistic as they want, probably even fuck their own kids
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Why aren't there more female knights?
Gay but not fake
Boring, if there's no sex scene and nudity, I don't want it
women are not interested in getting raped non stop
her children
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>when mommy Nyra haven't had sex with her uncle or sterile gf, in 5 hours
What is this?
Because GRRM is not a retarded feminist
THat truly is an awful image
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>still clinging on to /got/
hunter schafer looking brutal
That's not what I've heard.
you JUST know
Yeah but Mommy is cute, so I don't care about all that other stuff.
>Team Black
>There are only two black people in the picture
What did they mean by this?
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Aemond will make MILFs legal.
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>tfw gonna fuck your mom
corlys actually turned out ok but the rest of them are god awful and ruin every scene they are in. they should have just had an old white guy for corlys, and cast this guy as a son corlys adopted from the summer islands on one of his voyages.

You just KNOW
>being able to read in 96
kys boomers
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The show should ignore the book completely. Jace should live and marry both Baela and Rhaena.
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1 qt 2 monsters
this is such a beautiful image
you can smell the cocoa butter
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House Tully (or whomever rules the riverlands) should build a castle in the area the Blue, Green and Red Forks meet

Can't believe no one has

And why aren't Saltpans and Fairmarket cities?
We already talked about this. The only good ships are mother/son ships. Aemond should fuck Alicent and Jace should fuck Rhaenyra. No Aemond/Helaena cringe and definitely no Jace/Baela.
On Opposite Day
We won’t see Kermit finishing Borros on the battlefeild, why live. He cute I guess.
thats a marshy floodplain, good luck building a castle that gets washed away every other year.
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every time I look at the map of westeros I see something new. Lord Harroway's Town? Is this mentioned a single time in the series?
>Twitter leaks saying Jace and Corlys will conspire against Rhaenyra also mentioned Oscar and Daemon working well together
>And why aren't Saltpans and Fairmarket cities?
Westeros is severely lacking in towns and cities. The largest city in the North, White Harbor, should be dwarfed by the 3rd, 4th and 5th biggest cities in regions like the reach, the westerlands and the riverlands.
>thats a marshy floodplain
[citation needed]
Like seriously, the River Mander should have 4, 5, even 6 or 7 cities that are bigger than White Harbor. But the only one mentioned is Oldtown. It makes no sense.
first mention is in A Storm of Swords
bring in the crannogmen then
>hey kid, wanna /s/?
He bears the sword, he leads the Caltrops, he has the daughter, he rules three castles. He has every necessary qualification of Handship. You have no choice but to accept his marriage proposals.
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Based but it's Baela/Jace/Rhaena for me.
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I hate this pug faced bitch like you wouldn't believe
I see three boys in this picture though
Storm of Swords
>The town was drowned and desolate. The rising waters had overflowed the riverbanks. All that remained of Harroway town was the upper story of a daub-and-wattle inn, the seven-sided dome of a sunken sept, two-thirds of a stone roundtower, some moldy thatch roofs, and a forest of chimneys.
Poor Jace holy fuck
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if I made a cytube account would anyone want to watch lore videos with me I am bored and unemployed
she looks like she reeks of popeye's and skunkweed
Daemon stay away from that minor.
Westerosi know that cities a garbage
You must really hate Jace then...
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sure let's start with some Baratheons
Why did they cast so many dyke and troon actors? Can't they simply cast attractive normal people, like Game of Thrones did?
Your post is too sad I had to hide it
its not a matter of how people feel about cities more just the reality that over time people will huddle around castles and eventually towns and cities spring up around them. but we've also seen approximately 2 acres of crops growing in both series so I guess george is just a hack
>We won’t see Kermit finishing Borros on the battlefeild, why live.
to be fair, even for a war full of contrivances that was a really silly contrivance
I'd be so annoyed if I had to hang out with the she apes all day because of my job and appearances, like what can he do about it? Poor dude
They got gay women to avoid #metoo accusations, it's smart actually
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Why are the people of King's landing so stupid? Rhaenyra caused the blockade. Sending 6 little row boats full of apples and lettuce should be considered a slap in the face. If anything this should cause the smallfolk to hate Rhaenyra more. If Rhaenyra cares so much about the people of King's landing why doesn't she simply lift the blockade?

Also, what is stopping Aemond from flying out at night with Vhagar and soloing the blockade himself? Wooden ships in the dark stand zero chance vs Vhagar
this thread got really racist really fast
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But why? They seem happy.
He's not my favourite character on the show but I definitely do not hate him.
He's perfectly fine with that, anon. You can tell based on interviews that he has chemistry with the girls, they are friends. I bet his gender and white privilege allows him to get paid more than them too.
I’m just Jaceist
Remember when Robert explained this situation to Cersei and why they would blame him and not Danarys? I do.
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Cute and canon!
not proud of it but I would. love seeing a black women in my white sheets.
it doesn't make sense anyway, King's Landing doesn't get most of its food from overseas
im going on vacation to mexico tomorrow for the next two weeks so im gonna probably miss the next episode stream. What i think is kinda interesting is the last time i went to mexico was during season 6 and now im coming back 8 years later during house of the dragon s2
>I bet his gender and white privilege allows him to get paid more than them too.
You revealed your true colours
According to The World of Ice and Fire, cities need a "charter" to expand.
> "There has never been a city in the riverlands, strange as that might seem (though large market towns are common), likely because of the fractious history of the region and a tendency for the kings of the past to refuse the charters that might have given some Saltpans or Lord Harroway’s Town or Fairmarket leave to expand." - Riverlands, TWOIAF
We also never see cities in Westeros that are controlled by citizens or merchants, or anyone who isn't a noble. A mayor is rarely mentioned. King's Landing does not seem to have a mayor or a city council, it's just a settlement subject to the Red Keep.
>*Aemond stops playing Crusader Kings II for a second*
>"Can someone tell me why King's Landing is suffering from a famine?"
>Larys, the footfag speaks up
>"My Prince, have you forgotten about the blockade? The smallfolk can only afford fish.
>"So the blockade stops our food import from the other regions of Westeros, but doesn't stop the fishers from fishing? That doesn't make any sense. If the smallfolk want to leave the city to go where food is ... why can't the food just go to them?"
>"Omg, you Incel chud, stop treating real-life like a video game. Logistics isn't a thing in real life. It's just a video game mechanic, so White men can feel superior to BIPOC queer folk for being good at something they made up."
>"I understand. I have to act as evil and edgy as possible, while the series emphasizes that the only reason anyone can ever act like me is because they are a little baby, who wants his mommy. Alright, I guess it's time to meet the hag of Harrenhal, who acts a BDSM mommy domme to me. I'll have to go soon. Otherwise I miss my first dick flattening."
Weird how the show constant shows the smallfolk complaining about the lack of meat and she sends them fucking lettuce. Like who the fuck cares about lettuce besides rich people?
Where's the calories Rhaenyra?
But now Hess is metooing all the gay women and the gay women like Emma and Mizuno are forcing their gayness in to the narrative
the reachjews are hoarding the food!
Save him
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>gender and white privilege
you know a show is boring af when women from twitter visit these threads to complain anonymously
This show is such a mess behind the scenes
They need another show runner asap, Condal is a gormless toad
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Eat shit and die, blackcels/
Lettuce and apples. The people still have fish and seafood, what's to complain about?
The lgbtq+ contingent has hijacked the show for their own agenda.
Preston Jacobs is still denying that House of the Dragon is woke.
Isn't there a river flowing right in to KL they can ship food in with? No one is blockading the river
Tywin is clear proof that GRRM has immense daddy issues
>didn't the top one cheat on her husband and then fake his death
It was not cheating, they mutually agreed to this. Rhaenyra and Leynor tried to have their own children but it never worked, probably Leynor was just infertile to begin with. She faked his death for mutual benefit as it would allow Leynor to seek his own happiness and her actually have Targaryen offspring. Was she a spoiled brat? Absolutely. But her father lacked backbone to force her in the right direction.
The writers are completely detached from humanity and think that medieval peasants suffering from famine would throw away fish to get some carrots and cabbage
yeah, and the western and southern roads lead to were most of the food is grown and they're pro-green

the blockade makes no sense
they made a holy vow, it's cheating where or not they agree to violate it
They should have just had Laenor come back as "Adam of Hull". Otherwise there was no reason to let him live. Is Laenor really a coward who will just chill in Essos when his family is at war? Laenor may be a fag, but he's a warrior who loves battle, not a coward
holy vow, holy schmow
Also it would make sense bookwise that Corlys decides to make "Adam of Hull" heir of driftmark if he's actually Laenor. It also makes Corlys look like less of a cuck by continuing to support Rhaenyra.

It's funny how vows only matter to Blacks when it's something that benefits them.
I want to fuck Lady Turnips
You need a special charter to be a city, that's what caused the defiance of duskendale and aerys to go insane
throwing up
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everytime mysaria appears i groan. shit character and shit acting.
Cannot wait for Rhaenyra to call her son a bastard.
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Everybody cares about acting all of sudden
Still my favorite character by far
it's the "What, me worry?" kid in a Mad parody of HOTD
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Yes, it's happening...
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>"You are a BASTARD... and I'm a WHORE."
Well done, Condal.
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rhaenyra and alicent were supposed to be like atia and servilia in Rome. what the fuck is this shit
Her bad acting stands out more when she's acting in scenes with above average actors. Mizuno is the female Tommy Wiseau without the basedness.
That thought has never crossed my mind
Jacenyra hatesex when?
I hope this is an actual line
Wokeism kills fictional storytelling. Only white men can be portrayed as evil. Women and gays must be portrayed as moral and upstanding saints
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look how stupid she looks man
lol is there a 'Nyra version?

i fucking hate what the show has done with her
>rhaenyra and alicent were supposed to be like atia and servilia in Rome. what the fuck is this shit
The hacks at HBO wanted less petty, more "likeable" characters.
it's funny because laenor came off as a truly awful person
I’m team black because I enjoy menthol cigarettes and malt liquor
>they turned my Baratheon-Targaryen princessfu into medieval Hillary Clinton
"Riding off to battle again, old girl"
>never been in a battle once
>never even fought in a light skirmish
because you're not allowed to have nice things
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coolest black

they kinda forget that
Imagine having a mother like Rhaenyra and she's looking at you like THAT
what the fuck were they thinking?
Sex with Rhaenyra
Sex with Emma
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>what the fuck were they thinking?
I need them
have you guys read or seen the theory that there were multiple varieties of dragons, bred for specific purposes? I think Sunfyre would be a "show" dragon, bred for aesthetics and beauty, for Valyrians to ride up to the party in the equivalent of a lamborghini. Whereas Meleys, Vhagar etc are pure war beasts, bred for maximum carnage. I think Caraxes is either deformed or possibly a tunneler or road builder.
>greencels still seething about Rhaenys
It looks like a medieval themed Mad Max
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i think caraxes got his neck stuck in a hole and when he pulled it out it was stretched out like a cartoon character
you dont need to be on a "side" to know she was easily the worst of the main characters in the series. literally just fantasy hillary clinton. yuck.
Get off the dragon grandma!
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all of them
Is that Harry Collett and Esther Rolle?
Preston is a retarded faggot who has the most basic bitch twitter politics. Hes one of those people that are really smart at what they do (in his case analyzing literature) but is a complete bumblefuck when it comes to other topics like politics
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sexo with jamie lannister
>Hes one of those people that are really smart at what they do (in his case analyzing literature)
no he is not lmao the "theories" he puts forward, the majority of them at least, are at complete odds with the spirit of the series.
Nickelodeon Costco Walmart!
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looks like an android from Raised by Wolves
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>what the fuck were they thinking?
>Rhaenyra we must act! war is approaching!
>No... i have to brood for another few episodes and look into the distance some more while everyone else is forced to act (which i will scold them for)
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Doesn't the second person play a male character?
What did they mean by this?
>go from having a bratty monkey princess to Hunter Schafer the queen

bold choice
Yes, they are gorgeous.
Rhaenyra is so pretty in this picture.
ASOIAF bros…. It’s our lot to suffer….
the android from raised by wolves is in the show. she's long necked arryn lady
man I was really hoping another streamer would pick that up. they tried to shop it around but nobody wanted it :(
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You say she has to act, but everytime she comes up with a genius and flawless plan you people take issue with her.
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>old gods has tree magic
>fire god has fire magic
>far east religion has shadow magic
So what's the special powers of the faith of the 7?
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They are bullying him constantly.
lol that scene needed a laughtrack
NEW from the goat David Lightbringer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoEM9L620mo
Keeping dummies in check
very unfortunate. it wasn't slop enough to exist in this world
actually dominating Westeros, apparently

even the north is slowing becoming Sevenized thanks to White Harbor
Fire and blood, bitch. It's your house words.
has he been as critical of the nettles exclusion as he was before the season, or has he softened on it?
You guys liked that? I didn't watch it but it looked terrible
That's what women do.
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Oh man, I am turning it off. I can't listen to this faggot anymore. He is retardedly autistic.
>Aemond saying a badass line about losing an eye, but gaining a dragon?
No, that couldn't have happened. He later demanded Luke to put out his eye as repayment for his. So he didn't say that.
>Alicent wants an eye for an eye?
Umm ... why would Aemond, if this is all coming from Aemond ever say THIS about his mother? He is portraying her as having an eye for an eye mentality. Now this is something humans have argued against for thousands of years. This is some real dark and toxic stuff and puts Alicent in a really bad light, so Aemond couldn't have said that or Aemond is evil! EVIL! And he just doesn't care about morality and speaks for himself here.
>Why would a 7-year-old know about bastards? This is ridiculous. Children don't know about bastards. Bran was confused about what Jamie and Cersei were doing. Children don't know what sex are, where babies come from. No child would ever be insulted by another child questioning whether his father is actually his true father. He should just be like "huh?"
>So it's obviously a lie that the Green Council started their session, while Visery's body wasn't even cold. It was obviously at least 3 hours after his death. So it's a complete lie, because by that point his body would have reached room temperature and therefore gone cold, so to speak.

He is so fucking autistic. Like he genuinely doesn't human emotion and only has his left-wing morality to guide him on what is normal. The thought that a mother might be furious over her own child being mutilated and wanting an eye for an eye seems him as ancient archaic morality. Or the metaphor about "they didn't even wait until the body was cold".
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>I didn't watch
watch it, bro. it's good sci-fi.
yeah they really don't care much for their children and grandchildren to be this civil with eachother
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Unironically these girls are based because they are making fun of him because of his posture from season 1, they are making fun of his height but in a cute way, they are making fun of his mewing expression, maybe they post here...
alicent pretty much said this when talking to helaena. she was like "oh i don't care my boy is dead, i care about you... seeing me with cole. but also kinda how you're feeling?? you're the real victim in this after all"
Meds. Now.
he's not happy about it. he thinks nettles is important enough to stand on her own and shouldnt be merged with rhaena.
Can you tell me what it is about?
Where is this from?
modern women don't let themselves get tied in knots over sprogs
if you could make GRRM elaborate the irrelevant background lore of your choosing, what would it be?
For me, it's Derrick Fossoway, the Bad Apple. How the hell did some random dipshit from a second rate knightly house in the Reach end up as one of the Ninepenny Kings next to Maelys Blackfyre? What the fuck was his endgame?
its comfy schizo kino. one of the best sci fi series in the last decade.
I wouldn't even know where to start. theres a lot of milk references and theres a snake that eats a tree and a kino man floating upside down. and the black guy, Father, is Alyn of Hull in HOTD. Along with Mother being Jeyne Arryn. Check it out. Tonight.
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We're not going to get any of Nettle's famous lines at this point.
Ewan seems slightly spergy, so maybe not anon. Maybe not
I'd like to know more about Otto Hightower's upbringing, how he became a knight, and about his other children
i need more summer isles lore

tell me about the ruling classes there. chiefs? princes? princesses? warriors? i wanna know.

Yi Ti too
He also seems slightly gay
they have a priestly caste that records their histories on tree carvings and they may have reached the far south end of sothoryos but kept the information to themselves. trade monopoly. its one of my favorite places in georges world.
Why? First time I heard of that
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>Aegon will barely appear in the next two episodes
>Aegon will barely appear in the next season, if not completely disappear
what do they call themselves and their islands?
You can thank your Aemond for that
Id take that back, anon. Id take that back right now.
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Don’t worry…
Be honest, /tv/. Who would have been the better king/queen if there hadn't been a Civil War?

>nettles is in the show
>but she's played by a white girl
Aegon he’s shown to learn from his mistakes
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It's one of those promo interviews with the cast
They used Harry's real hair for his stunt double's wig kinda crazy tbqh
am i crazy or does the actress they got to play adult rhaenyra actually has a little bit of a reptilian look to her
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Never forget what they took from you
unironically Aegon with Aemond as his long suffering but ultimately loyal Hand (like Aegon III and Viserys in the real timeline)
Bros unironically I think Rhaena's actress has a hot voice
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Team Black unite!
Not Alicent hot voice but she does have a great speaking voice.
>a slag
>a good actress
>a shit actress
post more Rhaena and Baela, i'm thinking about summer islanders
>3 minutes of the black girls going crazy over the cute white boy
kino, the whole video is them going "aww" about him and compliments
Daemon would probably be the worst
Aemond would be the second worst
Rhaenyra would be the second best
Aegon II would be the best
It’s incredible how ass ugly the women are and how handsome Jace is
Someone post the not a blog post about Shae’s actress
they are cute though, especially their voices are hot >>201733220
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Das right!
Actually they’re revolting
ummmmm those are velaryons, anon...
homosexuality corrupts your soul which ultimately alters your outward appearance.
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>reading A Storm of Swords
>Tyrion chapter starts

> “My giant, my giant, my giant,” every time she slammed down on him. Tyrion was so eager that he exploded on the fifth stroke, but Shae did not seem to mind. She smiled wickedly when she felt him spurting, and leaned forward to kiss the sweat from his brow. “My giant of Lannister,” she murmured. “Stay inside me, please. I like to feel you there.”

bravo... george?
I genuinely love Baela and Rhaena
Cersei knee
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>tfw we didn't get a missandei/dany kiss scene
emma darcy is dating a man
Velaryons of Summer Isles descent, my bad
We know you’ve posted it itt like 50 times
its just an average posh english accent except you have an ugly nigger speaking it
they're disgusting and should look like this >>201733531
so like obviously the Targs are in favour of brother/sister incest, how do they feel about parent/child incest? any bookfag examples of this?
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They’re gay??
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>Storming of the Dragonpit is now Aegon's fault for naming lickspittles to the kingsguard
The writers just keep going don't they
And I'll keep claiming my love for them
Baela and Rhaena are Targaryens, not Velaryons
Post your fat disgusting hands, polnigger.
is it his fault he assigned them or the kingsguards fault they didn't listen/take their job seriously
Reminder that Baela and Rhaena survive the dance and there's nothing you can do about it. Keep seething.
they're half and half hehe
yea and then they just do nothing afterwards
What do they get up to after the Dance? IIRC one gets given to the Hightowers and lives the rest of her life as a broodmare.

Does the other one have kids?
I love Emma because they are so BASED
Baela and Alyn have a daughter named Laena
could someone find the thread stretcher?
They’re gay??
Seethe? I'm cheering, they are my girls for real.
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How do you explain all the gay people who are smoking fucking hot, Ahmed?
In the books Doreah dies of starvation while following Dany faithfully through the red waste, and Dany weeps for her. Why did they make her a traitor and a whore on the show
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baela gets oakenfisted

it is known
So which one is it?
stop fucking doing this you moron

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