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>undetectable spell which can kill anyone with 2 words
>literally every magician can do it
>they aren't using it randomly every day
>most powerful wizard in the history of the earth
>can't kill the people he wants with it
Because then they would also use it against him, retard
>>literally every magician can do it
There are requirement beyond just saying the words meaning you can't just spam it out willy nilly.
"Throatius Fartus" is a forbidden curse, OP
How are spells made? Like they're words that must be repeated to preform certain things, but who first created it? Are they just cheat codes in the matrix or is each spell a contract with a devil spirit and each time you utter if you get to use the spells ability but you're adding towards the loss of your soul?
most braindead franchise, Hermionie carried 7 movies because everyone wanted to fuck her, yeah even since the first movie.
You know, taking a lean back and thinking on this, how the actual fuck was this never explained??? What a cool concept
>"Avada Kedavra's a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it - you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt I'd get so much as a nosebleed. But that doesn't matter. I'm not here to teach you how to do it."
From the book.
I thought spells weren't even real in Harry Potter? Like in other cultures they can just do magic but bongs need gay little mantras and a magical medium to do it. So it's like a shared dillusion or training wheel basically.
>Be Harry Potter
>Be The Boy Who Lived
>Be Parceltongue
>Can do magic without speaking
>Be captain of the Quidditch team in 1st year (youngest ever)
>Be Earl of Slytherin
>Be son of most best student ever
>Be winner of Tri Wizard cup (without entering)
>Be The Half Blood Price
>Be only person who can kill Voldermort
But he's not a Mary Sue :-)
>you could all get your wands out
Hermione gets all the boys wands out
>they just cheat codes in the matrix
to some extent, it is sort of implied that it's to focus better, high level wizards can do it without saying any word too but still use words for high level spells
>Every magician can do it
t. never read the book
It is already explained that you need to have an overwhelming desire to murder somebody for it to work.
Basically you have to be a serial killer or mass murderer type of person to cast it.
You have to get your Arete rating high enough and master a sphere before you can stop using a focus.
3.Yes but not significant.
4.Yes but there is a reason and it isnt special. He can only do uncontrolled unspoken magic due to being untrained. All young wizards can do this before school.
5. False. He was seeker, not captain.
6. False. His father was pretty average. His friends were his real strength.
7. Because Cedric died. He also had a massive amount of help from other people.
8. False. You never read the books or watched the movie. Snape is the Half Blood Prince.
9. False. Anybody could technically destroy the horcruxes and kill voldemort.
>>Be Harry Potter
Just his name
>>Be The Boy Who Lived
Sure, love cheats was retarded
>>Be Parceltongue
Because of Voldemort's magic leftovers inside him
>>Can do magic without speaking
He sucks at it, and is not something mega special they learn it during school even Ron's mother can do it
>>Be captain of the Quidditch team in 1st year (youngest ever)
Youngest in 1000 years but yeah you I agree
>>Be Earl of Slytherin
Not sure about that one, however he was part of the Gryffindor bloodline
>>Be son of most best student ever
Not really, his father was a piece of shit during his school years and only one professor thinks that of his mother
>>Be winner of Tri Wizard cup (without entering)
He almost died a million times and only won because of luck and helps of others
>>Be The Half Blood Price
>>Be only person who can kill Voldermort
Wrong and the only reason he kills him is because of wands ruling
This is the story of human life you dingus
A better question is why they don't use other potentially lethal spells that are in practice used on objects, like the Severing Charm or the Fire Starting Spell, so that they can just brutally slash their opponent or set them on fire
you forgot
>Be a shitty wagie working in an office 8 hours a day doing paperwork
There are Hogwarts students who make up their own spells so it can't be too hard.
JK is just a shit worldbuilder it's not worth thinking about.
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It's got to be that once you've associated a magical idea to a spell by casting it with that intent, it ties that effect to the spell, right? Otherwise people would get different results for the same spell.
Imagine if you could break that binding and turn accio into avarda kedavra or something though.
Dreamtime niggers btfo
>>literally every magician can do it
you have to mean it 100% or it won't work
Moody straight up dares the whole DADA class too use the killing curse on him because he KNOWS it wouldn't work
in the book he does try to abra kadabra dumbledore but its blocked by a living statue
you cant use the killing curse willy nilly because it shatters your soul
Snape figured out one of those things at least. More than that retard "smartest witch of her age" Hermione ever came up with. Book worm rote memorization and no innovation having ass. Cho Chang may have been a chink, but Hermione was the real big person all along.
For you
I'd be doing a spell to make my dick stroke itself in my pants during class while staring at Hermione (circumcised dicklets can't do this)
bug person*
Why are there no asian wizards whatsoever except the japs?
All Asians go to the Japanese school according to Rowling (ignoring the fact that they all hate each other irl)
>England gets its own wizard castle
>but France and Spain have to share a castle
>but the Germans, Poles, Swiss, and every fucking euro that isn't an immediate soviet-bloc survivor have to share a castle
>Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians having to share a single castle
What absolute bullshit. We'd be in a magical cold war not sharing rooms. Why would you even allow Greeks or Italians to be wizards; they'd take half the fucking year off and never learn any fucking spells
There shouldn't be a purple Canada then
>>literally every magician can do it
Nah. Takes a lot of strength and requires strong desire to kill. If you aren't doing it properly then it doesn't work. Meanwhile there are spells that make an entire street explode.

>>they aren't using it randomly every day
Gets you to prison for life when caught.

>>can't kill the people he wants with it
It can be blocked with physical objects. So it's not even that amazing. Also takes forever to say.
Imagine if this nigga had a gun
You need a soul to cast magic
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The magic system is arbitrary and poorly developed in harry potter universe
My head cannon is that every spell is made by sacrificing some unique magical being or person, and then people channel that energy when performing a spell. That's why there are such arbitrary rules to them that nobody can change
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>Easily hideable device which can kill anyone
>Literally anyone can buy one
>They aren't using it randomly every day
You forgot
>eye fuck black waitresses while waiting on an old pedo wizard
nope, you both need enough power and murder intent to fire off as per 5th book where fake moody taunted class to sue it on him since they both alcked those things to fire it off
intent, magic power, seal it woth keywords as incantation and movement as invocation. Every wizard can cast spells without wand or even withotu words, but its like trying to fill a cup of tea using fork
the first wizards could cast spells without using words or using very few words and teach them to others. Wands were specifically invented so majority of magic users could cast them, not the chosen ones with genius talent. it also allows for limiting and controlling output so you're not tired as fuck after unlocking your momy locker with her panties
problem is that they can track the signature and find the one who casted spell, so even if you burn the house with some cunts, someone will detect magic fire and that you casted it. obviously, there's some ways to hide it since deatheaters could still torture and kill people without anyone noticing
thats why invocation(movement of your wand) and keywords are for. It's like code for your pc(wand) that tells the machine how to act based on input. Thats why In 1st book if you fucked up speed of the movement or mispelled the keyword you got small BOOM instead of vingardium leviosa

obivously, there's enough loopholes to break things and even end the story in second book, but obviously it's a story for kids that got popular so JKK tried to appeal to wider audience by making it "darker", kinda forgetting the whole magic of having your secret school teaching magic shit for kids
No it doesn't
He was also socially retarded, gets himself abused by inferior lifeforms and he only has two friends, one of which constantly breaks up with him over jealously. He's also asexual.
yes it does, voldemort has his soul shattered into 7 pieces using the killing curse
how long until Rowling makes the Israel-Palestine school canonical
the south american one is also fuck up forcing every spanish speaker to go to Brazil to learn magic
no, he's right and you're wrong
by default it doesn't do shit to your souls. At first its said that you need to do somehow inhuman to affect your soul, and the easiest one is using killing curse on innocents. You could use torture spell to do it but much less effective
you can use avada feedback to torn away aprt of your soul, but it's never told how can you manipualte, hold or move it. Only that horcruxes are made that way. Its not fully controllable since horny potter was made one by accident by having reflected curse act like feedback but at full power
No, that was a specific ritual that requires killing people for, it wasn't just because he used the killing curse. It's stated that it was likely just one other wizard who had successfully shattered his soul before as well. So he had to do something other than just the killing curse, but it's intentionally not specific what in the book
Pretty sure Dumbledore says any kind of killing damages the soul. And the Horcrux ritual takes advantage of that. Which sounds pretty bullshit, but okay. Maybe he was just lying.

It would make sense if that spell in particular had some kind of soul backlash. But that isn't canon.
Snakeman shattering his soul when he tried to kill Harry was because he already damaged it so much, so Horcrux sized pieces can just fall off and attach to Harry's skull. That's not normal though.
>horny potter
Get a life, nerds.
>voldemort is the cause for giving Harry the yellow fever
i don't think there was any implication of negative effect on torn soul otuside losing more and more humanity
>inb4 bald no nose vampire
just a remidner that it was a ressurection from literal corpse parts so he looks like one
Voldy fucked up his soul so hard, he doesn't even feel it when his horcruxes get destroyed
I seem to remember dumbledore seeing very noticeable changes to voldemort's body and face the last time they met before his uprising, when he asked the last time to teach defense against the dark arts (and secretly hiding the horcrux there)
does he? i don't remember, im rpetty sure that after his rebirth he can feel it, or just maybe my memory is stained by movie
the death eater with a russian name had a signature spell that was lethal and very dangerous even when used non verbally, the guy killed tonks and lupin and badly injured hermione with it
The defining mark of a Mary Sue isn’t accomplishments or abilities, but that the character is so effortlessly like by everyone
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Why don't they put a taboo spell on the words "Avada Kedavra" so the aurors can just instantaneously teleport to the location of anyone who tries to use the spell? Is it because women are innately stupid and Rowling didn't think of it? The answer may surprise you.
Nah, he doesn't notice. Even has some monologue where he is confused about it.
The implication is that there are very tiny schools or there is a lot of homeschooling. Specifically, the jap school is only for japs, which is quite funny.
Only works with names. So you would have to name yourself "Avada Kedavra" and that would cause some serious mess at home and at work.
It's just bad adaptation. Voldemort was portrayed as a jobber in the movies, especially in the final battle, which in the books was a one-shot quickdraw duel between him and Harry after he soloed the whole good guy army. As for the murder spell, being evil is a requirement to use it.
Guys, I'm so scared of Voldemort
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If Lily Potter sacrificing herself to save Harry activated an ancient protection spell that Voldemort couldn't break, and Harry sacrificing himself for the people fighting in Hogwarts did the same thing, why didn't Jesus sacrificing Himself to save humanity activate the same spell? What is the subtext here? Wizards celebrate Christmas and Christianity exists in Harry Potter. What was Rowling trying to imply?
I killed hundreds of people in Hogwarts Legacy. Nobody in the Ministry seemed to care.
If that's the case why did ministry OK aurors using the unforgivable curses during the wizziding wars? The spells used to be legal for dueling purposes until fairly recently
Goblins aren't people
I used unforgivable curses in front of my professors. Nobody cared. It was a really upsetting aspect of that game. We live in a post RDR2 world. There's no excuse for a game that cost that much to make to care so little about in world choices.
Ministry didn't mind fuck up its auror's souls to win.
But yeah, maybe Dumbledore is just full of shit.
Why do they need to talk in Latin to cast spells? Were the original mages Roman?
It's so they don't accidentally cast magic while talking normally
It's an ancient body Anon, the jews have him in a vault but it's been fading for a long time and there's not really much left to do with. There's a reason why things are getting shitter
if the rules and spell from first two books were used, whole series would end at part 4, mostly part 5. Problem si that she wrote first 2 book as just story to get some money in and then 3rd book because it got popular. When it exploded he realized she wrote herself into corner with some mechanics from previous books and just decided to retcon them or simply forget them. You can easily recognzie it when reading, sicne first books are more about ahving fun in magic school with kids having some adventures, and then shit goes into serious dark shit. With 1t book logic aurors could nearly instantly teleport to person who used that spell
my bad then, im always afraid when discussing it that movie shit will sip into memory from books
maybe it worked? (lmao nope considering what romans did later) also you cannot cast it on people yet to be born
demihumans are not considered people. You can fuck unicorn and only forest folk and zoofuckers care
Would have been nice if there were some repercussions for using the curses (your character becoming a worse person over time through in-game audio cues or even something as minor as a bad ending if you use them too often or at all). The MC just comes across as a massive psychopath
But some English words are based in Latin.
problem with the game is that it quikly sacrifices the whole magic school thing for simple casual dark souls but with wands. Something i hated about majority of HP games aka wand machine guns and magic being mostly about battles
maybe for zoomers magic school sim is too boring
Better avoid those if you don't want to blow up your house
It's bastardized Latin. But to answer your question, incantations aren't necessarily required to do magic, it's just a helpful way to standardize things. And using Latin would make sense because it was a universal language among academics.
I largely agree with this. I think the game suffers from its own half measures. I think a game that was literally just a year at Hogwarts could be good. I also think an open-world game set in the world of Harry Potter where you're an Auror investigating a case that takes you through Hogwarts could also be compelling. But this game attempts to do both and succeeds at neither.
The studio simple wasn't experienced enough, all they had made before was shovel ware. The graphics of the game tricked people into thinking it was gonna be some AAA next gen experience fully realising the Harry Potter world. But the game is mechanically very simple with barely any npc scheduling or ai to make school feel organic and full of life, it's just robot npc's mostly doing repertoire animations, 360 era stuff.
People see pretty graphics and think it's next gen, but artists are plenty and using unreal engine makes it streamlined to get artists in and art out. The programmers were either low to mid tier, or all the budget went into the art.
Don't think too much about it. Rowling originally didn't plan for this to become an adult fantasy story.
The first book is basically a fairy tale / children's detective mystery novel.

All the adults being incompetent and the Dursley's being sociopathic abusers was supposed to be comedic. Doesn't really mash with the super serious wizard war stuff of the last few books.
>lost judgement: hogwards edition
yeah, i'd play that
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How did this guy die?
>I boiled his skin alive before fileting it off of him and then causing his own colon to prolapse and elongate to the point it wrapped around his throat, shoved itself down his throat and then suffocated him after it filled his lungs with liquid shit that didn't stop until it burst said lungs and then eventually caused his entire body to violent explode
Ahh perfectly Understandable 100 points to Gryffindor
And how did this person die?
I shot some green light at him and then he just fell over and died instantly and painlessly.
>only a few people know how to craft them to the point of having one per country
>they follow some ownership mentality where they know if it's their owner using them or not
>they can even recognise someone as their new owner if their previous owner loses a duel/is murder
>other races can't make them or are allowed to have them
>wizards feel them as an extension of their bodies and even comment on how odd it feels using one from someone else
>they even have records of each spell they were used for
are wands alien technology
>the south american one is also fuck up forcing every spanish speaker to go to Brazil to learn magic
>the "I'm sending you to Brazil" meme is canon in Harry Potter
obviously the asians are into cultivation, daoism or buddhism.
>nah forget all that lore and interesting stuff btw, new canon is now that only white wizards use that crap, African wizards just use they hands n shiet
every south american wizard has a fucking lisp when cast spells from learning weird ass Portuguese knockoff Latin.
weak, in second book you had elixir that removes bones from your body
That would actually explain why their Spanish is so fucing weird
If Dumbledore was ao great why did he die, huh?
Sounded like a real faggot to me. He's like I COULD kill Vomdermort easily I Just don't want to.
And then in Prisoner of Azkkahan he was like oh yeag Peter Pettigrew yeah I know it was him but I won't say anything to Wizard Magistry. It'll just be our litttle secret then he goes back to giving Hermione his secret clock. Bit suspect to me
Dumbledore was one of the wizards to have lived of all time
>African wizards just use they hands n shiet
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No, but since the series takes places in Britain I wouldn't be surprised if an unauthorized person/non-human in possession of an illegal wand meant an automatic life sentence in Azkaban. You get prison sentences there simply for the possession of cutlery these days.
Of course they would use wandless magic, magic with a wand is easier to trace.
>Sounded like a real faggot to me
He literally was
He fought that wizard war with minimal effort
durmstrang would be a grim school
>you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words
>all your wands
Just how many wands does a wizard have?
>hey dude we're not using wands because it's ADBANCED TECH unlike wand plebians!
>we also wipe our asses using hands, another ADVANCED TECH who needs toilet paper?
im pretty sure they put him there as a comedic relief showing that some traditions are straight up backward and retarded for not using simple tools and being proud because of it. And then you have people thinkign it's for real
Us Scandinavians would be there to make it good
It IS a grim school, that's why it only creates schizos like Grindewald or Karkaroff
>literally every magician can do it
they can?
wand is a tool. As a tool, it helps with precise control over magic, so you can't blow up the whole hosue trying to kill a fly or won't pump your auntie because she angered you slighltly
no wonder they live in mudhuts there if they constantly fuck up throwing their magic pool around
I mean, if Rowling was actually smart Africa would only have very small institutions where they keep magic from lost cultures like Ancient Egypt or Ethiopia alive and only work directly with the Ministry, but of course she's a retard and in pure Bri'ish mentality she shoved a ton of cultures that hate each other in the same place (school)
based retard
He's all like. Imma just hang back and see what happen. Harry just you do all this weird shit and I'll tell you later some stuff, nah nah cant be telling you now not yet.
Then he fighrs voldermort and then dies like a fag
she wasn't working on the game, not even as consultant. She only got her share as IP holder
>won't pump your auntie
What're you doing step-nephew???
Pretty sure those foreign schools are canon in the books too
why didnt they just invent a counter spell for avada kedavra like Snape did for his mutt slicing magic?
Why wasn't Hermione losing her virginity in any of the movies?
I think only the schools that compete in the tri wizard tournament is mentioned in the books, all other schools she came up with later on pottermore. Also the whole wandless magic thing is just in the game. Any self respecting potter fan don't listen to what Rowling made up after the books anyway since she clearly makes up some stiff out of spite or shitposting. Pick and choose with that stuff with what sounds good
explain the lore then. so they spend an afternoon waving their stupid wand around until they do it correctly
yes, they're mentioned, with 2 schools being vaguely explained just for the three magicv tournament sake. Obviously JKK wasnt thinking too much about other schools. Just like baldman being the msot feared wizard ever yet only brits give a fuck despite him looking for followers around the europe
it's a curse, easy to forget because of mmmuh green projectile. You cant defend from weak curses. You can mitgate some medium curse effect via magic or elixir. Hard to mitgate or remove the effect of a curse, that itself causes instant death on application. Also kinda hard to create and test it, when every failure in development causes death, and window for analyzing the effect is what, some miliseconds?
i actually like the cocnept fo randomly shitting on the floor and then just deleting it, like, just iamgine this shit recorded
you need enough power as wizard. If you lack it even if you hate someone and really want to kill him, your output will maybe kill a rat at most
you have power? you need to really want to kill someone for it to work. Or have a mental disability of a murderer so your super-ego wont interrupt you
I'm Super Saiyan non-verbal spell tyvm
They cannot, OP is a lorelet.

There is no counter spell. It cannot be blocked with a spell. No individual that has ever been hit with the killing curse has survived it except Harry Potter.
Because she lost it to Krum but showing that would make Ronfags sad.
>look up how Krum looks like now
Oh yeah, he can krum on my face anytime
I'm wandless non-verbal deadly spells caster with permanent ward spells ultra instinct on 24/07 and over 900 confirmed kills you are like a children compared to me
If, as we all know, food can't be materialised out of thin air with magic, it has to come from somewhere, would Hermione using her wand as a dildo and accidentally using the cum spell take cum directly out of all the males around her and shoot it into her all at once?
ITT: Adults dissecting a franchise literally written for pre-teens. Yes, it's fucking retarded and dumb, because it's based on books that are fucking retarded and dumb. Harry Potter is Warner Bros version of Disney Slop. Anyone who unironically finds the Harry Potter franchise engaging is either a kid under the age of 13 or a grown millennial/Zoomer adult trying to free-base nostalgia by marathoning the movies every Christmas.
>But he's not a Mary Sue :-)
Says who? Is this a generational thing? I read Harry Potter as it came out. But I always knew it was trash. Is it a zoomoid thing to think that harry potter is some classic thing?
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Why is there no counterspell? What makes it uncounterable compared to any other spell?
They can only detect that magic was cast, and prove it if they get your wand as a suspect and check it for spells cast. This means that if they have no reason to suspect you, and you apparate away, they're completely fucked because there's no lead and no way to prove it was that lead. Also you can always do what Voldemort did, beat someone up, and steal their wand to avoid having that problem anyway.
Most Dark Magic can't be countered without the specific counter the creator made IIRC, and their wounds don't heal normally which is why people sometimes still have scars, and Dark Creatures like Werewolves leave scars that don't heal ala Bill Weasley. There's probably no counterspell because everyone was so afraid of an instant kill they banned it as soon as possible, and ostracized anyone researching it because Magical society is full of genuine retards. Even if that didn't happen, I'd 100% bet people just went "well it's invincible ain't it, reckon I shouldn't try" because they're bong bug people in an intentional parody of British meekness. I mean no one in the HP verse even bothers to try using the Gemino Curse to create infinite energy. That is already a sign that most wizards have an IQ deficiency, even the brilliant ones.
>That is already a sign that most wizards have an IQ deficiency, even the brilliant ones.
Technically everyone in Wizard society should be idiots because after age 10 or so all they learn is magic and potions and shit. They never talk about math or literature courses, so you can assume every wizard reads below a 6th grade level and can't do basic algebra.
Well not everyone because some of them learn Arithmacy, but yeah most of them probably couldn't even handle a philosophical debate with a 6th grader unless they were a pure blood whose family was competent.
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and the fifth house, just for the Irish
>Durmstrang has Italians, Germans, Swiss, Greeks and Scandinavians
>In the movie they’re all Slavic Creaturas with shaved heads but not Russians
Was this ever explained
kek, you trannies actually think fans are gonna side with you on this one?
damn, this gives a lot of context to HL's main character lol
>you could all

In other words

>y'all could
The elixir regrows bones. Lockhart's empty brain is why Harry's arm was empty of bones
it would be extremely painful
>you need enough power as wizard
is this ever said clearly in the books? I haven't read them in a good while but I remember thinking the magic system was frustratingly vague when I read it as a teen.
You mean Hagrid.
When Harry killed the part of Riddle that was left in him at the end of the books, did he lose all the perks he had from being linked to him? Like speaking Parseltongue for example.

I ask because I've always thought a good bit of his chadness was due to being linked to voldemort, what if after severing the link he turns out completely ordinary, like no courage or talent at spells, basically Neville.
so book 1 Harry then
If you're in the grey zone they just send you a CD-rom learning kit.
Are all the games this way? The last one I played was the Chamber of Secrets on ps2 and I remember spells were used for traversal in that. I mostly just zoomed around on the broom whenever I played it though.
Real life cheat codes like HESOYAM, made by demons
Yeah I remember reading the first book as a kid and liking it because the characters reminded me of stuff I'd read before in Roald Dahl books.
Maybe he was so old he got bored with solving world problems and decided to lay back most of the time and watch stuff from afar while he hangs out with his pet bird.
i love this website lmao
JKR is pro Second Amendment
>>they aren't using it randomly every day
the book is about hogwarts school, which is in the uk, its not written about an american wizard school where there probably are several incidents of mass killing every year
idk but i'm convinced Rowling decided that Dumbledore was gay after filming Prisoner of Asskaban and seeing that actor's affect. Super gay.
This is from the book
But yeah the whole system is way too vague with power being mentioned from time to time and how feeling actually affect some spells
most likely
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>and then the wizards say abra kebabra and then the other wizards dies and then the end
Why haven't you written a children's book and become a billionaire? Seems easy.
it's possible considering she regrets not making Harry x Hermione a thing because of the movies too despite them not having that type of relationship in the books
i think its like Nen except they tap into ambient magic rather than willpower or aura
a guy in my class in junior high used to masturbate under the table in class, he was in the first row too lmao I think only a few of us noticed but it was so weird no one ever mentioned it until years later when we were in college reminiscing
how did Rowling hit the jackpot this hard? When the books were coming out every single teen read them. I'm 32 and read a lot as a fat youth, I still remember reading tons of other 'magic academy' books but none of them ever franchised this way.

Are there any anons who've read up on her who could explain why her characters and world in particular took off as hard as they did?
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>I am a supreme gentlewizard and today is the day of reckoning! Hufflewhores will pay for denying me sex!
They tried making some, but the testers kept dying trying them out.
not apart of that tranny psych cult, do you mean your conscious ?
1) You need to put enough power into it, it's a very exhausting spell for most people
2) It can't be used non-verbally and requires extreme concentration, leaving you wide open, so in combat it's not a great spell even though it can't be blocked with magic directly (you can still do stuff like summon something into the path of the spell)
3) You have to want the person to be dead for the sake of actually wanting to watch them die - it can't be as simple as "I want this person dead so that I will be safe" or even "I want this person dead so that I can ease their pain". Exceptionally powerful wizards with good mental abilities can get around this by thinking of someone else they want to kill (this is how Snape is able to use it on Dumbledore) but that's out of the capabilities of 99% of wizards

Basically, Voldemort being able to use it so casually is one of the main reasons every wizard is so fucking frightened of him

and yeah the movies really failed at explaining this. The movies also made everyone use non-verbal spells in combat like it was no issue even in the 5th movie which is extremely stupid since non-verbal casting is meant to be HARD, especially when you're in a fight
>You need to put enough power into it, it's a very exhausting spell for most people
>Have a quick kill button
>Nobody uses it because they'll... get sleepy
Exhausting as in it takes a lot of effort
It's the equivalent of deadlifting 500kg once versus deadlifting 100kg 5 times - plenty of people can do the latter but very few can do the former - Voldemort is basically throwing out half-tonne DLs while everyone else is just repping the bar
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>have an item that can kill anyone with a finger movement
>literally everyone with fingers can do it
>they aren't using it randomly every day
Aside from his literal family. And the bullies at school. And Snape. And Voldemort. And Quirrel.
The list goes on.
Even with the vast majority of wizardkind loving him, it's not the same as a mary sue situation because as far as everyone knows, there IS something special about Harry - he seemingly killed the most dangerous wizard in living memory as a baby who can't even hold a wand.

The rest of the books completely deconstruct that and make it clear that he's a pretty gifted wizard, but he's more like the top 10%, not the top 0.001% like Voldemort and Dumbledore are, and his claim to fame was actually something his mother did, not anything intrinsic about Harry - everything "special" about Harry is something he has to earn through living through hell multiple times before he's even an adult.
underrated post
Imagine being a muggleborn wizard and NOT just using your powers to get endless money and sex from muggles. You're already familiar with the muggle world, probably spend a bunch of time there outside of school and you suddenly get gifted basically godlike powers, including memory erasing.
>He's also asexual.
this. also FUCK RON
>small tool that fits in a persons hand and can kill anyone with the press of a button
>literally every person can use it
>people aren't using them randomly everyday to kill their enemies
breaks my immersion, who came up with this?
women are incapable of discerning the ramifications and consequences of any rules or laws
AFAIK, you don't even need to say the words to cast most spells, if you're skilled enough. The words just help you learn it.
So i guess its more of a mind/body thing.
Wormtail and Crabbe both used Avada Kedavra. Its hard but not that hard.
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>but its blocked by a living statue
>no middle eastern magic school
>no chinese magic school
>no aussie magic school
We were denied kino
There it is kek
He tries, but Dumbledore knows Abra Kadabra's weakness. Literally any physical barrier.
With the obvious attack spells basically unusable they resort to creative attacks trying to find something the other can't counter.
It's pretty funny to see how far down the rabit hole people stick their heads but if you just look at it logically it's this. "Spells" are....."spelling". It's literally right in front of you every day, that's why it was so named. You "spell" out words, words have power if understood. If i spelled out "Your mother just died", how does that make you feel? if you read it from a police report? Did it have an instant effect on you? Words can be spelled together to have an effect on people, thats basically magic 101. Conflating it with ever increasing fantastical feats is another matter entirely tho.
Brits seem to deeply believe that rules, in and of themselves, keep them safe
You use wizard math called arithmancy to figure it out. Sadly our protagonist didn't bother to take that course. How convenient for Rowling.
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They don't. As upperclassmen they learn to cast spells without saying incantations. The incantations are just a tool to help them focus. They believe that saying the incantation will result in the spell so it does.
I know you think you were being extremely clever but the question people are asking that why is it only these specfic word combinations that achieve the effect and how are those combinations discovered? Why does wingardium leviosa make things float but simply saying floaty float doesn't?
>exhausting and shit
jk never wrote it in the books if my memory serves me ,those 3 curses were just looked down upon that's why anyone used them regulary
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i assume its because harry is extremely relatable
>short range
>direct LOS only
>single shot, no capability for supression
>Aiming is achieved by literally pointing at the target with a stick
A single stack 9mm pistol is unironically a more effective weapon, the sights and a magazine capacity alone mean that its not even close
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Because wingardium leviosa seems more magicky in your mind. And your spellbook says that's the correct incantation. And you've seen it work firsthand for others.
You know with certainty, down to the marrow of your bones, that wingardium leviosa works and has for centuries. You have a faith that will move mountains and enforce your will on the world.

But "floaty float" has never worked for anyone and just by hearing it you know it's too silly to work. It doesn't feel right. So it doesn't work.
>>literally every magician can do it
Surely there are other incantations that are different but still sound just as magicky, why don't they work?
the books are easy to read and anyone who doesn't read avidly can easily read them and the books have all the normie tier subplots to sympathise with the main character and a mix of mystery from the starting .
>parents died
>evil aunt
>minor antogonist
>major antogonist
>friend group
etc etc
Unforgiveable curses require willpower. You have to want to hurt people. You have to really mean it. You have to fill your heart with a psychopathic thirst for death and unleash it on someone. It's not just saying some words and pointing a wand.
It's similar to how a patronus is powered by happiness.
And it's why most wizards don't use unforgivable curses in a fight. It's unreliable and requires a level of focus that leaves you open to mundane counterattack. It's a finishing move. Unless you're a psychotic genius like Voldemort who can summon up the desire to kill on a whim.
Hogwarts Legacy main character genocided enough Goblins to thwart their rebellion and buckbreak them so they stick to their banks and nothing else in 21st century. MC also unlocked the chain lightning version of avada kedavra. It would be funny if the Bad Ending 5th year was one of Voldemort's mentors, if they would find him worthy enough
my nigga
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>Why would you even allow Greeks or Italians to be wizards; they'd take half the fucking year off and never learn any fucking spells
>take the entire year off
>show up during exam period
>wing it
>turns out they were sexxxing all the Nordic and Slavic girls while the former males were studying and the latter males were slavsquatting
No need to be mad.
>has atomic bombs
>spends years sending retards to their deaths
>spends billions of dollars on a lost war
why are americans so stupid?
>every single wizard has nukes but nobody wants to press the button
lmfao I wonder if the ministry every runs mass kedavring wizops to enforce wand control
>Only one school for all Africa
>Nobody talk the same language
>All those muslims country who pratict different version of their religion+israel
>Half of those sub-sahariens kids are from litteral tribal age civilisation
>All they do it to kill each other, thousands of students die per day
>Your pet is either a lion or a elephant
>sort kids into colour coded houses (colour gangs)
>they all know how to cast explode, instant death and instant waterboard
>theres not daily running battles through the castle

stopped watching 15 minutes in cuz this story couldve been way cooler
>Mogs the entire potterverse
Harry Potter is a kid/teen series and that demographic LOVES self-inserting as the Mary Sue or self-inserts as a friend of the Mary Sue. Every single popular kid/teen book is like this.
that guy looks just like my uncle from Milan
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Avada Kedavra is so common muggles overheard it and twisted it to generic magical Abra Kadabra.
they do that in the books
It's an anime thing. Why does Goku have to "Kamehameha" or why do stand users have to say their stand name?
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You forgot that we are still in bongland for better and worse
There are places around the world where lots of people carry around guns all day and nobody ever shoots anybody randomly
firearmus disableus
Voldemort is also the only person to have ever been shown using an AoE version, something not even Dumbledore could have done, because he's such a sociopathic piece of shit his "fuck everyone" is a genuine desire to see every single person around him dead
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>Unless you're a psychotic genius like Voldemort who can summon up the desire to kill on a whim.
>because he's such a sociopathic piece of shit his "fuck everyone" is a genuine desire to see every single person around him dead
Wow, he's literally me! I am a Cancer Sun/Scorpio Moon and can go from crying and wanting to protect even the little ants on the floor, to stabbing the air while making faces and pretending I'm slaughtering the ones I hate. I was always DEH inside it seems.
>Cancer Sun/Scorpio Moon
No, his chadness came from his parents, remember they had openly defied Voldemort multiple times

Also Neville isn't "no courage ordinary" at all, motherfucker stands up to Voldemort, pulls a sword out of a hat that was literally burning the flesh off his head and decapitates his snake in a single blow

Neville's issue was that his family constantly forced him to be like his parents, up and including forcing him to use his dad's wand, which stifled his magic immensely (since it was not really "his" wand)
The minute his grandma stops doing that he improves dramatically
>is in a thread about a series of movies based on children's books written by a misandrist roastie
>gets triggered at astrology
You just can't make it up!
there's a lot of people that use them every day
i think it still varies from book to book, since first two is basically
>we can solve everything with magic ez
and then in later books it works both ways for both criminal and aurors
yeach my bad, the glass-like elxiir to regrow it after Lockhart removed bones from his art. Still a rpetty deadly spell if you consider it - you just remove the skeleton from the body and you collapse as a bag of flesh, also
>solving the spook problem in your body that way
yes, the "power" thing is never explained, just that some people are more powerful wizards than other. But JKK never goes into powerlevel shit so "powerful" wizard can both mean the amount of magic power and just basic talent wizard have for casting spells, since you can be powerful wizard and be shit at elixirs
they actually need to somehow teach those things. Elixirs alone not only require you to udnerstand the shit you're reading, but also calcualte proportions, amounts etc when making them. And it's not a simple recipe considering a lot of ingredients are added in proportions based on observed reaction. It's pretty much chemistry at this point
yes, since im filthy ESL i didn't liked the dictionary result. Basically i meant that imaginary angel telling you not to do the thing. Shame that trannoid stole and corrupted yet another academic term
wizards are more or less completly ignorant of what muggles do and can do. Weasley senior is extremly fascinated witth their tech, while for hermione it's basic stuff since she's a mixblood. possibly they're not even aware that mugles have weapons that could easily decimate wizards

>HP being mary sue
considering there's not a couple but a lot of people that are better wizards than him that's not true. And we're not even going into specialziations where there's a lot of people better than hima t elixirs, oclumency, beast handling etc. Article in wizard press was enough to turn a lot of people against him
It used to be standard for every academic person to learn Greek and Latin as required subject regardless of what subject you were learning. It was very common for people to use Latin in their daily lives when performing menial tasks, like doctors or chemist's prescribing medicine, or lawyers writing notes for cases, or scientists noting discoveries. When Universities learned that they could make a shit ton of money out of the average person through government loans, they dropped things that the average person couldn't achieved and dumbed down education so any retard could apply and pay the insane amount of money required to, these days, essentially watch half assed youtube videos online made by some unenthusiastic lecturer who you will probably never meet in real life. I know Hogwarts is a school for children but wizards and magic are typically considered scholarly so it it kind of tracks over to that type of convential stuff.
Lockhart didn't mean to remove bones, he fucked up an experimental bone-healing spell enough it removed bones entirely, but it's not replicable nor, considering he had to carefully wave his wand around right over the arm, was it a combat spell of any sorts

Really the books hammer it home pretty well that the most effective combat spells aren't all the fancy spells that do incredible things and what not, what matters is who gets the first spell off

And it's why Harry is by far the most skilled duelist of his generation and why Hermione, despite being the "greater" witch could never defeat him in a fight: he's lightning fast with his disarming spells
i think the point was to show Lockhart as a fraud, since i don't really rememeber anyone ever using spells to heal wounds or fix broken bones. It was always " go to the pomfrey for cool aid"

yeach and it was funny when all that dueling started. You can be a literal wizard demigod casting nukes around, but all it takes is speed for some literal who random to disarm you
I think Pomfrey said she can heal broken bones very easily. Lockheart probably just used the wrong spell or fucked up the casting.
There is also the Episkey spell which seems to heal scratches, cuts and fixes broken noses apparently. A general purpose healing spell for all kinds of minor injuries.

Generally it seems like wizards can heal almost any kind of injury pretty easily and that's why they aren't concerned about kids flying on broomsticks and hitting each other with metal balls.
Only injuries caused by dark curses cannot be healed easily. That's why Moody looks like he went through a wood chipper.
Snape was also shown to be a capable healer, and so was Dumbledore, both Ms Weasley and Hermione used lesser healing spells, but yes Pomfrey was the usual go-to for healing because she had by far the most experience
Still given what we know it's not unreasonable to assume most skilled wizards were capable of healing magic
Just that like you said, Lockhart was a fraud

As for demigod thingy, I sort of like it that it's not just pure magic skills that make you a more dangerous opponent, but also your physical abilities. Harry constantly trained his reflexes due to both sports and the fact he was in danger all the time, and that in turn made him a great duelist
Decisiveness also helps, and that's constantly shown to be Hermione's greatest weakness, her inability to perform under pressure well (at least in the books, the movies remove this character flaw for god knows what reason)

And course why Voldemort was such a terrifying opponent, he wasn't just a wizard demigod, he was a wizard demigod with great reflexes and decisiveness making him even deadlier in combat than someone purely of his magical talent would have been
>That's why Moody looks like he went through a wood chipper.
I honestly wouldn't put it past Moody to have intentionally left scars he could have easily healed fully because he was proud of how he earned them
I don't remember him using an AoE Avada Kedavra in the books.
Book 7 in Gringotts after he learns that Harry has stolen his Horcrux
He's so utterly and completely pissed off he just flat out murders a whole room of people, with the Malfoys being the only survivors because they realized what was coming and ran out of the room just in time
Oh I do remember that, but I thought he just kinda started blasting curse after curse, not one single big killing curse that killed everyone.
could be misremembering it, but I thought it was big fuckoff AoE curse
still, even if it was rapid-fire that's not something anyone else can replicate
Absolutely, even for the likes of Bellatrix it would be impossible with how much killing intent you need to have to cast it even a single time.
I don't and have never watched Harry Potter but I just read the OP and this post as I scroll by and realised why, when discussing trans nonsense with others in my class at uni, this fat ugly lesbian sat there saying "abracadabra" intermittently while we dunked on the mentally ill.
I'm amazed that with the Cursed Child notwithstanding Malfoys managed to come out of the war unschathed.
with Voldemort it's probably less that he needs to get that much killing intent and more that he's such a sociopath what constitutes killing intent for him is ridiculously low
As in, what it takes for you to squish a particularly annoying mosquito is what it takes for him to genuinely want a random person dead
I'm sorry my post brought such memories back.
I'd just invent stroke or heart attack, neck snap and other more utilitarian spells or better yet, teleport someone in the depths of Marianna's trench or the Titanic wreck
>zoomers have to deal with mentally ill transhits in school now and are forced to treat them nicely and respectfully
Kek somehow i never thought of this, doesn't feel so bad to be a bit older now
well not entirely unschathed, Malfoy Senior went straight back to prison after the war, together with all the other escapees who didn't die
But their survival instincts are pretty dang impressive, and it helps that Malfoy Junior actually had the beginnings of a moral compass and Harry probably vouched for him after the war, to his immense chagrin most likely
there's a spell that flat out explodes someone, you're not gonna do any better than that
hell the fancier you try to be the less likely your spell is any good in combat, by the time you finished your 5 minute long incantation someone else has just used a bog-standard stunning charm on you 50 times over
>Malfoy Senior went straight back to prison after the war
he didn't, he was pardoned
>On the first occasion, he claimed to have been acting under the Imperius Curse (though many claimed he called in favours from high-placed Ministry officials); on the second occasion, he provided evidence against fellow Death Eaters and helped ensure the capture of many of Lord Voldemort’s followers who had fled into hiding.
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>becomes a pencil pusher office worker at the end
Bravo Rowling
>Extremely memorable scene explains how your pronunciation of the spell names needs to be fucking PERFECT or else something as simple as a levitation spell can cause a dangerous explosion
>Voldemort does weird mealy-mouthed butcherings of "AAAaaaaAVadahkedeahvhra" and it works fine
The power of money. The guy bankrolls half the politicians in the country.

Working for the oversized government apparatus. How magical.
seriously? fucking hell
they really got away with everything
bit of a shame though, could have been a good way to make a distinction between the old regime and the new that this one actually made Lucius go to prison, possibly throwing him a deal of "you come along no fuss, you plead guilty, and in return we don't go after your wife and son"
Rowling retcons it in later books so that properly educated wizards don't need to say the spell name every time
Why does he even say anything? You can cast spells without speaking the words if you're powerful enough which the kids learn in school, surely he can cast them mute.
The guys who aren't going "Avaaarda Kuaardavrah" are doing it wrong. He's the expert. If he does it that way then that's how you're supposed to do it.
It's stronger if you say it
he's not, he's wizard counter-terrorism and eventual head of wizard counter-terrorism
Harry Potter shows up at a scene? The other magical law enforcement quietly lets him do his thing and politely gets the fuck out of his way
Harry Potter shows up at a scene with backup? Everyone else vacates to a minimum distance of 1000 yards in a speedy but orderly fashion

Harry Potter will be absolutely the last person anyone within the ministry below a certain paygrade wants to ever encounter, because that means shit has gotten real
Lucius may have gone to Azkaban afterwards, but you better be sure, he was out much faster as he was coerced in helping Voldemort after his resurrection as I don't believe any except retards and those locked in Azkaban wanted Voldemort back. Lucius was doing extremely fine despite his name as a Death Eater.
>new regime
>mostly headless ministry employees, kids and some Hogwarts teachers
Lucius might have a harder time with Pureblood radical stance taking a hit, but there are more subtle ways he can push his agenda, especially since Harry is a wagie and Granger will make a shitton of unpopular policies by thinking like a muggle.
Malfoys came to Britain with William the Conqueror and they have a good reason why they have managed to persevere where other families have gone extinct.
This is among the best magic systems in all of fiction and the clever ways it is described in text (annotated stream-of-consciousness asides) are intriguing. Highly recommend these as well as the prequel book. Very slept on YA magic fiction fantasy that's also alternate history historical fiction, mystery and political intrigue all rolled into one (all magicians are aristocracy in Victorian Britain).
>Lucius might have a harder time with Pureblood radical stance taking a hit, but there are more subtle ways he can push his agenda, especially since Harry is a wagie and Granger will make a shitton of unpopular policies by thinking like a muggle.
unironically that's my headcanon of what he does post DH
how did he make money? it's never explained
It's old money, he didn't get it by working.
His day job is basically being a lobbyist.
it's called having fun
his ancestors were landowners and before becoming supremacists used to invest in muggle shit
Using a spell non-verbally is a lot harder and there are some spells that flat-out require speaking - all three unforgiveables don't work non-verbally
>all three unforgiveables don't work non-verbally
Is that something mentioned in later materials? I don're recall that being said in the books.
>African school is called oogabooga
top kek
>Greenland and Iceland is asian
Usually it's done by contacting something. It's like a request. The words are added to help the guy think about how to ask. Reflexes and memory skills can be improved by studying connecting spell trees to diversify their set. The chanting part of it can done with less words, or removed. A grand wizard can cast spells instantly. Takes many years to get there. The guy doing the magic is typically God. It's the world. You ask him to do it. Reality itself is built by a person basically. It is a person. There's another way to do it. A few ways.
He's psyopping you.
it's JK Rowling so just be grateful she didn't call it Nogwarts
it's also explained. If you're novice with the spell, you need a perfect incantation and movement of the wand to pull it off. Wand and keywords are there to stabilise your pwoer to work like you want via a keyword. The more you use it, the less precise you need to be to the point of not needing the wand and later not needing to say the word, because you have that magic muscle memory. Just like you need to learn how to sue bicycle and then you just jump on it and go without much thinking. Thats why when wizards learn spell they practice the shit out but then when shown later they're more lenient with whole practice witht he same spell
deadly curses like the 3 forbidden one require just too much power and other conditions to work out. And again there somes the diffirence between a basic spell and a curse - curse needs to be spoken and directed at. Every curse is a spell but not every spell is a curse
his pureblood fanatsy gets broken the moment malfoy marries a halfblood and gets angry pretty fast when they try to shittalk his wife
because curses need an intent. intent needs to be materialized by using the keyword, in that case avada etc. Without that a lot of people would commit mruder, torture or mind control by thinkign too much about it
Which Malfoy? Draco marries a pureblood girl.
>the moment malfoy marries a halfblood
astoria was a pureblood

Draco, but wasn't the whole shittalking about his wife happened because of her not being a pureblood? I remember something about Lucius disliking he, angering Malfoy
ok i quickly googled it and it was about her not teaching his kid about muggles being nuggles my bad
That's Cursed Child bullshit, complete with Cedric the Death Eater and Delphini Riddle
the movies were comfy growing up cause it also was a school setting, the books were kinda boring
smells like bs to me
> i can cast all kinds of spells just by learning it
> bot not the hecking insta kill spell, that requires you to be a really bad person
Stronger spells require higher focus and intent. It's also why it's "unforgiveable", since you can never claim you accidently did it or used it for self defense like you could with a gun. You have to really fucking want to murder someone (in addition to being a powerful wizard) to use the killing curse.
you can cast shit to med tier spells if you're good enough
you cannot cast really complex or powerful spells non-verbally because the power tax is either too high or it's impossible to control that amount of power without it going haywire
and finally, it's a curse. Curses are from black magic school. You cannot cast a curse without manifesting intent, you need a keyword to manifest it Nearly every book when someone is talking about eacher against black magic they never say anything about spells, but curses most of the time
>because curses need an intent
apparently they dont since harry could wound malfoy really bad despite not knowing what sectumsempra does
sectum is a curse, but not the one of the deadly ones. not every curse is insta-lethal or requires a vast amount of power or itnent to pull off
how many times mr Horny wanted to really, really wreck Snape or Umbridge shit and nothing happened? not even small scratch or headache despite HP really REALLY wanting to hurt them? In fit f rage he pumped his Auntie, but he coudln't cast a curse or somethign resembling it
at this point, i don't even know if Snape invented a curse, or spell that just cuts somethign really fast. Like something you would use to cut the grass in your garden. Aka spell that potentially can be used to hurt someone. Spell that lgihts the candles can be also used to burn someone
Even when he tried the torture curse on Bellatrix after she killed Sirius it only hurt her for a short moment and not too much and she lectures him about not wanting it enough.
personally i think it probably started out as what was meant to be an orphan boy in a shit situation's daydream/fantasy.
Think of it like a tier system. The unforgivable curses are at the very top of their tiers, they are the ultimate form of control, of causing pure pain, and death, without doing anything else at all. And so because of their concentration, they require everything wizards use to manifest their magic into reality so a tool like wand, a keyword or phrase, intent and likely specific wand movement too, all to focus the effect into it's purest form, their highest tier.
Imperio take over the other persons body to the point that their consciousness becomes a secondary entity within the body, crucio is pure pain but with no marks or effects at all on the body, and Avada is death and only death with no harm caused to the body.
Lesser ways of control over another's body is like petrificus totalus which simply makes you unable to move for a time, it freezes you, and the lesser ways of causing pain or death are things like sectumsempra which simply harms your body to get the desired effect.
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>>Be Harry Potter
Yes, that be the name
>>Be The Boy Who Lived
Because of some bullshit ancient love protection magic that cost the life of his mother
>>Be Parceltongue
Because of Voldemort's soul getting stuck to him
>>Can do magic without speaking
Like many other mage children do, it's clearly stated
>>Be captain of the Quidditch team in 1st year (youngest ever)
Wrong, he was the youngest Seeker, not Captain
>>Be Earl of Slytherin
Wrong. Again, his connection with Slytherin is entirely due to the piece of Voldemort's soul that stuck to him
>>Be son of most best student ever
Wrong, he was an arrogant prick, mediocre in the field of most magic other than mastering transforming into an animal, was only brilliant at quidditch. Effectively a magic Chad, dumb as a brick, with a gang of loyal friends and good at sports
>>Be winner of Tri Wizard cup (without entering)
His entering and winning was entirely manipulated by Bart Crouch Jr, doing Voldemort's work. Each of his victories was due to the spy planting cheats in Harry's friend group
>>Be The Half Blood Price
Wrong, that was Snape's self-given title retard
>>Be only person who can kill Voldermort
Because of Voldemort's own doing
>But he's not a Mary Sue :-)
He is
I had a minute to throw away so I replied to this poor bait. Or at least I actually hope it's bait, or your reading comprehension is lower than mine when I read HP through elementary and middle school
If the AvaDEH spell requires intent to use, then why does every other spell ignore that rule, like how Wingardium Leviosa needs a precise wand movement and pronunciation to work?
Because clearly not all spells have the same rules?
uh I don't think so. Crucio being weak and variable in strength based on sadistic concentration is canon but the killing curse isn't described as the same. No one has ever "survived" it besides Harry so what happens when a weak wizard casts it? You get a nosebleed? Nah, it either works or it doesn't and I'm pretty sure anyone could use it as a righteous self-defensive spell
>Be Earl of Slytherin

He is a distant relative of slytherin, they both share a common ancestor, harry was a descendant of the 3rd peverrell brother, slytherin and his descendants, gaunts, of the second

The peverrell story also can give a brief overview on the types of wizards and their success

The first brother was combative, can he assumed to a stretch that wizards in life against muggles who like flaunting their powers and thirst for showing off, get killed pretty quickly

The second type of wizard is an inventor, but with deep studies of magic, happiness can never be attained leading one to a life of despair

The third type of wizard, one who hides amongst the muggles successfully while hiding his true powers lives the best abd the fullest, sort of the motto of the ministry of magic
Barty Crouch Jr (in the disguise of moody) literally says that the entire class could aim their wands at him and cast the spell and he would just get a bloody nose

And no he's not bullshitting he's genuinely the best teacher they ever had
seems like a nonverbal spell that makes a hand grenade sized explosion is superior
Kaballah magicks
you can counterspell those or deflect those
that said Ms Weasley killed Bellatrix with that exact spell
>>Be only person who can kill Voldermort
>Because of Voldemort's own doing
In the books it's also explained many times that prophecies don't actually mean shit, there's thousands of prophecies lining the walls of the ministry that are completely unfulfilled because the people involved in them never heard them
Dumbledore even gets Harry to admit that even if he'd never heard the prophecy, Harry would still want to kill Voldemort anyway
The prophecy has only ever helped Harry because Voldemort took it seriously, whereas if he'd just said to his goons "yeah kill him if you get a chance" then Harry would have died dozens of times over
and in the end, Harry doesn't even kill Voldemort directly
>Japanese school is literally called "magic place"
Rowling is a hack
Killing curse can be attempted to be cast, but it won't cause the green light and death if unsuccessful. It _might_ cause some minor damage at most just as a side effect of trying to use the spell (channeling magic with intent to cause harm) but if you don't get the green light, it's not going to kill anything. Barty Crouch/Moody explains it pretty much

Imperio is the only unforgiveable that can be used effectively without particularly malicious intent, but it's unforgivable anyway because you're enslaving someone in a way that's completely foreign - even IRL slaves had more freedom than someone who was imperious'd since IRL slaves could still at least choose to stop working and face the consequences
>i don't think there was any implication of negative effect on torn soul otuside losing more and more humanity
You literally can't cross over or even become a ghost, you're stuck as an eternally suffering flayed-skin fetus in between planes of existence all by yourself.
That's some dreadful fucking shit anon, literal nightmare fuel
and the double fun fact is that the prophesy applied to both him and longbottom
and the only reason harry was the "chosen one" is because Voldemort literally chose him, because harry was more similar to his own past
>UK gets it's own school
>Chinese and Indian wizards go to the same school
gee you think?
Because you can't half or quarter die, being dead or alive is a binary state. You either are or you aren't. Remember, the defining feature of the spell is that the victim dies without a mark on their body, the only trace that's left is an expression of horror on the faces.
>Harry asking black waitress on a date
Disgusting jewish humiliation ritual not in the book
also imperius isn't just mind control but it's incredibly addictive on top and causes long term mental issues, as shown by again Barty Crouch Jr.
Only semi-related but it's kinda neat that the moment where Barty Crouch Jr. truly started to respect Harry is when he managed to throw off the Imperius curse
He out of all people knew just how hard that was and he was looking all along for something, anything that would justify Harry being Voldemort's greatest foe, and just got handed the perfect reason
Imperio does require a will to control and overpower the other, something Harry has in spades. It's basically a battle of wills, and the will to control another is definitely malicious.
it is sort of interesting that Imperius is the one spell muggles would be just as good at resisting as wizards
which probably explains why wizards haven't tried mind controlling all muggle world leaders
What the fuck is this "power" shit shut the fuck up
Why would wizards be any better at resisting pure pain or death than muggles?
well wizards can pull a harry potter on killing curse, and you actually need to dispel the pain curse to make it stop
NTA but Dumbledore literally brings it up in the book where they go horcrux hunting, in the cave with the lake full of the undead
iirc he says something like that technically passage is only granted to one person, but since his magic power is so overwhelmigly great, Harry's dwarfs in comparison and doesn't even get registered.

One of the many half baked, vague concepts that Rowlings threw in but never explained or went anywhere with.
It's the one using the spell that stops the pain when they want. The receiver can do nothing to stop it. And the protection that stopped Harry from dying would have worked against any spell Voldemort would have tried to use to hurt him.
the movies make it too much like pulling a trigger. the killing curse is almost a ritual, you have to be in a hateful, murderous and MALICIOUS mindset, and it completely drains your batteries if you're an average wizard and pull it off.
AND, unlike defensive spells which you can pull out of thin air with a flick of the wand and some unspoken incantation, you have to stand there charging avada kedavra, holding your composure and rage. Imagine trying to do a pull up, upside down on to an angry giraffe, trying to hit a target with a blunderbuss, and you're pissed.
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Why did Harry flip his shit about what she said to him? Why would he care about what she thinks about him when he doesn't like her at all or respect her in any way?
Is it another result of woman writer?
He was also the biggest pussy slayer at Howarts
Ching Cho
The Indian girl
Fleurs younger sister
Because he's a hotheaded teenager who got tired of the bitch running her mouth constantly for days.
Sounds like a woman's idea of a teenager, needing to have some snarky comeback all the time, i wouldn't give a shit as a teenager
the only thought harry potter warrants is

>it was written by a woman
It wasn't every time though, the aunt spends days insulting him while holding up the fat nephew as better and he takes it with a smile until she insulted his parents who died to save him.
>OP posts troll thread
>HP autists so autistic arguring about made up rules of magic 1 day later
Somehow UK is even worse than I imagined
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I guess I can finally replace this as "most pathetic UK police twitter post"
Most cringe part is that she literally made
>Abra cadabra
The most powerful and forbidden spell. That is so clownish and childish on so many levels I physically cringe
>precise movement etc
yes, only when you're learning it
later you can see weasleys just levitating shit with wand or not and when asked why use wand they say it's out of habit to use wand, meaning they could easily fly objects around without a word
but that requires what? decades of practice since they learned the spell?
are you sure it wasn't just a movie addition? seems i would need to reread last book after year, since for me penalties from severing parts of your soul to ebcome immrotal isn't that abd from wizard standpoint
i bet their school is learning hadouken moves and casting fists, literal anime realized
it's stated DIRECTLY in the book but never explained. Some people, like HP are called powerful, Dumbledore and Voldemort are literal god-class wizards while other just either have muh power or like Hagrid, have shit power. JKK never dives deeper into that so how much power something needs or how powerful someone is is stated only directly. Like avada needing powerful wizard because reasons. They say some wizards are powerfull but how they gaguge it is never explained, so the vague 'power" scaling is based on what book describes
and dumbledore was that strong after drinking not-so-cool aid and dying from black hand curse
a kid, especially raised by family hating him, longs for parental love. It's strange how HP didn't ended as sociopath despite being raised like that with Dursleys. It was like 2 years since he learned truth about his parents while still being a kid who like a kid, really missed them. And then you have literal fat pig being ignorant to what happened and shittalking them. I'm goddamn 33+ and i would still instanty go into rage if someone started talking about my deceased dad like that
I'd say the food one is still more pathetic, although they all are ridiculous
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oh yeah that's what I meant, the food one is easily the most ridiculous
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Can't wait until we can start our own space colonies

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