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Pure kino, better than Drive.
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It is pure kino.
Agreed. This movie rules.
The tiresome phenomenon where snobs convince themselves that the lesser-known work is better than the famous one. The truth is Drive is an all-timer and OGF is a snooze.
>OGF is a snooze
Valhalla Rising on the other hand is his best
dude hands lmao
dude karaoke lmao
it feels too full of itself and you can tell refn wrote it himself rather than having a writer like drive. the film is full of odd borderline esl choices in its dialogue

however, visually its one of the most striking movies ever made, great soundtrack too. It just suffers from refn tism. Torture scene that feels dumbly fetishistic and detracts from chang doing what he does as pure binary justice, almost feels like he's enjoying it (refn was and has admitted he likes to fetishize violence, he just didnt realize it was antithetical to the character in this instance) hand in the womb feels last minute (it was) and dumb. I feel very mixed on this film.
>The tiresome phenomenon where snobs convince themselves that the lesser-known work is better than the famous one
it's literally a direct sequel about what driver does after the conclusion of drive
he bails to SEA to start his life over
it's astonishing how none of you get that, but it's /tv/ so none of you get anything
the boat felt like it took up a third of the film. started and ended strong, massive drag in the middle. Refn just isnt that consistent.

His only good stuff is pusher, drive, and neon demon was okay

fear x is legitimately one of the worst movies ever made
nah, drive is indeed an all-timer but ogf was great as well. just not for people who expected drive 2.0 (which - judging by reviews and people on /tv/ - were a lot of people).

the reality is that drive was an atypical movie for refn. a super successful one but also the one that feels the last like refn kino.

only god forgives on the other hand sits perfeclty between the crime milieu setting of the pusher trilogy, the revenge fantasies of bleeder and the metaphysical symbolism of valhalla rising.

it's a beautifully shot movie about guilt and absolution, regret and punishment, obligation and emancipation.

despite how good gosling is as julian, i kinda wish he didn't get cast in the roll.
>just not for people who expected drive 2.0
except it was, minus the car stuff
>i kinda wish he didn't get cast in the roll.
it was luke evans until he bailed 2 weeks out from production to be in the fucking hobbit sequels
goose stepped in last-minute to save the film for his bro refn
>le enlightened contrarian
Calling OGF a snooze is admitting that you have the attention span of a goldfish
Drive is so kino noone gave only God forgives a crack and it's pretty good
I agree with most of this. If the dialogue was tightened up, it'd be a masterpiece.
The original script is also kino btw. Easy to find online, a lot of stark differences. The most obvious change off the top of my head is that the fight with Chang and Julian was originally a proper kickboxing fight with a large crowd watching and with Julian scoring some big hits before losing.
But, if you don't know the story, Refn rewrote it after Drive's success and cut most of the dialogue as well as casting Gosling as an American after the original British actor dropped out to be in The Hobbit instead.
I just remembered the ending. It was a lot weaker. Basically Kristen successfully escaped to England. But she was strip-searched upon arrival and then there's a weird scene of the authorities performing a cavity search on her as she screams while Chang sings country music and Julian recovers in the hospital with no hands
This can't be a real movie poster. It looks like something I made with several minutes of Photoshop to make fun of this fag
They're both faggot shit, total unwatchable trash
Wanna fight?
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Place Beyond the Pines is the most reverse cuck film of all time
>Gosling gets Eva Mendes pregnant
>Her black boyfriend has to raise his kid
>Has to deal with Luke banging her behind his back
>Kid eventually turns out just like Gosling despite all the black guy did to change it including hiding Goslings identity
>Based Luke Glanton
>luke evans
He would've been so kino in this role
>The most obvious change off the top of my head is that the fight with Chang and Julian was originally a proper kickboxing fight with a large crowd watching and with Julian scoring some big hits before losing.

This would have been cool, but I also understand why he chose the lonely spacey surreal fight where the god aspect of chang is dialed up to 100. That ending does sound wack though lol. Between that and the ending with got with gosling reaching inside her, it seems there was some desire for return to womb symbolism, but it seems misplaced in both
nah he's an odd homo washout
literally and figuratively me
now i may be retarded but i always thought the "julian putting his hands inside his mother" wasn't symbolism for "returning to the womb" but rather julian symbolically letting his past sins and actions die with his mother. its been a while since i watched the movie but iirc a lot of it is about julian reluctantly obliging crystals wish for revenge for his brother and his attempts of finding forgiveness for the shit he did, right? chang (god) cutting off his hands is him literally "cutting off his tools/past" to free him from his burdens.
yeah actually that does make more sense than return to womb stuff. seeing the hand insertion thing as being the first step of him letting go of his hands
films don't have added meaning
they're about what they're about and youre just obtuse midwits
what a sad perspective to so proudly parade
I had a quick check of the original script.
It was explicitly written that the cavity search is supposed to be humiliating for her, and it's contrasted against Julian at peace with his gf in the hospital and Chang singing country roads.
Refn thought OGF was a piece of shit until he received applause at Cannes. He knew it deep down
Drive sucked.
So did this.
The Place Beyond the Pines was better, but still pretty mid.
They're all in the lower mid tiers for Gosling's movies
>thai old cop doing karaoke for half of the movie
>incestflix tier dialogue
No, it’s not better than Drive. But it’s still fantastic and got a lot of undeserved hate. The “Wanna fight?” scene is a personal GOAT. I love how fucking visceral and loud the punches sound

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