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Fake news
>Reelgood measures viewership through their own users' streaming activity within the Reelgood app and website. It is not an analytics company like Nielsen or Luminate. At the time of this writing it has 337 Ratings, that's how big it's dataset for this measurement is.
what are you exited about?
i mean what aspect of this media makes you want more?
Nielsen said otherwise lolol
>akshually the jedi were incompetent/evil, ben kenobi was a nostalgic retard
fuck lucas and fuck yidsney
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gotta thank these grifters
i thought the show was star wars as fuck and I want to see season two be about the two bad guy main characters and how Osha turns back to the good side
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plus I want to watch StarWarsTheory cry
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they were a vital part of project 66
>continues to dominate streaming charts
what charts?
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rotten tomatoes charts

>it tops the chart that's bought and paid for by the industry
I am suprised after just a quick search how many articles are up with people lauding this show as "the best" star wars show ever and begging for a season 2. I honestly dont know how any self respecting film critic could say this series is anything but 2 week old dog water.
>general goyslop community dislikes a show
>/tv/ contrarians keep shilling it anyway
My cringe has doubled since we last met goy
The villain was the most interesting aspect to this shit of a show. And they still try to girl boss her into a romance with the guy that wants to kill people just because he can.

This is not a show that thinks or plans or follows any sort of narrative structure. It just does things to set up the next sequence of things hoping and praying to get a reaction meme out of it to get some trending virality it can point to for a couple hours to justify its own existence.

The brooding eno in a mask thing has been overdone. Get a happy, smiling, charming villain like Dukat. Clear face, plain as day, committing atrocities with a smile on his face. Because he has the strength of character to act on his convictions and to see them through.

Not beta bitch boys with mommy complexes and voice scramblers.
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Good, I like when they lose millions and everyone laughs and shit all over them. Very entertaining. More please.
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SOME charts
the acolyte was a saint
>For the week of July 11-17, 2024, The Acolyte secured the 9th spot
lol. down to 16 now if I'm looking at the right chart
>I thought you liked charts
How could this happen? I watched it five times to complain about how bad it is how did they not get the message?
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Both owned by Discorp.
Nice try shill faggot.
Nobody wants to watch this slop.
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That nu-marketing is all just fomo (and moralfaggotry of course) and content just doesn't matter anymore continues to get only more funny with time.
>This new show is most viewed, most streamed, most number 1 popular show there ever was (since the last new show), everyone is watching it!
>Is it good?
>Everyone is watching it so it clearly must be!
>What's so good about it?
>That everyone is watching it! Look at this statistic I just made, it says so too!
>How come I don't know a single real person who at least mentioned it?
>That's because... s-shut up and watch the show!
The acolyte, whatever happened there
ranjesh, can you tell the bot to change the script? This one is getting old
Mouse Wars is just Femenist and LGBT Propaganda now and Filoni is a Furry doing shows that look like Tumblr Fan Fics
My uncle works for Disney+ and he says The Acolyte is the most watched show and is attracting millions of new subs.
>complaints about the show are more popular than the actual show
I will never understand this. If I don't want to watch something then I don't want to watch someone bitch about it either.
Given most of them are plot summaries with barbs thrown it, it's just ammunition for people that hate the companies enough to shit on their products but won't watch them.
Which incidentally is why the idea they contribute to hate watching is fucking retarded; their whole model relies on people not watching what they bitch about.
Surely the investors believe this
It's probably more people that care about/like Star Wars but are just burnt out and have given up. I don't watch any of that shit myself but I do check these threads to get a gist of the plots, and also other things like I still check in on every new WoW expansion despite having quit playing like 10 years ago. Just get curious about it, and I'd imagine for most in that situation they are more attracted to media that justifies why they no longer watch/play.
It does wonders for my Star Wars rant channel
>streaming charts
does anybody actually think these are real?
It make sense for retarded Disney stockholders to believe this retarded lie
he liked filoniwars, fuck him
the correct term is Filoni Slop

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