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this and Firefly and are top reddit shows of all time. you have to be fat and gay to enjoy them.
I'm fat but not gay and I love psych and firefly
I used to wonder why Shawn didn't just tell people about the way he arrives at his conclusions instead of keeping up the psychic charade? I'm sure most people would've been impressed by his eidetic memory and observation/deduction skills. Is it because the psychic gig gives him more leeway when it comes to doing illegal stuff? (Breaking into houses etc.)
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Clue episode was based
this and he put himself in a box in the pilot
also probably just to have fun with it
>shawn! there's no way those doors could be hermetically sealed
hermit-ly sealed? gus, you're not making any sense, don't feed the hermits.
>no shawn, hermetically sealed: it means gas stays in the chamber so it doesnt leak out and kill everyone outside
you sure on that, gus? the wood looks pretty air-tight to me. all right.

Gus should have been slanging BBC every episode. It's still a great show though.
You know that's right.
Very formulaic, not bingeable but fun.
Significantly better than Boomer trash Columbo
It's significantly more corny than I was expecting only got a handful of episodes in
Great comfy detective show. Biggest misstep is when Jules finds out the truth and that sours the last two seasons. The movies are remarkably good for being USA/Peacock originals made years after the fact.
Yeah, a lot of times Shawn is operating on hunches and gets evidence by sneaking into people’s houses/offices without probable cause, the psychic thing lets him explain how he knows things he otherwise wouldn’t be able to legally know
>zesty and buckbroken
The comfiest show ever made
Was anyone else able to straight up guess who the "murderer of the week" is around 4 seasons in? Just go with "that one guy who seems to hang around in the background for most of the episode" and often times my guess turns out to be spot on.
Procedurals aren’t meant to be binged. It’s kino in small doses
Film 4 should be starting soon. I did like the constant jibes and 4th wall with Mentalist.
Yeah, it’s never the obvious suspect and it’s usually someone on the periphery of the case who seems relatively harmless
I like how there were plenty of episodes that didn't deal with murder
When there's a murder every week it really doesn't do much for me
How come they were never given guns? The Chief knows that they get into dangerous situations very often, would make sense to give them something they could use to protect themselves.
The most redpilled show I have ever seen.
Because that would take away a big part of Lassie's purpose in the show
The real question is why they were fucking around doing police cases for peanuts. They’re psychic detectives who solve like 1 murder a week, they’d be national superstars. I always wished the show had more private clients
Watched 3 episodes and got bored, seemed like monk with less entertaining characters and whodunnits.
I'm thinking about some quality milkshakes from Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brew!
They did appear in newspapers quite often, but keeping them mostly under wraps was probably a smart move considering they would've been prime targets for hit jobs if their reputation was more far reaching.
The one thing that could be served well by a distaff counterpart version just for the silly feminine names fem!Shawn would assign fem!Gus
>One part Ice cream
>2 parts awesome! xD

Sailed past reddit and went straight for memebase. Consider this show dropped.
Are you even capable of enjoying something?
It really was, I remember being so excited when it happened, clue has been a favorite of mine since highschool.
Literally in the pilot they tell him if he isn't a psychic or is lying he would be arrested for messing with ongoing crimes etc
Best episode: the first one with the Yin Yang Killer
Worst episode: that fucking Christmas one with the unfunny black midget
Yeah, good dialogue.
why dont more shows change the theme song based on the episode?
The theme song for Psych was made by the show's creator and his band, so there's a lot more freedom and caring about it.
If anyone ever found out his real methods it would overturn every case he worked on. He flagrantly breaks laws to get evidence.
And he's too immature to work as a real cop. They tried to put him through the police academy once and he kept losing his gun and radio.
My personal GOAT tv show
That said, I still haven't finished it and will start from scratch one day if they ever actually finish with those movies that they claim to be making. Was still ongoing and I stopped precisely at the full retard moment when the girlfriend "finds out" he isn't psychic and has some CW-level teenage drama overreaction
He was, he always hit on the hot girl of the episode. Telling her about Pluto and whatnot. That's messed up right.
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Nothing to stop them from just buying their own guns. The department has no obligation to provide guns to outside contractors.
Besides, they're too immature to use them responsibly.
Maggie Lawson was ridiculously hot in this show
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>it's the roller derby episode
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>reminder Maggie Lawson would frequently slash Alicia Silverstone's tires during any audition.
comfy-kino of the highest order
can get a little thin because there is very little character or relationship development for most of it
>tfw will never relive Monk/Psych Fridays

It was too comfy.
Monk was and is crap/cringe Psych is always comfy
i appreciate monk every now and then. frankly, when i turn on the tele, i dont care to listen to a sob story. and monk is full of sob stories. psych has a paranoid guy off his meds who believes he was abducted by aliens and was correct.
>Gus, don’t be the chirp of the dead smoke alarm in your apartment
How did they get away with it?
This, Scrubs, and My Name is Earl solved racism... and then Obama ruined everything.
Holy soul, I honestly didn't know that was the creators band
I'm Shawn Spencer, this is my sidekick Jazzhands Murphy
this. how did we have racism after rush hour 1+2, scrubs, and psych? they BROUGHT that shit back on purpose.
I'm watching it right now.
The ep with Ashley Williams, whom I always adore.
Great show
Identity politics. It became more important to be black than American
To be fair Gus is the whitest nigga on the planet
Though I suppose Shawn is spiritually black with his inability to hold a job, criminal record and daddy issues
How have you not finished your GOAT show?
Imagine being this concerned with what a group of insufferable retarded faggots on the internet are into, to the point where you can’t enjoy something if “they” happen to like it. That’s almost gayer than being a redditor yourself, don’t let that godawful place take such a strong hold on you psychologically.
I’m binging it again and while it’s comfy, post season six it really starts to lean into weird propaganda
Racial isn’t racist.
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Actually, I've been promoted.
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for me, it's the police chief
Can a brother get a source?
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Ok ok


I've started a rewatch recently.
Almost done with S1.
This time I've go the blu ray set.
in the last episode he's replaced by someone with similar "powers of observation."
you seriously need to be mentally retarded to like this show. like severely.
I like it :D
It’s clearly AI you fucking stooge
> I base all my opinions on what others think
gus, don't be the janitor on /tv/
I was talking about the accusation about the actress…
It aired in the very last years I even owned television. I'm pretty sure I only watched, like, the first two seasons or something, though.
It was fun enough to watch, sure.
cozy scooby-doo level mysteries with genuine humor and an interesting take on Sherlock Holmes mythos. Its one of those shows you watch before bed.
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>Its one of those shows you watch before bed.
because you're 12 years old and have a set bedtime.
Did you just say it's "clearly stock footage?"
comfy kino, the whole show was a great watch, but I remember being really confused when Shawn and Jules broke up over him lying about being psychic, because I was 95% sure she already knew and was just playing along for the sake of their cases


Shawn would figure it out, but because he's a public figure Light would off him before he could reveal it. Gus would then take Shawn's place for the reveal, having become immune to the Death Note because Light already tried it on him four times with misspelled names (Ovaltine Jenkins, Methuselah Honeysuckle, Sh-comma-to-the-top-dynasty, Bruton Gaster).
If I remember right, it was less about him lying about being psychic in general, and more about him lying about it to her.
i'm REALLY surprised they got away with fellatio del toro
I like it a lot
Same. There was something about her.
Superior hotter cop chick from the pilot would NEVER have pooped on the show like that
Definitely, I made that mistake during a covid rewatch. It's great at a once a week pace
Woody and episodes with Woody were cringe.
It gets compared to Monk a lot even though Monk is good and Psych is dogshit.
Psych is basically the crime show equivalent of Scrubs.
i'm currently watching both and psych is more of a comedic and wacky monk
gus is one of the whitest black characters ever thoughbeit. some of the funniest moments is when the show remembers that gus is black
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Fpbp. Too accurate. I watched two episodes of each then deleted them immediately
I want to go back.
they're both dogshit
>That episoide where freddie prince jr has a 10/10
>That horror episode whith the sexy camp counselor
>That episode with the big breasted sexy crazy girl in the mental hospital
>That sexy hippie girl in thzt hippie episode
>That random hot black girl when gus is hostage
>Gus sexy sister
>Sority episode
>no more Psych
>no more Monk
>no more Elementary
What are some good current detective/mystery/crime procedurals?
>I still haven't finished
I've watched 6 seasons. You dont have to finish it. Seamn getting fat each season gets too distracting after a while. Season 1 is really good he has so much energy.
Gus is what the jewish writers wish blacks were like. He has 0 black in him.
>Gus is what the jewish writers wish blacks were like
I think you mean what everyone wishes blacks were like
>What are some good current detective/mystery/crime procedurals?
Pokerface by Rian johnson
Who was the better father for Gus, Ernie Hudson or Keith David?
historily, all rulling groups tell a story about why they should remain in power, shamans and elders of a tribe, to the patricians, priests, militry strongmen, bureaucrats, elected officials, gentry and every other ruling class you can think of. Ours have a story about fighting a great evil, it cant be dead for good, the subjects will question why they're in power, they must feel as if they are under constant threat.
I used to watch shows like this until I realized they're just 20 minute sitcom episodes padded with another 20 minutes of lazy formulaic mystery slop.
You're watching them wrong then, don't bingewatch
I didn't realize the same network did both at the same time kek
Would a Monk fan enjoy Psych?
Unmitigated Kino. Certified fresh by Magic Head himself.
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That was a hugely based reference to end the series on. I gotta re-watch em both again soon.
watched the pilot episode, couldn't watch any further. it seems way too dumbed down and the characters aren't likeable

does it get better

Your explanation that Shawn pretends to be psychic to avoid getting evidence he gathered by breaking the law, thrown out by the courts is absolute ludicrous, cringe and wouldn't work in real life because psychics don't exist.
It would be the same as a police officer breaking into a house IRL without warrant or probable cause, finding evidence and then claiming a magical fairy told him there was evidence there so it's OK he has broken the law. His evidence would be thrown out immediately and he would be put in psychiatric observation for 24 hours.

This show is peak onions.
He'd intuit the death notes mechanics, they're willing to believe in scooby doo nonsense. he might be able to intuit it's one of the police higher ups relatives. they are minor celebrities, so unless they put search logs on police officers routers, I think they'd die if they got too close.
Demonic possession has won court trials before, in the modern day.
>If anyone ever found out his real methods it would overturn every case he worked on. He flagrantly breaks laws to get evidence.
>Literally in the pilot they tell him if he isn't a psychic or is lying he would be arrested for messing with ongoing crimes etc

If you break the law while gathering evidence, your evidence gets thrown in the bin regardless if you are so mentally ill that you think you are a psychic

Cite one case.
steve franks is not jewish?
I might watch this show then
Interesting. I find Lyonne annoying but it seems worth a look.
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>Demonic possession
That's every procedural detective show.
It's peak comfy kino
The better aryan-negro bro story than scrubs
>Shawn pretends to be psychic to avoid getting evidence he gathered by breaking the law, thrown out by the courts
Except I didn't say this
currently rewatching this i enjoy it
its good sloppa and is rewatchable
Is house considered a “procedural” I started watching it and getting through an entire season was a slog even though I was loving it, just because every episode is exactly the same
Yes, it has an overarching story but it's a procedural, and probably one of the best procedurals ever
Yeah I fell off and stopped watching but I should get in a schedule of just watchubg like 2 a week so I don’t get burnt out
I have the same question, but the other way around.
>Cite one case.
anyone know decent sized torrent of this series ?
all I can find are 150 TB plus uploads
Fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine only applies to law enforcement. It would be illegal if Detective Lassie searched a house without a warrant or unlawfully arrested someone or got a confession without Miranderizing them. Any evidence that was found from those activities wouldn't be admissible since it was from illegal activities by the police. Evidence gathered by Shawn is still admissible since he's an independent source.
I'm slim-ish and bi and like them both. Reddit (and 4chan) went to shit in 2015.
It was lame, it was a show about an "intelligent guy" written by people who are not intelligent.
Monk did it better
Monk is an annoying faggot
>james roday is a Mexican
Well then
>weird propaganda
>having become immune to the Death Note because Light already tried it on him four times with misspelled names (Ovaltine Jenkins, Methuselah Honeysuckle, Sh-comma-to-the-top-dynasty, Bruton Gaster).
my mom was convinced the black guy was the same actor from Smallville, I had a legit argument about it for like 10 minutes
No, you are.
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Psych is my favorite show
>Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, and White Collar all airing at the same time
Take me back. Though White Collar is much worse than I remember
nigger all those shows are beyond awful
Who's the lucky guy?
I'm single, I just find more girls are ok with one night stands when they think I'm married and I don't want to waste a dime on women when I'd rather put that money in to my car
Do you get enjoyment from being a contrarian in threads about media that you hate?
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>It gets compared to Monk a lot
They were the same genre of detective story-telling broadcast by the same company on the same channel during the same years, back-to-back. They were HEAVILY marketed as top shows to watch on that channel.

Of course they're compared to each other a lot.
He's also a vegan PETA supporter
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>I used to watch shows like this
Sounds like your "past tense" is "earlier this year on youtube back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back for hours, alone, and with all commercials removed" instead of "twenty years ago when they aired once-a-week with my family on our television in the living room."
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You realize that television shows are meant to be viewed "weekly" in the span of about 5 months, yeah? Exceptions might be late-night comedy, news, and weather channels. Later, if you purchased cable networking, you might get channels with aired re-runs of old shows back-to-back, but even those would only be about 2 or 4 episodes and they might even be random.

"The Internet" is still "new," in my opinion. Households DID NOT have broadband hi-speed access to the Internet on their personal home computer, which was connected to their home television via bluetooth or wi-fi until probably something like 2010. IT WASN'T COMMON.
People were not torrenting every single season of famously popular programs for free, binge-watching them, and them making blogposts of "I got bored" back in 1984.
While I largely agree with you guys and am not the person you're replying to, I will say having seasons on DVD wasn't uncommon. I had psych seasons 1-3, along with lots of other shows I like and watched them back to back with no commercials and shit. I also disagree with the other poster that the shows are boring when presented rapid fire, if you like them there's more to like and enjoy, you can get burnt out on anything but that's never a products fault that's a balancing your own fucking life issue
>flustered pouty lips Dule Hill
>happy pouty lips Sam Jones
I mean, I don't blame her given the teen audiences...
You're right, I meant to mention buying seasons of television shows on tapes or discs (for $14.99), but I forgot to. My bad.
>>"The Internet" is still "new," in my opinion. Households DID NOT have broadband hi-speed access to the Internet on their personal home computer, which was connected to their home television via bluetooth or wi-fi until probably something like 2010.
i don't know where you live, but i'm in the american south which is the most backwards, slowest developing part of the lower 48. i had broadband in 03 as did everyone else in my neighborhood. i didn't live in atlanta or any of the other large cities/ suburbs either.
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>I'm a white guy living in the suburbs in the southern east coast
>my family purchased broadband cable in the suburbs we lived in by 2003
>because it was basically required by Verizon
>and it was 30-40 MBps "high speed"
I mean, I don't doubt you; I also had cable television and broadband Internet when I lived in Wetumpka, AL in 2003. But I'm also a wealthy white guy living in an affluent community and no, the regular house living outside of a city did not commonly have their home PC linked up to the living room television running satellite services capable of torrenting 90 GBs of 720p video.
Commonly. It wasn't status quo. Everyone was not doing it. It was uncommon. That was not standard. Most people did not do that. In 2003, that was not the median. It didn't become common until almost a decade later, when cable service providers made it practically required as their lowest-cost service and people simply purchased a ready-to-go Apple PC or Hewlett-Packard reduced their cost to just a couple hundred bucks.

Again, I'll reiterate, kids today who are simply Google-searching "torrent tv series," clicking "download" and obtaining already seeded 8 seasons of a program in 20 minutes on their laptop, then copy-pasting it to a flashdrive and pushing it into the side of their wall-mounted LCD widescreen are experience an ease-of-access that WAS NOT COMMON in 80s, 90s, or even 2000s.
So, to see people blogposting about how "bored" they got bingewatching a formulaic tv show in a format they've already seen before isn't exactly endearing.
Yes, I know I sound like a whiny grandpa, but shit. It's annoying to see kids posting like watching 30 seasons of South Park on their iPhones was "the norm" and "it's so lame!"
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I watched the pilot and dropped it. But now I'm reading the two detectives in the pilot aren't the ones to play the trope of the cope-outsider relationship, and a blonde detective (hopefully better character) will appear. I might pick it back up then. I liked the two main guys.
contrarianism isn't real, its a concept invented by redditors to explain why everyone doesn't like/dislike/think the same things.

these shows are for women and retards. they're multi-camera sitcoms.
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>read thread
>read Wikipedia article
I totally forgot about the pineapple jokes.
Or that they drove around "Santa Barbara" in a blue Toyota Echo they called "The Blueberry." Amazing that 2006 was almost 20 years ago...
The first couple seasons are very fun to watch, if you feel like it; it's well-acted and well-written for a standard cable-television audience.
I'd argue it remains good to great up until maybe the last two seasons, and even those last couple are pretty rarely that bad
anon it's a show that treats basic observation as a superpower that can only be explained by ESP to a cast of children's show level retards.
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>contrarianism isn't real, its a concept invented by redditors
You can't really be this stupid...
I'll take your word for it; I simply stopped having television by 2008, so I've never seen the later seasons. I only speak of the two seasons I did watch, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them.
>all these idiots arguing over whether or not his evidence would hold up in court

It's completely irrelevant. Not only does the show never actually go into the court proceedings or what happens to the criminals after they're busted by Shawn, but 9/10 the criminals that get arrested end up doing some illegal shit directly infront of Jules/Lassie right before the arrest or confess to the crime.
>this comedy skit proves that contrarianism is real

okay, you're a literal retard. but hey, you're praising a children's show.
you're forgetting the fact its a children's show.
Shawn's observational talents and eidetic memory skills are far above average, to the point most would certainly call them "super." This is addressed in every single episode as a focal point of why the case could be solved by him and how it developed his childhood and relationship with his detective father. And his budding flirtation with the blonde junior detective.
You're just being pedantic and immature. Almost like you've never seen more than 1 episode and just post online because trolling is fun.
Watch! You'll respond to me with further complaints of the show and insults to me!! I'm psychic, I KNOW you'll do it!!
No, the show just insists they are. and then this is proven false by
A: him being replaced by a woman in the end
B: same universe as monk, another show where they treat basic observation and memory as a superpower.
>contrarianism isn't real
So has no one seen both?
No one lives by the principle of automatically believing the opposite of what other people say. That's retarded.
I've watched them back to back actually, psych takes a lot of stories from monk and copies them, but obviously psychs style is different enough it isn't unbearable. I'm almost certain they shared plenty of writers. But if your question is if I like one will I like the other then yes. Monks like a grown up psych, and I say that as someone who loves both
they're pretty much the same show. retards solving crimes with powers of basic observation and memory. just different flavors of retard in each show.
Looking for this also. I specifically am trying to find 4:3 dvd rips
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I've seen both and as similar in formula they are, they are mildly different in theme and tone.
>Monk - detective/mystery solving comedy due to his poor social skills and loathsome "obsessive compulsive disorder" mannerisms viewed as childish but painfully helpful, it is slightly more serious in presentation
>Psych - detective/mystery solving comedy due to his excellent social skills and "pathologically lying nature" viewed as childish but painfully helpful which hides his (initially) poor economic status, career profile, and failing romantic/family life, it is much less serious in presentation
Go figure, they're very similar shows but since the characters are coincidentally written as near-opposites in personality, the dialogue is very different. People who enjoy Tony Shalhoub (famous for more than just "Monk") and feel a sort of audience condescension for that pitiful introverted loser will probably enjoy "Monk," and people who enjoy youthful presentations of friendly friends spending friend time together doing friend things will probably enjoy "Psych."

It's marketed quite obvious and simply. >>201748155
>Guys, I HATE Batman and Scooby-Doo! So does EVERYONE else!!
>Monk and Psych are no different! No one cares about people solving mysteries, that's sooooooo lame!
>And it's not like they have OSCAR winning performances, either! Pfff, only RETARDS would believe something like that! I'm so right.
While I find it disappointing kids don't get to have fun watching media anymore, it's fairly well-earned for how poorly they present themselves and their interests.
Thanks bros, I'll give Psych a watch then
You're not supposed to be genuinely invested in anything anymore unless it's for approved franchises like like MCU or Star Wars. If you are caught enjoying something like an old show, you have to cover and pretend it's ironic. That includes passing off deliberately shitty takes to imply that you weren't paying attention and weren't taking it seriously. Because what you're a fan of is determined by social pressures instead of genuine interest. Old shows are forgotten so you're not supposed to even remember they exist anymore.
Extremely comfy show
you're not wrong about me desu, but at the same time tv wasn't 720p back then. the people most likely to pirate things and binge them pre netflix i feel like fit our demo perfectly, above average white family trying to keep up with the neighbors. i guess my meaning is that the situation wasn't uncommon for the type of person on 4chan, at least from the demos that moot used to post

i don't understand the boredom that people feel binging procedurals, my wife and i burned through psych and are about to finish the mentalist and we go back to back every night until the content is gone
Hot. Post nudes.
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Hello anons. I'm Shawn Spencer, and this is my partner, _________________
That's a good thing to hear, since you're actually investing your time watching something you enjoy. I hope you continue spending time doing things you like and help improve your life.
Lunchtime Rowdy
It's fun and has Jules. 10/10
Dunn Hier.
I'm "Bin Thir" and this is my partner "Dun Thaat."
I can't really recall an instance where he he breaks the law to find some evidence then just psychically says he found it to pass admissibility at court
What he does is break and enter etc to look for clues and create a grand theory of the crime that is usually right then confronts the bad guy and tells the police to get a warrant for a specific evidence.

What is more funny is how many times the SBPD arrest the wrong guy for murder, Shaun is right is the wrong guy and goes and finds the actual murderer, and it the police department is supposed to be this highly competent things Shaun should respect. They would have locked up dozens of innocent people for murder.

I like when she was dressed up as a Nazi
~magic head
Other anons probably said it already but
Monk takes its police procedure seriously while having a wacky lead.
Psych uses mystery of the week as an excuse for Shawn and Bus Gurton to go to places and be silly.
Seems like a small difference but its felt more and more as you watch episodes.
>I like when she was dressed up as a Nazi
Now you're speaking my language, anon. Particularly when she cracked that short whip. Oh mama.
>Monk takes its police procedure seriously
That's why they had a 1200 lb crime lord operating out of a swanky prison cell, and trained monkeys shooting people, and Andy Richter pretending to be Snidley Whiplash? Monk was an excuse to have Tony Shalhoub act like a spaz in weird situations.
good job comparing what is being called children's media, to children's media.
name one thing genuinely interesting about these children's shows.
Every episode is exactly the same. Gets stale after 5 episodes.
>anon watches procedural, is flabbergasted that it is a procedural
very few shows are literally the exact same thing every episode.
Actually that describes almost every show.
It's almost like there was meaning behind such a comparison, huh?
Don't tell me... your observational superpowers helped you notice those clues presented and only you could infer such brilliantly hidden meaning behind such a genius-level post!? You're amazing! I'd never have witnessed such intentional irony (sarcasm?) if you didn't tell it to me!
do you exclusively watch children's media or something?
the reason you didn't mention sherlocke holmes or even agatha christie is because you know msyche isn't on the same level. because you know its children's media.
>every Kung Pao chicken dish is exactly the same
>is flabbergasted ANYONE eats Kung Pao chicken anymore
No one can like Kung Pao chicken; "it's so passé," right?
Good grief, Internet.
I don't know what slop you watch almost every single TV show ever made has no internal variation. Scooby-Doo, cooking shows, police procedural, reality TV, talk shows, long-form boredom dramas like Breaking Bad, etc. etc. You have to be an 80 iq fanboy to not see it.
>long-form boredom dramas
... anon it was not smart to try to assert intellectual superiority over anything short of a brain damaged dog and use that phrase.

you are a literal retard, and the only reason you aren't reminded of this frequently is because you're either still being cared for by your parents or in a nice permanent care facility.
>sherlocke holmes
Almost like there are over 25,000 different adaptations of the 1887 short story character that don't apply to the "crime-ending, mystery-solving television programming" fitting the previous accusation of "superpowers, but not really," like, say, "Batman." Or the "paranormal, but not really," like, "Scooby-Doo!"

>But I RECOGNIZE those shows as CHILDREN'S
>And you're clearly not referencing extremely serious and complicated literature like I am!!
Yes, yes. Everything revolves around you and your perspective. Now go revolve outside, sweetie; adults are talking about shows they enjoyed in their thread.
Here, let me shorten your post
>dude, that's just, like, you're, opinion, man

the characters are flat and moronic, the mysteries are inane, the same thing happens every episode. this applies to both monk and psyche. they appealed to a very small demographic of women and retards, which was enough for USA programming to continue running.
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>the characters are flat and moronic, the mysteries are inane, the same thing happens every episode. this applies to both monk and psyche. they appealed to a very small demographic of women and retards
>>dude, that's just, like, you're, opinion, man
And now your trolling is finished. Enjoy your Friday~
Name one complex facet of any character in msyche. you can't. because they're for women/children
Damn anon, you got me, I'm not an elite media connoisseur because I didn't spend months of my life watching commercials like you did.
most long running tv shows, especially comedy, never change the basic flow.
so you primarily watch sitcoms.
I never said that. Are you an idiot?
At the beginning, it's a reasonably fun premise with a couple of standout performances from the character foils, Shawn's dad and Detective Lassiter. The production values were less than broadcast TV shows, but shockingly high for basic cable at the time. USA's Silk Stalkings and LFN were silly filler shows that bootstrapped the know-how to make a very specific kind of show on a tight budget. That knowledge was spread to the next crop of shows (including this one), and I think this was the root of the eventual CW formula. This was a noticeable shift in the industry, TBS could buy content but USA was now making content that was good enough to justify cable commercials. Psych had good seasons for a USA show, and USA was willing to stick with it as long as the costs didn't climb much (unlike sci-fi). The writing was already a bit formulaic, but the show was wise to focus on the character based aspects instead not the plots. It had a good run. Looking for pineapples was fun. It was a rare show I could watch with my ex, we focused on different stuff and this was threatening/not-threatening in the sort of way that women love. The quality dropped as the main character's actor accumulated power behind the camera and started to idealize shaen and flanderize the other characters. No hate, good for him but the quality suffered.
Yes, you did say that, you just don't realize it, because you're stupid enough to watch sitcoms regularly.
I'm not the idiot who doesn't realize most shows follow a very basic episode format.
what you're calling "most shows" are ""Scooby-Doo, cooking shows, police procedural, reality TV, talk shows," which is really just saying, most shows are trash, to defend another trash show.
Are you actually so stupid you think I'm the same poster? No, multiple people think you're wrong.
>multiple people are using the "most shows are trash so its okay if I watch trash" argument

Thanks for validating my intellectual superiority.
>Half of broadcast television follows a basic premise
>Yeah but everything is shit and I'm gay
Great post anon, what do you watch?

anon you're not looking good here. calling monk and psyche shit isn't calling everything shit. its calling glorified sitcoms padded out with 20 minutes of inane "mysteries" shit. and excusing that with "b-b-but lots of other shows are shit too!" doesn't refute that.
What shows do you watch, anon?
Or do you just shitpost on /tv/ about 'bad' shows all day?
>if you don't like what i like you spend all day shitting on what i like

just further confirming you're a retard bro
Since you aren't saying I'm going to assume you actually do just shitpost on /tv/ all day and as such your opinions are null and void.
Why would I cast pearls before swine? if you can enjoy shit like monk and psyche, anything better would be beyond your comprehension
Shawn isn't meant to be super intelligent, he's like one of those Chinese olympians who was forced from birth to play one sport all day every day except instead of sport its detecting.
No need to thank me lads, just setting it straight
>Hi I'm Shawn Spencer and this is my partner, N'Golo Kante.
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Monk is my favorite show because it pisses off retards with actual OCD since apparently his OCD is not how real people with OCD act, according to faggots with OCD.
No, retard. Most shows are just the exact same every episode.
I'm old as fuck and I remember Monk from back in the day and in my mind it was a pretty good show, tried watching it again the other month and Monk was insufferable and just frustrating to watch
also the supporting cast (especially the cops) were just plain retarded
head detective wasn't a retard, it was just that one dude.
>Monk is my favorite show because it pisses off retards with actual OCD since apparently his OCD is not how real people with OCD act, according to faggots with OCD.
I've OCD and it's pretty much right on, the only thing which I've found non realistic is him having all those patterns at the same time.

People who like Psych take photos with their mouth open
This thread just inspired me to rewatch the pilot episode. It was fun. That is all.
Do you actually watch the show lmao?
Shawn breaks in snoops around gathers evidence he can use to fake psychic revelations which he then dramatically reveals to the suspect who, usually, will act in such a way as to give the police reason to search them/get a warrant etc.(like running or proveably lying or muddling their story up)
then the police are gathering the evidence legitimately and nobody ever knows what Shawn did which is typically illegal search + impersonating some official.

That's why Shawn can't tell them he isn't psychic, because he'd have to admit to breaking the law which puts all evidence gathered after under suspicion but by US law a police officer is allowed to take evidence given to him in good faith and use it to get a warrant/arrest even if that evidence was fgathered by skeptical means. It's called parallel construction when police do this IRL and it's a total thing backed up as recently as after this show started airing in the following supreme court case


Yeah the show is obviously fantastical and silly, people kinda believe in psychics more than they do IRL as we see in the Lou Diamond Phillips episode and Shawn's abilities are super human even if he isn't actually psychic, so there's leeway with the law anyway because of that, but it still understands the law far better than you do.
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I love Chinese take-out.
I miss a time when the most stressful part of the day was "what should I get for dinner?"
Both have the same writers.
>i like blackface because it angers black people
Yes, most shows are shit. Thanks for telling everyone you watch a ton of shit.
Anon it’s a bland sitcom with 20 minutes of bland “mystery” padding for 20 minutes. They didn’t put any thought into any of it, why are you?
Anon just claims that "life" is "retarded" because "you spend 10 hours just laying in bed. Every day. LAME!"
just because you have shit taste doesn't mean everyone does, anon. Maybe you should go suck a shotgun.
So you’re comparing msyche to lining in bed motionless. Apt.
Anon, monk and psyche are shit. You’re the one defending shit by claiming “most shows” are shit.
They obviously put thought into the premise
Nobody is talking about the minute-to-minute episodic work
You're just seething because you misunderstood the concept yet boldly and confidently made bad criticism so now you're deflecting
>, I just find more girls are ok with one night stands when they think I'm married and I don't want to waste a dime on women when I'd rather put that money in to my car
Very big brained and based
Show takes a nosedive from season 6 onward. It's still funny, but it's wearing a mask of cleverness while not being as clever as it once was.
On point for the tone of both works. I wonder if Shawn would be able to tell Gus himself before he dies, or if his death would be 30 minutes in twist that leaves Gus behind to solve things from where Shawn left off, like Shawn predicted that if he figured out how the Death Note works he'd have to leave evidence behind for Gus to crack the killer's identity.
I am athletic and straight and I like both.
Canadian Santa Barbara detective mystery show was comfy. You should try watching it.
The episode where Gus messes up the crime scene and incriminates himself was funny as fuck. Watched with this with my family. It was a simpler time...;( I'm glad it was there though.
I could never fully accept Gus as a real person. No black man acts like that.
Almost no-one on that show acts like a real person.
Shawn is like most millenial white males I have the misfortune of knowing.
Half Mexican?
Manchildren obsessed with pop culture and allergic to responsibility.
Oh, metropolitan dwellers. Makes sense for a Californian dropout, yeah.
you're the only retard in this thread claiming anything is shit.
Why don't you find another thread instead of wasting your day crying that people like something you don't.
You are wrong btw, most shows are episodic, which by your idiotic definition means their shit.
Are you assuming anyone here doesn't think your are same-fagging?
>the spirits are speaking to me
>"squeak squeak"
>these... these are the spirits of... lice?
It is funny how the actor made a stage name, but apologized for it after BLM and now uses his full Mexican last name. Not that I can name a single other thing he’s in after this
Exactly, his fathers autistic grooming made him a prodigy, and he has an eidetic memory too (it appears his mother does as well and he get it’s from her).
He was groomed to be a super Sherlock but his Achilles heel is that he’s a millennial basedboy that’s allergic to responsibility. I love this show and think it’s got the best depiction of a modern Holmes and Watson relationship. Not only is Gus actually useful with his pharmaceutical knowledge and the super sniffer but their chemistry (really the entire casts chemistry) is amazing.
Absolutely pathetic
Psych is amazing, it's basically the crime show equivalent of scrubs
>Adrian monk is telling me his ancestor’s ashes are scattered in the North East corner…. Gus… that soil hasn’t been disturbed since the days of The King in Prussia
>Sean. You been playing too much Morrowind
Good episode
I am glad that they replaced Anne Dudek with Maggie.
Tony Shaloub is a Lebanese Christian and Monk is not Jewish either, just swarthy.
Lavender Gooms
Gus and Shawn are very much late Gen-X. Every pop cultural reference they do is slightly too early for even the earliest millenials.
Psych had a lot of hot babes but I got tired of the formula about 4 seasons in. I lasted longer than Monk. I'm glad I didn't get invested because the Psych movies and Monk finale sucked
Sharona > Natalie
dem keedz......dat houze.....
Everything after 4 kind of sucks anyway.

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