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Is there a worse series finale than The League (specifically the final scene)

>here's a video of us having a laugh riot as we break the news to our friend that we cuckolded him and made him raise another friend's bastard child for 18 years

That's evil. It completely taints every main character. Wicked
it's a jew thing you wouldn't get it
Did the DeSean Jackson cuckold episode not prepare you for that. Media literacy is clearly a lost talent.
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For me, it's Shiva
I watched the first season (maybe 2nd as well) of this years ago but never finished it because I was watching other things and it wasn't hilarious enough.
Can you give some context for what happened?
I stopped watching the show when they wnet to weird high fps and it looked like a cheap soap opera

still, it was a comfy show
You could tell they hated Andre so much because he was their intellectual superior.
Andre marries Pete's ex-wife, but Pete has sex with her behind his back and Andre raises Pete's kid without knowing. Then years later, when the kid is grown up, they spring the truth on him and laugh at him for it.
Meegan (Pete's (2nd from right) ex wife) returns in s6 and starts dating Andre (3rd from left). They break up because plot. Meegan and Pete have sex, Meegan gets pregnant. Meegan comes back in s7 and tells Andre the baby is his. Rodney (3rd from right) and Jenny (second from left) figure out that Meegan is cuckolding Andre, but decide to not tell him until the kid turns 18. Fast forward to the bastard son's 18th birthday, and they tell (via a post-marked video on the League's message board) Andre and Andre Jr that Pete is his dad. They do this while singing.
Meegan and Andre had broken up when Pete has sex with her. That's how Rodney was able to figure it out.
Yeah the final scene genuinely made me sad. My head canon is that andre hunted them all down after and gutted them.
Jesus fucking christ. Who on earth thought this was a good ending?
This is like a Family Guy parody
>Hey that was a good prank you pulled on me 18 years ago. Well I just wanted to let you know that I got you back. Remember when your wife got aids a few years ago from a botched blood transfusion? Well I can finally reveal that it was me me me me
Jenny also literally castrated her husband Kevin on screen, just a few scenes prior.
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>make a show about unimaginably shitty people like Sunny to ape off Sunny and fantasy football's popularity
>characters constantly do horrible things and act like horrible people
>years later a bunch of soigolem marathon it on streaming and get mad the characters do unimaginably shitty things
The shittiest thing they did was tattoo a cat. That doesn't even compare to cuckolding your friend and telling him via song
You pearl clutching faggots are the worst, it's a mean spirited comedy show
>Haha I cheated at fantasy football and illegitimately took home the prize that I did not earn! Suck it!
>Yeah? Well I had your parents killed and ground them up into the chilli that I fed you earlier. Oh, not so cocky now are we? Haha owned
Sounds like a south park episode
>friends ribbing each other in good fun over fantasy football
>mean spirited
Did you grow up in the participation medal generation?
there's people that actually watched this?
It wasn't as bad as the episode where Kevin lies and says that he was in the twin towers during 9/11.

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