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Was it kino lads?
Any other Junkie kinos out there?
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Also Trainspotting 2 wasnt bad but not as good as 1 obviously
Go! 1999
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>had some pills from an injury
>saved them in case I needed them and it came back
>didn't come back
>decide to take them all in one go to get high
>turn into vegetable
drugs aren't really that fun
that was the entire point of the movie, his whole "choose life" speech in the beginning turns from sarcistic cynicism to a genuine message
>no trainspotting in the whole fucking movie
>just a bunch of junkies
it made listening to kashmir really cool but it's not some super mind blowing experience. after a few hours you just feel sick anyway and wish you'd never done it
quit early before you get addicted, because at that point you will already know its a bad idea and hate yourself every time but be unable to stop yourself, which is when the real hell starts
what kind of trains do they spot?
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I only saw the first one. I mean, how many movies do we need of Jason Stratham driving across the English countryside spotting trains. You autist need to get a better hobby.
They trainspotted in the credits you just didn’t watch
Locomotives mostly.
Drugstore Cowboy
but which kind, steam? electric? diesel? vintage? commuters? freight?
Basketball diaries, requiem for a dream, tropic thunder
I had to turn the movie off because begbie terrified me
it's kino. captures a very specific cultural moment.
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Gay homos like Trainspotting.
Alpha males that have sex (with girls) prefer the Pusher trilogy.
I never got the ending, is it all cynical and him just saying that bullshit to just inevitably fall back to drugs or was he genuinely a changed man?
kino isnt an adjective you dumb zoomer faggot
Diesel and steam are the most kino. I’ve yet to see a locomotive powered by heroin.
You said diesel though?
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I made this a long time ago. Glad to be able to re-use it.
One thing I like about T2 Is that you really see how much Danny Boyle evolved as a director over 20 years
There's so many interesting choices in how scenes are shot and edited, and there's a very washed-out aesthetic that makes scenes feel both manic and fatigued in a way that resembles a midlife crisis
Dose the pusher trilogy have a 19 year old Kelly Macdonald riding dick as her perky teenage tits bounce? I think not
Fuck you
literally this.
>Any other Junkie kinos out there?
Spun is pretty good.
Pusher is love Pusher is life
Looking After Jojo is excellent scottish skag kino
Robert Carlyle as Glasgow Nino Brown
Whole thing is available on youtube
Why was Bigsby so baserd?
Christiane F.
Why did Requiem become THE drug addiction movie while this one's semi forgotten?
his johnny walker commercial is the most kino short film ever. The other commercial about a glass android is also cool. The film route 66 has a casual use of crack cocaine in the first scene. Party monster is about club drug culture.
It was okay
Kids maybe? That one is also AIDs kino
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>corrupt druggie cop
>a series of events of him just being a grade A cunt
>also Scottish
>same creators as Trainspotting

It's not as good as Trainspotting but it's worth a watch and James McAvoy is always kino

T2 was an excellent sequel btw
because he never touched the H
Never go to Scotland
Sid & Nancy
shill related
Patrician taste.
Great portrait of the Lower East Side in 1985. One of Troma’s serious films.
It has Mads talking in detail about "pattar" (Danish for tits). I think this rivals the scene you mentioned in eroticism.
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>Mark "Rent-boy" Renton : [on a high] Take the best orgasm you've ever had... multiply it by a thousand, and you're still nowhere near it.

>Allison : It beats any meat injection. That beats any fucking cock in the world.

Is it really that good?
Heaven Knows What
Track lines all up their arms
I used to be a junkie, I’d say it’s better than sex for sure, but not by 1000x, maybe by 5-6X. It is lovely, honestly.

According to random internet science shit I just looked up, the dopamine rush one gets from Heroin is twice what you get from sex.
Does Trainspotting have Mads jerking his flaccid dick in front of a prostitute and being unable to get a hard on? I think not.
Fuck YOU
Soundtrack is killer on this.

Op watch Pixote
It was purposely given a misleading name. The implication is that being a heroin junkie is just as an esoteric a hobby as people who gaze at trains.
>the dopamine rush one gets from Heroin is twice what you get from sex.
As a huge coomer that really doesn't sound impressive considering everything else
Those science nerds don’t know what they’re talking about. Heroin is way better than sex.
Also- OP check out picrel, it’s great.
If you’re into cooming, don’t try meth. You can goon until you literally hurt yourself. It’s a thing, like this screencap from Intervention. It can also make you gay/AGP depending on variables.
>jerking his flaccid dick in front of a prostitute and being unable to get a hard on
i got my soft, useless, drug-infused dick sucked in an alleyway once. maybe i should watch this film?
It's good but they shouldn't have changed so many things from the book. The book ending, for example, is a great final 'fuck you' to the character while in the movie they make it seem like he got away with it.
yeah , its kino. by all the standard metrics.
Didn't you know they made a second Movie explaining about that?
In the novel of the same name it's actually a major plot point, I think the guys and begby go to an old train station and are drunk or something but theres this jakey bum there who says something like 'ey boys what are you doing, wee bit of trainspotting' and hes like covered in his own piss and drunk etc
Turns out it's begbys dad. (the beggers is basically turning into a jakey too)
I could be wrong, been awhile since i read the novels
Muricans don't like non-murican films
the tylenol in the pills makes the nausea worse, you should've done a cold wash. you probably took too much for a first-timer with no tolerance anyway. opiates are only enjoyable in moderation. it's very ironic that addicts make a point of getting as high as possible on the strongest shit they can get all the time because it doesn't even feel good when you do it that way. it's well known that fentanyl is way less euphoric than heroin, but fentanyl completely replaced heroin on the streets because the drug market is like a nuclear arms race to crank out the hardest shit for the least amount of money. people are not only ruining their lives, they're not even having fun in the process.
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that is mentioned in the sequel when he finds spud's writing about him.
I will check it out. Odd that you know of nino brown and scotish film.
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it's peak junkie kino
also pure kino. but has less to do with addiction and drugs specifically

got some hydromorphone tablets lads, wat do?
disregarding the sequel I think it's supposed to be ambiguous. Off to a new place with a bag full of cash and zero connections, could feasibly be the start of a fresh healthy life or just as easily fall into old habits with a new group
Stimulants have only made me avoid pornography because they increase executive functioning and reinforce what is done on them. I hate porn and hate sex so I read books and watch movies to elevate my mind to get away from filth. Normies can't think of anything beyond cooming so of course you and them would waste such a powerful tool on such a lowly disgusting aim that does and creates nothing. If I don't take them it's much easier to fall into masturbation and idleness. Die.
not sure. watched it recently after years of good reviews and thought it was mid as fuck compared to trainspotting. cool film and good actors but it felt kinda flimsy and contrived like a student film
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also an orgasm lasts for seconds whereas the half-life of heroin is 2-3 hours

you're supposed to comatose on opiates for 3 days in between goon sessions to allow your bloody cock to heal newfag
even morphine/heroin becomes kinda lame after multiple days of use
is there any drug that retains its edge after constant redosing? I doubt it. Tobacco maybe
benzos, since after a couple redoses you just blackout and don't come to until you run out.
Why do Scots take so much drugs?
it's fookin shite bein scottish
neice dobs
It's shite bein Scottish, they are the lowest of the low, some hate English, they're wankers but Scotts are ruled by wankers. It's a shite state to bein and no amount of fuckin fresh air will make any fucking difference
Idiot. The pleasure of opioids do not exceed the pleasure of sex. If they did everyone would be doing them. They do not disturb reason like alcohol does either. Orgasm is absolutely more pleasurable than hydromorphone. You're just a stupid retard Redditor talking about shit he has never tried and repeating normie conceptions. People don't like the idea of a calm serene peace which is why hedonists who get drunk and fuck and can't control themselves seem to hate on le bad drugs even though they've never used them.
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>You're just a stupid retard Redditor talking about shit he has never tried
an IV speedball exceeds the euphoria of orgasm. even if not at peak, the duration is much longer. if you mapped activity in the brain with machines it would surely indicate this
absolute kino soundtrack as well

Where can I find them in good quality?
this but unironically, limmy's dee dee sketches are peak junkie kino
Probably one of the best drug movies ever made, but surprisingly no one ever talks about it. Starring Billy Corgan and Debbie Harry. I like coming back to this trailer because it's goofy as fuck, don't watch it if you haven't Spun because it has a shitload of spoilers. Just go watch Spun, you won't be disappointed.
Making out with a tranny is alpha as fuck
3 and 1 are pretty close though and I think 1 is more rewatchable
It's got a great visual style and some good performances but it doesn't have as much rewatch value as trainspotting.
Now replies Scottish with white and English with Jews.
Bunch of crybabies. That walk Tommy wanted to take looked really nice.
People feel smarter watching melodrama than something with actual wit.
Is he actually a junkie?
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>junkie kino
watch this real documentary, Cold Turkey

>guy tries to quit heroin cold turkey in his house while his buddies watch over him
>tries to sweat it out
>eventually wants to go out to score more
>friends won't have it
>he calls cops on them
>they have to deal with that
>he eventually gets so fed up he climbs out of a second story window
>walks away into the night looking for drugs
this is one of the only two drug documentaries that I feel are the best. This is THE junkie doc and it was made in the early 2001 with just a camcorder so there's no annoying jumpcuts/music like history channel.
You're fucking tripping, nigger.
That lassie got glassed, no cunt leaves here until we find out what cunt did it
I like how Begby is the most psychotic of all and he's basically just a Scottish normie
but it's literally the opposite? dumb americans
Based Secret Agent Man.
Fight scene in the bar between Rentboy and Sickboy was great. I basically liked everything about this movie.
Never thought I'd say this, but the movie is just a bit too vulgar and depressing for me to watch as a relaxing sunday afternoon movie.
Please stop butchering Trainspotting quotes in this thread, it’s embarrassing.
The lack of knowledge of the book and true Trainspotting sequel is also shocking. Study more cunts.
Fuck all else to do. And bad food and other lifestyle habits. It's probably better now; the world as a whole seems to be getting healthier. Probably to get more profit out of wagecucks.
Why do Scots do so much heroin? If you look up overdose deaths in Europe, Scotland far exceeds every other country, even ones with much higher populations. What's going on, Scotbros?
Trainspotting probably made it cool.
Refnfags absolutely btfo, will never recover
MacDonaldchads won
Maybe they want one simple message beaten into their heads for two hours.
Not true at all. No one cares about Requiem, Trainspotting is a classic, also a much better film than Req
This flim is hilarious, McAvoy is great in it, and it might be more entertaining than Trainspotting, but the latter is better overall.
But we haven't had a Trainspotting thread in years!
I expected the sequel to be pointless but its good.
Not to sound like a total druggie, but LSD and oxycodone are better than sex too.
i just watched spun after reading reccs from this thread and it's forgettable dogshit, dont waste your time on it.
i saw it in like 2003 and it was perfect
It's shite being Scottish

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