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>this made millennials hoot and holler with laughter
zoomers don't have soul
lul so random
shut up, fagle
post some zoomer memes
chicka chicka yea it did
Yeah because it was funny. You had to be there.
Meanwhile in zoomer culture
he's gotta renew that license
It's still fucking funny
>t. 25 y/o zillenial
Yes it did
Not really, but his friends ripping him a new asshole for it made me laugh
Shut up, Fagell.
Do American licences really lost someone’s height, weight, and penis length? Very strange.
Yes, and any police officer that has a reasonable suspicion has the right to verify it.
Not me. Michael Cera movies just aren't funny.

But at least we didn't grow up with this retarded abortion.
stop making low quality threads shit head

I remember sharting my underpants I laughed so hard at this Semitic humor
The problem with these is you just don't get it. You run everything through a zoomer lense like "so is this what millennials spent all day masturbating to?" it's literally those boomer comics about books not having touchscreens. I sound mad but it because I'm so sad. Bait threads used to mean something man it's this generation after us that's clearly lost man
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>this made gen z hoot and holler with laughter
>I moved from Hawaii back to the mainland, but still have my Hawaii ID.
>Everyother time I get carded, the guy checking it calls me McLovin.
Isn't this shit more popular with gen Alpha though? I don't know many Zoomies who unironically like this stuff.
Penis length and nipple color too, fuck jewmerica
>zoomers are now 30
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I didn't see Superbad when it first came out and thought I missed out because all my friends and peers would quote it and talk about the jokes constantly. I finally saw it ten years later and thought it wasn't very funny.
why does he look like a chud
Superbad is in my top three movies of all time
I used to have that t shirt and kinda looked like him
i really like the first act01739193
Best scene is the house party where Michael Cera accidentally ends up in a room full of dudes doing cocaine and they mistake him for a famous singer
Saw this on opening day and you're right we all did
mclovin? what are you an irish rnb singer?
I don't get it.
I'm a zoomer and I think it's funny
Why do little white kids talk likehood niggas
Why aren’t blacks mad they’re being culturally appropriated
>But at least we didn't grow up with this retarded abortion.
You can't grow up with something if you never grow up at all.
I am quite literally the earliest zoomer/latest millennial and I'm 26
I thought the earliest Gen Z age was 27
old enough to party
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wait I'm a zoomer? This is disheartening information
Do people really think that “ain’t” and “bruh” came from niggas? Funny when you realize that when the culture actually does melt, credit 100% goes to the nonwhite side while the white side is still pushed as culture-less. Saw it with country recently where it’s apparently a black genre because of the banjo but nobody would say that blues is white because of the euro instruments. There’s nothing in modern culture that’s more considered and tiptoed around than the inferiority complex of nonwhite males, these boys have got self-described feminists tiptoeing around rape.
it's a weird power dynamic where the shitty people have more rights than the contributors that allow them to exist

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