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>you see, it's funny because he's short!
so is there multiverse shit on this movie too?
Yes, because the character is famously short and people have complained for a quarter of a century about Jackman being too tall. I understand. Ha.
The while film was extremely sanitized. No human was involved with it.
The audience in the rip I saw would make the occasional soi-noise when le ebin character showed up for their 10 second cameo.
The fight scenes are just CG noise with the occasional gay joke made.
The best thing about it was that I didn't pay that knobgobbler Ryan Reynolds a fucking dime.
Disney is soulless sloppa for easily entertained drones.
this isn’t nice
Richard donner had a sense of wonder. I don't get mcu's charms at all
Not wide enough.
His nickname is “Shorty”.
low blow
Remember when Wolverine used to smoke cigars? Way back in X-Men I that was.

seethe short incel
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unironically the most comic accurate version
The entire movie is multiverse shit, majority of the movie takes place in the TVA Void from Loki as an excuse to have cameos from past Marvel based movies.
No, Deadpool even spells out the joke for you, he's a comic accurate height but because it's still Hugh Jackman it contrasts with your expectations. Wolverine should be short but because only 2 actors have played the character for 24 years public opinion about him is largely shaped by Hugh Jackman.
>umbrella academy ripoff is now central to everything
>Wolverine should be short but because only 2 actors have played the character for 24 years
Who's the second one?
Its the Canon Wolverine
There were 3 actually. The kid wolverine from Origins and Henry Cavill
Who is that?
This guy and I'm not even joking. He played young Logan in a flashback in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
911, this guy entered the cinema without a ticket!
Your dad
you put in way more thought just now than the writers did
I know I saw X-Men Origins but I remember literally nothing about it aside from them making Deadpool the final boss and sewing his mouth shut for some reason and the workprint webms.
Yeah well young Logan is a gay twink popstar now.
Henry Cavill
>*loads claws*
horrifying image
idk how people go outside when they weren't born as chad
So if I've never seen Loki I just shouldn't bother watching this? Thanks for the warning.
I’m going to chimp out if this is real
It is.
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>gay bar
>elongated shirt hole for showing off chest hair
Is he supposed to be gay?
Why are there so many women at the gay bar
They're fag hags
Safe shaming.
Imagine if he was black or chinese
Fuck this shit. I’m 5’7 and I never felt bad about it until I started browsing this hellhole
He's Italian.
Me neither. No one mentioned it my whole life
A lot of women go to gay bars. One time I went to a dyke bar and it took me like 30 minutes to figure out what was going on.
For the most part people IRL will only seriously comment or mock a man for being short if he's like 5'5'' or below.
Same. And I see tons of people shorter than me too. Only once has someone mentioned my height and it was this girl who was like 4'6" so I wrote it off as insecurity.
You’re taller than the average woman at least
Nah, it doesn't matter.
They explain the concept of the TVA from Loki in 2 minutes, nobody fucking cares that a part of the movie is in the "void" from Loki.
they say what they really think on tinder
are you so brain dead retarded that you need that spelled out for you? It wasn't enough that ryan literally calls him in the movie "comic accurate tall wolverine"?
I haven't seen it
>For the most part people IRL will only seriously comment or mock a man for being short if he's like 5'5'' or below.
>literal manlet cope
Unless you are a literal midget, nobody really cares about height in the real world. 4chan is just obsessed with it for some reason. Same penis size/race etc etc.
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If I'm 5'11" should I just lie and say I'm 6'?
no, that's manlet mentality. Lie and say you're almost 5'10"
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>can make fun of a person's height despite them having zero control over it
>can't make fun of a person's weight because ???
Well yeah, it's funny for everybody who isn't a snowflake
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wolverine bros...
you can make fun of anything you want
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jews can't do anything but multi-shit'verse now,
because none of the commie women can write
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I'm 6'3 and I tell people Im 5'8
Well if you're american it sure is tough bro, where I'm from that's the average male height so I never had any issues
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fucking zoomers
Jackman beeing TOO tall for the role was always the main problem for 25 years now
Wolverine is actually short tho, this is actually the most accurate live action depiction of him ever.
thanks for posting Rock, sorry you ruined DC but this movie rocks and itll make a billy
What is it with midget women thinking they're owed a 6 foot plus prince and putting down other men?
why does she want boys and not a man? fuckin pedos
They're easy to fuck and it goes to their head.
Cuz all you faggots that are 6' take the bait, marry a complete mid ass white girl from the midwest and sacrifice your whole life for a girl that barely knows how to ride a dick
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I do this. I also tell girls I don't work out at all and am naturally like this (I cycle [steroids] and have been lifting for years and am ripped as fuck)
It’s mid white women, and it’s the reason white guys are throwing their genes away by marring non white ethnic women because they treat them better, like seriously when’s the last time you saw a Asian/Indian or black girl say shit like this.
No shit, the whole movie is just multiverse shenanigans. But Deadpool calls it stupid so it's all good.
this scene has apparently set manlets back another two decades
What is being said here?
She looks like a one piece character, but the Toei kind not the manga kind
Yes, lord Farquaad.
Something like
>Oh my god, the Cavill Wolverine, the Legends were true
>Dont worry big boy we will treat you way better than those fucks over at-
then he beats the shit out of him, or soemthing along those lines. Watched the camrip earlier today
It’s hilarious and sad how the point of the X-Men is to represent groups seen as inferior by society. Misfits and outcasts who are shown as heroes and to show young kids that they could achieve glory too, even if they don’t look “perfect”. And Yet they have their fake plastic Wolverine mocking the real wolverine they can’t show to audiences due to hatred. They don’t have the spine to show the real Wolverine in good faith. Because they are as hateful as they are lazy.
you must be fun at parties
The fact that a 5'3'' man makes you automatically laugh says something about you. Grow up, anon.
but if the radcliffe wolverine rumors are true we will get a short wolverine
I was right to have zero faith in these Hollywood hypocrites. Bunch of bodyshaming bigots
>Muh representation.
>Muh diversity and inclusion.
Yeah it's weird. Normally they are below notice.
The ass is fat
They are marketing it towards normies not xmen fans.
Someone tell me this is photoshopped? Is this really a joke in the movie?
Imagine if the genders were reversed and they met an alternate Captain Marvel and it was a fat Brie Larson and they laughed at her because she was fat. That would never happen.
Imagine a huge mainstream movie where the protagonist mocks a woman for having small breasts.
Yeah im irish American with curly hair and people always assume im a fucking Jew too. It pisses me off
umbrella academy is a ripoff of the TVA anon
Fucking kikes create these scenes for the purpose of mass demoralization. It’s brainwashing. They know millions of young boys will watch this and hear the message, “If you are short, you are pathetic. You are to be laughed at, publicly. You cannot be a hero.”

They want everyone to have height on their mind. This is purposeful. Remember that.
hey fellas there’s no need to create a fake scenario to get mad at
woah. i thought it was just a joke, but now I see the Truth. My world is changed forever
Bro same. They don't understand why I get pissed either and I can't really say anything. I blame South Park.
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Unironically this
Gets more white people to tap out of the breeding pool.
Being Jewish is akin to being a God in this world, embrace it.
>can't joke about blacks, women, homos, jews, muslims, fatties, genuine little people or the disabled
>can joke about manlets
I like joking about all of the above but libtards are hypocrites and inconsistent
Whites are taller on average than most other races, idk about all specific countries and ethnicities but they're generally up there.
My nose is straight and I think I look more Spaniard than anything. I don’t think I’ve gotten any advantages however. Maybe it helped me get into uni or work? Not even sure, but it doesn’t mean shit to look Jewish if I can’t even prove it with money or religion
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They are objectively right. Natural selection getting rid of defective fucks so we don't end up like a fucking China.
To be fair, most manlets make a joke out of themselves by calling themselves kings and generally allowing their height insecurity to taint their entire personality
tiny baby hands typed this post
How is it a fake scenario? They did make fun of a manlet in this movie and they havent made fun of fat/small boob women. Thats real.
sorry, little one, but small males have been seen as weaker and more pathetic for hundreds of thousands of years. the larger, stronger, faster male wins 99% of the time, so short men never got to breed when competing against them. you should have been bred out long ago, and I'm sorry you had to suffer this existence.
>If you are short, you are pathetic

Incel fags raging against the truth as always.
ok but we should be allowed to joke about all the other groups all the same, it's only fair
You realize the most genetically fit height is 5’8-5’10 right? Tall people are like big dogs, constantly needing calories or they end up as skinny wimps and die early
Whites are not tiny, rajeesh.
You know whats scary? Humans are going to continue to get shorter and less muscular and in 100 years they're going to look back on us like we were all chads
Brother we have moved past size and ooga booga breeding. Short guys can be very successful providers now.
This is one of those instances where if someone were to get shot, it would be justified.
constant male nudity. dicks around. can't show a naked boob.

male rape is hilarious. it's to be mocked
>calling themselves kings
I don't think anyone does that unironically.
>allowing their height insecurity to taint their entire personality
I only see people say this when you get mad about an insult. They insult you and then say "why are you so insecure?" People treat us like shit and what, I'm supposed to just laugh along while you laugh at me?
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>You realize the most genetically fit height is 5’8-5’10 right?
Bet you got vaccinated big man
People are taller nowadays and it’s unironically because of GMO slop. Look at zoomers. Like that other anon said, they’re dependent on calories
Some are tall and some aren't, that's how averages work. If you can get the shorter ones to self select towards extinction, or have their women choose not to breed with them, then you will have fewer whites.
I think this is the thread that frees me from actually coming to 4chan earnestly for good, there’s no way anyone would be rightfully mad at this. This board used to be Truman threads, Brendanposting, and lighthearted fun, now there are troons, Indians, and gays in every fucking thread. OP, I thank you, I’m free, you being a massive incel faggot did the trick.
>Brother we have moved past size and ooga booga breeding
>I don't think anyone does that unironically.
They unironically do.

>I only see people say this when you get mad about an insult.
Going to out myself here, but I've tried dating some short guys since I'm only 5'3" but the guys always have a chip on their shoulder. One guy on like the third date said he thought I would find him more attractive if he were taller.
>People treat us like shit and what, I'm supposed to just laugh along while you laugh at me?
Society (especially women) worships cruelty, if you're treated like shit, then you should be the bigger person and get over it and if you dare push back then you're insecure and have anger problems and it's not society's fault, it your's, you're completely worthless. In reality they just enjoy seeing people mistreated but make you out to be the bad guy so they don't have to feel bad about themselves.
Chinese men are disarmed cucks, no one will shoot anyone. They will just run to complain to daddy government, like women.
>mocked by someone 4'6
Oh no no no Tyrion bros.
Not at all. Bet if you got vaccinated, the needle would just go straight through you.
I mean in an actual survival situation where you have to use your physique and ration supplies/food. Yeah you can be a skinny fat 6’2 guy living in comfy america and never be put in that situation, but the bigger and slower you are, the more fucked you are.
That doesn't mean the average genetic height isn't decreasing. Much like how the average IQ has been rising for the past few hundred years on paper, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're smarter genetically. Nutrition, education systems could be masking us actually getting dumber.
Based society.
That's all this movie is
this guy uses the kiddy urinal
how is she gonna stop them?
For your information, I actually have a stepladder.
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I didn't spot this in the theater, but this shot is fucking cool.
>tfw Wolverine should be manlets patron saint, but all they get is Lord Farquaad lol
>even if they don’t look “perfect
But the X-Men all look like super models. If you want freaks in a mansion with a crippled leader that actually look like freaks you want Doom Patrol
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>I mean in an actual survival situation where you have to use your physique and ration supplies/food

Yes, and that's why Scandis are the tallest people on Earth. The manlet cope is absolutely incredible lmao
I'm sure they exist but the reason they have those complexes is because of how they were treated. It didn't come up out of nowhere. Same with all insecurities.
Well I didn't get vaccinated and I'm a midget so I'm tougher than you baby boy
>Super Models
>Anna Paquin
In the comics anon
I mean everyone has insecurities, it's not okay to project it on to someone you're literally on a date with.
>comic gotg
>nig fury
NTA but Scandinavians are the biggest cucks on the planet dude how is that your argument. Absolutely mogged by the British who were shorter than them on average.
>Marvel heroes
>Howard the duck
This isn't /co/, anon.
That editing is terrible, you could have trouble even telling that's Cavill because of the cuts. Knowing how stupid this shit is he probably just calls it out though.
Mutants are persecuted for how they look and the danger that their powers create. The X-Men however don't have the handicap of looking weird, as long as you ignore Beast. Regardless, they're still persecuted for the dangers created by their powers, and the fact that Professor X, Jean Grey, and Cyclops have all gone pure supervillain on at least one occasion. Also Wolverine is basically a supervillain himself 24/7
Are you a primitive ape? Height isn't really relevant in the modern day.
Ironic considering that they all live under Sharia Law.
Bunch of s_yfacing fags
I've seen posts about black women wanting tall guys.
I knew a tall asian woman (foreign) who liked men taller than her since she loved wearing heels. She also felt a bf should treat her like a queen and she hated having physical relationships with any guy.
I don't do that so I can't really say anything. It sucks that there are people out there giving us a bad name but I can't do anything about them. The only thing I can think of is if people were just nicer to each other but I know that's not going to happen. 2000 years of recorded history and people still treat each other like shit, it's probably not going to change anytime soon. I don't know where I'm going with this I'm just rambling now.
>another zoomer finds out Howard is a Marvel comic
Does comic book Tony wear lifts too?
Hahahahhahahaha they literally look like a bunch of cucks lmao
How tall is the woman?
Best advice I can give you is just own it. Yeah some women (maybe more than some) will filter you out just for your height but there are those of us that don't care.
Ffs you have a onions muslim right there in the front
Man I'm glad I'm 6 foot, 6'1 with shoes on. It must be hell to be short. Dumb foids whose only value is her holes can just make fun of you and society applauds. Stay strong little anons
>All that time and effort to become big and muscly
>Still look like a faggot
lol shut the fuck up whore
It's whatever, I'm old enough that I came to terms with this a long time ago. Women have always been cool about height it was other guys who talked shit. But now when I see webms like some of the ones that get posted here it seems like things have changed and I feel really bad for guys trying to date these days. Things got brutal I do not envy younger guys trying to make it today.
>see movie
>see this joke
>expect someone in one of the threads to be bitching about this one joke
>first fucking thread I see is some manlet crying about this retarded joke
no one needs to listen to a hole
People like this guy do it to themselves >>201748276
>why do shorter men want me dead
it's a wonder for sure
Pretty sure those are different anons
Post feet
this isn't reddit faggot. no need to try to play superior/inferior here. we don't listen to whores here.
Why don't short guys date fat girls? It's literally looksmatch.
I'm sure he's equally pleasant irl.
>if women hate you because you're short it's really your own fault and realistically you should just suck it up.
Outside of high school or online, nobody gives a shit. However online has infected real life turning it into one giant high school experience so go figure.
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>mfw my existence makes manlets spazz out
IME fat girls overcompensate and are really mean. I'm open to it but that would mean they have to acknowledge that they aren't perfect themselves and a lot of them aren't ready for that.
fat girls only want tall rich dudes just like skinny girls do bruh.
this isn't reddit
the problem is high school doesn't really end unless you leave to go live in the boonies by yourself
Again, most women hate the weak attitude short guys have, not the height itself.
you're fooling no one lankcel. :)
it's not your existence per se, no one's spazzing, are you okay? You seem to have trouble comprehending anything being typed in this thread dude.
Why do the short guys have the (perceived) weak attitude? Is it maybe because women treat them like garbage?

Or it is also maybe that when a shorter dude treats others like they treat him, they call it weak?
The height is the weak attitude.
People who never played games online don't realize that there are actual children out there trying to bully you. They've never heard a squeaky voice tell them they fucked their mom.
This whole thread smells of https://www.reddit.com/r/popular/
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Manlets just cant keep on getting away with it...
that is just rationalization on their part
and not understanding how the two are related and why
I can only tell you my experience, but I match with guys that are at least my height, 5'3" and above. Why would I bother matching if I thought your height was an issue? Why continue to act insecure with a person literally on a date with you.
when I'm discussing short men I'm discussing men 5'6 to 5'9. I get why you wouldn't want to date someone under 5'3, but many women your height will treat a man at 5'7 as a midget.

This is where 99% of the height arguments come from. We aren't discussing men that are 5'0.
>a young quentin tarantino when someone dared insult a womans feet in his presence
I'll let you in on a secret. They will match with you, will go on dates, and will like you even if you're not super tall. They care more about the attitude.
guy in the coat looks like Affleck
sorry Im drunk I will re write this to make it more legible.

when I'm discussing "short men" I'm referring to men that are 5'6 to 5'9. I get why you wouldn't want to date someone under 5'3, but many women your height will treat a man at 5'7 as a midget.

This is where 99% of the height arguments come from, and the anger. Short women have NO right to treat a man who is 5'8 like shit because of his height. We aren't discussing men that are 5'0. We are talking about so called "regular height" being seen like a fucking disability in dating.

My dick is fucking 6 1/2 long and thick as fuck, but good luck getting most women to even want to see it because they don't like me at 5'7.
What no dunkin does to a mf.
trust me, my attitude means little, stop acting like it's important. it's not. It's important for long term relationships, not fucking. women will gladly fuck a tall asshole, and you know it.
I'm drunk as well lol. I agree that women shouldn't shame men for their height. My point is that short men are hoisted by their own bad attitude.
>6 1/2 long.
Post dick or gtfo
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>>you see, it's funny because he's short!
Man I wish they hadn't did this, short guys struggle enough without going to the new super hero movie and seeing there's literally a joke about how their height makes them fair game for mockery because lol a short hero can you image bros. I get that it's just a joke if you haven't had to deal with this shit your whole life (Reynolds, Jackman) but you take Wolverine, who is an actual short hero, and is meant to be and make a mean spirited joke about the idea of taking short men seriously? I feel bad for every short high school kid who went to see this with a group of friends looking to have a good time and gets gut punched.
I tell people I'm 5'12"
Oh shit I remember this. Big guy started the fight (hence the shorter guys bloody nose) and they kept shit talking cause they thought they were invincible. Shorter guy was an MMA fighter that pretty much destroyed that guys football career
People legitimately don't view short men as human beings. And those same people get angry whenever short men point this out.
I'm the same height do you go for women you think are within your league or do you go for women you want to fuck?
Buddy, you're talking to a hole. Women live in this state of constant doublethink by default, because they have to justify their attraction by modern standards.

They want a bad boy because he's "confident"? No, they want him because he feels stronger and thus better at protecting them. If you're short, you're weak. Maybe a chick will be interested in you when she isn't ovulating, assuming you make an extra 50k a year over the guy with a few more inches on you.

Women care about physique and finances. You can get away with being a bit ugly, being fat is honestly a plus, but poor and short is about as unattractive as you can get. To a man, a woman being poor and short is a complete non-factor, so it's one of the biggest discrepancies between the sexes.
I liked it too, bro. Don't be tsundere.
Women are not selecting for traits like IQ and agreeableness, they're selecting for height. That's it. That's not eugenic.
So you're upset you can't get a one night stand because of your height?
>they're selecting for height
And they are correct.
Huge nigga will impregnate her and make her single mom

>can make fun of men for balding
>can’t make fun of women for balding
I mean JACKEDman himself said so, that at conventions he got mistaken as some fan who was too tall to cosplay as Wolverine.
kek great if true. Bullies getting wrecked is always so satisfying.
>post dick or gtfo
guess he got out :(
I’m 5’10 and have no problems with dating or fucking. You guys just don’t have confidence and probably shit hygiene/don’t workout.

>shortest girl I been with 4’10
>tallest girl I been with 6’2

Also penis is about 6.5-7inches.
The height achievement gap is proportionally much narrower among women, which shows that it's not due to inherent ability. People just have monkey brains that assume bigger guy = more competent guy.
hasslehoff fury hasn't been a thing for a long while now.
They never learn.
Really sorry for all you short guys, it sucks out there for you. But I promise if you improve your dating profile (most guys are absolutely horrible) and at least fake confidence you will make it.
Same. Actually kind of funny how much of an issue it is online. I think subconsciously we all know it's a "thing" irl but it's not something that causes much attention because we're so busy with ourselves.
It's a "thing" online because otherwise undesirable dudes want to shift the blame on to women instead of looking at themselves.
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Don't let anyone gaslight you, people despise short men.

Google mistakenly listed JD Vance as 5'7" (in reality he's like 6'2"), and the campaign literally issued a public correction because he was getting mocked for it on social media. We are pathetic, wretched, unloveable, barely human eyesores in the eyes of most people.
I'm 5'4 and I spent my whole childhood being told I'd probably have a growth spurt any day now. My dad resented me for being short, when he was stupid enough to marry a chick who was 5'2 and had a whole family line of manlets, my grandfather and uncles on that side are all tiny.

You probably have an easier time of things if you're 5'7 and up, but in the true manlet range below 5'5, it's pretty rough.
I'm 5'3" and wouldn't hold you being 5'4" against you.
I am shorter 5'5" and I definitely have it very easy chatting up women around my height or shorter. Granted I've never dated but it's because I've unironically never tried. It wasn't until after I graduated college that I looked backed and missed some girls hit on me without realizing it. I've also been asked out. It's not over anons.
>People just have monkey brains that assume bigger guy = more competent guy.
And they are correct.
No. The IQ curves for short and tall men mostly overlap. The differences are rather small if you control for race (latinos tend to be shorter and have a lower average IQ than whites).
>You probably have an easier time of things if you're 5'7 and up
I'm 5'8", never had an issue but I've noticed the younger generations are very tall here compared to mine, even the women zoomers/gen z dwarf millenial women.

Saying that, I think it's possibly just a return to normal. I feel like with the influx of organic focused food and more of a negative view of smoking and alcohol, those younger generations will have inherited a lot less of the shitty, unhealthy stuff.
This reads like a doomer post from someone who has given up or a lanklet who still can't compete even with his height advantage.
No, it's just sexual selection. Tall men are more likely to breed. There's a 6'6" Dutch guy who fathered over 1,000 children via sperm donations just because of his height.
I'm 175cm and want to kill myself
Low IQ brainlet detected lol
That's not even so bad. Post your dating profile for a real critique on why you're failing.
Unrelated but that sounds like an odd idea. What measures would there be to prevent incest in that case
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I'm 168cm and I'm waiting for my parents to pass before I kill myself
nearly every zoomer and most people my age mog me hard, It is bad
I doubt they care. Sperm banks aren't an organized eugenics project, they're only interested in making money, and they're relatively unregulated.
I would really like to help you, genuinely. Post your profile.
is the young >>201736247
I'm a Mint Mobile user and every year I get a Christmas Card in the mail from Ryan Reynolds.
It's the only card I get.
I don't even see zoomers in my area. I'm not convinced they are real. There are millenials, the elderly, and actual children.
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Lanklets just don't realise we'll be all over them like little violent chimpanzees clawing, biting ripping and tearing at everything with zero regard for our own safety and enjoying every moment of it, we've been raised to use any tactic necessary to make up for our lower stature, which includes being at least 3x as violent as the normal person.

You may beat us in the end due to the extra bodyweight and reach, but you can be sure you'll come out of it with permanent scars and damage you'll remember for the rest of your life.

I'm 6'3 and this is accurate. I have heart issues, bone issues, circulation issues... it's not normal to be this height.
anyone got a stream link, i must CONSOOM the current movieslop!
Lady no one is going to post their profile. This would shatter their world view that no one wants them because of things they can control.
I don't use dating profiles because I'm also ugly as sin
yikes that punch
unless that some sort of wolverines origins reference
case in point >>201750484
>It doesn't matter you're a manlet with a weak chin, norwood 2 hairline and narrow shoulders, just self inprooov
fuck off
>self-defeatist attitude
Ok anon.
more like self aware
No they haven't, a small minority whinged. Nobody real cared.
this femanon was itching to show tits and anon fumbled..
yeah because you are average and not short
well, its the obvious parody route to take after the misunderstood second movie with him mentoring the DEI fat kid as a joke.
>tfw she didnt ask to see my dick
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>you see, it's funny because he's short!
this is basically eugenics
lmao i thought this was an ai generated video at first
at first i thought that was rick from the walking dead. weird stuff
They first insisted upon Ultimate Nick then made him a 616 character called Nick Fury Jr. I don't recall if he is Nick's kid or grandkid, they just wanted a dumb excuse to kill the oldman.
i dont go there whats it like?
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Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are so insecure about being tall brutish psychopaths that they have to lash out at people smaller than them. Sad! Notice how this trash is in every movie and especially every children’s movie. Could someone say psy op? These pedo hollywood freaks are forcing narratives.
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mid-credits scene that only certain theaters played spoiler
This got massive laugh in my theather.
Keep coping manlets
Go fuck yourself. All this energy you put into hating these people will eventually come back to you. What goes around comes around. And you won’t be so smug. Hard to smile when you’re missing your teeth.
no shit that's the entire reason why they're able to be in the MCU in the first place
I'm sorry man. Next time you need a boost at the drinking fountain, I got you.
How about you boost my balls while you suck my fucking cock you not so smartass cuck
>sucking a 5'2" losers cock
Eew no
how you going to reach his teeth though?
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Wow quirky Reddit comebacks. Ask me how I know you just came out of an MCU movie? Hahahahahahahaha.
Social media making every dead-eyed imbecile think they could make it as a comedian was a fucking mistake
Black women are an all or nothing type. Either they’re super obedient & do everything you want, cooking, cleaning, sucking your dick. Or are even more harsh than white women are about things like height & materialism.

Asians and Latinas are pretty ok tho. They’ll at least be nice about it or give you a chance, from my experiences of course. White women unless they had daddy issues were always the most stuck up
>All this energy you put into hating these people will eventually come back to you

It won't.

>what hoes around comes around

It doesn't.

>you won't be so smug

I will be. All you can do is punch my knee.
You’ll see. Pride becomes before the fall.
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wow, even in this shitty camrip i can see her CAMEL TOE...she is such a hot little slag...damn it.
Fuck, comes. Mistake.
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>trying to argue with normies and tallfags
all anyone understands is pain
He's freakishly short but not in a midget way. It's kinda funny.
You left out the part where he goes "From behind you kinda look like Henry Cav-" and he turns around.
I'm shorter than you (170cm) and got to kiss and get off a girl, I'm also not really handsome so there's hope for you my man, you just gotta keep going
This is a bot post
This whole "king" and "queen" thing is really just a way of saying someone is ugly without actually saying it. It's why "black queen" is a thing but nobody ever says "white queen"
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Also funny considering Jackman made a video in response to the Furiosa midget kid crying video when it went viral
based, me too
Type that again without tears in your eyes, you disgusting manlet
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manlets and tallfags will never understand 5'11 is the most oppressed height
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are so insecure about being tall brutish psychopaths that they have to lash out at people smaller than them. Sad! Notice how this trash is in every movie and especially every children’s movie. Could someone say psy op? These pedo hollywood freaks are forcing narratives.
multiverse shit was a thing before you were in your dad's nutsack.
this shit wouldnt have even been included and hurt all you midgets feelings if you werent the same fucking dorks that constantly whined that jackman was too tall for the role.
But he is
nobody but sad cunts gives a fuck about the height of fictional capeslop character.
>but the Toei kind
>you could have trouble even telling that's Cavill because of the cuts
He reloads his fists, it's his trademark
Oy famine gevalt
Are his claws smaller? Because of his smaller hands I mean
Trip truth.
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>My dad resented me for being short
god I hate subhumans
The whole procedure is suspect, there was some doctor that got exposed for injecting his own sperm into hundreds of women
That actually was funny. I can't imagine not having a sense of humor
Sorry to say but it oozed soul. I kindof wanted to hate it and went it expecting to but it won me over.
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So? Wolverine has had the most women in comics and even cucked Cyclops several times despite him being 6'3". Height doesn't matter, charisma matters.
Spider-man has like 7 or 8 lovers.
This is your brain on /pol/
What exactly am I looking at here?
I care. I never watched Loki and I won't be watching this if it depends upon things introduced in Loki.
>Asians and Latinas are pretty ok tho. They’ll at least be nice about it or give you a chance, from my experiences of course.
Because their men are short too. Latinas ain't gonna care if their man's 5'3 since that shit's normal to them. Just don't be a meek bitch.
I'm short and black girls love me no matter what. Same with Asian and Latin chicks. It's white girls that got the problem.
>Also Wolverine is basically a supervillain himself 24/7
Because he kills dudes. Grow up, nerd.
Especially in the age of guns.
She gonna be a single mom.
>I’m 5’10
You're above average, dumbass. Average height's 5'7.
They don't know how men work. Us guys put women in two categories. The ones we have fun with, and the ones we commit to. These chicks mistakenly believe that just because the top guy fucked them, that he'd eventually commit to them when that is very far from the truth.
Nah, fuck that. I'm short but in excellent shape with a great face. Why the fuck am I gonna lower myself for some fat bitch?
Fat girls struggle to feel small and feminine, so they care even more about height
yes short people are funny
ok Jew
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and on my side it reads
>single digit bodycount

we both cannot pass
I'll just go to Africa and fuck some pygmies.
>there was some doctor that got exposed for injecting his own sperm into hundreds of women
kek I would do the same.
I wonder why this has generated so much ass hurt? Is it because most of you are midgets?
seems like the "loading my arms" move he did in Shitmen, Kingsmen, Mission Impossible or whatever the fuck it was where he fought Tom Cruise in a bathroom.

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