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>best fantasy fiction in decades
>made by an autistic japanese woman

How does this happen?
I thought Frieren was supposed to be the generic fantasy show everybody liked
Frieren died during the magic school licensing arc
the big bad sucks

this show doesn't really need a giant lion to shit things up
it could be a slice of life thing and go on indefinitely
they also never clarified if the elf girl is lesbo for laios' sis
this looks like made in abyss + promised neverland, how close am i
Japan is just different, the idea of "wow a women cant like fantasy" is not even a thing there and i dont mean in a way like "im a women breaking barriers, i will write fantasy" , i mean as in if you tell a japanese person a women cant like some autistic thing they are just gonna go "what?". It would be like saying today "women cant like buying ice cream that's a man thing" it just doesn't register for them, people are different over there. Im not saying sexism doesn't exist but it does differ.
I mean, it’s not pedophilic and has a driving plot.
women can't be CEOs, salarymen or presidents in Nippon
How the fuck anyone thinks "today I'll watch yet another iteration of japanese dungeon animated series, but this time, they eat FOOD!"
It's stupid shit.
The trailers make it seem like a comedy rather than epic fantasy.
Wont watch because I hate elves
Yeah but they can be into autistic niche hobbies and i think that was his point
anime died in 2010
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It is a comedy. Occasionally it has a plot heavy episode that's serious, but the comedy is far better.
I think it is, in the west. Not sure why the internet latched so hard onto that show.
that's because autistic jap men gatekeep hard
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>westaboo crap
no thanks, just another western pandering crap like edge runners that will be forgotten a month after
>autistic Japanese lady doesn't understand the actual appeal of fantasy
>Creates a superficial reproduction that focuses on things besides the point
And so the big two headed bird eats the little salamender and this is the deepest world building and character writing off all time!
I read the manga and thought it was below mid
no idea why people overhype this maybe because it's so safe and and non-offensive
That's not really true. There's a reason why circle princesses or e-girls are put on such a pedestal by nerds.
It's more innocent than in the west but it's totally 'omg a girl with fat tits likes making Gundam models just like me'
>weebshit for tumblrinas and redditors
>best anything
Probably because women literally wrote all Japanese fiction once upon a time.
Back in the samurai days, the view was that writing about history, reports and bureaucratic shit was prestigious and important, therefore women weren't allowed to write about it. A woman's place was writing about unimportant shit like fairytales and romantic stories, unaware of just how popular that shit was going to be once literacy started getting around. It got to the point that when fiction starded to get popular, men started writing under female pseudonyms just to get their own shit out there.
Are you retarded? it has quite a lot of world building, from the interconnected dungeon ecosystem to the over world having pretty well fleshed out politics and history which then come up in conversations between characters and influence how they treat people from different races and regions.
>Generic beta diverse looks
>Elves look like pigs
>No one has tits
I dunno man, looks kinda western.
Half the show is just food porn, and all the characters are completely one note. I really like the cooking animations though. This would be better suited to five minute shorts.
>It got to the point that when fiction starded to get popular, men started writing under female pseudonyms just to get their own shit out there.
This was also true of English literature at one point.
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>No one has tits
Best girl (forma el pollo monstruo) begs to differ
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>original take on the animal society trope but done better than a billion dollar studio
>made by a 4'9 autistic japanese woman
I am starting to see a pattern here.
Technically, she is the author of the original manga, not the director of the anime.
Berserk is still the best fantasy and nothing comes close to it.
It does, it couldn't and she isn't, retard.
Didn't they generate half of this shit with AI?
it's 4am, new fotm dropped
>inb4 nooooooooo dericious inna dungeon is a crassic
She rushed the final just to play balduers gate 3
It was a very competent ending considering all the plot points she had to tie in.
Japs have this idealistic view of the west.
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Nah, in this case it's just some chick who played a lot of Baldur's Gate growing up and incorporated aspects of western fantasy into her story.
Kind of like how the guy who made Ajin liked Doom and older RPGs, or how the guy who made Chio-chan's School Road liked Splinter Cell.
The best anime are made by westaboos.
>competent but ordinary adult cast facing off against low-stake but still dangerous threats with non-flashy skillsets informed by their personalities and backgrounds
This alone is enough to sell me on a show
Suntory's CEO is a woman
it manages shifts in tone like Golden Kamuy did (humor isn't dirty though)
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>lies shamelessly

low effort
I enjoyed this aspect of the story as well in the Grimgar anime (although it's completely different in tone and setting from DM), shame it never got a second season as I can't be bothered to read the light novel format.
Complete autism that's besides the point of actual storytelling.
A bland and lifeless world with bland and lifeless characters.
>yeah so these microbes rebuild the dungeon
Wow tell me more Japanese Lady!
>>autistic Japanese lady doesn't understand the actual appeal of fantasy
neither did tolkien. it doesn't matter if you warp the idea as long as people like it, or you like it i guess.
I actually enjoy anime but this was fucking trash. I couldn't get through the third episode even if i forced myself to watch it in 5 minute segments. It's just so retarded how there's just no sense of urgency that is proportional to the cooking aspect
>lol my sister got eaten by a dragon, let's dilly dally to make food and act all care free
>oh some orcs just murdered the patrons at an inn, lol who cares because we got some fermented milk so we can cook

I could probably live with that if it wasn't for the "humor" being that elf bitch being outraged about everything they cook and all the other stupid shit. I can even enjoy garbage like konosuba, vending machine isekai and campfire cooking but this is just so bad
Frieren died around episode 7
Dungeon Meshi got good about episode 4 and never got bad
>I thought Frieren was supposed to be the generic fantasy show everybody liked
it definitely is. I got free ticket to the biggest anime convention in my country since my friend was volunteering at the event.
there was a huge number of frieren cosplayers. pretty much 9 out of 10 of the elves are frieren. on the other hand I only saw like 2 people cosplaying characters from dungeon meshi.
the most surprising for me was that half the women cosplayers (mostly chinks) was cosplaying some kind of genshin characters. didn't know it was that popular
>the most surprising for me was that half the women cosplayers (mostly chinks) was cosplaying some kind of genshin characters. didn't know it was that popular
Oh yeah, gatcha trash is really taking over from anime & superheroes as the go-to among the more professional cosplay sloots.
I love japanese version of classic fantasy. it's always so comfy and free of DEI crap
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Their idea of classic fantasy is some shitty JRPG and most of the fanboys are south americans and SEA monkeys. That's why they keep spitting out all these shitty isekais
frieren benefits a lot just from subverting the archetypes of cliche isekai garbage.

Like stark not getting bullied by his cooler brother or Wirbel being an evil edgelord just from his appearance
the original. even had a spin off about food.
Frieren and Dungeon Meshi aren't Isekai though
More Wizardry than Baldur's Gate
Native isekai
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>OP posting some faggot shit per usual
Bruh moment, more like Duh moment!
Go back to /a/
Autistic Japanese women owe me sex.
-scans cast-
-zero barefooted waifus-

>How does this happen?
they let her cook.
Why don't you ask in /a/ where this shit belongs?
Thank you, but I prefer the real chinkshit show about 'eating' creatures.
It's like watching a cooking show but all of the ingredients are fake. Then you see some soulless cartoon character react
That's because no one really dies in the dungeon...
>it could be a slice of life thing and go on indefinitely
Holy shit that is the worst take i've ever seen
This thread is fucking retarded holy shit
Fuck am I doing on this shitty website talking with absolute mouthbreathing morons
Lmao, retards obviously talking out of their ass thinking this is just a cooking show. It's autistic (for real) man decides to eat monsters instead of buying food so he can get back to the dungeon faster and resurrect his sisters body before she's digested but him and his party stumble into the middle of a dick swinging contest between short lived races and elves while an eldritch abomination preys upon the autist to try and containment break from the dungeon and put all sentient beings into an existential hell of eternity while it fulfills all of their desires so it can feast on them. The amount of world building and thought that went into this series is autistic as fuck. Unironically the closes thing to LoTR japs have ever made.

Resurrection is an entire industry in the show. People literally go into the dungeons and revive all the dead bodies they can find for profit. Shit gets more serious when the healers start to get their heads literally stomped in.

The cat is barefoot. Also Halfelf wears strappy sandals that come off often. Ninja milf got nerfed in the anime, which gave her tabi when she was wearing stirrups in the manga.

shut up nigger, you're on 4chan, what did you expect?
>>lol my sister got eaten by a dragon, let's dilly dally to make food and act all care free
>>oh some orcs just murdered the patrons at an inn, lol who cares because we got some fermented milk so we can cook
That's how the Japs are, they are animals with no souls, they are literally the kind of people who dismember lizards as children and then graduate to mutilating and eating humans.
reddit meshi
based dwarfbro
>Lmao, retards obviously talking out of their ass thinking this is just a cooking show. It's autistic (for real) man decides to eat monsters instead of buying food so he can get back to the dungeon faster and resurrect his sisters body before she's digested but him and his party stumble into the middle of a dick swinging contest between short lived races and elves while an eldritch abomination preys upon the autist to try and containment break from the dungeon and put all sentient beings into an existential hell of eternity while it fulfills all of their desires so it can feast on them. The amount of world building and thought that went into this series is autistic as fuck. Unironically the closes thing to LoTR japs have ever made.
Well now you spoiled it for me so I'm not going to watch it.
this series sounds kino. thanks
Frieren hype died with the shitty wizard exam arc
uoooh t'was too based so it got cancelt
We need a full-blown revival to wash away what Western companies have done to fantasy.
>A bland and lifeless world
Now that's just a straight up lie. Lore adds life to any setting, and there's a ton of fucking lore here. In no other fantasy world do you see living armor revealed to be a colony of mollusks. In no other fantasy world do you see mimic monsters revealed to be giant hermit crabs. Dragon's create fire by clicking their tongues to create a spark that ignites the gas they spit out. It's unreal how much unique lore this series has
and uncensored masters DO exist, according to Funimation
Didn't they get into an entire shitstorm because they were dragging ass so long her body decomposed in the dragon so they made her into a homicidal dragon hybrid?
Funimation is dead now so we better get those masters asap
Minsc and Boo for life.
he is being dishonest for (you)'s, don't fall for it.
is the anime good enough so I don't have to get the manga?
>let's dilly dally to make food and act all care free
To be fair, they need to rest too. The dungeon isn't a simple thing you can get through in an afternoon
There is a character you meet later on who doesn't take breaks and rushes in to the dungeon. This made him exhausted and not well.
I can't stand animes where they eat food and then make stupid noises over how good it is
Seems like I precipitated too much.
They are always one step ahead from us.
>We're happy to see the full uncensored release of Ishuzoku Reviewers (Interspecies Reviewers), the super anime that famously got canceled from Funimation and other broadcast TV channels for having too much sexual content. Now you can get all that content with nothing censored or removed with the awesome limited Blu-ray release!
I want to have sex with elves
People like you piss me off. This and that being fotm is such a huge concern but ask you about your opinions on classics like Towards the Terra or Giant Gorg and it's like I'm speaking a different language
All "anime pros" on this fucking website are just posturing try hards
Yes. Avoid the dub though.
Real anime fans watch every 5/10 isekai released yesterday and nothing else
No, they watch nothing and say nothing of substance.
I tried to watch the first Gundam movie recently and I couldn't get through it, I guess it's where the trope of the kid not wanting to pilot the mech and being an annoying gaylord comes from though so that was at least interesting to find out
Woman were not allowed to write in mediavel japan, full stop.
The author really really hates the "Japanese" characters
You are completely wrong. Samurai born women were required to be able to read and write, and the huge influence of Pure Land/Jodo Shu Buddhism from the 750s to today meant that all classes of Japanese were being taught to read&write. Japan had probably the highest literacy rate in the world from 1650-1868.
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Fuck off with this tumblr anime, autist
Bet you are enven from /a/ but a troon from /co/ who fell in love with it because it looks like a dogshit western cartoon
>Balding Gay 3
So she was actually a tranny? That explain why the characters are all hideous
>we have anime at home
Are we even sure this shit wasn't made in the west?
Couldn't care for the zelda cooking scenes. When it got good it got good but you have to plow through those meaningless scenes.
>b-b-b-but it's za warudo buildinguuuu
No, it's not, dialogues are mostly some BS on how faunas behave in the dungeon accompanied by some real world cooking techniques and it's like that over and over again. Those scenes have no value whatsoever. Most world relevant conversation they have are during fights but then it's mostly how the world is similar to a table top game solid 6/10 for me
Both are great.
It's not 80s anymore bro.
All most famous Japanese medieval writers were women. Literally the first novelist in history was a japanese woman.
One of my latest favorite facts is the lion statues that distribute water throughout the dungeon have fangs made of unicorn horns to purify the water. I've also always loved the relationship between treasure bugs and mimics.
>Slice of life
You are the reason we have either shitty all action toy commercial animes, jack off material for incel coomers and barely dressed up "slice of life" animes that are just jack off material for coomers. Can you really not be happy with an actual balance in a theme and story?
heh the adaption was weak
When are we getting the last season of Golden Kamuy?
>lol my sister got eaten by a dragon, let's dilly dally to make food and act all care free
The series makes a point to explain the importance of nutrition and rest several times. The entire reason they lost Falin was because they rushed. Furthermore they're under the believe that they have a significant time limit, and if you actually kept watching you'd know that they DO in fact make it back down to the dragon ridiculously fast, mostly thanks to Chilchuck's navigation, Laios' specialty in avoiding monsters, and the shortcut provided by the orcs.
>oh some orcs just murdered the patrons at an inn, lol who cares because we got some fermented milk so we can cook
Not their problem. But seriously, the bar was a den of crooks and vagabonds who they had nothing to do with. And since corpse retrieval is an actual industry in the universe, it's practically a given that the bodies left in such a well-visited location will likely be revived.
After Edgerunners Im ready for Japanese takes on western universes/franchises.
This looks gay as fuck like you and your dad
You troons have a board for this faggot shit
I can’t get into it. I think I’m up to episode 4 and it’s just “we can’t eat monsters/armour/ghosts/whatever the fuck” before “oh wait, we can, ITS DELICIOUS”.

Frieren is 100x better
Kino manga
meh anime
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Not to mention she's the daughter of Itagaki.
Yes, that Itagaki.
>Sousou no Frieren
>#1 highest rated all time
>Dungeon Meshi
>#62 highest rated all time
OP is a faggot.

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