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What is the best film in the EAT THE RICH genre and why is it the upcoming film Coup, in theatres August 2nd?


>Isolated on a seaside estate during the 1918 Spanish Flu, an entitled journalist (Billy Magnussen) and his socialite wife (Sarah Lynn Gadon) take in a mysterious grifter as a private cook (Peter Sarsgaard). When the plague descends on the island, the wily cook rouses his fellow staff to rebel and take over the mansion. Their wealthy employer suspects the cook’s coup is part of a more sinister agenda, and mind games between master and servant escalate into boisterous class warfare.
I love Sarah Gadon
the one made by rich people
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Kelly's Heroes.
>Eat the Rich!
>made by big time corporates with big time actors
every fucking time and internet communists slop it up
known coalburner
Saltburn was great.
Parasite is worth a watch
t. makes 30k a year
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Peter Sarsgaard is a charisma vacuum
Yes yes we live in a society, vuvuzelda, iphone. Got anything interesting to say?
i think the tranny already nutted it the kid's eyes
it should be "interesting" to you that the rich that you and your commie buddies are supposedly fighting are letting you use their platforms to spread your commie message. if you weren't completely delusional you'd realize what that means
i liked him in Garden State and that Jodie Foster movie
Many people love Sarah Gadon
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This will be his best film. Acting with Sarah Gadon is a privilege and an honor.
Sarah Gadon is too cute bros...
>Got anything interesting to say?
Commutroons sure don't.
>Got anything interesting to say?
I love Sarah Gadon
not really
it takes money to make films, and richfags are usually educated and interested in societal issues. they don't just get talking points from fox news / X like chuds.
>it takes money to make films
Why do Capitalists have money but Commutroons don't? Does Communism not work?
clearly there are plenty of richfags who disagree with you or you wouldn't seethe at everything.
the problems with capitalism are systemic. individuals can criticize it and try to improve it
Didn't answer the question.
If Capitalism sucks why does it work while Communism doesn't?
>seethe at "richfags"
>beg them for money or you don't get to make your movie
Being a Leftist is fucking pathetic. Just one constant, unending Humiliation Ritual.
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For me it's Sarah Gadon!
were any of those society, venezuela or iphone comments ever addressed? no, commies just talked past them due to embarrassment
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>not getting talking-points exclusively from network news and Twitter
>the problems with capitalism are systemic
this is like having a problem with ecosystems, you just hate material reality because you're bad at it. that's part of material reality of course, it's been priced in
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>richfags are usually educated and interested in societal issues
based. I hope the chef cooks sarah gadon into a soup and feeds orphans with it
The funniest thing is that the next generation of leftists will be even more liberal and they'll hate the current gen just like the current gen hates the previous gen. Being a leftist is a never-ending cycle of hatred.
If I were a Leftist at any point AFTER the Cold War I would literally just kill myself. They've already lost so unbelievably hard that it's not even funny.
it's simply not being an NPC. society hasn't stayed the same for thousands of years.
why would you think things are perfect now
So are Leftists going to "eat the rich" before or after they spend 10 hours a day online defending Corporate-made Wokeslop from any any & all possible criticism for free?
your point is retarded. humans build their own ecosystem so they can criticize it, yes. if you want to just turn your brain off then stay off the kino board
t. Is on Welfare/Autismbux
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You could take every single dime from every billionaire and it wouldn't even pay off the national debt.
Why do bootlickers hate the rich so much when the government/central banks are the ones actually fucking them over?
government is supposed to do useful stuff with the money
richfags buy yachts, buy Twitter so they can dominate conversation, etc.
inb4 seething about government. that is your government because your population is retarded. more civilized places spend the money better
Me too. I love Sarah Gadon.
>things are not le perfect
there's that hatred of material reality again. the issue is you're the one who wants perfection, that's why material reality is so le evil
ok go meditate under a tree then. since you don't need movies to entertain you. buddhism is retarded. everyone is 20 years old once.
>richfags buy yachts
it's a drop in the bucket
you can sell all of billionaires luxury goods and the working class would probably get 10 dollars one single time lmao
>more civilized places spend the money better
Funny how the most civilized and rich countries have the best governments. Also fuck you. If you get rich, you'll quickly turn your back on whatever commie dream ethics you have and want to spend your money the way you want it to, you backstabbing commie fag.
k but you mentioned national debt
national debt was going down when richfags were being taxed. the money has to come from somewhere

ok I'll just imagine myself as a richfag and be selfish to live vicariously through them
>k but you mentioned national debt
that was just to compare the amount of money we're talking about
also yes the national debt matters, you are taxed to pay interest on it
>national debt was going down when richfags were being taxed.
You mean back when government spend a LOT less than do they now?
>the money has to come from somewhere
Why don't we just cut spending, regulations and taxes so we can have the economy we had in the 50s and 60s.
Yes, taxes on the rich were relatively low then.
inb4 you confuse marginal with effective tax rates
Dude, everyone loves Sarah Gadon
I nooticed that you did not engage his point or refute him, you simply resorted to ad hom.
Looks completely mid with a bunch of art house style forced laughs from the audience expected.
It has Sarah Gadon. It's top tier kino.
Epic! I love Sarah Gadon so heckin much!
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>Got anything interesting to say?

Yes, leftists should be banned from having private property, exactly as they want.
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>improving anything
The communist countries who managed to retain their christian beliefs fared better than those who lost it. Once the soviet union fell, the atheistic countries lost all meaning
>the money has to come from somewhere

We should seize the wealth of all the leftists. We have voting records and they would have wanted it that way.
>government is supposed to do useful stuff with the money
But they don't. Instead they LITERALLY give it to blacks so they can breed instead of getting a job and fund indoctrination material for Public Schools to turn your kids into trannies.
Some rich guy buying a Yacht is a complete non-issue. Especially compared to what rhe Government would do with that SAME money.
china is improving as well thoughever
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They would be colonising Saturn by now if they weren't burdened by the ideology of brainlet loser crybaby.
Beloved Sarah Gadon

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