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So is this an attempt to ride on the Dune hype? Except instead of spice it's just regular grains
Dune hype? Dune 2 wasn't that special
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As opposed to Rebel Moon
He who controls the grain controls the universe
both movies were acclaimed as far as normies are concerned
im waiting for the directors cut to enjoy the slop
>it's a "fa/tv/irgin who never goes outside pretends like a certain movie isn't popular" episode
so sick of these reruns man
For some reason /tv/ won't admit it, but DUNC is far better than Rebel Moon.
I don't know what this is man. The Snyderfans were calling it the Star Wars killer before it came out but it's just a mishmash of stolen ideas that don't mix. Like a kid of slightly below average intelligence got some off brand toys from a dollar store and made up his own story or something
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Saar be serious
(You are of course completely correct)
I don't think I've ever seen a post implying that Rebel Moon was even on the same level as Dune, that would be fucking ridiculous
I'll admit it. Rebel Moon sucks shit. I usually like Snyder's work but not to the cultish degree that think he's a genius that can do no wrong
I've always been a huge fan of Snyder, I kinda grew out of it but I even found Army of the dead enjoyable
However Rebel Moon was just pure drivel, not even entertaining in a retarded way like his other movies, completely unreedeemable
>the Star Wars killer
It's Star Wars
Checked but only the knife fight was cool
Retards here who don't go outside correlate the constant rage bait, marketing, whatever threads as the real world. Basically, none of them have an opportunity for "water cooler" talk, or "bar" talk. Thus, they are surprised when movies like barbie do well, and when Deadpool will break records.
What happened to Zack Snyder?
He has completely lost some sense of balance in making Rebel Moon, and has no regard for how people who watch his movies will feel.
Disappeared up his own ass when people started sucking him off during the whole Snydercut thing
The Snydercut itself wasn't bad but now he just takes himself way too seriously and probably thinks everything he makes is high art, which is how you end with garbage like Rebel Moon
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>Dune 2 wasn't that special

>turned an SF masterpiece into a Zendaya/Pugh vehicle
He's right you know.
Unironically, I think Zendaya in DUNC Part 2 was better written than any characters in Rebel Moon movies.
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The best thing about Rebel Moon is how it forces diehard Star Wars cucks to pretend to be disillusioned Snyder fans, and when they get frustrated enough,, they start raving about Pajeet conspiracies like a /pol/tard on meth and like they're single-handedly taking on all of South Asai at once.

Thank you, based Snyder, for trolling these faggots into mass hysteria.
literally everything is far better than Rebel Moon, including the diarrhea shit I took yesterday
Honestly, I thought this was Snyder's take on a WH40K-ish thing because... Idk, because that's what Cavill was trying to do back then?

I mean, there are Star Wars elements, sure, but it looked more 40k to me
>steadfast, loving and devoted wife of the protagonist becomes the bitchface pouting ex hopping a sandworm taxicab and bailing in asshurt to bitch another day
We're reaching levels of simp cuckery that shouldn't be possible.
I doubt that a director's cut can actually fix the Rebel Moon franchise.
I feel like it's a red flag that they were promoting it even before the first movie was released.
Half Dune, half Star Wars, all slowmo.
>Be Zak Snugger
>Wanna remake 7 samurai
>but be a hack
>watch Samurai 7 anime and some world war 2 films and decide to try a daring synthesis
>studio wants Star Wars style stuff because it makes money
>blend all this together alongside trademark stupid as fuck slow motion shots and constant exposition dumps
>come out with the two worst movies of all time
I am glad his daughter didn’t have to see these
Wait, isn't Star Wars half Dune?
So, that's 3/4 Dune.
I can't believe he made Sofia Boutella get such a stupid haircut. Not only is it one of the worst hairdos I've ever seen, there's also the fact that girls with strong chiseled jawlines shouldn't have short hair to begin with.
Don't forget LotR as well as every scifi/fantasy cliche. It's so derivative, you'd have a harder time finding something it isn't "inspired" by.
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Star Wars is about 1/5 Dune, I guess.
>no twi'leks
>female MC
I would be ok with some scifi slop but it feels targeted to normies and foids. not appealing to me. and dumb plot. and too much slowmo
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Dude is a hack.
Rebel Moon and Alien Covenant take place on the same moon.
>Alien Covenant
I can't remember why the wheat ears appeared in that movie.
Ridley Scott loves wheat is why
so the Empire of this universe need small farmers to feed them wheat?
The Space Romans equip their spaceships with threshing machines, mills, and industrial harvesters so they can quickly steal all the wheat of the planets they visit and efficiently turn it into tasty bread without needing to return to the home port.
Those guys shoveling coal in the starfaring spaceship need their bread.
A director cut won't fix anything. This isn't like DC where the studio interfered, forced changes or had somebody else finish the film. Snyder went into this from the start knowing he had to make a PG version. He had complete control of everything right down to the editing and he made what are arguably the worst films of his career.
I bet in the directors cut the wheat is going to be a front and they're actually eating people or some dumb shit like that
so what's his excuse for releasing director cut's of these?
So in the PG-13 version they shovel coal into their spaceship, but in the R version they shovel corpses which somehow power the space voodoo queen monster god that makes the warp drive go.
So maybe the grain makes more sense in the R version. Like maybe warpo-tech corrupts biology and clean, rural worlds mostly untouched by space travel and empire tech are the only places that can grow food.
R rated Star Wars, but then Netflix wanted a PG-13 but it was SO R RATED that you can't cut it without making it terrible since violence and sex are integral to imagery, themes, plot and characterization.

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