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Why does Hollywood hate midges now?
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This nigga ruined it for the rest of them

It was honestly pretty shitty of him considering he's basically the king of the dwarves now.
>Managed to con all of Hollywood into thinking denying other dwarves roles is actually inclusive.
It's impressive honestly. Literally pulled the stepstool up behind himself.
Warwick Davis ruined it for them all. Within that miniature creature beats an evil, sick heart. I would know, for I once worked on a film set with Davis and encountered him everyday. He was, without exaggeration, a total despot. He was the big hot shot on set, and abused his power to the extreme. Every time certain words were uttered in his presence, he would spin it as a personal insult to his exhalted being. Big, short, tall, heigh, low, small, etc. If ever those words were said around him, he would play sick mind games presenting himself the victim of persecution. He particularly bullied the 6'3 handsome 20 crew member - shit, one time this boy only made reference to a local cobbler's he got his shoes fixed at called Tarlack and Lowe's. "Lowe's. Lowe. Low" preened Warwick. "Do you mean to insult me, boy?" he would ask with all the vicious, sadistic glee of Hannibal Lecter. "N-no Mr. Davis" the lad would feebly protest. "You know I have a list of words that must never be spoken, boy." Alas, the boy dug himself even further into his grave when he said "Please, it was only a small mistake!" Davis had a field day with that and tarring him as a bigot, a dwarf hater, and so on. He proceeded to bully the boy without mercy until he summoned up the courage to, with tears of trauma but also righetous fury in his eyes, say this: "You know what, Warwick, why don't you fuck off" before storming off, with Warwick unable to pursue to tall lad with further barbs given he's bereft of legs and instead only has stumps. The rage and resentment in Warwick's face was palpable. Could this humiliation spell the end of the dinky despot's reign of terror? We dared to hope, until not even 6 hours later the intern was wheeled away to hospital with broken legs - supposedly he clumsily fell, or so Warwick would claim. He would do bizarre stuff to, like have a dwarf bodyguard who had the same dwarf strain as Peter Dinklage, yet Warwick would call his shadow Peter Dinklage. 1/2
When confronted with the fact that his capo was not Dinklage, Warwick would chortle and smugly assert you are blind and that this man is indeed Dinklage, and he would then proceed to relish ordering this dwarf around, making him do all manner of degrading tasks, etc. I don't need a Pyschology MSc to understand what that was about. He's waddle around too with a hard baton with gold inlay whacking the calves and shins of crew members that were in his way. "Out of my way, talls!" he would shriek. I still have two noticeable scars on my lower legs. The most harrowing encounter came one time at a staff party where many of us were liqoured up, except Davis, who, all Stalin-like, only drank water as the rest of us got progressively hammered. One crew member, Small Steve (an intentionally ironic nickname given that he is 6'5) was shitfaced and remarked on Davis calling everyone else "talls" with derision and and his bizarre attitude towards fellow midges that bordered on supremacism. Warwick only glared back at Steve with that cruel sadistic ghost of a smirk he always wore when amused but getting precariously close to becoming enraged. "Fackin' 'ell" said Steve, "You seem to 'ate us the way Hitler 'ated em Jews. Gonna put us all in camps and gas us eh? Warwick Davis? More like Midge-ler! Hahahah" he bellowed. The room went dead. We all knew he had crossed the line. Some tried to laugh and smile with diplomacy, hoping to soften the atmosphere of the room and maybe coax Warwick into being good natured about the joke. Warwick merely fixed Steve with a death glare until the large man realised his transgression and his own disposition matched that of the room. Warwick replied to Steve in a tone that matched the hatred and venom in his eyes the following: "There are no wrong tactics. Only wrong targets." Steve was found dead in a ditch a week later. Nobody could prove anything, but we all knew. We all knew. 2/2
I refuse to watch the new time bandits. Both because of that annoying kiwi, but also no midgets. It was my late father favorite film. He would catch us smoking weed in the garage and say you scurry away faster than a bunch of dwarves who just saw the Supreme Being.
always found this funny. nigga is pulling the ladder up behind him after all his fame is from his midget roles. he doesnt want any other midgets to make it big since hes probably top 3 most famous midget actors of all time.
Hollywood doesn't hate little people. Audiences hate little people. And what I mean by that is that pretty much every role for little people is one that is demeaning. You're either playing a comical dwarf, leprechaun or you're being stuffed into an Ewok costume. That is the only way the average person wants to see dwarves on-screen. For better or for worse.

Roles like those for someone of Dinklage's distinction, which require complex and nuanced performance are in incredibly short supply. They're pretty much only offered to Dinklage.
So if that's the only type of role that's typically available, the tiny problem with coming out and saying "FUCK SNOW WHITE AND HER SEVEN MINSTREL CHARACTERS" is that those roles now get taken from little people and are turned into CG abominations. Those were highly coveted roles that paid good money and now little people can't have them.

Honestly, I understand where Dinklage is coming from. He doesn't want to see his people belittled. And I understand that hardworking little people need the fucking jobs. Then it's up to Hollywood to make more worthwhile roles for little people. It's a low bar, so get to it, Hollywood.
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Audiences don't hate little people, but when you have a deformity your options are limited, that's showbiz
Hollywood leads are already short enough
"low bar"
"tiny Problem"
"short supply"
I want to fuck female midgets.
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forgot pic

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