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>See this
>What do?
Dunno what is it, but I can always ask God for help.
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Why is Starscream so consistently kino?
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>Dunno what is it
He's so hilariously petty and self-aggrandizing it's awesome. And then he's just badass in the right situations.
The Bayverse designs were always great I dint give a fuck
He had absolute boss vibes in 2007 movie that hasn't been replicated ever since.
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He never said that. Decepticons have strength and honor and will never fall so low as to beg their opponents for mercy. Unlike the so-called "Primes" who grovel at enemy's feet every opportunity they get.
The battle at the end of the movie was visually confusing.
It's better in motion. And it showcases human perspective really well.
shit like this is why he's my favorite decepticon
always like to see him win too he needs the victories
Yea. Look at how flamboyant he is in a fight, he's feeling himself!
>Shia simply disappears
Bay can't into editing
Oh man, this is great. He's not giving them a chance to recover!
Was Megan Fox also the girl in the car who gets the steering wheel attached to her face near the end when the mountain dew machine comes alive? Looks just like her.
He's here.
>>Shia simply disappears

It was a projection of his career
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I never actually caught that you can see his eyes in this shot. fucking imagine that.

>be pilot
>flying into a battle with your bros
>feeling all badass and shit, nobody can touch us hell yeah
>prob just gonna shoot a few missiles then go home and Eiffel tower some bitch with my pilot bro
>suddenly this weird misshapen metallic thing is next to you
>it has jet engines on it
>are the Chinese finally invading?
>are those...legs?
>then you notice it has a fucking face
>and eyes
>and it's looking right at you
>you have about 2 seconds to process all of this before it shoots you and you're vaporized in an instant

the movie depicts a lot of the Decepticons as cowardly or stupid but it turns out they're fucking terrifying if you're not a 30-foot tall robot with cannons for hands.
Whew. Now that i'm done autistically uploading the gifs of that fight i can finally go to sleep. It's 6am where i am, FUCK!
that part was fucked up, they try to pit the audience against her by depicting her as a snobbish rich girl, making her read her line like a stuck-up bitch, so her death is satisfying/funny, but she had no idea what was going on and to her it was in fact just a crazy jerk throwing himself at her car.

this scene and the scene where the helicopter guy is walking towards the fight and notices the laser on his arm were absolute kino. and the slow mo Ironhide jump. fuck this whole movie was kino as hell. we didn't know how good we had it back then bros.
People like a good heel
He was also great as Cobra Commander. Rip Chris Latta
I can never tell what is happening in these action sequences.
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Blackout attack on that base feels like a fucking nightmare.
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A bit less laggier gif of a scene
thats because youre retarded and slow jerry
That's just simply ain't true.
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>You can't keep me in here, Megatron!
Fucking kino.
I thought that too, but rewatching them recently they're not really that bad, especially compared to a lot more recent shit
Both this and
are fucking seared into my brain.
You can thank Chris Latta's delivery for it being seared in your memory
>You’re either lying or you’re stupid
>I’m stupid I’m stupid!
Looks like metal sonic from the thumbnail
How come the movie from 2007, made by one of the most hated directors in industry, from one of the most hated movie franchises in history, with one of the most hated actors in history has better effects than modern films?
You are retarded
Because Michael Bay bothered to film on location to achieve real effects from lighting and the explosions, and he let ILM do the CG work in post afterward.
because DEI indians only started flooding the industry in 2012 (end of the world)
I don't think it actually does
But they did use a lot more real shit than CG
The problem with modern CG is to do with lighting being terrible rather than the effects
play the rotf tie-in game. it's kino of the highest order. also in the multiplayer if his hp gets low enough, adler makes his voice higher pitched, snivelly and bitchier and more scared which is a really nice detail
god that is an amazing transformation. have there been any fan recreations of starscreams transform animation? also wondering if games/hardware can handle stuff like this in real time
this guy had the best gun lmao never to be used again
Why did they give Ironside a dog face anyway?
First Bayformers easily had the best portrayal of the Decepticons. They were convincingly powerful and alien. Loved raging psycho warlord Megatron.
When you freeze frame his action scenes, you can't tell wtf you're looking at. But the shots are clear when you see them in motion.
That's the ingenuity of Michael Bay.
He has clumps of visual noises that are clearly grouped and moving in different directions. It gives a chaotic feel while making the shots discernable. No one seems to get it because most people can't articulate visuals. But he is dare I say impressionist.
It’s sloppy crap and you’re a sucker.
here's that shot in motion
Because he knew what he wanted, shot it in a way which gels with the strengths and hides the weaknesses of CG, and talented artists worked on the scenes as close to once as is reasonably possible and the results went to print. The entire problem with the modern pipeline is since so much is done in post anyway, all the higherups in the production have their fingers in the pie and always want something tweaked or moved or added at the 11th hour and CGmonkies are expected to just fix it all. Not to mention, the artistry and deference to the artist's expertise is all but gone now that it's just endless slave farms of SEAsians and jeets. Where you once had effects supervisors and effects houses interfacing with the production to give them notes on how a scene or effects shot might be altered to make for a more convincing effect or seamless transition, now the effects house are simply told some retarded half baked shit to do, and they execute it poorly.
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the first bayformers is genuinely an enjoyable movie and I'm tired of pretending it's not
also I want to put babies in Megan fox
Visual illiterate. I bet you worship Villeneuve.
He's a black bull
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the 2000s was peak CG kino
Bay verse has great designs but they could have used a streamlining simplification pass over
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The first transformers movie is a weird time capsule.
>Pro military
>Masculine men
>Sexy female lead
>Jewish white lead who ends up masculine at the end of the movie
>Random ass and belly shots
>Linkin Park
>Every woman in the background is objectified for the male audience
Pro military is the best thing about the movie. Seeing human weapons being used effectively on alien bullshit is kino 100% of the time.
What's your problem?
The movie treated it's baddies with respect and was absolutely the better for it. Imagine if we got the same level of badassery from Starscream going forward? Could've redefined his character entirely. He could've been a noble warrior who's actually loyal and cares for his fellow Decepticons. He could've been the one Optimus actually makes a truce with at the end of DOTM.
His depiction in the sequel as a petty sycophant was truly confusing considering how well they did his character justice in the first film with half as many lines. That goes for the 'cons as a whole, from peak ruthless villains to retards and fodder for no reason
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