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All fantasy movies are bad except for Excalibur, Conan the Barbarian, and the Lord of the Rings movies.
All OPs are faggots except for
>The Beastmaster
>Jason and the Argonauts
>The 7th Voyage of Sinbad
all kino
Agreed. I wish they'd made Conan the Conqueror. Wouldn't trust hollywood or current Arnold to make it now though lol. Any other movies in this eschelon?
and Willow
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today I found a conan bluray for a dollar
i loved excalibur as a kid but it really does not hold up. conan has somehow gotten better over time.
lucky you anon that is quite the blessing
I liked The Beastmaster, it played on TNT all of the time.
Krull is garbage, it just has a cool weapon.
The first three Harry Potter movies are pretty good too
The weapon was retarded, what was cool was the villain, his fortress, his minions the slayers and changelings, the soundtrack, and multiple other factors
there's one more
>The Northman
>Pan's Labyrinth
>Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy
>Sleepy Hollow
The movie where they fought dragons with apache helicopters and the 13th warrior
Also, Van Helsing
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for me it's
Also, the Mummy (1999)
Highly misunderstood movie. Everyone thinks of it in terms of the entire franchise instead of what it's really about which is how a man who lives forever can find a reason to keep living. For the Kurgan it's the game itself, and he wants to get it over with because he's the strongest, honor bound to the game, and just wants to get it over with so he can finally die. For Conner he's not sure anymore but falls in love so he only wins the prize because he's in love. It's a romance. They shouldn't have cut the scene where an immortal just stops fighting kneels and tells the Kurgan he wants to die.
>For the Kurgan it's the game itself,
Exactly, he's jealous of mortals ability to die. His comment "It's better to burn in hell than to fade away" is a confession. He's burning in hell and wishes he could just fade away. His civilization is long dead. Everyone hates him. Notice how he puts out the candles for the dead before this scene, and his salute to Connor and Smile when he realizes he's about to die? The Kurgan isn't a psychopath, he's an extremely lonely depressed man living centuries too long yet still heroic in a way in that he won't compromise the ideals and morals of his barbaric era when all that mattered was being the strongest.
Why did you watch literally every fantasy movie ever made if so few were good? Sounds like you should have figured out the juice wasn't worth the squeeze after the first 500 bad ones. That is, unless you haven't seen them all and are making a baseless blanket statement, but I'm sure you're better than that.
Crom blesses the unwitting buyer.
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Watched conan the barbarian recently. Arnold is a literal retard in the movie, can't even string a few words together. Plot was decent but I guess thats due to Conan the Cimerian novel.
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I'd buy that for more than a dollar!
So you got filtered by Conan the barbarian what kind of pleb are you

If you can't recognize Conan as peak kino get a new hobby television and film isn't for you go outside and stare at the Sun for 8 hours straight
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say what you will about torturing Warwick Davis, it's still fantasy kino
It's annoying, because Conan is a clever guy in the original short stories. Still a good movie despite that.
>Hawk the Slayer
It has aged moderately.
It has aged exceptionally.
It has aged horribly.
Fuck off.
It was always mid
You made one correct choice.
On par with Conan
he's not even a person. do not even give him (You)s.
i consider prince of thieves a fantasy movie and it's the second best after conan
I'm with this guy>>201743981
you're a retard and a faggot
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this is not so heavy on the sword fights but very fantasy puppet kino
It definitely is kind of a shit genre overall, which is really weird. I can easily name 20 great science fiction movies that aren't a aprt of some giant IP but fantasy just has almost nothing good that isn't a household name.
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The Barbarians always goes under normies’ radar
LOL, not an argument
one of these guys ended up a homeless schizophrenic
The series is the best fantasy we've had this decade
it is when you've got quints.
kill yourself
I really really really like those movies and they're top tier but theres a lot of other movies people mentioned here I also really like.
you only like conan because you're gay for arnold.
Pretty sure he died not so long ago
>watch Excalibur
>want more like it
>"Hey watch dragonslayer!"
Yeesh, it was ok I guess but definitely didn't have the same feeling, the final battle was a bit goofy.
It's funny because on the surface Conan has everything /tv/ needs to call it woke. A diverse cast, strong warrior woman, out of place black man and white women lusting after said black man. Yet it's kino. How does that happen?
woke media for zoomers: :|
woke media from when I was a kid 8O
Once upon a time, Hollywood cast women and blacks when they were perfect for a role, not to fulfill an arbitrary quota.
>A diverse cast, strong warrior woman, out of place black man and white women lusting after said black man

it also didn't stop contemporary reviewers like Ebert from calling it a big bad scary racist, fascist movie anyways
Where is this guys? Whos got a copy?
Conan the Barbarian I would hesitate to class as fantasy, as it's written more as a realistic high adventure and the 'magic and fantasy' elements are minimal, unlike the sequel film which is typical sword and sorcery fantasy large ham.

But to be fair, the lack of actual 'fantasy' elements is what makes the first Conan hold up so well. And the fucking killer score by Basil Poledouris helps a lot too.

Highlander and The Northman are good too.
Hawk the Slayer.
Fair enough. I thought the latest DnD movie was ok. Not good but far from bad
damn i would like to see this
It had some bad and some good but it all fell apart in the last act and made the whole movie bad.
Too many redeeming qualities to call it bad. Id definitely like to see them take another crack at the franchise. I think itd be especially charming if they cast all the same actors as completely different characters in the same universe. Although im not sure chris pine has the range to play anything else
13th warrior isnt fantasy tho
The Green Knight
Knights of Badassdom
The Gamers
Like Walnuts stuffed into a condom
and then stuffed into your butt
Shit movie but they cheesed the music and it was somehow better, dork girl was somehow hot, and drunk Arnold scene was classic.
Shitty 80s effects castle was cool but ruined the vibe.
NuSidekick wasn't as good.
Dagon at the end was kinda cool tho
Utterly based
Yeah it was breddy good. But first half was better. Set the stage for Braveheart literally.
It was hilarious when he was fucking that witch but then through her in the fire and right after that was philosophizing about wind with his new buddy.
>Flesh is greater than steel
>Time enough for the Earth, in the grave!!!
Kino film.
The fire procession for Thulsa and he casually chucks his head and it chonks on the stairs was beautiful. Oliver Stone killed it.
You stupid fuck stfu.
>out of place black man
Thulsa Doom was a sorcerer of an ancient race and not a negro (which do commonly exist in Hyboria) hence his unusual combination of dark skin, blue eyes and pin straight hair.
>evil witch turns into a Spectre of flame in front of Conan
>Thulsa turns into a huge fucking snake
>Conans healing body is attacked by actual ghosts
>Valeria turns into a blinding Valkyrie
>Thulsa turns a snake into a poisonous arrow and shoots an uncanny shot
Nah the giant snake in the basement that eats girls and the Atlantean sword discredit your shit.
LotR is rubbish.
Had this on VHS as a young fella
Lil boy chubbies were had over the blonde puppet
Feel bad about the girl who looked similar who got constantly harassed by me in year 1
>out of place black man and white women lusting after said black man
I unironically don’t remember this happening
The fuck are you talking about?
All of those happened in the film
Fellowship is unrefutably fantastic
That was David. Peter is still alive and still insane, you can find him on youtube screaming and rambling about how got talks to him, through him and controls him.
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Because you, as all leftards, either don't understand or pretend to not understand what the woke criticism is about
Disingenuous post
Woke didn't exist
>Oliver Stone killed it.
john milius.
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Conan the Barbarian = Dark Souls 1
Conan the Destroyer = Dark Souls 2

The first game/movie is better but you have to be a faggot if you don't see the sequel as a fun adventure in its own right.
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I think you're forgetting something.
>marxism didn’t exist
None of this happens in Conan. What are you talking about?
Willow is better than the 2nd and 3rd LOTR films.
Then to hell with you!
Words have meaning, revisionist retard
The sad part about fantasy movie threads is the realization that I've seen everything that gets recommended so there are no new kinos to look forward to
A sad consequence of nothing worth existing being made in current era
What's it about, bud?

Legend and the never ending story were bad?
Legend isn't bad but seems to be very overrated by this board
The original Clash of the Titans.
>didn't specify Swords And Sorcery
>Imagine considering Wizards of the lost Kingdom bad.
queen mab was annoying but the movie itself is bretty goo
Hmmm I'm thinking he's me
This movie will forever feel so weird for discrepancy between B-movie vibes and Oscar-worthy cinematography.
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You are missing Deathstalker.
No this is a thread about good movies, not campy trash we like because it has tits
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and it's the worse for it.
Have you seen Iron Warrior (1987)
Deathstalker 1 is poorly made but Deathstalker 2 is KINO
Retard, instead of talking about movies you haven't seen go back to /tg/ and talk about games you don't play
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She wasn't poorly made.
Is this movie as good as this poster
decent animation (but kinda soullessly rotoscoped), boring plot, 7/10 it's alright
Clash of the Titans (1981)
Warlock (1989) RIP Julian Sands
The Princess Bride
>strong warrior woman
she dies heroically, hero fucks here, is good looking.

out of place black man
Is evil, cult leader, magic user/snake man (is he even human let alone black?)

The white woman is brainwashed cult adherent, the irony is not lost given modern circumstances.

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