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Logan takes place in 2029.
Deadpool 3 takes place in 2023 (confirmed when he goes back in time 5 years to 2018).

How the fuck did Logan dying in his timeline fuck everything up if he wasn't dead for another 6 years?
just turn your brain off and buy a ticket for the movie of the summer, jeez
>when anchor dies, the universe will slowly start to die after a few thousand years and the entire conflict is about an entity outside of time wanting to speed it up
what's the problem anon?
I thought Logan was an elseworld.
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It's a sequel to Logan? I thought they'd just pull a different wolverine from another universe/dimension/timeline/whatever
It’s a different Wolverine.
The X-Men movie franchise timeline in general has made no sense for years now
Did you watch the movie or are you just learning what the post trough shitposts?
Nothing about any of the x-men movie timelines made sense, you're literally decades late to complaining about this you dumb zoomer.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix takes place in 1992 and Xavier/Magneto still look like they did in 1963 but would become Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen just 8 years later
Did you watch the movie? Its literally the same Wolverine that died in Logan. Logan and Deadpool 1, 2 and 3 share the same universe.
Yes it makes no sense because in just 4 years all the X-Men are going to get killed including Colossus and Megasonic bitch.
When deadpool found the skeleton he had travelled to 2029
He used the pad that had been watching Logan’s death scene and didn’t know how to use it
So there’s now two Logan’s around in Dead pools timeline
All Capeshit is trash they are not Cinema
true, but even slop that's dumbed down for general audiences seems to be too intellectual for OP
>Multiple timelines and multiverses
Who gives a fuck? That’s why this shit is always a bad idea.
>the slippity sloppity isn't pippity poppity
Technically its a sequel Logan. But the Wolverine from Logan remains dead. The Wolverine in this movie is a fresh new Wolverine from a never before interacted with timeline. It's lame because we dont know anything about him except he let all his friends die or something and hes the "worst" Wolverine. You would think in an infinite multiverse there would be at least several billion fucked up Wolverines that rape and kill little kids and they would surely be worst.
More importantly, does X23 have a hairy pussy?
Nah, there's 2 wolverines running around 2023 now. The one from Logan, driving a cab. And the one from random universe where he let all the x-men die.

It's fucking stupid.
Mutants have the Asian aging. They look the same right up until aging 40 years overnight.
She speaks spic.
Pretend you haven't seen Logan and just remember the underrated The Wolverine
This was a better thread

How do autistic fuckholes like you guys explain shit like Deadpool literally grabbing the boom mic and the camera and then smashing the lens with this forehead?
Do yourself a favour and never play the deadpool game
Forget it Anon, It's the multiverse
How fucking dumb do you need to be to not understand it? It's not the same Logan or Timeline at all.
In fact doeant the yellow Logan says he's been living for 200 years?
>In fact doeant the yellow Logan says he's been living for 200 years?
That’s the same deal as the regular High Jackman Wolverine in X-Men and Logan. Canonically Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine was born in the early 1800s, and his healing factor keeps him young. The only reason he’s dying in Logan is that his adamantium skeleton is slowly poisoning him so he’s started aging.
Its basic 4th wall manipulation which is a superpower. Whats not to get? Thats nowhere near as complex as having consistent timelines in multiverse shit.
>It's not the same Logan or Timeline at all.
Did you watch the fucking movie? They literally explain Deadpool and Logan share the same timeline/universe.
Wow you are an actual idiot.
Doesn't make sense that he travelled to the MCU and they never explained it, how did he hop universes like that?
None of the FOX universe's timeline makes sense anyways.
>It's not the same Logan or Timeline at all.
It's a different Logan Deadpool brings in to the timeline, but it IS the same timeline, Paradox says so. And that Logan is the Anchor Being and him dying in Logan kills the timeline.
I think this is explained away easy enough by just saying Paradox was showing him the future (he'd already done it by accident by showing him the crying Thor scene.)
Watch it again- when Paradox is explaining to Deadpool that the time line his timeline is dying, you can see that the timeline is going BACKWARDS. So after Logan dies in the future, the timeline begins to fray and die off backwards. Your welcome.
hilarious that the one guy who didn't get it is the one calling others idiots, lel
Didn't you saw how he stole that device from one of the timeline guards?
How am I an idiot? For understanding and believing the bit where the movie explains its the same timeline? lmao
Explain the timelines then, tell me when it says than it the timeline of yellow Logan everything went the same way as in the Logan movie we saw.
So what about it doeant make sense?
>how did he hop universes like that?
Same way he teleported to the "real" world and killed Ryan Reynolds in DP2.
Good god you're stupid
OPs issue is that they say Logan and Deadpool are the same timeline but Logan happens 6 after Deadpool 3, meaning the Logan movie Logan is still alive in it and the whole mission therefore makes no sense.
Nobody thinks the Yellow Wolverine is from the Logan timeline, the entire fucking premise of the movie is that he isn't
You're astonishingly retarded
*Logan happens 6 years after Deadpool 3
>OPs issue is that they say Logan and Deadpool are the same timeline but Logan happens 6 after Deadpool 3
And you get this from where?
From his fucking post
Learn to read nigger
But it's not true, and you are op btw.
Give up dumbass.
You are the dumb one. Deadpool explicitly says that the events of Logan happened in his world
The movie Logan is set in 2029
Deadpool 3 is set in 2023
I officially refuse to believe you're as stupid as you're pretending to be
>Logan takes place in 2029.
>Deadpool 3 takes place in 2023 (confirmed when he goes back in time 5 years to 2018).
Citation needed
Yea, this guy goes
>oh this timeline is gonna wither away without Logan
>Oh, deadpool is pretty cool, I should offer him a spot in the TVA
>since guy is messing with timeline and it's dying, he'll just delete it
Who said the contrary?

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the setting of the movie logan is that most of the mutants have died out because of mutant-targeted poisoning in the food. it's clear nothing like that actually happens in the deadpool world. there are still mutants walking around like deadpool, colossus and negasonic teenage warhead
"Casually forgets the corpse fight in the begining?"
false. the reason why deadpool was there in the first place is that the TVA was trying to delete the timeline because logan had died
he's wrong, Deadpool 3 is set in 2024. the Happy meeting in 2018 and then the movie time jumps six years. but it's still set five years before Logan and >>201748829 is still a nigger and doesn't even know what this thread is about.
>Logan happens 6 years after Deadpool 3
How is this possible?
Been awhile since I saw Logan. But in Logan isnt it some shitty future where all mutants are dead except for Charles and Wolverine and its been like that for decades? Does this mean in 6 years it all goes to shit? Hadnt Charles already been drinking and losing his mind, so does that mean in Deadpool 3 Charles is already losing it but you have the Xmen acting like everything is normal?
Most of, so not those 4.
>Who said the contrary?
i was directly responding to a post that said that
That was after.
Who says he jumps in the same year everytime he changes universes?
i thought it was fun
people who nitpick the plot miss the point
I don't think you've even seen this movie
are you talking about when he kills Ryan Reynolds and shit like that? that all happened in Deadpool 2 using Cable's time travel device
it's like the apocalypse for the mutants. no mutants were just walking about like nothing is happening
I've seen this one, not Logan, and it doesn't matter.
Speaking of Charles. At Deadpool universe it is McAvoy.

So he ages into 90 in just 6 years?
Yes. Cable's time device. It was never TVA's.
What about Logan corpse then?
It is only a movie.
Movies still need to make sense.
Deadpool is travelling into the future of his timeline when hes digging up Wolverines grave. You can even see the orange portal those TVA tempad whatever things that allow tou to traverse space and time. What I dont get is why did Deadpool go into the future? The Wolverine of his timeline should still be alive in his present.
He used Cable's in 2. In 3 it's a TVA device the whole movie. He straight up tells Paradox he destroyed Cable's and anytime he jumps in this one he's coming out of one of those orange TVA portals.
When did he said he destroyer Cable's?
>Deadpool is travelling into the future of his timeline when hes digging up Wolverines grave. You can even see the orange portal those TVA tempad whatever things that allow tou to traverse space and time. What I dont get is why did Deadpool go into the future?
Do they state this?
He's being interrogated at a big table by Paradox before he takes him to the TVA screen room and tells him what his mission is. Basically first thing that happens when TVA gets him
He could be lying but Paradox did not care.
And don't forget that in x-men 3, there was a flashback from 20 years earlier when Xavier and Magneto were recruting youn Jean Grey, which was in 1986 since x-men take place in 2006
What does that have to do with anything
This always got me.

Like, what happened with Cable?
Alright thread's over. Go back and watch the fucking movie, I'm done fucking reciting them to you, you're a fucking sped
so theyre going to use him as old man logan wolverine?
Me la pelas
Old Man Logan was a variant Logan that they used in this movie already
Also Xavier was walking during that flashback despite being handicaped since 20 years earlier (first class)
And apocalypse take place in 1983 but jean grey is already at Xavier's school, despite him being supposed to meet her for the first time 3 years later
>Its literally the same Wolverine that died in Logan
Are you saying the Wolverine in DP3 is the Wolverine from Logan? If you are, you are wrong.
What is there to state? At the time Logan takes place and is dead by the end of that movie there are no more mutants, so it has to be in the future. Its impossible that it takes place in the Wade's present.
Old man Logan isn't a variant to Deadpool, hes from the same version as Deadpool.
I thought it would end with Deadpool permanently moving into the MCU and I was surprised it didn't.
I meant same universe/timeline**
Why would he even go to the corpse of Logan instead of finding the one still living? Sorry but it's not what happened.
Deadpool 3 takes place after Logan but it may not be the same exact timeline that we saw cause some mutants are still around.
This is the only way to make sense of it.
No, the main Wolverine in DP3 is from a different timeline weve never seen before. But the Wolverine from Logan is in DP3, hes the adamantium bones we see at the start of the movie.
The movie simply doesn't make sense. Writing a multiverse/time travel movie that actually makes sense is difficult, they clearly did not even try in this one.
what a controversial and unorthodox opinion, please tell us more. im sure what you have to say will catch us all off guard in an exciting and unexpected way
>Deadpool 3 takes place after Logan but it may not be the same exact timeline that we saw cause some mutants are still around.
What mutants are around? How do you know there are mutants in the world when all we are shown is the gravesite of Logan and they leave straight away after that. Well besides the kid X23 from Logan that is because we know she survives from that movie.
Then how come Cable and other mutants re-appear?
whats the point in these movies if theres infinite timelines and such and so forth? cant characters come back as many times as they want? where are the stake
Characters still remain dead when they die. Eg Loki is still dead in Infinity War. The Loki you see in Loki isnt the same Loki.
Movies are make believe you infant, there are never stakes. You watch them for fun
Go away Doomcock.
> Why would he even go to the corpse of Logan instead of finding the one still living?
I am going to pull this explanation out of my ass but pretty sure he went to the grave because he didn’t believe Logan was actually dead which is why he said “you don’t know how healing factor work” before digging the grave then get piss when Logan was actually dead. As for why not finding the Logan of his time, what would that solve? Wasn’t Logan already dying from losing his healing ability? How is Deadpool going to solve that? So the best option for him was find a replacement and bring him back so when his Logan died, the alternative can take over the role of the anchor. That is just my guess on this.
>Movies still need to make sense.

You're wrong. It takes place before Logan. The timeline is said to disappear in thousands of years. Paradox plans to destroy it. Deadpool travels to Logans corpse and confirms Logan does die in his timeline, so he jumps to other universes to find a logan to save his universe.
simple explanation of timelines in the movie:

original fox logan timeline : wolverine remains dead
new fox deadpool 3 timeline : has random "worst" wolverine and (suspectfully) og fox logan not-yet-dead
disney mcu timeline : connected to everything through the TVA
worst wolverine timeline : left to rot and never mentioned again

at the moment, the logan timeline is left behind
the og xmen timeline was already discarded via the days of future past
the days of future past timeline is the "perfect" xmen timeline, and they'll probably never touch it
deadpool went back to the new fox timeline, so idk what they'll do with that going forward
the disney mcu timeline remains unchanged, but they still need to find a way to combine new fox and mcu disney

time travel and multiverse can get tricky, but MOSTLY they haven't fucked it up too bad yet
OP I am on my knees BEGGING you, PLEASE just HAVE SEX
>How the fuck did Logan dying in his timeline fuck everything up if he wasn't dead for another 6 years?
TVA man said realistically it would take 1000+ years to ACTUALLY fuck up his universe, but he cba waiting that long and wanted to get rid of it quick.
So, was Laura fox Laura?
I dunno but anyone notice are perky her tits were and how big her ass and thighs were?
She definitely grew up GEEEEWD, best part of the movie
That’s the one Deadpool had to travel though time to find dead though no?
>the days of future past timeline is the "perfect" xmen timeline, and they'll probably never touch it
They'll likely use a version very similar to it. The kelsey grammar cameo is likely in a timeline very very similar to the DOFP happy ending timeline. If we ever get other foX-men its gonna be that way.
Snipes Blade was too cool for Disney in this very movie, don't worry about it.
>old Marvel was never cringe

lmao. lol, even.
Built different
You can at least see the action and there's not a bunchy of quippy lines.

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