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>Rich people are….LE BAD.
Yes rich people are bad even Jesus agreed. No rich person will ever go to heaven because they are inherently evil.
Fact check: true
Poor people are worse. They will lie, fuck others over and eventually kill you. Poor people are the true Parasite.
poor people are more likely to give to charity and less likely to cheat. Also, you will neve be rich, you are also not "temporarily" poor. time to wake up.
This. Rich people in the movie are just insensitive assholes, but the poor people in the movie were quite violent.
technically Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the rich man to enter the kingdom of god, BUT through god all things are possible, implying a rich person that follows god can get into heaven
it's about the inhumanity of being born an n-word slave while others are in a richfag family that is super comfy and easy life
it's kino
How many years have to pass for /tv/ to just agree that this film is pretty good?
depends on what time of day you make this thread
>poor people are more likely to give to charity
Quantity over frequency.
>less likely to cheat
Private matters.
Is this the best defense you have for the poors?
i assumed the parasite was the system that turned the rich family into callous assholes and the poor family into violent covetous charlatans

but i guess according to the director the parasite is 'hope'
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Im never trusting commies anymore they keep talking about killing the rich but every single time they get into power they destroy the middle class while the rich get richer
This is true. Poor people are raised up to be violent zogbots who use violence to get ahead instead of wits. Its why they're sent to die in wars first
Trumpfags vote against their own economic interests
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Trumpfags are mostly poor retards and should be culled.
>poorfags get culled...so they can be replaced by indians

Is this really what you want?
fuck off back to plebbit
>Poor people are the true Parasite.
I never saw this movie but I assumed that's what it was about. A horror or thriller where some poor people infiltrate a rich family, leech off them, and then eventually kill them and steal their home. Is that not what the movie is about?
Interest trump vote against their own economic fags
Stop voting against your own economic interests poor rural chuds . Red states are massive shitholes
guess what, they le are
Im hispanic, live in california, and im voting trump. You cannot stop me.
The fatal flaw of the rich family was actually naivete. They were too trusting.
Don't dodge the question, would you really want to cull the white working class for indians? Both republicans and democrats want this
Economic stop interests chuds rural poor voting against red states your shit holes massive
Yes, I hate America.
If you care about "the working class" why are you bringing tons of migrants to depress wages and fuck over poor people lol
> Hispanic
> voting for Trump
lol dumbass doing a self own
Who exactly do you think is responsible for all the globohomo shit in television & film? People making 30k a year?
Because diversity is our strength :)
Troll is bad at trolling.
Then by all means explain how poor people are responsible for the state of America and not politicians, media elites, and academics, all of whom are rich
Because they still buy their bullshit
I meant to reply to >>201739697
I apologize.
It's not a self own, why would a Hispanic citizen of the US want border hoppers?
>(((politicians))), (((media elites))), and (((academics))), all of whom are (((rich)))
Because trump supporters don’t care about policy , just demonizing brown people and transforming America into 1930s Nazi germany
Cool it with the antisemitism
Yes, the most jew-friendly president of recent memory wants to turn America into Nazi Germany. Really makes sense
Jews are 80% voting for democrats btw
>Quantity over frequency.
dumb retard, this is literally the opposite of what 4chan retards say about black people. you cannot have it both ways.
>Private matters
I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Cheat as in on taxes and being con artists. holy shit your fucking stupid, no wonder you worship rich people.
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most are, Texas isnt (yet)
but also
>The Poors! The Poors! The Poors! The Poors! The Poors! The Poors! The Poors! The Poors!
make up your tiny mind.
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America is a shithole save for a couple places in the north east
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>dumb retard, this is literally the opposite of what 4chan retards say about black people.
What do black people have to do with charity?
>Cheat as in on taxes and being con artists.
You should say "commit crimes" instead of "cheat" then.

Are you neurodivergent by any chance? Do you post memes like this one?
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>You should say "commit crimes" instead of "cheat" then.
The northeast is a socialist shithole
better than your bum white trash rural town
sound cool, tell me the worst, most socialist part of it.
It's a socialist shithole.
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How'd I do?
The parasites in that movie were the poor family, and I'm tired of redditors saying it was the rich.
You don't even know what socialism is Cletus. You heard Tucker Carlson say it once and now you repeat that everything you dont like is muh heckin SOCIALISM!!!
>You should say "commit crimes" instead of "cheat" then.
He's probably still in high school and thinks of cheating only in the academic sense.
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It produces people who constantly type "trumpfags vote against their own economic interests" because they can't form their own sentences. Because it's a socialist shithole with shitty education.
The northeast is a socialist shithole.
Yea, and you graduated the top of your fucking class i presume. Still haven't explained what's socialist about it? Does the north east have some secret socialist republic with their own economy that nobody knows about? Tell us what you know already cletus!
The northeast is a socialist shithole.
well you didnt really answer my question but by process of elimination you did demonstrate the education system of the opposite. Socialist Shit holes already look better by comparison.
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>implying a rich person that follows god can get into heaven
Yes, and Jesus explained how that is done. By giving away your wealth and following him.
The northeast is a socialist shithole.
it makes them seethe every time
the truth hurts
You live in a socialist shithole.
I don't listen to Jews.
This movie is fucking awful. If you this garbage you are a dumb nigger faggot retard.
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buddha said the same thing basically.
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There is no ethical way to be rich. It is always the result of stealing the labor of the workers.
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seems that way, as i get older.
I love this movie since all the characters are korean
imagine americans making this movie. every scene would be
>ypeepo do this. blapeepo do this! muh racism
You missed
Lmao. Show sources. And I would still be moderately wealthy than poor. I've been on both sides, believe me, being ok with being poor is about the worst fucking mentalities any human being can have.
It's actually good. The whole commentary went above my head cause, you know, I'm not a miserable redditor that would rather complain about people who have more than me than actively do something about it.
you missed
they feed you.
too trusting of poor people. Lesson is, you have to keep an eye on them.
the poor family would be black
at the end of the movie the father wouldn't lose it and stab the rich guy, instead the moral ambiguity would be removed. the rich guy would assault the black guy for no reason, trip and fall on his own knife. then the black guy would get blamed for the murder.
because they voted for it.
This kills the modern christfag.
A store would go out of business if it sold all its products at cost, they have to make a profit, and I would say they DESERVE to make a profit because they do all the legwork in sourcing the products and stocking them and making them available for purchase. Don't like it? Make your own shit and stop relying on stores to source and collate products for you.

It's no different with workers, any company would go out of business if they paid all the workers the exact amount of money that they brought into the company. But again, the people in charge deserve that profit for doing all the legwork of starting and maintaining the company so you have a place to work to begin with. They assume all the risk and make all the difficult decisions that allow you to have a job. Don't like it? Take the risk to start your own company instead of relying on the risk-takers to employ you.

Taxes, on the other hand, are the government just coming in and taking money from you. They did nothing, they assumed no risk, they provided nothing of value, they just came in and said, "GIMME OR ELSE!" and then you gave it to them under threat of a prison sentence.

That's why taxation is theft and "muh exploitation of muh workers" is a bullshit concept.
how come you never apply this graph to taxes?
Wealth makes men think they are godly when they aren't.
what about wealthy women?
there's poor and rich christfags, guess which group is larger : D
An angel who can do no wrong. No different than one who isnt wealthy
Of course, it corrupts women just as badly, if not moreso.
Taxes are literally in the graph dipshit.
>They did nothing, they assumed no risk, they provided nothing of value, they just came in and said, "GIMME OR ELSE!"
they're protecting you from the threat of force. it's the same concept as "protection money" from the mafia. feudal lords also used the same principle on peasants. bottom line is, brute strength is worth money.
>Taxes, on the other hand, are the government just coming in and taking money from you.
>they provided nothing of value
What do you drive to work on?
that surplus value, what's the formula for it?
>Cheat as in on taxes and being con artists.
Jesus Christ you are dumb
isn't one voluntary while the other one isn't? This graph actually makes taxation seem like slavery.
>What do you drive to work on?
My ass as I roll my chair from my personal computer desk to my work computer desk.
any lolbertarian kinos? I cringe that I used to think that way
never trust a korean, even less a poor one, really based movie
Jesus was the original communist after all
if there was no way to profit from your labor, why would anyone hire you?
This is why most protestants are not real Christians. They think wealth in this satan ruled world is granted by God and it's a sign of faith to be rich.
Christians are retarded, your religion is an offshoot of judaism and guess who are the richest people on earth? You wrote dumb fanfiction about a book that condones wealth and encourages exploiting the dumb goyim.
Rich people have the chance to be good
Being good is a luxury the poor can't afford
Modern Talmud-following Judaism is not the same as the Judaism of Jesus' time. Jesus was speaking against the Pharisees who had lost their way and who went on to bring the Talmud into the religion and create modern Jews as we know them today. Modern Judaism and Christianity are BOTH distinct offshoots of the original Judaism.
But... trump is rich...
>rich man prioritizes the safety of his family
were viewers supposed to feel any kind of pity for the poor maniacs who stabbed the good natured rich people?
love thy neighbor asshole
>umm first jews were good, but they became bad right after we adopted their religion
We get it, you want to be antisemitic AND worship a Jewish god at the same time. Pick one, you can't have both.
Labor has value. The mistake you make is thinking that YOUR labor has value. It doesn't.
violent minorities and immigrants and psychotic homeless are against my economic interests, that and trannys trying to turn my kids is against their economic interests
yes because being an n-word in society causes lots of mental damage

if they were also richfags, they would not have had all that mental damage and needed to work shitty jobs to survive, and there would be no conflict in the kino
Except the company doesn't assume any risk because it is a "legal person" separate from those who receive the gains. The bank is the one which takes on the risk and they have the government and reserves backing them. If your company fails it becomes insolvent, all the rich people in charge get to keep their money. More often than not the rich people will get richer either way because they have the capital to cover their arses.

Also taxes used to be much higher and the west was much better for it. The moment you switched to trickle down economics, the entire system turned into a government tax bubble which funnelled money and power to the elites. Now the inequality has developed so badly that population numbers have cratered and require a flood of migrants to keep labour costs low.
>Invest $100k into a business
>Business goes under
>Lose $100k
>"But they get to keep their money"
No, they don't.
FPBP. People who hoard their wealth for no good reason need to start giving it away. It's money, you arent gonna miss it if you're not using it.
That's because you only invested 100k. Try 10 billion.
investors usually manage their risk by investing in lots of things
many richfags are in management and get paid money even if the company fails
(not to mention being nepo babies)
Bit reductive there sweetie. You putting together your life savings of 100k to buy a failing newsagency isn't the same as an actual rich person putting up 100k to entice private equity to put forward 7 million of retirement and other people's savings for your deadshit idea which involves dropshipping and an app for the company which you are CEO and getting paid 220k a year to run.
no they would have the white guy say a racial slur and the black guy kills him because the visual is more important than the technical
so he's still right but you're a bitch? got it
Try reading sweetie.
now I'm right and you're still a bitch :^)
>doing all the legwork
Yes they're taking on the risk. Why don't you start your own business? Because there's a million costs and risk associated with that so you'd rather be a wagie for some copmpany even if you stand to gain slightly less.
I mean folks where is the lie?
It's a lie because 4chan isn't all richfags, and they're still terrible people. How do you explain that?
comie subhumans actually believe that the big bad owner of a business is summoning the employers like a necromancer
The director sounds like a dumbass.
you're focusing on a small fraction of "founder" biopics. most richfags are not like that at all.

also, my boomer started a business as an LLC (limited liability corporation). You're way overblowing how much risk it is to start a business. and starting a business doesn't make you a richfag, either. most richfags are nepos. most businesses are not big.
Still doesn't make it wrong.
You didn't answer my question. I'm filtering this thread now. The rest of the board is filtered too. Please continue your two digit IQ NPC discussion in the 99% of the board that's missing.
That's true at least for the ultra rich. I've said it before but we should be able to literally cannibalize about 6 billionaires per year, it would do wonders for them trying not to fuck us over because they'd be scared to get eaten.
All rich people are terrible, but not all terrible people are rich.
cool it with the anti-semitism
What percentage of billionaires are even Jewish?
Sounds about right to me. People who get rich in our world are the worst people who put all their energy into themselves, narcissist and psychopaths. Good people help others and our society does not reward that monetarily.
I would create a company to protect them and get millions for killing ledditors like you.
Jesus preached charity. It's voluntary.

Communism forces contributions at the point of a gun.

They are wildly different.
There would be laws against that.
All of his teachings are voluntary, should we not have laws against murdering and theiving either? They'll go to hell so let them do whatever they want? Not very practical.
Why did he say that a camel will sooner pass trough a needle or something before a rich man will go to heaven?
Fuck off commies
that doesn't change anything. being a business owner makes you owner class even if you aren't rich. commies distinguish between workers and owners. starting a business is very difficult if you don't have starting capital which is why most people chose to be wagies. even if you do have some money you're still taking on a risk. plenty of people go bankrupt trying to salvage an unsuccessful business.
Not to mention how fucking stressful it is starting a business

Everyone I know who tried it said to me "I had no idea what I was getting myself in to"

Fuck that, I'd rather be a mercenary for hire who can drift between jobs and just make my salary over 45 hours then go home and enjoy my life
did you watch it?
the rich people were normal.
worst thing the rich dad did was call his cab driver stinky.
the poor cab driver killed the rich man over his comment.
it's "poor people bad" the movie
the richfags were evil drug users

even the actor killed himself IRL for getting caught with drugs
drugs aren't evil
First three are accurate, not the last part though
>>Invest $100k into a business
>>Business goes under
>>Lose $100k
It's more like
>10 people invest 100k
>business never makes any money
>new people keep buying in because they hype it up
>stock price keeps going up
>first 10 people's 100k becomes 1M
>business can't operate on net negative revenue anymore
>first 10 people cash out
>business goes under
>first 10 people made 900% in profit
>everyone else loses their money
>camel to pass through the eye of a needle
The original Aramaic text may have used the word “gml” (camel or rope), which was later translated to Greek as “kamelos” (camel). This linguistic ambiguity has led some scholars to suggest that Jesus may have intended to describe a rope or a burden rather than a camel.
In Korean it is called 기생충 (Gisaengchung) Means parasitic worm; a fluke, tapeworm, or nematode.

Which would imply something growing inside the organism. Also it's a kind of stylised class dark comedy like Triangle of Sadness
electoralism is a farce

voting is always against your own interests, westoid

From a Jewish midrash on the Song of Songs:
The Holy One said, open for me a door as big as a needle's eye and I will open for you a door through which may enter tents and camels.
Rav Sheishet of Nehardea applied the same aphorism to the reasoning for which the sages of Pumbedita were evidently famous: "Are you from Pumbedita, where they push an elephant through the eye of a needle?"

On Jesus's statement to the young rich dude: Arthur Schopenhauer, in The World as Will and Representation, Volume 1, § 68, quoted Matthew 19:24: "It is easier for an anchor cable to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich person to come to God's kingdom."

From the Qur'an:
To those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the garden, until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle: Such is Our reward for those in sin.
**The camel, in Arabic jamal, can also be translated as "twisted rope".
I'm neither rich nor poor (child words) I simply have the amount of wealth I'm meant to have, and others theirs. Sleep tight
If you are around a lot of Indians, then you are poor and you don’t matter

Because in med school, doctors are trained to use grade 3 language. The most educated nation on earth with access to the most advanced science and tech. Maybe put down that screen and pick up a book. It’s no one else’s fault that you are ignorant
Communism is about distribution not contribution dumbass. Labor owns factories not capital. Go ahead and explain to me the difference between socialism and communism.

Why do you open your mouth when you don’t know shit
lol being called dumb by a fucking commie

you're beneath me, commie idiot
>lose argument
>b…b…Baka commie
At what point did I lose ya dumb fucking commie

You don't even understand basic vocabulary lol
Kamalafags vote against their economic interests

>All economic systems benefit your kike masters you fucking chud
Yes they are
>Communism is about distribution not contribution dumbass.

>From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

Maybe read the fucking text by Marx before you open your mouth, stupid commie
>you wouldn't save my daughter that some pyshco stabbed a few minutes back

I will kill youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
he looks like joe biden
Nitpicking Jesus' admonition of the rich is probably the most Jewish thing you can possibly jew.
It doesn't matter as long as the poor richfags are all trampling over each other because they've been tricked into thinking they'll "make it" and become one of the elites.
>Communism is about distribution not contribution dumbass.

Hilarious, a communist who thinks the resources are just conjured out of thin air.

What are you supposed to distribute without contributions, idiot?
poor christfags*
What does elon musk have to contribute other than his money? The guy is a full blown retard who regularly bumbles into catastrophic financial decisions and is saved purely by the fact that he already has lots of money. He would be a gas station attendant by now if he didn't have the wealth to buy and sell other people's labor and data.
Looks like we broke the dumb commie's mind, he's gone off the rails and is rambling about irrelevant bullshit
>Jesus preached charity. It's voluntary.
This is an odd argument that fuck-you-I-got-mine christfags like to put forward, because it makes the creator of the universe look like an absolute moron.
If charity was truly the answer poverty would have been solved a long time ago. Clearly it hasn't been. Charitable organizations under capitalism are in many cases simply schemes to promote public relations and avoid taxes. There is no end-game where if simply enough people were charitable then poverty would disappear. Poverty is baked into the system, and is seen as a character flaw that is the fault of the person suffering it.
It's also transparently hypocritical because Christianity was spread mostly by force. Would Jesus object to that as well? Or does that now suddenly not matter?

>Communism is about distribution not contribution dumbass.
It's both. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.
>This is an odd argument that fuck-you-I-got-mine christfags like to put forward
Except that Christians are extremely charitable, more so than just about every other group.

>It's also transparently hypocritical because Christianity was spread mostly by force.
That's simply untrue.
Okay retard.
Says the commie that wasn't even aware Marx was calling for contribution from everyone capable of doing so.
They are largely, yes. In this movie the poor people act badly, thoughever.
>Except that Christians are extremely charitable, more so than just about every other group.
You seem to have ignored the rest of my post, because you are reinforcing my point. Even if you were 100% correct (doubtful, as I said a lot of charities are financial schemes that exist to enrich the owner), that would mean that Christian charity hasn't been effective at ending poverty, even in majority Christian countries. Did Jesus simply make a mistake in his strategy? Or was he misinterpreted?
>That's simply untrue.
It's extremely true. Once Constantine converted to Christianity (a minority religion at the time) the Roman Empire began persecuting pagans. The Crusades spread Christianity by the sword. The Spanish Empire spread Christianity by the sword throughout its colonies. Those are just the primary examples. It's impossible for religions of that scale and longevity to spread without a significant amount of violence. Even "voluntary" conversion was typically done with an undertone of violence, legally or socially.
>bli bli bli bli
>i'm a massive low IQ faggot

I read your post just fine
election season is already upon us

God help us all
Aren't the rich people in this movie normal?
incorrect people are typically reminded they are wrong
>Charitable organizations under capitalism are in many cases simply schemes to promote public relations and avoid taxes
Charity doesn't mean you have to donate to scam organizations, it just means helping your fellow man, like feeding the homeless or volunteering
>If charity was truly the answer poverty would have been solved a long time ago. Clearly it hasn't been
>There is no end-game where if simply enough people were charitable then poverty would disappear
Again charity doesn't necessarily mean donating to NGOs, and yes if everyone was a good charitable person then poverty wouldn't exist but that's not realistic in this world. I don't think the bible claims if you're a good person then magically everyone else will be too and poverty disappears.
>It's also transparently hypocritical because Christianity was spread mostly by force. Would Jesus object to that as well? Or does that now suddenly not matter?
Jesus opposed senseless violence. If you're a commie then you of all people know that evil opportunistic people subvert ideologies all the time for their own ends
If you watched Parasite and thought anything other than "wow fuck poor people" then you missed the point entirely
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>>Rich people are….LE BAD.
this is 100% NOT what the movie says.
it is essentially a remake of Viridiana, watch that and learn.
This board really likes repeating things that are blatantly untrue. Like they think it'll manifest into reality if they post it enough times.
Trumpfags vote against their own economic interests
Large manly hands with badly painted fingernails typed this post.
The reason you believe men can be some is because the jews told you to.
>capitalizes jew
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It's grammatically correct to capitalize names of religions and nationalities.
Why do I keep seeing people get butthurt over capitalizing Jew or Jewish? It's just correct English grammar.
You're either pretending /tv/ isn't 90% shitposts year-round or are you're an actual tourist
First of all, that statement is 100% correct, second of all, that's not what that film says.
Poor is a mindset. Give your average poor person 1 million dollars and watch them squander it into nothing. I was fairly poor about 10 years ago, but made good decisions with my career, invested into a brokerage, and lived within my means. Poor people, generally, suck. They never blame themselves.
Is this really what we've come to? At this point I'm suspecting this is some kind of kike false flag to make countersemites look retarded.
>Is this really what we've come to? At this point I'm suspecting this is some kind of kike false flag to make countersemites look retarded.
You're a kike.
>You’re a kike.
I denounce the Talmud and all its teachings.
Jews are the synagogue of Satan.
But I will not give up proper English grammar and capitalization unless you can actually explain to me why capitalizing Jew the same way one would capitalize Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, American, Canadian, Mexican, British, German, French, Italian, etc, etc, etc, etc is somehow something only Jews would ever do. Why is proper English grammar and the capitalization of proper nouns exclusively Jewish in your mind? Where does this new schizo belief come from of it's not literally a kike psy-op to make their opponents look like retards?
but you don't get it! shitposting is fine if it's about forcing unfunny memes, posting (child) porn, fetish shit, racism or frogs/wojaks or the latest twitter screencap
but when it's political shitposting that's just over the line
>literally allowed to contribute nothing because this is the extend of my abilities
> hurr durr forced contribution hurrr

So I call you a retard that read at a grade 3 level and your response is to prove me right. I’m unfamiliar with this debate strategy. Go ahead and tell me more about Carl Marx
why would one care about what is simply an exercise in reallocation of capital from one capitalist to another
>won't someone think about the poor PE firms!
Lol you believe men can be women
>we have to flood your country with migrants goy
replace hates onions( love onions simple as) with road rage and its a 10/10 lol
Sorry, cope .jpegs don't change the fact that you worship a Jewish man who claimed to be the son of the Jewish god and the Jewish Messiah.
Because you're in the equation whether you want to be or not. If you have retirement savings with the government, savings with the bank, are putting your money in portfolios (etc) then it's being invested into the same schemes. When the top scammers steal everyone else's money, that's your equity and net worth being stolen.
Its fucking funny that Westerners missed the point that Parasite was typical poor people are evil South Korean culture.

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