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>zoomers will never know how kino this was
It was Gohan's fault.
The Canon ending of Dragon Ball
i tried to watch this shit and even “exciting” fights are like 5 seconds per frame. it’s one kick and punch at 5fps and then just stills of people reacting. there’s no mystery or structure to the narrative or character development, it’s just a monster showing up and peoples imaginary numbers need to get high enough to win. there’s no strategy. maybe it’s just not from my generation but it feels clunky and simplistic in the way pre 2000s movies do like people were just throwing shit at the wall and didn’t understand a modern plot sequence. none of the characters have much personality either.
In fact over 80% of the bullshit that occurs is because Goku is a retard
Millennial fucks are so obsessed with zoomers it's embarrassing. For the record I'm a zoomer and it was kino
if you’re middle aged and posting on here your life has failed so all they can do is cope that they don’t envy the young and sublimate their jealousy
In this saga everybody was a retard but Trunks. Everybody had a chance to kill Cell but they let him go, Piccoro, Vegeta, Goku and Gohan. Only future Trunks killed Cell quickly and gave him no chance to escape.
im a zoomer and saw dbz multiple times, even kai multiple times when they constantly aired it on cartoon network
i want kai on blu ray and digital so i can speed watch it
dbs complete series is out now too
it was something enjoyable and cool as a kid which you then have fond memories of as an adult but if you watch it as an adult you'll just pick apart all the dumb shit that happens in it
Other way around. I don't give a fuck about zoomcels but you guys don't keep millennials outta your mind
Zoomers watched kai and it was kino but this part wasn’t.
For me, it’s vegeta vs semi-perfect cell
Early Gen Z maybe
they don’t sell db, dbz, kai, gt, or super in apple tv
i don’t want to get crunchyroll though because i dont really like streaming but im thinking of buying it to binge the shows again plus naruto and shippuden, also boruto and aot
I’m a 99cel and was hooked when I saw it on nicktoons in 2009. There’s nothing like watching dbz for the first time as a violence-obsessed boy.
The last time I binged it was the summer after junior year of high school. I might have to watch it again.
>Zoomers watched kai and it was kino but this part wasn’t.
>For me, it’s vegeta vs semi-perfect cell
>blatant projecting
pick both
Funi Faulcouner dub > Jap shit
Imagine listening to Grandma Goku and shitty jap marching band music with slide whistles and "Boing!" sound effects.
Shut up nigga
OP is literally bringing up zoomers, not to mention there's threads like this made all the time
>but zoomers watched-
I'm sorry l'il bros but it wasn't the same
Back then you could maybe have internet to get spoilers about future episodes(I knew about Buu saga and GT), and if you had the money you could buy the VHS episodes(2 episodes at a time, for $30), but most of us were teased over days, one episode at a time, talking about these episodes with friends at school. We had a vague notion of what would happen, but with no clips but maybe some rusty, slow to download ones and marketing we were watching in awe, drawn in by anticipation.
If you started dragon ball anytime after that in the US, it's hard to avoid the plot beats and imagery all over the marketing, from games to figures to shirts. Super Saiyan isn't as special because you know where the series is heading from the jump.
you can still enjoy it. But that experience of the first go around was magic.
Ocean dub > Funi
Only nostalgiafags like the Faulconer score. It's mostly lazy synths and goofy cartoon music with a few exceptions that are pretty good. The original Japanese score was unique to the show, actually serviced the scenes, and most importantly, didn't ruin poignant or based moments with shitty music.
life’s too short to live with regrets what he did could have been the best thing

low IQ
If you’re a zoomer and posting here your life has already failed. You’re such a fuck up you can only come to the millennial retirement home instead of what a normal zoomer uses like tiktok or instagram
piccolo actually tried to kill him but got solar flare'd
also honorable mention to krillin for not blowing up his waifu
and android 18 for not blowing up herself
goku gave cell the senzu retard
>teleports back 2 seconds later, but now has a halo that changes nothing
the stakes are too high!
I'm a 35yo zoomer and I don't remember this part of the cell saga
you have internet faggot PIRATE
that's not what happened fag
it could have and there's nothing to stop it
seething contrarian
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there is something to stop it. yiu being a brain dead ameritard mutt who thinks watch a gay cringe fan dub counts as watching it for real doesn't allow you to hand wave shit away faggot. No. You're wrong. shut the fuck up.
Not a retard- Goku perfectly understood what he was doing. He knew what the easy and smart thing to do was. It's just that he's the kind of person who will intentionally pick the way that he thinks is the most fun or hard over what he thinks is the easiest. So he's just insane, instead.
Let me guess you watched Z only. Also, let me remind you. Anime isn't made for you. Never forget that. it's an ad for people in JAPAN to buy the manga. If you don't get it that's yoyr fault. Shut the fuck up. Also, if you watched the dub your opinion doesn't matter.
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Best fights:

>Goku VS Jackie Chun
>Goku VS Piccolo Jr
>Goku VS Bejita
>Goku VS Frieza
>Piccolo Jr VS #17
>Supa Bejita VS Semi-Perfect Cell
>Supa Bejita VS Perfect Cell
>Gotenks VS Super Buu
But Goku was right literally every step of the way.

>no Tao Pai Pai

First time Goku was defeated, as a kid reading the manga I was traumatized.
>what're you gonna do, goku? blow me up in front of all these people??
>Also, if you watched the dub your opinion doesn't matter.
Based. Dragonball is the better series too.
Additional reminder that anyone still simping for the garbage 90s dub and complaining about Nozawa's voice like 201740941 is old enough to have kids of his own, maybe even grandkids. You are pathetic and should get off 4chan already.
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>switches from praising his son to beating him near unconscious at the drop of a hat
What the fuck was his problem?
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Millennials seething as per usual
Senzu bean was retarded
it would make sende for your retard brain uf you watched/read the source material instead lf a gay dub made by rejects failed actors
It was to ensure that neither Gohan nor Cell would bitch out.
>didn't ruin poignant or based moments
You enjoy listening to slide whistles? Original score is circus music.
Go to bed, zoomer. It's past your bedtime.
Anything past Namek is garbage tier fanfic and non canon
that is cope. gohan could just go full power and kill cel instantly
This is way better than the gook version.

it's not close.
Cell Saga > Frieza Saga
>Gotenks VS Super Buu
Really? Not Vegito?
What are you even babbling about, retard?
That's a picture from the subs, ESL.
>t. João Silva
you got ut from google images I know you didn't watch the it for real faggot
Trvth nvke
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>cell then just regenerates stronger than ever and is in super ultra perfect form now due to zenkai boost and because his nucleus which is in his head still remained but he also got his top half blown up earlier and his nucleas was still fine
The early raditz vs Goku and piccolo fight is the best (ocean dub only)
the nucleus is only a problem for imperfect cell retard HE IS PERFECT why would he have a massive weak spot on his head. Why are DB fans so fucking stupid?
>no character development during the fight scenes
the Brazilian dub is the best way to consume DBZ
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>people unironically defend this
Frieza saga was near perfect. Travelling into the unknown, fighting the alien god emperor, the whole super sayan revelation, it should have ended there. After that we were back to asspulls.
>Hey, this random scientist on earth managed to build robots in his cave that are stronger than anything in the universe lmao!
>The bell chimes in the score
Now this is KINO.
they never said that. I guess you bring up a DECENT point, your logic stands but I ernestly don't believe that can fairly and clearly be implied ever.
I have read the entire manga series over 2 times and i guarantee this was never stated as fact.
How do you know it was a zoomlenial who posted?
I stopped watching after the Cell saga. What did I miss in a nutshell? Anything good?
Just fusions.
nta, but you can tell Toriyama had more fun with the Buu vs Gotenks stuff. You can see how his few later manga is all small guys in the starring role. He liked the dynamic of a wacky l'il guy fighting a big villain. He probably got burned out draweing the expected DB fights, it's why he glazes over Gohan vs Buu or Vegito vs Buu has the chocolate ball gimmick.
Mr. Satan redemption arc was pretty cool, other than that it was trash
For me, the peak was when Vegito fucked up Buu.
I'm not black so...
Watch Kai or read the manga, the pacing of Z is pretty slow.
Why does every DB thread have this Faulconer tard in it? You don't even like Dragon Ball, you keep calling it "space WWE" or some garbage like that.
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nah, Piccolo did good. Him and Trunks are the only two who think straight. Everyone else took stupid pills that whole saga.
he's right. so stfu.
It was Goku's, he knew it, and he accepted responsibility for it
Sametroon, go back to youtube's comment section or whatever it is your dying kind festers. Faulconer is garbage and it has made no new fans at all.
Show peaked when gohan was chased by that green trex, after that, it was nothing but down hill. Sad.
Go back to /a/
You're a dumb fucking spic or nig who thinks Dragon Ball is deep and shit when it's the most normie dogshit anime of all time. You don't even truly like it either, you just pretend to cause you think that's the way things are cause of how well known it is.
>You don't even truly like it either, you just pretend to cause you think that's the way things are cause of how well known it is.
Bro, it's time to step away from the phone and take a cooling period.
But enough about dubfags.
wasn't cell strong enough to steal the senzu beans anyway?
>everyone is out to get me.
Oh shut up. No one wants grandma Goku.
holy projection batman
He didn't even know what they were.
No. Fumb fuck, goku and gohan has just arrived at full power. They all could've jumped his ass and killed him.
Pretty much. He instantly destroys them later.
>Goku sacrifices himself to kill Cell
>Cell comes back to life, making Goku's death in vain and then fucking kills Trunks
Crazy how well it worked when it should have been shit
lol u big mad
hes insaiyan
Name a more kino moment
nah. goku didnt have the power to beat perfect cell and he knew it. the reason why he put gohan in was because while they were training in the hyperbolic time chamber he sensed gohans hidden strength. he knew that strength was the only hope they had. it was GOHANS fault for being a cocky little shit during the fight with cell. anyone who disagrees wasnt paying attention
Yup. Goku's only mistake during the arc was underestimating just how much of a pussy his son is.
>underestimating just how much of a pussy his son is
Cell got the change to Goku only because Gohan wanted to toy with him
yeah gohan got way too emotional. he redeemed himself though >>201747578
It was't kino. Nobody wanted Goku to die. Stupid Akira. This fucker didn't know what a happy ending was.
It's time for your weekly bath in the shit river, ranjeet. Chop chop.
zoomers are all on discord / tiktok, if you are here as a zoomer you are in the minority and an outsider. most zoomers have no fucking idea what an image board is.
Trunks forgot to give them a description of the androids so they thought the fat mime and the old man were the ones Trunks was talking about. Then he showed up late on the day the androids arrived even though he has a fucking time machine and can appear at any moment in the present, which wasted even more time.
Everyone had their moment of brain damage for the sake of plot during Cell saga. Some worse than others, but it affected everyone.
>Filtered by the Buu Arc
It was the biggest asspull Toriyama ever did, and it was just to prolong the fight for a few more chapters, and even then the "fight" turned into a beam struggle that lasted 2 chapters. At least it gave the kino moment of Vegeta going apeshit on Cell after her murdered Trunks, the climax of the little character thing they had going for the entire arc.
Why didn't someone else just grab him and fly him Cell into space? By the time this happened Goku was near to if not faster than the speed of light. In 10 seconds he could've dragged cell out by mars
He says he'll explode unintentionally if they handle him too roughly.
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Zoomers know City Hunter is the better show.
It's amazing how that happened two sagas in a row with cell and buu. Just needless rubberbanding plots.
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>find out next time, on dragonball z!
>get home from school the next day and turn on DBZ
>raditz shows up
>You handled yourselves well sons but this isn’t your fight to finish broly is my concern
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no one watched that shit when it was on you retarded zoomer, you're being a poser faggot.
Anime for faggots who don't watch anime
>FaulconerTARDS listened to Gohan giving a fucking monologue ruining his best moment in the franchise

The Japanese dub and the main dub (Mexican) mogs you so hard.

It was Goku's fault for being a bad father, not joking.
Goku didn't understand that Gohan didn't love fighting for the sake of fighting like him and the rest of his friends, Gohan only did it because it was the only time he got to spend with Goku.
There's also the problem of Goku being such a cuckboi character that he refuses to kill anyone weaker than him, so even if he were to be stronger than Cell, he wouldn't have finished the job either. He would have done what he did to Frieza and just said "Ok I'm bored now fuck off."
Vegeta, Piccolo or Trunks would have finished Cell off given the chance, honestly having Trunks dying to Cell protecting Gohan and then Vegeta snapping and crushing Cell would have been the most kino outcome of the saga.
i rewatch dbz from start til end of cell saga usually once a year for the last 20 years. kai is a perfectly good way to enjoy the series, there's so much garbage filler in the original dbz that means fucking nothing to the story and isn't even fun to watch the characters in these side adventures. gohan in the ancient ruins shit with the robo-bro or on the way to namek the kids on the ship, krillin's girlfriend shit, gohan saving the village from the assassin dude from the gangster in cell saga... the one filler that is kinda fun but gets old and drags on too long is the driving one only because piccolo is in real clothes.
the one fuck up on dbz kai was the "over 8000" which was so bizarre, every person involved in this thing knew the significance of the line from the voice actors to the producers, director etc. such a strange thing to deny the fans. i've considered editing the original just of that part in to my kai rip just to fix it.
Ya because we would have bullied you to death in high school, embarrassing for you zoomies.
Hi guys I've been reading Dragonball for like a year.
I'm finally finished with Dragonball (SPOILER Goku btfo picollo) and I'm guessing the next part is where DBZ officially starts

Heh. It's going to be a fun ride?
sincerely the most embarrassing posting on the entire site. needs to be rangebanned for anyone that keeps up this -oomer shit. so fucking exhausting to see in literally every single thread
>I'm finally finished with Dragonball
DBZ is an anime thing
the rest of the manga is still called Dragon Ball

>Heh. It's going to be a fun ride?
What the fuck is wrong with you
Anyway, the next two arcs are where it peaks so enjoy it
Goku could have killed Cell first and second form but refused
it's just more generational warfare shit perpetuated by baby boomers
it's my hope that everyone recognizes it for what it is at some point
this was pretty kino on the 12" crt
He was too busy dying of a heart attack.
Vegeta could have also killed him when he got out of the hyperbolic time chamber the first time but let him get stronger.
Gohan was the only one that had the power to kill him and wasn't obsessed with fighting his opponents at their peak strength, but he also didn't want to kill him because he's a panzy.
>it was Gohan's fault that Cell tried to kill everyone
>not Cell's
>not Dr Gero's
>not the red ribbon army
>not krillin for getting a robot boner
>not vegeta for being an arrogant prick
>not Goku for taking a risk and accepting the consequences of that risk not quite going to plan
>not Trunks for misunderstanding the situation and giving false information
>not the androids for causing so much shit to go wrong and distracting everyone while Cell went around gaining power in the background
I know this is a bait post but it kind of highlights what makes Cell a cool villain. Gero, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Androids, Trunks, Goku, everyone fucked up somewhere and allowed Cell to do the damage that he did. Cell himself is boring because he just wants to destroy things because that's his nature, but the fun thing about him is that he's the consequence of everyone's collective mistakes.
>because he's a panzy
You're forgetting the part where he wanted to play with his prey before cell decided to blow up.
>not Goku for taking a risk and accepting the consequences of that risk not quite going to plan
he had literally no other options
He was already fine by the time Cell was fighting the androids, remember he saved Piccolo when Cell got into his second form and literally told him "I'll be waiting for you to become even stronger"
that's a predominant gene on saiyans
He wanted to give justice for all the harm Cell caused but he never intended to kill Cell even in his "snapped" state. It wasn't til Goku died that he actually understood what had to be done. Remember, Goku never killed his opponents, he'd just beat them into submission.
By the time he got better he was already too far behind Cell and had to train in the chamber to catch up.
He literally gave Cell a senzu bean
nta but he meant having Gohan be the one to fight Cell, there was no other option.
Yes his stupid ass saiyan combat obsessed ape brain did a big oopsie giving cell a full heal.
Yes but I meant Goku giving Cell a senzu bean so the point is moot
They could have gone one by one making Cell progressively weaker and then all senzu'd up and team killed him easily. Goku took the risk of letting Gohan win 1v1 and it resulted in Cell blowing himself up.

Logged in just to say lel
thanks fren.




>he never intended to kill Cell even in his "snapped" state
You're wording it like he wasn't sadistically chuckling and smirking at the helpless bug before him. He was a total sadist once he turned, unlike his father who was simply pissed off. He smiled, when Goku would be scowling.
>it wasn't til Goku died that he actually understood what had to be done
It was when cell started inexplicably inflating that he realised he fucked up big time, snapping him out of his high.
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>I-I watched this show on TV back when it first came out here
>This is such a big achievement!
>Hecking zoomers can in no way watch this anime even though its available everywhere
Imagine being proud of consooming media
Kino was Imperfect Cell eating android 18 into his ass with that weird tail.
Such a shame she wasn't digested/dead by the end of it.
Same disappointment with Buu saga absorbing.
Consumption means the prey is digested as a means of gaining its nutrients. Toriyama fucked that up. Easily could've raised the stakes by having absorbed characters impossible to resurrect.

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