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So the real monster was...white people?
No, you retard. It was an alien. Stop being retarded.
The actor doesn't even look like he's facing it.
Only kind of movies he makes.
i have no idea
i didn't get half of what was going on in that movie
no, i think it was the giant flying alien monster
the real monster was mixing in like six too many half developed themes into the narrative
No it's those instagram pages who comment "I POST REAL CAR CRASHES AND SHOOTINGS" on every post
Why does it only eat white people and why is it white?
The real villain is the entertainment that enslaves animals.
So, even the main characters are not innocent.
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no, it's Sephiroth obviously

wait... is he white?
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This guy is white?
None of the animals are enslaved, in fact they mostly seem fine. You don't seem to understand allegory.
"Honorary aryan"
"White coded"
Did you know he was white in the original script and they had to change to an asian actor at the last second?
It's more complex than that, the Heywoods only animals but they're aware of what the animals are capable of and don't overstep their boundaries
If you want another film with the same themes watch Grizzly Man
It ate a bunch of horses and there were plenty of not white people in that crowd
No, this was a giant cowboy hat.
The movie seems to criticize "the entertainment industry" at face value.
But then you think about it for 5 minutes and you realize none of what the movie describes actually happens. Chimps aren't treated as harmless in movie sets. In fact they are viewed as one of the most dangerous animals. The incident the movie refers to occured to a private citizen and wasn't connected to Hollywood in any way IRL.
So then, is the movie complaining about nothing?
Not quite. You have to undertsand who the real "animals" and "handlers" are. The hint is in the first scene the strong black womxn appears in. She tells you the first movie was a black man riding a horse.
Wypipo use Black folx's bodies to produce labor, but don't respect their boundaries and don't understand what they're capable of. They ultimately all get eaten. Not a single whitoid survives. Total cracker death!
No the crowd was white.
The point of the movie was that black people can ride horses too
>'the last second'
Probably because they found out Steven Yeun is a great actor, chud.
Irrelevant and only support my point that a white guy was originally meant to die here. They just didn't rewrite the entire movie for one scene.
Haha what's next, have them swim?
Peele's only good movie
The monster represents man's folly in using wild animals for entertainment
OP got btfo
prove it. show your citations that chinese man was originally written as white man because the mulatto writer hates his white mom.
Do you reckon any of the guys were touching tits and puss of the women they were being eaten with before they died?
I look like that and I am a monster.
the sigma cloud monster
The one white character in this film was actually pretty cool. You guys lied about him hating white people
Both of these are white passing. they're part of the white crowd rather than being willing to support the strong blax folx who own a ranch next door.
Jesse Plemons turned down the role.
What do you mean, he's presented as mentally ill and dies for no reason towards the end. The funniest part for me was when the great white monster tried to swallow the latinx character but failed, and had to go back to eating more white people.
The monster was jewish. It's eats nonwhites when it's convenient or must but targets whites mainly.
poltards make shit up to try and agitate violence among their superiors
>their superiors
Hey jordan, black people willl never be superior to anyone
>Being passionate about art and fascinated about nature is bad

Turn off the /pol/
this shot never happens in the movie this is a fan art
When it leads to you dying, yeah. Hence why the white guy dies from it but the strong black folx who respect nature manage to stay alive and get a better shot of the monster.
He is more of an oriental
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it represents a white woman in a bridal dress because married white women overwhelmingly vote Republican and are therefore voting against their interests and holding this country back.
If I had the money I would buy that site just to shut it down
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>white guy in movie central to defeating monster
>basically a savant artistic savior
>uhhhh he wasnt white enough
Theres no winning with you people, is there
>>basically a savant artistic savior
He's incompetent and gets eaten.
>>uhhhh he wasnt white enough
Nobody said this, you're putting words in my mouth.
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Just admit you're retarded and be done with it
>clumsy strawman attempt
>gets BTFO immediately
>now resorts to ad hominem
concession accepted
Has a named white character ever survived a Jordan Peele flick?
The ones who don't watch Peele slop
what the fuck was the point of the monkey and the gook shit literal waste of time. the movie is complete trash until the ufo shows up over half way in. fuck movies that dont respect your time. could have been a masterpiece
The UFO is just a ripoff btw
dont care, the scenes were kino
next youll tell me the matrix is a ripoff of anime
Yeah it's good but the credit doesn't go to Peele but the original writer of the article.
Like it's a kind of metaphor but it sucks for being so obvious that you actually miss it because "naw it can't be that obvious"
I thought the monkey was scarier than the UFO
>chimp goes ape on set
>this is white people's fault
like pottery...
He wasn't incompetent. He didn't try to run. He was prepared to die as long as he could capture the monster in its' full glory.
>Logic and truth speaking hurt my feelings because I'm intertwined in a tangled web of retards and women that can't escape emotionality and irrational social obligations.
>Yes I know logic just means plain speaking and a basic appeal to evidence and is natural and ubiquitous to white society EVEN when no non-whites are around
>But, I still think it's their scam against me personally
t. coloreds and assorted non-whites
The monkey represents black people and the people who died represent white people and really anyone else who has to be around blacks in their daily life.
I hated the sister. Not sympathetic at all, deserved to die.
That makes him incompetent in the sense that he is mentally ill and he's unable to get his perfect shot. The black womyn is mentally strong and brave therefore she gets the shot of the UFO at the end. Also not a single named white character survives by the end of the movie.
The black guy who was the MC in this movie was so monotonous. I don't think he can act.
It's strange to see him look at a disaster scene where an alien just ate about 40 people with that dead fish stare. Maybe it was meant to be like that, he just does not give a fuck about dead white people just like Jordan Peele lol.
As a vorefag, did anyone else get aroused by THAT scene?
>Nigger makes an analogy against white people
disgusting racist movie
It's an orchid you uncultured swine.
>"Honorary aryan"

Yeah how do you think he'd fit in at a skinhead hangout?
I thought he was supposed to be autistic
This movie was kino and no one can tell me otherwise
Probably depends where you live. Either way black people hate asians because they view them as a successful minority unlike them, which means they count as white. They also haven't gotten over the apartheid calling them honorary white.
The real "villain" was Jupe. His brain went cray cray after the monke incident and he was seeking the thrill and spectacle, which led to him being a fucking retard and trying to tame the alien, which led to the alien getting attached to the territory which led to the events of the film.
Idk, I thought it was pretty clever.
The protagonist's entire motivation can be summed up as "Oprah"
I thought this was way better than Get Out, which was massively overhyped.
is this guy not aware that there were tons of Chinese people living in California in the mid 19th century? We learned all about it in high school US history. Chinese laborers built the portions of the trans-continental railroad out west, then because anti-chinese racism kept getting worse and worse the government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in the 1880s forbidding Chinese immigration (which was the first time the US restricted open borders btw) and so most of them decided to go back to China.
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Just like real life?
no, he was autistic, but like actual autism not 4chan insult autism. He liked taking care of horses, because they're nonverbal. But when he had to advocate for his animals and explain to people they were stressing it out and about to cause an accident, he wasn't able to do it.
octopi are so cool
i hear they're also super intelligent
yes his skin literally white. literally fucking white skin
I'm more of a vampire squid guy.
The actor was barely even acting. Throughout the whole show, he had basically the same expression.
>black people hate asians because they view them as a successful minority unlike them
I always see it stem from asian shopkeepers keeping an eye out for them so they don't steal. White store owners are too polite for that.
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>mfw dozens of people around me get sucked into a sentient UFO and get crushed into paste and scream into my ears in agony for the next 5 hours
i remember /tv/ glazing this piece of shit when it came out and i finally got around to watching it tonight and boy what a meme. first off the acting was atrocious and not in a good way. second you can tell keegan michael key or whoever the fuck was really proud of himself when he wrote this "look at me, im clever!" shit, because it comes off like a fanfic of someone else's better executed ideas. nearly every scene of the movie that was supposed to be OOOH SCARY made me laugh like that awful chimpanzee cgi in the begining or the over the top TMZ guy just eating shit on his (electric?) bike. this shit was for brainlets.
The TMZ guy randomly being retarded for no other reason than "he's white" was funny.
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why did he did it?
>central to defeating the monster
Literally the only person involved in defeating it is the black woman. Everything before the last 10 minutes is just about getting it on camera and then it turns into a massive dick for no reason and tries to eat the main cast because there wasn't a natural way for the movie to end.
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One of the themes of the movie is people trying to tame creatures and it blowing up in their faces, anon. The horse getting violent on set, Glenn thinking he can domesticate the alien, the chimp going postal.
>super intelligent
Yeah it's some freaky alien kind of intelligence where they only do parts of their thinking in their brain.
If you told me these guys invaded from outer space I wouldn't question it much.
Don't octopi and squid only live for a few years? What's the point of being so smart if you're going to die almost instantly?
and? we dont need 3 scenes telling us the exact same fucking thing

He is very obviously terminally ill and doesn't give a fuck about dying if that allows him to take "the perfect shot"
He didn't get the perfect shot so he failed.
only good part of the movie was the little prank aliens, could tell that was the theatres favorite part too

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