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Why? What do they have to worry about? They're space time gods that control the universe?
Q gets less powerful with each subsequent appearance
He's clearly worried about what will happen to people other than the Q you primitive savage barbarian. He doesn't want the Q being the cause of major disruptions in the galaxy.
he literally did though
did you even watch the show?
he took them out to give the borg their scent
He knows this anon, he's bored and wants to fake argue with someone, even if it's himself.
Welcome to 4chan
Akshully the borg were already on their way to earth due to a message sent 200 years earlier by the remnants of a borg sphere that crashed on earth 100 years before that while trying to stop humans making first contact with Vulcans.
Q didn't do anything.
non-canon deal with it gaylord
It's something I've wondered for a long time. Did Q deliberately save humanity by giving them advance warning of the Borg, and letting the Federation know there was something way beyond their current ability to stop? Or was he just trying to fuck with Picard? And saving the entire human race was basically just an accidental byproduct?
he wanted to fuck with Picard. his mannerisms directly point to his immense narcissism.

the federation being able to prep for the borg years in advance was something Q probably didn't really care about
There's nothing in canon to suggest Q was doing anything other then playing a prank on them. Fanon is that they were already on their way and Q was trying to forewarn them. One fan theory is that it was a long-term prank, because by the time you get to the movies, Picard's obsession with the Borg has made him into Captain Ahab, so Q was ultimately right about how humans aren't really as "evolved" as they like to think.
>Fanon is that they were already on their way
Well, they were. The Borg assimilated Federation and Romulan colonies in season 1, "The Neutral Zone".
True (IIRC that was originally supposed to be something different, because the writers hadn't come up with the Borg yet) but the question is really if Q cared about warning them or if he just got mad and threw the Enterprise into the first thing he saw that was above their weight-class.
They might think your harbouring some sort of intelligence then warp in 100 Borg cubes and decimate Earth, like they normally do with any other race.
as did the borg
They don't control the universe. They control (protect?) their side of the galactic barrier, but on the other side there are even more godlike beings
Books aren't canon.
don't talk to me
The Borg are a temporal power. If they realize a god race has turned its eye on them, they’ll start looking in to why, and then potentially fuck with the timeline to not get HUSNOCKED.

Not that the Q would ever admit to being vulnerable, but given how critical Voyager was in their own development (death, civil war, Q jr) and the eventual fall of the collective, “don’t fuck with the Borg” seems a wise warning to the kid pushing his limits.
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>that episode where the young woman discovers she's part of the same race as Q and has the same powers
>she uses them to kidnap a clearly unwilling Riker, and then when she rejects him she mind controls him into falling in love with her, and only undoes the mind control after a few seconds of him kissing her
That scene from Tapestry where Picard wakes up naked in bed next to Q has some disturbing implications
>and then when she rejects him
*And then when he rejects her
>species known for adapting to threats
>simply walk around their spaceship to sabotage them literally every single encounter and they never adapt to "wow having enemies roaming around your ship and then having the hive mind send one drone single file as they blow up the critical point is a bad idea"
It still irks me that in the two parter where Picard becomes Locutus that the cube on at least two occasions just lets the Enterprise go
>we are the borg, you will be assimilated
>I guess we can just let you off with a warning this time. And the next time
It's especially weird because since the Borg have all of Picard's knowledge and memories, they know just how capable and dangerous the crew of the Enterprise is. Assimilate them or vaporize them, but just letting them run off is wacky.
The Kwisatz Haderach and his Fremen army could take them.
It’s shitty writing, especially with how mercilessly they savage the fleet at Wolf 359. The notion that somehow Picard is strong willed enough to influence the hive mind to let the Enterprise go is just laughable
I always assumed it was because that, despite however unlikely it might be, the Borg could potentially assimilate them or figure out ways to invade the continuum if given enough reason to do so. Considering the Borg will attack anything they consider a threat, Q's fucking with them certainly qualifies. The Borg may not really have a chance of winning, but they are relentless and quite resourceful.
I always took it to mean that the other Q would punish him for what he did. Like in TNG when Q get turned into a mortal, the other members of the continuum are clearly not as irresponsible with the lives other species as the main Q is.
>the Borg will attack anything they consider a threat
>casually wanders around your cube
I feel like that was something they should have dropped fairly early on. It made sense when their whole thing was "they don't care about people, just technology", by the end assimilating people is like their primary goal. They should pounce as soon as a bunch of officers beam onboard with weapons that will be useless after a few shots.
I agree, and have always been disappointed how rapidly the Borg went from existential threat to Pakled tier
Where the borg really gonna attack earth after a far more advance version of themselves just sent them a message saying that their time travel attack on earth didn't work?
the Borg are interesting for like two episodes and then they get boring. It's the same moral dilemma every time with the same conclusion every time.
>yes, the Borg are an extreme threat but they deserve their place in the universe just like everyone else
he can destroy all of the borg in the universe with a thought
He also gets in trouble with the rest of the Q continuum for overly interfering with regular species.
Yeah this concept was kind of silly... i do like the aspect of the borg being indifferent to everyone until given a reason, but like you said, ultimately its their entire way of survival, so it only makes sense to go all out every time... unless there is some problem with logistics that we're not told... not wanting any useless baggage or whatever.
In my personal headcannon they assimilated the Enterprise along with Picard and rolled through the alpha quadrant, series finale
Ultimate Borg would've just made a machined process where virtual information from future timelines is passed down to them, making the ultimate armoured Borg, unstoppable, knows all the enemies weaknesses.
There's a bunch of other space time gods not in the books. They get mentioned in one TOS episode, appeared in ENT possessing two people, and later on Q mentions them in an episode saying they're far more evolved but have a non interference clause that makes the prime directive sound like it's incitement to riot.
Q absolutely sped up the borg's curiosity and engagement with the federation.
Isn't that supposed to be because the Federation has to stop the Borg, and the whole reason nobody time travels into the Federation period after it's founded until the Borg are defeated?
It's mentioned on screen that the Borg assimilated most of the El-Aurian race, that's what the survivors were fleeing from in Generations. Through Guinan it's also been shown that they have a way to 'handle' the Q, so it's not a stretch to think that since the Borg have this knowledge they don't want to provoke them in case they decide to start making things difficult.
Actually the Borg has already attacked the Federation and the Romulan in the S1 finale. They're the ones who destroyed their outposts along the Neutral Zone.
That was never confirmed to be them.
NTA, but Seven of Nine's backstory requires the Borg to be aware of the UFP prior to Q's intervention.
It was heavily implied in Q Who. After Q flicked them away, The Enterprise encountered a planet that was destroyed. Data said it was destroyed the same way the outposts were destroyed in Neutral Zone. They encounter the Borg soon after.
>Don’t provoke the Borg
>Voyager destroys the Unicomplex
Seems provocative
>The Borg are annihilated on Picard
Sheet. Well so much for the Borg.
Voyager made the Borg a joke. I'm actually disappointed they didn't make time traveller Admiral Janeway the next Borg Queen. Her knowledge of the future would've been invaluable.
Yeah and so can a bunch of other guys who get mad at this sperg when he fucks around too much.
The Borg in Voyager are a good demonstration of how not to handle villains that are hyped-up to be incredibly dangerous and all-powerful.
>give the borg their scent
Watch the last episode of season 1 - the borg were already being foreshadowed.
Q's entire long con was saving humanity by repeatedly rubbing Picard's smug face in shit to remind him they have a lot to learn.
Everything is canon dill weed
My personal theory is that according to the Q continuum the Borg aren't an 'evil force' in the grand scheme of the universe. They're a neutral, necessary force, that serves as an evolutionary filter. As such, the Q need the Borg because only through the Borg and other forces like them can civilizations actually, by triumphing over the Borg, ascend to a higher state.
The Borg are like the equivalent of a barge that sucks up trash in a river.
My explanation for this is that, despite allowing people to traverse their ship unimpeded, the Borg have never been defeated and so never had to correct it because it simply was not a vulnerability.
Even the one time it worked all it did was put them to sleep.
The borg were boring to the Q
The borg were invasive to the species they wanted to watch and grow

They basically didn't want the borg to fuck up their fun with boring shit
The borg are rendered toothless in the Locutus 2 parter. They're only a reasonable threat in their introductory episode.
It's cannnon that the Borg are a necessary deterrent to keep the Yuuzhan Vong out of our galaxy.
>"This rock keeps Vong away"
>Does this work?
>I don't see any Vong around here, do you?
Nah they get beat by a very specific set of circumstances that lets them stay intimidating.
The first real mistakes come later like the god awful Lore two parter.

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