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Cavillrine! Reddit wins yet again.

henry cavill makes a cameo as a version of wolverine that was mistreated by his movie studio
chris evans makes a cameo as his marvel character, with an epic twist. it's Johnny Storm, not Captain America.
Wesley Snipes/Blade, Elektra, Channing Tatum as Gambit, all make cameos.
I'm avoiding the movie now that I know.
Dafne was making a lot of grown men uncomfortable in this movie
JFC capeshit is so gay
That sounds awesome. Do I need to watch Deadpool 2 before I see this one?
sounds based to me
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You guys pay to see this crap, not only that you pay to watch what you already know its gonna happen. Get real bro.
I have no desire to see this but I am a bit surprised to see such direct shots fired at DC movies.
Is he shirtless?
Patrick Stewart is.
I will watch this movie even less now
Whatever faggot.
Not really, all you need to know is that Deadpool meets Bishop and steals his time travel device to fix his timeline which leads to the start of 3
Rest of the plot is irrelevant
I watched pirated kino Indian version with Robert in all the blender advertisements at SlutsNight dot org slash slotsnet dot night
Le epic twist! Infantilization of adult mammals continues
Holy cringe
not interested in capeshit sorry
Cable, not bishop.
Multiverse content gives me intestinal parasites
He shits on the the MCU too. Calling the multiverse stuff played out, and the middling movies as of late.
I actually used to be a big xmen comics fan in the 90s and I was amazed by the detailed references they included in this movie
The Weapon X version of wolverine from the Age of Apocalypse arc was great.
I was worried that they were going to build up gambit to just immediately kill him but he was a pretty cool character.
This felt like a fun movie
It didn't waste its runtime shitting on fans
Best capeshit I've seen since endgame
I know that's not saying much but it's what I'm willing to say
You just saved so many western civilizations.
Cavill cameo was very disrespectful to Snyder
I watched it for free and it was mildly entertaining.
Snyder deserves no respect for making DC movies with characters that he had no respect for anyway.
Saar! Do not disrespectful the Snyder, Saar! Do not redeem the movie ticket! Do not redeem!
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The one thing that irritated me was they kept referring to shit that happened on the Loki show and I'm never watching that shit or any other D+ garbage
What was the smoke dragon they were talking about? what's it called again?
Alioth. Basically a monster that eats shit in the void.
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As a millennial I fucking loved Gambito
I like StalkerPool
what the fuck are these studios going to do when audiences are exhausted with multiverse slop
This, we indians hate marvel and love DC.
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Pay? I watched a downloaded camrip of it. But ngl this probably wouldve slapped seeing it person at the movies with a big audience.
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*reloads claws*
JFC capeshit is so great
>You guys pay to see this crap
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How many cringy sex/nude scenes is in this shit? If it's more than 1 I'm not watching it
Nice to see Quaden Bayles still getting work after Furiosa
The next scene is the most based scene in the whole move.

This is directly addressed in the movie.
The entire movie is basically a sequel to the Loki show, same way Dr Strange 2 was a sequel to Wandavision (incant even imagine watching that movie without having seen the show)
The Loki show is all about the TVA and The Void, they're the main settings
>cant even imagine watching that movie without having seen the show)
this is a significant reason why the current MCU is flopping left and right.
The movie is HEAVY on gay jokes though, it's basically stated that Deadpool just went all the way gay after his gf left him and he openly lusts after half the male characters in the movie
What do they say?
I'm with you, longtime comic book fan and I can remember a time when had barely any comic book movies. They jammed a lot of fun stuff in here and having Wolverine really helped because it was like a restrictor plate on Deadpool.
It was definitely a lot of fun watching in a theater because the crowd reactions made it more exciting with all of the twists and turns.
This is easily in the top 3 since Endgame: D&P, Multiverse of Madness and No Way Home. No real surprise that these all have cameos or large parts with established, well known, characters. Not C and D level nobodies with incoherent stories.
Why? She's 19 out of 10.
watch the movie, they explain this exact thing lmao
This. Is. Epic.
The time travel device wasn't actually the issue.
I'm surprised Elektra was in it and also surprised Morbius wasn't in it.
I'm not surprised Blade's in it, I sent Ryan Reynolds an email asking for him (and Morbius).
That shit came outta mortal kombat so hard i fully expected a xylophone sound
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Because the last time most of these people saw Dafne she was a little kid.

Now she's built like a breeding tank.
she's dog ugly and no amount of spam changes that ivan
because we're getting rock hard boners from somebody we remember being 10, its jarring seeing them grow up
That the multiverse stuff wasn't working and people are bored of it, basically. It happens right when all the Deadpools come out.
Keks to crying kek to tears
that looked like shit
>there is only one Blade
>No Paul giamati gooning in his rhino suit
This was a Fox/Marvel joint, which they own outright anyway. If they used any Spidey characters they would've had to share profits with Sony
This multiverse shit is so fucking gay
Why is Vulture on Morbius universe?
This looked so bad in theaters. Saw it in imax today
Vulture and Morbius are both Spidey characters
Where the fuck is Cyclops?
How strong is wolverine supposed to be?
at least 6
This is what Deadpool 2 should have been, except they should have called it Cable and Deadpool.
He took an entire tree through his chest in Logan and would’ve lived if he hadn’t been so old with a nonfunctioning healing factor.
Not me, I don't have a problem admiring beauty or sexiness even if it goes against California's laws that the movie industry has promoted as golden standard worldwide.
Actually getting to see Gambit fight was great, even if Channing Tatum’s fat face didn’t fit in the costume.
The movie says that people are tired of it and that this should be the last one
It was certainly too much

Modern audiences don't care about cartoony cgi
kek nigga looks goofy as fuck
hey at least it's better than journey into the niggerverse
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Just going to say one thing. This was by far hands down bar none no competition the BEST thing Marvel has put out in it's entirety. I am talking the inception of the MCU and all the stand alones proceeding the Avengers hook up and all the Avengers combined. Including endgame.

>Humor: S+
>Violence/action: S+
>Cameos: S+
>Costume design: S+
>Engaging story and character development: S+
I was completely taken off guard by how godamn much I enjoyed this film. If they give Ryan the reigns he could single handedly revive the rotting corpse of the MCU. Alone you can bet your balls we will get this qt into the line up post haste. Take from this post what you will I don't care this is my genuine review.
gib camrip link
this sounds like some shill bullshit but it really was better than anything superhero related since infinity war
Name something before infinity that was better dude.
Too many homo gaze for my moral senses.
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Not him, but Civil War is still the best Marvel film hands down.
Well thats it no more big budget movies all year after this. Not satisfied with this.
this was the last marvel movie i'll watch but i thought it was pretty good, it was about what i expected just a dumb fun team up movie between deadpool and wolverine
honestly i was shocked at how many jokes there were about how shit the mcu is now
Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
not that anon but no it fucking isn’t. Cap’s side makes no sense and he endangers everyone, even innocent people, just for his boyfriend Bucky. The antagonist is Baron Zemo who doesn’t even wear his outfit so it’s just some short fag. Civil War is just as bad as Age of Ultron.
it felt like it wanted to be the end of all shitty multiverse movies but we all know disney isn’t going to go for that since they’re still planning on Kang
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Good thing I was already getting rock hard when she was 10
I'm sorry, I think your gay is terminal.
Daphne Keen looked just like a younger version of the stripper ex girlfriend in this, I almost expected a foursome at the dinner table during the end. Did anyone else feel all the sexual tension between Hugh and Daphne during the campfire scene? I swear he looked at her ass in those tight jeans when she was walking away.
Wolverine can lift a small car over his head and throw it 10 feet. Super Strength isn't really part of his kit, and whatever enhanced strength he displays is the result of being able to push himself far beyond his limits without risk of tiring or hurting himself thanks to his healing factor. Also his bones are coated in alloy, so he's deceptively heavy and his punches feel like they're thrown by someone twice his size.
Go away Reynolds.
With Sonic.
a shame Hugh is a fag, most well hidden homosexuality in Hollywood after Tom's.
I pretty much lost my shit when I saw Gambit enter the room. Been waiting for him to look like that for 24 fucking years so I loved every bit of it. I was surprised to be excited about Garner as well, she looked fantastic
You can always look at Shad's art.
marvel vs dc and everything else
>I pretty much lost my shit when I saw Gambit enter the room.
Yeah me too, I thought they were going to give him the Human Torch treatment but they didn't disrespect his character in the movie.
>with a big audience
le clapping, screaming and fireworks! capeshit crows are the cancer of the world.
not a pedo but she looked better as a kid instead of a bimbo
I really thought they would prematurely kill the three off, so glad they didn't. Also, did I misunderstand the ending of the movie or did the TVA bring all three of them back along with X23?
I really appreciated the cum sock joke in this movie
>There is only one Blade
Say whatever you want about the movie but that was absolute kino.
They were left on the line.
Maybe if people likes them they will bring them back.
Wesley will be the most difficult tho, the other Negro is an oscar winner and Marvel has been cockblocking him hard so theres no chance of breaking his contract without a PR dissaster.
the joke is that it's superman m80
Theres also a line from the blade movies, its blade trinity so its forgotten, it says "Everything started with Blade and ended with him".
It was double the KINO for me.
>did the TVA bring all three of them back along with X23?
Yeah they did, I thing the mouse is worried about Avenger 5 flopping, so they have this as a backup.
Fucking hated how Johnny got killed.

If Laura survived. So the other three.

Who knows where they are.

Only good thing from the movie. Snipes still has it.
I didn’t get the Cavill joke, is it a reference to something? Did people want him as Wolverine at one point or did he almost play him or something like that? Or was it just Henry Cavill because Henry Cavill?
Somewhat yes.

That he was treated like shit at WB, he should come to Disney.

Rumor has it there was also going to be Raddcliffeverine.
Johnny has to died. He can’t show up in the mcu because everyone would mistake him for captain America like Deadpool did which is the joke, so why keep him?
What were the mid/end credit scenes? The camrip ends instantly as the credits start.
Snipes and Cavill were the only parts that people actually cheered for in my theater.

I hope that tells Marvel that they should:
1) ditch the terrible Mahershala Ali Blade movie plans and do old man Blade with Snipes
2) Hire Cavill because it's a fucking no brainer. Everyone loves him. I don't know what Cavill did to piss off Hollywood but he should have been an A-lister a decade ago.
The end credit scene is Deadpool proving that when he snitched on Johnny, everything was true, Johnny said all of those things. You can find the end credit on YouTube unless it is already remove or watch it in theatre.
Snipes showing up as Blade was LOUD in my theater. Like Cap picking up Mjolnir loud. People were losing their shit.
anyone got a webm of wolverine putting on his mask? that shit looked so bad, it made no sense where it came from.
The choice to use a CG mask was a really bad one. Inexplicable.
But like that?
That bald bitch’s longass fingers were kinda starting to turn me on.
I mean the x force from Deadpool 2 died pretty stupidly too, so this is in line with that.
I was actually surprised, i thought the brocoli heads wouldnt get it, maybe they didnt and it was millenials screaming, but yeah, it was loud.
What irked me is that no one got the "ice skating uphill" joke.
I thought it was pretty good, basically the only good Marvel slop since forever, or I can't even remember when they last made something good.
It was unexpectedly emotional movie, Hugh Jackman carried it.
I don't get what happened to the Blade, Gambit etc trapped in that junkyard, are they just still trapped in there forever?
It isnt bad at all. Much much better than IW/Endgame masks
That was funny

Killing Johnny like that was cringe.
I'm surprised they mentioned he was mistreated by another studio, seems like everyone else keeps pushing the blame on him
For comparison
At first it seems they and Laura get eaten.

But Laura is fine, so they must be as well.
Bruh, it looks terrible.
You are a hater with no friends
C quality film with B+ quality fan-service. There were a few things that felt very "Illuminati that nobody cares about from Multiverse of Madness" but for the most part the cameos were good and satisfying.
Watching this didn't make me mad, which is the highest praise I can summon for a Marvel film at this point.
In my theater no one laughed at the “I don’t like you/you never did” bit with snipes and reynolds
I guess they didn’t hear about the drama
It was a genuinely fun movie and you can tell that the actors didn’t phone it in either
Felt like a passion project
Especially with that compilation at the end to the Good Riddance theme
Google it, retard.
>We need another women for the team
>Errrm Jean grey, Shadowcat, storm, Rogue
Is Anna Paquin schedule that full?
Yeah because Blade is cool and we love those movies. Maybe Feige should go back to making good movies again.
dude, they were multiple shots behind wolverine, and not once did we see a hoodie/mask.
Was Gwenpool in this?
The John wick guy had better action scenes why didn't they keep him? The cinematography in this is terrible
Never said it wasnt cg just that it wasnt badly done
She doesnt have to fight Wesley is 60 and all his action scenes were cgi face swapped.
No which was stupid with all the deadpool variants. Even had sexy Lady deadpool
Gwenpool isn’t Deadpool though. She’s a whole different person.
Were the mutants that appeared the same actors that played them previously?
Sabretooth, Toad, Pyro, Juggernaut, etc
feels great when you get a reference/joke that nobody else did
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There are at least 3 different scenes that play in the credits of UK versions that aren't in the American version (I have seen a different one for each different cinema chain I have seen the film in so far:

[Spoiler]Richard E Grant as the Shalka Doctor getting killed by The Candyman and regenerating into Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor. Also Gabriel Woolfe as the voice of Sutekh.[/spoiler]

[Spoiler]Paul McGann as Nightingale and Noel Clarke as Peter Grant, both from the Rivers of London[/spoiler]

[Spoiler]Michael French and Chloe Annette from BBC's Crime Traveller[/spoiler]

Guessing other cinemas have other Brit kino to entice people to see it in the cinema (a friend of mine said he saw a Red Dwarf one in an Odeon).

American showings probably have a bunch of different ones based on American TV shows, so try to see it in as many different places as you can if that sorry of thing interests you.
Gas Mask one is cool, the rest are lame and gay
what the fuck
>Rips of his skin. Still blinks.
Why would she transform him into a skeleton? What an arbitrary thing to choose...
Winter Soldier
way too kino for this universe
Fake and gay
Good fucking riddance
Someone mentioned elektra, is that Jennifer garner or someone else?
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>fight begins
>camera starts shaking so fucking wildly you can barely tell what's going on
Jesus christ man that almost gave me a headache
It was, audience went wild in my theater
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why is she so breedable bros
good morning sir! rape you later!
It's her
Woah! Nobody knew that!
Nobody in the past 3 days found the time to make countless threads about this shit. Thank you, OP!
>so try to see it in as many different places as you can
Nice try, Shlomo.
hng puta
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good taste, gasmask one is the golden age deadpool. they did a really good job translating the comic design to live action.
One of my highschool best friends was OBSESSED with the muthafuckas skating uphill line. I hope he watched the movie and remembered fondly our times back then, just like I did
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Cavill should do another cameo as Clark Kent in the MCU.
I thought Gambit was going to get killed unceremoniously like Johnny did, really fucking glad he didn't and got his time to shine. Probably the happiest a film has made me in years. We're so back gambitbros.
Peak kino
ryan reddit himself says it in the movie. says multiverse shit is bad and we should get away from it and write it off as a loss
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when npc's will stop watching multiverse slop, Doctor strange in multiverse made 800 millions, slop Deadpool will make over a billion, Spiderman made 2 billion
>that moment Blade appeared and everyone started clapping and cheering
home come his beard doesnt look as good as hugh jackmans?
holy booba. is there footage of this?
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Imagine unironically caring about any of this.
This scene was epic
Yeah, this is shit.
>nooo it's self aware about being shit, it makes tongue in cheek remarks about multiverseslop being overplayed while still doing it
Daphne makes my pee pee go boing boing
>that sharpen filter
is it movie or did somone sharpen up a cam rip?
you can see sharpen halos everywhere
What was the Wolverine strapped to an X on top of a mountain of skulls referring to? Is it an iconic X-Men storyline?
Is my nigga omega red in or not
>Spiderman made 2 billion

Spiderman was the best version of it right because it was still grounded in a single setting.
Was there a reason there were so many Deadpools in the void compared to others?
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Brothers, do you think Dafnee Keen will remain within the MCU after Deadpool 3? She really is fun in the role.
Kevin Feige is planning a new crop of young Marvel heroes and she fits the bill perfectly.
I hope to see her in kang dynasty and secret wars.
Doesn't appear in the movie
They keep breaking the fourth wall against the TVA control, but still being too skillfull to get killed by the Smoke from Lost, and they'd rather sell their lives to a mutant rather than lose it.
Folks this is gonna be one of the best movies of your lifetimes. See it in a black theater. The laughs and reactions to snipes will be worth it .
I was somewhat dreading going in I thought Deadpool 2 sucked ass.
Only incel chud trumptard chrisrards can hate on this
I found it hit hard more of a reflection of our own mortality as older millennials and gen exers .
Hearing Huge Jacked Man do the voice so damn good brings me back to the projector breaking three times during the shitty add toad in lightning sequence in theaters.
Fucking a this shit should win best picture and Huge Jacked Man who channels Clint Eastwood should get an Oscar.
Loved this shit
>yummy! more slop, please!
What do you think?
He’s a bigger scumbag than the others , in all timelines but is impossible to kill so they get stacked there
If that's true I will watch the movie just for Henry.
Does Reddit even like Henry though? One would think his preference for younger girls would turn them off
yes, yes, yes, vinnie jones was recast
Yet still does the same multiverse shit those movies do while everything about the production looks cheap. The quips the lame fights, they’re just on the same bar as the other mcu movies, just can say a swear word to make people clap.
Just watched it, was decent
God she was so hot
Gonna need that cowboy Deadpool as a skin for Call of Duty please
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out of way puta
Saw it last night. Unironically a great movie. Best theater experience I've had in over a decade.
Lol just when you tought Jackman's wasn't faithful enough to the comic version
This is true, Snipes got the loudest roar in my theater. Even more than "Cap".
Dude looks like he should be in a retirement home
I liked the movie overall but there was a real missed opportunity to do more with the previous X-men villains. I mean, they finally had a legit roster for the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and they did next to nothing with them. They should have been a bigger focus, not just joke fodder. It felt disrespectful to the comic book characters AND the Fox characters.
Nope she has too much sex appeal for them
Yeah, muscles are what make you blink.
So...literally why did Paradox bring Deadpool out of his timeline? He essentially through a monkey wrench into his own plan. Had he just not done it then everything would've gone off without a hitch, and his reason for doing it is so incredibly stupid. What, he wanted him to work for the TVA or some gay shit?
I think he was following orders to send him to the MCUverse, and was too autistic to realize that destroying Deadpool's universe might upset him. Kinda dumb to drop his whole plan on him though.
The next step is to do a cross over with Marvel and Star Wars.
Don't a lot of people talk about cruise's homosexuality? South park certainly talked about it
She should've been Ellie instead
Well retard it’s connected to bringing Downey back but you’re too fucking dumb yet think you’re smarter than the filmmakers so why should I start to explain
Ok assface it has to do with that Thor thing and him clearly taking the part of downeys iron man dying to save the world while Thor runs over to him like whoever the fuck did it in the real movie I’m not a nerd who knows maybe it was also Thor just like that durrr
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wokeness has won
everything is a fucking multiverse now?
stupid shit
but then i'd be masturbating every episode and unable to focus on the plot
>the "Captain Bighead from Avengers 1" effect
Actually sounds quite cool, Fox always made a better quality of slop
If you're worried about infantilization you probably shouldn't hang out on the sophomoric humor site
They did a good job of activating the nostalgia neurons without making it feel super cringey or pandering. Watching Gambit blowing up torsos by touching them made me feel like a kid again for a brief second, the cynical part of my brain turned off and I was able to just appreciate the super hero spectacle.
This was actually a Disney flick, and Fox was the butt of several jokes throughout the movie.

So you can thank based Disney.
I'm ok getting more screen time for skinny brain rape monmy.
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I have a feeling they somehow kept the disney execs out of the writing room and only gave them veto powers. I can imagine Reynolds wanting creative control over the property and not agreeing to do it unless they let him run with it.
Why did so many people on /tv/ see this in a theater? Fucking normie nigger scum. Get off my board.
Are you always that dumb or you dumb up for special occasions?
>show up to major red carpet movie premier dressed like a cheap hooker

what did she mean by this?
She's young and fertile.
refreshing honesty about Hollywood actors?
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yep, one of the most iconic Wolverine stories he gets kidnapped by some villains called Reavers
Nigger you are trying way too hard.
Who’s that Power Rangers looking nigga on bottom middle? I’m not a big capeslop enjoyer but I’m a sucked for Ultraman
I watched it without the show because the MCU has been dogshit since the first Avengers movie minus a few notable exceptions (Captain America 2, GG, Infinity War) but I’m a sucker for Raimi-kino. It wasn’t that difficult, MCUslop isn’t as deep as you swarthoids think. Wanda was mad about being in menopause and was astrally projecting into other dimensions so she can steal her alter ego’s kids and tries to entangle a sexy hebe Latina in her web of malice so she can accomplish said goal?
>Everyone loves him. I don't know what Cavill did to piss off Hollywood but he should have been an A-lister a decade ago.
That’s precisely his problem. He is a relic of a bygone era, a White male who is unashamedly White and masculine but without being so in a /pol/tard way. Not only that, he is a gentle giant, a man of sharp mind and hard body. He could easily beat the shit out of most of the people who talk shit about his baby hands with the same said hands, but he decides to just go to the gym and play vidya instead. People who have the capacity to destroy but instead choose to create seem to trigger the leftist moreso than any “Nazi”, “chud” or whatever new buzzword of the week is being flung around.
Maybe I was wrong about those Injuns
i don't care that the mask came out of nowhere, it was fucking amazing seeing him in full costume.
It’s shitting on the studio that used and abused Cavill then threw him to the wolves, not his good friend Snyder you pajeet.
So exactly like in the source material?
ooooh so that's what that was from. I missed that reference.
White Ranger Tommy Oliver from the first Power Rangers movie
Did you watch it in your capitol theater?
Damn, he’s still bulking? What role will he have in 40k do you think?
Sick of this shit. These jewish faggots in hollywood, molested as children as is their culture, is just too much lately. Glad I’m not paying for this.
Too old
>He is a relic of a bygone era
Not for long. Majority are wising up to the bullshit and Hollwood's getting scared. If they wanna make money, they gotta adapt to the changing culture and give people what they want.
>one of our niggas single handedly repaired the rift between snipes and Reynolds and got him in the movie
Well done bro God bless
>not in a poltard way
Radical Catholic, wow, 40k, steroids, brothers are all British special forces. He is 100% redpilled on the JQ, especially after what they’ve put him through the last two decades.
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No wonder Dr Strange was so dogshit. Imagine watching any of this Disney plus trash.
South Park already made the point that audiences don't want multiverse slop.

But then they went and made this movie. Ignoring South Park's warnings.

>this should be the last one
lol yeah right
YES, I cried at the Wolverine mask.

NO, I don't care what you think.
How did he blink if she pulled off all his skin?
If this movie had any balls, Deadpool would have remarked on how fat her ass is.
everything is flat floor and green screen. probably 3 guys total that arent cgi there. entire movie looks filmed like this shit.
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Speaking of classic Wolverine covers...
Alright, well written. I’ll go sneak into the local hole in the wall theater this week.
Civil War is the worst Cap movie, you’re a fucking retard, typical consumer cattle.
This would have been a better choice than Elektra.

Just got out of seeing this movie.
It was fucking shite.
One laugh.
They’re doing X Men and mutants next phase apparently. Imagine the casting, gonna be rough. It’ll make or break the studio at that point. Even my California formerly liberal friends are absolutely sick of niggers and use the hard R now consistently. N fatigue is hitting critical levels.
>Dat Liefield reference
JFC just kill me.
That's some good shit there.
Maybe the best capeshit casting ever other than Christopher Reeves. Using a legit black belt for the staring role gave it a level of kinetic and stunt performance you don’t see in anything besides Asian action movies. They really should just use him in the MCU. The gay Muslim they have now will look awful in comparison.
does x23 have any good storylines in the comics they can draw something out of?
She rips the skin off. You can see it gets sucked into her hand.
To be a fly on the wall, or just a Palantir employee, reading and listening to their C level communications would be more entertaining than anything they’ve ever produced
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Disappointing we didnt get a roided out Harry Potter. Was looking forward to those clips.
they snuck her into the movie
DADHAT BTFO'd Marvel so hard Disney stole the villain.
That old colonizer blood memory gets flowing seeing these latinas. Hot damn.
He's just the producer
Are you con cocaine?
Hate all their shit for the last decade, but this is kino. Might give them the shekels to see it this week.
>This is easily in the top 3 since Endgame: D&P, Multiverse of Madness and No Way Home. No real surprise that these all have cameos or large parts with established, well known, characters. Not C and D level nobodies with incoherent stories.
"D&P"? I'm assuming you mean "DP&W"? But anyway, those movies all play hard on the member berries. Would NWH have been a remotely good movie if they had a new cast for all the legacy characters? If Tom Holland had played all the Spideys, would anyone have given a shit? Nope. People came to that for a nostalgia trip for better movies from a better time. Ask people what they remember and liked from Multiverse of Madness, and I doubt many would say anything but the Illuminati. It's the same with Michael Keaton and the various Supermen in The Flash. I'd almost guarantee they'll have old Bonds show up in the next 007 movie.
Is he not also the show runner? And has he not said in interviews they have to be careful which role he plays because then he’s locked in to that small part, unless they cast him as the Emperor, which would allow him to play Primarchs since they’re just clones of the Emperor or created from his genome?
Lol this is the best sales pitch so far I’ve seen
I don't know much, man
No, I'm Con Carne
What is she, “vaccine injured?”
I just don't understand this mentality. How can anyone have such terrible taste?
Lampshading doesn't make it less cringe
is there any cut off finger stuff in the movie?
Unfortunately, the Disney yids are the only ones with enough built up high level satanic child sacrifice energy required for a project of this magnitude. Buy a 5090 and make your own team up with Sora next year.
(You) for the effort and creativity
Hotter than any other hollywood skank working today, including that blonde with Down syndrome
What kind of loony toons crossover is this? Also, the white ranger's actor commited suicide a couple years ago. Sorry bro.
They’re probably saving a lot of these good Xmen villains for the next phase
>Imagine the casting, gonna be rough
It's gotta be a relatively young cast as we, I'd imagine. The last real star Marvel landed was Hailee Steinfeld and they pissed that away.

Now it's gonna be a bunch of no name nobodies as Cyclops and Co.
Second reply is correct. Theyre very careful about giving straight males anything. Attractive women with perfect tits are discriminated against by the homosexual jews that run the industry
>best we can do is a big tittied retard or a tranny
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Imagine DP as a straight white male ahah
I agree, more worried about their obvious DEI requirements. If they cast nothing but nobodies who are true to the characters, they have massive potential. They seem to be feeling the financial hurt from the last few years of shitting on their customers, it’ll be interesting to see if they chose profits over propaganda by the time we get the mutants
im surprised they didnt use the cavil wolverine
Leftists are inherently repulsed by anything strong, true, beautiful, etc because it reminds them what fucked up freaks they are. Their entire ideology is completely based on dysgenics and punishing those who aren’t.
Holy shit, holy shit, it's Wesley Snipes Blade. Movie was worth it to watch.
Casting the new guy instead of bringing back Snipes is probably the worst financial mistake they’ve made in years
>Deadpool looks knowing at camera for beat
>We all know what deadpool means
You realize if it was for people like that you wouldn’t have to put up with today and that Conservatism is a dead end, right?
Had they focused on creating this response from all of their projects, they would be completely unstoppable. Imagine Star Wars if done right. The potential they pissed away will be studied in business and marketing courses for decades.
>that old foreskin faced little slut
Still would blast batter all over it
X-Men is where you put that DEI shit though. No need to racewash when you already have blacks, asians, and even native americans.

They'll turn Magneto black regardless.
We were never gonna get perv Deadpool in these anyway. Considering they made Vanessa his non underaged girlfriend/ wife in these.
And how come she isn't a mutant? She is in the comics
Exactly it’s already built in. I doubt these mentally ill neurotics can help themselves, I’d be surprised if they don’t race swap the major characters. And if they don’t, they’ll character assassinate major white characters like Cyclops or Wolverine. They can’t be allowed to be seen as heroic. The finances are not doing well though, they might be forced to capitulate to their customer base against their wishes.
>They'll turn Magneto black regardless
Are you joking? They will never turn a Jewish Holocaust survivor black. That would make the Jews who fund that shit go ballistic with hypocritical rage.
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>Wolverine is an angry hairy manlet in the comics
>they keep making him a tall chad in the movies
So tiresome
Most short actors are either ugly like Danny Devito or former/ current pretty boys like Tom Cruise. Neither of which would fit for the gristly Wolverine.
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Has Pyro actually fought the Human Torch in the comics?
So why was Thor crying?
I get what you're saying. They let protagonists in action movies have a sort of dignity back in the day, the good ones anyways. Now they're all sleazy clowns and get humiliated in some way.
Not to be that guy but wasn't Deadpool always a degenerate, even during the comics?
Wrong, Doctor Strange 2 has nearly nothing to do with Wandavision, in fact it feels like no one involved in that movie watched the show
Not like it matters, that movie was a piece of shit

Deadpool 3 is otherwise a good Marvel multiverse movie because it takes advantage of everything as opposed to just teasing or doing bait and switch
Not him but you’re 100% right; it’ll be one of the gentiles
That guy looks like something plastic surgeons practice on.
>they didn't get glenn danzig for this
Wasted opportunity.
and who was the actor playing him?
My fucking sides.
huh..he would actually make a good wolverine I guess. right height too.
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Someone will fall for this.
Jackman Wolverine was sending Deadpool flying like he had moderate levels of super strength too.

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