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Do you think she's bitter with how her career has gone?
Bitch should've just apologized for her car, none of this would've happened.
Maybe but she made a shit load of money from the beauty and the beat movie so maybe not
No, actually. Women like her will never take responsibility or accept things as they are, so she no doubt blames misogyny.
don't worry she happy with how her Panama money goes
>the beauty and the beat
Directed by Spike Jones
Her career sank with Harv. Tragic. Many such cases.
she's probably happier than you OP
>do you think a bajillionaire is bitter because she doesn't get many roles anymore
anyone that was in harry potter that had some lines and was at least a side character won't have to work a day in their life
doubt he got her the harry potter role
Do you think she made no money from Harry Potter?
the bitterness sets in for all British eventually
I'm just answering OPs question. She's obviously fine how her career is going cause she's set for life
I think she could have a bright career in voice acting.

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>$62 million from Harry Potter
>$15 million from Beauty and the Beast
>is like 35
>settles down with some beta
LOL. I wonder if she'll shit out a future /tv/ poster before her eggs rot
what career? Has she even been in a movie in the last decade?
No. She never really cared about acting, it was something she lucked into as a child and stuck with it because why not. She went through a phase of wanting to be a serious actress and activist and get with the "in" crowd of Hollywood, you know who. And now she's a little older, and at the stage of her life where she can appreciate a relatively exciting and prosperous youth, and can be content with her wealth and her friends. What do any of us have that could be better? She's living a life most wish for.
You underestimate how stupid actors are. Nicolas Cage got himself in debt by buying dinosaur skulls.
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She's laughing all the way to the bank.
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She hasn't bogged herself or tatted herself up or drugged herself up yet, so yeah you may be right. Emma is probably relatively okay, as unhappy as the average fellow.
every celebrity at some point has been on amphetamines
Not since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. You can see it in her pupils.
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I think she has millions of dollars, and she doesn't even want to churn out movies anymore. (kinda like leonardo dicaprio)
Now she just wants to shitpost on 4chan, read people's posts about her, then get angry over the comments, or feel sad over the comments, etc.
How many oligarchs did she suck off?
>Emma is behind all the Emma threads
>She even does voice recordings and pretends they're AI.
And? Idiot, this "debt" for a rich person is nothing, they're always in "debt", they steal money from us like that.
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Laughing feet too. Kek
Checks out otherwise there would be a voice model for her.
Yeah shes still childless, no way you can be happy meanwhile all your peers are creating families
Her biggest mistake was choosing to age. She should have stayed the way she was.
If anything, she needs to settle down and start raising hot daughters.
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Can shoulders laugh?
She should do Starship Troopers.
You mean Spike Lee, Spike Jonze is a white man.
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She easily had a solid 15 YEARS where she was top of the world in Hollywood. She had a good run.
She became a worse actor after she went through puberty.
Imagine getting HARVED and not even getting anything out of it
I haven't seen any of her movies.
this. all wealthy people just borrow the money they actually spend to avoid taxes
I mean she's been the most successful of the Harry Potter kids.
She could not maintain her Shittsburgh accent in POBAWWF

She cannot act in adult roles.
for me? 2011 and 2017
where do I go to make emma ai voice stuff
she aged way better than all the other girls from the HP movies
>no career
>no tradhusband and family
>weird feminist meme thing that went nowhere
ElevenLabs was great for this, but they nerfed it and paywalled it. There was a brief window where you could abuse effectively unlimited generations if you had burner virtual cards.

Here is something I made with Gemma Arterton back then, a supposed audio commentary on the bonus behind-the-scenes features on the bluray. It's based on the scene in Hansel & Gretel where she is beaten up by bad guys (picrel), but with some deviations from the movie version.


(I used several minutes of Gemma reading an audio book to get her clean voice)
>incredibly rich
>does whatever she wants
not so grim
not so grim
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>but they nerfed it and paywalled it
Not for long
Some things money can't buy
>Does whatever she wants
She doesn't have a time machine bub
She did a bunch of work in her teens and twenties and can now coast for the rest of her life
I doubt she’s upset
Literally cope: the post.
You can use your time better than this.
She's very happy making money off her gin.
She's been wealthy her entire adult life, and also beautiful. But she's losing her youth and beauty. People fixate on what they're losing, especially when that thing cannot be recovered, and especially when it is the source of all of their life success

Don't be naive
2010 mogs hard
I wonder what it feels like to sacrifice your childhood in exchange for being in movies. I bet she ponders this as she sits atop a huge pile of money.
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All that money and fame. And no fertile eggs.
She was already set for life, why did she even do it?
Imagine being Emma, sitting alone in her cold and dreary mansion, calling up Dan or Rupert to reminisce about old times but they cut it short because they have a family to look after, and her latest booty call had dumped her because the novelty of fucking Hermione Granger had worn off and he didn't care about Emma for herself, not that she's put much effort into it as people always come and go and men in particular are easily replaceable. Right? Taylor Swift has the same "problem", everyone still loves her. Though Taylor puts in the work with her concerts, and Emma's last role was... but Beauty and the Beast made a billion, surely Disney will be calling her any moment now.
who cares about her career?
She's 34 now, and those eggs are not getting any younger
How could she refuse?
Imagine dying of fucking covid and double pneumonia before his Los Angeles conviction is overturned.
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Who care about her eggs? The question is when will she do a nude lesbian sex scene. Preferably with Peyton List.
It's almost like God is punishing him
>lesbian sex scene. Preferably with Peyton List.
Her doing a lesbo domination scene with Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix being the dom capturing Emma as the sub would be more kino.
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But I see Fran as the Dom. This could be the perfect star making vehicle for her.
Personally, I think that Emma gives off a vibe of a fairly frigid and sexless woman. Conventionally attractive, but not interested in sex and not accustomed to enjoy it. I'm having trouble imagining a "hot" sex scene with her, even though she's attractive to me.
She does give off that cold fish vibe. No wonder she has such a long list of exes.
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Kek I actually reposted this recently along with her sextape when I made a Gemma thread. Glad to see you post it again. I wish I’d tried out ElevenLabs during those few days it worked well, lots of funny shit came out of it
You're welcome.
Maybe I should track down that entire 10 CD edition of the audiobook, for future science of course.
he swooped in at the most ideal time with harry potter being wrapped up. literally the first movie she was in after the harry potter series was a weinstein film.
I mean she’s certainly gonna be well off as far as cat ladies are concerned. But after around 30 years old, women without kids get increasingly unhappy every year. It depends on the woman, and depends how big her social and family circle is(and no doubt money helps). Like if she has sisters with kids she sees often that tends to help a lot. Look at any woman over 40 without kids. They are either straight up depressed or coping to the max, and it gets worse over time. So yes, she’s rich, that will help her cope. But she’s not living the dream life, not for a woman
Tits or gtfo
I used to think the same about child actors, but I see it differently now. Assuming you actually get rich and keep the money(your parents don’t steal it) I think it’s better to “give up” your childhood and come out rich then what for example the guys on supernatural did. They literally worked like 24/7 for nearly all their 20s and 30s. That sucks man. Imo those are the best years you have. After 40 age starts fucking you in the ass in a million different ways. There are some good things about childhood(first love, hanging with friends etc) but because of labor laws child actors still get some time to do that shit. If they don’t get too mentally fucked, they can spend all their best years doing anything they want. Wasting your childhood is shit but wasting 20-40 is a tragedy.
Post her full range, I've seen other versions that go back further.

2005 or 2009 for though

Luna looks good without makeup
Different anon here, most of the time I can’t tell how a chick would be in bed(for example even some super slutty girls end up being boring, it’s hard to tell) but I would bet any amount of money Emma is absolutely awful in bed. Disinterested, not adventurous, low effort. I would be absolutely shocked if that wasn’t the case. I’d love for a sex tape to get leaked to confirm or deny this. I’d enjoy it either way
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>Luna looks good without makeup
Hahahaha. Good one
Eh, to each their own I guess. Lavender also looks good still.

I guess I don't mind homley girls, though. Emma is a woman I could never even sniff, whereas those two look up to be stuffed.
Evanna Lynch looks like a fookin potato face. It's not even an opinion it's a fact. She is ugly.
Rude. check out lavender then
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I think the late 2010's she might have had a bit of a wobble as she came to terms that her acting career is dead, but she seems to be pretty happy with her directing, charity work, and gin making
Yeah - Harvey's tastes were in adult women.
I suddenly realise he was probably the *least* degenerate predator in Hollywood, and yet he's the one went to jail.
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2011 is literal perfection.
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She's 'self-partnered'.
Wrong 2005
I wouldn't want to be your average child actor who gets popped full of pills to keep going and still has to keep working their whole life if they don't branch out into other business, but being one of the HP kids is probably the best you can get and I wouldn't have minded being one of them. All the main actors are set for life because they didn't get fucked over by the Hollywood accountants or their parents and as far as sets go it wasn't a bad one. That's why they've all just done weird movies they liked the sound of, with Emma basically giving up on acting for a few years to go to college instead, because they're all independently wealthy and never have to do a gig just to pay the bills or for the studio to give them a movie they actually want to do.

Compare that to the average child actor from Disney's productions and they hit the jackpot.
I would, I want fucking MONEY TO LIVE holy fucking shit.
Apart from Dan's stuntman who got paralysed and Goyke's actor who got jailed for weed, everyone's come out of it well adjusted with a boatload of cash which is a pretty impressive achievement
any from the top row please
My own impression isn't even so much about how boring or not she would be in bed, but it feels like Emma isn't comfortable with her body in the first place. There are some girls who are very awkward about the whole topic of being desired and desiring something in return, about seeing themselves as a sexual being, and all that jazz. I don't mean that every girl should act over-the-top slutty (of course not), but a woman who is healthy in this regard is comfortable about being a woman in a cultural (and carnal) sense, about things like showing her legs in a dress, and other stuff like that. Even in that Bling film, her supposedly-sexy character felt very forced. Like, yeah, she did have nice legs in shorts in that movie... but she really doesn't "own" her sexuality.
Pure cope
Given she's been sexualised from the first film is doesn't surprise me she's a bit conservative with herself
>and desiring something in return
... meant to type "desiring someONE in return".
>and Goyke's actor who got jailed for weed
Didn't he get caught because he also took part of the London Riots and took pictures of himself doing it and instantly got recognised? That's the kind of stupid you can only be born into.
Thay may have been it. Either way, he ruined the best chance of a lifetime
Have you never met childless women, and seen them age? I freely admit she has a lot going for her. Being rich shields you from most of life’s bullshit, and shields you from most terrible shit that can happen to countries, and even the world. I’m just saying she’s still gonna struggle with being a childless woman. It’s somewat similar to sexless young men, which we are all familiar with from this place. Both groups have a deep feeling of failure and loneliness. So while I’m sure the rich virgins here suffer much less then the poor ones, and Emma will suffer less then the poor cat ladies, they all will have that cross to bear. I’m just saying her life isn’t exactly perfect. If you don’t think childless women get sad as they age, you must be very sheltered and/or young
didn't she retire with millions and start a wine business with her brother?
Bitch realised how retarded she was and quietly got involved with some other guy after that statement.
More please
Is she still a feminist?
who has never apologised for her car
I had some fun with that voice clone. Made some awesome JOI of my sister voice.
It was already her dad's wine, her brother is into making gin from the wine.
Forget about how she's in bed. She comes off as humorless in interviews. For example the one with Dan Stevens where he jokes he wanted both Mary and Belle as wives at the same time. Bitch got offended at his answer.
I think if Emma really wanted to prove herself as an actress, she should do an erotic thriller, with multiple sex scenes and full frontal nudity. And I mean we get a full view of her body with her face, the camera lingering on her in a well lit environment as she's displayed before us without a merkin, letting us savor the sight of her
We saw her nipples already. Very disappointing.
She truly is a terrible actress
Sounds dull
Through a paparazzi telephoto lens at extreme range. This would at least be properly recorded in 4k with professional lighting and scene arrangement.
>peak at hotness at 11
s m h
kys, pedo
It makes me sad to think that Emma would never find happiness because her feminism keeps pushing people away. She tries so hard to make a difference yet such a toxic ideology leaves her with an abrasive personality. It's a shame.
I know she made bank from that movie, but I absolutely hated everything about that movie, especially Emma as Belle.
Imagine if she had just stfu and let the costume designer work with giving her a proper bodice and corset with her costumes. Such a wasted opportunity.
Hopefully younger actresses see her as an example of what not to do
She's married to a billionaire i think she's alright
Oi want to clean her holes by tongue fucking them on a daily basis, and then boning her. Once she gets too old, then I dump her.
>Once she gets too old
So like 10 years ago?
We found the virgin lmao because having kids is the greatest thing in life right? Fking retard hahaha
That's just one reason I hated Emma as Belle, but watching her slouch through the movie would be enough. For being college educated, I'd think Emma would have done her homework and learned that stays (not corsets! Time period is too early for corsets) are necessary for the period accurate dresses to fit properly. Correcting Emma's terrible posture would have been a bonus.
She seemed bitter during little women. But I just base that on her not doing any press or pretending to be friends with her costars
NTA, but I’ll go easy on you because I used to think the same way and many young woman are sold a dream without kids. There’s something deeply coded in our DNA that eventually figures out you’re not passing on your heritage. My female friends my college who didn’t get pregnant by now are DEEPLY coping right now and it’s obvious to anyone that’s not them.
I think being in a cast with some actual talent wrecked her ego. Everyone sucked her clit when she was Hermione because she was a young girl and a red carpet doll, and she thought she had actual star power with Beauty and the Beast. But girls are social creatures, Pugh, Saoirse, and other talents in the cast clearly outshone her in acting.
She always was far more attractive than any other actress in the series tho so that’s hardly saying a lot. Maybe she grew up to a lot more attractive than they intended and because of her amount of screentime she entirely filled the hot woman quota or something, but desu I don’t really understand why there wasn’t at least 1 other attractive girl. Even Fleur Delacour, who is supposed to be this otherworldly beauty, is pretty damn unattractive
>Even Fleur Delacour, who is supposed to be this otherworldly beauty, is pretty damn unattractive
I literally lol'd the first time I saw Fleur in GoF. The Veela who played next to bookworm Hermione. Kek.
Paled. Fuck autocorrect.
I told you before. She never had even a good career.
she's not married at all
Not sure how good it is but if you use AI locally like Comfyui there is a voice cloner, https://github.com/AIFSH/ComfyUI-GPT_SoVITS
I know that Greta basically cut her out of the movie because she couldn't act.
First time I ever ejaculated was to this photo.
she needs to do a full frontal scene
Her character Meg is the sister with the least significance to the plot. If Greta wanted to cut her role down, the scene about her new dress and most of her wedding would have been dropped, along with the party scene where Emma wears the pink frilly dress.
That is nothing. Shen sucks at playing even the worst chick on the planet.
this cunt was born bitter
With or without bush?

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