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>/ftl/ News
- Ice Bucket Challenge: CANCELED
- Dave is BACK
- Abi left (kwab)
- The return of Jimmy?
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Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
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Previous Thread >>201739490
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Trixie mogs
Jimmy quit.
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>I miss Abi so fucking much
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palpable yuri
she is so cute bros. Im gonna be free when bitchtank ends
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At least she knows she's not good looking enough for streaming so she wants to start a podcast lmao.
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what was his fucking problem?
>i'm chillin
>they recited that at my uncle's funeral, he died of heroin
>i'd rather be raped than bored
>what's your name? I forgot. No really who are you again?
>is oddbod actually gone?
>it's going down i'm yelling timberrrrrrrrrrrr!
>i want oddbod to fuck me in the hole
>have you ever heard of benzedrex?
>i’d fuck my uncle (CLAIRE STOP!)
>i swear I'll goon all day tomorrow
>I am CJ???
>I have an inflation fetish!
>i made eye contact with mauro in the living room and he was scared
>what’s /ftl/ ;)
>my bad
>gamer mentality
>that feel when
>that wasn’t good simlish
>I have lots of dreams about having sex with other girls
>rich girl shit
>i'll stream.... just kidding i wont!
>the vibes are so fucked now that abis gone
>I wasn't lying about the vibes
>abi come back!
>haleygang is in shambles right now
>I knew we were going to have a problem when she told me she liked tayleigh
and most importantly
>i dont trust anyone who likes sam hyde
>in trouble from who? JET NEPTUNE?
>ask haley about marke? :^)
Abi quit. Twice.

Robin status?
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Can someone explain me the nose in asshole thing with claire?
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Sadly, scott sullivan will burn in hell for eternity
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gimme a QRD on the last since it started
Jimmy on claire's "journey:
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She's even more detestable than Juliana or Kato.
he wanted to get back at her for leading him on despite her having a boyfriend
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>audio science
>it's still the same
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>Anon, why did you goon? Am I not good enough for you?
she gave up on the shower?
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abi will enter any minute now

Kill your fucking self, OP. I mean it. Put a fucking gun to your forehead and pull the fucking trigger, you worthless faggot.
miss this freak
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>leaves immediately after cleh markyposts
why is he so scared of it?
I goon for Summy
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Can you blame him?
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i wanna force her to watch subbed anime with me
>the constant Sam Hyde dick sucking contest is really bothering me
missing this
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>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before The Mallet and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>no Dad
>Never had the balls to step out her comfort zone even when Crack Baby threw thousands at her
>Main evented the lowest drawing S2 stage
>Main evented the lowest drawing season of Fishtank
>Tanked the buyrate of Season Passes so hard the Edited Episodes got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because she was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of The Boss Nigga power couple
>Only the 2th best member of The Trish Alliance
>Only the 3th best member of The Haley Dogpile
>Her backstage clique "Britneychord" was utterly BTFO by Apperture and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Twitch streams on us
>Her JDM larp is cringeworthy
>Her Elf larp is cringeworthy
>Unironically calls herself """"""""DA BEST PURE GAMER IN DA FISHTANK""""""""
>Shit taste in Food
>Shit hairline
>Failed at her first relationship so badly that she resorted to marrying an obese Beaner
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have freeloading streak
>Drew so poorly in her Twitch streamer run that Jet Neptune of all people had to take her off stream
>spent the latter part of her career burying superior fresh talent like Haley
>The biggest impact she had on the business was sitting around in B2 and telling one of her no-draw buddies(Trish) to job to someone who could actually draw dimes (Jimbo)
>Buried Haley and ruined her potential Bitchtank career because she didn't shake her hand backstage
>Buried White Guys (twice) for no reason
>Drew lower ratings in her feud with Tayleigh than a Trish vs Dumbgay feud, a Tayleigh title run, and a Shinji vs TJ feud the next week
hawwwwwwwwwk TUAH ON THAT THANG
if he's gonna come out with insights like this i wouldnt be surprised if AB comes out with some weird gags in the meantime
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>claire talking about oddbod again
The Ketchup Enjoyer has logged on
>it's so easy to lie to these people
>it's so funny
fishtank queen
>shes in the living room with mauro
Does she think we believe her about mauro?
does he start everything he writes with, like?
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I thought he didnt like her
go eat some relish faggot
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RIP haley
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shit in da crack flashback ptsd
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>Part of me thinks she's sleeping in the living room with Mauro
clip of the dave dive??
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I'm enjoying Clairetank
filing divorce
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>thats fair
the bird has left the nest
No, you thinking she thinks you believe her about Mauro is another one of her gaslights like when Letty pretended she didn’t know what the word kitchen meant.
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Imagine the sex.
>she told me she liked tayleigh
which one told her this?
She needs to know that I will pay her money for her to notice me for 5 seconds over the internet
I was working, does anyone have a clip of this?
>1734 viewers
wasted fish on trash mini season
>Welcome to Goran casting couch
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HEY DICKHEAD you ruined my marriage!
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>Last night Jet was talking about setting up the lab for the perfect conditions for love
>There are 2 mattresses in the lab
>They send in Cleh
Bros, we were 1 night away from steamy lesbo action
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>Claire and Oddbod's plushy in 30 minutes
At this point I kinda wish Claire would leave just so the show would completely die since her and Abi were the entire draw.
the mauro thing is such a good recurring bit
She could win either previous season
fuck, looks like my ex.
Cleh's 100% real season material
literally and unequivocally this.
>i made eye contact with mauro in the living room and he was scared
that was abi.
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>This tank needs a hero
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>flowstreams used to have paypig streams up n running before the mainsite had it
>now flowstreams can't even be bothered to add new rooms instantly anymore
Keep being boring, Jet. You're unironically killing Flowstreams.

She is a better fish than any season 2 fish.
of course she likes tayleigh
Dave Dive anyone?
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>she actually fucked Scott
Can’t wait for him to go live again
Where tf is Hayley
boring girls play the same songs on just dance over and over
not funny
She's so fucking good
>I'm not "mogging" anyone, they're just dumb.
give claire a cake and some party hats
Oddbod is now this season's Taylor
showering with abi
top 5 leah moments?
CLEH > Juliana > Kato > Shadi
I miss her
She was soooo gorgeous. and sooooo funny
like for real. I can't believe she's single! She's the best!
>I hate the Sam Hyde dick sucking contestant
>Who won season 2?
>paranoid last night when i was stoned
Called again. I have a mental connection to Claire.
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The fuck is oddbod doing?
Is this an advanced form of negging where you ignore the girl thats into you and then shower her with affection?
t. 26 year old khv
Fuck YEAH! She’s the new Nina for real. Claudia can hawk-TUAH on a naked man ass and shove her nose past the threshold of the sphincter.
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Does anyone have a clip of dave, diving?
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This dumb bitch
>t. 26 year old khv
its over for you anyways who cares
She said it out loud last night retard
Honestly respect for keeping this up essentially 24/7 for multiple days
there have been marky posts while he is on camera and no one cares
im glad he came back today and humiliation ritual'd leah and brought back some energy to this friendtank slop
Can't wait until Scott gives an update on how this bit is unfolding
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>I think the people here just like the people who make the show
anyone have the clip of dave falling over?
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Going home in 5 seats to sit her ugly fat ass
>trying to make himself look sexy for the bit
1. She left
2. She left
3. She left
4. She left
5. She left
They should bring Robin in as a freeloader for S3.
of course abi is a josiepedo
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she can just tts
pretty sure thats not abis actual account
She never misses
>Claire is Caoboi-pilled
Stop my heart can't take it. I'm going to quit my job and finge at this rate.
he's dating bex's friend, currently busy plowing that hamplanet.
Its a birthday present with his free tokens.
her OP is deleted but
>If my husband disrespected me like that, I could not get over it until he rectified the situation. If he sees nothing wrong with how his brother behaves, you need to consider getting out of this situation. That's unhealthy to be in a family that is verbally abusive.
reddit ruining another marriage?
when does josie show up with the cake?
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This show is 100% a casting couch for the wiggers now. Very grim and fucked.
make the call jet
why did you do this to us abi
tf is this guy on lmao, probably a bad idea giving him money
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And my bucket
has betty killed yourself?
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She never got to play Here Comes the Pain.
Why is Jet such a fuck up?
Simmons did nothing wrong.
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I am so mad and sad
So tonight basically confirms Haley fucked Scott, right?
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Shadi is absolutely black out wasted as fuck
Look at that face so clearly designed to conjure up off-white weedstained globs of phlegm in a loudly theatrical Hhhhhooooiiiiiik before spitting it onto an asshole with a PTOEEEYYY noise and then saying “I’m going down I’m going timberrrrrrrr” before shoving her nose up into the lubricated canal entrance
>only made $1k off balls today
it’s over
she only has enough neetbux for cat treats, nuggies and weed
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Why don't any fish ever fawn over or flirt with Ben, despite him being the best looking and most charismatic man in production?
Is it really the plight of the manlet to succeed in every aspect of life except love?
Jesus fucking christ she actually fucked scott didn't she?
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All Scott had to do was not be a constant dick to Letty and cheat on his wife...
afraid so
fucking DOOOOOOOOOOOOO something
trvth 360 no-scope
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Poor Robin.
Beat lapsed christian girls from huge rich religious families make me so fucking hard bros
>jet's hidden messages back
Jet's not coming back for season 3, is he?
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it's just a prank... she'll be here...

22 minutes
They didn't. Their conclusion was basically since it looked like they did, they might has well have.
Scott is the best actor in production.
You wouldn't believe the pain I felt today when I came back here to check up on how Clabi was going after the massive highs last night.

you couldn't even imagine the pain
she was too cool for this show
you are the slowest autistic in this thread
I bet Kaley would have fucked him if he showed her Smoke Team 6. She was really laughing hard at his darkness dance.
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It's time to stop.
Glad to see you're trying to keep the bit fresh at least. Good job anon.
So I guess this goes to show "get a fat girl and make her skinny" doesn't get you hot girl with an introverted personality it just gets you a beat bitch who will cuck you now that she feels a little sexier
balding manlet = invisible irrespective of charisma, skill or status
He's too young
>abi and claire independently came to the conclusion kato is a fag
theyre in sync
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He only put his dick in her vagina as a bit.
You just don't understand comedy or mma.
The cancerous crop makes this less interesting
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wait a minute...
because hes short
Claire confirmed for starting an onlyfans
when sam kicked her out and screamed BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN
this but unironically
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abi please get out of the shower already
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the beautiful ck
What a porky whore, only claire can pull the wide faced look, I love that jewish bitch
he's only 17 bro
Hasn’t given anyone a firm handshake
why is sam holding a dildo?
>show and I'll tell you
is that a normal reasonable thing to ask contestants for your reality show or is that weird?
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>was 'happily' married 3 weeks ago
>now a contestant on a sam hyde/jet neptune internet show
>tries to play up her cc degree and previous $55k/year job as something prestigious and her having made it.
>in the middle of a divorce (per her own admission)
>quit her job
>has gotten into multiple physical and verbal altercations
>multiple indecent exposure incidents
>has gotten physical with a married man on camera (100% not a bit, haley is a whore and scott's an adulterer)
>has said nigger a bunch of times
>loves the emoji movie

seriously, what is wrong with her? did she hit her head or something? she's even more of a fuckup than claire and that's quite telling as the latter has admitted to drinking hand sanitizer and getting high on otc pharmaceuticals. how long until haley becomes an hero?
Bitch looks so much like a pale Ethan Ralph from the thumbnail
Can Scott add destroying the sanctity of marriage to his fight record? If you also add the crackhead with a broken leg he's at 3-6 I think
Ben is underaged
when is airsoft fatty? letty still owes him sex
Their relationship was over the momment she started losing weight anon.
>I-I'm not really rich, my parents just happen to have a large expensive house
princess has to be spotless for her princess
kek what did she say
>He's gay because he had a woman on top of him

Letty dont you have 600 bucks to get back after your failed attempt at a bit?
what a retard, but I feel bad.
>male and female readjusting their clothes after leaving a bathroom after 5 minutes
no shit
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Anne Frank's in the attic.
His name is Scott Sullivan and he's an MMA legend. Put respect on that name.
She unironically thought she could clout shark Jet, missed, and pivoted to scott.
Suicides by Frank Yang is responfible for fishtank
fat people are ugly on the inside, they are spiritually fucked people which is why they allowed themselves to become fat. people really need to recognize this
Its an inside joke between him and letty, I remember letty did it to someone else
of course they're not going to react to it on camera, they're actively suppressing it. If they didn't care, they wouldn't censor the name.
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Every time Jet opens the door I hope it's gonna be her
"I'm not going to start an onlyfans after this....probably"
he’s been living in schitty since 2.5 ended. they’re bringing him in soon.
she was shitty housewife that settled for her first boyfriend after highschool
she got obsessed with the 'tank, lost a bunch of weight and thought she was hot shit and could come fuck some production members and turn it into a full time job
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>that pic
that's just fucking sad
She drowned.
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Passionate hand-holding procreative sex with Abigail from Alabama.
18 more minutes
u missed it, they already celebrated and josie popped out of a giant cake, was awesome.
The way Jet inserts himself in the plot is just amazing to see
same as drug addicts
Claire maintaining 1600 viewers alone
she won
when did the nigress leave?
kato got much more cuter covering her shitty bangs lmao
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18 minutes to step out, towel dry, blow dry, get dressed, do her makeup, and find the lab. can she do it
He's holding a cigar.
based she loves to show off
brutally based frank yang rememberer
Perfect summary.
He's getting kicked off his own show for bringing Haley on to sleep with her and getting found out.
He's getting one last hurrah before we never see him again.
Good riddance.
1. Pouring red bull on her head
2. Pouring coffee on her head
3. 20 seconds of deafening silence when Claire tells her "well, you're already out"
4. telling me about the great emu war
5. hearing her screaming NAAAAAUUUUURRRRRRRR vaguely trailing off in the background as 7 grown men drag her out of the house
Jimmycord in shambles
Forgot she was ever there desu
this was the insane narrative after letty called him out
>Letty is doing a bad bit bad acting Letty L
80 iq autismos itt
Fuck yes Claudia can fucking hawk-TUAH on that fat meaty asshole and press her huge proboscis beak of a nose up into that thaaang!
>what is ftl
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Because Jet is a retard.
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You mean Mona Lisa is on the terrace.
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Apparently Jet doesn't actually know what meta means.
Jet knows he has a gem with Claire
a comment about Robin
>Your husband is the problem.
>His brother manhandled you, threatened you, and disrespected you and he did nothing.
>Why would you stay with someone who would allow you to be treated this way.
>It sounds like you have very low self worth and feel the need to settle for someone who will let his family hurt you. Why?
Robin, what's going on big guy?
Not to be whatever but like where’s Xavier? A drop of content.
she slipped and her neck snapped like a twig on the side of the porcelain bathtub
i miss scrabbletank...
but first she pivoted to Frank Hassle

Scott was her third, last choice
Did anything interesting happen when Haley left? Or did she just walkout? Just woke up
Shut up Jan
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She made those $600 back quick through deliveries. It's why she dresses lewd to farm the paypigs.
Who's Robin?
It's honestly such a disservice to not have Claire on a full season. I fully support a reset but I would love to see her on season 3
>Jet didn't give her infinite tokens like Jimmy and Oddbod
>she refuses to give money to him
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jet having s1 flashbacks
Okay ngl I would go to the tank atp you're just being disrespected fully atp
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He has a real job. If he comes it will be on the weekend.
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sex with sylvia
Ask her about Mark E
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hurry up abi...
She’s the new Nina for sure.
Make her the plant and fill her room with hidden alcohol
truest words spoken
she shattered like a china doll
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Why did Haley leave?
Also Q won.
It’s already over. Maybe she’ll get in another shitty all star season
It's crazy how there's shadi simps seething already, chat feels like bots
What did jet just say to Claire???
Was she wearing pasties?
Claire has been there since before bitchtank, she started out in the cell
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hmm yes, truly a tantalizing question indeed
Everyone thought claire would go to kent hospital but it was actually Haley that went. What a neptunian twist
Haley ex husband (thanks Scott)
Classic Abi and her 12 hours showers
She deserves a spot, particularly if the season is filled with non-fishtank/mde fans so theres at least a back up if contestants start filtering out due to the hellhouse.
thanks bwo
If that's Q, he looks like an even uglier Dream. poor guy
first to arrive, last to leave
Even with how bad that was she still won. It wasn't a bit btw
stop talking about season 1
She led him on in twitter spaces
Asked her what she wanted to do after the show.
Definitely hinting at bringing her back
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>where’s Xavier?
>He has a real job.
Doing what? Protecting the multiverse?
her fashion is terrible.
I keep thinking I hear abi's cute voice yell "CLAIRE!" like she would do when claire was getting into drunken trouble. We never realized how good we had it and fleeting it would be.
They should bring him in to fight scott. No matter how hard he copes he still had an erection going in and out of the bathroom with her so obviously something happened.
You just KNOW she’d be down to stir up some chaos in the tank under those circumstances! I can easily picture her sneaking around after everyone has gone to bed and messing with things, maybe eating a paper or two. And if she gets blackout you just KNOW she’ll be ready to get with whichever of these aspiring actor contestant guys she likes and hawk a fat TUAH onto his asshole before shoving her nose up into that thang! Awwww yeaahhh
why is she in here?
Where's Hayley?
>Protecting the multiverse?
many such cases
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It serves its purpose and serves it well.
this makes me sad and laugh really hard at the same time
Science experiments
so what even is the point of the "lab"
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She led him on.
Imagine if Tayleigh was there. He would have killed her
It's just some autist spamming it
They are setting up a birthday surprise
need me a bad bitch neet like letty
kek I love Xavierposts
i've said this a million times. the wiggers are retarded
Nope. Completely nude.
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Her only positive trait is understanding how cringe it is to worship production, which doesn't mean a thing when the entire cast is non-fans.
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ready for abi
She only has like 3 outfits she originally got for the bloodgames. Also you're gay.
i can't fucking do this anymore man. this has actually ruined my night. I want this shit to be over with, but sadly Claire is still there so I have to watch.
i'm so fucking mad
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Weird-pilled bitch didn't want his yellow (her favorite color) bike
Testing one of S3's bedrooms audio
He’s a CS major
dave is fuuuuuuuuuucked up
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flowstream still hasn't added lab cam yet
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>TTS last night: Bitch tank is so bad it's making me start to like Abi. What the fuck
>Abi: Don't let me into your heart because I'll shatter it into a million pieces
>She leaves the next morning
she's quebecois, maybe the least fashionable people on earth
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Women owe Jimmy sex.
imagine if paypigs actually had even the slightest sense of humor
To farm tts to claire. The experiment is a great success
even they've given up on this nontent fest
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jimmybros what the FUCK is going on??
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testing audio supposedly but probably jet seeing how popular with the viewers she is when by herself
Cleh's about to hex Shadi
She's too trashy. Even in her IRL pics. No coordination. She needs some class and then she'd be 200% better.
No it’s good wtf
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What are Jet's plans to siphon viewers from this?
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What software do you use to achieve this?
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Why does BBC queen Betty twerk in dark alley ways so she can lure in black men and then rape them?
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And imagine if production didn't have to bow down to them, then maybe they wouldn't lose 2k viewers every season.
By having a show that you can watch and is actually running
>CS major
what do they do
so is hayleigh fuckin dead now?
they miss out on a shit ton of tts money without places for the contestants to run off to
She ate a man’s ass on a Greyhound bus and it is evident in the shape of her nose and face that she likes to take it a few centimeters deeper if you catch my drift
keep making these
Her outfits are good fuck off, you niggers hate her for every little thing
where are haley and the australian?
nothing, its a shit degree
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>show that you can watch and is actually running
The wiggers already lost there.
I hate myself for loving this girl. I hate everything about her. Why do I love her.
these are so good hahaha. glad i got that screenshot
Sam kicked out the Australian, Haley is dealing with divorce shit
AI Mirror
wow some femcels on reddit took her side? thats crazy dude im sure she was telling the truth and wasn't just looking for validation to leave the marriage after she lost weight
Haley might be the biggest KWAB story in all of Fishtank and it's just kind of flying under the radar lmao
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Very exploitable image.
That's how I feel about the vtuber Ouro Kronii.
Is that true? That's fucking terrible and pretty racist. They deserve reparations.
australian was sent home for being cringe. haley's saucy dms to frank and jet were leaked by her ex husband and she's melting down in the basement
Juliana? Yeah, she's growing on me
It's incredibly bad. She has always dressed like a basic bitch from 2008 but not in a cool thrifty way. It's like a guy who wears big and1 basketball shorts in 2024. Very horse girl type aesthetic.
>10 siblings no brothers

Her dad is such a cuck.
siphon money from government contracts by hiring jeets and niggers to add 3 lines of code while a white guy masterminds the main library of doing some random excel function that makes roasties clap for the African children it saved (and the mcmansion it bought them)
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The birthday reunion isn't happening
gtfo with that anime shit
post letty? rare pics only
>She needs some class and then she'd be 200% better.
I mean sure, but she isn't known for that sort of thing. She's a skanky sexy neet.
She speedran the tayleigh% category and got a world record
which of you fucking retards finds the fuck marry kill thing funny?
Infidelity is the cause of most divorces. These hoes ain't loyal.
retarded that gigastacey kalei was kicked off instead of abi, only for abi to just walk out less than 12 hours later on her own. literally fucking retarded. she literally cried and was all in. abi is a weird mannish cunt and deserves the worst. total snake
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growing up with 9 sisters
Ben lost his Jewish look. Sad.
Compete with thousands of jeets and chinks for a $50k/yr job in a nigger-infested inner city
>big and1 basketball shorts in 2024
bro not cool Scott already has enough on his plate he doesn't need to catch your strays too what if he reads this?
>No it’s good wtf
you can't even fashion a sentence together
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>all these people sorrow posting for Abi
Ummm I'm sorry didn't this bitch QUIT?!
its so unfair that she got the leave the show without getting humiliated.
jet was probably scared she'd air out all the shit he said to her in DMs lmao
>haley's saucy dms to frank and jet were leaked by her ex husband and she's melting down in the basement
she looks 70 years old

#EXTINF:1,Room A
#EXTINF:1,Room B
>haley's saucy dms to frank and jet were leaked by her ex husband and she's melting down in the basement
>Goes to a random house for a fucked up reality show and doesn't tell anyone, and it's her birthday in the middle of said show

My parents would legit think i killed myself if i did this, and i'm only half as fucked up as her.

God I love this woman.
the first one was sent by an account called "josielovesbbc"
She’s up there with tayleigh and Jimmy for biggest head cases
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>please pick me
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She has powers anon. I'm in the same boat.
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It's not little and I don't hate her. She looks a lot better than S1 but is only 65% of the way there.
Within certain scenes big basketball shorts are absolutely coming back
i saw the jet ones, but frank?
It's because it was so expected, from the start she was totally fake and nothing she said was the truth, it was all quarter truths. I hope her life's fucked.
I love everything about her
after wathcing FT for 2 and a half seasons I've deduced the longer you stay there and put up with this shit the more of a loser you are. Abi W.
evidence is we got the texts, TTS was talking about what was in them and she's been gone for like 2 hours since
Have they said anything about Haley or are they just hoping people forget about her
Kek. I thought she would choose kill jet
her whole time here was one giant humiliation
thanks familia
Jet told Claire that Haley is probably not coming back
Why no worries about copyrighted music?
also her ex did a discord q+a or something its on youtube somewhere idk
Shit sucks
it’s because she’s JUST ugly enough and she’s like “kaliacc? what’s that?” and like “you know ray peat?”
No it’s cute cope
mauro isnt a loser by your definition
>"can I touch your skull?"
people get mad
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She doesn't flash her panties to the camera as much as she used to.
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What happened?
Actually what not having a hoe phase does to a bitch. She was bragging earlier about pulling Scott Sullivan. She legit though blowing the sensei from fishtank that everyone low-key hates in the bathroom was an accomplishment. That's on top of all the obvious shit
They asked Scott what happened and he said:
>you'll never get me pot of gold
anon, why do you like claire?
but anon she said she was keeping it 200 and genuine like 657 times
like a zit? makes sense.
Death to anyone who uses fishtank chat
Death to anyone who sends unfunny TTS spam
Death to anyone who's in one of those gay fishtank clans
Death to anyone who runs a fishtank live twitter account
Death to anyone whose entire personality is fishtank
Death to anyone whose dream is to be on fishtank
Jet told cleh that its just her and shadi now
I relate incredibly to her attitude about life coming from a large uptight Mormon family. It really sets you up to be nihilistic as fuck when it all falls apart.
hi kenny
If Jet wasn't such a cheap Jew when it comes to cameras, I'd have FT reaction images.
sued by the fred hyde estate
>i want to play roblox with abi
clabi bros..
he’s coming back
Haven't even been watching enough to pay attention to it, but yeah her entire stay from start to finish has been one big KWAB
even the piss-soaked Canadian bush?
65% of the way to what?
>I wanna play Roblox with Abi
Why do bitches love roblox
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>"i just hope we can be friends"
I like Claudia for where he nose goes if you know you know
i guess but i wanted to see her really breakdown. she was lying and shit talk all the way to the end
My point is she doesn't pull it off. It's frumpy on her. I'd like to have sex with her though
same person.
He’s in the living room
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this is getting sad
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same desubeit
Literally her first friend.
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Yeah that’s hot
watching people sleep just doesn't feel the same since season 1. am i the only one who thinks this?
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If the Abi thing ends up being real I'll fucking lose it
Abi quit (and lost)
You can tell she really likes her bros.... and she doesn't like anyone... its real.
dave just mooned the camera lmao
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Birthday surprise incoming
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"slandered" jet and sam and was immediately threatened with legal action
there are some good games on there that are free duplicates of good games
and the chat trolling can be funny at times
pretty sure you covered everything with the first line bud
Looks like a sperm lol
Haley is the kind of retarded women that ends up sex trafficked after joining a cult
I just want Claire and Abi to hold each other
on some real shit though at Elan Utah Elevations they would starve you for days if you didn’t give in to their little mental games and, shit, if you were ugly you’d get singled out even harder
>I'll so serious
Paralegal btw
i hope they give her a nice party
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Damn I never saw this one. She’s so happy to show Claire she got the jetpack cheat to work.
Sexy brat, smart enough, entertaining and tragic. I love how she doesn’t wanna stream and is already talking about how she doesn’t wanna have much social media because people from her high school are bullies.
This is such an embarrassing thing to say
lol she did a tj
>claire likes degrassi
>only references the newer season
birthday suprise is fatty dressed up as the pringles man btw
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>yeah this girl seems stable enough to put on my humiliation show
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theres no way it doesnt happen bros
im manifesting too hard
Dave needs rehab
picrel her ex?
If Cole stayed a little longer he couldve met someone who matched his autism
claire is girl tj in many ways
Even the way julirata holds her cigarette and smokes pisses me off

Fuck that weird little cripple
she should stream games on twitch at least with a quaint donation button
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No they arent, her outfits are iconic and look good on her
dave needs a shotgun blast to the face
fuck that homeless faggot
Fuck YEAH Claudia knows where that nose goes! Mmm whatcha saaaay
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Nah still tayleigh
for Claire's birthday they got a big cake and Abi is inside, she will pop out of it, so thats why she took this long of a shower!
I always thought Q was a twink but he looks like a Dream impersonator for birthday parties.
Fuck you, how does that sound?
If juli knew that was Q, why did she let him put his hands on her?
you've never made a typo? dumb nigga
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If you're Sam and jet you don't want to be deposed or subject to discovery trust me
You have romantic thoughts about Abi

>No. But I do like Abi

we're so close
I've been waiting for him to fuck up that pile of balls
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Ready to be disappointed
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>Spending your 22nd birthday trapped in a dank room getting waterboarded by Jet Neptune
TJ is an underbitten dick monkey soley to milk paypigs fantasizing about Taylor's breasts
lmao GTA hooker
Why the fuck is Dave sweating???
Did you not listen to Julie talk to Q on the spaces? The could cut the sexual tension with a knife.
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I don't think qnanon is any less of a lame faggot after today, that's for certain.
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Didn't he say he's been looking like post s2 cole?(alcoholic)
Yea his name is robin
She at least lasted the show. And made a fuck ton of money from the show and from her streaming for only 3 or 4 months
Haley is already gone. dumb bitch
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>have you ever had romantic thoughts about that bitch
>no, but i do like her
The wiggers have clearly already decided Claire is the new Letty. Jet just straight up hangs out with her while nothing else is going on lmao.
Someone said it was on tts and she said that it wasn't and he had different hair
I will pay for a TTS but I'm so terrified it won't be funny and all of you will make fun of me for being a "paypig" even though it's 10 bucks and only one time (with a comment that will change the game and life of everyone on the show and watching).
Goran Rapistovic is real
He is either in drugs or withdrawing
I'm going to say it, jet looks pretty good when he's not wearing retarded wigger clothes.
It's a step away from a Harley Quinn cast tho, which would good for her unlike Margot
He learned from sam
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Mauro, Damiel, Meg, Summer, Jimmy, Simmons, Brian all confirmed not losers
>waterboarding starts
>cams go down again
great job production
happy birthday claire :)
she can't read this lil bro
reddit post
Hi Jet!
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Whose gamer strat cast the biggest shadow today?
Fuck yeah you know what’s good with Claudia
>We're gonna get you a birthday cake tomorrow

...Abi? where are you?
not romantic doesn't mean not sexual...
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is she
robin banks
Because Jet doesn't want to hang out with Bex in the basement when Ben isn't around.
what’s ftl?
>In trouble with who? JET NEPTUNE?
>over half the viewers are watching Claire alone in a room
Claire won
talmbout jet look good like that nigga ain't got pink hair
Her fashion sucks, she has nice tits but she dresses like a retard.
Prolapsed anus from a bugchasing gangbang
The fit sucks. It's giving dress up. No homo
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>cams go down literally EVERY time something starts after being fine for hours
its gotta be a bug with their clip system or something its way too consistent
Its too early anyway. She's just in the "liking" stage.
They WILL become supportive lovers. They WILL save each other. They WILL live a long and happy life together.
Team Jon, Xavier, Abi bros won
Team Jimmy, Tayleigh, Haley paypigs lost
He didnt finish the fight.
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its one of the most iconic fishtank outfits
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>over half the audience is watching Claire
How's Jet gonna fuck this up like he does every time?
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>choke for Goran, bitch. Happy Birzday
everyone hits clip at once, makes sense
hawk-TUAH on that asshole and shove that big beak of a nose up in that thaaang!
they're putting her in the cake rn
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"taking a shower"
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wow i can use Inspect as well, fag.
its so nice to have a fish alone in a room. the past month has been excruciating
she's even started doing Letty's "heeheehee" laugh
"How I spent my 22nd birthday being mindfucked and farmed by wiggers for content"
>It's giving dress up
kill yourself
pedobait schoolgirl outfit
the system resets every day 6PM and 12AM EST. wiggers just forgot about it this time
>claire won
Yeah she won a stupid spin off shit season with no real reward. Would have wiped the floor with everyone in s2 and been the only person to put up a fight to letty in s1. What a fucking waste
dont sign your posts
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Kind of but thats perfect for a reality tv show
why’s she so fucking ugly
lab room is cool
they need to do a payday 2 cooking meth challenge lol
claire sucks. female jimmy
>wahh im fucked up
>muh life sucks
>woe is me
For some reason I feel like he gets it this time, I'm not as worried
Claire is bored in an empty room.
Claire would rather be raped than bored.
I see Goran's grand design.
what a weird world it is to live in coming here, and being a fan of Xavier, Abi, Jimmy and Tayleigh.
Jon I partially like, Hayley became aggravating in 3 days.
Claire already won the show at this point
she probably won herself a wealthy catholic husband and abi as a girlfriend.
i thought that was her bros...
>Abi quits (again)
>Abi won!

Explain this simp logic
Can Abi really float like that?
nah they need to get spongebob in the tank that would be kino!
Nontent Clare still yapping??
Jimmy has aspergers
Claire is all together, except she's a voluptuous woman
stop typing like a nigger
So we are going to say how much we hate Cleh for being a letty clone pick me. Once the season is over. She hates people who suck up
I would have loved to see her hawk-TUAH on Letty! Fuuuck yeah gooner
>I'm really smart
>constant references to internet memes like inflation porn etc.
where’s trixie when we need her?
claire thinks it's people from back home fucking with her by sending personal TTS and not autistic internet detectives
she won my heart
Jet all you had to do was keep the fat hog in the containment cell and give some chic fil a nuggets
How did you like Claire's birthday surprise? Sorry to report Abi has found a pack of feral kittens in the Downs and has taken her stuff to Basecamp for the time being. We're hoping Shadi disqualifies herself soon so we can transition to Season 2.99 with Claire and Abi camping with the Switch and a single blanket. Also I'm gay and my penis is small. Jet
new thread
Change cams you cynical nigger
for me? its her nose
>no oddball
>no abi
>alone in a puke green room with trashbarrels and shitty matresses on her birthday
Claire won
1820 viewers
>everything else combined

claire mogs
nahhhh u trippin fr bro on god
Letty is a camwhore
Claire gets nude for the fans to appreciate her roman body
Haley quit
>I AM doing it for Abi!

im still so happy
there's 2 mattresses...just saying
ben should come in playing this on his phone
its so cute and perfect
It's pretty clear she's the winner here already, the lab seems to be either something entirely seperate from bitchtank or it's the claire birthday lap tank.
I'm filtering hawk tuah because of you, freak
claire... she had a hard life
Jet is deranged for putting Claire in a room alone playing happy birthday at her. Goranian.
main character btw
There are people who benefit from going through the full thing and people who benefit from leaving early. TJ was the former while someone like Abi is the latter for example.
Get help faggot
for sure kill yourself as soon as possible
You first nigger
rare yang never seen b4

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