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Literal man-children gravitate to his work
he named the jew. he's anti-reddit
John Wayne sized him up and determined that he was a faggot, and that's all I need to know.
Wasn't John Wayne a closet homo?
It was revealed to him in a dream
His films are DIY and fun and amtospheric and silly and thrilling and allegorical. He does a solid job, it's a better quality of that sort of horror. But it is also just what it is and I wouldn't only take John Carpenter movies to a desert island.
he's a good director
but worship of the Thing is pure reddit
Give me a minute to find it, but Carpenter explained on a podcast that he met John Wayne once and had a negative experience with him, which makes him about one in a thousand. Even the actors that hated John Wayne and who you'd expect John Wayne to hate always spoke surprisingly positively of him and he of them, which means John Carpenter, who worshiped John Wayne and made several movies based on John Wayne films, had to have been particularly annoying
The Thing BTFOs Cronenberg's entire filmography
No he didn't
Super overrated, even The Thing
Hello John :)
good music
>directed by john carpenter
>produced by john carpenter
>written by john carpenter
>original soundtrack by john carpenter
yeah I'm thinkin based
Cronenberg's version of the Fly rivals the Thing if not even surpassing it. What carpenter, even though he had excellent execution and artistry, lacked in his movies was a sense of vulnerability and the last 20 minutes of the Fly is among the greatest final acts in all movie history. Very few movies come close to being so bonechilling and tragic at the same time. Your "btfo'd" 4chinz slang is what illiterate nutless monkies resort to because of their lack of education and their inability in taking part in a good fair discussion. Don't even bother replying.
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>Everything that has ever existed or will exist is Reddit
How can you say you hate Reddit and yet literally find it impossible to stop talking or thinking about it?
Says the tasteless slackjawed faggot
Reminds me of that interview with Orson Welles where he talks about hating Woody Allen.
Sometimes you can just read someone so perfectly and despise them.
holy kike rage
Rent free almost like clockwork
Ironic coming from a kike seething at a successful goy. Don't you have more threads to make about elden ring being overrated on /v/ or something? Or try another one shitting on dune
Found it. He mentions it here

His favorite actor, star of 7 out of 10 of his favorite westerns, guy renowned for being polite and friendly to anyone who approached him, met John Carpenter and thought he was a fucking idiot he couldn't wait to get away from
Cronenberg mogs him.
Is this the girl who fucks niggers

That's Canadian actress Sarah Gadon.
Getting Weinstein vibes
you just know
Baited hook line and sinker
Kek wayne took one look at carpenter and knew he was a onions liberal.
Cronenberg isn't like that.
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eXistenZ was the weirdest fucking movie, I can't believe the same guy made A History of Violence.
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Now I'm imagine a timeline in which John Carpenter directed Tombstone
When about's in the vid is it?
The link is timestamped, but manually, 25:40. A quick comment by Carpenter, who seems very uncomfortable recalling it.
Oh shit it is, I just opened it retarded.

>You see I had long hair
Now we need to do a hair check on all the left wing actors that met Wayne but got along with him.
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That's most young actors post-60s, but Wayne even commented generally on men with long hair
>PLAYBOY: Having once worn long hair yourself, how do you feel about long-haired
young people?
>WAYNE: They don't bother me. If a guy wants to wear his hair down to his ass, I'm not
revolted by it. But I don't look at him and say, "Now there's a fella I'd like to spend next
winter with."
Wayne even accepted gay actors at the time.
Speaking on Rock Hudson:
>Who the hell cares if he's a queer? The man plays great chess. We had many a game up there in Durango. And what a good-looking man. I admit, I couldn't understand how a guy with those looks and that build and the . . .manly way he had about him could have been a homosexual, but it never bothered me. Life's too short."

Carpenter had to have a particularly unlikable quality about him.
>Carpenter had to have a particularly unlikable quality about him.
Well, he’s clearly onions
Carpenter when he saw John Wayne:

>Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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there is nothing wrong with simple, fun movies. he is overrated in the "film buff" community as some legendary craftsmen, when he's essentially just having fun with what he's doing. thats why i like him a lot, his movies are always fun in some way or another
Yeah The Thing worship has gotten way out of hand. It was ok when it was like “hey this under-appreciated 80s cult movie is actually pretty good” but these niggers acting like it’s the Citizen Kane of horror films are fucking braindead.

Carpenter flicks in general are mid.
They Live is anti-capitalism. Yeah, anti-capitalism is anti-jewish, but it's also anti-capitalism-slave-goy, which includes 90% of right-wing /tv/.
The Thing is the best horror movie ever and one of the best movies in general
nah it's mostly anti-jew. it doesn't talk about economics lol
Sure thing chinstrap.
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Holy shit, this board fucking sucks.
What did you think the "morning in America" line meant, silly?
Reagan was a jew
Speaking of, Citizen Kane sucks ass unlike The Thing
Weak bait
It's just his gait wearing a man purse on vacay that gets talked about. Dainty unlike his acting. Maureen O'Hara saw Ford kiss a lead on the lips, maybe Tyrone Powell
He was a capitalist retard, so yeah, basically
Big trouble is total win, better craft than 80s Tsui Hark
I adore a lot of the guy's work. Some truly great stuff. That said, the man himself has always come across to me as a totally insufferable and unjustly bitter faggot. For example a fan at a con or something will say "such and such was my favorite movie" and Carpenter will retort with "why didn't you see it in fucking theaters then?" And all his fanboys dismiss this as Carpenter messing around or just "John will be John" but the dude is a bitter little asshole. Oh boo hoo you ONLY have what....10 million in the bank? But you SHOULD have a hundred million right? Oh boo hoo you're only loved as one of the best cult movie directors ever but you SHOULD have gotten to do ultra high budget goyslop right? Oh you're responsible for what many people consider the best Horror movie ever? But you're just SO tired of talking about it right? Poor thing.Yeah it sucks that many of the guy's movies initially flopped and some were absolutely ravaged by critics in the day only to later be considered cult classics if not outright mainstream classics. So? Dude got to keep making movies. Most of which he got to have quite a bit of creative freedom on, if not the budgets he desired. He never had to work the 9-6 grind like the rest of us schmucks. Yet to watch/read any interview or any footage of him from the last 20 years (or more) you'd think he suffered and suffers greatly and that he was just cheated so badly by Hollywood and his life has been so terrible.

TLDR: Love most of his movies but the man himself is a spoiled, entitled, bitter, fuckin' crybaby who doesn't realize how good he had it and has it.
Nigger: The Poster
The Thing > The Fog > Prince Of Darkness > Escape From New York > Halloween > Assault On Precinct 13 > In The Mouth Of Madness > They Live > Cigarette Burns > Big Trouble In Little China > Vampires > Someone's Watching me > Escape From LA > Elvis > Village Of The Damned > Ghost Of Mars > The Ward > Dark Star > Christine > Star Man > Body Bags > Pro Life > Memoirs Of An Invisible Man
Big Trouble is literally the greatest film ever
I've never met a single person who liked Memoirs Of An Invisible Man.
>Fog that high
>PoD that high
>They Live that low
>Big Trouble that low

I won't even read the full list.
That's because you're a normalfaggot faggot who typically underrates The Fog and Prince Of Darkness while gushing over mid shit like They Live and BTILC. Trust me Reddit would very much be on your side on this one sport.
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>Vampires under The Fog and BTILC
The book is pretty great, Carpenter fucked it up.
I don't care how many redditors overrate The Thing, that movie is a classic
OP is the type of loser that thinks he's mature and smart, when in reality he's just soulless and boring.
Carpenter is great but it's like he's just unlucky.
Not only does he see that bad luck in his filmography but also personally. Stories of him being humiliated or ignored by someone more famous than him are published here all the time.Certainly he is famous but not enough to be recognized by the majority and that includes other celebrities. The good news is that he has fans like Tarantino, Rodríguez or Stephen Colbert who make him worthy of respect for those who don't know who he is.
Honestly, the only thing that makes me wonder what the fuck was going through his head was when he collaborated with and greenlit the story for the "The Thing" video game. What a fucking mess that was, completely retconned what the thing even was and ruined everything good about the movie.
so what director should man-children go to?
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think of being in the prime of your life, being good, creating a legacy almost unparalleled amongst your peers and failing time after time after time. he got super bitter over his failures and getting recognition past a certain point just made him feel even shittier.
Ari Aster
Reminder that Carpenter named the jew
Stephen Colber is a ponce.
Yeah boo fuckin hoo. Dude still made millions. And still got the studio to allow him to make movies like Prince Of Darkness, Big Trouble IN Little China and They Live. Which was all Carpenter. He got a shocking amount of creative control over his movies. Far more than Craven got. And he was a beloved director even in the late 80's early 90's he had a huge fanbase. So his bitterness that he's ONLY a small millionaire and his movies initieally bombed and he didn't get to make huge budget slop doesn't sit well. He comes across like a totally ungrateful cunt in everything he does. And his "yeah did such and such for the money aint i a cool outlaw" schtick gets really tiresome. We get it dude. You're bitter and you don't care. And the fans you DO have and have always have somehow aren't good enough.
yuppies and unrestrained capitalism are both jewish
He stopped caring about anything then. The Thing vidya development story reminded me of when he was invited to be the narrative consultant for F.E.A.R. 3 with the press interview of him saying 2deep4u stuff as if he gets the game and shit and years later the devs called him out on his bullshit because he didn't do anything at all.
John Wayne was a fake tough guy who stayed at home making movies while real men fought the Nazis and Japanese. His opinion on manliness is worth nothing.
>it was okay when it was just me and my buddies on 4chan talking about it but now that the secret's out it's obnoxious
hipster faggot lmao
John carpenter was too egotistical and considered himself to be above everyone he met in Hollywood. He had a very opinion on his skills. He always put his finger in too many pies. He wanted desperately to come across as an auteur. He should've collaborated more and surrounded himself with talented people. Just slap your name on top of the title and you get credit for all their contribute. Just ask James Cameron. Carpenter's main problem was that he felt he could everyone's job better. That's why.
that and he probably loves some obscure manga shit for kids and my little pony.
Except for 1,2 and 4 the rest are all the just cookie cutter westerns.
>no darling clementine
>no cavalry trilogy
>no big country
>no liberty valance
Yea I think I understand now why John Carpenter never made timeless movies, despite being a first rate technician.
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>I voted reddit!
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But James Cameron doesn't put his name above the titles of his films.
I'm sorry, this answer is for
Watched Big Trouble in Little China and got surprised at how amateurish it is other than for charming creature and costume work by not-Carpenter part of the team.
Not at all what I said retard nigger.
You've got one right here. I think the film is legitimately funny. Sam Neill? Kino. Chevy Chase? Kino.

That being said, the ward and/or ghosts of mars not bottoming out this list is fucked
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John Carpenter makes great movies
The Thing is great
OP is a faggot
Fuck off, zoomer
how did he do it?
>Except for 2
OUATITW is as cookie cutter as it gets
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The Fog is great
dubs of truth
Maybe it's a personality flaw of not dealing with failure well, or maybe he's combative that studio people + critics didn't support him the way he wanted? He may have creative, craftsman brain, but the business/social stuff are not his strength
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>John Wayne questions your manhood
How do you respond?
The late 80s was not a good time to do occult movies. Plus Cronenberg's cerebral approach was preferred by critics
Always the knee-jerk reaction whenever John Wayne is mentioned. John Wayne never presented himself as a tough guy and neither you nor John Carpenter were more manly than him or anyone else born before 1910.
Christine was traumatizing to a kid. Even not knowing a thing about movies, I was shook
JC owns up to it that he showed up to a directors function, but everyone ignored him to sit at Cronenberg's feet holding court.
Not everyone can related to jewish gay mommy issues
Based. Cronenberg's movies are gay and boring
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A geriatric who spends time in his basement playing VG. He's a literal incel but with kids.
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nice purse nigga
How do you know? Are you some kind of Redditor faggot retard?
He also praised The Thing comics, which were mostly weird and terrible.
I did not know it
Nice VHS tape, grandpa
The more I learn about Carpenter the more I come to think he is an easily offended asshole. Decent filmmaker though.
>he named the jew except he did in a super sneaky clever way where he never actually named the jew and deliberately put in elements that directly contradict anti-semetic conspiracy theories
>John Wayne never presented himself as a tough guy
Factually incorrect
>Nice shorts, did your husband buy them for you?
Nobody said JC was manly. Just that JW is a fraud and a pussy
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