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">Hitler was not a human,he had to study humans in order to be one.
-Historian and narrator of this movie.
Does anyone here agree with this statement about National Socialist and Hitler?.
Isn't it funny how jewish "historical" narratives are almost always hysterical, devoid of any rationality and border on religious fanaticism?
Thoughts on this?,agree or disagree?.
Hitler wasn't human, he was possessed by Wotan and he shall come again and reign cold vengeance on Israel, once again scattering them like couscous thrown on the Earth.
>Le Hitler!
Yawn. Shit is played out and boring by both sides
>Downfall was the subject of dispute by critics and audiences in Germany before and after its release, with many concerned regarding Hitler's portrayal in the film as a human being with emotions in spite of his actions and ideologies.[42][30][51] The portrayal sparked debate in Germany due to publicity from commentators, film magazines, and newspapers,[25][52] leading the German tabloid Bild to ask the question, "Are we allowed to show the monster as a human being?"[25]
>Cristina Nord from Die Tageszeitung criticized the portrayal, and said that though it was important to make films about perpetrators, "seeing Hitler cry" had not informed her on the last days of the Third Reich.[57]
They make Hitler look cooler than he really was.

If anything, Hitler was cooler than any media that depicts him. Ultimate NEET fantasy because Hitler himself was a NEET in his early 20s.
>he had to study humans in order to be one
Literally me. How you doing, fellow human studiers?
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>Hitler was not a human,he had to study humans in order to be one.
I hate this dehimanization shot they do, they do it with serial killers like Ted Bundy and Dahmer, too. Yes you dense motherfuckers, Hitler was human, to deny otherwise would be to deny the darkness in our own souls. To attempt to write off people like Hitler or Stalin as "monsters" is just a way for people ignore that any human could be potentially capable of the same moral failings.
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Yes, Hitler ws not a human. He was a higher being come to save us. We just didn't listen.
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>They just got it wrong. Bad people do not walk around with claws like vicious monsters, even though it might be comforting to think so. Everyone intelligent knows that evil comes along with a smiling face.[16]

—Hirschbiegel in 2015, on the criticism surrounding the portrayal of Hitler
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The German film did a good job of humanizing and made the audience empathize with Uncle.
>Look Who's Back (German: Er ist wieder da) 2015
Yes because I'm exactly the same way and I'm the future Hitler. I've adapted to about 80% of humanity
The subtitle is literally "EVIL MAN EVILLLLL" and you expect an objective and fair historical account?
Tbf, the bar is low because Downfall in itself wasn't accurate. Hitler, by those closest to him, was described as melancholic, interested in talking about history and art in his final days. He wasn't raving about the war or having meltdowns, he already knew the war was lost.. Junge describes him raising his voice only one time (during the scene which his military commanders) and it was very brief. We're never gonna get an accurate Hitler movie because the kikes are way too butthurt about him and they are the ones who pull the strings in Hollywood. He's always gonna be a caricature, even in the movies that pride themselves to be 'faithful'
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>Eichinger replied to the response from the film by stating that the "terrifying thing" about Hitler was that he was human and "not an elephant or a monster from Mars".
What did he mean by this.
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Second that, Fuck's Elchinger or Germans got against elephants ?

I wished Germany did accept Botswana's challenge to take in elephants, they spend that much taxpayer money on niggers, why can't they take some elephants ?

Take in a smarter and more intelligent species in their country. Look at this poor guy, has to spend his time around niggers.
Funny because Kershaw portrays him as a pretty mediocre middle class guy. More lucky than talented. But he was also clearly biased. Still, this portrait is closer to the actual Hitler than this bizarre attempts at making him inhuman or superhuman.
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>>"not an elephant or a monster from Mars".
>What did he mean by this.
He is a big boy
It's pretty dumb to deny he had charisma, political talent and good militaristic insight. Just some mediocre guy wouldn't have gathered the support he did among party, people and military.
>Still, this portrait is closer to the actual Hitler than this bizarre attempts at making him inhuman or superhuman
kek, there's nothing accurate about his portrayal. It's run of the mill 'le Hitler evil & incompetent' type shlock that Hollywood keeps churning out. Surprised they didn't make him a fag, as well.
He was a human, the greatest human to ever live.
>Hitler is known as the most evil man ever
>Hitler is known for his love of dogs
>How do we inform the audience that Hitler is evil? I know, we'll have him be mean and kick a dog

For fuck sake, I stopped watching there
He seems to be mostly lucky. If you listen to him it's just pretty basic populist drivel.
>80IQ manchild critiques man who had 150+IQ
>um like... its like... pretty basiiic? like.. i didnt get iiit? like he was mean so.. um... thats like, bad?
It's unlikely he had such IQ. Like I said, he was extremely lucky. After his little putsch, which he miraculously survived he should be executed for treason. He survived only because the Weimar judiciary system was full of nationalists and anti-republicans.
But even this doesn't matter. In 1928 NSDAP was an irrelevant party. They got 2.7% votes in the elections. If not for the Great Depression there wouldn't be any Machtergreifung.

Those are just facts.
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Biggest con artists of all time and traitors of everything that means to be European
Remember that time Christopher Hitchens said the president was more intelligent than everyone in the audience? It's like that but around 100x more true with Hitler. If you begin to consider the smallest logistical and psychological complexities of his position then you will realise the necessity of him having some intelligence. Everyone immediately below him was of a very high iq, recorded, it's only expected he would be as well. But we shouldn't have to 'expect' this, it should be OBVIOUS to anyone who's not a retard, yet there are still midwit nobodies with their dumb opinions trying to take high-achievers down a peg.

>If you listen to him it's just pretty basic populist drivel.
You're just projecting a narrative now, seeing what you want to see. His speeches were extremely unique, in gesture, voice and content, and it is always intelligently aimed for effect and towards whoever the audience is in particular. Giving live performances, improvising them with an almost religious effect on the audience, is not something just easy to do or that can be learned from pop-psych 101. You see the big, famous slogans, like 'German is awoken', and you take them out of context and see it as a very simple populist statement, but you're not thinking about it's context, how Hitler prepares the audience for hearing such a statement, how its meaning is molded by every little detail he says. Just listen to a full half an hour speech or something instead of relying on cliches and five second snippets. No one else, no matter how passionate or maniacally intentioned, could have been as popular a speaker as Hitler was in that time and place. Even intelligent commentators like Ernst Junger, long before Hitler became a somebody, remarked on his great speaking abilities. It's not just populist drivel according, and anyone with any intelligence, throughout history, is capable of seeing that.
The problem is he was vegetarian which is the cause for everything bad he did but big vegetable is covering it all up.
>If things went well with the other parties then this one wouldnt have won.

Yeah no shit. Obviously Hitler and the NSDAP had a basis to grow on and that was mostly the fault of other people.
>He survived only because the Weimar judiciary system was full of nationalists and anti-republicans.
That's a very biased opinion. Most people say he survived because he was charismatic enough to win them over. You can't dehumanise the people of his time by relegating them to the crowd of 'nationalists', as if there aren't always current ideologies, because talent succeeded in spite of the judicial system, not because of 'luck'. Which is a really retarded historical analysis. "I dunno man he just rolled 10/10 luck every time", that's RETARDED. You're RETARDED for believing that.
Even better. There were two elections in 1932. In the first one NSDAP got 37% votes, but in the second one 33%. This basically means that they popularity started waning already.
>It's unlikely he had such IQ
No, he certainly did. You just can't handle the truth because you are completely enslaved by your bias and subconscious mind. Your ego protective instincts are too strong for your puny intellect to deal with, you can't be rational or objective.
>heckin racists are bad
>bad things can NOT be good in any way
>they certainly cannot be better than me, who is good, because that would make me inferior to someone bad! and my reality i constructed would no longer make sense
>i must spend my time convincing myself that superior people are inferior so i don't have a mental breakdown, forced to confront my own pathetic weakness and failure
Typical dysgenic leftoid.
I watched Triumph of the Will. His speeches are nothing special. Like I said, it's populist drivel. Muh poor Germany, we suffered so much, we will never suffer again, everyone should be willing to sacrifice his life for Germany, all this crap.

It's not biased, it's reality. Commies usually received death sentence for treason. And it wasn't just Hitler, so I don't know what's your point. What happened to Kapp or other members of his putsch? What about killers from Organisation Consul? What about the killer of Eisner?

I bet you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. You neo-Nazi seem to know very little about actual history. You prefer your silly myths.
>Muh poor Germany, we suffered so much, we will never suffer again, everyone should be willing to sacrifice his life for Germany, all this crap.
This is what I mean, you're just abstracting big slogans out of their context like a retard. Far more intelligent people than you have remarked on the talent of his speeches, it is a basic assumption that Hitler was intelligent, not just from what I have said (including the confirmed high iq of his inferiors and their remarks about his intelligence), but also any reasonable look at his life. This is not some fanatical NatSoc worship of Hitler, it's just common sense. Also, it's somewhat heartless to refer to truth as 'drivel', Germany did suffer an enormous amount, but anyone can say that, and no one was anyone near as talented as Hitler at it. You're just an idiot, pure and simple.
>noooo politicians can't speak to the people about the very real suffering they've been through!!!
>that's heckin POPULIST and racist!!!
>you chuds need to embrace liberal democracy and accept life is shit and always will be
Your disgustingly dismissive attitude shows that you're just some ugly commie faggot who likes that Germans suffered and died. You revel in it so gleefully that you can't stop it slipping out even when you try to hide it.

You're evil.
This, I enjoy Come & See a lot as well because it shows how even the most sane and nicest person can be transformed into a tool of death and destruction while still being human deep down.
If you ever see those home videos that Eva Braun shot on vacation you get to see this in action.
What suffering, lol? Germans are literally the biggest dindu nuffin niggers in Europe. They are responsible for most of their own suffering. From starting wars, committing war crimes, tanking their own economy to not pay reparations. Absolutely ridiculous. Why should I feel sorry for them? Pro-tip, everyone suffered in post-war Europe. Those were pretty shitty times. Most of Europe was poorer than Germany.
Hitler was a good person, you retard.
Auslander raus schalalalala
>actually Hitler was the greatest genius of all time, I mean he had to have been!
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>Germans are so obsessed with self-flagellation that they get upset when the thesis that Gemrany has a special guilt for world war one is challenged by historians
A dim-witted and tiresome people.
>starts to breakdown, dropping his mask
>NOT LIKE US CHOSE- uh, i mean, like, everyone suffers, man...
Every. Single. Time.
Yeah well he was a nazi
dollars to doughnuts he's a bong not a jew
Kek, you literally hate Germany. I'm not even that anon but it's comical how spot on he was. No anon, masses of innocent people do not deserve to be raped and burnt to ash because their leaders started a war. Nor is the suffering, cultural and physical, of a people lessened by it being common to other nations also. Were foreign nations looking after Germany? Of course not, so it's ridiculous to criticise a German for attempting to do so. Also it's just disingenuous to deny that Germany came off worse in WW1 than any other country.

Ridiculous misrepresentation of what was said.
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>Germany came off worse in WW1 than any other country
Idk Austria-Hungary got pretty raped too

So, he was autistic.
>Germans are so obsessed with self-flagellation
Nah, they are obsessed with blaiming the whole shebang on a dozen monsters who like, forced millions of innocent people into performing pogroms, volunteering for service in SS and building concentration camps.

Every single German is like
>"It was a horrible, horrible thing that THAT PESKY HITLER did we were all so terrified he was such a monster"
>"...your grandpa was an NSDAP member and a high ranking officer in Reichskanzlei and like, got a free house from the party for from sucking up to Hitler. The one that you literally live in right now. And he straight up faced no consequences"
>"...and then he remained at his post in the Adenauer administration, and he nepo'd a job there for your dad. And a scholarship for you, which will allow you take a nepo bureaucrat job under your dad."

It's all a LARP for deflecting any personal responcibility.
>personal responcibility
what personal responsibility could bernd have for what his grandfather did or didnt do?
>Psychotic hatred of Germans
You don't even try to hide it. A normal person would not talk like this.
he's literally me fr fr
Does anyone still doubt that Germans are the niggers of Europe?
Again, what did any germ living today actually do except have ancestors?
God what a piece of shit you are.
Oh you know, they act the way they do
>Some shit happens seventy years before I was born
>Again, what did any germ living today actually do
Support and serve their Fourth Reich leaders who are actively destyryong Europe (again)?
World war one.
My post is about world war one.
Seventy years from now the (black-skinned) descendants of this trach will be like
>"What personal responsibility could Bernd-Mohammed have for what his grandfather did under Ursula von der Leyen?"
What a sad, miserable creature you are. No friends, no life, sat on 4chan and discord all day trying to upset people so they'll feel a fraction of the pain you feel. Pathetic.
Oh please, scholz wishes he was cool enough to be a nazi.
Der Untergang has little to do with WWI tho.
How can you guys even defend the crimes of nazi germany? If they had succeeded you slavs and brownoids would be killed.
Nah, they are the same exact brand of lame.
Germans literally are the brownoid slavs.
Nta but you guys are such evasive faggots. Your country was Nazi Germany, don’t wash your hands so proudly. I’m sorry; but you’re culturally untrustworthy, nobody believes you when you just say you’re a good guy
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>wah wah wah germany is so evil we have to bomb the krauts because they're so mean
>wah wah wah germany is such a kuck why dont they do something lol have fun getting browned lmao what berndy gonna do?
Holy cope. Your country trashed Europe, you’re going to hear about it occasionally. And you think whining like that makes you look sane? Sheesh
Where are you from?
USA. And yes we have cultural issues too, that’s my point, I’m not out here denying it and saying ‘actually I’m the good american I disown all our bad history’ as if it proves anything. So people will treat you like you were a world war enemy 80 years ago, because it’s true, so what. Get over it
>wah wah wah germany is so evil
It literally is and still they started it both times.

>wah wah wah germany is such a kuck
Nope, that's a meme Germans invented to once again justify their nigger behavior, like their nigging out is "freeing themselves from submissive cuckoldery and retvrning to being based badasses"
> that's a meme Germans invented
literally posts itt disproving your schizo narrative
Well then shut the fuck up, slave-owner.
Germans invented their own passive aggressively cucked self-image in and weaponized incompetent liberalism in revenge for WW2.
the cast was kino for all the wrong reasons
Nah I'd say Americans are justified in occupating your ass. Reunification was a mistake, the gothic negroids belong in an occupation zone forever.
That’s right. I’m a slave owner calling you the Nazi spawn you are.
>Hitler wasn't human because he was evil
Hitler wasn't even that evil. He had a genuine like and concern for germany and his fellow germans, or unthreatening creatures like animals. That's a far cry from monsters like Stalin or Berial, and not too far off from genocidal figures throughout history. The reason he is decried that much is because his ideology still resonates in people today, and this threatens the modern cultural order. Hitler is dangerous, but he was not singularly evil.
>Hitler was dumb because... reasons
I guess he just bumbled into becoming absolute leader of a major state or something.
You're a fucking faggot shut the fuck up nigger.
>Fourth Reich leaders who are actively destyryong Europe
Fuck off. All the nations who are being destroyed in europe are into it. All the nations that do not want immigration do not get immigration. Even and especially german economic colonies like poland or hungary.
>Reunification was a mistake, the gothic negroids belong in an occupation zone forever.
And what are you gonna do about it faggot? Germany is rehabilitated no matter how much you seethe on tibetan basket weaving forums.
>I guess he just bumbled into becoming absolute leader of a major state or something.
The Powers That Be always prefer a dumbass figurehead.
Ok I can deal with being nazi as long as I dont ever have to live on one of your plantations, modern or otherwise.
Not sure how that’s supposed to work as an insult but fine by me *sips mint julep*
clearly they didnt since it's a bad thing and they're being ridiculed for it
very interesting cope though
Yeah you wouldnt understand what's repulsive about being around sweaty negros all day every day. *sips koenigsberger pilsner*
I don't care if you like it hitler or not if you are an actual history enjoyer it is very annoying and unobjective. One of the things that makes history interesting to me is seeing how our past is made up of just normal people. I don't believe in good and evil either
The Canon of Hitler and the Holocaust is THE most important aspect of culture of the modern western world. Without it, everything collapses for the jews in charge.
Germans are coyly playing the sore loser on the world stage, they suffered a narcissistic injury for losing at what they perceive as a very logical German nationalism, and now strike against the rest of the world from a point of submission by coyly carrying out the worst behaviors of liberalism in public and internationally, while still quietly holding nationalistic German pride in cultivating themselves. Basically they’re playing stupid with everyone else, but still angrily hold their discipline and beliefs to heart privately, because they got beaten in a fight.
Isn't it weird how society has become more rabid about WW2 the further removed we've become from it? Meanwhile in the 1970s you had Von Braun working for NASA, Albert Speer doing talkshows and lighthearted media like Hogan's Heroes. Nobody really cared that much but now it's a sacred cow.
damn if this doesnt read like zionist projection lol
Rude to talk with your mouth full Adolf, almost evil
underrated post
Yeah you got pozzed after the war, what can I say. Coyly acting the goy
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It's a pretty shitty documentary. Shame too because Carlyle is a good cast and this part of Hitler's life is desperate for a proper kino

it's impossible to make an accurate portrayal of Hitler's early life without making him extremely likable
Rise of Evil is shit with retarded portrayal of Hitler but you just described his most avid followers, they'd probably eat Hitler's steaming shit straight from his asshole if given the chance.
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bros... he's just like me
look how redditors behave if you imply the middle ages weren’t a dystopian nightmare, the emotional tantrum is not rational at all. historiography is another means to confirm your sense of the world and self and becomes another necessary means of personal validation for these people. if you imply hitler wasn’t satan then you’re personally attacking the reality they inhabit and by extension insulting them
>Hitler is
>Make sure to put that in the title in case some goyim don't get the message
>Surprised they didn't make him a fag, as well.
Well, they did make him an incestuous pedophile.
>complaining about humanizing humans
These people really are blind to the fact that, even by their own standards, they are the bad guys.
>complaining about midwits
>quotes christopher hitchens
He's so jaded he can't comprehend that such a figure as Hitler could exist without being a disingenuous hack like every stuffed suit these days. He probably doesn't know suffering either. Imagine being being subjected to a deliberate starvation blockade *after* you lost a war, laid down your arms, and signed treaties and shit.
Fascism has failed every single time it has ever been tried
>what can I say
Sorry for not supporting the good guys in ww2?
You talking about personal experiences there, buddy?
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Current reminder that Adolf Htler, Benito Mussollini and Hermann Goering are currently in Heaven for eternity.

Mussollini made it to Heaven. Repented at the last moment, had to wait 6 years in purgatory, than went straight to Heaven.

Hermann Gering ? Went to purgatory, and then went to Heaven.

>"Lenin and Stalin are not with Us. They were cast off to meet with their god, the prince of darkness, satan. "It behooves Me to say, and it tears My heart in anguish, that they did not seek to be saved." - Our Lady, June 18, 1992

>"My child, you will not hesitate in revealing the knowledge of truth. Teilhard de Chardin is in hell! Your leader, Roosevelt, is in hell! Franklin Roosevelt, My child. His spirit is one of darkness. He enters anew upon earth from the abyss." - Our Lady, September 13, 1975

>Does anyone here agree with this statement about National Socialist and Hitler?.
Yes. It's fairly self evident. Granted, you could argue that Hitler was just a opportunistic politician that then went off the deep end. But on the other hand, there is a lot of obvious sociopathic behavior from the start. Most damningly however, and most in favor of the "Pretending to be human" argument is that everything he claimed the Jews were going to do was actually just stuff he wanted to do and did.

Meanwhile, most national socialists, both now and then, are not human by any definition. They do not pass any test of humanity.
>To attempt to write off people like Hitler or Stalin as "monsters" is just a way for people ignore that any human could be potentially capable of the same moral failings.
The issue is "wanting to destroy all of human civilization" kind of goes beyond a moral failing.
> No anon, masses of innocent people do not deserve to be raped and burnt to ash because their leaders started a war
Morally, they do. Practically, they do.

See also: Isreal.

> Also it's just disingenuous to deny that Germany came off worse in WW1 than any other country.
Literally not even in the top 10.
>He had a genuine like and concern for germany and his fellow german
He had no love for his Germans no were they his fellows anyway. He was a fucking Austrian, and mostly despised actual German culture.

>That's a far cry from monsters like Stalin or Berial
Both of them showed more genuine love for their people than Hitler ever did.
>Jewish owned and controlled media: No, really! trust us when we talk about our second greatest enemy! He really did hate dogs and he really beat one because we said so!
> He really did hate dogs
Hitler liked dogs because he was a animal himself.
Yeah yeah I read that book too when I was in prison Odinism
kino concept tho
>Surprised they didn't make him a fag, as well.
they do that with the news media.
>Hitler liked dogs because he was a animal himself.
"but the jews who control the media and porn and normalized homosexuality and normalized trannies and imported millions of feral immigrants totally aren't animals, goyim!"
Nope. It's pretty much the opposite, lol. For me, a person who actually studied history, Hitler is just a random dictator. He achieved the most because Germany was the most populous country in Europe outside of Russia. They were also heavily industrialized hence it was possible for them to start such a war.

>muh suffering
Like I said, everyone suffered. Austria-Hungary stopped existing, lot of countries had communist revolutions, Russian civil war and Soviet expansion devastated East Europe. There was starvation everywhere in post-war Europe, social unrest, inflation and so on.

You basically just know the meme retard version of history from /pol/ threads, not actual history. By 1925 Germany recovered and immediately waged a custom war against Poland to force Poles to give back some of the lands they lost in the treaty of Versailles.
Lol, this is not how a poor victim of war acts.
You are a animal yourself. Normal people do not think like this. They do not act like this.
This is honestly proof that murdering all incels should be a question merely of practically. Morally and spiritually it has already been found good.
Look at the IQ tests during the Nuremberg trials, they were all smart as fuck. iirc the newspaper propaganda guy was fittingly the dumbest out of the whole lot
We should kill all the caterpillars before they become butterflies
>they were all smart as fuck
Lol. Imao, even.

Most of them were literally high on crack.
Ironically the smartest ones weren't Nazis.
Goebbels was a priapic sex maniac, fairly certain that he wrote that after a relationship ended.
The finance guy was a smarty (no shit!) but the guys below him were Nazis (aside from famous example of Donitz, but the German Navy was always apolitical)
>Hitler is just a random dictator. He achieved the most because Germany was the most populous country in Europe outside of Russia. They were also heavily industrialized hence it was possible for them to start such a war.
This is nonsense. It's like saying Napoleon only achieved so much because France was the most populous country. Not that any of that is true either way, Germany was far below the population of both the British and French Empires
>dude I'm smarter than all these high-achieving PHDs who ran a country because... because they were on drugs
>Most of them were literally high on crack.
Practically every soldier in WW2 was high on crack, you retard.

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