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HOH: Chelsie?

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)
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thanks bb
kenney and lisa seem certain
big guess on the third, her alliance seems to want angela as a shield but she's also so schizo they just might put her up anyway
>Which she should and flush MJ's power since i'm pretty sure they all know MJ has it.
that's actually a bit of a gamble because if she or say leah won and took her off that would let her off the block without using her power. IIRC she doesn't decide until the ceremony or right at it
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eternal leah worship
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>best girl doesn't have a route
gotta wait for the fandisk I guess
previously on /bb/

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Thanks, Matt
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First one to use the nword is a rotten egg
Sweet Kenny is gone this week. I’m out this season is over
Who is the phoniest in the diary room? Kenney might be a contender with how depressed he is outside of it
>I could be watching the Sox lose right now
quinn gonna have to lean a little more forward to hide a stiffy soon
just as planned by oursuccubus
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Floyd sends his regards
>beep boop
>bobby orr is gay
ok Leah is based
When the fuck is Quinn going to try and recruit Leah? He’s been alone with her a bit today
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what is leah holding
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Elon made twitter more accessible to you guys just for none of you to show up on BB twitter.
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she's sooooo jared coded like o m g
She was reading off it earlier like it was recipes. Maybe slop recipes or rules
I really hope the buddies turn against Quinn. That they make him volunteer for being a pawn and he goes home or something.
They cut away from Chelsie talking about needing Lisa to go, I guess in case Chelsie got antisemitic
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quinn and cam will ruin chelsea if she targets leah lmao
Damn Chelsie hates Lisa haha
pretty sure he already has the ccc alliance figured out
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Lisa's jewish?
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blessed yo
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She’s so pretty mhmmm bros
so chelsea said she didn't try to win but wound up winning anyway, woops kek
lisa is her target but I'm guessing her other noms are flexible, kenney is a sure bet but we'll see on #3
Did I hear right that Kimo thinks it’ll be Lisa Makensy and Leah going up?
>Lisa Weintraub

Weintraub Surname Meaning

Jewish (Ashkenazic): artificial name from German Weintraube ‘grape’. German: from Middle High German wīntrūb ‘grape’ hence a metonymic occupational name for a vintner or a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by a sign depicting a bunch of grapes.
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Kenney: How'd they do that? How could they flip the vote?

How is he not happy he's still in the running to win $750,000.00? Fuck this guy and I'm even trying to like him or give him the benefit but he's such a casting dud
Matt is his boy
I am genuinely mad he didn't self evict if he wants to go home so badly
She seems to really like Kenney for some reason. He might be a pawn but people might talk her into going Makensy and Leah
This Ashkenaza talking crazy in HN rn
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Lisa's a jew? Enough said
Lisa most based Jeiwsh contestant since Amanda Zuckerman
would be a bad choice desu it would piss off cam and quinn to put up leah - hell simp boy might use his power if she doesn't listen, and mj guarantees an america nom if mj fails to win veto normally
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moonwater sisters.... times will be tough but we will prevail
good, let her fuck up her week
Kek Kenny is stuck for another week of torment.
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getting shades of cirie's seven circles of hell after the double
Leah's little song (with sound)
Brookyln is so invisible. Being friends with Aaryn is still her only relevant trait.
I will laugh if no one even nominates him since he's shown he's not trying. Why even waste a week on getting him out?
kenbros we got this
This entire sequence of events probably make me laugh harder than anything I’ve seen in the show. Love Mama Dud
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Who do you think is the horniest tin the house rn besides Leah?
>tfw matt will never be your son
sounds like it was a booth comp and a ton of people choked at one question kek, I think 8?
Probably Tucker or Joseph. Tucker probably gets laid constantly and Joseph is a gooner
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no we don't
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Leah is 90 year old Shelby
thanks anon
Glowmommy is trained to blend into the background only to phase back in when the timing is right and to phase out when the timing is also right.
dud was really doing this foul ass shit and ratting out cirie to jag at the same time. what a kino play
Those bolt ons aren’t invisible
>I'm a mustache guy...
>but in a purple shirt!
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Joebros how we feeling?
>fat cat zoom
I'm working on the imbuing of the vials for a ritual every new and full moon
The Have Nots are so psyched for it but one of them will have a total meltdown near the end
like chuds
>near the end
Lisa tomorrow after she's nominated
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T’Kor is naked right now bros. Mhmmm
I think our guy is about to solve Lisa's protein intake problem
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>Lisa kiking out and paying lip service to the HoH winners
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Wasn’t he hitting on her pretty strong the other night? I think she hit him with a “I have a man back home”
If the saggers are muddy
I say giddy up buddy
T’Kor gets so fucking giggly around Tucker
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Wowee zowee

Sounds like Tucker picked the Have Nots but maybe I’m wrong
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Cameron is boring for a jock archetype
TF are MJ and Ced doing? Matt KEKED
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Matt cucks oh nononononononono
>get a load of this guy cam
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kek'd when she was poisoning every ones havenot pillow with her fucking oils
joebros are 100% worse than mattchuds
Chelsie doesn’t trust Lisa, Leah, or Makensy
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Kenny won
Cedric gonna act like his dad as much as possible this week
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Is Quinn going to Deepfake Chelsie's HoH reign?
Lisa is the mega target. Then probably Makensy. Leah is probably the smallest target but Chelsie says she doesn’t talk game with her

Chelsie said if Makensy fesses up to having the power things could change
3 white women. Shocking.
T’Kor says Kenney Angela Lisa would get the least amount of blood on her hands
zero percent.
if we had rewind we could listen to that fart again
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Who farted?
odds of mak using her power?
What does that mean?
Producers don't let houseguests self evict anymore, and if you do it by saying nigger you just commit social suicide AND they do an elimination that week anyways so you don't even save your allies.
tkor having good reads, but chelsea hates mj so good luck on that desu
I think she’s gonna end up rolling with this because she said she wants the least amount of blood on her hands this week. But Lisa is the target for her
T’Kor is actually impressing me big time with her reads once she actually started talking. Everyone loves her too so I don’t really know when she would be seen as a threat
Plus you lose your stipend and get written out of the show if you go the Luke route.
Kenney and Angela are both going to go nuts this week for different reasons if this happens without even knowing Lisa is the main target. If this happens
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i'd eat t'korr's asshole right after a 18 hour pressure cooker
Honestly I’m kind of happy that Matt got voted out. His feeds were so fucking boring 90 percent of the time
I can’t believe they didn’t show any comfy clips from this night. It’s an entirely different show
Atleast he was somewhat playing the game the Hawaiian and Kenny suck
Kimo has decent reads, and a comp win.
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Chelsie doesn’t like that Leah is pretending like she didn’t have a thing with Matt and Makensy. Also she is annoyed that Cam is trying to save her so much. She trusts Makensy more than Leah because Leah is trying to be too friendly with everyone

Her main beef is with Lisa though.
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3 thousand parsecs in pAInt
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I wonder what Joseph is packing
Kimo has a lot of people who trust him so it makes for kino late night feeds of people spilling beans
Kenny is one of the best houseguests this season. You know this.
Chelsie seemed to just have decided to put Kenney up along with Lisa. Mostly because he said he wanted to leave
cam wants the heat lol
>lisa leah mj
I do not miss shelbys voice
cam protecting the snow bunny is gonna break up the buddy squad
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>Chelsie complains about Cam not wanting to get rid of Leah
>Cam comes in and says maybe it would be a good idea to leave Leah off the block
not looking good for the ytpipo
Is snow bunny a relatively new slang term? I swear I’ve heard that shit like a million times in the past year
No, i heard it 20 years ago kek
nah its been around a bit. i learned gutter bunny from leah the other night though. thats when a white girl knows the lyrics to a rap song
no. in the past year white women sleeping with black men has increased 700% so that's why you're hearing it
everyone in the kitchen rn
hmm i wonder who and where the HoH is with
black slang from the 90s
A snow bunny is a skier bum that is typically a hippy and presumptuously promiscuous. Glowbunnies are the more interesting one to come out recently. They are glowfrens that use feminine charm for psyop purposes.
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>lisa have not
chef-to-chef baton pass
just got here say it's not true Mattbros tale me it's a lie
kek quinn always walks in on the black people meetings
he will never accuse the blacks of working together
chelsie obsessed with mak
Reminds me of the time I got off work with a friend and some random guy in the parking lot asked for a ride home. I was young and stupid and say sure. He mentioned a bar nearby where he used to “lay lots of pipe”. I asked what that meant and they both bursted out laughing and kept saying over and over if I was seriously without telling me what it meant
quinn tried to put the target on angela and they all completely ignored him lmao
so weird not seeing angela in power, like im having stockholm syndrome and feel empty without it
Quinn says that he’s worried that Angela will call Chelsie out if she nominates. Chelsie says call me out for what and Quinn says she will FIND a reason kek
quinn and brooklyn are in an alliance with those 3 called "the pentagon." Q/B know they were added to it as 4/5 so have agreed to look out for each other
If she didn’t get any sleep as HOH imagine her thinking she’s a target. She literally might get booted by production this week
i love sucking dick and watching big brother. anyone in /bb/ feel the same?
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if by sucking dick you mean taking caps of leah and mak. then yes. yes i do.
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Sure I’ve thought about it a few times. Generally most men disgust me though. Wish there were pretty women with dicks out there
Cedric preaching the gospel while Cam is wearing his space shoes
who is your favorite shemale pornstar?
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sex with leah
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>Angela won't watch back with her husband because he will probably criticize her he's such a dick
Maybe Daisy Taylor because I can’t think of anyone else at the moment. Taftaj is nice too
i tolerate sucking dick so my bf buys me mcdonalds to eat while watching big brother, so kinda close
Imagine pregnant Leah and you were the one who got her pregnant. Wouldn’t that be crazy lol
this trio is 100% going to be fucked within the first half of the game if they don't comp/veto out
they're painfully obvious and there are already signs of them coming apart with cam simping for leah and cedric for mj
damn straight
and we eating good with this mmhmm
Yeah Chelsie definitely already suspects Cam just has a crush on Leah. He literally came in to defend her right after she said so
honestly i need angela to win the show
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based kenny not giving a fuck and already going to bed
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I'd unironically go full karen and start banging pots
like self evict if you miss home so much bitch
>this trio is 100% going to be fucked with cam simping for leah and cedric for mj

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He’s done that the entire week. Guarantee on Sunday he’s going to be all hype in the diary room WE ARE GONNA WIN THIS
holy shit this place is gay. Looks like the stereotypes might be wrong
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Ken undercovermaxxin
the CCC trio
cam is down deep for leah
cedric seems semi into mj and said he trusted her more than leah kek
cam's is so obvious the other two have mentione it multiple times
it's like 4 gay men out of roughly 50 posters so no?
Lmaoooo I hope someone captured Angela closing the closet door on Quinn
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>cams show everyone having a fun time together
>cut to Kenney sleeping for two seconds
mak flirting with tuk
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shame. should have cast joe kenda
Damn I didn’t realize that Kimo is like 6’3”
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god i hate this faggot so much
Holy shit, Big Brother is still going? What about MTV's Real World?
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in the hungarian series this sloot managed to get pregnant just the other day. Imagine millions of people watching you being conceived
>lisa sulk sleeping too
does she know she's fucked?
arrgggh temptress qt.314
Some of them do a better British accent than T’Kor
Something must have happened because she was so amped all night before it. She does tend to eavesdrop on people
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I just want to hear them all wondering what’s all over their pillows

Leah never knows when to drop a fucking bit
Leah trying to do valley girl and it sounds almost exactly how she normally does kek

Based T’Kor running away from that entire room
the fucking jersey shore is still on the air with new episodes nigger
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goodnight /bb/
That is the funniest shit I ever heard
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watch those nbombs bro
but seriously they revived that shit? christ
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hey bro, i don't want to have to kick you out of the bomb squad. please watch the n-bombs
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they can't be assed to vote kencuck out lmao
his ass stuck till jury if he don't self evict
night babes
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night babe
On 4chan there's like an obligation to be edgy. Or else why am I here
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HoH room
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Her music is Alicia "Keys" Augello Cook
based, that black bitch can really sing
Lisa actually got up for the ceremony. She’s doing her work
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we were so blessed last season
her and kenney
I'll give them that at least
Anyone else see that painful smile on Kenney’s face? Maybe all he would need is an HOH win and he would snap out of this bullshit
you'd think his family is held hostage for how he's acting
I agree an hoh win would probably force him to play the game though and snap him out of this
its part of the contract. even cody went to pau's hoh reveal and we all know how that turned out
yo mixed race paul walker needs to relax, he's not dark enough to talk like that
mak was last to leave the hoh even though they all exited at the same time
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whats the significance of that
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i hope cam can protect leah this week
backyard open
mixed race paul walker.... the short king with the curly hair
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lol angela already pleading to cedric to intercede for her
Angela doesn’t give a fuck about the MOON she’s gonna be awake all night seething
New BK fiery theme song remix goes hard ngl frfr
>that pan to angela creepily staring at everyone from the corner
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Froze on this for like an entire minute. Button boy confirmed footfag
Chelsie is hot. Tucker would totally fuck her if she was down
mak vs chelsie
has she showed off those sweater puppies yet
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Big Mak vs mocha
kek. cedric and brooklyn laughing that kenny is gonna go on the block but not go home
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it's ogre
glitter bitch gotta go
Nah but her ass is huge
Makensy has some DIRTY ass feet on Chelsie’s bed right now. She’s gonna make herself the main target
Chelsie is pretty based for being real right now with Makensy. She’s being honest that they were just on an island all week
it's 2am and cam's under the hammock again
with kimo on top...
he heard the call of the islands tonight
Cam's not exactly a shining endorsement of letting your kids play tackle football.
>mj is only 22
oh i thought she was older than leah
Ratty mattybros...
chelsea.. what do you get for asking mak for the third time why she secluded herself...? sounds like she just needs some copium for when she puts big mak up
probably peeved that mak didnt talk to her all last week
it clearly pissed her off and she's venting it essentially
but man it seems half this house went to the detective dud school of blunt questioning kek
"the vote showed me a lot" omg big mak needs to put this bitch up next week
Camera 2 is having a seizure
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mj told chelsea she had the power lmao
though idk why chelsea would bother nomming her knowing this
Big mak....
>mj: i want to tell everyone i have it i dont know if that's the smartest thing
>chelz: ...i would not...
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i wonder if chelsie reveals this info or leaves the target on lisa as having the power
I mean in fairness this either builds chelseas trust of mj or lets her know she's an enemy by trying to flush her power
the thing with this veto power is it is a gamble on whether they can flush it or not, because if mj or someone willing to use the veto on mj won the veto normally they can keep the power and retain safety. if you're hoh are you really willing to take that risk over a power that's guaranteed to expire in 3 weeks? they're hardly mortal enemies yet
MJ's a genius. She's not going to flush it now and leave a nomination in America's hands
big mak big brain
Just put up Lisa Kenney and Angela. Don’t do Leah, please
chelsie gonna spill them beans isnt she
oh for sure to CCC at least
but I'm more curious how she views mj in light of this
Put up Lisa, Makensy, and Kenney knowing that Makensy can burn her power and she can probably still get Lisa out
why is no one coming in?
except then you have made an enemy where she didn't have one
makensy and co are hellbent on angela, burning her over the power would make chelsea a target where she wasn't one before for no real gain where she could instead rope her in to an extent
i bet cam and cedric argue to her that it'd be good to burn the power. whats it matter, its only mak and she doesnt have anyone and you get rid of the power.
i think chelsie shouldnt tell cedric and cam about it
cam would but I don't think cedric would, he already said he trusted mj more than leah and that's before she told chelsea this
but if I'm chelsea why take such a risk over this? she already didn't want this hoh why would she run the small risk of a spectacular backlash over a power she knows has a time limit
>no angela 1on1
sadge wanted to hear her schizo pitch
Leah's getting blacked by the end of the season and the groypers will seethe
I’ve seen some hot things Leah has done so far but why is this the hottest?
she needs situps not curls
Imagine if Leah had hairy armpits. That would be weird lol
>Joseph acting like he’s not almost cooming in his pants from Leah’s outfit alone
Joseph, Rubina, T'Kor, and Kimo agreed that they don't like that people like Matt "always win." Joseph said he would rather join underdogs anyway. He really hated Matt.
Yet these dumbs pandering fags will never target Cam cause he's the right skin color
reddit-minded 'muh underdog' faggots
ready to watch joseph and chemo suffer
>leah: i have a request for the boys that are awake. can you start a load of towels
>quinn: anything for you
Cam has showed absolute zero game so far while Matt was obviously strongly in it. Matt wasn’t white either
How was Matt strong? He was a terrible player.
>Matt wasn’t white either
But he passes, which is especially enraging if you are a POC who can't.
lisa leah mak are comfy
Lisa: "I think Chelsie has a good head on her shoulders. She wouldn't want to nominate, low key, a have not."
>he passes
he's browner than joseph
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this going to be something
so are a lot of meds. i thought he was spicy white before i learned he was asian or whatever
3 air heads talking game rn
Lisa about to be blindsided at nominations for the second week in a row.
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fuck accidentally posted the wrong file, I reported it but how long until this is actually taken down?
That was really kino switching between the HN retards trying to figure out why the house "suddenly switched" to vote Matt out to almost everyone else in the backyard laughing about how Lisa is a pick me and lying about being a chef.
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you can delete your own posts newfag
If Lisa wins veto and MJ uses her power, who does she target?
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Good morning ladies
glitter jew gotta go
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good morning hogg... if this is the real hogg
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real as can be, sister
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howdy cliff
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Quinn and Leah are having a big brains game talk
Why was K'Tor on the wrong side of the vote?
Leah found a baby finch perched in the backyard.
Leah just said she thinks Cam, Cedric, Chelsie, and Rubina are working together. That's dangerously close to thinking Kyle type of thoughts.
She's right though, the twitternigs can't say shit.
She's the ultimate destroyer of Cookout scenarios. Chelsie is going to find out top late these dudes are different this time around, she can hardly ever hold Cam's attention anyway & it feels like he'll ultimately be more loyal to his HN boys. Cedric will probably be brought in too at some point.

Probably worst case scenario for her to win this HoH & become so visible so early on.
Quinn is lost in the Leah mist
Here are the facts about big brother these days. Black players are over represented and seem to always form strong alliances with each other. They have for a long time on this show. It is routine. If i was going on BB and i saw 4-5 black players. My first focus above all else would be getting a few of them out without it coming off badly. There is a reason a non white player has won the last 3 seasons even though white has been the most popular race in the house. We had back to back black winners and they would have 3peated in BB25 if so many of them didn't suck at comps. If they could have won Cirie, Jared, Felicia, Blue and Mecole would have steam rolled the house. The group was trash at comps yet many of them still managed to hang around a long time even though many actively disliked each other, when it came to they they never pulled the trigger on each other. So anyone who has looked at the game realistically these days know you have to very subtly get those numbers down if you are a white player and want to win.
It means he's gonna go full buddy
They've solidified their F2. "The Snoots" are born.
they pull an all nighter?
they keep hugging
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They just now went to bed with the expectation they'll only get about 2 hours of sleep.
im still not convinced quinn isnt a closeted trans girl.
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Take this black dicc yt boi
sweet ken is gonna be a sleeper champ
he was probably a plumber
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morning cliff
Quinn is going to try to recreate the Cory/America dynamic with Leah then get cucked by a black dude named Cam. Kino.
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