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A few pounds of flesh.
That’s all that kept Kristen Bell from being a premier star
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Big boobs are best. All other opinions are useless
hey body is flawless to me. sublime.
i desire sex with her very much.
She would get boring after fucking a few times. Skinny girl anal is weird
>urrrrrh fucking her ass is weird so boring
lol you are subhuman
Extra hot if it was anal
if you weren't a virgin you'd know women's vaginas are very hot, it's like a hot hands for your dick.
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she's trash
>You know what this link is. I don't need to tell you nothin'.
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Jesus Christ. I hate this planet so much
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what the fuck man
you could argue she is, or was a premier star. not everybody is gonna be a jennifer aniston or julia roberts
hips > nips
she had several films and a sitcom on a major network with ted danson. She is a star.
San Diego apartment kino
>if you weren't a virgin
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You just know
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I hate Sarah Marshall!
I told my wife that Dax’s podcast is the leftist version of Joe Rogan and she didn’t talk to me for like 4 days
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my gf never makes that face when I sex her
we know anon.
Young Jamie, pull up that video of a gorilla fucking my wife
White people love BBC, so this isn't exactly alarming.
She made terrible career choices. Veronica Mars gave her profile and a launching pad then Forgetting Sarah Marshall made her a star and what did she follow it up with? A string of critical and financial flops like When in Rome, The Lifeguard, The Boss and Bad Moms. She picked one hit role post FSM and that was an animated role. How can she be surprised her career stagnated? She blew her prime years picking garbage projects, some no doubt influenced by her husband.
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I don't think hollywood could stomach a larger leading lady
If you really loved her, you'd get her a bull. Simple as.
Is this kind of pathetic self-deprecation supposed to make him look...funny? Charming? Progressive? What was his aim here?
Gets utterly mogged by>>201749293
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Do you reckon Hayden's chad husband got serviced simultaneously by these two tiny goddesses while Dax sat in the cuck corner jerking off?
The matching jackets are kinda cute
for me it was uptight party down bell
it was more her rat face that kept her from being a premier star
It's an americuck thang
Were those pounds of flesh a reference to being pounded by Weinstein and other producers? Plently of chestlets got shoved into the spotlight after going on the couch.
That's so hot. Holy crap
>ted danson
Never liked her little gremlin eyes
Hollywood is just the epicenter of degenerates
I wanna grope that stomach.
This is the hottest she has ever looked. I will take firm, perky breasts over large breasts any day. Shape ALWAYS beats size.
What's stopping them from actually fucking on the set? Call it method acting.
Not when size also has shape.
they actually make that joke in the movie, Sarah Marshall complains about her middling movie career due to her tiny tits but says she can't get boob implants because they'd look too big on her frame
Would love to float with her.
There will always be a need for giant tits in this world but real ones love Kristin Bell for her acting, cuteness and roles in The Good Place.
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KB's got other assets.
>she can't get boob implants because they'd look too big on her frame
Do women know you dont have to get giant fake tits? You can go up half a cup size and not look crazy.
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like any turboweeb donald glover took the asian pill
>If you really loved her, you'd get her a bull
Does that pay well? My bitch mom is threatening to kick me out if I don't get a job.
But that's still shape winning.
Kinda crazy Heroes had prime K-Bell and prime Hayden, and still crashed and burned.
Heroes should have been a one maybe two season show and then finished, or at least just wrapped up the arc about saving the cheerleader and then killed and dropped Sylar entirely. I get that Quinto was the best part of that show, but trying to pivot him into being a hero was just a terrible idea.
she looks too old now
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Indeed. Kek.
is it true she's a bbc loving size queen? an anon had a bunch of stories about her in a previous thread
this is considered a chad? aside from height he looks like a mongoloid
white women are so fucking annoying but by far the hottest
Made for anal
Black women are far more irritating
>broad shoulders
Minus the slavface he's a definite chad
>size queen
Kristen did saw some video for Women's Health or some shit about women's bodies and her gay bestie asked if penis sized mattered and she frowned at patted his back as if to say,
>"Sorry you got a small one because bigger is better."
Coincidentally, her best friend Rachel Bilson is also a proud size queen.
I don't even really consider them as women so they never enter my calculus.
jfc, link?
I wouldn't even know where to start looking for it. Kristen also did a podcast about mental health where she admitted to cheating on boyfriends (plural). I find it kinda hot she's a sex fiend.
Kristen was also friends with Ellen. Did they trade reviews and recommendations on dildos? Or the fake dicks themselves. I've always found Ellen repulsive but the thought of KB trading sex toys with a dyke is damn hot.
Kek, idk about all that. Funny u bring up Ellen though, continuing my theme of seeking out C-List celebs talking about sex, Sarah Hyland hosted an Ellen series - she said clit stimulation is the only way she orgasms.
You're thinking of the Peter Patrelli actor
nope, Hayden was 17 when they started dating
And I'm sure she was a proud virgin. This is the girl who famously was clubbing with Paris Hilton at age 14, smoking and drinking.
that doesn't excuse grooming and pedophilia
Well the idea of Ellen orgasming is enough to make me nauseous, but then I remember her gf is hottie Portia di Rossi. The idea of Portia tongue tickling her gf's clit until she cums is hot as long as I don't think about who that cooze belongs to.
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Well, nothing stopped her from becoming a pretty big star. And they make the "my body doesn't support plastic surgery" joke literally in this movie, which is an actress winking at the fact she probably could have tried to give her career a boost by getting fake cans.
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God I hope she gets dick up her ass on the regular. Shorty's got some cake.
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Couldn't decide which pic to post so here's the other. KB in yoga pants is a match made in heaven.
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holy jesus send the fire and sulphur
that fucking tummy is KINO
My god she's ravishing
hey kirsten what's up
she's got that Frozen money
Nah. I see her in some recycling commercial several times a night and she’s way hotter there.
Dax Shepard confirmed for self inserting as the main guy in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, except without the part where he finds someone else and instead dies alone jerking off to her fucking other guys in the next room.
She uses a body double for her ass bikini shots in Sara Marshall. You can tell because her ass goes from pics related to much wider hips and much fuller cheeks.
It's brief and if you aren't paying attention like a coomer you don't notice.
They aren't married or even together anymore, but she really has a type. That guy used to beat her, they split up multiple times from him kicking the shit out of her. Then she left him in 2018 for a guy who was arrested and imprisoned for beating her not long after. And now she's with that guy's brother, who also probably beats her.
Had an abusive dad, so thats her model for what a man should be. Trauma in childhood breeds attraction as adults
Many such cases.
loved her in veronica mars, never understood why teh show had so much hate.
Sure she was kind of a mary sue, but she had to be saved all the time.
>veronica mars, never understood why the show had so much hate.
We get it girl detectives are bitchier than regular detectives, *FART not into it!
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Based KB for insisting her costume show off her mommy milkers.
That’s gel padding
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Agreed. Have another, anon.
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KB is smol.
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Doesn't look like padding to me.
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based asian nigga knows a troon when he sees one
That's the most uncomfortable conga line I've ever seen.

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