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Hear me roar.
I don't care enough to be upset anymore
what's the movie?
Maybe this
Tempest sisters let's fucking goooo
oh, i'm actually looking forward to that
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same. I'm trans btw etc etc
it's a lord of the rings story in anime style. sorry women trigger you so hard. i'm sure you'll find a boyfriend some day.
huh? I just agreed with you. why so combative?
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Sirs is this true? Morfadriel is getting own movie?
same, stopped caring and watching back in 2018. Life improved greatly after this
Rings of Power ComicCon trailer in 12h time
Get hype TolkienBros!
Damn he looks like a bricklayer without the hair and costume.
das rite sister, I also can't wait for the gay rohirrim crust busting scene! or the sassy black gondorian noblewoman!
I thought that was Morf taking a picture with a fan until I read your comment and realised that is Sauron wtf
She should have played a dwarf with that size.
Boy I can’t wait to see helm being a complete incompetent who was carried by his daughter
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You just know the love interest is gonna look like this.
What should trigger you is that this is more Middle Earth fanfiction, except this time written by the producer's daughter and her boyfriend, who have zero real experience.

I know the Japanese like staying quiet, but I hope we one day get a story on this movie. The animation side of things seems like a total shit show. Over 60 different studios worked on this and the people who watched the clips at Annecy said it looked bad.
lol why? Look at who wrote it
And so their efforts have worked exactly like they wanted it to, push long enough for people to ge exhausted and stop fighting against it
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>Here's that immortal elf I was talking about
He's good as summer and gay
Where did the $1b g-
I see what you're saying but this is just a gay movie, let the apathy of the public crash their financial ambitions. It's not politics.
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oh lawdy dem rangs o' powwa
it will be bad, get negative reviews, they will blame "misogyny" for people disliking them ruining a franchise they did not create, and people will forget about it
>star wars
>star trek
>ghost busters
>lord of the rings

who else has fallen to this exact process, and who is next?
Apathy is death. They want people engaged and outraged so they can use that as a springboard.
Apathy just makes them go elsewhere, which undermines the point of the propaganda. You’ll note that the entertainment industry isn’t actually shrinking, it’s just changing.
Star Wars
Ocean's 8
Dr Who
The Equalizer

not to mention race swapping in other stuff
>stop fighting against it
I guess. Doesn't mean people are without the choice of watching it.
By "fighting" against it (you're a massive faggot by the way and I doubt you've ever been in a fight), all you're doing is giving the slop negative publicity, which is exactly what their marketing teams are hoping you will do as they dangle their goybait at you and see you slobbering like Pavlov's dog.
>stop fighting against it
Yeah and people stop watching it, what's next in the master plan? Waste more money making more shows nobody watches?
People will dismiss your post with something about blackrock, but there mere fact fink got unmasked to the point even normalfags started talking about him shows that even that isn’t sustainable.
The tactic of flooding the market with omnipresent slop and gaslighting audiences into thinking dissent makes them abnormal utterly fails when average joe notices the box offices and viewing figures, then wonders why demand and supply is suddenly not a factor. This issue magnifies when you consider the excuse for that past two decades has been
>well they’re just exploiting minority niches!
So watching these pandering attempts fail time and time again doesn’t persuade them that DEI is the winning side; instead it makes them question why CEOs, who they’ve been told only care about money, suddenly don’t seem to mind eating massive losses.

Make no mistake, the past few years have been devastating for their agenda. They should have stuck with having competent stooges rather than getting greedy and forcing diversity in every aspect of entertainment, including the creative side.
Absolutely nobody wants this.
>I'm looking forward to a cartoon
Just kys
Oh Christopher, why did you have to die?
even with the fivehead, she's way too good looking for a welshwoman.
Yea but no one will watch it. Propaganda doesn't work unless it's scene. Kikes are not so omnipotent they can say what is and isn't cannon either. To me this is just some fanfiction trash that will be irrelevant the second it comes out.
it'd be easier to name the things that haven't fallen
It's fortunate he and Christopher Tolkien did not live to witness this debasement.
>dotted with swarovski crystals
yeah that's what it looks like
trashy garbage
>World famous IP, but with... le women!
Hollywood is creatively bankrupt
Me too until I found out they are adding blacks. Shame.
im looking forward to it as well and im just your average heterosexual white dude
what now?
it better not be a hoax
generic high fantasy anime
>foreshadowing that the main heroine is going to be a single mother
I kneel
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>Hear me roar.
They made it out of alluminum, and swarovski crystals are literally something you can pick up at a department store for like 20$ for a pack of 100.
as with all modern enterprises, the money went into overhiring practices, VFX, and defrauding investors
Lmao Lord of the Flops
>studio just known making mid anime
>produced by westerners
Nah not gonna take your bait
Anon you don't seem to get it.
The side pushing all this shit doesn't watch these shows or movies or consume these products.
It's just the disgruntled people on the right that are hatewatching it or hateconsuming it so they have something to bitch about.
And now those disgruntled people are saying fuck it, it's not even worth the time to hatewatch / hateconsume anymore.
Meaning there is basically no one left that will consume these products, which means they'll fade into obscurity in the next half a decade.

One of the goddamn golden rules of the internet was to not feed the trolls, as feeding trolls is giving them exactly what they wanted. If you don't feed a troll, eventually they get bored and move on. Same logic applies here. I'm just glad that after 10 fucking years people have finally started realizing what the actual proper course of fixing all this is - it's not to bitch about it endlessly on line and constantly give it marketing and attention. It's to ignore it completely and rejoice when it eventually disappears.
>Members of the Swarovski family were early, active and enthusiastic champions of Nazism, and at least six of its members maintained membership in the illegal party prior to Austria's annexation to Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938.[23] Three weeks earlier, 500 marchers in the Tyrolean town of Wattens held a torchlight procession that ended with chants of "Sieg Heil" and "Heil Hitler." The majority of the participants, police determined, were Swarovski plant employees, among them Swarovski family heirs Alfred, Wilhelm and Friedrich.[24]

>In its report to the state police on 14 February 1947, the Innsbruck district administrator called company head Alfred Swarovski "an enthusiastic member of the NSDAP."[25] Alfred Swarovski praised Hitler at business gatherings and took actions as a regional business leader to ensure that "Tyrolean industry could be integrated as smoothly as possible into the enormous gears of the economy of Greater Germany and into the National Socialist economic order." He sent "grateful loyalty greetings" to Adolf Hitler on his 49th birthday and arranged a donation of 100,000 shillings for Hitler to establish a holiday home in Tyrol.[26]
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Reminder tolkien called out feminism specifically when ranting against globalism
Redhead is the protagonist? She's hot as long as there are no blacks I see no problem with this.
pretty much. they can’t take away the books or the films so what’s the point in giving a fuck about whatever new slop they make
Nigga, famed poo Gandhi was able to bring the world's biggest empire to its knees and leave their shithole based on non-violent resistance. Not getting mad and not engaging with their shit at all does not permit them their desired path to victory.
I'm just not watching.
fpbp; nowadays I just show a pic of whatever is happening to the wife and we both go "urgh" and that's it. Remember everyone, no hate watching.
the snore of the rings and the menstrual cycles
and yet most of you will watch it anyway, giving them the subs and views to justify making more woke slop
have some backbone and just fucking ignore it. just like my boomer dad wouldn't even look at my mother when she started throwing tantrums, he'd just walk off and go mow the lawn, 2 hours later she's bringing him a bacon sandwich and a beer.
i bet you faggots flinch when 10 year old street rats fake you out.
hate marketing is the new shit and nerdrotic and his band of grift men is part of it
best thing is to completely ignore them
>rings of power and lotr images
>totally not edited html article
bait harder tranny, kys
Funny. Lord Of The Rings has tons of female fans. They actually like that it was a sausage fest.
These Hollywood retards wanting girlboss and more female leads fail to understand that most women want to see men on screen.
>le hatewatchers
You fags are the biggest retards on this board
no one is watching this shit. streaming viewership data is impossible to independently verify therefore any claims of viewership are to be instantly dismissed.
Money dress.
the guy on the right looks like dom and billy boyd at the same time
This makes my Swarovski crystal four leaf clover oddly fitting.
>Fantasy genre is great because it allows for things that don't or didn't exist in real life!
>Women as warriors? Mixed race populations in "medieval Europe" inspired setting? Representation for sexual minorities?
>Grr I hate fantasy now!
How do women cope with the fact that any man they see could easily beat or rape them if he wanted, and there is nothing they could do about it?
for a second i think it was a hallmark production...
why would you be upset at them losing hundreds of billions of dollars on flop after flop? they lose money, you point and laugh. its great
This debasement is entirely because Chris is dead. It's not a coincidence that the fanfiction slop has only started seeping out after he was in the grave.

>Retarded LOTR fanfic
>Retarded LOTR fanfic: JAPAN

Who cares? Now you know it's not worth watching. Besides anything outside of the original trilogy, The Hobbit and the Silmarillion is all fanfiction anyway.
This is a promotional tweet for women. Its nuts that these traditionally men oriented series are forced wrangled the other way, behind the scenes this this female bend must be all they talk about.
Maybe up to 25 people. Some posters seem to understand, Mr Beast. Something about him. But their posts about it seem inhuman. It's hard to verify. It's weird, every tv show on the market has random as fuck symbolism. So what that means bud, 1 of 2 things: the ussr made it, or god is controlling these bodies like he's a puppet master. Considering he's been torturing me, it could be either. It could be the ussr. That seems more likely. In which case, that's fucked up.
Phone posters are way too lazy to do that.

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