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Birthday Edition

>/ftl/ News
-It's Claire's birthday
-Abi fell in the shower and died
-Go to bed

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank


>Show Archives


>/ftl/ Archive

>Thread Template

Previous: >>201748671
Which Fishtank cast/crew are virgins?
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Trixie mogs
kick claire on her b day
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Claire my beloved
Jimmy, Vance, Ben, Jet, Sylvia, Cole, JC
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Clabi status?
Do you think Sylvia is a virgin?
claire garnered half the audience sitting in a room by herself earlier; they’d have to be even more braindead than usual to push her off
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Who wins in a "suck off frank hassle" challenge?
cast votes below
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this nigga UGLY
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>i'm chillin
>they recited that at my uncle's funeral, he died of heroin
>i'd rather be raped than bored
>what's your name? I forgot. No really who are you again?
>is oddbod actually gone?
>it's going down i'm yelling timberrrrrrrrrrrr!
>i want oddbod to fuck me in the hole
>have you ever heard of benzedrex?
>i’d fuck my uncle (CLAIRE STOP!)
>i swear I'll goon all day tomorrow
>I am CJ???
>I have an inflation fetish!
>i made eye contact with mauro in the living room and he was scared
>what’s /ftl/ ;)
>my bad
>gamer mentality
>that feel when
>that wasn’t good simlish
>I have lots of dreams about having sex with other girls
>rich girl shit
>i'll stream.... just kidding i wont!
>the vibes are so fucked now that abis gone
>I wasn't lying about the vibes
>abi come back!
>haleygang is in shambles right now
>I knew we were going to have a problem when she told me she liked tayleigh
and most importantly
>i dont trust anyone who likes sam hyde
>in trouble from who? JET NEPTUNE?
>ask haley about mark e? :^)
>the constant Sam Hyde dick sucking contest is really bothering
I miss Abi
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birthday kisses from mommy letty
very true
they will have sex off the show
did anyone else just see Claire get out of bed, walk into the makeup room, and do the Ben dance?
Please tell me someone got that clip of Claire dancing
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Jet here. Abi left this note in the shower door. Any ideas on what she meant? Jet
I just want a girl to cuddle. i don't need sex.
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we all do :'(
everyone wins
Why won’t Dave recline the chair
nice try faggot, girls do not write like it's a fucking Captcha
he's big bear
Fishtank has this weird effect of making me want to cum buckets for objectively mid girls
Robin sounds like a beta desu. She cheats on him, his brother smells the shit and calls it out, and he's ok with all of it. Is her pussy THAT good?
Abi's handwriting is way worse than that
she was telling kato to fuck off (she’s in love with claire)
Hey guys, Jet here

Abi and Bex said they were gonna talk about 'girl stuff' in the shower and haven't been out in hours

What are they doing in there?
haley gets there first
tayleigh swallows every drop
its a toss up
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Claire grabbed a piece of cloth into the bathroom with her maybe she's hanging herself in there
sorry jet they're eiffel towering me shouldn't be much longer
bro chilll
check makeup she's in the shower
respect to the Trixie Mogs guy for the dedication unironically
>Claire writing in her diary about her confused feeling about loving Abi
no wonder she was just stomping around in the Makeup Room
claire is writing her suicide note I knew with all the foreshadowing she was going to end it in the tank at forever young 22
You just know Claudia gives crazy head starting with a hawk-TUAH right on the asshole and proceeding to press that beak of a nose right up in the hole. She’s probably going to eat the paper or cloth.
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they're playing smuggler's run in there
genuinely never thought I'd be able to say it but Tayleigh mogs this bitch. Incredibly grim.
my respect for the claudia hawk tuah beak nose guy is turning to fear as he and i cross the 36 hour mark of posting simultaneously
Trish wins because she knows what she’s doing.
Jimmy, Abi, Tai, Summer, JC, Cole, Haley (it's complicated)
>looks like anne frank
>is keeping a diary
who writes this shit
summer was raped her entire life
I saw the tail end of the Ben dance following her yeah lmao
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insider here, claire is jace’s little sister and her entire personality and background is an act. its why he got so pissed at dave. dont believe me? check his twitter.
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>scott typing in fish chat at almost 4 in the morning
Another epic Ninaesque gaslight from Claudia as she pretends to be writing things down on a piece of paper she will proceed to theatrically scrounge around and hide only to eventually eat it on gaming cam.
>abi and claire confess their love for each other
>abi secretly agrees to leave the show so that claire can win
>leaves the show the next morning
clabi will continue off the show, xisters
i've accidentally had this webm looping for hours in the background and thought they were playing a happy birthday tape loop on the bitchtank speakers https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1721970091389643.webm
What was on the note Letty gave Lance?
You're still up? damn I remember your 24 hour post about it haha
>on the laptop in bed while his wife is sleeping next to him
real sick stuff
Does he have a job besides fishtank?
i must be loyle to my capo
this is true, this happened - Bex
Teaching Rhode Island white trash 9 year olds how to grapple.
yeah Tai ridiculed him about it
Are you the same poster as the hawk tuah nose guy? Are you okay?
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thank you. this will be the ending we deserved
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I believe
Abi left to get fucked by a fat mexican
I can't live this down
Why did Abi (and summy) beyray us?
>yh i didnt fuck haley guys it was a bit wasnt that funny, wasnt that epic bit funny
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the fact she's with that absolute atrocidad and not with me is the sickest cosmic joke
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>Jimmy praising Claire
I'll take it
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fishtank is the best time of year to pull an allnighter and fix your sleep schedule. the end is nigh. glad i caught this morning of all mornings
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Hey guys, just tuned in for the first time a bit. Where's my favorite bish, Kalei? She's still on track to win the show right?
Fuck yeah! Him and Mephisto are gonna team up with her and show these other bitches who’s boss.
Why is Sam cool with Nina and Claudia being whores but not Betty? Really makes you think.
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grim and fucked up
His next victim now that Tay stopped replying to his snaps
I trusted you
Oh my god
I trusted YOU?!
remember when oddbod and cryo were reciting all the SFX together
>fishtank is the best time of year to pull an allnighter and fix your sleep schedule
nigga I've been up for 38 hours and I've slept 8 hours in the past 5 days...

"sleep schedule" goofy head ahhhh
showering with Abi
shes going live on kick with creature and blackmamba this afternoon
That was an adorable yawn.
I really hated Oddbod that night, but Cryo made him bearable in comparison
In the end though, Oddbod won
Oddbod and Scott both sending TTS to Claire rn
I honestly didn’t watch anything Tayleigh was involved with unless the alternative was Jimmy by himself tbqh.
who is claudia
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HALEY HOMEWRECKER!? - DISCORD CALL - Husband Robin Tells All!!!


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Jimmy is also there simping
im starting to think this Scott Sullivan fellow isn't a very clever humorist
claire real name
Claudia G is Claire silly
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How different would this season be if Letty was competing?
This is literally Q in 5 years
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This guy fucking sucks
Why didn't you use Betty's real name?
he really thinks he has life by the balls when it's the complete opposite
You have zero shame fat faggot
he really really sucks
wtf is this nigga smoking
Because Betty isn’t so communist whore like those two sluts.
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>Claire, couples can look at eachother when they go to sleep thats fine, but usually when theyre in bed together now get under the covers
Scott is to Sam what Brendan Schaub is to Joe Rogan. Unfunny meathead who thinks he is comedian because of his association.
Why the fuck is Scott up at 5am watching this shit and sending TTS? grim.
freaky frog ass nigga
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How do I get a Claire gf
holy fuck what is wrong with this retard
bandcamp, you missed out.
>i-it can't be... she's not using the... LIE?!
>b-but... that's Jimmy-san's technique! how did she master it?!
kek someone post his family and graduation photo he’s part of the pro-life generation well except for that incident with his little sister’s friend but mommy and daddy have the money to make that go away don’t they fucking faggot cunt, spoiled rich kids don’t know what it’s like to go to Elan Utah Elevations and get picked on for their hideous appearance
>some of my techniques
Nigga you got kicked from the show for being a violent sperg
prowl the nearest catholic school campus
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weird gag status?
he really does. jimmy is the poorest and most retarded piece of shit anyone ever enabled with enough attention to give him main character fantasies. he's gonna end up really hurting a family member
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jet please take his tokens
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needs mauro
scott drunk posting in fishtank chat. these guys are very pathetic
those 2 fat fucks and the cute rat chick ruined Abi's chance to ask Claire to cuddle up in bed with her. Good christ I'm so glad Sam humiliated that fat Aussie fuck earlier
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gooner jimmy strikes again
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Bex is asleep. Post Bexes.
Jesus Christ
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abagantamos can't help himself
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jerk off and go to bed
What Jimmy techniques is Claire employing?
abagantamos pingasbomb molesto sends his regards
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Our mother from heaven
Man Summy really would be peak if she wasn't a coal burner. Shame
>this makes /ftl/ seethe
aaaaand that's gonna be a code yellow from me
I love this fucking retard hahahahaha
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Bex is a CHUD.
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Creatures boyfriend is white. I thought she only liked Latino dudes. You guys are always fucking getting our hopes up this sucks.
he said eating notes and staying up later than everyone else, which are totally things he invented
wtf is he talking about lmao i fucking hate jimmy so much i hope he gets hit by a train
Grimmest reality.
she chose production because she knew she would be mogged
lying about everything
nobody cares about your dyke lovetank shit you tranny faggot. ywnbaw.
Abi and Summer are both 9/10s.

But it's like smearing shit across the Mona Lisa.
she's sending sam and jet to to a mormon rape dungeon sanctioned by the church
Can't wait for the seething when Claire and Jimmy meet up after this
jimmycord code yellow hopping on now
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Oh no, they do. Don't you worry!
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Shinji sighting
based brown faggot
wheres bliccy jet? i know you’re in here.
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i can't believe i woke up one day and she was just gone, no clip of her goodbye or anything
Fuuuck yeah gooner
bex is my favorite lesbian
look at those replies nigga, legit seething kek.
Not to mention he was usually sleeping early most nights. At least definitely earlier than Tayleigh and a few of the others.
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vs /ftl/ hate and death
Claire is a Jimmy fan fyi
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>light mockery of jimmy manifests instant clabi seething
makes you think
I fucking hate this retard
check the most recent @ in #announcements we're not doing this shit again
coded subliminals in the General’s favor.
He's fun to hate, that's it
this was the moment. she just packed her shit, hid kato's plushie, and left
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>"sober up, claire"
Bunch of slackjawed faggots.

She needs to get drunk and maintain and never come down. Claire is the master of the drunken fist if she wants to be.

Bex media dump:
Bex in uni
Bex schizo podcast
Bex MV
Bex's grandma sings
One of Bex's mix's
lmao thats so brutal, i had a kid with the same full name as me back in school and he was way more popular and handsomer than me. it was hell
when they interacted in the cell she did not enjoy his company. she knows his paypigs run half the show so she's just playing nice
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sex with passed out drunk claire!
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who has the better ass? trish or shadi?
The need to give her some benezedrex inhalers and a vibrator
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dumb question nigger
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Sex with passed out drunk Claire! Kissing Claire's soft, completely unresponsive lips lovingly while you make love to her limp, sweaty body, receiving you graciously!
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Goran won
obese asses do not count and never will
easily Trish
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Best guess as to what the PEARL cam is for?
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that was a quick 180
Abi lives in his mind rent free
Clairbears how we feelin
Jimmy is a sad dude
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whats the ratio of weird gags to classic recreations we can expect this weekend?
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I'm sad that they've basically abandoned the constantly rotating cast of the Cell room. It added a fun dynamic to bitchtank
>calling her lesbian
you just know he saw the clabi posting and instantly hated Claire
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Guys I just realized Kato smiles like this RIGHT AFTER she raises one of her feet to step up and have it and her toes in frame while she's fingering herself. Holy shit Kato is a footslut goddess.
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How about no
what went on in the lab room? what's up with the trash cans
He can't punch his way out of his memories
You know what you did
they put abi in there but now she's in the shower
wtf did I miss?? what's with the new rooms? what happened to abi?
lab room was just an audio test with claire on her own getting happy birthday SFX and private TTS. the trash cans were used for an aborted ice bath challenge that was part of a "invite qnanon on the show" bit
abi fell in one of the trash cans and had to take a shower
Abi has been showering for almost 24 hours
>has to sleep in his office because of le epic "bit'
you wouldn't ruin your marriage with your Brazilian wife for Haley, right anons?
ah thanks
Absolutely miserable life that he will do absolutely nothing to change
ariel is a lot more gross compared to them
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How will he react to the news that Haley is pregnant with his child?
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brazilian women are fucking annoying i would have gotten insane sloppy from that mid whore and taken the chancla to the head
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that is an incredible amount of hours for a continued goon session her pussy and whole body must be so sensitive I bet I could blow on it and make her cum like 3 times, or get her off by licking her armpits
Betty is a registered Democrat and a blacked whore
also while this happened haley was offscreen dealing with her divorce because her ex husband leaked her horny dms at jet online
woah she must be clean af
Rub his cock between box gloves while crying like the schizo ginger rape mustelid he is
What else happened? None of these fags are gonna answer me but I thought you might, I missed all day
Does anyone have a clip of Sam asking Hagley about her epic bit with Scott?
I'm a day 1 abi fan, but at this point she is just being wasteful. Nothing cool about using too much water.
You should have kidnapped him and stole his identity
Depends on their hawk tuah skills. I'd need Claire to referee the competition.
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My chud wife
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goodnight anons, please don't obsess over these mids <3
what the fuck
So is this mini-season finally over after Bitchtank or is Jet going to eke this out even more?
guys i dont think it was a bit....
jewish movements
looks like we're getting sloptent until s3
claire will win bitchtank and they will have keep her and dave around to milk piggies until a few days before S3 starts
maybe a few weirdos off craigslist stopping by intermittently
>weirdos off craigslist
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Claudia Exotica
dave almost fell over lol
Didn't sound like there were further plans, but then this wasn't planned when 2.5 was happening. They might leave a cam or two on to test while they clean and set up the house for s3.
this whole scene was so funny
wtf Bex is a schizo chud???? Every day I love her more and more.
>ywn discuss the evils of the central banking cartel with Bex while you buy lentils for your bunker.
Grim. Fucked up, even.
abi went home first thing in the morning because she was bored and felt threatened by kato's gaming nerd angle. initially we thought abi was just using the production shower

"richard" the craigslist model was invited on the show for a photoshoot by ben during the ice bath challenge. the model was clearly an actor, some say it was tay's stalker Q, and the bit was awful. he came back later and played swordfights and dave had him kicked off for hitting him too hard

haley's ex husband leaked a bunch of stuff in a discord interview (including she was cheating on him), she disappeared for a while but came back high on something and attacked shadi in her sleep

leah and juliana realized they were being ignored in the cell and coped about it for a bit. the bitches were told that those two weren't in the competition anymore and needed to be chased out of the house. claire was sent to help them in a fort building contest and was impressively bitchy towards them, doing no help and fake laughing at everything

sam came by for confessionals in the gaming closet. during leah's he ran a poll on if she was too cringe to stay (yes) and made her dump shit on her head to change their minds (failed)

dave came back, cleaned balls were returned to the Dave Cave, and juliana was sent to get high with him. he kept passing out in the chair

claire impressed sam in her confessional for not riding his dick and basically confirmed she's gonna win. jet also said as much when she was in the lab. claire keeps saying she misses abi and abi chatted about regretting leaving her

scott came back for the fort building challenge (to smash the forts up, saying the cell cuck fort was terrible and the bitch fort was good) and did a sam hyde bed elbow drop

sam did a lot of calisthenics in the bitchtank while the bitches were with dave in his cave
Sam genuinely doesn't like this bitch. Wonder if Scott still has a job lmao
giving me deja vu of fatty
Gag status?
thanks man, sounds cool except for the Sam stuff
Haley is genuinely a pathetic excuse for a human being. Absolute rock bottom levels of self-respect
Wish I went to Catholic school instead of a faggot presbyterian school. Worst part is my family are all lapsed Catholics.
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I literally just watched this and came to post she looks good
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This is now a Channing thread
Post cute Channings
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patrícia delícia
i straight up don’t understand the dave fanfare. its not as bad as the “little maejoc” stuff but still.
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Abi in 20 years when she realizes Anne Frank was her one true love
Hey guys Abi here

Sorry I'm not out of the shower yet, the water's taking REALLY long to heat up
claire is going to sleep
>thinks Haley is flirting with Sam to get ahead

whether its Sam or Jet, she's definitely "flirting to get ahead", it just won't actually get her anywhere and will make her look more like a whore than she already is. she won't win.
>dave doesn’t know how a recliner works
What happened today
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>god I wish that was me
The show is demonic in a few aspects and that's another one to add to the list
need a vhs snuff filter on this
>facing Abi's bed, arm stretched out as if she was laying next to her

theres nothing to win this isn't a contest. she and shadi are fucking retards playing at a game that doesn't even exist because they want to impress the wiggers
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he's gonna fall over
With Scott losing the house you can expect him to be at the house touching women against regulations 14 hours a day while he spends the other 7 doing divorce paperwork in his car outside
Claudia will win. Her name rhymes with Hawk-Tuah and she can shove that beak of a nose up in that thang.
the sam confessionals especially leah's were amazing

Is haley still in? I dobt like her but that bitch is crazy and want to see more degradation lmao
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This bitch is gonna have a #metoo meltdown once she figures out she fucked a ginger on a live stream and ruined her marriage for no actual gain. She thought she could pull a Letty/josie or Taylor and get passed around by the wiggers for a production member job.
I miss AB I can't keep up with anything but maybe it's for the best, nothing happens and I have no investment in these people.

The clip system on the website is impossible to scroll through
yes but she has full protection from the wiggers so all you will get is more forced arguments with sharty
Yeah, she's still lingering on somehow
i wonder what compels you to post this everyday
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Cryokeem W
taylor aint fuck prod wtf? lmaooo
same could be sad for you Claudia anon
You don't even understand the pain.
I woke up actually happy to see how they were interacting in the morning after Abi took care of Claire last night.
actual fucking nightmare
It would be different in a good way. Like it would be watchable
uh what does that have to do with taylor
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sweet dreams /ftl/
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Hawk Tuah + Tiger King crossover when?
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its not a competition
goodnight, sweet dreams
Awwwwww yeeaaah! Claudia’s always down to hawk-TUAH on that asshole and shove her nose up in that thang! Got wood? Timberrrrrr
Claire may have cured me of my betty addiction and that scares me a little, but I feel hopeful.
>leah and juliana realized they were being ignored in the cell and coped about it for a bit.
kek any clips or quotes?
>tommy wiseau if he was a pedo
that'd be funny if it wasn't just Sam being a fuckin weirdo
Take her to bucess
kissing bex's nose
Bitchtank seems like a dud, it's incredibly boring, not even the clips are all that interesting. They're really milking this for all it's worth, makes me think season 3 might be the last.
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>is a former casino escort before fishtank
>used his boyfriend's clout for her streaming career
>has her discord spamming her face and trying everything to keep her relevant in these threads
>bans anyone who doesn't worship her from her chat
>bans anyone who mentions any other fishtank person from her chat
>tried the ruin the life of an autistic asexual man because she could
>spent a week alone with the wiggers and no TJ
sex with claire
schizophrenic ass indian nigga
ablooo bloo blooooooooooo blooo ablooooo

cry more faggot she had it coming
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>TJ'S pure soul and similar tism cured taylor of being a disgusting grunge cunt
Sounds tame compared to the cunts of the apocalypse (hayley, shadi and claire)
If you’d been watching you would know Bitchtank has been elevated to some of the highs of season one and mostly due to the machinations of the new Nina, Claudia. Her fake breakup gaslight emboldened real adulterous acts to play out in the tank, and she has been spinning a web of deceit akin to Nina’s gaslights like not knowing what the word kitchen means, formulating a character for the show which is impressive in its intrigue. She writes notes down and eats them, and she put origami on her head. She likes Taylor Swift.
yeah I agree but it doesn't change the fact that Sam is a weird insecure faggot that is insufferable every second he's on screen
There is no substitute for good, coherent, in depth planning. Bitchtank was thrown together as a haphazard simp miking endeavor and while it may have been mildly successful it's not like its going to have legs beyond the rapidly approaching end. A full 5 or 6 weeks of this shit would be grim as fuck.
Haven't looked for clips, no reason there would be for how boring they are, just bitching about the other girls and guessing (wrongly) that their role was to form an alliance against the others.
just realized dave has no bed kek
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Biggest /bant/ pickme next to betty
even joined a Q xitter space
pretends to like shit like dwarf fortress lol

bimbo retard still can't gain any viewers who want to watch her have no personality and hold a permanent fake smile

Pretty much

Rumor is Jet's back on Strike Two
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probably still better than he's used to
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She only ruined her marriage as a bit lol like Sam doesn't know what's going on
bisexual Taylor is best Taylor
I'm a casual too why did Abi quit/get kicked, what happened?

Oh and did Claire know she was getting waterboarded that was funny
cool man and you throwing a hissy fit about her is convincing who exactly?
thats basic bitch behavior
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Jet was telling Sam about the awesome massaging recliner they got Dave and Jet said he even slept in it and it was great... however...

Jet doesn't possess a terrible fear of recliner fires. Bex and Juliana had to beg him for hours to just lay down when he was literally falling down drunk because he didn't want to fall asleep.

>Juliana: What do you possibly lose by laying down?
>... A lot...
Which of the bitchtank unhinged nutskanks will Channing target for her schemes?
abi is in the shower
guy looks miserable in every picture I've seen of him
she had feral kittens to take care of. princess priorities
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Bex at home
she just left in the morning nobody knows why but she seemed burnt out and was talking about wanting to go home to her kittens yesterday
yes claire knew jet had said he wanted to do it several times and she was down
Abi leaving killed the show
kekked at her looking at chat while rubbing her demented pedo paycheck, hoping one of the buckbroke cuck viewers would clip for attentions
she's in the shower
imagine typing this
I don't blame him. She seems totally insufferable to be around.
its pure jealousy, nothing else
But Claire is a feral kitten
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buckbroken by americas sweethearts
It's Sam Hyde here

Where do we go with Bitchtank now? Diaper challenge? All the girls wearing diapers? Should I wear a diaper?
If I could ask Bex one question it would be what is she using that mod podge for?
Bex is the best :) she liked some of my tweets
It should have been Abi...
a woman of class and culture
>aforementioned cucks
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Did you know you can identify a slut without mind-reading?

One major tell is the infamous “thousand cock stare“.

She has the look that cock-addicted women put on to conceal emotional torment. She looks wound up.

Remember fellas, women like this live a double life

1.Cutesy Wholesome Girl Next Door Persona
2.Addicted to Cock Slut (she will only revealed this aspect of her life to men who aren't needy, weak or boring, asumming she's attracted to him)
are we literally discussing here if taylor is whore or not? lol.
there was this guy on twitter who would often tweet at taylor to hangout and meet up and most of his likes and replies were to onlyfans girls thrusting. a couple of weeks ago taylor followed his private insta account

am i the only one disgusted by how taylor constantly flirts with brian right in front of tj
seeing this bitch that lead tj on and gambled all his prize money he won in season two away constantly get spammed by simps literally makes my blood boil. she's an evil manipulative bitch that moved in with tj just to get his prize money while simultaneously fucking some guy in a band with a drug addiction behind the scenes the whole time after deleting all her pics with the band guy off instagram.
taking advantage of black out drunk claire at a house party!
kek here with the pastas bro got mad
copypasta trannies are so annoying
>ahh wow i made a big bait post and only got 2 (You)s, time to spam it every night over and over
Goodnight I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
>sam immediately calls haley a cheating whore but can see shes a good villain and a great train wreck to make money off of
>hates Juliana
>hates leah
>doesnt mind shadi
>likes claire and kato :)
based rat
>calls me a cuck
>mindbroken over two retards in love, and being cucked by said retard
How did Scott feel about this?
She doesn't look *that* bad in that pic. She needs to stop wearing so much makeup and accept that she's not even remotely hot.
don't reply to obvious trolls
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it's not to late for mary on Bitchtank
He wishes that was him (Haley)
Taylor is so fucking gross looking
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Mary on Bitchtank
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Never the guy

Never drew a dime

Never had a good match before Jimbo and even then was carried by vastly superior workers

Never cut a memorable promo

Never put anyone over

Never had the balls to step out his Nontent comfort even when Judge called him the protag

Main evented the lowest drawing Fishtank final

Main evented the lowest drawing Fishtank season

Tanked the buyrate of season passes in 2024 so hard the EPs got cancelled

Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal

Only the 2nd best member of Planet Nontent

Only the 3th best member of The Final 3

Only the 5th best member of The Male Fish

His backstage clique "The Michigan Crew" was utterly BTFO by Chudgang and achieved nothing notable except inflicting TJ WON on us

His random dancing was cringeworthy (taylor called him a crazy bum this is real, shes an escort)

His buzzcut look was cringeworthy

Unironically gets called""""""""AN ENDEARING GUY """"""""

Shit taste in movies

Shit hairline

Wanted to get raped to death by africans

Failed at his first relationship so badly that he resorted to marrying an anorexic bimbo

Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to be the "main character"

Is the Fishtank equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years, drew so poorly in his late S2 run that Tay of all people had to take the belt off him spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent

The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting around in the cell and hugging an actual draw.
taylor had sex with dozens of men and the thought of this scares you. you are not tj, your dick is not going in her. take meds idk. its really gay what you faggots do.
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If you'll go camgirling and share naked videos of you rubbing one out in the shower you aren't going to be shy about getting the feet out for some twitch gooner clout.

It was her plan from the first minute she set foot in the bitchtank. Soulless.
I think she dislikes the show
Jimmy and Tayleigh were the best contestants on S2 AND S2.5 and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
lol what the fuck do you mean
Too busy getting rich off jawns in Florida
I don't want to fuck Taylor. Maybe her tits, but I just like seeing them happy. You should definitely kill yourself asap
bait used 2 be believable
This is the fifth day in a row when thread turns into schizo tjaylor-seething in the same exact time
my 3 favorite people from fishtank are Letty, Taylor and Claire and my 3 least favorite contestants are Betty, Tayleigh and Juliana and I made up my mind on them based entire on first impressions.
Based and instinctual
imagine typing this
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i think she's only seen Taylor's 2.5 reels on insta and thinks it's a show where they larp outside
tru tru
>likes Kato
i dont think he was very happy to hear about all the porn she made
Best hours 2bh
fuck off sam
Is Jimmy the most pathetic person to ever be involved with Fishtank? He's even moreso than Jeremy or Cryokeen
oh we're at the part of the thread where 3 guys repost and reply to the same bait. cyas tomorrow
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she won btw
this pic is fucked up
She is very aware that Taylor was on fishtank
>moreso than Jeremy
i hate jimmy but I cant agree with this
Who can't run CAT6 cable? That said I hope this task is more than just "fix my presets bro" and will require considerable investment?
jimmy is the most pathetic male. betty is the most pathetic female.
My first impression of Claudia was that her nose looked perfectly shaped as well as the rest of her face for pressing into men’s asses particularly after she lubricates the canal way entrance with a hawk-TUAH and presses the nose up into the ring of it.
Whats the tldw? I'm not giving that fat sack of homo shit a click
Jeremy and cryo are pathetically entertaining Jimmy is just pathetic but not in a way that makes you sad but in a way that makes you want to yell at him and physically hurt him
every woman in that photo has a mtf face
abi quit
Nah you’re wrong
bro don't try acting cryptic you don't know shit besides her insta and twitter likes
>I hope they know this task*

Abi is taking a shower, possibly a bath with the time it's taking
I got the impression he was completely unimpressed by her, that she was not only a slut alt-girl but a dreadfully boring one. Same old story a million times, evil boyfriend, cutting, did porn, "stopped" porn, oh you live with your cats do you? Nice bangs, etc.

I like Kato well enough (I like cooming to her for sure) but I get it. She's a diamond dozen in his eyes.

He likes broken bitches like Letty and Claire. And Claire definitely without fail at least aesthetically makes him think of Marky.
good instincts. i was wrong about letty and betty tbqh. i did think letty was shit and betty was so cool. i was wrong.
Mommy Bex has been in contact with him and she agrees that it's fucked
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audio has been fucked for like a week at this point and only now they're looking into it? grim
if you know something I don't just tell me, but from what i see they still follow each other and Mary still likes her posts
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I forgot the name of the last two, this season is shit. I love it.
he doesn't, but no taylor doesn't follow mary on any socials
kek nice
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Imagine being Scott and getting a stern talking-to from mommy Bex about the sanctity of marriage!
This is great
she became a whore after losing a bunch of weight and thought she could fuck her way into a job with the wiggers
Josie told her audience directly on live that she needed "Drake's big pickle" to be "in her mouth" not once, but TWICE in one stream in case they missed it. Josie is a SIZEQUEEN she talks about big dicks quite often
clip? this hits all my fetishes.
Well I know that little faggot Winston isn't packing so that lends even more credence to my already pretty much 100% airtight (like Josie in a convention hotel room) about their cuck proclivities.
I think you’re a fucking faggot >>201752438
you really need to get a life cryokeen
Yeah exactly Mary follows her so would have seen everything she has posted since leaving the tank
peanut head got me
haleys grotesque jowls should be more prominent
I'm benleaks actually
cryo is "disabled" what would you have him do?
i think he just likes bubbly girls who act a bit bratty and give him a bit of push back
benji would never
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hope theres fuckin reincarnation
Guys, i'm starting to think Jet Neptroon doesn't know what he's doing and kind of just stumbled into success?
this and it’s the only based thing about him
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Josie loves horsecock
[Spoiler]and josie loves bbc[/spoiler]
He's Sam Hyde's make a wish kid
>[Spoiler]and josie loves bbc[/spoiler]
good job
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marry abi
hug abi
kiss abi
protect abi
love abi
cherish abi
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>blocks your path
Abi, I apologize.
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>abi goes on bitchtank, goes from disliked to loved
>jimmy goes on s2.5, goes from liked to hated
I liked abi and hated jimmy before 2.5 and bitchtank and they both just furthered my beliefs
There’s clearly one guy who got mindbroken by Taylor because people don’t even post about her that much during the day. He’s probably Australian if I had to guess because it’s 7pm there now. It’s really obviously just one guy because of his posting style and the timing of his posts.
dont call butthead a whore
this, abi has always been based, jimmy has always been a massive annoying faggot
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i agree with this notion
I like to imagine he’s American and has an alarm on his phone for 3 AM that says “seethe time”
i think he means that it was kinda idk a hot take to not like jimmy after season 2 because muh content and muh joker but now everyone hates jimmy because he's an annoying simp fag
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Rape process (3/100)...
During season 2 it was probably around half and half Jimmy fans/haters but now it seems the haters are (rightfully) in the majority
>Your Dad walks in one day
>Good morning Ranjeet, I've gotten with a new woman
>This will now be your new mommy
>Bex walks in

Wat do?
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If Sam didn't see through kato he doesn't have much credibility at all regarding advice on women.

The last thing I want to say fishtank become is an endless stream of "former" camgirls and twitchskanks using it to shamelessly kickstart their simpbase.
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kill myself for being indian and to save bex from my rapistic tendencies
I loved JImmy and hated Abi. I still kinda like Jimmy, but he's been really annoying the fuck out of me recently, especially with the chats about Claire on the Fishtank site
I've really, really loved Abi this season. Sad she's gone.
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>anons exchanging videos in dreadful quality on a 1999 style imageboard
>the videos do not have sound
time for sleep, guys.
what's the fucking point of this, every other imageboard i use supports sounds everywhere and the difference in filesize is negligible
Never understood why you can't post webms with sound on certain boards
>seems the haters are (rightfully) in the majority
only here. everywhere else everyone loves him in hopes of getting onto fishtank. see juliana, haley and leah.
Female fans of fishtank are a different level of lunacy
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>Anon, why do you want me in full profile?
Sam Hyde is always 100% honest with how he’s feeling when he’s on camera
nosekino desu
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what a schnozz, i don't know about you guys but it just makes her hotter for me. i've unironically jerked off to picrel
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kato is going to fucking mog creature
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Hated abi s2 loved jimmy
Mixed feelings about jimmy on 2.5
Abi was "good" on bitchtank

Abi is really just eye candy and that's fine but expecting her to add something to the story before she quits is too much
He’s going to give Nina the Simmons treatment any day now. Trust the plan.
p e r c h e d
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Fishtank needs a RAWTIME challenge where each contestant has to make snappy comebacks to rude callers/TTS
>12 hours 35 minutes
Is creature ok?
On the contrary
If jet thinks that bringing in women like Leah is a good idea I'd rather he fly in as many Russian chaturbate whores as he cam instead
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An Abi a day keeps the Jimmies away.
Awwwww yeaaahh! You’re a rockstar! Got wood? Let me hawk-TUAH on that asshole and shove my nose up that thaang! In trouble with who? What’s ftl?
no its just me im writing responses defending and attacking her its funny seeing people adding onto it tho kek
Is there an archive for the Instagram live feeds?
she seems to be severely mentally ill, but that's part of her appeal
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Say something nice about Sylvia's baby, the first Fishtank kid, soon to be followed by Taylor and TJ's hopefully
grim and fucked
>TTS had to shame Claire into finally taking a shower.
It's the antichrist
In you opinion, what was there for him to see that wasn't outright said herself?
The eagle of content, surveying her prey with ruthless instinctive dominance. A noble animal, at complete peace within her surroundings.
If Jets still doing this in 22 years and the kid is on fishtank 40 or whatever and people send him mean TTS about his mom and he yells
I’ll mark out tbqh.
what ethnic background produces whites with asian eyes?
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Wtf I thought you posted pics of Jet at first
when is it due?
I'm just here to see if production has learned any lessons.
big nigga
this was the moment I realized.
I swear she looked so fucked up to me in season 2, but she's beautiful here
Hungarians, Fins and some northern Norwegian/Swedish (Eskimo)
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they learned that paypigs will give them money even if they don't try to make the show good
can somebody please post the webm of abi getting the cheat code to work, I need to see it before I go to sleep
She's just an extremely hardcore stoner.
>she knew she would be mogged
She's mogged all of them several times already kek. The only girl that could compete with her is Claire.
yeah be she obviously became that way to cope with shit, she also said she was on antidepressents and just recently stopped taking them
You don't need to advance the plot to play a role in the show. Abi is the pov character, the lone voice of sanity in the circus of insufferable women trying to one-up each other for content.
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the black one would have crushed her skull in night one. Letty's bones are hollow, like a birds.
>abi running the shower for days in an attempt to dissociate herself from the rest of the house so she can fool her body into thinking she can finally take a shit
ahhh good
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Finno-Urgic or Uralic is the general term.
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I didn't watch the stream clip properly, just skipped through it.

When she came in dancing like a trashy whore and took her socks off and put her bare feet up to camera b her first day in the tank, combined with her tats, cliche microbangs, and the ever present septum piercing it told me all I needed to know.

She's not as bad as juliana and leah but that's a bar so low it's deep inside a manhole in the sewer.
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>the lone voice of sanity
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>yeah my mum fucked her discord mod so what?
Regal profile
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yes thank you
it just clicked in my brain that abi looks like a coked up version of saoirse ronan
Ben it up!
Someone was posting pics yesterday that showed she's actually a dead ringer for young Faye Dunaway.
1. abi is certainly semi autistic and not sane
2. you do need to add something to the plot otherwise you get removed early and unceremonially (ck, octavious, leah, delaney)

there was potential for her to do something on bitchtank but unfortunately the negress ruined it i think
She told him she was hoeing out on instagram trying to sell "squirt" videos that were actually just pissing, her words.
In my opinion he seemed pretty neutral but maybe lost for words due to her forthcoming admittance of trashy behaviour.

Maybe I'm giving her too much of a pass; I'm just burned out on them getting guests/fish/freeloaders and then sending them away after 24 or 36 hours when I think it really takes a day or two to see who most people are, unless they're fucking terrible.
You knew who Leah and Juliana were immediately, because they were terrible. But Claire was quite 'reserved' her first days in the cell.
Don’t ever compare princess abi to that ugly freak.
Everyone would just shout the n word and talk about marky
I just want to point out abi's emotions toward the feral kittens she's caring for are more real and meaningful than any broken marriage, family sob story, or relationship drama because she put real concrete actions behind them and left the tank to act on them rather than just attentionwhoring with tears and performing to the cameras.

Truly white pilling.
Cute feet. Wish we could see them with out the socks
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whitebois accepted defeat
I like Abi but she mostly wanted to smoke weed regularly and see the TJ stream he did.
When will you dickheads understand that it was just a bit.
Violently kill simps
>teehee, hehehe, actually, um, it’s veo letta. my friends call me lettie.
everything is a bit when you really think about it
Jimmy is great
I don’t think anyone even cares that much except you.
Bitchtank is a tech test according to Jet while they work out the kinks.

Shame they've had shit audio for 2 seasons and a spin off. Even some acoustic foam would do wonders.
Ok I have to give her credit for being honest but her actions don't really indicate she's reformed, she's just altered the angle of her e-whoring slightly. Maybe if she'd done more than sit gaming in the cuck closet or silently watching from her top bunk I'd have more to go on but it just doesn't seem like there's much there. I stalked her remaining social media footprint too, which didn't really suggest there's that much more to her than meets the eye.
what is this abipedos have some fantasy of her not knowing what sex is despite her getting plapped by an obese mexican
shitposting is based and retards that debate obvious bait and give it (you)s deserve it TBQH and i say this as a tjtaylor fan
these kinds of messages are funnier when you know how the person writing them looks and acts like.
This is much more disconcerting than the Ben version
She hasnt logged onto onlyfans since February and her 50k follower ethot account was deleted in 2020. Shes been honest about coming on just to get some traction streaming video games. Why would Sam and Jet give a shit? They need another person in the room who fits the theme and hopefully draws more money than Kaleigh.
it=s up
because the darkness actually did come for her

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