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Kingmaeker Edition

prev >>201734086
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This post is dedicated to Myrcella the Beautiful of the House Baratheon, the first of Her Name, Rightful Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
>No helaena next episode
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He comes....
This might be completely retarded but I kinda forgot Daemon is Matt Smith
helaemond bros its not happening...
This season has been dreadful
That's partly cloudy and some retarded, all right.
It is similar to the previous season for me so far. Nothing special but alright.
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Is Vhagar still undergoing repairs?
>Bronn, lord of Highgarden
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I honor house velaryon with this post, rulers of soap and sea
Do people skip scenes? I have no idea how anyone can sit through a single episode of this borefest. Also the two female leads have the same facial expressions throughout the show.
They had to order some extra parts
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I miss Aegon...
>we have Aemond at home...
Pretty sure there is a quick scene of Alicent watching her from the door to her room before she goes on her “swim”.
>quick we need to pick the ugliest actors because our boring script can't invoke any reaction from the viewers

Post more Vocaroos.
>the Lannister and Hightower fleets
Uhh don't you mean Lannister and Redwyne fleets you fucking hack?
why does cristib khole look like a toy when he beheads darklyn
Lord Hightower does have a fleet in the book
I skipped all the Rheanera scenes with that Asian former wife of her uncle-husband
I made the assumption that I wouldn't lose much of the story if I did
Normies would get confused.
>They have a food shortage, why does he order a whole fleet packed with red wine?
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he is still awaited
I basically skipped all velaryon scenes, and I don't feel I've missed much
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Cute and canon!
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If Otto doesn't appear next episode, we riot.
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What are you going to do? Steal some cabbages?
Cole is the hero the realm deserves, but not the one it needs right now
This! So much this!
That was such a 180. What a shit show.
we have to understand that he’s somewhat evil I guess
Wrong thread
>ahhhhhh this fire, thank you my queen for not having water ready for us or silting our throats
Just because he has a sick daughter doesn’t mean he is a good person, we need to see that side of him in order for his future actions to make sense.
>tfw every targ we've seen has velaryon blood in them
they are literally mixed race, what the FUCK
Reminder Cannibal is cut
Sara Snow is cut
Harrold Westerling is cut
Battle of the Red Fork is cut
Nettles is cut
Alicent is cut
Maelor is cut
The final scene is Rhanerya flying to Harrenhal
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I’m coming soon enough
>that one guy who has still enough composure to kill himself
>Alicent is cut
Sorry meant to say Alicent joins Team Black
The phenotype is binary. It's either full white Targ or full mop-head, no inbetweens.
now kiss
>Sunfyre is cut
>Aemond and Alys is cut

But we need to dedicate an episode to Cheese’s dog in season 3.
Hanging out in the sept with my best friend
I keep trying to post a pic but after it says post successful I get redirected to the first page of this board and my post is no where to be found

Any reason as to why?
>without you i'm a silhouette
Cute and canon
Because heavy armor and the restricted movement involved
>But we need to dedicate an episode to Cheese’s dog in season 3.

The fact the rat catchers are included in the fucking tapestry in the opening titles says it all about this season.
Have you been posting things you shouldn’t? Certain images can be blocked and you can be banned from posting images in general.
Excluding his sick daughter his character underwent a complete 180.
What did /got/hotd/ think of the scene where the peasants revolt and the women have to run away?
Was it portrayed well?

Its a pic of Emilia Clarke from season 7. Weird that it's being soft censored
>Myrcella Baratheon
>tfw the only real Baratheon left is some chick with aids on her face that got burnt
Meh. The knights should have easily cut down 20-100 peasantd before being overwhelmed. Even if the knights have never seen combat and couldn't do a simple ring due to not being able to employ any tactics they should have killed quite a few. As it is knights seem to just be a joke.
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lets face it, ned was low iq
>Approaches the King in a lawful manner to address payment
>He follows the rule of law
>Not a rabble rouser like so many other smallfolk scenes
>A caring husband
>Not superstitious, just meat scene

A complete 180
My only issue with it was the fact Helaena grabbed Alicent and pulled her away. I feel like they should have swapped that around to have Alicent tugging Helaena and have Helaena act more like the autist she is.
Who wins lorewise between Jaime and Criston Cole.
Jaime and it's not close. Criston wasn't exceptional whereas Jaimie was feared Westeros-wide and was part of arguably the best Kingsguard lineup of all.
>Starks are portrayed as honorable despite the fact that Northerners are supposed to be brutal savages with Ned Stark being the exception

quick temper, slow mind
Most Starks are.
>got beaten by a woman
Jaime would be busy fanboying
Cole kicked Harwin’s ass in the book. Show switched it. But Jaime beats Cole.
>Brienne remembered her fight with Jaime Lannister in the woods. It had been all that she could do to keep his blade at bay. He was weak from his imprisonment, and chained at the wrists.
>No knight in the Seven Kingdoms could have stood against him at his full strength, with no chains to hamper him. Jaime had done many wicked things, but the man could fight!
unironically doesn't count
He took out several Stark men and threatened the very life of the King in the North before capture. I think his confrontation with Brienne only went down the way it did because he wasn't trying to kill her and he was rotting in a dungeon for months. If I recall correctly, the fight was interrupted before it was over.
Areo Hotah could take Jaime Lannister.
People say the show drags on too much with too many boring scenes. I'd say the mistake is in clinging to the format of GoT when the source material and story isn't suited for this. The book is very exposition heavy, but the show can only deliver exposition by having people talk about it. They should be more experimental with the episode structure. Making some episodes that only focus on one place or even one character. Or have episodes from a completely different PoVs like a simple soldier that only sees his part of the battlefield and only talking to other soldiers. It's also hampered by choosing not to use any flashbacks, flashforwards, montages or timelapses. Daemon's visions are the only attempt to break out of this mould. Otherwise the show pretends to be an adaption of a novel where the plot is narrated in real time, or a soap opera. How can you tell a story that unfolds slowly over months with lots of downtime inbetween when you want to show all characters at every moment?
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Aemond is a better swordsman than Cole in show canon now right?
He can beat Cole in a spar, but that doesn't mean he can win on a battlefield.
He was smart enough to follow the mystery box breadcrumbs that Littlefinger laid out for him. But not smart enough to question the meta game.
Aegon calls Aemond "our best sword" in the council
Only because Aemond killed a dragon and its rider, not murdering old men and unarmed nobles like Cole. That isn't the same thing as fighting Cole on a battlefield with real steel.
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Tully Rising
Aegon was so nice to Aemond
"I can't believe ppl are hoarding/selling food for greedy prices we would never do that since we're good people right wifey?" If you couldn't tell that this was a flag for him doing something bad/greedy himself later once the food situation started getting dire for real I have to wonder if this is the first piece of media you have ever watched
it was shit.
people don't go about attacking without fear for their lives like zombies.
Hightower induced brain damage, I'm afraid.
Many such cases.
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but is he rad?
How so? The show is anti-Hightowerl; the omission of Redwyne is just catering to showfags.
But that happens several times in the book, usually to the detriment of a toddler.
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He has the potential for raddening if he can stand up to Daemon.
Listen here Preston, you little shit, you don't just comically pour a bucket of water on someone set fire to by a fucking dragon and bob's your uncle.
he was dishonorable too.
>changes the king's will
>doesn't tell his best friend that his wife is a hoe and gave him extra horns
>tries to scheme with Renly
>tries to buy the Gold Cloaks
>doesn't tell his best friend about the bran situation
>litterally did nothing wrong in the defence of the fords
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Well, the Starks did run the North out of brains when they sent the Blackwoods south.
Based Bloodravenchad
Overemphasis on the Hightowers to the detriment of every fucking thing else, house Hightower iz the bestest and strongest, "whenever lord Hightower isn't on screen or hasn't been mentioned in the last five minutes all the other chracters should be saying - were it that my lord Hightower were here".
>to the detriment of a toddler
pulling a baby to pieces isn't attacking fully armoured and armed men with bare hands.
They had to yank the babies away from the armed knights.
Bobs your nuncle.
can you not? water wont do anything for wildfire but do we have any evidence water wont put out dragonfire?
My beautiful husbando Gwayne
My husband-king Hugh
Well they are the crux to the Dance. Most important second only to Targaryen and they're mixed with one faction of the Targs. Hightowers have always been important. They house the Starry Sept and Grand Citadel both. Biggest house in the Reach under Tyrell. King and prince from Hightower womb. They're practically the Lannisters lite.
Is it okay to murder member of kingsguard?
> Ben Buttercakes got no joy from his deceit. When Sly burst into the common room with cloak and egg in hand, shouting of his discovery, the traveler threw the dregs of his tankard into the innkeep’s face, ripped his longsword from its sheath, and opened Buttercakes from neck to groin. A few of the other drinkers drew swords and daggers of their own, but none were knights, and Ser Rickard cut his way through them. Abandoning the stolen treasures, he scooped up his “son,” fled to the stables, stole a horse, and burst from the inn, hell-bent for the old stone bridge and the south side of the Mander. He had come so far, and surely knew that safety lay only thirty leagues farther on, where Lord Hightower sat encamped beneath the walls of Longtable.
> Thirty leagues had as well been thirty thousand, alas, for the road across the Mander was closed, and Bitterbridge belonged to Queen Rhaenyra. A hue and cry went up. Other men took horse in pursuit of Rickard Thorne, shouting, “Murder, treason, murder.”
> Hearing the shouts, the guards at the foot of the bridge bade Ser Rickard halt. Instead he tried to ride them down. When one man grasped his horse’s bridle, Thorne took his arm off at the shoulder and rode on. But there were guards on the south bank too, and they formed a wall against him. From both sides men closed in, red-faced and shouting, brandishing swords and axes and thrusting with long spears, as Thorne turned this way and that, wheeling his stolen mount in circles, seeking some way through their ranks. Prince Maelor clung to him, shrieking.
> It was the crossbows that finally brought him down. One bolt took him in the arm, the next through the throat. Ser Rickard tumbled from the saddle and died upon the bridge, with blood bubbling from his lips and drowning his last words. To the end he clung to the boy he had sworn to defend, until a washerwoman called Willow Pound-Stone tore the weeping prince from his arms.
That depends, did he deserve it?
>do we have any evidence water wont put out dragonfire?
you use blankets for people who are on fire.
using water will kill them.
I don't recall everything but why didn't he tell Bobby about the dagger?
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so how did craster set up a deal with the others?
Maelor deserved better. Smallfolk are scum.
Tumbleton is going to be the most kino episode whenever it happens.
>using water will kill them.
never knew that, why? the shock from hot to cold or something?
because muh no proofs
Human sacrifice pays dividends with ancient powers.
Which one? There are two Battles of Tumbleton.
but how did he start doing it? did he leave the babies out, then one day the others found one and just started taking them leaving craster alone to make and leave more or has he actually met others face to face and roughly communicated he will leave babies if they leave him?
Showfaggotry, the idea that Ned was raised in the Vale is too nuanced for Showfags.
We'll never know.
The others are never shown as mindless killers. They accept Waymars challenge and seem to enjoy taunting and laughing. Once they arrived he was probably able to show the others what he could give them in exchange for letting him be. It's possible they can understand some of the common tongue
he was azor ahai
Rhaenyra has yellow fever
>dance with me then
imagine cutting that line
well her dragon is yellow
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I think it's pretty fair to imagine Craster was already putting out the boys to die from exposure and once the Others showed up they made an implicit agreement to protect Craster for the babies. Craster is never described as having trouble from other Wildlings and has ample food and supplies.
Is HOTD season 2 better or worse than GOT season 5-8?
I will defend Daeron's war crimes
>renly offers him 100 soldiers so they can seize joffrey and basically end the plot to usurp robert before its too late
>renly suggests him as king
>rightfully disgusted by the proposition but stopping the plot is still the number 1 issue
>muh honor

Are Starks genetically retarded?
At this rate? Unironically equal to season 7. This adaptation has been bad. Plain and simple.
You have Stannis sitting and doing fuck all at the wall tied with Rhaenyra sitting and doing fuck all at Dragonstone. You have Arya doing the same shit at the House of Black and White tied with Daemon running around at Harrenhall.
You have Hardhome tied with Rook's Rest. You have Cersei pacing around the Red Keep tied with Alicent pacing around The Red Keep courtyard.
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The ones we meet certainly are
man if only Waymar had been born during the Dance.
Muh honor
Muh honor, muh dick
Muh prince, muh lemon cake
Muh climbing, muh dreams
Muh doggo
Muh pointy end
Muh honor
The water boils as it douses the flames. So the guy with horrific burns is now covered in boiling-hot water which continues doing more damage than the fire did.

It can work if the burning person dives into a big enough body of water, but dousing a burning guy with buckets will indeed only make it worse.
>Aegon survived this
The unburnt...
What is wrong with him? can't pinpoint it
his face proportions are off, looks like a retard
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i'm the man who killed jaime lannister
At least S8 memes were good
What do we have now? Ratcatchers? I'm tired
even the ones we dont meet
>rickard stark
goes to kl to shit talk the guy called "mad king"
>brandon stark
strangles himself like some dumb monkey lol
>lyana stark
"wow bobby b has a bastard he might cheat, so i'll run off with a married man whos got little kids at home, he seems honorable. also he says we are the main characters in some end times prophecy teehee"
post Velaryons
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>only been a few episodes together
>already seem more like bros than viserys and daemon
Otto carries the entire season
Don’t post a picture of Arya without her consent
At this point I'm getting convinced her suicide will be offscreened and no one in the audience will remember who she is or why its bad.
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both seasons
Fire burns are less awful than water burns
After a little bit, fire will burn your nerves, leaving you numb to the pain
Water is hot enough to be extremely painful, but not hot enough to burn up your senses

So, by dousing a burning person, you are trading a very local very hot burn with a widespread boiling

Also, if they breathe the scalding steam they will burn inside too, and so will you
Ned was legitimately incapable of not seeing some shred of morality in others, he believed everyone is trying to do The Good Thing, but are often misguided and foolish in their efforts. Something as a person acting with utter disregard for morality is just not something concievable to him.

Consider the Sack of King's Landing - Ned develops a lifetime grudge against Jamie for him stabbing Aerys in the back and then sitting on the Iron Throne, like "he's doing the Right Thing but like all Lannisters he does it dishonorably because he is morally weak". The idea that Jaimie just didn't want to die in flames and then had to sit down somewhere to come to terms with murdering a king just never enters his brain.

Ned needed such projections to maintain his belief in others, as without it he would just be Stannis but slightly less ugly.
>"I know what's right, nobody else does, so they need to fall in line or else because I fucking said so, as fucking know what's right and they fucking don't"
lets assume they kill otto in this season and aemond and daemon in the next one.. whats left at that point? maybe punished aegon but he cant carry this shitshow alone for the entire s4
>renly suggests him as king
In the book he doesn't even do that he just suggests they off Cersei and become regents together so it makes even more sense to agree and he still spergs out.
oh and ofc jace goes in s3 aswell, its a disaster of major proportions
>Otto carries the entire season

Basically both seasons. Just rewrite dance to have him live thought it all.
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Aegon killed the RATCATCHERS... but he ends up behaving like a Ratcatcher when you think about it?
He persuades the Dragonstone garrison to come to his side by offering them rewards (Like a RATCATCHER using cheese to lure a rat.)
Then he sets the trap in Dragonstone, and kills Rhaenyra like a rat in a trap.

Curious. Was this intentional by George? It's very interesting.
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because the last seasons of got were genuinely so stupid it was easy to make fun of

does that mean that hotd is well written and good?????
I'm hoping we might start getting "Maegor with tits" Rhaenyra after the fall of Kings Landing that should at least be interesting to watch. If they keep Rhaenyra the pure though then the shows fucked and Aegons all that's holding it up
Season 6 if they deliver some decent last episodes, Season 7 otherwise
But whoever decided to adapt F&B into 4 fucking seasons should be blacklisted from working in entertainment
the problem with HOTD is that the key plot points are the decent writing of George, but it is mixed in with the atrocious and boring dialogue of modern writers. it's this awkward middle of shit, whilst season 7/8 didn't have any of george's writing to prevent it from being complete and utter shit.
Apparently the final episode is being shown at the San Diego comic con today. So there is bound to be some legitimate leaks.
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Rhaenyra has yellow fever
Jace has jungle fever

What went wrong?
They’re showing Episode 7, not the finale
they're blacks
They're showing that thing to anyone. I've never seen a show with so many leaks going around.
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Was he right?
Sounds kino
woke culture
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is there a reason we didn't have a scene of aemond returning to alicent, aegon, otto, helaena with news of what he just done
Worse in a sense that's it very boring. I wouldn't call it dumb per se but it's drawn out and they've somehow made a civil war between degenerate overpowered royals feel very sterile and low-stakes.

GOT s5-8 was frustrating due to being dumbed down but it never bored me. It depends on what you consider a worse offence - being dumb or being boring.

I personally prefer passionate but dumb over polished but boring (and mind you HotD isn't even some 4d chess slow burn payoff like Shogun). In fact, of all asoiaf arcs the Dance of Dragons would have best suited "passionate but dumb" if we had to compromise.
Is anything actually expected to happen in e7? I assumed it was all being saved up for the finale but I can't imagine they're just showing more dragon Stone war room, red keep council room, and Harrenhall scenes to SDCC.
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You mean, what went right?
Reminder that Luke's and Jaehaerys's deaths didn't have any long lasting consequences
Why would they show a season finale week and half in advance at an event for normies?
It’s one thing showing an episode 2 days early, another just to fuck up your season finale
they're the same.
jetpacks, retarded plot and retarded characters.
Rhaenyra chose this by herself. Jace was forced into this relationship, if he had a choice he'd take a cute white girl.
>tfw aegon lists death note, evangelion and fullmetal alchemist as his favorite animu
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Why anon? How could you do that to Aegon...
I like the fish thing Tullys have going on in their clothes.
Aemond is the kind of guy to watch Death Note and Code Geass and start trying to act like Light Yagami and Lelouch.
That makes more sense.
>When she senses BASTARDS in the vicinity
You are supposed to like it and support it.
Anything interesting in the upcoming episode?
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Never watched anime and I never will.
They worked it out!
Harrenhal presumably finally ends
>In the waning days of 130 AC, King Aegon II returned at last to King’s Landing, accompanied by Ser Marston Waters, Ser Alfred Broome, the Two Toms, and Lady Baela Targaryen (still in chains, for fear she might attack the king if freed). Escorted by twelve Velaryon war galleys, they sailed upon a battered old trading cog named Mouse, owned and captained by Marilda of Hull. If Mushroom may be trusted, the choice of vessel was deliberate. “Lord Alyn might have shipped the king home aboard Lord Aethan’s Glory or Morning Tide or even Spicetown Girl, but he wanted him seen to be creeping into the city on a mouse,” the dwarf says. “Lord Alyn was an insolent boy and did not love his king.”

And we went back home on a mouse
4 episodes too late
I will never get over edmure having sex with his bride while his family was getting slaughtered
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My ideal book-purist cast for Rhaenyra and Daemond
looks like that start of a kino porn
>Nyra finally brings the seeds to her cause
>Daemon reunites the riverlands army with oscar
>Otto returns…?
Im gonna give sansa all the lemon cakes she want until she gets plump and ready for some passionate procreational coitus
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>tfw my favorite Targs are Aenys I and Viserys III
It's like I'm the last of my species or something.
I forgot
>Aemond comically rides a horse
this dude has done literally nothing
they're really wasting the actors this season
This show is shit. They blacked Velaryons and made them unbearably boring.
You just know
But why Viserys "III"? What did he do besides being a bitch to Dany?
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>George: And what has Ryan Condal... wrote?
>HBO: He has sent Rhaenyra to King's Landing to talk peace with Alicent. She's pretending to be a septa... brilliant.
>George: Gods help us all
>Ryan Condal: It's time for another girlboss scene.
>George: And you acceded to this.. prank? Without consulting me or the writers? Instead of capable writing you display impeteousness and DIMINISH us in the eyes of our viewers! ILL CONSIDERED! TRIFLING!
He literally did NOTHING wrong and deserved better. A child, alone and scared in the world, with the weight of a dynasty upon his shoulders.
>alone and scared in the world, with the weight of a dynasty upon his shoulders
No, that's Dany.
Do you want to wake the dragon?
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Okay so the episode is airing at comic con at 10.30 San Diego time, so that’s in 5 and a half hours. I’ll be asleep but you guys should keep your eyes open for leaks about then.
10:30 pm anon, so about 16 hours
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For fuck’s sake.
It couldve been worse like the lotr series did. They salvaged the mandatory diversity quota to the crowd and minor characters tho. A bit immersion breaking at times but idc unless they shove it directly to the plot

Maybe corporate decidsd to retcon the velaryons as black to compromise.
Dany survived because of Viserys' efforts
I think at this point George understands that shows are nothing but interpetation of his novels. The same way a recording of Beethoven symphony is just an interpretation. So maybe in the future we'll get BETTER Game of Thrones and BETTER House of the Dragon because both are absolute dogshit.

In fact, anyone with a computer will be capable of producing a movie at home with AI very soon. Writers, producers,HBO and rest of the Hollyjew will not be needed anymore.
A black elf will always be hilarious.
You can shit on HotD all you want, but I’m sure it’ll never be as much of an absolute disaster as that RoP abomination.
I like both
>producing a movie
But thats just fanfiction
>tries to scheme with Renly
no he doesn't it's the other way around
In my ck2 playthrough Haleana goes to Storm's End instead of Aemond. Luce survives. Meleys kills Vhagar on Dragonstone. Vermithor kills Sunfyre in King's Landing.
Everyone except Daeron survives the war.
Jace, Luce, and Jeoffrey all turn out to be gay and Daemon kills Jace in a duel years later.
Aemond tries to tame Cannibal but fails. He hates me, but Haleana and I get along well.
Aegon i kept imprisoned for 10 years and then gave him a castle on lonely light.
Better than HotD S2
Awooga awooga
>Jace, Luce, and Jeoffrey all turn out to be gay
can this happen ck2? didn't know it had gay people
More like Illyrio's. And then both of them used her as a bargaining chip for an army.
if you think about it got fans are like dany. viserys did everything for them and they are completely ungrateful. at least dany named a dragon after him i guess
They often did Jaime wrong in the show. Remember how he brutally beat his cousin to death in their cell to escape? Season 2 was really not that good outside of the KL plot and the Battle of Blackwater.

Arya's stay in Harrenhal in the books was terrifying, in the show it was a joke and no OC scenes with Tywin can change that. Daenerys' plot was already fairly weak in the ACOK and in the show they removed what made it interesting. Then we have Robb falling for a spunky mystery meat nurse from wherever.
Viserys didn't give her home, shelter, dragon eggs or Khal Drogo. What did Viserys even give to Dany
Playing as Bobby B. Robert's rebellion is a bit tricky in the Stormlands since the Crownlands army and the Tyrell army swarms you along with the Connington rebellion. You have to basically keep moving about the place destroying smaller armies with your 10k force until you've got enough victory percentage to win. Tywin joined me when the warscore was about 60%, and the game was basically set then. Aerys died, and I won the war and decapitated Rhaegar. The war went on for three years, and I got broke as fuck so I'm now known as Robert 'empty pockets'
A nice dress! No, wait, that's Illyrio too...
unlike Jon who knows nothing
At least Drogo gave him his crown
book robb is muh honor autist like ned so that makes sense. show robb is a fuckign coomer, they ruined him compeltely. what kind of king marries a random lowborn foreigner girl? its like if bobby b told cersei and tywin to fuck themselves, broke off the engagement and married bessie instead lol
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It did set up the shepherd (old guy who gets his hand cut off).
Unelss it's a coincidence, I don't know if I like it. I think it's much more interesting if the shepherd is just a random peasant who hobbled the Targs permanently just by rousing up some rabble.

Here it seems to me they're setting him up to be a guy who loved the Targs, who got scorned by getting his hand cut off, and will look to take revenge.
damn the show didn't do justice to how gorgeous that dress really was
For me it's much better. I think people forget how bad the cinematography and the dialogue were from Season 5 onward.
The dialogue in HOTD at least makes an attempt at sounding vaguely like the books.

It's definitely slower paced than GOT, but the source material is to blame for that. In the book, the DWD lasts years. Here things are moving much more quickly, but you can't exactly invent things for Daemon to do without impacting the plot later.

GOT In comparison was pure sloppa.
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>exterminates House Strong because a five year old took his eye out when he was beating up a girl
what an asshole
>GOT In comparison was pure sloppa.
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they all turn out to be gay. Now I need to figure out a successor. It's gonna be Aegon III
what are their Muhs?
>Viserys was a good king, he kept the peace
>Literally did nothing while others such as Corlys and Daemon had to defend the Kingdom against threats like the Crabfeeder who were backed by The Triarchy.
Viserys was a shit king, father and afraid to make any decisions. He was just lucky the realm was at peace at the time he ruled it.
How did Aemond fail to claim Cannibal and survive?
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> Aemond tries to tame Cannibal but fails.
this would be a much better cosplay if he shaved his stubble and wore a leather coat or something
Since the leaks say Cregan is going to be leading the graybeards, will we see him fight using Ice?
It’s not really a cosplay, his wife told him she had a “sexy dream” about Aemond and she came home to him like that.
I will never understand why women like Aemond so much. Maybe because I am a straight man but I really don't get it.
i heard the episode leaked, is it true?
I like him initially because I liked baby monk.
>i heard the episode leaked, is it true?
Yes, but unfortunately it's the Polish dub.
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Monkeys paw moment. Anyone got a link for it anyway?
okay thanks, not worth it if it's not in english
You mean a voice-over? Or are you trolling? I could watch it.
He is violent
Harrenhal arc started so well with Daemon arriving at the castle during that rainy night, pure fucking kino, but now it feels boring as fuck and going "nowhere".

He projects confidence. Women dig that shit. Also he's not hideous looking.
Not this season...
Tall (onscreen), confident, brooding and myterious, dangerous - all these trigger the "I can fix him" instincts in women.
If he's younger than Oscar then he must be looking like a little baby.
no buccal fat
Are you joking? I can’t find any reference to this leak anywhere.
He is babygirl
yes, rhaenyra was technically the next in line
weird how the left side of his body was unburnt but the right wasn't
Baby daddy
Same, I don't know what they see in him.
He's like the otaku kid that everyone bullied but with power.
>Harrenhal arc started so well with Daemon arriving at the castle during that rainy night, pure fucking kino, but now it feels boring as fuck and going "nowhere".

I think it's so interesting watching him do anything. He didn't get enough motivation in season 1 and just came off like some random psycho, but this is clearly the king Westeros needed.
all i saw was a picture of vermax but i can't find it anymore
You know what? That's kinda based.
I thought it was rather sweet.
What if some random white haired young man showed up claiming to be Baelon Targaryen, Firstborn son of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn?
>muh dragoncock
>muh biggest dragon in the world
>muh bugs
>muh 'honor and decency'
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>Listen, he's actually the true born son of the king! We hid him among peasents and never told his sister. I'm serious!
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Being a fat milf is her only redeeming quality and they cut even that by casting the tranny.
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May the light of the Seven bless you, anon.
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Camelot was kino and I’m tired of pretending it wasn’t.
All that time spent making all these great costumes and stuff, only for the director to set the saturation to 0.01. I'd get violent if I was the costume maker.
Yeah it’s around 30% of the saturation that is lost. They will make things 30% more intense in colour than what they want.
Dany looks like a common village girl compared to the other two.
>the crazy targ women phenotype
Emilia is stunning. Phia and Emma really do look related though.
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>everyone memoryholed the hero lord beesbury
sit down
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More bees your grace?
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She is miscast, too chunky, too ordinary. Dany had fine features and delicate beauty. Instead we got that fat lipped cow.
>delicate beauty
She was 13.
13 year olds can be fat too
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im thinkin, its rewatchin time
>nipped the DL at s5 onwards
I cant remember why, but something from s4 onwards kills the mood, was the double whammy of tywin+joffrey leaving the show?
this is clever so where did you steal it from?
That too
in the books, his grandson raises arms because he believes Lyman is still alive and in the black cells
how could they not give the dragons colored fire?
showrunners are clueless retards who didn't read the books that's how
Dorne plot bad
Arya Braavos plot bad
Cersei/Sparrows plot boring
Dany Meereen plot boring
Tyrion/Varys/Jorah plot boring
Brienne plot pointless
Sansa/Bolton plot dumb
Stannis plot rushed
Jon plot forgettable
Bran plot forgotten
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Or would that be Viserys?
The sparrows plot is pretty good, but yeah a lot of those I don't like, mainly because magic bad dany bad and jon bad.
Any soundtrack fags? In the last episode, what is the track playing when the peasant on the beach stumbles on the boat full of food sent by Rhaenyra?
what church is that?
I don’t think the OST is being released until the seasons over.
I'm guessing the lesbian shit last episode wasn't in the books?
cant you wait for the bump limit?
your guess is true
But all he does now is have weird dreams and threaten people like he always did. Also look menacingly .

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